Rock Tomb (move)

Rock Tomb
がんせきふうじ Rock Trap
Type  Rock
Category  Physical
PP  15 (max. 24)
Power  60
Accuracy  95%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Normal: May affect anyone adjacent to the user
Introduced  Generation III
Condition  Smart
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jam  0  
Temporarily stops the crowd from getting excited.
Condition  Smart
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Enables the user to perform last in the next turn.
Condition  Clever
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jamming  0  
Makes audience expect little of other contestants.

Rock Tomb (Japanese: がんせきふうじ Rock Trap) is a damage-dealing Rock-type move introduced in Generation III. It has been TM39 since Generation III.


Generations III to V

Rock Tomb deals damage and lowers the opponent's Speed one stage. It has a power of 50, 10 PP, and 80% accuracy.

Generation VI

Rock Tomb's power changed to 60, its PP changed to 15, and its accuracy changed to 95%.


Games Description
RSE Stops the foe from moving with rocks and cuts Speed.*
Stops the foe from moving with rocks. May lower Speed.*
FRLG Boulders are hurled at the foe. It also lowers the foe’s Speed if it hits.
Immobilizes the target with rocks, and cuts Speed.*
Stops target from moving with rocks. May lower Speed.*
PMDRB Inflicts damage on the target. It also lowers the target's Movement Speed by one level.
Boulders are hurled at the foe. It also lowers the foe’s Speed by preventing its movement.*
Large boulders are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also make the target flinch.DP*
Large boulders are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It lowers the foe's Speed.PtHGSS*
Boulders are hurled at the target. It also lowers the target's Speed by preventing its movement.
Conq Bombard the enemy with rocks. It may also reduce the target's Range.
Boulders are hurled at the target. This also lowers the target's Speed stat by preventing its movement.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Type Level
095   Onix Rock Ground   17 17 13 10
185   Sudowoodo Rock Rock   30 30 22 22
208   Steelix Steel Ground   17 17 13 10
304   Aron Steel Rock       13
305   Lairon Steel Rock       13
306   Aggron Steel Rock       13
343   Baltoy Ground Psychic 15 15 18 10 10
344   Claydol Ground Psychic 15 15 18 10 10
369   Relicanth Water Rock 15 15 15 15
438   Bonsly Rock Rock   30 30 22 22
645   Landorus Ground Flying     1 1
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

By breeding

# Pokémon Type Father
524   Roggenrola Rock Rock        
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Type Machine
004   Charmander Fire Fire
005   Charmeleon Fire Fire
006   Charizard Fire Flying
007   Squirtle Water Water
008   Wartortle Water Water
009   Blastoise Water Water
023   Ekans Poison Poison
024   Arbok Poison Poison
027   Sandshrew Ground Ground
028   Sandslash Ground Ground
031   Nidoqueen Poison Ground
034   Nidoking Poison Ground
050   Diglett Ground Ground
051   Dugtrio Ground Ground
056   Mankey Fighting Fighting
057   Primeape Fighting Fighting
062   Poliwrath Water Fighting
066   Machop Fighting Fighting
067   Machoke Fighting Fighting
068   Machamp Fighting Fighting
074   Geodude Rock Ground
075   Graveler Rock Ground
076   Golem Rock Ground
088   Grimer Poison Poison
089   Muk Poison Poison
095   Onix Rock Ground
098   Krabby Water Water
099   Kingler Water Water
104   Cubone Ground Ground
105   Marowak Ground Ground
106   Hitmonlee Fighting Fighting
107   Hitmonchan Fighting Fighting
108   Lickitung Normal Normal
111   Rhyhorn Ground Rock
112   Rhydon Ground Rock
113   Chansey Normal Normal
115   Kangaskhan Normal Normal
127   Pinsir Bug Bug
128   Tauros Normal Normal
138   Omanyte Rock Water
139   Omastar Rock Water
140   Kabuto Rock Water
141   Kabutops Rock Water
142   Aerodactyl Rock Flying
143   Snorlax Normal Normal
149   Dragonite Dragon Flying
150   Mewtwo Psychic Psychic
151   Mew Psychic Psychic
157   Typhlosion Fire Fire
158   Totodile Water Water
159   Croconaw Water Water
160   Feraligatr Water Water
185   Sudowoodo Rock Rock
195   Quagsire Water Ground
204   Pineco Bug Bug
205   Forretress Bug Steel
206   Dunsparce Normal Normal
207   Gligar Ground Flying
208   Steelix Steel Ground
210   Granbull Fairy Fairy
213   Shuckle Bug Rock
214   Heracross Bug Fighting
216   Teddiursa Normal Normal
217   Ursaring Normal Normal
218   Slugma Fire Fire
219   Magcargo Fire Rock
220   Swinub Ice Ground
221   Piloswine Ice Ground
222   Corsola Water Rock
226   Mantine Water Flying
227   Skarmory Steel Flying
231   Phanpy Ground Ground
232   Donphan Ground Ground
241   Miltank Normal Normal
242   Blissey Normal Normal
246   Larvitar Rock Ground
247   Pupitar Rock Ground
248   Tyranitar Rock Dark
252   Treecko Grass Grass
253   Grovyle Grass Grass
254   Sceptile Grass Grass
255   Torchic Fire Fire
256   Combusken Fire Fighting
257   Blaziken Fire Fighting
258   Mudkip Water Water
259   Marshtomp Water Ground
260   Swampert Water Ground
274   Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275   Shiftry Grass Dark
286   Breloom Grass Fighting
287   Slakoth Normal Normal
288   Vigoroth Normal Normal
289   Slaking Normal Normal
294   Loudred Normal Normal
295   Exploud Normal Normal
296   Makuhita Fighting Fighting
297   Hariyama Fighting Fighting
299   Nosepass Rock Rock
302   Sableye Dark Ghost
303   Mawile Steel Fairy
304   Aron Steel Rock
305   Lairon Steel Rock
306   Aggron Steel Rock
307   Meditite Fighting Psychic
308   Medicham Fighting Psychic
319   Sharpedo Water Dark
320   Wailmer Water Water
321   Wailord Water Water
322   Numel Fire Ground
323   Camerupt Fire Ground
324   Torkoal Fire Fire
327   Spinda Normal Normal
328   Trapinch Ground Ground
329   Vibrava Ground Dragon
330   Flygon Ground Dragon
335   Zangoose Normal Normal
337   Lunatone Rock Psychic
338   Solrock Rock Psychic
339   Barboach Water Ground
340   Whiscash Water Ground
341   Corphish Water Water
342   Crawdaunt Water Dark
343   Baltoy Ground Psychic
344   Claydol Ground Psychic
345   Lileep Rock Grass
346   Cradily Rock Grass
347   Anorith Rock Bug
348   Armaldo Rock Bug
352   Kecleon Normal Normal
356   Dusclops Ghost Ghost
359   Absol Dark Dark
363   Spheal Ice Water
364   Sealeo Ice Water
365   Walrein Ice Water
367   Huntail Water Water
369   Relicanth Water Rock
371   Bagon Dragon Dragon
372   Shelgon Dragon Dragon
373   Salamence Dragon Flying
375   Metang Steel Psychic
376   Metagross Steel Psychic
377   Regirock Rock Rock
378   Regice Ice Ice
379   Registeel Steel Steel
382   Kyogre Water Water
383   Groudon Ground Ground
384   Rayquaza Dragon Flying
386   Deoxys Psychic Psychic
389   Torterra Grass Ground
391   Monferno Fire Fighting
392   Infernape Fire Fighting
393   Piplup Water Water
394   Prinplup Water Water
395   Empoleon Water Steel
408   Cranidos Rock Rock
409   Rampardos Rock Rock
410   Shieldon Rock Steel
411   Bastiodon Rock Steel
413   Wormadam
Sandy Cloak
Bug Ground
418   Buizel Water Water
419   Floatzel Water Water
423   Gastrodon Water Ground
436   Bronzor Steel Psychic
437   Bronzong Steel Psychic
438   Bonsly Rock Rock
442   Spiritomb Ghost Dark
443   Gible Dragon Ground
444   Gabite Dragon Ground
445   Garchomp Dragon Ground
446   Munchlax Normal Normal
447   Riolu Fighting Fighting
448   Lucario Fighting Steel
449   Hippopotas Ground Ground
450   Hippowdon Ground Ground
451   Skorupi Poison Bug
452   Drapion Poison Dark
453   Croagunk Poison Fighting
454   Toxicroak Poison Fighting
460   Abomasnow Grass Ice
463   Lickilicky Normal Normal
464   Rhyperior Ground Rock
465   Tangrowth Grass Grass
466   Electivire Electric Electric
467   Magmortar Fire Fire
472   Gliscor Ground Flying
473   Mamoswine Ice Ground
475   Gallade Psychic Fighting
476   Probopass Rock Steel
477   Dusknoir Ghost Ghost
483   Dialga Steel Dragon
484   Palkia Water Dragon
485   Heatran Fire Steel
486   Regigigas Normal Normal
491   Darkrai Dark Dark
493   Arceus Normal Normal
498   Tepig Fire Fire
499   Pignite Fire Fighting
500   Emboar Fire Fighting
506   Lillipup Normal Normal
507   Herdier Normal Normal
508   Stoutland Normal Normal
511   Pansage Grass Grass
512   Simisage Grass Grass
513   Pansear Fire Fire
514   Simisear Fire Fire
515   Panpour Water Water
516   Simipour Water Water
517   Munna Psychic Psychic
518   Musharna Psychic Psychic
524   Roggenrola Rock Rock
525   Boldore Rock Rock
526   Gigalith Rock Rock
529   Drilbur Ground Ground
530   Excadrill Ground Steel
532   Timburr Fighting Fighting
533   Gurdurr Fighting Fighting
534   Conkeldurr Fighting Fighting
537   Seismitoad Water Ground
538   Throh Fighting Fighting
539   Sawk Fighting Fighting
545   Scolipede Bug Poison
551   Sandile Ground Dark
552   Krokorok Ground Dark
553   Krookodile Ground Dark
554   Darumaka Fire Fire
555   Darmanitan Fire Fire
557   Dwebble Bug Rock
558   Crustle Bug Rock
559   Scraggy Dark Fighting
560   Scrafty Dark Fighting
564   Tirtouga Water Rock
565   Carracosta Water Rock
566   Archen Rock Flying
567   Archeops Rock Flying
574   Gothita Psychic Psychic
575   Gothorita Psychic Psychic
576   Gothitelle Psychic Psychic
577   Solosis Psychic Psychic
578   Duosion Psychic Psychic
579   Reuniclus Psychic Psychic
604   Eelektross Electric Electric
605   Elgyem Psychic Psychic
606   Beheeyem Psychic Psychic
610   Axew Dragon Dragon
611   Fraxure Dragon Dragon
612   Haxorus Dragon Dragon
613   Cubchoo Ice Ice
614   Beartic Ice Ice
618   Stunfisk Ground Electric
619   Mienfoo Fighting Fighting
620   Mienshao Fighting Fighting
621   Druddigon Dragon Dragon
622   Golett Ground Ghost
623   Golurk Ground Ghost
624   Pawniard Dark Steel
625   Bisharp Dark Steel
627   Rufflet Normal Flying
628   Braviary Normal Flying
629   Vullaby Dark Flying
630   Mandibuzz Dark Flying
631   Heatmor Fire Fire
632   Durant Bug Steel
635   Hydreigon Dark Dragon
639   Terrakion Rock Fighting
643   Reshiram Dragon Fire
644   Zekrom Dragon Electric
645   Landorus Ground Flying
646   Kyurem Dragon Ice
650   Chespin Grass Grass
651   Quilladin Grass Grass
652   Chesnaught Grass Fighting
656   Froakie Water Water
657   Frogadier Water Water
658   Greninja Water Dark
659   Bunnelby Normal Normal
660   Diggersby Normal Ground
674   Pancham Fighting Fighting
675   Pangoro Fighting Dark
688   Binacle Rock Water
689   Barbaracle Rock Water
694   Helioptile Electric Normal
695   Heliolisk Electric Normal
696   Tyrunt Rock Dragon
697   Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
698   Amaura Rock Ice
699   Aurorus Rock Ice
701   Hawlucha Fighting Flying
703   Carbink Rock Fairy
712   Bergmite Ice Ice
713   Avalugg Ice Ice
719   Diancie Rock Fairy
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games

Pokémon Conquest

Stars: ★★★
Power: 31
Accuracy: 80%
Effect: Lowers the target's range by one tile.
Grid assumes the user is in the square marked by > facing to the right.
Orange squares indicate spaces that are hit.
Red squares indicate the knockback on hit Pokémon.
A blue square indicates the user's position after performing the move.

In the anime

The target is surrounded by rocks which emerge from the ground and trap it, or the user forms a giant rock a hurls it at the target.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
  Nosepass jumps into the air and lands on the ground. When it lands, giant rocks protrude from the ground and surrounds the opponent, making it unable to move.
Roxanne's Nosepass A Winner by a Nosepass Debut
  Trapinch calls out and giant rocks shoot out of the ground and surround the opponent.
A Trapinch Solana captured using her Capture Styler Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2 None
  Magmortar sticks out its arm and fires a purple circle from its arm cannon at the ground. When the purple circle hits the ground, it turns into a large gray stone.
Paul's Magmortar Evolving Strategies! None
  Pansage puts its hands together in front of it and silver sparkles form in between its hands. It then raises its hands up in the air and the sparkles expand, forming into a silver orb of energy. The orb then grows larger until it is much bigger than Pansage's body. Finally, the glow fades out the orb, forming into a large gray boulder with a transparent silver glow. The orb rests in Pansage's arms, and it throws the boulder at the opponent.
Cilan's Pansage A Call for Brotherly Love! None
  Conkeldurr puts its hands together above itself and silver sparkles form in between its hands. The sparkles then expand, forming into a silver orb of energy. The orb then grows larger until it is much bigger than Conkeldurr's body. Finally, the glow fades out the orb, forming into a large gray boulder with a transparent silver glow. The orb rests in Conkeldurr's arms, and it throws the boulder at the opponent. The boulder then splits into multiple smaller boulders that surround the opponent.
Trip's Conkeldurr Search for the Clubultimate! None
  Silver sparkles form in between Scolipede's horns. The sparkles then expand, forming into a silver orb of energy. Finally, the glow fades out the orb, forming into a large gray boulder with a transparent silver glow. The orb rests in Scolipede's horns, and it throws the boulder at the opponent.
Roxie's Scolipede Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2 None
  Onix becomes outlined in white energy and rises its head. Multiple gray rocks outlined in white energy then form around its head in the shape of a ring. The glow around Onix then fades, causing the rocks to fall down on the opponent.
Grant's Onix Breaking Titles at the Chateau! None
  Tyrunt becomes outlined in white energy and rises its head. Multiple gray rocks outlined in white energy then form around its head in the shape of a ring. Then, the rocks fall down on the opponent.
Grant's Tyrunt Climbing the Walls! None
  Multiple gray rocks outlined in white energy form around Teddiursa.
Performer's Teddiursa A Dancing Debut! None

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Ash and Pikachu manga

In the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! manga

In other generations


In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 岩石封閉 Yánshí Fēngbì*
岩石封印 Yánshí Fēngyìn*
  Dutch Rotstombe
  Finnish Kivihauta
  French Tomberoche
  German Felsgrab
  Greek Ταφόπλακα
  Indonesian Penjara Batu
  Italian Rocciotomba
  Korean 암석봉인 Amseok Bong'in
  Polish Kamienny Grób
Portuguese   Brazil Tumba de Pedra
  Portugal Sepultura de Pedras
  Romanian Mormântul de Piatră
  Serbian Kamena Grobnica
  Spanish Tumba Rocas

Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.