Status move

Revision as of 08:05, 3 January 2014 by Cinday123 (talk | contribs) (→‎Normal-type moves: Added Play Nice.)
050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: See the Normal-type page since the move Play Nice is missing

Damage categories

A status move is a move that, in the Pokémon games, does no direct damage, but instead causes a weather condition, status condition, or changes the stats of a Pokémon during battle. This includes also other attacks which cannot be categorized under physical moves and special moves because of their unique or nearly-unique effects, such as Destiny Bond, Splash, Charge, and Recover. Status moves fall under the Other category in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky.

The majority of Normal- and Psychic-type moves, as well as the only ???-type move (prior to Generation V, when the type stopped existing), are in this category. Very few moves of the other 16 types are status moves; for example, there is only one Dragon-type status move, and there are only two Fire-type status moves.

Bug-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Defend Order Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user calls out its underlings to shield its body, raising its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
IV Heal Order Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user calls out its underlings to heal it. The user regains up to half of its max HP.
VI Powder Status % 20 (max 32)
The user covers the target in a powder that explodes and damages the target if it uses a Fire-type move.
V Quiver Dance Status % 20 (max 32)
The user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. It boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats.
V Rage Powder Status % 20 (max 32)
The user scatters a cloud of irritating powder to draw attention to itself. Opponents aim only at the user.
II Spider Web Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user ensnares the target with thin, gooey silk so it can't flee from battle.
I String Shot Status Smart 95% 40 (max 64)
Many Others
The targets are bound with silk blown from the user's mouth. This silk reduces the targets' Speed stat.
VI Sticky Web Status % 20 (max 32)
Other Side
The user weaves a sticky net around the opposing team, which lowers their Speed stat upon switching into battle.
III Tail Glow Status Beauty % 20 (max 32)
The user stares at flashing lights to focus its mind, drastically raising its Sp. Atk stat.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Dark-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Dark Void Status Smart 80% 10 (max 16)
Many Others
Opposing Pokémon are dragged into a world of total darkness that makes them sleep.
IV Embargo Status Cute 100% 15 (max 24)
It prevents the target from using its held item. Its Trainer is also prevented from using items on it.
III Fake Tears Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
The user feigns crying to fluster the target, harshly lowering its Sp. Def stat.
III Flatter Status Smart 100% 15 (max 24)
Flattery is used to confuse the target. However, it also raises the target's Sp. Atk stat.
V Hone Claws Status % 15 (max 24)
The user sharpens its claws to boost its Attack stat and accuracy.
III Memento Status Tough % 10 (max 16)
The user faints when using this move. In return, it harshly lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk.
IV Nasty Plot Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. It sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk.
VI Parting Shot Status % 20 (max 32)
With a parting threat, the user lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk stats. Then it switches with a party Pokémon.
V Quash Status 100% 15 (max 24)
The user suppresses the target and makes its move go last.
III Snatch Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user steals the effects of any healing or stat-changing move the opponent attempts to use.
IV Switcheroo Status Cool 100% 10 (max 16)
The user trades held items with the target faster than the eye can follow.
III Taunt Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
VI Topsy-Turvy Status % 20 (max 32)
All stat changes affecting the target turn topsy-turvy and become the opposite of what they were.
III Torment Status Smart 100% 15 (max 24)
The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Dragon-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Dragon Dance Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
The user vigorously performs a mystic, powerful dance that boosts its Attack and Speed stats.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Electric-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Charge Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user boosts the power of the Electric move it uses on the next turn. It also raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
VI Eerie Impulse Status 100% 15 (max 24)
The user's body generates an eerie impulse. Exposing the target to it harshly lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
VI Electric Terrain Status % 10 (max 16)
The user electrifies the ground under everyone's feet for five turns. Pokémon on the ground no longer fall asleep.
VI Electrify Status % 15 (max 24)
If the target is electrified before it uses a move during that turn, the target's move becomes Electric type.
VI Ion Deluge Status % 25 (max 40)
The user disperses electrically charged particles, which changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
IV Magnet Rise Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns.
VI Magnetic Flux Status % 20 (max 32)
Your Party
The user manipulates magnetic fields which raises the Defense and Sp. Def stats of ally Pokémon with the Plus or Minus Ability.
I Thunder Wave Status Cool 100% 20 (max 32)
A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Fairy-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
VI Aromatic Mist Status % 20 (max 32)
Your Party
The user raises the Sp. Def stat of ally Pokémon with a mysterious aroma.
VI Baby-Doll Eyes Status 100% 30 (max 48)
The user stares at the target with its baby-doll eyes, which lowers its Attack stat. This move always goes first.
II Charm Status Cute 100% 20 (max 32)
The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers its Attack stat.
VI Crafty Shield Status % 10 (max 16)
Your Party
The user protects itself and its allies from status moves with a mysterious power. This does not stop moves that do damage.
VI Fairy Lock Status % 10 (max 16)
By locking down the battlefield, the user keeps all Pokémon from fleeing during the next turn.
VI Flower Shield Status % 10 (max 16)
The user raises the Defense stat of all Grass-type Pokémon in battle with a mysterious power.
VI Geomancy Status % 10 (max 16)
The user absorbs energy and sharply raises its Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats on the next turn.
VI Misty Terrain Status % 10 (max 16)
The user covers the ground under everyone's feet with mist for five turns. This protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions.
II Moonlight Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.
II Sweet Kiss Status Cute 75% 10 (max 16)
The user kisses the target with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Fighting-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Bulk Up Status Beauty % 20 (max 32)
The user tenses its muscles to bulk up its body, boosting both its Attack and Defense stats.
II Detect Status Cool % 5 (max 8)
It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
VI Mat Block Status % 15 (max 24)
Your Party
Using a pulled-up mat as a shield, the user protects itself and its allies from damaging moves. This does not stop status moves.
V Quick Guard Status % 15 (max 24)
Your Party
The user protects itself and its allies from priority moves. If used in succession, its chance of failing rises.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Fire-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
II Sunny Day Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves.
III Will-O-Wisp Status Beauty 75% 15 (max 24)
The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white flame at the target to inflict a burn.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Flying-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Defog Status Beauty % 15 (max 24)
A strong wind blows away the target's obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen. It also lowers the target's evasiveness.
III Feather Dance Status Beauty 100% 15 (max 24)
The user covers the target's body with a mass of down that harshly lowers its Attack stat.
I Mirror Move Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
The user counters the target by mimicking the target's last move.
IV Roost Status Cool % 10 (max 16)
The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP.
IV Tailwind Status Smart % 30 (max 48)
Your Party
The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind that ups the Speed of all party Pokémon for four turns.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Ghost-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
I Confuse Ray Status Smart 100% 10 (max 16)
The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
II Curse Status Tough % 10 (max 16)
A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all the other types.
II Destiny Bond Status Smart % 5 (max 8)
When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.
III Grudge Status Tough % 5 (max 8)
If the user faints, the user's grudge fully depletes the PP of the opponent's move that knocked it out.
II Nightmare Status Smart 100% 15 (max 24)
A sleeping target sees a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
II Spite Status Smart 100% 10 (max 16)
The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.
VI Trick-or-Treat Status 100% 20 (max 32)
The user takes the target trick-or-treating. This adds Ghost type to the target's type.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Grass-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Aromatherapy Status Smart % 5 (max 8)
Your Party
The user releases a soothing scent that heals all status problems affecting the user's party.
V Cotton Guard Status % 10 (max 16)
The user protects itself by wrapping its body in soft cotton, drastically raising the user's Defense stat.
II Cotton Spore Status Beauty 100% 40 (max 64)
The user releases cotton-like spores that cling to the target, harshly reducing its Speed stat.
VI Forest's Curse Status % 20 (max 32)
The user puts a forest curse on the target. Afflicted targets are now Grass type as well.
III Grass Whistle Status Smart 55% 15 (max 24)
The user plays a pleasant melody that lulls the target into a deep sleep.
VI Grassy Terrain Status % 10 (max 16)
The user turns the ground under everyone's feet to grass for five turns. This restores the HP of Pokémon on the ground a little every turn.
III Ingrain Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user lays roots that restore its HP on every turn. Because it is rooted, it can't switch out.
I Leech Seed Status Smart 90% 10 (max 16)
A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn.
VI Spiky Shield Status 100% 15 (max 24)
In addition to protecting the user from attacks, this move also damages any attacker who makes direct contact.
I Spore Status Smart 100% 15 (max 24)
The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
I Stun Spore Status Smart 75% 30 (max 48)
The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may leave the target with paralysis.
II Synthesis Status Smart % 5 (max 8)
The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.
IV Worry Seed Status Beauty 100% 10 (max 16)
A seed that causes worry is planted on the target. It prevents sleep by making its Ability Insomnia.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Ground-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Mud Sport Status Cute % 15 (max 24)
The user covers itself with mud. It weakens Electric-type moves while the user is in the battle.
VI Rototiller Status % 10 (max 16)
Tilling the soil, the user makes it easier for plants to grow. This raises the Attack and Sp. Atk stats of Grass-type Pokémon.
I Sand Attack Status Cute 100% 15 (max 24)
Sand is hurled in the target's face, reducing its accuracy.
II Spikes Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
Other Side
The user lays a trap of spikes at the opposing team's feet. The trap hurts Pokémon that switch into battle.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Ice-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
III Hail Status Beauty 100% 10 (max 16)
The user summons a hail storm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.
I Haze Status Beauty 100% 30 (max 48)
The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
I Mist Status Beauty 100% 30 (max 48)
Your Party
The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Normal-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Acupressure Status Cool % 30 (max 48)
The user applies pressure to stress points, sharply boosting one of its stats.
V After You Status % 15 (max 24)
The user helps the target and makes it use its move right after the user.
III Assist Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user hurriedly and randomly uses a move among those known by other Pokémon in the party.
II Attract Status Cute 100% 15 (max 24)
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
II Baton Pass Status Cute % 40 (max 64)
The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting, passing along any stat changes.
II Belly Drum Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
V Bestow Status % 15 (max 24)
The user passes its held item to the target when the target isn't holding an item.
III Block Status Cute % 5 (max 8)
The user blocks the target's way with arms spread wide to prevent escape.
III Camouflage Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user's type is changed depending on its environment, such as at water's edge, in grass, or in a cave.
IV Captivate Status Beauty 100% 20 (max 32)
If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target is charmed into harshly lowering its Sp. Atk stat.
VI Celebrate Status % 40 (max 64)
The Pokémon congratulates you on your special day!
VI Confide Status % 20 (max 32)
The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk. stat.
I Conversion Status Beauty % 30 (max 48)
The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
II Conversion 2 Status Beauty % 30 (max 48)
The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack the opponent used last.
IV Copycat Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
The user mimics the move used immediately before it. The move fails if no other move has been used yet.
I Defense Curl Status Cute % 40 (max 64)
The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
I Disable Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
For four turns, this move prevents the target from using the move it last used.
I Double Team Status Cool % 15 (max 24)
By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
II Encore Status Cute 100% 5 (max 8)
The user compels the target to keep using only the move it last used for three turns.
II Endure Status Tough % 10 (max 16)
The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
V Entrainment Status 100% 15 (max 24)
The user dances with an odd rhythm that compels the target to mimic it, making the target's Ability the same as the user's.
I Flash Status Beauty 100% 20 (max 32)
The user flashes a light that cuts the target's accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
I Focus Energy Status Cool % 30 (max 48)
The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
III Follow Me Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user draws attention to itself, making all targets take aim only at the user.
II Foresight Status Smart % 40 (max 64)
Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
I Glare Status Tough 90% 30 (max 48)
The user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
I Growl Status Cute 100% 40 (max 64)
Many Others
The user growls in an endearing way, making the opposing team less wary. The foes' Attack stats are lowered.
I Growth Status Beauty % 40 (max 64)
The user's body grows all at once, raising the Atk and Sp. Atk stats.
VI Happy Hour Status % 30 (max 48)
Your Party
Using Happy Hour doubles the amount of prize money received after battle.
I Harden Status Tough % 30 (max 48)
The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
II Heal Bell Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
Your Party
The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status problems of all the party Pokémon.
III Helping Hand Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user assists an ally by boosting the power of its attack.
III Howl Status Cool % 40 (max 64)
The user howls loudly to raise its spirit, boosting its Attack stat.
I Leer Status Cool 100% 30 (max 48)
Many Others
The opposing team gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing team's Defense stats are reduced.
II Lock-On Status Smart % 5 (max 8)
The user takes sure aim at the target. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
I Lovely Kiss Status Beauty 75% 10 (max 16)
With a scary face, the user tries to force a kiss on the target. If it succeeds, the target falls asleep.
IV Lucky Chant Status Cute % 30 (max 48)
Your Party
The user chants an incantation toward the sky, preventing opposing Pokémon from landing critical hits.
IV Me First Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
1 Other
The user tries to cut ahead of the target to steal and use the target's intended move with greater power.
II Mean Look Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
The user pins the target with a dark, arresting look. The target becomes unable to flee.
I Metronome Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.
II Milk Drink Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
I Mimic Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user copies the target's last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
II Mind Reader Status Smart % 5 (max 8)
The user senses the target's movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss the target.
I Minimize Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller, which sharply raises its evasiveness.
II Morning Sun Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
The user restores its own HP. The amount of HP regained varies with the weather.
III Nature Power Status Beauty % 20 (max 32)
An attack that makes use of nature's power. Its effects vary depending on the user's environment.
VI Noble Roar Status % 30 (max 48)
Letting out a noble roar, the user intimidates the target and lowers its Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
III Odor Sleuth Status Smart % 40 (max 64)
Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
II Pain Split Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user adds its HP to the target's HP, then equally shares the combined HP with the target.
II Perish Song Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
VI Play Nice Status % 20 (max 32)
The user and the target become friends, and the target loses its will to fight. This lowers the target's Attack stat.
II Protect Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
III Psych Up Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target.
I Recover Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
Restoring its own cells, the user restores its own HP by half of its max HP.
III Recycle Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user recycles a held item that has been used in battle so it can be used again.
V Reflect Type Status % 15 (max 24)
The user reflects the target's type, making it the same type as the target.
III Refresh Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user rests to cure itself of a poisoning, burn, or paralysis.
I Roar Status Cool 100% 20 (max 32)
The target is scared off and replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
II Safeguard Status Beauty % 25 (max 40)
Your Party
The user creates a protective field that prevents status problems for five turns.
II Scary Face Status Tough 100% 10 (max 16)
The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
I Screech Status Smart 85% 40 (max 64)
An earsplitting screech harshly reduces the target's Defense stat.
I Sharpen Status Cute % 30 (max 48)
The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
V Shell Smash Status % 15 (max 24)
The user breaks its shell, lowering its Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply raising Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats.
V Simple Beam Status 100% 15 (max 24)
The user's mysterious psychic wave changes the target's Ability to Simple.
I Sing Status Cute 55% 15 (max 24)
A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the target into a deep slumber.
II Sketch Status Smart % 1 (max 1)
It enables the user to permanently learn the move last used by the target. Once used, Sketch disappears.
III Slack Off Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user slacks off, restoring its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP.
II Sleep Talk Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
I Smokescreen Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the target's accuracy.
I Soft-Boiled Status Beauty % 10 (max 16)
The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
I Splash Status Cute % 40 (max 64)
The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
III Stockpile Status Tough % 20 (max 32)
The user charges up power and raises both its Defense and Sp. Def. The move can be used three times.
I Substitute Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
I Supersonic Status Smart 55% 20 (max 32)
The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
II Swagger Status Cute 90% 15 (max 24)
The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
III Swallow Status Tough % 10 (max 16)
The power stored using the move Stockpile is absorbed by the user to heal its HP. Storing more power heals more HP.
II Sweet Scent Status Cute 100% 20 (max 32)
Many Others
A sweet scent that lowers the opposing team's evasiveness. It also lures wild Pokémon if used in grass, etc.
I Swords Dance Status Beauty % 30 (max 48)
A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
I Tail Whip Status Cute 100% 30 (max 48)
Many Others
The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stat.
III Teeter Dance Status Cute 100% 20 (max 32)
All Others
The user performs a wobbly dance that confuses the Pokémon around it.
III Tickle Status Cute 100% 20 (max 32)
The user tickles the target into laughing, reducing its Attack and Defense stats.
I Transform Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user transforms into a copy of the target right down to having the same move set.
I Whirlwind Status Smart 100% 20 (max 32)
The foe is blown away, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
III Wish Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
One turn after this move is used, the target's HP is restored by half the user's maximum HP.
V Work Up Status % 30 (max 48)
The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
III Yawn Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user lets loose a huge yawn that lulls the target into falling asleep on the next turn.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Poison-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
I Acid Armor Status Tough % 40 (max 64)
The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
V Coil Status % 20 (max 32)
The user coils up and concentrates. This raises its Attack and Defense stats as well as its accuracy.
IV Gastro Acid Status Beauty 100% 10 (max 16)
The user hurls up its stomach acids on the target. The fluid eliminates the effect of the target's Ability.
I Poison Gas Status Smart 80% 40 (max 64)
Many Others
A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the face of opposing Pokémon. It may poison those hit.
I Poison Powder Status Smart 75% 35 (max 56)
The user scatters a cloud of poisonous dust on the target. It may poison the target.
I Toxic Status Smart 90% 10 (max 16)
A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
IV Toxic Spikes Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
Other Side
The user lays a trap of poison spikes at the opponent's feet. They poison opponents that switch into battle.
VI Venom Drench Status % 20 (max 32)
Opposing Pokémon are drenched in an odd poisonous liquid. This lowers the Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats of a poisoned target.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Psychic-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
I Agility Status Cool % 30 (max 48)
The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
V Ally Switch Status % 10 (max 16)
The user teleports using a strange power and switches its place with one of its allies.
I Amnesia Status Cute % 20 (max 32)
The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
I Barrier Status Cool % 30 (max 48)
The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
III Calm Mind Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
III Cosmic Power Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
The user absorbs a mystical power from space to raise its Defense and Sp. Def stats.
IV Gravity Status Beauty % 5 (max 8)
Gravity is intensified for five turns, making moves involving flying unusable and negating Levitation.
V Guard Split Status % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to average its Defense and Sp. Def stats with those of its target's.
IV Guard Swap Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with the target.
IV Heal Block Status Cute 100% 15 (max 24)
Other Side
For five turns, the user prevents the opposing team from using any moves, Abilities, or held items that recover HP.
V Heal Pulse Status % 10 (max 16)
Normal (long-range)
The user emits a healing pulse which restores the target's HP by up to half of its max HP.
IV Healing Wish Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user faints. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its HP restored and status cured.
IV Heart Swap Status Cool % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch stat changes with the target.
I Hypnosis Status Smart 60% 20 (max 32)
The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
III Imprison Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
Other Side
If the opponents know any move also known by the user, the opponents are prevented from using it.
I Kinesis Status Smart 80% 15 (max 24)
The user distracts the target by bending a spoon. It lowers the target's accuracy.
I Light Screen Status Beauty % 30 (max 48)
Your Party
A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
IV Lunar Dance Status Beauty % 10 (max 16)
The user faints. In return, the Pokémon taking its place will have its status and HP fully restored.
III Magic Coat Status Beauty % 15 (max 24)
A barrier reflects back to the target moves like Leech Seed and moves that damage status.
V Magic Room Status % 10 (max 16)
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's held items lose their effects for five turns.
I Meditate Status Beauty % 40 (max 64)
The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
IV Miracle Eye Status Cute % 40 (max 64)
Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by Psychic-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
V Power Split Status % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with those of the target's.
IV Power Swap Status Beauty % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with the target.
IV Power Trick Status Cool % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to switch its Attack with its Defense stat.
IV Psycho Shift Status Cool 90% 10 (max 16)
Using its psychic power of suggestion, the user transfers its status problems to the target.
I Reflect Status Smart % 20 (max 32)
Your Party
A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
I Rest Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the user's HP and heals any status problem.
III Role Play Status Cute % 10 (max 16)
The user mimics the target completely, copying the target's natural Ability.
III Skill Swap Status Smart % 10 (max 16)
The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.
V Telekinesis Status % 15 (max 24)
The user makes the target float with its psychic power. The target is easier to hit for three turns.
I Teleport Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.
III Trick Status Smart 100% 10 (max 16)
The user catches the target off guard and swaps its held item with its own.
IV Trick Room Status Cute % 5 (max 8)
The user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.
V Wonder Room Status % 10 (max 16)
The user creates a bizarre area in which Pokémon's Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped for five turns.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Rock-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Rock Polish Status Tough % 20 (max 32)
The user polishes its body to reduce drag. It can sharply raise the Speed stat.
II Sandstorm Status Tough % 20 (max 32)
A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types.
IV Stealth Rock Status Cool % 20 (max 32)
Other Side
The user lays a trap of levitating stones around the opponent's team. The trap hurts opponents that switch into battle.
V Wide Guard Status % 10 (max 16)
Your Party
The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn. If used in succession, its chances of failing rises.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Steel-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
V Autotomize Status % 15 (max 24)
The user sheds part of its body to make itself lighter and sharply raise its Speed stat.
III Iron Defense Status Tough % 15 (max 24)
The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.
VI King's Shield Status % 10 (max 16)
The user takes a defensive stance while it protects itself from damage. It also harshly lowers the Attack stat of any attacker who makes direct contact.
III Metal Sound Status Smart 85% 40 (max 64)
A horrible sound like scraping metal harshly reduces the target's Sp. Def stat.
V Shift Gear Status % 10 (max 16)
The user rotates its gears, raising its Attack and sharply raising its Speed.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

Water-type moves

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
IV Aqua Ring Status Beauty % 20 (max 32)
The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP on every turn.
II Rain Dance Status Tough % 5 (max 8)
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.
V Soak Status 100% 20 (max 32)
The user shoots a torrent of water at the target and changes the target's type to Water.
III Water Sport Status Cute % 15 (max 24)
The user soaks itself with water. The move weakens Fire-type moves while the user is in the battle.
I Withdraw Status Cute % 40 (max 64)
The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.

See also

  This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.