Battle Now (Colosseum)

Battle Now is one of the two options for Pokémon Colosseum's Battle Mode. While the Colosseum Battle requires the player to use Pokémon they have obtained, Battle Now instead provides rental teams to allow a player to battle immediately. Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness' Quick Battle is almost identical to this mode, expanding it to allow a two-player option.


In Pokémon Colosseum's Battle Now mode, the player may participate in quick battles that draw from a small set of predefined teams and opponents. The battles are set in Phenac Colosseum and the player can choose from four different battle difficulties, Easy, Normal, Hard, or Ultimate, and two battle types, Single or Double. For each difficulty level and each battle type there are eight possible opponents. When the player chooses to play, they are offered a team that corresponds to the team of one of these opponents, and if they accept that team, their opponent will be chosen from one of the remaining opponents.

The Battle Now opponents can also be found in the Battle Modes of Mt. Battle; they are entirely unchanged, with the exception that Trainers who were designated as Area Leaders in Mt. Battle are instead classed as Supertrainers in Battle Now. Higher difficulty levels correspond to higher Mt. Battle Areas.

Single Battles

  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Each Single Battle Trainer should have full team data, like all the Trainers listed under Double Battles


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Eargle
ネビー Nebi
  Pichu Lv.50
No item
  Makuhita Lv.50
No item
  Poochyena Lv.50
No item
  Duskull Lv.50
No item
  Seedot Lv.50
No item
  Zigzagoon Lv.50
No item
Lady Zoila
オリエ Orie
  Marill Lv.50
No item
  Zubat Lv.50
No item
  Barboach Lv.50
No item
  Slugma Lv.50
No item
  Ledyba Lv.50
No item
  Skitty Lv.50
No item
Fun Old Man Grund
カドン Kadon
  Wynaut Lv.50
No item
  Swinub Lv.50
No item
  Sentret Lv.50
No item
  Hoothoot Lv.50
No item
  Kirlia Lv.50
No item
  Wingull Lv.50
No item
Roller Boy Gars
ツリー Tsuri
  Jigglypuff Lv.50
No item
  Meditite Lv.50
No item
  Spheal Lv.50
No item
  Mareep Lv.50
No item
  Geodude Lv.50
No item
  Spinarak Lv.50
No item
Hunter Ladin
ツナミ Tsunami
  Electrike Lv.50
No item
  Vulpix Lv.50
No item
  Slakoth Lv.50
No item
  Pineco Lv.50
No item
  Shuppet Lv.50
No item
  Horsea Lv.50
No item
Bodybuilder Rapoz
シュミト Shumito
  Shroomish Lv.50
No item
  Whismur Lv.50
No item
  Snorunt Lv.50
No item
  Surskit Lv.50
No item
  Pikachu Lv.50
No item
  Sandshrew Lv.50
No item
Rich Boy Denc
ユージン Yūjin
  Cyndaquil Lv.50
No item
  Abra Lv.50
No item
  Doduo Lv.50
No item
  Machop Lv.50
No item
  Totodile Lv.50
No item
  Swablu Lv.50
No item
Guy Ardo
ブリンク Burinku
  Spoink Lv.50
No item
  Grimer Lv.50
No item
  Nincada Lv.50
No item
  Aron Lv.50
No item
  Luvdisc Lv.50
No item
  Houndour Lv.50
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Lohon
  Corsola Lv.50
No item
  Skiploom Lv.50
No item
  Machoke Lv.50
No item
  Plusle Lv.50
No item
  Beautifly Lv.50
No item
  Linoone Lv.50
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hunter Gohn
  Minun Lv.50
No item
  Ariados Lv.50
No item
  Rhyhorn Lv.50
No item
  Houndour Lv.50
No item
  Corphish Lv.50
No item
  Wobbuffet Lv.50
No item
Glasses Man Acron
  Snorunt Lv.50
No item
  Grimer Lv.50
No item
  Psyduck Lv.50
No item
  Magnemite Lv.50
No item
  Cyndaquil Lv.50
No item
  Larvitar Lv.50
No item
Bodybuilder Rawles
  Chimecho Lv.50
No item
  Doduo Lv.50
No item
  Abra Lv.50
No item
  Treecko Lv.50
No item
  Voltorb Lv.50
No item
  Staryu Lv.50
No item
Chaser Mandev
  Delibird Lv.50
No item
  Flaaffy Lv.50
No item
  Spoink Lv.50
No item
  Swablu Lv.50
No item
  Tentacool Lv.50
No item
  Numel Lv.50
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Athlete Gulor
  Castform Lv.50
No item
  Natu Lv.50
No item
  Wailmer Lv.50
No item
  Metang Lv.50
No item
  Shelgon Lv.50
No item
  Mightyena Lv.50
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Rich Boy Benit
  Ninjask Lv.50
No item
  Dodrio Lv.50
No item
  Tropius Lv.50
No item
  Mantine Lv.50
No item
  Xatu Lv.50
No item
  Salamence Lv.50
No item
Hunter Cewan
  Grumpig Lv.50
No item
  Hariyama Lv.50
No item
  Granbull Lv.50
No item
  Banette Lv.50
No item
  Torkoal Lv.50
No item
  Raichu Lv.50
No item
Fun Old Lady Perstin
  Shiftry Lv.50
No item
  Electrode Lv.50
No item
  Exploud Lv.50
No item
  Tentacruel Lv.50
No item
  Golem Lv.50
No item
  Glalie Lv.50
No item
Cooltrainer Dazon
  Bellossom Lv.50
No item
  Rhydon Lv.50
No item
  Gorebyss Lv.50
No item
  Weezing Lv.50
No item
  Magneton Lv.50
No item
  Alakazam Lv.50
No item
Athlete Ziale
  Cradily Lv.50
No item
  Pinsir Lv.50
No item
  Armaldo Lv.50
No item
  Miltank Lv.50
No item
  Claydol Lv.50
No item
  Wailord Lv.50
No item
Hunter Corvin
  Donphan Lv.50
No item
  Golduck Lv.50
No item
  Zangoose Lv.50
No item
  Ampharos Lv.50
No item
  Heracross Lv.50
No item
  Houndoom Lv.50
No item
Glasses Man Dunor
  Muk Lv.50
No item
  Sharpedo Lv.50
No item
  Ninetales Lv.50
No item
  Porygon2 Lv.50
No item
  Machamp Lv.50
No item
  Gardevoir Lv.50
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Rebin
  Blaziken Lv.50
No item
  Vileplume Lv.50
No item
  Lanturn Lv.50
No item
  Glalie Lv.50
No item
  Granbull Lv.50
No item
  Banette Lv.50
No item
Cooltrainer Cruik
  Entei Lv.50
No item
  Golem Lv.50
No item
  Muk Lv.50
No item
  Torkoal Lv.50
No item
  Manectric Lv.50
No item
  Tentacruel Lv.50
No item
Hunter Parel
  Swampert Lv.50
No item
  Alakazam Lv.50
No item
  Ludicolo Lv.50
No item
  Walrein Lv.50
No item
  Golduck Lv.50
No item
  Exploud Lv.50
No item
Athlete Nomol
  Raikou Lv.50
No item
  Ninetales Lv.50
No item
  Weezing Lv.50
No item
  Shuckle Lv.50
No item
  Armaldo Lv.50
No item
  Xatu Lv.50
No item
Fun Old Lady Desor
  Meganium Lv.50
No item
  Typhlosion Lv.50
No item
  Feraligatr Lv.50
No item
  Espeon Lv.50
No item
  Umbreon Lv.50
No item
  Pinsir Lv.50
No item
Bodybuilder Eldora
  Suicune Lv.50
No item
  Ampharos Lv.50
No item
  Claydol Lv.50
No item
  Stantler Lv.50
No item
  Porygon2 Lv.50
No item
  Donphan Lv.50
No item
Hunter Lisan
  Metagross Lv.50
No item
  Cradily Lv.50
No item
  Machamp Lv.50
No item
  Skarmory Lv.50
No item
  Rhydon Lv.50
No item
  Hariyama Lv.50
No item
Cooltrainer Tynan
  Heracross Lv.50
No item
  Wobbuffet Lv.50
No item
  Milotic Lv.50
No item
  Dodrio Lv.50
No item
  Cacturne Lv.50
No item
  Sableye Lv.50
No item

Double Battles






  • The Original Trainer of the Pokémon the player uses is always the OT of the Trainer whose team they originally were from.
  • Porygon2 is the only Pokémon seen in Battle Mode that couldn't be obtained in any Generation III game at the time of Colosseum's release.

  This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.