List of moves that do damage

Revision as of 15:26, 7 December 2012 by Yvnr (talk | contribs)

Damage done to a Pokémon is the amount of HP taken away when a move is successful. The following moves all deal damage, meaning that no matter how high the defenses of the Pokémon, they will always lower its HP by at least 1, unless the target is either immune to the attack (this includes types deflected by Wonder Guard) or the target uses a move like Protect. This list does not account for moves such as Assist, Metronome, Mirror Move, and Copycat, which can deal damage based on copying other moves.

Move Type Category Power Accuracy Notes
Absorb Grass Special 20 100% Restores HP to the user equal to ¼ the damage inflicted.
Acid Poison Special 40 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Defense by one stage.
Acid Spray Poison Special 40 100% Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.
Acrobatics Flying Physical 55 100% Power is doubled if the user has no held item.
Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 Never misses.
Aeroblast Flying Special 100 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Air Slash Flying Special 75 95% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100% Has a 10% chance of raising all of the user's stats by one stage.
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90%
Arm Thrust Fighting Physical 15 100% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100% Power doubles if user receives damage on the turn it is used.
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Attack Order Bug Physical 90 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 Never misses.
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Attack by one stage.
Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100% Power doubles if the user is attacked by the target on the turn it is used.
Barrage Normal Physical 15 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Beat Up Dark Physical 100% Each member of the user's party attacks once. Power based on user's Attack.
Bide Normal Physical Deals damage equal to 2× the damage taken by the user after two turns.
Bind Normal Physical 15 85% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Bite Dark Physical 60 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90% Has a 10% chance of burning.
Blizzard Ice Special 120 70% Has a 10% chance of freezing.
Blue Flare Fire Special 130 85% Has a 20% chance of burning.
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing.
Bolt Strike Electric Physical 130 85% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing.
Bone Club Ground Physical 65 85% Has a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Bone Rush Ground Physical 25 90% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Bonemerang Ground Physical 50 90% Strikes the target twice in a row.
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing.
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100% User receives ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100% Light Screen and Reflect are removed from the target.
Brine Water Special 65 100% Power is doubled if target's health is below 50%.
Bubble Water Special 20 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Speed by one stage.
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Speed by one stage.
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100% Eats the target's held berry.
Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Bulldoze Ground Physical 60 100% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Bullet Seed Grass Physical 25 100% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90% Has a 70% chance of raising the user's Special Attack by one stage.
Chatter Flying Special 60 100% Has a variable chance of confusing the target.
Chip Away Normal Physical 70 100% Ignores the target's changes in Defense and evasion.
Circle Throw Fighting Physical 60 90% Forces opposing trainer to switch Pokémon and ends battles with wild Pokémon.
Clamp Water Physical 35 85% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Clear Smog Poison Special 50 Resets all stat levels of the target to zero.
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100% The user's Defense and Special Defense are decreased by one stage.
Comet Punch Normal Physical 18 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Confusion Psychic Special 50 100% Has a 10% chance of confusing the target.
Constrict Normal Physical 10 100% Has a 10% of lowering the target's Speed by one stage.
Counter Fighting Physical 100% Deals back 2× damage inflicted if the user gets attacked by a Physical attack on the turn used.
Covet Normal Physical 60 100% Steals the target's held item.
Crabhammer Water Physical 90 90% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio and 10% chance of poisoning the target.
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100% Has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Defense by one stage.
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's Defense by one stage.
Crush Grip Normal Physical 100% Damage depends on the target's current HP; strongest when target's HP is highest.
Cut Normal Physical 50 95%
Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100% Has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Dig Ground Physical 80 100% User burrows underground on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Discharge Electric Special 80 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target.
Dive Water Physical 80 100% User dive underwater on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100% Has a 20% chance of confusing the target.
Doom Desire Steel Physical 140 100% Deals damage two turns after usage.
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90% Strikes the target twice in a row.
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100% Strikes the target twice in a row.
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100% User receives ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90% Lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after usage.
Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100%
Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100%
Dragon Rage Dragon Special 100% Always deals 40 HP of damage.
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75% Has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Dragon Tail Dragon Physical 60 90 Forces opposing trainer to switch Pokémon and ends battles with wild Pokémon.
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing.
Drain Punch Fighting Physical 75 100% Restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100% Target must be asleep; restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100%
Drill Run Ground Physical 80 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Dual Chop Dragon Physical 40 90% Strikes the target twice in a row.
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50% Also confuses the target.
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100% Deals double damage against targets using Dig.
Echoed Voice Normal Special 40 100% Base power increases by 40 each consecutive turn it is used.
Egg Bomb Normal Physical 100 75%
Electro Ball Electric Special 100% Inflicts more damage the faster the user is compared to the target.
Electroweb Electric Special 55 95% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Ember Fire Special 40 100% Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Endeavor Normal Physical 100% Deals damages so that the target is left with HP equal to the user's.
Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Eruption Fire Special 150 100% Damage is based on the user's current HP; strongest when HP is highest.
Explosion Normal Physical 250 100% User faints.
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100% Has a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.
ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100% Always strikes first.
Facade Normal Physical 70 100% Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 100% Never misses.
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100% Only works on the first turn after the user enters battle; makes the target flinch.
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100% Will always leave the target with at least one HP.
Feint Normal Physical 30 100%
Fiery Dance Fire Special 80 100% Has a 50% chance of raising the user's Special Attack.
Final Gambit Fighting Special 100% The target takes damage equal to the user's HP; user faints.
Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85% Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95% Has a 10% chance of burning or causing the target to flinch.
Fire Pledge Fire Special 50 100% Deals double damage when used with Grass Pledge or Water Pledge in double or triple battles.
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100% Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Fire Spin Fire Special 35 85% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Flail Normal Physical 100% Damage is based on the user's current HP; strongest when HP is lowest.
Flame Burst Fire Special 70 100%
Flame Charge Fire Physical 50 100% Raises the user's Speed by one stage.
Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100% Has a 10% chance of burning the target; thaws frozen users.
Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100% Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100% Has a 10% chance of burning the target; user receives 1/3 of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Fling Dark Physical 100% User inflicts various damage by losing its held item.
Fly Flying Physical 90 95% User flies up on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100% Attacks at the end of the round if the user is not hit by an attack.
Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing.
Foul Play Dark Physical 95 100% Damage is calculated using the target's Attack.
Freeze Shock Ice Physical 140 90% User charges on the first, attacks on the second; has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target.
Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Frost Breath Ice Special 40 90% Always lands a critical hit.
Frustration Normal Physical 100% Damage depends on user's friendship level.
Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 20 95% Doubles power with each consecutive hit.
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Fusion Bolt Electric Physical 100 100% Power doubles is the opponent uses Fusion Flare immediately before this move is executed.
Fusion Flare Fire Special 100 100% Power doubles is the opponent uses Fusion Bolt immediately before this move is executed.
Future Sight Psychic Special 100 100% Deals damage two turns after usage.
Gear Grind Steel Physical 50 85% Strikes the target twice in a row.
Giga Drain Grass Special 75 100% Restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Glaciate Ice Special 65 95% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Grass Knot Grass Special 100% Deals damage based on the target's weight.
Grass Pledge Grass Special 50 100% Deals double damage when used with Fire Pledge or Water Pledge in double or triple battles.
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70% Has a 30% chance of poisoning the target.
Gust Flying Special 40 100% Deals double damage against targets using Fly.
Gyro Ball Steel Physical 100% Deals damage based on the user's Speed compared to the target's Speed.
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90% Lowers the user's Speed by one stage.
Head Charge Normal Physical 120 100% User receives ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80% User receives 1/2 of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Heart Stamp Psychic Physical 60 100% Has a 30% of causing the target to flinch.
Heat Crash Fire Physical 100% Inflicts more damage the heavier the user is compared to the target.
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90% Has a 10% chance of burning the target.
Heavy Slam Steel Physical 100% Inflicts more damage the heavier the user is compared to the target.
Hex Ghost Special 50 100% Power is doubled if the target is afflicted with a major status ailment.
Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 130 90% Deals recoil equal to 1/2 of the user's HP if the user misses.
Hidden Power Normal Special 100% Type and base power based on the user's individual values.
Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100%
Horn Leech Grass Physical 75 100% Restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Hurricane Flying Special 120 70% Has a 30% chance of confusing the target.
Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80%
Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90% Has a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100%
Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90% Power is doubled for each turn it hits.
Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100% Has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
Ice Burn Ice Special 140 90% Has a 30% chance of burning the target; charges on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95% Has a 10% chance of freezing or causing the target to flinch.
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100% Has a 10% chance of freezing the target.
Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Icicle Crash Ice Physical 85 90% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Icicle Spear Ice Physical 25 100% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Incinerate Fire Special 30 100% Renders the target's Berry unusable.
Inferno Fire Special 100 50% Leaves the target with a burn.
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75% Has a 30% chance of lowering the target's Defense by one stage.
Judgment Normal Special 100 100% Changes type based on its held Plate.
Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 95% Deals recoil damage equal to half the user's HP if the user misses.
Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100% Disables the target's held item.
Last Resort Normal Physical 140 100% Can only be used after user has used all of its other moves.
Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100% Has a 30% chance of burning the target.
Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90% Lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after usage.
Leaf Tornado Grass Special 65 90% Has a 30% chance of lowering the target's accuracy.
Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100% Restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Lick Ghost Physical 20 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target.
Low Kick Fighting Physical 100% Deals damage based on the target's weight.
Low Sweep Fighting Physical 60 100% Lowers the target's speed by one stage.
Luster Purge Psychic Special 70 100% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 Never misses.
Magma Storm Fire Special 120 75% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 Never misses.
Magnitude Ground Physical 100% Deals random damage based on Magnitude's scale.
Me First Normal Status Deals damage if it goes first and the target uses a damaging move on that turn.
Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100% Restores HP to the user equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted.
Mega Kick Normal Physical 120 75%
Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85%
Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85%
Metal Burst Steel Physical 100% Deals back 1.5× damage inflicted if the user gets attacked on the turn used.
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95% Has a 10% chance of raising the user's Attack by one stage.
Meteor Mash Steel Physical 100 85% Has a 20% chance of raising the user's Attack by one stage.
Mirror Coat Psychic Special 100% Deals back 2× damage inflicted if the user gets attacked by a special attack on the turn used.
Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85% Has a 30% chance of lowering the target's accuracy by one stage.
Mist Ball Psychic Special 70 100% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's Special Attack by one stage.
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85% Has a 30% chance of lowering the target's accuracy by one stage.
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100% Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85% Has a 30% chance of lowering the target's accuracy by one stage.
Natural Gift Normal Physical 100% Power and type depend on thrown held berry.
Nature Power Normal Status Only deals damage when used while battling in very tall grass, oceans, ponds, beaches, caves, rocky terrain, underwater and stadiums.
Needle Arm Grass Physical 60 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Night Daze Dark Special 85 95% Has a 40% chance of lowering the target's accuracy.
Night Shade Ghost Special 100% Deals damage equal to the user's current level.
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Octazooka Water Special 65 85% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's accuracy by one stage.
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100% Has a 10% chance of raising all of the user's stats by one stage.
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100% Confuses the user after two or three turns.
Overheat Fire Special 140 90% Lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after usage.
Pay Day Normal Physical 40 100% Collects extra money after battles.
Payback Dark Physical 50 100% Power is doubled if user is hit by foe first.
Peck Flying Physical 40 100%
Petal Dance Grass Special 120 100% Confuses the user after two or three turns.
Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Pluck Flying Physical 60 100% Eats the target's held berry.
Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100% Has a 30% chance of badly poisoning the target.
Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100% Has a 30% chance of poisoning the target.
Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100% Has a 30% chance of poisoning the target.
Poison Tail Poison Physical 50 100% Has a high critical hit ratio and a 10% chance of poisoning the target.
Pound Normal Physical 40 100%
Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100% Has a 10% chance of ((status|freeze|freezing}} the target.
Power Gem Rock Special 70 100%
Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85%
Present Normal Physical 90% Randomly damages or heals the target.
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100% Has a 10% chance of confusing the target.
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140 90% Lowers the user's Special Attack by two stages after usage.
Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100% Damage calculated using the user's Special Attack and the target's Defense.
Psystrike Psychic Special 100 100% Damage calculated using the user's Special Attack and the target's Defense.
Psywave Psychic Special 80% Randomly inflicts between one HP and (user's level ×1.5) HP of damage.
Punishment Dark Physical 100% Power of this attack rises with the target's stat increases.
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100% Power doubles if target switches out.
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Rage Normal Physical 20 100% User's Attack increases by one stage if attacked after using this move.
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100% Removes user from various annoyances.
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Razor Shell Water Physical 75 95% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's defense.
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100% Charges on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Relic Song Normal Special 75 100% Has a 10% chance of putting the target to sleep.
Retaliate Normal Physical 70 100% Power doubles if one of the user's teammates fainted in the previous turn.
Return Normal Physical 100% Damage depends on user's friendship level.
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100% Power doubles if the user is attacked by the target on the turn it is used.
Flail Normal Physical 100% Damage is based on the user's current HP; strongest when HP is lowest.
Roar of Time Dragon Special 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 90% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85% Has a 20% chance of confusing the target.
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100% Has a 50% chance of lowering the target's Defense by one stage.
Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90%
Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80% Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.
Rock Wrecker Rock Physical 150 90% User recharges on the second turn.
Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 60 85% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90% Power is doubled for each turn it hits (and/or if the user uses Defense Curl on the previous turn).
Round Normal Special 60 100% Power doubles if used consecutively by an ally.
Sacred Fire Fire Special 100 95% Has a 50% chance of burning the target; thaws frozen user.
Sacred Sword Fighting Physical 90 100% Ignores the target's changes in Defense and evasion.
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 35 85% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Scald Water Special 80 100% Has a 30% chance of burning the target; thaws frozen user.
Scratch Normal Physical 40 100%
Searing Shot Fire Special 100 100% Has a 30% chance of burning the target.
Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100% Depending on current battlefield, can also lower the target's Attack, Defense, Speed or accuracy or confuse, paralyze, flinch, poison or put to sleep the target.
Secret Sword Fighting Special 85 100% Damage calculated using the user's Special Attack and the target's Defense.
Seed Bomb Normal Physical 80 100%
Seed Flare Grass Special 120 85% Has a 40% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Seismic Toss Fighting Physical 100% Deals damage equal to the user's current level.
Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100% User faints.
Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% Has a 20% chance of lowering the target's Special Defense by one stage.
Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100% Disappears on first turn, attacks on second; bypasses Protect and Detect.
Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 Never misses.
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100% Always strikes first.
Shock Wave Electric Special 60 Never misses.
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100% Has a 10% chance of confusing the target.
Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100% Has a 10% chance of raising all of the user's stats by one stage.
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100% Prepares on the first turn and raises the user's Defense by one stage, attacks on the second.
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90% Prepares on the first turn, attacks on the second.
Sky Drop Flying Physical 60 100% Both the user and the target are unable to move the first turn, attacks on the second.
Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90% Can hit targets using Fly.
Slam Normal Physical 80 75%
Slash Normal Physical 70 100% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Sleep Talk Normal Status Damages the target if a damaging attack is selected.
Sludge Poison Special 65 100% Has a 30% chance of poisoning the target.
Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100% Has a 30% chance of poisoning the target.
Sludge Wave Poison Special 95 100% Has a 10% chance of poisoning the target.
Smack Down Rock Physical 50 100% Knocks airborne targets to the ground.
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100% If target is paralyzed, power is doubled and target is healed of paralysis.
Smog Poison Special 40 70% Has a 40% chance of poisoning the target.
Snarl Dark Special 55 95% Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.
Snore Normal Special 40 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch; only works if user is asleep.
SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100% Charges on the first turn, attacks on the second; no charge during Sunny Day.
SonicBoom Normal Special 100% Always deals 20 HP of damage.
Spacial Rend Dragon Special 100 95% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Spark Electric Physical 65 100% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target.
Spike Cannon Normal Physical 20 100% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Spit Up Normal Special 100% Deals damage based on Stockpiled energy.
Steamroller Bug Physical 65 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch; double damage against Minimized targets.
Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90% Has a 10% chance of raising the user's Defense by one stage.
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100% Has a 30% chance of causing the target to flinch; double damage against Minimized targets.
Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80% Has a high critical hit ratio.
Stored Power Psychic Special 20 100% Power increases whenever the user increases its stats.
Storm Throw Fighting Physical 40 100% Always lands a critical hit.
Strength Normal Physical 80 100%
Struggle Normal Physical 50 100% Deals ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage; hits Ghost-types.
Struggle Bug Bug Special 30 100% Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.
Submission Fighting Physical 80 80% Deals ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100% Always goes first, fails if target is not attacking.
Super Fang Normal Physical 90% Target's HP is halved.
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100% The user's Attack and Defense are decreased by one stage.
Surf Water Special 95 100% Double damage against a target using Dive.
Swift Normal Special 60 Never misses.
Synchronoise Psychic Special 70 100% Only damages Pokémon the same type as the user.
Tackle Normal Physical 50 100%
Tail Slap Normal Physical 25 85% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85% Deals ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Techno Blast Normal Special 85 100% Type changes depending on the Drive the user is holding.
Thief Dark Physical 40 100% If user is not holding an item, user steals the target's held item.
Thrash Normal Physical 120 100% Confuses the target the user after two or three turns.
Thunder Electric Special 120 70% Has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target; has 100% accuracy during Rain Dance, 50% accuracy in Sunny Day.
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95% Has a 10% chance of paralyzing or causing the target to flinch.
Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100% Has a 10% chance of paralyzing the target.
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100% Has a 10% chance of paralyzing the target.
ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100% Has a 10% chance of paralyzing the target.
Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100% Has a 6.67% chance each to paralyze, freeze, or burn the target.
Triple Kick Fighting Physical 10 90% Strikes the target three times in a row; base power doubles with each strike.
Trump Card Normal Special Power depends on remaining power points.
Twineedle Bug Physical 25 100% Strikes the target twice in a row; has a 20% chance of poisoning the target.
Twister Dragon Special 40 100% Has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch.
U-turn Bug Physical 70 100% User switches out after attacking.
Uproar Normal Special 90 100% User and opponent cannot fall asleep for three turns.
V-create Fire Physical 180 95% Lowers the user's Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100% Always strikes first.
Venoshock Poison Special 65 100% Deals double damage is the target is poisoned.
ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100%
Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100%
Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 100% Always strikes last, never misses.
Volt Switch Electric Special 70 100% The user switches out after dealing damage.
Volt Tackle Electric Physical 120 100% User receives 1/3 of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100% If target is asleep, power is doubled and target is woken up.
Water Gun Water Special 40 100%
Water Pledge Water Special 50 100% Strikes the target two to five times in a row.
Water Pulse Water Special 60 100% Has a 20% chance of confusing the target.
Water Spout Water Special 150 100% Damage is based on the user's current HP; strongest when HP is highest.
Waterfall Water Physical 80 100% Has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch.
Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100% Power doubles and type changes during weather: Fire-type during Sunny Day, Water-type during Rain Dance, Ice-type during Hail, Rock-type during Sandstorm.
Whirlpool Water Special 35 85% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Wild Charge Electric Physical 90 100% User receives ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100%
Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120 100% User receives ¼ of damage dealt as recoil damage.
Wrap Normal Physical 15 90% Traps the target and causes damage equal to 1/16 of the target's max HP for four to five turns.
Wring Out Normal Special 100% Damage depends on the target's current HP; strongest when target's HP is highest.
X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100%
Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50% Paralyzes the target.
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90% Has a 20% chance of causing the target to flinch.

Moves by effect