Swarm (Ability)

Swarm むしのしらせ
Bug Notification
Flavor text
Generation III
Ups Bug moves in a pinch.
Generation IV
Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.
Generation V
Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.
Generation VI
Powers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon is in trouble.
Generation VII
Powers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.
Generation VIII
Powers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.
Generation IX
Powers up Bug-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.

Swarm (Japanese: むしのしらせ Bug Notification) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

Generations III to IV

When a Pokémon with Swarm uses a Bug-type move, the move's power will be increased by 50% if the user has less than or equal to ⅓ of its maximum HP remaining.

Generations V onward

Instead of boosting Bug-type moves' power, Swarm now technically boosts the Pokémon's Attack or Special Attack by 50% during damage calculation if a Bug-type move is being used, resulting in effectively the same effect.

Outside of battle

In Pokémon Emerald, if the first Pokémon in the player's party has this Ability, the frequency of cries of wild Pokémon that are heard in the overworld is increased. Despite the fact this mechanic also exists in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, Swarm has no overworld effect there.

Pokémon with Swarm

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison Swarm None Sniper
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying Swarm TechnicianGen IV+ Steadfast
0165   Ledyba
Bug Flying Swarm Early Bird Rattled
0166   Ledian
Bug Flying Swarm Early Bird Iron Fist
0167   Spinarak
Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
0168   Ariados
Bug Poison Swarm Insomnia Sniper
0212   Scizor
Bug Steel Swarm TechnicianGen IV+ Light Metal
0214   Heracross
Bug Fighting Swarm Guts Moxie
0267   Beautifly
Bug Flying Swarm None Rivalry
0313   Volbeat
Bug Bug Illuminate Swarm Prankster
0402   Kricketune
Bug Bug Swarm None Technician
0414   Mothim
Bug Flying Swarm None Tinted Lens
0540   Sewaddle
Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
0542   Leavanny
Bug Grass Swarm Chlorophyll Overcoat
0543   Venipede
Bug Poison Poison Point Swarm Speed BoostGen VI+
0544   Whirlipede
Bug Poison Poison Point Swarm Speed BoostGen VI+
0545   Scolipede
Bug Poison Poison Point Swarm Speed BoostGen VI+
0588   Karrablast
Bug Bug Swarm Shed Skin No Guard
0589   Escavalier
Bug Steel Swarm Shell Armor Overcoat
0595   Joltik
Bug Electric Compound Eyes Unnerve Swarm
0596   Galvantula
Bug Electric Compound Eyes Unnerve Swarm
0632   Durant
Bug Steel Swarm Hustle Truant
0636   Larvesta
Bug Fire Flame Body None Swarm
0637   Volcarona
Bug Fire Flame Body None Swarm
0736   Grubbin
Bug Bug Swarm None None
0824   Blipbug
Bug Bug Swarm Compound Eyes Telepathy
0825   Dottler
Bug Psychic Swarm Compound Eyes Telepathy
0826   Orbeetle
Bug Psychic Swarm Frisk Telepathy
0900   Kleavor
Bug Rock Swarm Sheer Force SharpnessGen IX+
0919   Nymble
Bug Bug Swarm None Tinted Lens
0920   Lokix
Bug Dark Swarm None Tinted Lens
Please note that abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

If a Pokémon with Swarm is below 25% of its HP, the power of Bug-type moves increases by 2-timesRBTDS or 1.5-timesGtISMD.

Pokémon Conquest

In Pokémon Conquest, Swarm will increase user's Attack if the Pokémon using it is below ⅓ of its HP.


Games Description
MDRB Boosts the power of Bug-type moves when HP is low.
MDTDS Boosts the power of the Pokémon's Bug-type moves when its HP is low.
BSL HPがへって ピンチになると むしタイプの わざが つよくなる
Conq. Raises Attack when HP is low.
MDGtI When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of its Bug-type moves goes up.*
When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Bug-type moves goes up!*
SMD When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Bug-type moves goes up!
MDRTDX When the Pokémon's HP is low, the power of Bug-type moves goes up.

In the anime

The Pokémon's Bug-type moves become more powerful when it gets tired or weak.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
  When Leavanny becomes tired or weak, its outline becomes surrounded by a light-green aura, powering up its Bug-type moves.
Ash's Leavanny Strong Strategy Steals the Show! Debut
  When Lokix becomes tired or weak, its body becomes covered by a light-green aura, powering up its Bug-type moves.
Katy's Lokix HZ056 None

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures


  • The Japanese name for Swarm, むしのしらせ Mushi no Shirase (Bug Notification), is a Japansese expression that translates to "foreboding; premonition; gut feeling". This is reflected by the way the Ability works, as the Pokémon is preparing itself for a tough fight by making itself stronger.
  • Swarm was the first Ability in the anime to be a Pokémon's confirmed Ability without getting activated.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 蟲之預感 Chùhng-jī Yuhgám *
預感 Yuhgám *
Mandarin 蟲之預感 / 虫之预感 Chóng-zhī Yùgǎn *
預感 Yùgǎn *
  Dutch Zwerm
  Finnish Parvi
  French Essaim
  German Hexaplaga
  Indonesian Berkerumun
  Italian Aiutinsetto
  Korean 벌레의 알림 Beolle-yi Allim
  Polish Rój
  Portuguese Enxame
  Russian Рой Roy
  Spanish Enjambre
  Thai ฝูงแมลง
  Vietnamese Điềm Báo Xấu

Variations of the Ability Swarm

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.