Flash (move)

Revision as of 22:34, 22 March 2014 by Jdthebud (talk | contribs) (→‎Outside of battle: added DPPt OW animation)
This article is about the move Flash. For the field move, see Field Move.

フラッシュ Flash
Flash V.png
Flash V OW.png
Type  Normal
Category  Status
PP  20 (max. 32)
Power  —
Accuracy  100%
Priority  0
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jam  0  
Shifts the judge's attention from the others.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Lowers the Voltage of all Judges by one each.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Flash (Japanese: フラッシュ Flash) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation I. In the first three generations it was HM05, but in Generation IV onward, it is TM70.


In battle

Generation I-III

Flash decreases the target's accuracy stat by one stage.

The accuracy of Flash is 70% in these generations.

Generation IV onward

The accuracy of Flash changes to 100%. All other effects are the same.

Outside of battle

Generation I-V

Outside of battle, Flash will illuminate dark caves. The effect will last until the player exits the cave. When the player re-enters the cave, it will be dark again.

In Generation I, Generation II, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen, it will light up the entire screen. In other games, it only illuminates a large circle around the player.

Generation VI

As there are no dark caves in Generation VI, Flash will instead cause the screen to zoom out, revealing more of the surrounding area than normally is visible. In addition, it also decreases the chance of encountering wild Pokémon.

Caves in which Flash is usable

Region Cave
Kanto Rock Tunnel
Cerulean CaveHGSS
Johto Dark Cave
Ruins of Alph*
Mt. MortarGS
Whirl Islands
Mt. SilverGSC
Hoenn Granite Cave
Cave of OriginRS
Victory Road
Ancient Tomb*E
Sinnoh Wayward Cave
Unova Mistralton Cave
Challenger's CaveBW
Wellspring Cave
Victory RoadB2W2
Abyssal Ruins*
Kalos Reflection Cave


  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: XD description
Games Description
Creates a brilliant flash of light that blinds the target. This technique reduces the opponent's accuracy.
Blinds the target with a bright flash of light, reducing the opponent's accuracy.
Blinds the foe to reduce accuracy.
RSE Looses a powerful blast of light that cuts accuracy.*
Looses a powerful blast of light that reduces accuracy.*
FRLG A blast of light that cuts the foe’s accuracy. It also illuminates caves.
Looses a powerful blast of light that cuts accuracy.
The user flashes a light that cuts the foe’s accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy.


  This section contains old or outdated information, or has not been updated in a while.
Please check the content of this section and update it as required.
Reason: remaining Pokémon that can learn this move via HM in Gen VI games.

By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
313   Volbeat Bug Bug       -- -- --
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Type Machine
001   Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002   Ivysaur Grass Poison
003   Venusaur Grass Poison
012   Butterfree Bug Flying
015   Beedrill Bug Poison
025   Pikachu Electric Electric
026   Raichu Electric Electric
035   Clefairy Fairy Fairy
036   Clefable Fairy Fairy
039   Jigglypuff Normal Fairy
040   Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
043   Oddish Grass Poison
044   Gloom Grass Poison
045   Vileplume Grass Poison
046   Paras Bug Grass
047   Parasect Bug Grass
048   Venonat Bug Poison
049   Venomoth Bug Poison
052   Meowth Normal Normal
053   Persian Normal Normal
054   Psyduck Water Water
055   Golduck Water Water
063   Abra Psychic Psychic
064   Kadabra Psychic Psychic
065   Alakazam Psychic Psychic
069   Bellsprout Grass Poison
070   Weepinbell Grass Poison
071   Victreebel Grass Poison
079   Slowpoke Water Psychic
080   Slowbro Water Psychic
081   Magnemite Electric Steel
082   Magneton Electric Steel
096   Drowzee Psychic Psychic
097   Hypno Psychic Psychic
100   Voltorb Electric Electric
101   Electrode Electric Electric
102   Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103   Exeggutor Grass Psychic
109   Koffing Poison Poison
110   Weezing Poison Poison
113   Chansey Normal Normal
114   Tangela Grass Grass
120   Staryu Water Water
121   Starmie Water Psychic
122   Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
124   Jynx Ice Psychic
125   Electabuzz Electric Electric
135   Jolteon Electric Electric
137   Porygon Normal Normal
145   Zapdos Electric Flying
150   Mewtwo Psychic Psychic
151   Mew Psychic Psychic
152   Chikorita Grass Grass
153   Bayleef Grass Grass
154   Meganium Grass Grass
163   Hoothoot Normal Flying
164   Noctowl Normal Flying
165   Ledyba Bug Flying
166   Ledian Bug Flying
167   Spinarak Bug Poison
168   Ariados Bug Poison
170   Chinchou Water Electric
171   Lanturn Water Electric
172   Pichu Electric Electric
173   Cleffa Fairy Fairy
174   Igglybuff Normal Fairy
175   Togepi Fairy Fairy
176   Togetic Fairy Flying
177   Natu Psychic Flying
178   Xatu Psychic Flying
179   Mareep Electric Electric
180   Flaaffy Electric Electric
181   Ampharos Electric Electric
182   Bellossom Grass Grass
187   Hoppip Grass Flying
188   Skiploom Grass Flying
189   Jumpluff Grass Flying
191   Sunkern Grass Grass
192   Sunflora Grass Grass
193   Yanma Bug Flying
194   Wooper Water Ground
195   Quagsire Water Ground
196   Espeon Psychic Psychic
197   Umbreon Dark Dark
199   Slowking Water Psychic
200   Misdreavus Ghost Ghost
203   Girafarig Normal Psychic
213   Shuckle Bug Rock
227   Skarmory Steel Flying
233   Porygon2 Normal Normal
234   Stantler Normal Normal
238   Smoochum Ice Psychic
239   Elekid Electric Electric
242   Blissey Normal Normal
243   Raikou Electric Electric
244   Entei Fire Fire
249   Lugia Psychic Flying
250   Ho-Oh Fire Flying
251   Celebi Psychic Grass
252   Treecko Grass Grass
253   Grovyle Grass Grass
254   Sceptile Grass Grass
267   Beautifly Bug Flying
269   Dustox Bug Poison
270   Lotad Water Grass
271   Lombre Water Grass
272   Ludicolo Water Grass
273   Seedot Grass Grass
274   Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275   Shiftry Grass Dark
280   Ralts Psychic Fairy
281   Kirlia Psychic Fairy
282   Gardevoir Psychic Fairy
283   Surskit Bug Water
284   Masquerain Bug Flying
285   Shroomish Grass Grass
286   Breloom Grass Fighting
290   Nincada Bug Ground
291   Ninjask Bug Flying
292   Shedinja Bug Ghost
300   Skitty Normal Normal
301   Delcatty Normal Normal
302   Sableye Dark Ghost
307   Meditite Fighting Psychic
308   Medicham Fighting Psychic
309   Electrike Electric Electric
310   Manectric Electric Electric
311   Plusle Electric Electric
312   Minun Electric Electric
313   Volbeat Bug Bug
314   Illumise Bug Bug
315   Roselia Grass Poison
325   Spoink Psychic Psychic
326   Grumpig Psychic Psychic
327   Spinda Normal Normal
331   Cacnea Grass Grass
332   Cacturne Grass Dark
337   Lunatone Rock Psychic
338   Solrock Rock Psychic
343   Baltoy Ground Psychic
344   Claydol Ground Psychic
345   Lileep Rock Grass
346   Cradily Rock Grass
351   Castform Normal Normal
352   Kecleon Normal Normal
353   Shuppet Ghost Ghost
354   Banette Ghost Ghost
355   Duskull Ghost Ghost
356   Dusclops Ghost Ghost
357   Tropius Grass Flying
358   Chimecho Psychic Psychic
359   Absol Dark Dark
361   Snorunt Ice Ice
362   Glalie Ice Ice
375   Metang Steel Psychic
376   Metagross Steel Psychic
380   Latias Dragon Psychic
381   Latios Dragon Psychic
385   Jirachi Steel Psychic
386   Deoxys Psychic Psychic
387   Turtwig Grass Grass
388   Grotle Grass Grass
389   Torterra Grass Ground
402   Kricketune Bug Bug
403   Shinx Electric Electric
404   Luxio Electric Electric
405   Luxray Electric Electric
406   Budew Grass Poison
407   Roserade Grass Poison
413   Wormadam Bug Grass
414   Mothim Bug Flying
416   Vespiquen Bug Flying
417   Pachirisu Electric Electric
420   Cherubi Grass Grass
421   Cherrim Grass Grass
423   Gastrodon Water Ground
425   Drifloon Ghost Flying
426   Drifblim Ghost Flying
429   Mismagius Ghost Ghost
431   Glameow Normal Normal
432   Purugly Normal Normal
433   Chingling Psychic Psychic
436   Bronzor Steel Psychic
437   Bronzong Steel Psychic
439   Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy
440   Happiny Normal Normal
442   Spiritomb Ghost Dark
451   Skorupi Poison Bug
452   Drapion Poison Dark
455   Carnivine Grass Grass
456   Finneon Water Water
457   Lumineon Water Water
459   Snover Grass Ice
460   Abomasnow Grass Ice
462   Magnezone Electric Steel
465   Tangrowth Grass Grass
466   Electivire Electric Electric
468   Togekiss Fairy Flying
469   Yanmega Bug Flying
470   Leafeon Grass Grass
474   Porygon-Z Normal Normal
475   Gallade Psychic Fighting
477   Dusknoir Ghost Ghost
478   Froslass Ice Ghost
479   Rotom Electric Ghost
480   Uxie Psychic Psychic
481   Mesprit Psychic Psychic
482   Azelf Psychic Psychic
483   Dialga Steel Dragon
488   Cresselia Psychic Psychic
490   Manaphy Water Water
491   Darkrai Dark Dark
492   Shaymin Grass Grass
493   Arceus Normal Normal
494   Victini Psychic Fire
495   Snivy Grass Grass
496   Servine Grass Grass
497   Serperior Grass Grass
505   Watchog Normal Normal
511   Pansage Grass Grass
512   Simisage Grass Grass
517   Munna Psychic Psychic
518   Musharna Psychic Psychic
522   Blitzle Electric Electric
523   Zebstrika Electric Electric
527   Woobat Psychic Flying
528   Swoobat Psychic Flying
531   Audino Normal Normal
540   Sewaddle Bug Grass
541   Swadloon Bug Grass
542   Leavanny Bug Grass
546   Cottonee Grass Fairy
547   Whimsicott Grass Fairy
548   Petilil Grass Grass
549   Lilligant Grass Grass
561   Sigilyph Psychic Flying
562   Yamask Ghost Ghost
563   Cofagrigus Ghost Ghost
574   Gothita Psychic Psychic
575   Gothorita Psychic Psychic
576   Gothitelle Psychic Psychic
577   Solosis Psychic Psychic
578   Duosion Psychic Psychic
579   Reuniclus Psychic Psychic
585   Deerling Normal Grass
586   Sawsbuck Normal Grass
587   Emolga Electric Flying
590   Foongus Grass Poison
591   Amoonguss Grass Poison
592   Frillish Water Ghost
593   Jellicent Water Ghost
595   Joltik Bug Electric
596   Galvantula Bug Electric
597   Ferroseed Grass Steel
598   Ferrothorn Grass Steel
603   Eelektrik Electric Electric
604   Eelektross Electric Electric
605   Elgyem Psychic Psychic
606   Beheeyem Psychic Psychic
607   Litwick Ghost Fire
608   Lampent Ghost Fire
609   Chandelure Ghost Fire
618   Stunfisk Ground Electric
622   Golett Ground Ghost
623   Golurk Ground Ghost
640   Virizion Grass Fighting
644   Zekrom Dragon Electric
648   Meloetta Normal Psychic
649   Genesect Bug Steel
650   Chespin Grass Grass
651   Quilladin Grass Grass
652   Chesnaught Grass Fighting
666   Vivillon Bug Flying
669   Flabébé Fairy Fairy
670   Floette Fairy Fairy
671   Florges Fairy Fairy
676   Furfrou Normal Normal
677   Espurr Psychic Psychic
678   Meowstic Psychic Psychic
682   Spritzee Fairy Fairy
683   Aromatisse Fairy Fairy
684   Swirlix Fairy Fairy
685   Slurpuff Fairy Fairy
686   Inkay Dark Psychic
687   Malamar Dark Psychic
694   Helioptile Electric Normal
695   Heliolisk Electric Normal
698   Amaura Rock Ice
699   Aurorus Rock Ice
700   Sylveon Fairy Fairy
702   Dedenne Electric Fairy
703   Carbink Rock Fairy
710   Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass
711   Gourgeist Ghost Grass
712   Bergmite Ice Ice
713   Avalugg Ice Ice
716   Xerneas Fairy Fairy
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

Special move

Generation IV

#   Pokémon Type Obtained with
0025   Pikachu Electric My Pokémon Ranch
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

In the anime

The user emits a bright light.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
  The yellow rings on Umbreon's body light up and glow brightly, or the yellow ring on Umbreon's forehead shines brightly, giving off a bright light.
Gary's Umbreon Power Play! Debut
Virgil's Umbreon Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad! None
  The ball on the end of Ampharos's tail lights up and shines brightly.
Jasmine's Sparkle Fight for the Light! None
Karsten's Ampharos Drifloon on the Wind! None
Workers' Ampharos Genesect and the Legend Awakened None
  The orbs at the end of Chinchou's antennae light up and glow brightly.
Dayton's Bright Takin' it on the Chinchou None
  The orb on Dragonair's neck shines light blue.
Clair's Dragonair Fangs for Nothin' Dragonair cannot legally learn Flash
  Beautifly's wings shine brightly.
Janet's Beautifly All Things Bright and Beautifly! None
  The black circle on Absol's forehead shines brightly, giving off a bright light. Sometimes its forehead glows with a white ball, and then launches streams of light out at the opponent.
Drew's Absol Thinning the Hoard! None
  Meditite's raises its arms and creates a glowing white sphere above its head that glows brightly.
Meredith's Meditite Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea None
  Roserade's body shines brightly, giving off a bright light.
Gardenia's Roserade The Grass Menagerie! None
  A beam of light shines out from Bronzor's face, or Bronzor releases a circle of light from the middle of its body that grows outward. When the ring of light disappears, its whole body starts to glow brightly.
Saturn's Bronzor Journey to the Unown! None
Karl's Bronzor Zoroark: Master of Illusions None

In the manga

In the Magical Pokémon Journey manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga

In other generations

In battle

Outside of battle


  • Flash is the only move of the five original HM moves to lose its HM status.
  • Flash is never required to advance gameplay, as darkened caves are still navigable without the move.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 閃光 Shǎnguāng
  Dutch Flits
  Finnish Väläys
  French Flash
  German Blitz
  Greek Έκλαμψη
  Hindi रौशनी Roshni
  Italian Flash
  Korean 플래시 Flash
  Norwegian Blitz
  Polish Błysk
Portuguese   Brazil Iluminar
  Portugal Clarão
  Romanian Scânteia
  Serbian Bljesak
  Spanish Destello

Variations of the move Flash
  FlashSmokescreenSand Attack

Generation I TMs
Generation I HMs
Generation II TMs
Generation II HMs
Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.