Cipher Lab

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Cipher Lab
Mystery Lab/Shadow Pokémon Lab
Shadow Lab
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Cipher Lab.png
Map description: A sinister and menacing laboratory that was built in the desert without notice.Colo
A secret lab run by the criminal syndicate Cipher to study and develop Shadow Pokémon.Colo
Once used by Cipher, this facility was thought to be abandoned.XD
Cipher's old lab back in operation. Prof. Krane may be held here.XD
The lab used by the reactivated Cipher for developing XD001.XD
Location: Central Orre
Region: Orre
Generations: III
Orre Cipher Lab Map.png
Location of Cipher Lab in Orre.
Pokémon world locations

The Cipher Lab (Japanese: シャドーのラボ Shadow Lab), known as the Shadow Pokémon Lab or Shadow PKMN Lab (Japanese: ダークポケモン研究所 Dark Pokémon Laboratory) or the Mystery Facility or Mystery Lab (Japanese: なぞの研究所 Mysterious Laboratory) in Pokémon Colosseum, is a facility built by Cipher in the middle of the Orre desert, where Shadow Pokémon are created.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

In Pokémon Colosseum, the Shadow PKMN Lab is connected to The Under via The Under Subway, allowing Shadow Pokémon created at the Lab to be distributed to Trainers in The Under and Pyrite Town. The player infiltrates the laboratory after obtaining the key to unlock the Lab's main gate, only to find out that most Shadow Pokémon produced there have already been shipped elsewhere. The player must collect three randomly placed DNA Samples from around the Lab and use a DNA Analyzer to find out which Pokémon they've been taken from in order to unlock a locked door leading to the mastermind and leader of the Lab, Cipher Admin Ein.

During the infiltration, Researcher Kotan will turn on an alarm that will remain in effect until the end of the game. While he claims that this alarm will prevent the player from escaping the Lab, this is untrue, as the player can leave the facility at any point.

During the post-game, the player must return to the Lab in order to snag a Shadow Johto first partner Pokémon from a Cipher Peon whom they didn't choose to battle in Phenac City close to the start of the game.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Cipher Admin Lovrina has brought the Lab back into use after five years of dormancy. During this time, she and her team researches a way to make Shadow Pokémon impossible to purify. The electric fence around the Lab no longer works, allowing it to be immediately accessed from the main entrance. The player must enter the Lab in order to rescue Professor Krane, whom Cipher had kidnapped in an attempt to advance their purification-resistant Shadow Pokémon research.

201 Spoilers end here. 201


Item Location Games
  Maingate Key On the lowest floor of the side building, accessed from The Under Subway  Colo 
  Full Heal ×2 Outside, in the lower-left corner  Colo 
  Revive ×3 Outside, in the upper-right corner  Colo 
  PP Up ×3 1F west wing, behind the PC  Colo 
  Card Key B1F of the west wing, in the upper-left corner  Colo 
  Elixir ×3 The lowest floor of the side building, accessed from The Under Subway  Colo 
  Full Restore At the dead end near Cipher Peon Tanie and the two adjacent elevators  Colo 
  Down St. Key In the small room with Researcher Coren  Colo 
  DNA Sample
3 out of 9 possible locations
  • One in the upper-left corner of the room to the left of the door unlocked by the Down St. Key
  • One in the room with the stairway leading to the small room with the Down St. Key
  • Two in the room on the first left after the door unlocked by the Down St. Key
  • Two in the room guarded by Cipher Peon Lesar
  • One to the right of the adjacent elevators
  • Two in the room north of the adjacent elevators
  HP Up In the lower-left corner of Ein's room  Colo 
  TM26 (Earthquake) In the upper-right corner of Ein's room after defeating him  Colo 
  Data ROM Next to Ein's computer after defeating him  Colo 
  Poké Ball ×3 West wing, upper-left corner  XD 
  Super Potion ×4
  • West wing, upper-right corner
  • North of the adjacent elevators (×3)
  Revive In the lower-left corner of what used to be Ein's room  XD 
  Ether ×2
  • At the dead end past Cipher Peon Meda
  • In the healing room accessible from the right adjacent elevator
  Great Ball ×2
  • In the upper-right corner of the room with Cipher R&Ds Elrok and Coffy
  • In the room with Cipher R&D Klots
  Full Heal In the room southwest of Klots's room  XD 
  ID Card Dropped by Cipher R&D Klots after defeating him  XD 
  Leaf Stone In the small room where Professor Krane is being held  XD 
  Data ROM Dropped by Cipher R&D Tekot after defeating Lovrina  XD 
  Battle CD 42 In the small room where Professor Krane was being held after defeating Gorigan  XD 


Pokémon Colosseum

First visit

Trainer Pokémon
Researcher Myron
ラボン Rabon
Reward: $1,520
  Voltorb Lv.38
No item
  Voltorb Lv.38
No item
Cipher Peon Cole
ガク Gaku
Reward: $1,640
  Furret Lv.37
No item
  Remoraid Lv.39
No item
  Castform Lv.41
No item
No item
Researcher Odlow
ペリム Perimu
Reward: $1,560
  Electrode Lv.39
No item
  Magnemite Lv.38
No item
  Magneton Lv.39
No item
Researcher Coren
ダルル Darul
Reward: $1,600
  Electrode Lv.40
No item
  Magnemite Lv.39
No item
  Magneton Lv.40
No item
Researcher Lethco
ビイカー Biika
Reward: $1,560
  Chinchou Lv.38
No item
  Magnemite Lv.37
No item
  Electrike Lv.39
No item
Cipher Peon Lare
リコス Rikosu
Reward: $1,720
  Nuzleaf Lv.38
No item
  Carvanha Lv.38
No item
  Houndour Lv.38
No item
No item
Cipher Peon Vana
マール Marl
Reward: $1,720
  Pupitar Lv.40
No item
  Zubat Lv.40
No item
  Swablu Lv.40
No item
No item
Cipher Peon Lesar
ガベチ Gabechi
Reward: $1,720
  Rhyhorn Lv.40
No item
  Grovyle Lv.40
No item
Cipher Peon Tanie
フィア Fia
Reward: $1,560
  Linoone Lv.38
No item
  Vigoroth Lv.39
No item
No item
Researcher Dubik
ニコラ Nicola
Reward: $1,480
  Electrode Lv.37
No item
  Electrode Lv.37
No item
Researcher Kotan
アレン Allen
Reward: $1,680
  Electrode Lv.42
No item
  Magneton Lv.40
No item
  Ampharos Lv.41
No item
Cipher Peon Remil
イズナ Izuna
Reward: $1,720
  Kadabra Lv.42
No item
  Swellow Lv.43
No item
  Kecleon Lv.43
No item
  Dragon Fang
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

  If Hitmontop was not snagged during the first battle against Skrub, it will replace his Medicham here.


If a Cipher Peon's Shadow Pokémon wasn't snagged during the main game, it will replace the last Pokémon in their party here. They can be rematched until their Shadow Pokémon has been snagged.

Trainer Pokémon
Cipher Peon Cole
ガク Gaku
Reward: $2,320
  Furret Lv.57
No item
  Octillery Lv.56
No item
  Castform Lv.58
No item
  Wigglytuff Lv.56
No item
Cipher Peon Lare
リコス Rikosu
Reward: $2,280
  Nuzleaf Lv.57
No item
  Sharpedo Lv.56
No item
  Houndour Lv.56
No item
  Sneasel Lv.57
No item
Cipher Peon Vana
マール Marl
Reward: $2,320
  Pupitar Lv.56
No item
  Golbat Lv.56
No item
  Swablu Lv.58
No item
  Mawile Lv.57
No item
Cipher Peon Lesar
ガベチ Gabechi
Reward: $2,280
  Rhyhorn Lv.57
No item
  Grovyle Lv.56
No item
  Masquerain Lv.57
No item
Cipher Peon Tanie
フィア Fia
Reward: $1,760
  Linoone Lv.42
No item
  Vigoroth Lv.44
No item
  Delcatty Lv.43
No item
Cipher Peon Remil
イズナ Izuna
Reward: $2,320
  Kadabra Lv.57
No item
  Swellow Lv.58
No item
  Kecleon Lv.58
No item
  Quagsire Lv.58
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

  If Bluno was battled in Phenac City:

  If Verde was battled in Phenac City:

  If Rosso was battled in Phenac City:

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness


Before snagging

The player must defeat at least one of the Hexagon Brothers in order to enter the lab.

After snagging

Rematch (without Shadow Pokémon)


Trainer Pokémon
Cipher Peon Corla
マーギ Magi
Reward: $560
  Duskull Lv.14
No item
  Skitty Lv.14
No item
Cipher Peon Javion
ルキロ Rukiro
Reward: $560
  Doduo Lv.13
No item
  Taillow Lv.14
No item
Cipher R&D Mesak
エオジン Eosin
Reward: $650
  Lileep Lv.13
No item
  Anorith Lv.13
No item
Cipher Peon Nexir
キシリン Kishirin
Reward: $680
  Swinub Lv.14
No item
  Shuppet Lv.13
No item
No item
Cipher Peon Solox
アユヤ Ayuya
Reward: $680
  Ralts Lv.15
No item
  Voltorb Lv.16
No item
  Bagon Lv.16
No item
Cipher Peon Crink
ルキーグ Rukigu
Reward: $560
  Snorunt Lv.14
No item
  Barboach Lv.14
No item
Cipher R&D Morbit
マチン Machin
Reward: $800
  Spoink Lv.16
No item
  Lotad Lv.14
No item
  Staryu Lv.14
No item
Cipher Peon Meda
ティブ Tib
Reward: $640
  Natu Lv.16
No item
  Nincada Lv.14
No item
  Wailmer Lv.15
No item
Cipher R&D Elrok
エヌシー Enushi
Reward: $850
  Swablu Lv.17
No item
  Wynaut Lv.16
No item
  Corsola Lv.15
No item
Cipher R&D Coffy
オーディ Audie
Reward: $850
  Dustox Lv.14
No item
  Wingull Lv.17
No item
  Pineco Lv.16
No item
  Qwilfish Lv.15
No item
Cipher Peon Digor
カンタ Kanta
Reward: $680
  Abra Lv.17
No item
  Machop Lv.16
No item
  Feebas Lv.16
No item
  Makuhita Lv.16
No item
Cipher Peon Cabol
ヒルガ Hiruga
Reward: $720
  Magnemite Lv.15
No item
  Psyduck Lv.15
No item
  Remoraid Lv.16
No item
Cipher Peon Nopia
ヤゴル Yagoru
Reward: $680
  Jigglypuff Lv.15
No item
  Chimecho Lv.17
No item
  Dunsparce Lv.16
No item
Cipher R&D Klots
ヘリコ Heriko
Reward: $900
No item
  Snubbull Lv.16
No item
  Kecleon Lv.16
No item
Cipher R&D Tekot
シスト Sisto
Reward: $750
  Clamperl Lv.13
No item
  Corphish Lv.14
No item
  Zubat Lv.15
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.


  • When leaving the elevator in Pokémon Colosseum to battle Researcher Kotan, there is a blank box to the left of the elevator with no textures covering the small square space.

In other languages

Shadow Pokémon Lab

Language Title
  French Labo Pokémon Obscurs
  German Crypto-Pokémon-Labor
  Italian Laboratorio Pokémon Ombra
  Spanish Laboratorio de Pokémon Oscuros
Laboratorio de PKMN Oscuros

Mystery Lab

Language Title
  French Laboratoire Mysterieux
  German Geheimnisvolles Labor
  Italian Laboratorio Misterioso
  Spanish Laboratorio Misterioso

Cipher Lab

Language Title
  French Labo Ombre
  German Crypto-Labor
  Italian Laboratorio di Cripto
  Spanish Laboratorio de Cífer

Phenac CityPyrite TownAgate VillageThe UnderGateon Port
Outskirt StandPrestige Precept CenterPyrite Bldg/ONBSPyrite CaveRelic CaveRelic StoneThe Under Subway
Cipher LabSnagem HideoutPokémon HQ LabKaminko's HousePoké SpotS.S. LibraCipher Key LairCitadark Isle
Colosseums and stadiums
Phenac StadiumPyrite ColosseumUnder Colosseum
Realgam ColosseumDeep ColosseumOrre Colosseum
Tournament areas
Mt. BattleRealgam Tower

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.