Sync move

Revision as of 06:10, 28 June 2022 by Solemn Mac (talk | contribs) (Added explanations and/or links to almost every section this page, updated the list of sync moves and their users to include sync pairs of Egg Pokémon, polished punctuation in many areas, and corrected Normal Sync Impact's base and max powers. Basically, this page received heavy renovations.)

A sync move (Japanese: バディーズわざ Buddies move) is a powerful attack that can be used during battle in Pokémon Masters EX. According to Professor Bellis, sync stones are required for sync pairs to use a sync move. These are rare stones that are only found in the oceans of Pasio. They are known to amplify the power that arises from the bond between Trainer and Pokémon, which she calls "sync strength." As the bond grows, so does the strength of the sync move. Every Trainer in Pasio has a Poryphone with an embedded sync stone to allow all to access sync moves.

Example of a sync move



During battle, a sync move can only be used if the sync move countdown is at 0. At the start of the battle, the sync move countdown begins at 9 (6 for the opponent's team's center-most sync pair and 4 for opponents of Legendary Arena/Gauntlet), and decreases by one each time a sync pair uses a move. Once the countdown is down to 0, a sync move can be unleashed at any point. Once a sync move has been used, the countdown resets, and its user's team receives a damage-boosting sync buff.

Any sync pair from the player's team can use a sync move once the countdown reaches 0. In contrast, on the opponent's team, only center-most sync pair/Pokémon can use sync moves. Moreover, while the player's sync move targets only one opponent (unless if it's a 6★ EX strike pair, which targets every opponent), the opponent's sync move will cause damage to all of the player's Pokémon and, before version 1.6.0, would reset all their raised stat ranks to zero.

In addition, despite having move in its name, sync moves are treated differently from moves, especially in skills. However, all damage-dealing moves, sync moves, and max moves are sometimes lumped together as "attacks."


The base power of a sync move (as well as the base power of the sync pair's regular moves) can be increased by increasing the sync pair's move level. Move level can be increased by using a Move Candy or by obtaining a duplicate of the sync pair. Move level can be increased four times (up to move level 5), and each increase of it raises the power of a sync move (and other attacks) by 5%. This results in a sync move at move level 3 having 15% more power than the same attack at move level 1, and sync move at move level 5 having 20% more power than the same attack at move level 1. The only exceptions are Leaf & Eevee, Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, as well as Sygna Suit Dawn & Cresselia—all of whom have non-damaging sync moves.

Some sync moves have effects that can increase their powers if their conditions are met (or power-increasing effects). There are three categories for their effects: binary, single stat-gradual, and multiple stat-gradual.

  • Binary effects check whether their conditions have been satisfied when the sync move is performed; if they were, then the sync move's power multiplicatively doubles (or increases by ×2).
    • Typical description for binary effects: "This attack's power increases when [condition stated is met]."
  • Single stat-gradual effects check how much the user's stat is raised or the targeted opponent's (or target's) stat is lowered. If the user's/target's stat is raised/lowered by X stat ranks when the sync move is performed, then the attack's power multiplicatively increases by the factor of (1/6 × X), respectively. Since each stat in these effects rise/lower to a maximum of six stat ranks, their factors scale to the maximum of ×2.
    • Typical wording for single stat-gradual effects focused on one user's stats: "The more the user's [stat] is raised, the greater the power of this attack."
    • Typical wording for single stat-gradual effects focused on one target's stats: "The more the target's [stat] is lowered, the greater the power of this attack."
  • Multiple stat-gradual effects check how much all user's stats are raised or all the target's stats are lowered. If the user's/target's stats—including critical-hit rate as that is a stat in Pokémon Masters EX—are raised/lowered by Y stat ranks total when the sync move is performed, then the attack's power multiplicatively increases by the factor of [1/15 × (The smallest value between 18 & Y)], respectively. So, if the user's/target's stats are raised/lowered by a total of at least 18 stat ranks, then the sync move's factor reaches its maximum potential of ×2.2, respectively.
    • Typical wording for single multiple gradual effects focused on one user's stat: "The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack."
    • Typical wording for single multiple gradual effects focused on one target's stats: "The more the target's stat are lowered, the greater the power of this attack."

Here is a table showing the pattern among sync moves' powers:

General Properties

The sync move removes any status condition or status change that would prevent the Pokémon from using a Pokémon move (namely, Sleep, Freeze, and Flinch), it will also not trigger damage from Burn, Poison, and Trap, nor will it trigger HP regeneration. Furthermore, if the opponent has the Enduring effect—a status change allowing them to survive the first time their HP reaches 0—said effect won't be triggered, and the opponent will be defeated if their HP reaches 0 as a consequence of a sync move. If offensive, the sync move will always hit the opponent, regardless of the status conditions and negative accuracy stages of the user, and if the opponent is in the semi-invulnerable period of an offensive move, their move will be negated and the sync move will hit them. As a result, if the user has the Sure Hit Next effect—a status change that allows them not to miss the next hit—that effect won't be lost when using a sync move. Finally, the critical hit rate of the sync move is lower than that of the other offensive Pokémon moves—reaching only 80% if critical-hit rate is fully raised to three stat ranks. However, having the Critical Hit ↑ Next effect when using a sync move or both possessing a fully raised critical-hit rate and a skill/effect the makes sync moves' critical hits land more easily will make sync moves always land critical hits (except in special circumstances).

Also, all sync moves grant sync buffs to their users' team after they are used. Each sync buff multiplies a sync pair's damage from their attack moves, sync moves, and max moves by 1.5x (×150%), and sync buffs stack additively, which means that sync pairs with two of them deal double (or ×200%) damage, those with three deal 2.5× (or ×250%) damage, and so on.

6★ EX

Furthermore, sync pairs raised to 6★ EX get the following effects added to their sync move depending on their role:

  • Strike: Sync move targets all opponents in the field without the damage scaling despite becoming a spread move.
  • Tech: Sync move deals 1.5× more damage to the target.
  • Support: Doubles the number of sync buffs given to each teammate (from 1 to 2) the first time their sync move is used each battle.


Prior to version 1.9.0, upon entering any battle, a Sync Orb Chance could activate. If a sync move was used during such a battle, five sync pair-specific sync orbs (in single player) or 25 co-op sync orbs (in co-op) would be awarded.

List of sync moves

The following is a list of currently available sync moves.

Name Type Category Base Power Max Power Effect Sync Pair(s)
Abominable Ice Hammer Ice Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Hala & Crabominable
Absolute Zero Glaciate Ice Special 200 240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Ghetsis & Kyurem
Adorably Wild Dark Impact Dark Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Karen & Umbreon
All-about-Focus Avalanche Ice Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases during a hailstorm. Candice & Abomasnow
All-Out Offense Water Beam Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck
Always Researching Bug Impact Bug Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Bugsy & Scyther
Ancient Megalith Rock Impact Rock Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Regirock
Arm Thrust of Mighty Waves Fighting Physical 200 240 The more the opponent's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Brawly & Hariyama
Aqua Planet Origin Pulse Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Archie & Kyogre
Aquatic Prince Hydro Pump Water Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Wallace & Milotic
Audacious Multi-Attack Normal Physical 300 360 This attack's type is determined by the user's type change. Gladion & Silvally
Barefoot High Jump Kick Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Maylene & Medicham
Battle Fanatic Heat Crash Fire Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Hilda & Emboar
Beatdown Boss Fighting Impact Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Guzma (Special Costume) & Buzzwole
Bee-autiful Bug Impact Bug Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Lillie (New Year's 2021) & Ribombee
Beguiling Dark Pulse Dark Special 160 192 Become Mega Houndoom until the end of battle. Karen & Houndoom
Best Buddy Muddy Water Water Special 160 192 Become Mega Swampert until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the weather is rainy. May & Swampert
Big Dreams Behemoth Bash Steel Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target has a sync buff. Hop & Zamazenta
Blissful Echo Hyper Voice Normal Special 300 360 No additional effect. Cheryl & Blissey
Blue Flare to Change the World Fire Special 200 240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. N (Anniversary 2021) & Reshiram
Bold-Flavored Bloom Doom Grass Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is confused. Mallow & Tsareena
Bravest Brave Bird Flying Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Nate & Braviary
Bridging Bolt Strike Electric Physical 250 300 No additional effect. N & Zekrom
Broken Sleep Psychic Psychic Special 250 300 No additional effect. Caitlin & Reuniclus
Bug Expert Twineedle Bug Physical 160 192 Become Mega Beedrill until the end of battle. Bugsy & Beedrill
Bug Sync Beam Bug Special 200 240 No additional effect. Viola & Surskit; Scottie/Bettie & Venonat/Venomoth
Bug Sync Impact Bug Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill; Scottie/Bettie & Paras/Parasect; Scottie/Bettie & Scyther; Scottie/Bettie & Pinsir
Bump-in-the-Night Crunch Dark Physical 250 300 Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank. Hilbert (Fall 2020) & Mightyena
Burn-It-All Overheat Fire Special 250 300 No additional effect. Flint & Infernape
Card Shark Night Slash Dark Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Grimsley & Liepard
Champion Time Fire Blast Fire Special 250 300 No additional effect. Leon & Charizard
Cleansing Oblivion Wing Flying Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lysandre & Yveltal
Cobalt Justice Fighting Impact Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Cobalion
Coin Flip of Destiny Iron Head Steel Physical 200 240 The more the target's Defense is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Grimsley (Kimono) & Bisharp
Color of Joy Fairy Impact Fairy Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Burgh (Spring 2021) & Togepi
Crashdown Aqua Jet Water Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Crazy Cool Rock Tomb Rock Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Grant & Aurorus
Crowned Champion Ice Impact Ice Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Leon (Holiday 2021) & Calyrex
Crystal Clear Surf Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune
Crystalline Aqua Tail Water Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Kris & Feraligatr
Curious Flavor Ghost Beam Ghost Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lillie (Special Costume) & Polteageist
Cute Factor Disarming Voice Fairy Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lyra (Summer 2020) & Jigglypuff
Dark Authority Black Hole Eclipse Dark Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Nanu & Persian
Dark Tales of the Shadow Ball Ghost Special 250 300 No additional effect. Shauntal & Chandelure
Desert Spirit Dragon Beam Dragon Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when weather conditions are in effect. Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon
Dimensional Defender Draco Meteor Dragon Special 250 300 No additional effect. Zinnia & Rayquaza
Dragon Sage Outrage Dragon Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Iris & Haxorus
Dragon Sync Beam Dragon Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite (Support/Tech)
Dragon Sync Impact Dragon Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite (Strike)
Earthquake of Ancient Lore Ground Physical 160 192 Become Mega Garchomp until the end of battle. Cynthia & Garchomp
Ecosystem Core Enforcer Dragon Special 250 300 Transforms into Complete Forme until the end of battle. Sygna Suit Serena & Zygarde
Eerie Eyes Dark Impact Dark Physical 160 192 Become Mega Sableye until the end of battle. Caitlin (Fall 2021) & Sableye
Electric Sync Beam Electric Special 200 240 No additional effect. Lt. Surge & Voltorb; Scottie/Bettie & Voltorb/Electrode; Scottie/Bettie & Pichu/Pikachu/Raichu; Scottie/Bettie & Elekid/Electabuzz (Tech)
Electric Sync Impact Electric Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Elekid/Electabuzz (Support/Strike)
Emotional Void Spacial Rend Dragon Special 200 240 Critical hits land more easily. Cyrus & Palkia
Endless Possibilities Extreme Evoboost Normal Status Charges the user's move gauge by its current move level. Raises Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed, and accuracy of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Leaf & Eevee
Endless Summer Gigavolt Havoc Electric Special 250 300 No additional effect. Hau & Raichu
ESP Prodigy Psywave Psychic Special 160 192 Become Mega Alakazam until the end of battle. Sabrina & Alakazam
Eternal Champion Dragon Beam Dragon Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Leon & Eternatus
Express Line Bug Impact Bug Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Ingo (Special Costume) & Accelgor
Factory Head X-Scissor Bug Physical 160 192 Become Mega Pinsir until the end of battle. Noland & Pinsir
Fairy Sync Beam Fairy Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable (Strike); Scottie/Bettie & Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff (Support)
Fairy Sync Impact Fairy Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable (Support/Tech); Scottie/Bettie & Igglybuff/Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff (Tech/Strike)
Fashionista Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 250 300 No additional effect. Valerie & Sylveon
Fierce Flames Eruption Fire Special 250 300 No additional effect. Ethan & Typhlosion
Fiery Passion Overheat Fire Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Flannery & Torkoal
Fighting Sync Impact Fighting Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Brawly & Makuhita; Maylene & Meditite; Scottie/Bettie & Mankey/Primeape; Scottie/Bettie & Machop/Machoke/Machamp
Fire Dance Inferno Overdrive Fire Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Kiawe & Marowak
Fire Sync Beam Fire Special 200 240 No additional effect. Ethan & Cyndaquil/Quilava; Serena & Fennekin/Braixen; Scottie/Bettie & Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard; Scottie/Bettie & Vulpix/Ninetales; Scottie/Bettie & Magby/Magmar (Support/Strike)
Fire Sync Impact Fire Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Blaine & Ponyta; Hilda & Tepig/Pignite; Scottie/Bettie & Torchic; Scottie/Bettie & Growlithe/Arcanine; Scottie/Bettie & Ponyta/Rapidash; Scottie/Bettie & Magby/Magmar (Tech)
Flood the Stadium Liquidation Water Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is restrained. Nessa & Drednaw
Flyaway Air Cutter Flying Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Winona & Pelipper
Flying Sync Beam Flying Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Spearow/Fearow (Tech); Scottie/Bettie & Farfetch'd (Tech)
Flying Sync Impact Flying Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Spearow/Fearow (Support/Strike); Scottie/Bettie & Farfetch'd (Support/Strike)
Freezing Terror Blizzard Ice Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is frozen. Lorelei & Lapras
Friendship Forging Mist Ball Psychic Special 160 192 Become Mega Latias until the end of battle. The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. May (Anniversary 2022) & Latias
Full-Force Challenger Moonblast Fairy Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lillie & Clefairy
Full Speed Stone Edge Rock Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Emmet & Archeops
Fundamental Takedown Normal Physical 250 300 This attack's power increases when the user is affected by a status condition. Cheren & Stoutland
Gentlemanly Geomancy Fairy Status Charges the user's move gauge by two for each allied sync pair on the field. When used in a co-op battle, charges the move gauges of all allied players by two instead. The higher the user's move level, the more this move raises the Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed of all allied sync pairs (can be raised by up to six ranks maximum). Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Ghost Sync Beam Ghost Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Gastly/Haunter/Gengar
Ghost Sync Impact Ghost Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Phoebe & Dusclops
Give-It-All-Ya-Got Power-Up Punch Fighting Physical 160 192 Become Mega Lucario until the end of battle. Korrina & Lucario
Glacial Freeze-Dry Ice Special 160 192 Become Mega Glalie until the end of battle. Glacia & Glalie
Glorious Behemoth Blade Steel Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target has a sync buff. Gloria & Zacian
Good Tidings Air Slash Flying Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is affected by a status condition. Skyla (Holiday 2020) & Togekiss
Goodest Boy Wild Charge Electric Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sonia & Yamper
Gourmet Octazooka Water Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Siebold (Holiday 2019) & Octillery
Grass Sync Beam Grass Special 200 240 No additional effect. Rosa & Snivy/Servine; Lyra & Chikorita/Bayleef
Grass Sync Impact Grass Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Brendan & Treecko/Grovyle; Ramos & Weepinbell; Dawn & Turtwig/Grotle; Selene & Rowlet/Dartrix; Scottie/Bettie & Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur; Scottie/Bettie & Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebel; Scottie/Bettie & Tangela
Grateful Friend Flare Blitz Fire Physical 200 240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Marley & Arcanine
Ground Sync Impact Ground Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Clay & Palpitoad; Scottie/Bettie & Sandshrew/Sandslash; Scottie/Bettie & Cubone/Marowak
Groundbreaking Precipice Blades Ground Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Maxie & Groudon
Hangry Wild Charge Electric Physical 200 240 When the user is in Hangry Mode, the user changes to Full Belly Mode. This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Marnie & Morpeko
Haughty Laugh Grass Impact Grass Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sonia (Special Costume) & Tsareena
Heart of Gold Leaf Storm Grass Special 200 240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Lyra & Meganium
Heartsoaring Hurricane Flying Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the zone is Flying Zone. Skyla (Anniversary 2022) & Tornadus
Heart-Thumping Fighting Impact Fighting Physical 200 240 Become Mega Lopunny until the end of battle. After this sync move is used for the first time each battle, it becomes Fighting type until the end of battle.Note May (Spring 2021) & Mega Lopunny
Heart-Thumping Normal Impact Normal Physical 200 240 Become Mega Lopunny until the end of battle. After this sync move is used for the first time each battle, it becomes Fighting type until the end of battle. May (Spring 2021) & Lopunny
Heaviest Sleeper Normal Impact Normal Physical 300 360 No additional effect. Red & Snorlax
Heel Turn Malicious Moonsault Dark Physical 200 240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. The Masked Royal & Incineroar
Hellooo Feint Attack Dark Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Rachel & Umbreon
High Fashion Thunderbolt Electric Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom
High-Flying Sky Attack Flying Physical 200 240 The more the user's Speed is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Skyla & Swanna
High-Stakes Liquidation Water Physical 160 192 Become Mega Sharpedo until the end of battle. Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo
Historymaker Clanging Scales Dragon Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o
Honor Student Power Gem Rock Special 250 300 No additional effect. Roxanne & Probopass
Hope and Happiness Electric Beam Electric Special 250 300 No additional effect. Volkner (New Year's 2022) & Electivire
Ice Sync Beam Ice Special 200 240 No additional effect. Pryce & Seel; Scottie/Bettie & Seel/Dewgong; Scottie/Bettie & Lapras
Illuminating Roar of Time Dragon Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the zone is Dragon Zone. Lucas & Dialga
Insectible Struggle Bug Bug Special 250 300 No additional effect. Burgh & Leavanny
Iron Will Steel Beam Steel Special 250 300 No additional effect. Jasmine (Special Costume) & Celesteela
Island Splintered Stormshards Rock Physical 250 300 Removes the Physical and Special Damage Reduction effects from the opponents' field of play. Kukui & Lycanroc
Kickback Summer Fairy Impact Fairy Physical 200 240 The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this attack. Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl
Late Fee Bubble Beam Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Barry & Empoleon
Leaf Blade of Sundering Grass Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Brendan & Sceptile
Light-Up-The-World Thunderbolt Electric Special 200 240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Clemont & Heliolisk
Lights, Camera, Ice Shard Ice Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Brycen & Cryogonal
Living Legend Blast Burn Fire Special 160 192 Become Mega Charizard X until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank. Sygna Suit Red & Charizard
Lonely Flower Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Phoebe & Dusknoir
Loving Light That Burns the Sky Psychic Special 250 300 Become Ultra Necrozma until the end of battle. Sygna Suit Lusamine & Necrozma
Loyal Butler Brave Bird Flying Physical 200 240 The more the target's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Darach & Staraptor
Magnificent Winds Aerial Ace Flying Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Falkner & Swellow
Make It Double Sludge Poison Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. James & Weezing
Master Thespian Moonblast Fairy Special 160 192 Become Mega Gardevoir until the end of battle. Diantha & Gardevoir
Mermaid Duo Hydro Pump Water Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Sygna Suit Misty & Vaporeon
Merry and Bright Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 250 300 No additional effect. Erika (Holiday 2020) & Comfey
Midnight Fright Ghost Impact Ghost Physical 160 192 Become Mega Banette until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the target is burned. Morty (Fall 2021) & Banette
Mind-Bending Psychic Psychic Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Calem & Meowstic
Miracle Idol Draco Meteor Dragon Special 160 192 Become Mega Altaria until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when there are no field effects on the opponents' field of play and also no effects on the entire field of play, including weather, terrain, or zone effects.Note Lisia & Altaria
Modern Ninja Sludge Bomb Poison Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Koga & Crobat
Moonlight Leaf Blade Grass Physical 200 240 Critical hits land more easily. Selene & Decidueye
Most Elite Fairy Beam Fairy Special 200 240 This attack’s power increases when the target is confused. Bede & Hatterene
Most Excellent Night Slash Dark Physical 160 192 Become Mega Absol until the end of battle. Critical hits land more easily. This attack's power increases when the target is confused. Sidney & Absol
Motherly Love Savage Spin-Out Bug Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lusamine & Pheromosa
Mystery Masquerade Psychic Psychic Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is confused. Will & Xatu
Mystical Fire of Positivity Fire Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is asleep. Serena & Delphox
Mystic Seer Phantom Force Ghost Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Morty & Drifblim
Nature-Loving Petal Dance Grass Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Erika & Vileplume
Naughty or Noice Ice Impact Ice Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases during a hailstorm. Nessa (Holiday 2021) & Eiscue
Never-Ending Royal Nightmare Ghost Physical 200 240 The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Acerola & Palossand
New Beginning Dragon Impact Dragon Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Zinnia & Salamence
New Dawn Wood Hammer Grass Physical 200 240 The more the user's Attack is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Dawn & Torterra
Nightmares Begone Lunar Dance Psychic Status Restores the HP of all allied sync pairs other than the user by approximately 20% of their maximum HP. The higher the user's move level, the higher this percentage is. (Each additional move level increases the amount of HP restored by 5%. The maximum HP restoration is approximately 40% of their maximum HP.) Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs. Removes the confused, flinching, and trapped conditions from all allied sync pairs. Charges the user's move gauge by 6. Sygna Suit Dawn & Cresselia
Ninja Spirit Cross Poison Poison Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Janine & Ariados
No Brakes Drill Run Ground Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Ingo & Excadrill
No Competition Stone Edge Rock Physical 160 192 Become Mega Aerodactyl until the end of battle. Blue (Classic) & Aerodactyl
No Encores Throat Chop Dark Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Piers & Obstagoon
No Mercy Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 250 300 No additional effect. Clair & Kingdra
Normal Sync Beam Normal Special 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Porygon; Scottie/Bettie & Happiny/Chansey (Support/Tech)
Normal Sync Impact Normal Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Rattata/Raticate; Scottie/Bettie & Meowth/Persian; Scottie/Bettie & Lickitung; Scottie/Bettie & Kangaskhan; Scottie/Bettie & Tauros; Scottie/Bettie & Happiny/Chansey (Strike); Scottie/Bettie & Munchlax/Snorlax
Old Growth Razor Leaf Grass Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is asleep. Ramos & Victreebel
Oversplash Aqua Tail Water Physical 200 240 The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Marlon & Carracosta
Peace and Tranquility Psychic Beam Psychic Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sabrina (New Year's 2022) & Chingling
Perfect Swarm Attack Order Bug Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Aaron & Vespiquen
Perfect World Dark Pulse Dark Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the zone is Dark Zone. Sygna Suit Cyrus & Darkrai
Pike Queen Poison Fang Poison Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Lucy & Seviper
Poison Sync Beam Poison Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Zubat/Golbat; Scottie/Bettie & Grimer/Muk; Scottie/Bettie & Koffing/Weezing
Poison Sync Impact Poison Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Roxie & Whirlipede; Scottie/Bettie & Ekans/Arbok; Scottie/Bettie & Nidoran♀/Nidorina/Nidoqueen
Pokémon Professor Psychic Psychic Special 250 300 No additional effect. Professor Oak & Mew
Post-analysis Flash Cannon Steel Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Thorton & Bronzong
Power-Chasing Giga Impact Normal Physical 300 360 No additional effect. Norman & Slaking
Power-Hungry Sacred Fire Fire Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Silver & Ho-Oh
Prepare for Trouble Acid Poison Special 250 300 No additional effect. Jessie & Arbok
Princess Power Rock Impact Rock Physical 160 192 Become Mega Diancie until the end of battle. Hilda (Special Costume) & Diancie
Psychic Epilogue Psychic Special 200 240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lucian & Girafarig
Psychic of Duality Psychic Special 250 300 No additional effect. Liza & Lunatone
Psychic Sync Beam Psychic Special 200 240 No additional effect. Calem & Espurr; Scottie/Bettie & Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam; Scottie/Bettie & Exeggcute/Exeggutor
Quizmaster Flame Charge Fire Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Blaine & Rapidash
Radical Poison Jab Poison Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Roxie & Scolipede
Rainbow-Hued Sacred Fire Fire Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Morty & Ho-Oh
Rallying Close Combat Fighting Physical 160 192 Become Mega Gallade until the end of battle. Raises the user's critical-hit rate by one stat rank. Wally & Gallade
Renegade Shadow Force Ghost Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the zone is Ghost Zone. Sygna Suit Cynthia (Renegade) & Giratina
Righteous Heart Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Drake & Salamence
Rising Dragon Flying Impact Flying Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Lance (New Year's 2021) & Gyarados
Rock Head Smash Rock Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Roark & Rampardos
Rock Sync Beam Rock Special 200 240 No additional effect. Roxanne & Nosepass; Scottie/Bettie & Omanyte/Omastar (Support/Strike); Scottie/Bettie & Kabuto/Kabutops
Rock Sync Impact Rock Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Roark & Cranidos; Grant & Amaura; Scottie/Bettie & Geodude/Graveler/Golem; Scottie/Bettie & Onix; Scottie/Bettie & Omanyte/Omastar (Tech); Scottie/Bettie & Aerodactyl
Rock-Bottom Bulldoze Ground Physical 200 240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Clay & Seismitoad
Rock-Solid Rockslide Rock Physical 200 240 The more the target's Speed is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Brock & Onix
Seaside Sister Hydro Vortex Water Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Lana & Araquanid
Semisweet Fairy Beam Fairy Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Serena (Palentine's 2021) & Whimsicott
Shining Friendship Sunraze Smash Steel Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Solgaleo
Shining Gem Continental Crush Rock Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Olivia & Lycanroc
Shining Hope Moongeist Beam Ghost Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lillie (Anniversary 2021) & Lunala
Shining Knight Iron Head Steel Physical 200 240 The more the opponent's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Wikstrom & Aegislash
Shining Soul Aeroblast Flying Special 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Ethan & Lugia
Shining Spotlight Wild Bolt Electric Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Elesa & Zebstrika
Shining Valor Fighting Beam Fighting Special 200 240 Deals damage based on the target's Defense rather than Sp. Def. The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Diantha (Special Costume) & Keldeo
Shoot for the Stars Leaf Storm Grass Special 250 300 No additional effect. Rosa & Serperior
Showstopping Electric Beam Electric Special 200 240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Elesa (Classic) & Emolga
Shy Sister Fire Impact Fire Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Evelyn & Entei
Silver Wind Victory Shot Bug Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Viola & Masquerain
Silent Mystery Ghost Beam Ghost Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is restrained. Allister & Gengar
Singularity Hyperspace Hole Psychic Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when none of the target's stats are raised. Lear & Hoopa
Solid Steel Meteor Mash Steel Physical 160 192 Become Mega Metagross until the end of battle. Steven & Metagross
Soulful Dancer Shadow Ball Ghost Special 250 300 No additional effect. Fantina & Mismagius
Special Delivery Drill Peck Flying Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Rosa (Holiday 2019) & Delibird
Star Shock Thunder Fang Electric Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Volkner & Luxray
Staunch Ally Night Slash Dark Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sawyer & Honchkrow
Steel Sync Beam Steel Special 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Magnemite/Magneton (Support/Strike)
Steel Sync Impact Steel Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Magnemite/Magneton (Tech)
Steel-Clad Iron Tail Steel Physical 160 192 Become Mega Steelix until the end of battle. The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Jasmine & Steelix
Storm Clout Steel Beam Steel Special 250 300 No additional effect. Raihan & Duraludon
Summer Soaking Water Beam Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Gloria (Summer 2021) & Inteleon
Sunny Snooze Leaf Blade Grass Physical 200 240 Critical hits land more easily. This attack's power increases when the weather is sunny. Sygna Suit Erika & Leafeon
Sunshine Oceanic Operetta Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Elio & Primarina
Supercute Rolling Tackle Normal Physical 250 300 This attack's power increases when the target is paralyzed. Whitney & Miltank
Supernova Corkscrew Crash Steel Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Molayne & Dugtrio
Supersonic Skystrike Drive Flying Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Kahili & Toucannon
Surging Charge Beam Electric Special 200 240 The more the target's Sp. Atk is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Lt. Surge & Electrode
Sweet Tooth Ice Impact Ice Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Bea (Palentine's 2022) & Vanilluxe
Sweetheart Steel Impact Steel Physical 160 192 Become Mega Mawile until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the zone is Steel Zone. Marnie (Palentine's 2022) & Mawile
Sygnature Rock-Solid Stone Edge Rock Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar
Tales of Mystery Ghost Beam Ghost Special 250 300 No additional effect. Morty & Mismagius
Team Effort Earthquake Ground Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases during a sandstorm. Bertha & Hippowdon
Tenacious Frenzy Plant Grass Special 160 192 Become Mega Venusaur until the end of battle. This attack's power increases when the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur
The True Razor Shell Water Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Hilbert & Samurott
Thunder of Newfound Passion Electric Special 250 300 No additional effect. Scottie/Bettie & Pikachu
Time-Transcending Magical Leaf Grass Special 200 240 This attack’s power increases when the terrain is Grassy Terrain. Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi
Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam Water Special 200 240 The more the user's Sp. Def is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Misty & Starmie
Too Cool Icicle Crash Ice Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Steven (Summer 2020) & Sandslash
Top Dog Fire Beam Fire Special 250 300 No additional effect. Blue & Arcanine
Trained-to-the-Max Dynamic Punch Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Bruno & Machamp
Trick-or-Treat Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is confused. Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu
Tried-and-True Hex Ghost Special 160 192 Become Mega Gengar until the end of the battle. This attack's power increases when the target is asleep. Agatha & Gengar
Triple Threat Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 200 240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Iris (Champion) & Hydreigon
Triumph and Glory Dragon Ascent Flying Physical 160 192 Become Mega Rayquaza until the end of battle. Steven (Anniversary 2021) & Rayquaza
Triumphant Hydro Cannon Water Special 160 192 Become Mega Blastoise until the end of battle. The more the user's Defense is raised, the greater the power of this attack. Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise
Truth-Seeking Future Sight Psychic Special 200 240 The more the target's Sp. Def is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Bianca & Musharna
Ultimately Worthy Tectonic Rage Ground Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Hapu & Mudsdale
Unrivaled Outrage Dragon Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Lance & Dragonite
Unstoppable Ambition Ground Impact Ground Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking
Unstoppable Avalanche Ice Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Wulfric & Avalugg
Victory Joust Bug Impact Bug Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Emmet (Special Costume) & Escavalier
Vivid Leaf Storm Grass Special 250 300 No additional effect. Gardenia & Roserade
Voyager's Bug Buzz Bug Special 250 300 No additional effect. Alder & Volcarona
Wandering Artist Twinkle Tackle Fairy Physical 200 240 The more the opponent's Attack is lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Mina & Granbull
Water Pulse Du Jour Water Special 250 300 No additional effect. Siebold & Clawitzer
Water Sync Beam Water Special 200 240 No additional effect. Barry & Piplup/Prinplup; May & Mudkip/Marshtomp; Elio & Popplio/Brionne; Scottie/Bettie & Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise; Scottie/Bettie & Shellder/Cloyster (Support/Strike); Scottie/Bettie & Goldeen/Seaking; Scottie/Bettie & Horsea/Seadra; Scottie/Bettie & Staryu/Starmie; Scottie/Bettie & Magikarp/Gyarados
Water Sync Impact Water Physical 200 240 No additional effect. Kris & Totodile/Croconaw; Hilbert & Oshawott/Dewott; Scottie/Bettie & Shellder/Cloyster (Tech)
Way-of-the-Warrior Focus Punch Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Marshal & Conkeldurr
Whipped Cream Fairy Beam Fairy Special 200 240 The more the target's stats are lowered, the greater the power of this attack. Dawn (Palentine's 2021) & Alcremie
Whiz Kid Gigavolt Havoc Electric Physical 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is flinching. Sophocles & Togedemaru
Wicked Enforcer Acid Downpour Poison Special 250 300 No additional effect. Plumeria & Salazzle
Winter's Lesson Aurora Beam Ice Special 250 300 No additional effect. Pryce & Dewgong
Wondrous Rainbow Grass Beam Grass Special 200 240 This attack's power increases when the target is trapped. Erika & Tangela
World Domination Psystrike Psychic Special 250 300 Become Mega Mewtwo Y until the end of battle*. Giovanni & Mewtwo
World-Swallowing Hurricane Flying Special 160 192 Become Mega Pidgeot until the end of battle. Blue & Pidgeot
Worthy Foe Meteor Assault Fighting Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Bea & Sirfetch'd
Your Boy's X-Scissor Bug Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Guzma & Golisopod
Zap-tastic Electric Beam Electric Special 250 300 No additional effect. Lt. Surge & Raichu
Zen Headbutt of Duality Psychic Physical 250 300 No additional effect. Tate & Solrock


  • Tomboyish Mermaid Bubble Beam, High-Flying Sky Attack, Grateful Friend Flare Blitz, Heart of Gold Leaf Storm, Steel-Clad Iron Tail, New Dawn Wood Hammer, and Triumphant Hydro Cannon are the seven only damage-dealing sync moves with power-increasing effects that support sync pairs own.
  • Ignoring sync moves with conditions requiring specific weather, terrain, or zone effects to be present, Freezing Terror Blizzard, Miracle Idol Draco Meteor, and Desert Spirit Dragon Beam are the only sync moves with unique conditions for their power-increasing effects (i.e., targeting a frozen opponent, zero field effects being in the field of play, any weather being in effect, respectively).
    • Due to those condition, this sync move is the only Dragon-type attack that is potentially less powerful in a Dragon Zone (1.5× damage) than outside it (2× damage if no field effects are present).
  • Island Splintered Stormshards is the only sync move that removes any field effects.
  • All non-damaging sync moves charge their user's move gauges and are owned by support sync pairs.
  • Audacious Multi-Attack is the first sync move that can have its type changed—succeeded by Heart-Thumping Normal Impact.
    • Audacious Multi-Attack is also the only sync move that can be any type.
  • Gentlemanly Geomancy is the only sync move with its info box saying that it targets all allies.
  • May (Spring 2021) & Lopunny are the only sync pair with two sync moves of different names and types, Heart-Thumping Normal Impact and Heart-Thumping Fighting Impact. The one in use depends on whether Lopunny Mega Evolved in battle.
  • Storm Clout Steel Beam has the same second half of its name as generic special Steel-type sync moves, but unlike the latters, the former is based on a move from the core series of games.
  • World Domination Psystrike is the only sync move that can be affected by a power boost.
    • With a power boost, it is also the only Mega-Evolving sync move with 250-300 power.
  • Nightmares Begone Lunar Dance is the only sync move with the "Heals" effect tag.
  • Desert Spirit Dragon Beam is the only sync move used by an anniversary-commemorating sync pair, Raihan (Anniversary 2021) & Flygon, not to be based on a move.
  • Express Line Bug Impact and Friendship Forging Mist Ball are the only sync moves used by sync pairs with "Wish" Trainer moves to have conditions of their power-increasing effects be different from having their corresponding field effects active while using their sync moves.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 拍組招式 Paakjóu Jīusīk
Mandarin 拍組招式 Pāizǔ Zhāoshì
  French Capacité Duo
  German Gefährtenattacke
  Italian Unimossa
  Korean 버디즈기술 Buddies Giseul
  Spanish Movimiento compi

See also

  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.