Keen Eye (Ability)

Keen Eye するどいめ
Keen Eye
Flavor text
Generation III
Prevents loss of accuracy.
Generation IV
Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy.
Generation V
Prevents other Pokémon from lowering accuracy.
Generation VI
Prevents other Pokémon from lowering accuracy.
Generation VII
Keen eyes prevent other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's accuracy.
Generation VIII
Keen eyes prevent other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's accuracy.
Generation IX
The Pokémon's keen eyes prevent its accuracy from being lowered.

Keen Eye (Japanese: するどいめ Keen Eye) is an Ability introduced in Generation III.


In battle

Generation III

Keen Eye prevents other Pokémon from lowering the accuracy stat stage of the Pokémon with this Ability. It does not prevent Spectral Thief from stealing (i.e., resetting) positive stat changes.

Effects that decrease accuracy without using stat stages, such as Wonder Skin and Sand Veil, are unaffected by Keen Eye.

This Ability can be ignored with Mold Breaker, Teravolt, and Turboblaze.

Generation VI

Keen Eye now also ignores the target's evasion stages.

Outside of battle

From Pokémon Emerald onward, if a Pokémon with Keen Eye is in the first place in the party (even if fainted), there is a 50% chance it will prevent a random wild encounter that would have occurred if the wild Pokémon would be at least 5 levels lower than the Pokémon with Keen Eye. It shares this effect with Intimidate.

In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver only, if a Pokémon with Keen Eye breaks a rock, it receives a flat 5% increase in odds of finding an item.

Generation VIII onwards

Keen Eye appears to have no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Keen Eye

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0016   Pidgey
Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled FeetGen IV+ Big Pecks
0017   Pidgeotto
Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled FeetGen IV+ Big Pecks
0018   Pidgeot
Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled FeetGen IV+ Big Pecks
0021   Spearow
Normal Flying Keen Eye None Sniper
0022   Fearow
Normal Flying Keen Eye None Sniper
0083   Farfetch'd
Normal Flying Keen Eye Inner Focus Defiant
0107   Hitmonchan
Fighting Fighting Keen Eye Iron FistGen IV+ Inner Focus
0161   Sentret
Normal Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
0162   Furret
Normal Normal Run Away Keen Eye Frisk
0163   Hoothoot
Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
0164   Noctowl
Normal Flying Insomnia Keen Eye Tinted Lens
0215   Sneasel
Dark Ice Inner Focus Keen Eye Pickpocket
0215   Sneasel
Hisuian Form
Fighting Poison Inner Focus Keen Eye PickpocketGen IX+
0227   Skarmory
Steel Flying Keen Eye Sturdy Weak Armor
0278   Wingull
Water Flying Keen Eye HydrationGen VII+ Rain Dish
0279   Pelipper
Water Flying Keen Eye DrizzleGen VII+ Rain Dish
0302   Sableye
Dark Ghost Keen Eye StallGen IV+ Prankster
0396   Starly
Normal Flying Keen Eye None RecklessGen VI+
0431   Glameow
Normal Normal Limber Own Tempo Keen Eye
0434   Stunky
Poison Dark Stench Aftermath Keen Eye
0435   Skuntank
Poison Dark Stench Aftermath Keen Eye
0441   Chatot
Normal Flying Keen Eye Tangled Feet Big Pecks
0451   Skorupi
Poison Bug Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
0452   Drapion
Poison Dark Battle Armor Sniper Keen Eye
0504   Patrat
Normal Normal Run Away Keen Eye Analytic
0505   Watchog
Normal Normal Illuminate Keen Eye Analytic
0580   Ducklett
Water Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Hydration
0581   Swanna
Water Flying Keen Eye Big Pecks Hydration
0627   Rufflet
Normal Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Hustle
0628   Braviary
Normal Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Defiant
0628   Braviary
Hisuian Form
Psychic Flying Keen Eye Sheer Force Tinted LensGen IX+
0677   Espurr
Psychic Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Own Tempo
0678   Meowstic
Psychic Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Prankster
0678   Meowstic
Psychic Psychic Keen Eye Infiltrator Competitive
0731   Pikipek
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
0732   Trumbeak
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Pickup
0733   Toucannon
Normal Flying Keen Eye Skill Link Sheer Force
0744   Rockruff
Rock Rock Keen Eye Vital Spirit Steadfast
0745   Lycanroc
Midday Form
Rock Rock Keen Eye Sand Rush Steadfast
0745   Lycanroc
Midnight Form
Rock Rock Keen Eye Vital Spirit No Guard
0821   Rookidee
Flying Flying Keen Eye Unnerve Big Pecks
0822   Corvisquire
Flying Flying Keen Eye Unnerve Big Pecks
0962   Bombirdier
Flying Dark Big Pecks Keen Eye Rocky Payload
Please note that abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB Prevents Accuracy from going down.
MDTDS Prevents the Pokémon's accuracy from being reduced.
BSL めいちゅうが さがらない
Conq. Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy.
MDGtI Prevents accuracy from being lowered.*
Accuracy won't be lowered! Never ever!*
SMD The Pokémon's accuracy won't be lowered! Never ever! The Pokémon won't be affected by the enemy's boosted evasiveness, either!
MDRTDX The Pokémon's accuracy won't be lowered–never ever! The Pokémon won't be affected by an enemy's boosted evasiveness, either.

In the anime


The Pokémon's keen eyes make it difficult for opponents to dodge the Pokémon's attacks.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
  Meowstic can redirect its attacks, making them extremely difficult to evade.
Olympia's Meowstic All Eyes on the Future! Debut

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Pocket Monsters BW: The Heroes of Fire and Thunder

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 銳利目光 Yeuihleih Muhkgwōng
Mandarin 銳利目光 / 锐利目光 Ruìlì Mùguāng
  Danish Skarpt Blik
  Finnish Tarkka silmä
  French Regard Vif
  German Adlerauge
  Italian Sguardofermo
  Korean 날카로운 눈 Nalkaroun Nun
  Norwegian Keen Eye
  Polish Bystre Oko
Portuguese   Brazil Olhar Aguçado
  Portugal Olhar Apurado
  Russian Острое Зрение Ostroye Zreniye
  Spanish Vista Lince
  Swedish Klarsynthet
  Vietnamese Tinh Mắt
Mắt Tinh Tường*

Variations of the Ability Keen Eye
Keen EyeIlluminateHyper CutterBig Pecks

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.