
Note: This is SMUSUM. For LGPE data, see User:Nescientist/Movedata/lgpe.

Generation VII
Other generations:
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VIII - IX
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Pound Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
022 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 05050 100100% 25
033 Double Slap Normal Physical 01515 08585% 10
044 Comet Punch Normal Physical 01818 08585% 15
055 Mega Punch Normal Physical 08080 08585% 20
066 Pay Day Normal Physical 04040 100100% 20
077 Fire Punch Fire Physical 07575 100100% 15
088 Ice Punch Ice Physical 07575 100100% 15
099 Thunder Punch Electric Physical 07575 100100% 15
1010 Scratch Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
1111 Vice Grip Normal Physical 05555 100100% 30
1212 Guillotine Normal Physical 0000 03030% 5
1313 Razor Wind Normal Special 08080 100100% 10
1414 Swords Dance Normal Status 0000 —% 20
1515 Cut Normal Physical 05050 09595% 30
1616 Gust Flying Special 04040 100100% 35
1717 Wing Attack Flying Physical 06060 100100% 35
1818 Whirlwind Normal Status 0000 —% 20
1919 Fly Flying Physical 09090 09595% 15
2020 Bind Normal Physical 01515 08585% 20
2121 Slam Normal Physical 08080 07575% 20
2222 Vine Whip Grass Physical 04545 100100% 25
2323 Stomp Normal Physical 06565 100100% 20
2424 Double Kick Fighting Physical 03030 100100% 30
2525 Mega Kick Normal Physical 120120 07575% 5
2626 Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100100 09595% 10
2727 Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 06060 08585% 15
2828 Sand Attack Ground Status 0000 100100% 15
2929 Headbutt Normal Physical 07070 100100% 15
3030 Horn Attack Normal Physical 06565 100100% 25
3131 Fury Attack Normal Physical 01515 08585% 20
3232 Horn Drill Normal Physical 0000 03030% 5
3333 Tackle Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
3434 Body Slam Normal Physical 08585 100100% 15
3535 Wrap Normal Physical 01515 09090% 20
3636 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 08585% 20
3737 Thrash Normal Physical 120120 100100% 10
3838 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
3939 Tail Whip Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
4040 Poison Sting Poison Physical 01515 100100% 35
4141 Twineedle Bug Physical 02525 100100% 20
4242 Pin Missile Bug Physical 02525 09595% 20
4343 Leer Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
4444 Bite Dark Physical 06060 100100% 25
4545 Growl Normal Status 0000 100100% 40
4646 Roar Normal Status 0000 —% 20
4747 Sing Normal Status 0000 05555% 15
4848 Supersonic Normal Status 0000 05555% 20
4949 Sonic Boom Normal Special 0000 09090% 20
5050 Disable Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
5151 Acid Poison Special 04040 100100% 30
5252 Ember Fire Special 04040 100100% 25
5353 Flamethrower Fire Special 09090 100100% 15
5454 Mist Ice Status 0000 —% 30
5555 Water Gun Water Special 04040 100100% 25
5656 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 08080% 5
5757 Surf Water Special 09090 100100% 15
5858 Ice Beam Ice Special 09090 100100% 10
5959 Blizzard Ice Special 110110 07070% 5
6060 Psybeam Psychic Special 06565 100100% 20
6161 Bubble Beam Water Special 06565 100100% 20
6262 Aurora Beam Ice Special 06565 100100% 20
6363 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 09090% 5
6464 Peck Flying Physical 03535 100100% 35
6565 Drill Peck Flying Physical 08080 100100% 20
6666 Submission Fighting Physical 08080 08080% 20
6767 Low Kick Fighting Physical 0000 100100% 20
6868 Counter Fighting Physical 0000 100100% 20
6969 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical 0000 100100% 20
7070 Strength Normal Physical 08080 100100% 15
7171 Absorb Grass Special 02020 100100% 25
7272 Mega Drain Grass Special 04040 100100% 15
7373 Leech Seed Grass Status 0000 09090% 10
7474 Growth Normal Status 0000 —% 20
7575 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 05555 09595% 25
7676 Solar Beam Grass Special 120120 100100% 10
7777 Poison Powder Poison Status 0000 07575% 35
7878 Stun Spore Grass Status 0000 07575% 30
7979 Sleep Powder Grass Status 0000 07575% 15
8080 Petal Dance Grass Special 120120 100100% 10
8181 String Shot Bug Status 0000 09595% 40
8282 Dragon Rage Dragon Special 0000 100100% 10
8383 Fire Spin Fire Special 03535 08585% 15
8484 Thunder Shock Electric Special 04040 100100% 30
8585 Thunderbolt Electric Special 09090 100100% 15
8686 Thunder Wave Electric Status 0000 09090% 20
8787 Thunder Electric Special 110110 07070% 10
8888 Rock Throw Rock Physical 05050 09090% 15
8989 Earthquake Ground Physical 100100 100100% 10
9090 Fissure Ground Physical 0000 03030% 5
9191 Dig Ground Physical 08080 100100% 10
9292 Toxic Poison Status 0000 09090% 10
9393 Confusion Psychic Special 05050 100100% 25
9494 Psychic Psychic Special 09090 100100% 10
9595 Hypnosis Psychic Status 0000 06060% 20
9696 Meditate Psychic Status 0000 —% 40
9797 Agility Psychic Status 0000 —% 30
9898 Quick Attack Normal Physical 04040 100100% 30
9999 Rage Normal Physical 02020 100100% 20
100100 Teleport Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
101101 Night Shade Ghost Special 0000 100100% 15
102102 Mimic Normal Status 0000 —% 10
103103 Screech Normal Status 0000 08585% 40
104104 Double Team Normal Status 0000 —% 15
105105 Recover Normal Status 0000 —% 10
106106 Harden Normal Status 0000 —% 30
107107 Minimize Normal Status 0000 —% 10
108108 Smokescreen Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
109109 Confuse Ray Ghost Status 0000 100100% 10
110110 Withdraw Water Status 0000 —% 40
111111 Defense Curl Normal Status 0000 —% 40
112112 Barrier Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
113113 Light Screen Psychic Status 0000 —% 30
114114 Haze Ice Status 0000 —% 30
115115 Reflect Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
116116 Focus Energy Normal Status 0000 —% 30
117117 Bide Normal Physical 0000 —% 10
118118 Metronome Normal Status 0000 —% 10
119119 Mirror Move Flying Status 0000 —% 20
120120 Self-Destruct Normal Physical 200200 100100% 5
121121 Egg Bomb Normal Physical 100100 07575% 10
122122 Lick Ghost Physical 03030 100100% 30
123123 Smog Poison Special 03030 07070% 20
124124 Sludge Poison Special 06565 100100% 20
125125 Bone Club Ground Physical 06565 08585% 20
126126 Fire Blast Fire Special 110110 08585% 5
127127 Waterfall Water Physical 08080 100100% 15
128128 Clamp Water Physical 03535 08585% 15
129129 Swift Normal Special 06060 —% 20
130130 Skull Bash Normal Physical 130130 100100% 10
131131 Spike Cannon Normal Physical 02020 100100% 15
132132 Constrict Normal Physical 01010 100100% 35
133133 Amnesia Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
134134 Kinesis Psychic Status 0000 08080% 15
135135 Soft-Boiled Normal Status 0000 —% 10
136136 High Jump Kick Fighting Physical 130130 09090% 10
137137 Glare Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
138138 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100100 100100% 15
139139 Poison Gas Poison Status 0000 09090% 40
140140 Barrage Normal Physical 01515 08585% 20
141141 Leech Life Bug Physical 08080 100100% 10
142142 Lovely Kiss Normal Status 0000 07575% 10
143143 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140140 09090% 5
144144 Transform Normal Status 0000 —% 10
145145 Bubble Water Special 04040 100100% 30
146146 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 07070 100100% 10
147147 Spore Grass Status 0000 100100% 15
148148 Flash Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
149149 Psywave Psychic Special 0000 100100% 15
150150 Splash Normal Status 0000 —% 40
151151 Acid Armor Poison Status 0000 —% 20
152152 Crabhammer Water Physical 100100 09090% 10
153153 Explosion Normal Physical 250250 100100% 5
154154 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 01818 08080% 15
155155 Bonemerang Ground Physical 05050 09090% 10
156156 Rest Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
157157 Rock Slide Rock Physical 07575 09090% 10
158158 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 08080 09090% 15
159159 Sharpen Normal Status 0000 —% 30
160160 Conversion Normal Status 0000 —% 30
161161 Tri Attack Normal Special 08080 100100% 10
162162 Super Fang Normal Physical 0000 09090% 10
163163 Slash Normal Physical 07070 100100% 20
164164 Substitute Normal Status 0000 —% 10
165165 Struggle Normal Physical 05050 —% 1
166166 Sketch Normal Status 0000 —% 1
167167 Triple Kick Fighting Physical 01010 09090% 10
168168 Thief Dark Physical 06060 100100% 25
169169 Spider Web Bug Status 0000 —% 10
170170 Mind Reader Normal Status 0000 —% 5
171171 Nightmare Ghost Status 0000 100100% 15
172172 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 06060 100100% 25
173173 Snore Normal Special 05050 100100% 15
174174 Curse Ghost Status 0000 —% 10
175175 Flail Normal Physical 0000 100100% 15
176176 Conversion 2 Normal Status 0000 —% 30
177177 Aeroblast Flying Special 100100 09595% 5
178178 Cotton Spore Grass Status 0000 100100% 40
179179 Reversal Fighting Physical 0000 100100% 15
180180 Spite Ghost Status 0000 100100% 10
181181 Powder Snow Ice Special 04040 100100% 25
182182 Protect Normal Status 0000 —% 10
183183 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 04040 100100% 30
184184 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100100% 10
185185 Feint Attack Dark Physical 06060 —% 20
186186 Sweet Kiss Fairy Status 0000 07575% 10
187187 Belly Drum Normal Status 0000 —% 10
188188 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 09090 100100% 10
189189 Mud-Slap Ground Special 02020 100100% 10
190190 Octazooka Water Special 06565 08585% 10
191191 Spikes Ground Status 0000 —% 20
192192 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120120 05050% 5
193193 Foresight Normal Status 0000 —% 40
194194 Destiny Bond Ghost Status 0000 —% 5
195195 Perish Song Normal Status 0000 —% 5
196196 Icy Wind Ice Special 05555 09595% 15
197197 Detect Fighting Status 0000 —% 5
198198 Bone Rush Ground Physical 02525 09090% 10
199199 Lock-On Normal Status 0000 —% 5
200200 Outrage Dragon Physical 120120 100100% 10
201201 Sandstorm Rock Status 0000 —% 10
202202 Giga Drain Grass Special 07575 100100% 10
203203 Endure Normal Status 0000 —% 10
204204 Charm Fairy Status 0000 100100% 20
205205 Rollout Rock Physical 03030 09090% 20
206206 False Swipe Normal Physical 04040 100100% 40
207207 Swagger Normal Status 0000 08585% 15
208208 Milk Drink Normal Status 0000 —% 10
209209 Spark Electric Physical 06565 100100% 20
210210 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 04040 09595% 20
211211 Steel Wing Steel Physical 07070 09090% 25
212212 Mean Look Normal Status 0000 —% 5
213213 Attract Normal Status 0000 100100% 15
214214 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 —% 10
215215 Heal Bell Normal Status 0000 —% 5
216216 Return Normal Physical 0000 100100% 20
217217 Present Normal Physical 0000 09090% 15
218218 Frustration Normal Physical 0000 100100% 20
219219 Safeguard Normal Status 0000 —% 25
220220 Pain Split Normal Status 0000 —% 20
221221 Sacred Fire Fire Physical 100100 09595% 5
222222 Magnitude Ground Physical 0000 100100% 30
223223 Dynamic Punch Fighting Physical 100100 05050% 5
224224 Megahorn Bug Physical 120120 08585% 10
225225 Dragon Breath Dragon Special 06060 100100% 20
226226 Baton Pass Normal Status 0000 —% 40
227227 Encore Normal Status 0000 100100% 5
228228 Pursuit Dark Physical 04040 100100% 20
229229 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 02020 100100% 40
230230 Sweet Scent Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
231231 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100100 07575% 15
232232 Metal Claw Steel Physical 05050 09595% 35
233233 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 07070 —% 10
234234 Morning Sun Normal Status 0000 —% 5
235235 Synthesis Grass Status 0000 —% 5
236236 Moonlight Fairy Status 0000 —% 5
237237 Hidden Power Normal Special 06060 100100% 15
238238 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100100 08080% 5
239239 Twister Dragon Special 04040 100100% 20
240240 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 —% 5
241241 Sunny Day Fire Status 0000 —% 5
242242 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100100% 15
243243 Mirror Coat Psychic Special 0000 100100% 20
244244 Psych Up Normal Status 0000 —% 10
245245 Extreme Speed Normal Physical 08080 100100% 5
246246 Ancient Power Rock Special 06060 100100% 5
247247 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 08080 100100% 15
248248 Future Sight Psychic Special 120120 100100% 10
249249 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 04040 100100% 15
250250 Whirlpool Water Special 03535 08585% 15
251251 Beat Up Dark Physical 0000 100100% 10
252252 Fake Out Normal Physical 04040 100100% 10
253253 Uproar Normal Special 09090 100100% 10
254254 Stockpile Normal Status 0000 —% 20
255255 Spit Up Normal Special 0000 100100% 10
256256 Swallow Normal Status 0000 —% 10
257257 Heat Wave Fire Special 09595 09090% 10
258258 Hail Ice Status 0000 —% 10
259259 Torment Dark Status 0000 100100% 15
260260 Flatter Dark Status 0000 100100% 15
261261 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status 0000 08585% 15
262262 Memento Dark Status 0000 100100% 10
263263 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100100% 20
264264 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150150 100100% 20
265265 Smelling Salts Normal Physical 07070 100100% 10
266266 Follow Me Normal Status 0000 —% 20
267267 Nature Power Normal Status 0000 —% 20
268268 Charge Electric Status 0000 —% 20
269269 Taunt Dark Status 0000 100100% 20
270270 Helping Hand Normal Status 0000 —% 20
271271 Trick Psychic Status 0000 100100% 10
272272 Role Play Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
273273 Wish Normal Status 0000 —% 10
274274 Assist Normal Status 0000 —% 20
275275 Ingrain Grass Status 0000 —% 20
276276 Superpower Fighting Physical 120120 100100% 5
277277 Magic Coat Psychic Status 0000 —% 15
278278 Recycle Normal Status 0000 —% 10
279279 Revenge Fighting Physical 06060 100100% 10
280280 Brick Break Fighting Physical 07575 100100% 15
281281 Yawn Normal Status 0000 —% 10
282282 Knock Off Dark Physical 06565 100100% 20
283283 Endeavor Normal Physical 0000 100100% 5
284284 Eruption Fire Special 150150 100100% 5
285285 Skill Swap Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
286286 Imprison Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
287287 Refresh Normal Status 0000 —% 20
288288 Grudge Ghost Status 0000 —% 5
289289 Snatch Dark Status 0000 —% 10
290290 Secret Power Normal Physical 07070 100100% 20
291291 Dive Water Physical 08080 100100% 10
292292 Arm Thrust Fighting Physical 01515 100100% 20
293293 Camouflage Normal Status 0000 —% 20
294294 Tail Glow Bug Status 0000 —% 20
295295 Luster Purge Psychic Special 07070 100100% 5
296296 Mist Ball Psychic Special 07070 100100% 5
297297 Feather Dance Flying Status 0000 100100% 15
298298 Teeter Dance Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
299299 Blaze Kick Fire Physical 08585 09090% 10
300300 Mud Sport Ground Status 0000 —% 15
301301 Ice Ball Ice Physical 03030 09090% 20
302302 Needle Arm Grass Physical 06060 100100% 15
303303 Slack Off Normal Status 0000 —% 10
304304 Hyper Voice Normal Special 09090 100100% 10
305305 Poison Fang Poison Physical 05050 100100% 15
306306 Crush Claw Normal Physical 07575 09595% 10
307307 Blast Burn Fire Special 150150 09090% 5
308308 Hydro Cannon Water Special 150150 09090% 5
309309 Meteor Mash Steel Physical 09090 09090% 10
310310 Astonish Ghost Physical 03030 100100% 15
311311 Weather Ball Normal Special 05050 100100% 10
312312 Aromatherapy Grass Status 0000 —% 5
313313 Fake Tears Dark Status 0000 100100% 20
314314 Air Cutter Flying Special 06060 09595% 25
315315 Overheat Fire Special 130130 09090% 5
316316 Odor Sleuth Normal Status 0000 —% 40
317317 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 06060 09595% 15
318318 Silver Wind Bug Special 06060 100100% 5
319319 Metal Sound Steel Status 0000 08585% 40
320320 Grass Whistle Grass Status 0000 05555% 15
321321 Tickle Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
322322 Cosmic Power Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
323323 Water Spout Water Special 150150 100100% 5
324324 Signal Beam Bug Special 07575 100100% 15
325325 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 06060 —% 20
326326 Extrasensory Psychic Special 08080 100100% 20
327327 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 08585 09090% 15
328328 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 03535 08585% 15
329329 Sheer Cold Ice Special 0000 03030% 5
330330 Muddy Water Water Special 09090 08585% 10
331331 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 02525 100100% 30
332332 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 06060 —% 20
333333 Icicle Spear Ice Physical 02525 100100% 30
334334 Iron Defense Steel Status 0000 —% 15
335335 Block Normal Status 0000 —% 5
336336 Howl Normal Status 0000 —% 40
337337 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 08080 100100% 15
338338 Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150150 09090% 5
339339 Bulk Up Fighting Status 0000 —% 20
340340 Bounce Flying Physical 08585 08585% 5
341341 Mud Shot Ground Special 05555 09595% 15
342342 Poison Tail Poison Physical 05050 100100% 25
343343 Covet Normal Physical 06060 100100% 25
344344 Volt Tackle Electric Physical 120120 100100% 15
345345 Magical Leaf Grass Special 06060 —% 20
346346 Water Sport Water Status 0000 —% 15
347347 Calm Mind Psychic Status 0000 —% 20
348348 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 09090 100100% 15
349349 Dragon Dance Dragon Status 0000 —% 20
350350 Rock Blast Rock Physical 02525 09090% 10
351351 Shock Wave Electric Special 06060 —% 20
352352 Water Pulse Water Special 06060 100100% 20
353353 Doom Desire Steel Special 140140 100100% 5
354354 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140140 09090% 5
355355 Roost Flying Status 0000 —% 10
356356 Gravity Psychic Status 0000 —% 5
357357 Miracle Eye Psychic Status 0000 —% 40
358358 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 07070 100100% 10
359359 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100100 09090% 10
360360 Gyro Ball Steel Physical 0000 100100% 5
361361 Healing Wish Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
362362 Brine Water Special 06565 100100% 10
363363 Natural Gift Normal Physical 0000 100100% 15
364364 Feint Normal Physical 03030 100100% 10
365365 Pluck Flying Physical 06060 100100% 20
366366 Tailwind Flying Status 0000 —% 15
367367 Acupressure Normal Status 0000 —% 30
368368 Metal Burst Steel Physical 0000 100100% 10
369369 U-turn Bug Physical 07070 100100% 20
370370 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120120 100100% 5
371371 Payback Dark Physical 05050 100100% 10
372372 Assurance Dark Physical 06060 100100% 10
373373 Embargo Dark Status 0000 100100% 15
374374 Fling Dark Physical 0000 100100% 10
375375 Psycho Shift Psychic Status 0000 100100% 10
376376 Trump Card Normal Special 0000 —% 5
377377 Heal Block Psychic Status 0000 100100% 15
378378 Wring Out Normal Special 0000 100100% 5
379379 Power Trick Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
380380 Gastro Acid Poison Status 0000 100100% 10
381381 Lucky Chant Normal Status 0000 —% 30
382382 Me First Normal Status 0000 —% 20
383383 Copycat Normal Status 0000 —% 20
384384 Power Swap Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
385385 Guard Swap Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
386386 Punishment Dark Physical 0000 100100% 5
387387 Last Resort Normal Physical 140140 100100% 5
388388 Worry Seed Grass Status 0000 100100% 10
389389 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 07070 100100% 5
390390 Toxic Spikes Poison Status 0000 —% 20
391391 Heart Swap Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
392392 Aqua Ring Water Status 0000 —% 20
393393 Magnet Rise Electric Status 0000 —% 10
394394 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120120 100100% 15
395395 Force Palm Fighting Physical 06060 100100% 10
396396 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 08080 —% 20
397397 Rock Polish Rock Status 0000 —% 20
398398 Poison Jab Poison Physical 08080 100100% 20
399399 Dark Pulse Dark Special 08080 100100% 15
400400 Night Slash Dark Physical 07070 100100% 15
401401 Aqua Tail Water Physical 09090 09090% 10
402402 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 08080 100100% 15
403403 Air Slash Flying Special 07575 09595% 15
404404 X-Scissor Bug Physical 08080 100100% 15
405405 Bug Buzz Bug Special 09090 100100% 10
406406 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 08585 100100% 10
407407 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100100 07575% 10
408408 Power Gem Rock Special 08080 100100% 20
409409 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 07575 100100% 10
410410 Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 04040 100100% 30
411411 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120120 07070% 5
412412 Energy Ball Grass Special 09090 100100% 10
413413 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120120 100100% 15
414414 Earth Power Ground Special 09090 100100% 10
415415 Switcheroo Dark Status 0000 100100% 10
416416 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 09090% 5
417417 Nasty Plot Dark Status 0000 —% 20
418418 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 04040 100100% 30
419419 Avalanche Ice Physical 06060 100100% 10
420420 Ice Shard Ice Physical 04040 100100% 30
421421 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 07070 100100% 15
422422 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 06565 09595% 15
423423 Ice Fang Ice Physical 06565 09595% 15
424424 Fire Fang Fire Physical 06565 09595% 15
425425 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 04040 100100% 30
426426 Mud Bomb Ground Special 06565 08585% 10
427427 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 07070 100100% 20
428428 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 09090% 15
429429 Mirror Shot Steel Special 06565 08585% 10
430430 Flash Cannon Steel Special 08080 100100% 10
431431 Rock Climb Normal Physical 09090 08585% 20
432432 Defog Flying Status 0000 —% 15
433433 Trick Room Psychic Status 0000 —% 5
434434 Draco Meteor Dragon Special 130130 09090% 5
435435 Discharge Electric Special 08080 100100% 15
436436 Lava Plume Fire Special 08080 100100% 15
437437 Leaf Storm Grass Special 130130 09090% 5
438438 Power Whip Grass Physical 120120 08585% 10
439439 Rock Wrecker Rock Physical 150150 09090% 5
440440 Cross Poison Poison Physical 07070 100100% 20
441441 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120120 08080% 5
442442 Iron Head Steel Physical 08080 100100% 15
443443 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 06060 —% 20
444444 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100100 08080% 5
445445 Captivate Normal Status 0000 100100% 20
446446 Stealth Rock Rock Status 0000 —% 20
447447 Grass Knot Grass Special 0000 100100% 20
448448 Chatter Flying Special 06565 100100% 20
449449 Judgment Normal Special 100100 100100% 10
450450 Bug Bite Bug Physical 06060 100100% 20
451451 Charge Beam Electric Special 05050 09090% 10
452452 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120120 100100% 15
453453 Aqua Jet Water Physical 04040 100100% 20
454454 Attack Order Bug Physical 09090 100100% 15
455455 Defend Order Bug Status 0000 —% 10
456456 Heal Order Bug Status 0000 —% 10
457457 Head Smash Rock Physical 150150 08080% 5
458458 Double Hit Normal Physical 03535 09090% 10
459459 Roar of Time Dragon Special 150150 09090% 5
460460 Spacial Rend Dragon Special 100100 09595% 5
461461 Lunar Dance Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
462462 Crush Grip Normal Physical 0000 100100% 5
463463 Magma Storm Fire Special 100100 07575% 5
464464 Dark Void Dark Status 0000 05050% 10
465465 Seed Flare Grass Special 120120 08585% 5
466466 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 06060 100100% 5
467467 Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120120 100100% 5
468468 Hone Claws Dark Status 0000 —% 15
469469 Wide Guard Rock Status 0000 —% 10
470470 Guard Split Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
471471 Power Split Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
472472 Wonder Room Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
473473 Psyshock Psychic Special 08080 100100% 10
474474 Venoshock Poison Special 06565 100100% 10
475475 Autotomize Steel Status 0000 —% 15
476476 Rage Powder Bug Status 0000 —% 20
477477 Telekinesis Psychic Status 0000 —% 15
478478 Magic Room Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
479479 Smack Down Rock Physical 05050 100100% 15
480480 Storm Throw Fighting Physical 06060 100100% 10
481481 Flame Burst Fire Special 07070 100100% 15
482482 Sludge Wave Poison Special 09595 100100% 10
483483 Quiver Dance Bug Status 0000 —% 20
484484 Heavy Slam Steel Physical 0000 100100% 10
485485 Synchronoise Psychic Special 120120 100100% 10
486486 Electro Ball Electric Special 0000 100100% 10
487487 Soak Water Status 0000 100100% 20
488488 Flame Charge Fire Physical 05050 100100% 20
489489 Coil Poison Status 0000 —% 20
490490 Low Sweep Fighting Physical 06565 100100% 20
491491 Acid Spray Poison Special 04040 100100% 20
492492 Foul Play Dark Physical 09595 100100% 15
493493 Simple Beam Normal Status 0000 100100% 15
494494 Entrainment Normal Status 0000 100100% 15
495495 After You Normal Status 0000 —% 15
496496 Round Normal Special 06060 100100% 15
497497 Echoed Voice Normal Special 04040 100100% 15
498498 Chip Away Normal Physical 07070 100100% 20
499499 Clear Smog Poison Special 05050 —% 15
500500 Stored Power Psychic Special 02020 100100% 10
501501 Quick Guard Fighting Status 0000 —% 15
502502 Ally Switch Psychic Status 0000 —% 15
503503 Scald Water Special 08080 100100% 15
504504 Shell Smash Normal Status 0000 —% 15
505505 Heal Pulse Psychic Status 0000 —% 10
506506 Hex Ghost Special 06565 100100% 10
507507 Sky Drop Flying Physical 06060 100100% 10
508508 Shift Gear Steel Status 0000 —% 10
509509 Circle Throw Fighting Physical 06060 09090% 10
510510 Incinerate Fire Special 06060 100100% 15
511511 Quash Dark Status 0000 100100% 15
512512 Acrobatics Flying Physical 05555 100100% 15
513513 Reflect Type Normal Status 0000 —% 15
514514 Retaliate Normal Physical 07070 100100% 5
515515 Final Gambit Fighting Special 0000 100100% 5
516516 Bestow Normal Status 0000 —% 15
517517 Inferno Fire Special 100100 05050% 5
518518 Water Pledge Water Special 08080 100100% 10
519519 Fire Pledge Fire Special 08080 100100% 10
520520 Grass Pledge Grass Special 08080 100100% 10
521521 Volt Switch Electric Special 07070 100100% 20
522522 Struggle Bug Bug Special 05050 100100% 20
523523 Bulldoze Ground Physical 06060 100100% 20
524524 Frost Breath Ice Special 06060 09090% 10
525525 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical 06060 09090% 10
526526 Work Up Normal Status 0000 —% 30
527527 Electroweb Electric Special 05555 09595% 15
528528 Wild Charge Electric Physical 09090 100100% 15
529529 Drill Run Ground Physical 08080 09595% 10
530530 Dual Chop Dragon Physical 04040 09090% 15
531531 Heart Stamp Psychic Physical 06060 100100% 25
532532 Horn Leech Grass Physical 07575 100100% 10
533533 Sacred Sword Fighting Physical 09090 100100% 15
534534 Razor Shell Water Physical 07575 09595% 10
535535 Heat Crash Fire Physical 0000 100100% 10
536536 Leaf Tornado Grass Special 06565 09090% 10
537537 Steamroller Bug Physical 06565 100100% 20
538538 Cotton Guard Grass Status 0000 —% 10
539539 Night Daze Dark Special 08585 09595% 10
540540 Psystrike Psychic Special 100100 100100% 10
541541 Tail Slap Normal Physical 02525 08585% 10
542542 Hurricane Flying Special 110110 07070% 10
543543 Head Charge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
544544 Gear Grind Steel Physical 05050 08585% 15
545545 Searing Shot Fire Special 100100 100100% 5
546546 Techno Blast Normal Special 120120 100100% 5
547547 Relic Song Normal Special 07575 100100% 10
548548 Secret Sword Fighting Special 08585 100100% 10
549549 Glaciate Ice Special 06565 09595% 10
550550 Bolt Strike Electric Physical 130130 08585% 5
551551 Blue Flare Fire Special 130130 08585% 5
552552 Fiery Dance Fire Special 08080 100100% 10
553553 Freeze Shock Ice Physical 140140 09090% 5
554554 Ice Burn Ice Special 140140 09090% 5
555555 Snarl Dark Special 05555 09595% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Bulbasaur
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Bulbasaur
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations