PS120 : Surrounded by Staryu
Gold, Silver & Crystal arc
PS122 : Querulous Qwilfish
Off Course with Corsola
VS サニーゴ
VS Sunnygo
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 121 in Vol. 10
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 121 in Vol. 10
Series Pokémon Adventures
Location Professor Oak's Second Research Center
Union Cave
S.S. Aqua

Off Course with Corsola (Japanese: VS サニーゴ VS Sunnygo), titled VS Corasola[sic] in the Chuang Yi translation, is the 121st chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the 31st chapter of the Gold, Silver & Crystal arc.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

At Professor Oak's Second Research Center, Professor Oak receives the Pokémon Crystal recently caught, along with her Chumee.

The next morning, Crystal heads to Union Cave to go to the west side of Johto. While traveling through the cave, she flashes back to Bill informing her that the same species from Kanto and Johto might look slightly different, and therefore Professor Oak would like her to collect them again. Back in the present, Crystal spots a Magneton, which doesn't live in the cave. Suddenly, three more Magneton appear and surround Crystal and Megaree, who then drop them in a submarine.

Afterwards, Lt. Surge approaches the submarine but is disappointed to discover that his Magneton did not get any wild Pokémon. Lt. Surge then enters the submarine to travel to Azalea Town. He leaves through a secret passage but gets stuck on a reef of Corsola. Crystal comes to and surprises Lt. Surge when he realizes she is on board. Briefing her on the situation, she figures out that she has to capture the leader. Natee creates a current with Psychic, which lifts them up. After they are out of the water, Natee defeats the leader with Psychic, which Crystal captures with a Lure Ball. As compensation, Lt. Surge gives her a ride to Olivine City on the S.S. Aqua.

Major events

  • Crystal is captured by Lt. Surge's Magneton, who drops her in Lt. Surge's submarine.
  • Lt. Surge's submarine gets stuck on a herd of Corsola.
  • Crystal gets the submarine unstuck from the herd of Corsola.
For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
  Spoilers end here.  


Pokémon debuts





  • The Pokémon in Poké Balls lined up in the racks behind Professor Oak in the beginning of the chapter are ordered by their New Pokédex numbers.
  • The chapter states that even though Kanto and Johto have a lot of the same Pokémon, their colors and patterns can vary between the regions. However, this is not true in any of the games.


  • In the Chuang Yi version, Corsola is referred as "Corasola" throughout the chapter. This includes the chapter title, "VS Corasola".
  • In the Chuang Yi version, the print function is spelled as "perint".

In other languages

PS120 : Surrounded by Staryu
Gold, Silver & Crystal arc
PS122 : Querulous Qwilfish
  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.