Shiftry is a bipedal, portly plant Pokémon that appears to be made of wood. A shaggy white mane covers most of its face and trails down its back. Long pointed ears poke out the top of its mane, and it has a long, pointed nose and a large mouth with teeth that are usually bared. Its eyes are yellow with black sclerae. This Pokémon's feet resemble Japanese tengu-geta. Three broad leaves with brown spokes form each of its hands and are used to create powerful winds close to 100 feet (30 meters) per second in speed. A female will have smaller leaves than a male.
Shiftry is a wicked, mysterious, and very rare Pokémon that lives atop ancient trees in deep tropical forests. It arrives with freezing winds and is feared by people as the guardian of the forest. It is said that when Shiftry does this, the winter season will arrive. It can read an opponent's mind and then take preemptive action. In the Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episode Jump for Joy!, it was shown to lead large groups of Seedot and Nuzleaf. Folklore states that Shiftry was once an evil bird Pokémon before its wings and beak were replaced as punishment for its misdemeanor.
Shiftry evolves from Nuzleaf and is the final form of Seedot.
(For specifics on this Pokémon's Evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)
Major appearances
Shiftry made its animated series debut in Jump for Joy!. The Wicked Pokémon kidnapped Nurse Joy and took her to its lair to aid a wounded Nuzleaf.
In Choose It or Lose It!, Tyson used a Shiftry during the Ever Grande Conference. In At the End of the Fray, it battled Ash's Torkoal but was defeated.
In From Cradle to Save, Angela used a Shiftry to handle Team Rocket after they tried to steal the Pokémon of the Pokémon Ninja School.
In Ka Boom with a View!, a Shiftry was the first Pokémon Spenser used in his battle against Ash at the Battle Palace, eventually losing to Sceptile.
In Leave it to Brocko!, a Shiftry was the leader of a colony of Seedot and Nuzleaf.
In To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!, O's Shiftry competed in the Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament. During the tournament, it was able to knock Dawn, Barry, and their Pokémon out of the competition and helped O win his second consecutive title.
Three Shiftry appeared in Mystery on a Deserted Island!, where at least one of them was part of the Pirate's Pokémon crew. Multiple Shiftry later appeared on the Deserted Island with the treasure.
Minor appearances
Shiftry debuted in the opening sequence of Jirachi: Wish Maker, under the ownership of Brendan. It was used in a Double Battle alongside an Aggron.
A Shiftry appeared in a flashback in What You Seed is What You Get.
A Shiftry appeared in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys.
A Shiftry appeared in a fantasy in Pinch Healing!.
In One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!, a student used a Shiftry lent by the Pokémon Summer Academy in the first leg of the Pokémon Triathlon.
In Mystery on a Deserted Island!, Cilan's demonstration featured a Shiftry evolving from a Nuzleaf.
In A Talent for Imitation!, two Shiftry were the antagonists of a movie directed by Kublock.
In a flashback in Trials of a Budding Master!, a Trainer's Shiftry battled Ash in a World Coronation Series match.
A Shiftry appeared in Narrowing the Chaser Chase!, under the ownership of a Project Mew Challenger.
A Shiftry appeared in HZ072.
Pokédex entries
Ash's Pokédex
Shiftry, the Wicked Pokémon. Shiftry is a mysterious creature that lives deep within the forest. They are said to live in the tops of trees that are over a thousand years old.
Dawn's Pokédex
Shiftry, the Wicked Pokémon. Its large fan can cause winds in excess of one hundred feet per second and can blow anything away.
Shiftry seems to be based on a mature oak tree and a tengu, Japanese yōkai with long noses who use their supernatural powers to protect forests and play cruel tricks on people. Like Shiftry, tengu are often depicted with flowing white hair and wearing single-toothed wooden sandals called geta. They also wield magical fans that have the power to stir great winds, similar to Shiftry's leafy hands and ability to learn moves such as Whirlwind and Hurricane, as well as having the Wind Rider Ability. Additionally, its Shiny variant's reddish coloration may have been inspired by the tengu's trademark red skin. Its wooden, humanoid body and large mouth are also reminiscent of a nutcracker doll.
Name origin
Shiftry may be a combination of shifty (appearing deceitful) and tree.
Dirteng may be a combination of dirty (dishonest) and 天狗 tengu.