List of moves

Revision as of 09:14, 13 June 2017 by SnorlaxMonster (talk | contribs) (For these moves, there is a distinction between what the game UI says the moves' accuracy is, and what it actually is. I'm listing the actual accuracy on this page. See Talk:List of modified moves#Accuracy "100" vs. "—".)

List of moves

This page contains every move in the games in order of their index number and categorized by the generation in which they debuted.

# Name Type Category Contest PP Power Accuracy Gen
1 Pound Normal Physical Tough 35 40 100% I
2 Karate Chop* Fighting Physical Tough 25 50 100% I
3 Double Slap Normal Physical Cute 10 15 85% I
4 Comet Punch Normal Physical Tough 15 18 85% I
5 Mega Punch Normal Physical Tough 20 80 85% I
6 Pay Day Normal Physical Clever 20 40 100% I
7 Fire Punch Fire Physical Tough 15 75 100% I
8 Ice Punch Ice Physical Beautiful 15 75 100% I
9 Thunder Punch Electric Physical Cool 15 75 100% I
10 Scratch Normal Physical Tough 35 40 100% I
11 Vice Grip Normal Physical Tough 30 55 100% I
12 Guillotine Normal Physical Cool 5 * * I
13 Razor Wind Normal Special Cool 10 80 100%* I
14 Swords Dance Normal Status Beautiful 20* I
15 Cut Normal Physical Cool 30 50 95% I
16 Gust* Flying Special Clever 35 40 100% I
17 Wing Attack Flying Physical Cool 35 60* 100% I
18 Whirlwind Normal Status Clever 20 * I
19 Fly Flying Physical Clever 15 90* 95% I
20 Bind Normal Physical Tough 20 15 85%* I
21 Slam Normal Physical Tough 20 80 75% I
22 Vine Whip Grass Physical Cool 25* 45* 100% I
23 Stomp Normal Physical Tough 20 65 100% I
24 Double Kick Fighting Physical Cool 30 30 100% I
25 Mega Kick Normal Physical Cool 5 120 75% I
26 Jump Kick Fighting Physical Cool 10* 100* 95% I
27 Rolling Kick Fighting Physical Cool 15 60 85% I
28 Sand Attack* Ground Status Cute 15 100% I
29 Headbutt Normal Physical Tough 15 70 100% I
30 Horn Attack Normal Physical Cool 25 65 100% I
31 Fury Attack Normal Physical Cool 20 15 85% I
32 Horn Drill Normal Physical Cool 5 * * I
33 Tackle Normal Physical Tough 35 40* 100%* I
34 Body Slam Normal Physical Tough 15 85 100% I
35 Wrap Normal Physical Tough 20 15 90%* I
36 Take Down Normal Physical Tough 20 90 85% I
37 Thrash Normal Physical Tough 10* 120* 100% I
38 Double-Edge Normal Physical Tough 15 120* 100% I
39 Tail Whip Normal Status Cute 30 100% I
40 Poison Sting Poison Physical Clever 35 15 100% I
41 Twineedle Bug Physical Cool 20 25 100% I
42 Pin Missile Bug Physical Cool 20 25* 95%* I
43 Leer Normal Status Cool 30 100% I
44 Bite* Dark Physical Tough 25 60 100% I
45 Growl Normal Status Cute 40 100% I
46 Roar Normal Status Cool 20 * I
47 Sing Normal Status Cute 15 55% I
48 Supersonic Normal Status Clever 20 55% I
49 Sonic Boom Normal Special Cool 20 * 90% I
50 Disable Normal Status Clever 20 100%* I
51 Acid Poison Special Clever 30 40 100% I
52 Ember Fire Special Cute 25 40 100% I
53 Flamethrower Fire Special Beautiful 15 90* 100% I
54 Mist Ice Status Beautiful 30 I
55 Water Gun Water Special Cute 25 40 100% I
56 Hydro Pump Water Special Beautiful 5 110* 80% I
57 Surf Water Special Beautiful 15 90* 100% I
58 Ice Beam Ice Special Beautiful 10 90* 100% I
59 Blizzard Ice Special Beautiful 5 110* 70%* I
60 Psybeam Psychic Special Beautiful 20 65 100% I
61 Bubble Beam Water Special Beautiful 20 65 100% I
62 Aurora Beam Ice Special Beautiful 20 65 100% I
63 Hyper Beam Normal Special Cool 5 150 90% I
64 Peck Flying Physical Cool 35 35 100% I
65 Drill Peck Flying Physical Cool 20 80 100% I
66 Submission Fighting Physical Cool 20* 80 80% I
67 Low Kick Fighting Physical Tough 20 * 100%* I
68 Counter Fighting Physical Tough 20 100% I
69 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical Tough 20 100% I
70 Strength Normal Physical Tough 15 80 100% I
71 Absorb Grass Special Clever 25* 20 100% I
72 Mega Drain Grass Special Clever 15* 40 100% I
73 Leech Seed Grass Status Clever 10 90% I
74 Growth Normal Status Beautiful 20* I
75 Razor Leaf Grass Physical Cool 25 55 95% I
76 Solar Beam Grass Special Cool 10 120 100% I
77 Poison Powder Poison Status Clever 35 75% I
78 Stun Spore Grass Status Clever 30 75% I
79 Sleep Powder Grass Status Clever 15 75% I
80 Petal Dance Grass Special Beautiful 10* 120* 100% I
81 String Shot Bug Status Clever 40 95% I
82 Dragon Rage Dragon Special Cool 10 * 100% I
83 Fire Spin Fire Special Beautiful 15 35* 85%* I
84 Thunder Shock Electric Special Cool 30 40 100% I
85 Thunderbolt Electric Special Cool 15 90* 100% I
86 Thunder Wave Electric Status Cool 20 90%* I
87 Thunder Electric Special Cool 10 110* 70% I
88 Rock Throw Rock Physical Tough 15 50 90%* I
89 Earthquake Ground Physical Tough 10 100 100% I
90 Fissure Ground Physical Tough 5 * * I
91 Dig Ground Physical Tough 10 80* 100% I
92 Toxic Poison Status Clever 10 90%* I
93 Confusion Psychic Special Clever 25 50 100% I
94 Psychic Psychic Special Clever 10 90 100% I
95 Hypnosis Psychic Status Clever 20 60%* I
96 Meditate Psychic Status Beautiful 40 I
97 Agility Psychic Status Cool 30 I
98 Quick Attack Normal Physical Cool 30 40 100% I
99 Rage Normal Physical Tough 20 20 100% I
100 Teleport Psychic Status Cool 20 I
101 Night Shade Ghost Special Clever 15 100% I
102 Mimic Normal Status Cute 10 * I
103 Screech Normal Status Clever 40 85% I
104 Double Team Normal Status Cool 15 I
105 Recover Normal Status Clever 10* I
106 Harden Normal Status Tough 30 I
107 Minimize Normal Status Cute 10* I
108 Smokescreen Normal Status Clever 20 100% I
109 Confuse Ray Ghost Status Clever 10 100% I
110 Withdraw Water Status Cute 40 I
111 Defense Curl Normal Status Cute 40 I
112 Barrier Psychic Status Cool 20* I
113 Light Screen Psychic Status Beautiful 30 I
114 Haze Ice Status Beautiful 30 I
115 Reflect Psychic Status Clever 20 I
116 Focus Energy Normal Status Cool 30 I
117 Bide Normal Physical Tough 10 * I
118 Metronome Normal Status Cute 10 I
119 Mirror Move Flying Status Clever 20 I
120 Self-Destruct Normal Physical Beautiful 5 200* 100% I
121 Egg Bomb Normal Physical Cute 10 100 75% I
122 Lick Ghost Physical Cute 30 30* 100% I
123 Smog Poison Special Tough 20 30* 70% I
124 Sludge Poison Special Tough 20 65 100% I
125 Bone Club Ground Physical Tough 20 65 85% I
126 Fire Blast Fire Special Beautiful 5 110* 85% I
127 Waterfall Water Physical Tough 15 80 100% I
128 Clamp Water Physical Tough 15* 35 85%* I
129 Swift Normal Special Cool 20 60 I
130 Skull Bash Normal Physical Tough 10* 130* 100% I
131 Spike Cannon Normal Physical Cool 15 20 100% I
132 Constrict Normal Physical Tough 35 10 100% I
133 Amnesia Psychic Status Cute 20 I
134 Kinesis Psychic Status Clever 15 80% I
135 Soft-Boiled Normal Status Cute 10 I
136 High Jump Kick Fighting Physical Cool 10* 130* 90% I
137 Glare Normal Status Tough 30 100%* I
138 Dream Eater Psychic Special Clever 15 100 100% I
139 Poison Gas Poison Status Clever 40 90%* I
140 Barrage Normal Physical Cute 20 15 85% I
141 Leech Life Bug Physical Clever 10* 80* 100% I
142 Lovely Kiss Normal Status Beautiful 10 75% I
143 Sky Attack Flying Physical Cool 5 140 90% I
144 Transform Normal Status Clever 10 I
145 Bubble Water Special Cute 30 40* 100% I
146 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical Cute 10 70 100% I
147 Spore Grass Status Beautiful 15 100% I
148 Flash Normal Status Beautiful 20 100%* I
149 Psywave Psychic Special Clever 15 100%* I
150 Splash Normal Status Cute 40 I
151 Acid Armor Poison Status Tough 20* I
152 Crabhammer Water Physical Tough 10 100* 90%* I
153 Explosion Normal Physical Beautiful 5 250* 100% I
154 Fury Swipes Normal Physical Tough 15 18 80% I
155 Bonemerang Ground Physical Tough 10 50 90% I
156 Rest Psychic Status Cute 10 I
157 Rock Slide Rock Physical Tough 10 75 90% I
158 Hyper Fang Normal Physical Cool 15 80 90% I
159 Sharpen Normal Status Cute 30 I
160 Conversion Normal Status Beautiful 30 I
161 Tri Attack Normal Special Beautiful 10 80 100% I
162 Super Fang Normal Physical Tough 10 90% I
163 Slash Normal Physical Cool 20 70 100% I
164 Substitute Normal Status Cute 10 I
165 Struggle Normal Physical Tough 1* 50 * I
166 Sketch Normal Status Clever 1 II
167 Triple Kick Fighting Physical Cool 10 10 90% II
168 Thief Dark Physical Tough 25* 60* 100% II
169 Spider Web Bug Status Clever 10 II
170 Mind Reader Normal Status Clever 5 * II
171 Nightmare Ghost Status Clever 15 100% II
172 Flame Wheel Fire Physical Beautiful 25 60 100% II
173 Snore Normal Special Cute 15 50* 100% II
174 Curse* Ghost Status Tough 10 II
175 Flail Normal Physical Cute 15 100% II
176 Conversion 2 Normal Status Beautiful 30 II
177 Aeroblast Flying Special Cool 5 100 95% II
178 Cotton Spore Grass Status Beautiful 40 100%* II
179 Reversal Fighting Physical Cool 15 100% II
180 Spite Ghost Status Tough 10 100% II
181 Powder Snow Ice Special Beautiful 25 40 100% II
182 Protect Normal Status Cute 10 II
183 Mach Punch Fighting Physical Cool 30 40 100% II
184 Scary Face Normal Status Tough 10 100%* II
185 Feint Attack Dark Physical Clever 20 60 II
186 Sweet Kiss* Fairy Status Cute 10 75% II
187 Belly Drum Normal Status Cute 10 II
188 Sludge Bomb Poison Special Tough 10 90 100% II
189 Mud-Slap Ground Special Cute 10 20 100% II
190 Octazooka Water Special Tough 10 65 85% II
191 Spikes Ground Status Clever 20 II
192 Zap Cannon Electric Special Cool 5 120* 50% II
193 Foresight Normal Status Clever 40 * II
194 Destiny Bond Ghost Status Clever 5 II
195 Perish Song Normal Status Beautiful 5 II
196 Icy Wind Ice Special Beautiful 15 55 95% II
197 Detect Fighting Status Cool 5 II
198 Bone Rush Ground Physical Tough 10 25 90%* II
199 Lock-On Normal Status Clever 5 * II
200 Outrage Dragon Physical Cool 10* 120* 100% II
201 Sandstorm Rock Status Tough 10 II
202 Giga Drain Grass Special Clever 10* 75* 100% II
203 Endure Normal Status Tough 10 II
204 Charm* Fairy Status Cute 20 100% II
205 Rollout Rock Physical Cute 20 30 90% II
206 False Swipe Normal Physical Cool 40 40 100% II
207 Swagger Normal Status Cute 15 85%* II
208 Milk Drink Normal Status Cute 10 II
209 Spark Electric Physical Cool 20 65 100% II
210 Fury Cutter Bug Physical Cool 20 40* 95% II
211 Steel Wing Steel Physical Cool 25 70 90% II
212 Mean Look Normal Status Beautiful 5 II
213 Attract Normal Status Cute 15 100% II
214 Sleep Talk Normal Status Cute 10 II
215 Heal Bell Normal Status Beautiful 5 II
216 Return Normal Physical Cute 20 100% II
217 Present Normal Physical Cute 15 90% II
218 Frustration Normal Physical Cute 20 100% II
219 Safeguard Normal Status Beautiful 25 II
220 Pain Split Normal Status Clever 20 * II
221 Sacred Fire Fire Physical Beautiful 5 100 95% II
222 Magnitude Ground Physical Tough 30 100% II
223 Dynamic Punch Fighting Physical Cool 5 100 50% II
224 Megahorn Bug Physical Cool 10 120 85% II
225 Dragon Breath Dragon Special Cool 20 60 100% II
226 Baton Pass Normal Status Cute 40 II
227 Encore Normal Status Cute 5 100% II
228 Pursuit Dark Physical Clever 20 40 100% II
229 Rapid Spin Normal Physical Cool 40 20 100% II
230 Sweet Scent Normal Status Cute 20 100% II
231 Iron Tail Steel Physical Cool 15 100 75% II
232 Metal Claw Steel Physical Cool 35 50 95% II
233 Vital Throw Fighting Physical Cool 10 70 II
234 Morning Sun Normal Status Beautiful 5 II
235 Synthesis Grass Status Clever 5 II
236 Moonlight* Fairy Status Beautiful 5 II
237 Hidden Power Normal Special Clever 15 60* 100% II
238 Cross Chop Fighting Physical Cool 5 100 80% II
239 Twister Dragon Special Cool 20 40 100% II
240 Rain Dance Water Status Beautiful 5 II
241 Sunny Day Fire Status Beautiful 5 II
242 Crunch Dark Physical Tough 15 80 100% II
243 Mirror Coat Psychic Special Beautiful 20 100% II
244 Psych Up Normal Status Clever 10 II
245 Extreme Speed Normal Physical Cool 5 80 100% II
246 Ancient Power Rock Special Tough 5 60 100% II
247 Shadow Ball Ghost Special Clever 15 80 100% II
248 Future Sight Psychic Special Clever 10* 120* 100%* II
249 Rock Smash Fighting Physical Tough 15 40* 100% II
250 Whirlpool Water Special Beautiful 15 35* 85%* II
251 Beat Up Dark Physical Clever 10 * 100% II
252 Fake Out Normal Physical Cute 10 40 100% III
253 Uproar Normal Special Cute 10 90* 100% III
254 Stockpile Normal Status Tough 20* III
255 Spit Up Normal Special Tough 10 100% III
256 Swallow Normal Status Tough 10 III
257 Heat Wave Fire Special Beautiful 10 95* 90% III
258 Hail Ice Status Beautiful 10 III
259 Torment Dark Status Tough 15 100% III
260 Flatter Dark Status Clever 15 100% III
261 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status Beautiful 15 85%* III
262 Memento Dark Status Tough 10 100% III
263 Facade Normal Physical Cute 20 70 100% III
264 Focus Punch Fighting Physical Tough 20 150 100% III
265 Smelling Salts Normal Physical Tough 10 70* 100% III
266 Follow Me Normal Status Cute 20 III
267 Nature Power Normal Status Beautiful 20 III
268 Charge Electric Status Clever 20 III
269 Taunt Dark Status Clever 20 100% III
270 Helping Hand Normal Status Clever 20 III
271 Trick Psychic Status Clever 10 100% III
272 Role Play Psychic Status Cute 10 III
273 Wish Normal Status Cute 10 III
274 Assist Normal Status Cute 20 III
275 Ingrain Grass Status Clever 20 III
276 Superpower Fighting Physical Tough 5 120 100% III
277 Magic Coat Psychic Status Beautiful 15 III
278 Recycle Normal Status Clever 10 III
279 Revenge Fighting Physical Tough 10 60 100% III
280 Brick Break Fighting Physical Cool 15 75 100% III
281 Yawn Normal Status Cute 10 III
282 Knock Off Dark Physical Clever 20 65* 100% III
283 Endeavor Normal Physical Tough 5 100% III
284 Eruption Fire Special Beautiful 5 150 100% III
285 Skill Swap Psychic Status Clever 10 III
286 Imprison Psychic Status Clever 10 III
287 Refresh Normal Status Cute 20 III
288 Grudge Ghost Status Tough 5 III
289 Snatch Dark Status Clever 10 III
290 Secret Power Normal Physical Clever 20 70 100% III
291 Dive Water Physical Beautiful 10 80 100% III
292 Arm Thrust Fighting Physical Tough 20 15 100% III
293 Camouflage Normal Status Clever 20 III
294 Tail Glow Bug Status Beautiful 20 III
295 Luster Purge Psychic Special Clever 5 70 100% III
296 Mist Ball Psychic Special Clever 5 70 100% III
297 Feather Dance Flying Status Beautiful 15 100% III
298 Teeter Dance Normal Status Cute 20 100% III
299 Blaze Kick Fire Physical Cool 10 85 90% III
300 Mud Sport Ground Status Cute 15 III
301 Ice Ball Ice Physical Beautiful 20 30 90% III
302 Needle Arm Grass Physical Clever 15 60 100% III
303 Slack Off Normal Status Cute 10 III
304 Hyper Voice Normal Special Cool 10 90 100% III
305 Poison Fang Poison Physical Clever 15 50 100% III
306 Crush Claw Normal Physical Cool 10 75 95% III
307 Blast Burn Fire Special Beautiful 5 150 90% III
308 Hydro Cannon Water Special Beautiful 5 150 90% III
309 Meteor Mash Steel Physical Cool 10 90* 90%* III
310 Astonish Ghost Physical Cute 15 30 100% III
311 Weather Ball Normal Special Beautiful 10 50 100% III
312 Aromatherapy Grass Status Clever 5 III
313 Fake Tears Dark Status Cute 20 100% III
314 Air Cutter Flying Special Cool 25 60* 95% III
315 Overheat Fire Special Beautiful 5 130* 90% III
316 Odor Sleuth Normal Status Clever 40 * III
317 Rock Tomb Rock Physical Clever 15* 60* 95%* III
318 Silver Wind Bug Special Beautiful 5 60 100% III
319 Metal Sound Steel Status Clever 40 85% III
320 Grass Whistle Grass Status Clever 15 55% III
321 Tickle Normal Status Cute 20 100% III
322 Cosmic Power Psychic Status Beautiful 20 III
323 Water Spout Water Special Beautiful 5 150 100% III
324 Signal Beam Bug Special Beautiful 15 75 100% III
325 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical Clever 20 60 III
326 Extrasensory Psychic Special Cool 20* 80 100% III
327 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical Cool 15 85 90% III
328 Sand Tomb Ground Physical Clever 15 35* 85%* III
329 Sheer Cold Ice Special Beautiful 5 * III
330 Muddy Water Water Special Tough 10 90* 85% III
331 Bullet Seed Grass Physical Cool 30 25* 100% III
332 Aerial Ace Flying Physical Cool 20 60 III
333 Icicle Spear Ice Physical Beautiful 30 25* 100% III
334 Iron Defense Steel Status Tough 15 III
335 Block Normal Status Cute 5 III
336 Howl Normal Status Cool 40 III
337 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical Cool 15 80 100% III
338 Frenzy Plant Grass Special Cool 5 150 90% III
339 Bulk Up Fighting Status Cool 20 III
340 Bounce Flying Physical Cute 5 85 85% III
341 Mud Shot Ground Special Tough 15 55 95% III
342 Poison Tail Poison Physical Clever 25 50 100% III
343 Covet Normal Physical Cute 25* 60* 100% III
344 Volt Tackle Electric Physical Cool 15 120 100% III
345 Magical Leaf Grass Special Beautiful 20 60 III
346 Water Sport Water Status Cute 15 III
347 Calm Mind Psychic Status Clever 20 III
348 Leaf Blade Grass Physical Cool 15 90 100% III
349 Dragon Dance Dragon Status Cool 20 III
350 Rock Blast Rock Physical Tough 10 25 90%* III
351 Shock Wave Electric Special Cool 20 60 III
352 Water Pulse Water Special Beautiful 20 60 100% III
353 Doom Desire Steel Special Beautiful 5 140* 100%* III
354 Psycho Boost Psychic Special Clever 5 140 90% III
355 Roost Flying Status Clever 10 IV
356 Gravity Psychic Status Clever 5 IV
357 Miracle Eye Psychic Status Clever 40 IV
358 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical Tough 10 70* 100% IV
359 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical Tough 10 100 90% IV
360 Gyro Ball Steel Physical Cool 5 100% IV
361 Healing Wish Psychic Status Beautiful 10 IV
362 Brine Water Special Tough 10 65 100% IV
363 Natural Gift Normal Physical Clever 15 100% IV
364 Feint Normal Physical Clever 10 30* 100% IV
365 Pluck Flying Physical Cute 20 60 100% IV
366 Tailwind Flying Status Cool 15* IV
367 Acupressure Normal Status Tough 30 IV
368 Metal Burst Steel Physical Cool 10 100% IV
369 U-turn Bug Physical Cute 20 70 100% IV
370 Close Combat Fighting Physical Tough 5 120 100% IV
371 Payback Dark Physical Tough 10 50 100% IV
372 Assurance Dark Physical Clever 10 60* 100% IV
373 Embargo Dark Status Clever 15 100% IV
374 Fling Dark Physical Cute 10 100% IV
375 Psycho Shift Psychic Status Clever 10 100%* IV
376 Trump Card Normal Special Cool 5 IV
377 Heal Block Psychic Status Clever 15 100% IV
378 Wring Out Normal Special Tough 5 100% IV
379 Power Trick Psychic Status Clever 10 IV
380 Gastro Acid Poison Status Tough 10 100% IV
381 Lucky Chant Normal Status Cute 30 IV
382 Me First Normal Status Clever 20 IV
383 Copycat Normal Status Cute 20 IV
384 Power Swap Psychic Status Clever 10 IV
385 Guard Swap Psychic Status Clever 10 IV
386 Punishment Dark Physical Cool 5 100% IV
387 Last Resort Normal Physical Cute 5 140* 100% IV
388 Worry Seed Grass Status Clever 10 100% IV
389 Sucker Punch Dark Physical Clever 5 70* 100% IV
390 Toxic Spikes Poison Status Clever 20 IV
391 Heart Swap Psychic Status Clever 10 IV
392 Aqua Ring Water Status Beautiful 20 IV
393 Magnet Rise Electric Status Clever 10 IV
394 Flare Blitz Fire Physical Cool 15 120 100% IV
395 Force Palm Fighting Physical Cool 10 60 100% IV
396 Aura Sphere Fighting Special Beautiful 20 80* IV
397 Rock Polish Rock Status Tough 20 IV
398 Poison Jab Poison Physical Tough 20 80 100% IV
399 Dark Pulse Dark Special Cool 15 80 100% IV
400 Night Slash Dark Physical Cool 15 70 100% IV
401 Aqua Tail Water Physical Beautiful 10 90 90% IV
402 Seed Bomb Grass Physical Tough 15 80 100% IV
403 Air Slash Flying Special Cool 15* 75 95% IV
404 X-Scissor Bug Physical Cool 15 80 100% IV
405 Bug Buzz Bug Special Beautiful 10 90 100% IV
406 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special Beautiful 10 85* 100% IV
407 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical Tough 10 100 75% IV
408 Power Gem Rock Special Beautiful 20 80* 100% IV
409 Drain Punch Fighting Physical Tough 10* 75* 100% IV
410 Vacuum Wave Fighting Special Cool 30 40 100% IV
411 Focus Blast Fighting Special Cool 5 120 70% IV
412 Energy Ball Grass Special Beautiful 10 90* 100% IV
413 Brave Bird Flying Physical Cool 15 120 100% IV
414 Earth Power Ground Special Beautiful 10 90 100% IV
415 Switcheroo Dark Status Clever 10 100% IV
416 Giga Impact Normal Physical Tough 5 150 90% IV
417 Nasty Plot Dark Status Clever 20 IV
418 Bullet Punch Steel Physical Tough 30 40 100% IV
419 Avalanche Ice Physical Beautiful 10 60 100% IV
420 Ice Shard Ice Physical Beautiful 30 40 100% IV
421 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical Cool 15 70 100% IV
422 Thunder Fang Electric Physical Cool 15 65 95% IV
423 Ice Fang Ice Physical Cool 15 65 95% IV
424 Fire Fang Fire Physical Cool 15 65 95% IV
425 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical Clever 30 40 100% IV
426 Mud Bomb Ground Special Cute 10 65 85% IV
427 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical Cool 20 70 100% IV
428 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical Clever 15 80 90% IV
429 Mirror Shot Steel Special Beautiful 10 65 85% IV
430 Flash Cannon Steel Special Beautiful 10 80 100% IV
431 Rock Climb Normal Physical Tough 20 90 85% IV
432 Defog Flying Status Cool 15 IV
433 Trick Room Psychic Status Clever 5 IV
434 Draco Meteor Dragon Special Beautiful 5 130* 90% IV
435 Discharge Electric Special Beautiful 15 80 100% IV
436 Lava Plume Fire Special Tough 15 80 100% IV
437 Leaf Storm Grass Special Beautiful 5 130* 90% IV
438 Power Whip Grass Physical Tough 10 120 85% IV
439 Rock Wrecker Rock Physical Tough 5 150 90% IV
440 Cross Poison Poison Physical Cool 20 70 100% IV
441 Gunk Shot Poison Physical Tough 5 120 80%* IV
442 Iron Head Steel Physical Tough 15 80 100% IV
443 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical Cool 20 60 IV
444 Stone Edge Rock Physical Tough 5 100 80% IV
445 Captivate Normal Status Cute 20 100% IV
446 Stealth Rock Rock Status Cool 20 IV
447 Grass Knot Grass Special Cute 20 100% IV
448 Chatter Flying Special Cute 20 65* 100% IV
449 Judgment Normal Special Beautiful 10 100 100% IV
450 Bug Bite Bug Physical Cute 20 60 100% IV
451 Charge Beam Electric Special Beautiful 10 50 90% IV
452 Wood Hammer Grass Physical Tough 15 120 100% IV
453 Aqua Jet Water Physical Cool 20 40 100% IV
454 Attack Order Bug Physical Clever 15 90 100% IV
455 Defend Order Bug Status Clever 10 IV
456 Heal Order Bug Status Clever 10 IV
457 Head Smash Rock Physical Tough 5 150 80% IV
458 Double Hit Normal Physical Cool 10 35 90% IV
459 Roar of Time Dragon Special Beautiful 5 150 90% IV
460 Spacial Rend Dragon Special Beautiful 5 100 95% IV
461 Lunar Dance Psychic Status Beautiful 10 IV
462 Crush Grip Normal Physical Tough 5 100% IV
463 Magma Storm Fire Special Tough 5 100* 75%* IV
464 Dark Void Dark Status Clever 10 50%* IV
465 Seed Flare Grass Special Beautiful 5 120 85% IV
466 Ominous Wind Ghost Special Beautiful 5 60 100% IV
467 Shadow Force Ghost Physical Cool 5 120 100% IV
468 Hone Claws Dark Status Cute 15 V
469 Wide Guard Rock Status Tough 10 V
470 Guard Split Psychic Status Clever 10 V
471 Power Split Psychic Status Clever 10 V
472 Wonder Room Psychic Status Clever 10 V
473 Psyshock Psychic Special Beautiful 10 80 100% V
474 Venoshock Poison Special Beautiful 10 65 100% V
475 Autotomize Steel Status Beautiful 15 V
476 Rage Powder Bug Status Clever 20 V
477 Telekinesis Psychic Status Clever 15 V
478 Magic Room Psychic Status Clever 10 V
479 Smack Down Rock Physical Tough 15 50 100% V
480 Storm Throw Fighting Physical Cool 10 60* 100% V
481 Flame Burst Fire Special Beautiful 15 70 100% V
482 Sludge Wave Poison Special Tough 10 95 100% V
483 Quiver Dance Bug Status Beautiful 20 V
484 Heavy Slam Steel Physical Tough 10 100% V
485 Synchronoise Psychic Special Clever 10* 120* 100% V
486 Electro Ball Electric Special Cool 10 100% V
487 Soak Water Status Cute 20 100% V
488 Flame Charge Fire Physical Cool 20 50 100% V
489 Coil Poison Status Tough 20 V
490 Low Sweep Fighting Physical Clever 20 65* 100% V
491 Acid Spray Poison Special Beautiful 20 40 100% V
492 Foul Play Dark Physical Clever 15 95 100% V
493 Simple Beam Normal Status Cute 15 100% V
494 Entrainment Normal Status Cute 15 100% V
495 After You Normal Status Cute 15 V
496 Round Normal Special Beautiful 15 60 100% V
497 Echoed Voice Normal Special Beautiful 15 40 100% V
498 Chip Away Normal Physical Tough 20 70 100% V
499 Clear Smog Poison Special Beautiful 15 50 V
500 Stored Power Psychic Special Clever 10 20 100% V
501 Quick Guard Fighting Status Cool 15 V
502 Ally Switch Psychic Status Clever 15 V
503 Scald Water Special Tough 15 80 100% V
504 Shell Smash Normal Status Tough 15 V
505 Heal Pulse Psychic Status Beautiful 10 V
506 Hex Ghost Special Clever 10 65* 100% V
507 Sky Drop Flying Physical Tough 10 60 100% V
508 Shift Gear Steel Status Clever 10 V
509 Circle Throw Fighting Physical Cool 10 60 90% V
510 Incinerate Fire Special Tough 15 60* 100% V
511 Quash Dark Status Clever 15 100% V
512 Acrobatics Flying Physical Cool 15 55 100% V
513 Reflect Type Normal Status Clever 15 V
514 Retaliate Normal Physical Cool 5 70 100% V
515 Final Gambit Fighting Special Tough 5 100% V
516 Bestow Normal Status Cute 15 V
517 Inferno Fire Special Beautiful 5 100 50% V
518 Water Pledge Water Special Beautiful 10 80* 100% V
519 Fire Pledge Fire Special Beautiful 10 80* 100% V
520 Grass Pledge Grass Special Beautiful 10 80* 100% V
521 Volt Switch Electric Special Cool 20 70 100% V
522 Struggle Bug Bug Special Cute 20 50* 100% V
523 Bulldoze Ground Physical Tough 20 60 100% V
524 Frost Breath Ice Special Beautiful 10 60* 90% V
525 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical Tough 10 60 90% V
526 Work Up Normal Status Tough 30 V
527 Electroweb Electric Special Beautiful 15 55 95% V
528 Wild Charge Electric Physical Tough 15 90 100% V
529 Drill Run Ground Physical Tough 10 80 95% V
530 Dual Chop Dragon Physical Tough 15 40 90% V
531 Heart Stamp Psychic Physical Cute 25 60 100% V
532 Horn Leech Grass Physical Tough 10 75 100% V
533 Sacred Sword Fighting Physical Cool 15* 90 100% V
534 Razor Shell Water Physical Cool 10 75 95% V
535 Heat Crash Fire Physical Tough 10 100% V
536 Leaf Tornado Grass Special Cool 10 65 90% V
537 Steamroller Bug Physical Tough 20 65 100% V
538 Cotton Guard Grass Status Cute 10 V
539 Night Daze Dark Special Cool 10 85 95% V
540 Psystrike Psychic Special Cool 10 100 100% V
541 Tail Slap Normal Physical Cute 10 25 85% V
542 Hurricane Flying Special Tough 10 110* 70% V
543 Head Charge Normal Physical Tough 15 120 100% V
544 Gear Grind Steel Physical Clever 15 50 85% V
545 Searing Shot Fire Special Cool 5 100 100% V
546 Techno Blast Normal Special Cool 5 120* 100% V
547 Relic Song Normal Special Beautiful 10 75 100% V
548 Secret Sword Fighting Special Beautiful 10 85 100% V
549 Glaciate Ice Special Beautiful 10 65 95% V
550 Bolt Strike Electric Physical Beautiful 5 130 85% V
551 Blue Flare Fire Special Beautiful 5 130 85% V
552 Fiery Dance Fire Special Beautiful 10 80 100% V
553 Freeze Shock Ice Physical Beautiful 5 140 90% V
554 Ice Burn Ice Special Beautiful 5 140 90% V
555 Snarl Dark Special Tough 15 55 95% V
556 Icicle Crash Ice Physical Beautiful 10 85 90% V
557 V-create Fire Physical Cool 5 180 95% V
558 Fusion Flare Fire Special Beautiful 5 100 100% V
559 Fusion Bolt Electric Physical Cool 5 100 100% V
560 Flying Press Fighting Physical Tough 10 100* 95% VI
561 Mat Block Fighting Status Cool 10 VI
562 Belch Poison Special Tough 10 120 90% VI
563 Rototiller Ground Status Tough 10 VI
564 Sticky Web Bug Status Tough 20 VI
565 Fell Stinger Bug Physical Cool 25 50* 100% VI
566 Phantom Force Ghost Physical Cool 10 90 100% VI
567 Trick-or-Treat Ghost Status Cute 20 100% VI
568 Noble Roar Normal Status Tough 30 100% VI
569 Ion Deluge Electric Status Beautiful 25 VI
570 Parabolic Charge Electric Special Clever 20 65* 100% VI
571 Forest's Curse Grass Status Clever 20 100% VI
572 Petal Blizzard Grass Physical Beautiful 15 90 100% VI
573 Freeze-Dry Ice Special Beautiful 20 70 100% VI
574 Disarming Voice Fairy Special Cute 15 40 VI
575 Parting Shot Dark Status Cool 20 100% VI
576 Topsy-Turvy Dark Status Clever 20 * VI
577 Draining Kiss Fairy Special Cute 10 50 100% VI
578 Crafty Shield Fairy Status Clever 10 VI
579 Flower Shield Fairy Status Beautiful 10 VI
580 Grassy Terrain Grass Status Beautiful 10 VI
581 Misty Terrain Fairy Status Beautiful 10 VI
582 Electrify Electric Status Clever 20 VI
583 Play Rough Fairy Physical Cute 10 90 90% VI
584 Fairy Wind Fairy Special Beautiful 30 40 100% VI
585 Moonblast Fairy Special Beautiful 15 95 100% VI
586 Boomburst Normal Special Tough 10 140 100% VI
587 Fairy Lock Fairy Status Clever 10 VI
588 King's Shield Steel Status Cool 10 VI
589 Play Nice Normal Status Cute 20 VI
590 Confide Normal Status Cute 20 VI
591 Diamond Storm Rock Physical Beautiful 5 100 95% VI
592 Steam Eruption Water Special Beautiful 5 110 95% VI
593 Hyperspace Hole Psychic Special Clever 5 80 VI
594 Water Shuriken* Water Special Cool 20 15 100% VI
595 Mystical Fire Fire Special Beautiful 10 75* 100% VI
596 Spiky Shield Grass Status Tough 10 VI
597 Aromatic Mist Fairy Status Beautiful 20 VI
598 Eerie Impulse Electric Status Clever 15 100% VI
599 Venom Drench Poison Status Clever 20 100% VI
600 Powder Bug Status Clever 20 100% VI
601 Geomancy Fairy Status Beautiful 10 VI
602 Magnetic Flux Electric Status Clever 20 VI
603 Happy Hour Normal Status Cute 30 VI
604 Electric Terrain Electric Status Clever 10 VI
605 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special Beautiful 10 80 100% VI
606 Celebrate Normal Status Cute 40 VI
607 Hold Hands Normal Status Cute 40 VI
608 Baby-Doll Eyes Fairy Status Cute 30 100% VI
609 Nuzzle Electric Physical Cute 20 20 100% VI
610 Hold Back Normal Physical Cool 40 40 100% VI
611 Infestation Bug Special Cute 20 20 100% VI
612 Power-Up Punch Fighting Physical Tough 20 40 100% VI
613 Oblivion Wing Flying Special Cool 10 80 100% VI
614 Thousand Arrows Ground Physical Beautiful 10 90 100% VI
615 Thousand Waves Ground Physical Tough 10 90 100% VI
616 Land's Wrath Ground Physical Beautiful 10 90 100% VI
617 Light of Ruin Fairy Special Beautiful 5 140 90% VI
618 Origin Pulse Water Special Beautiful 10 110 85% VI*
619 Precipice Blades Ground Physical Cool 10 120 85% VI*
620 Dragon Ascent Flying Physical Beautiful 5 120 100% VI*
621 Hyperspace Fury Dark Physical Tough 5 100 VI*
622 Breakneck Blitz Normal Physical ??? 1 VII
623 Breakneck Blitz Normal Special ??? 1 VII
624 All-Out Pummeling Fighting Physical ??? 1 VII
625 All-Out Pummeling Fighting Special ??? 1 VII
626 Supersonic Skystrike Flying Physical ??? 1 VII
627 Supersonic Skystrike Flying Special ??? 1 VII
628 Acid Downpour Poison Physical ??? 1 VII
629 Acid Downpour Poison Special ??? 1 VII
630 Tectonic Rage Ground Physical ??? 1 VII
631 Tectonic Rage Ground Special ??? 1 VII
632 Continental Crush Rock Physical ??? 1 VII
633 Continental Crush Rock Special ??? 1 VII
634 Savage Spin-Out Bug Physical ??? 1 VII
635 Savage Spin-Out Bug Special ??? 1 VII
636 Never-Ending Nightmare Ghost Physical ??? 1 VII
637 Never-Ending Nightmare Ghost Special ??? 1 VII
638 Corkscrew Crash Steel Physical ??? 1 VII
639 Corkscrew Crash Steel Special ??? 1 VII
640 Inferno Overdrive Fire Physical ??? 1 VII
641 Inferno Overdrive Fire Special ??? 1 VII
642 Hydro Vortex Water Physical ??? 1 VII
643 Hydro Vortex Water Special ??? 1 VII
644 Bloom Doom Grass Physical ??? 1 VII
645 Bloom Doom Grass Special ??? 1 VII
646 Gigavolt Havoc Electric Physical ??? 1 VII
647 Gigavolt Havoc Electric Special ??? 1 VII
648 Shattered Psyche Psychic Physical ??? 1 VII
649 Shattered Psyche Psychic Special ??? 1 VII
650 Subzero Slammer Ice Physical ??? 1 VII
651 Subzero Slammer Ice Special ??? 1 VII
652 Devastating Drake Dragon Physical ??? 1 VII
653 Devastating Drake Dragon Special ??? 1 VII
654 Black Hole Eclipse Dark Physical ??? 1 VII
655 Black Hole Eclipse Dark Special ??? 1 VII
656 Twinkle Tackle Fairy Physical ??? 1 VII
657 Twinkle Tackle Fairy Special ??? 1 VII
658 Catastropika Electric Physical ??? 1 210 VII
659 Shore Up Ground Status ??? 10 VII
660 First Impression Bug Physical ??? 10 90 100% VII
661 Baneful Bunker Poison Status ??? 10 VII
662 Spirit Shackle Ghost Physical ??? 10 80 100% VII
663 Darkest Lariat Dark Physical ??? 10 85 100% VII
664 Sparkling Aria Water Special ??? 10 90 100% VII
665 Ice Hammer Ice Physical ??? 10 100 90% VII
666 Floral Healing Fairy Status ??? 10 VII
667 High Horsepower Ground Physical ??? 10 95 95% VII
668 Strength Sap Grass Status ??? 10 100% VII
669 Solar Blade Grass Physical ??? 10 125 100% VII
670 Leafage Grass Physical ??? 40 40 100% VII
671 Spotlight Normal Status ??? 15 VII
672 Toxic Thread Poison Status ??? 20 100% VII
673 Laser Focus Normal Status ??? 30 VII
674 Gear Up Steel Status ??? 20 VII
675 Throat Chop Dark Physical ??? 15 80 100% VII
676 Pollen Puff Bug Special ??? 15 90 100% VII
677 Anchor Shot Steel Physical ??? 20 80 100% VII
678 Psychic Terrain Psychic Status ??? 10 VII
679 Lunge Bug Physical ??? 15 80 100% VII
680 Fire Lash Fire Physical ??? 15 80 100% VII
681 Power Trip Dark Physical ??? 10 20 100% VII
682 Burn Up Fire Special ??? 5 130 100% VII
683 Speed Swap Psychic Status ??? 10 VII
684 Smart Strike Steel Physical ??? 10 70 VII
685 Purify Poison Status ??? 20 VII
686 Revelation Dance Normal Special ??? 15 90 100% VII
687 Core Enforcer Dragon Special ??? 10 100 100% VII
688 Trop Kick Grass Physical ??? 15 70 100% VII
689 Instruct Psychic Status ??? 15 VII
690 Beak Blast Flying Physical ??? 15 100 100% VII
691 Clanging Scales Dragon Special ??? 5 110 100% VII
692 Dragon Hammer Dragon Physical ??? 15 90 100% VII
693 Brutal Swing Dark Physical ??? 20 60 100% VII
694 Aurora Veil Ice Status ??? 20 VII
695 Sinister Arrow Raid Ghost Physical ??? 1 180 VII
696 Malicious Moonsault Dark Physical ??? 1 180 VII
697 Oceanic Operetta Water Special ??? 1 195 VII
698 Guardian of Alola Fairy Special ??? 1 VII
699 Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike Ghost Physical ??? 1 195 VII
700 Stoked Sparksurfer Electric Special ??? 1 175 VII
701 Pulverizing Pancake Normal Physical ??? 1 210 VII
702 Extreme Evoboost Normal Status ??? 1 VII
703 Genesis Supernova Psychic Special ??? 1 185 VII
704 Shell Trap Fire Special ??? 5 150 100% VII
705 Fleur Cannon Fairy Special ??? 5 130 90% VII
706 Psychic Fangs Psychic Physical ??? 10 85 100% VII
707 Stomping Tantrum Ground Physical ??? 10 75 100% VII
708 Shadow Bone Ghost Physical ??? 10 85 100% VII
709 Accelerock Rock Physical ??? 20 40 100% VII
710 Liquidation Water Physical ??? 10 85 100% VII
711 Prismatic Laser Psychic Special ??? 10 160 100% VII
712 Spectral Thief Ghost Physical ??? 10 90 100% VII
713 Sunsteel Strike Steel Physical ??? 5 100 100% VII
714 Moongeist Beam Ghost Special ??? 5 100 100% VII
715 Tearful Look Normal Status ??? 20 VII
716 Zing Zap Electric Physical ??? 10 80 100% VII
717 Nature's Madness Fairy Special ??? 10 90% VII
718 Multi-Attack Normal Physical ??? 10 90 100% VII
719 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Electric Special ??? 1 195 VII

List of Shadow moves

Shadow moves are moves exclusive to Shadow Pokémon in the Generation III games Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. In Colosseum, there was only one Shadow move, Shadow Rush. There are no Contests in these games, and Shadow Pokémon cannot be traded, thus they have no Contest statistics.

# Name Type Category PP Power Accuracy
356 Shadow Blitz ------ Physical 40 100%
357 Shadow Rush ------ Physical 55 100%
358 Shadow Break ------ Physical 75 100%
359 Shadow End ------ Physical 120 60%
360 Shadow Wave ------ Special 50 100%
361 Shadow Rave ------ Special 70 100%
362 Shadow Storm ------ Special 95 100%
363 Shadow Fire ------ Special 75 100%
364 Shadow Bolt ------ Special 75 100%
365 Shadow Chill ------ Special 75 100%
366 Shadow Blast ------ Special 80 100%
367 Shadow Sky ------ Status 100%
368 Shadow Hold ------ Status 100%
369 Shadow Mist ------ Status 100%
370 Shadow Panic ------ Status 60%
371 Shadow Down ------ Status 100%
372 Shadow Shed ------ Status 100%
373 Shadow Half ------ Status 100%

List of Mystery Dungeon moves

These moves are exclusive to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky.

Excavate and Spin Slash are exclusive to Red and Blue Rescue Team, and they cannot be learned by any Pokémon without the use of a cheating device.

# Name Type PP Power Accuracy
360 Wide Slash ??? 10 7☆ 6☆
361 Excavate ??? 99
362 Spin Slash ??? 10 ??? ???
394 Vacuum-Cut ??? 7 8☆

See also

Subset lists

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.