Relic Cave

Relic Cave ほこらのどうくつ
Sacred Forest's Cave
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Relic Cave.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Agate Village
Region: Orre
Generations: III
Orre Agate Village Map.png
Location of Relic Cave in Orre.
Pokémon world locations

The Relic Cave (Japanese: ほこらのどうくつ Relic Cave) is a small tunnel underneath Agate Village, leading to the Relic Forest and Relic Stone. It is said that the whole area is blessed with Celebi's power.

In Pokémon Colosseum, the cave is off-limits to the player until the Relic Stone is targeted by a group of Cipher Peons led by Skrub. The player must battle their way through them in order to reach and defeat Skrub at the Relic Forest and save the Relic Stone.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, Eagun has situated several friendly Trainers into the cave to help the player in purifying their Shadow Pokémon. They will not battle if the player does not bring at least one unfainted Shadow Pokémon.


Item Location Games
  Burn Heal ×2 West of Matron Ladi  XD 
  Cologne Case Gift from Fun Old Man Cron after defeating him  XD 


Pokémon Colosseum

Trainer Pokémon
Cipher Peon Doven
ハミル Hamill
Reward: $1,360
  Spheal Lv.33
No item
  Carvanha Lv.34
No item
Cipher Peon Silton
ダイン Dine
Reward: $1,360
  Shroomish Lv.34
No item
  Cacnea Lv.34
No item
Cipher Peon Kass
ファミ Fami
Reward: $1,400
  Baltoy Lv.35
No item
  Ralts Lv.35
No item
  Kirlia Lv.35
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

Trainer Pokémon
Cooltrainer Gorps
ネイ Ney
Reward: $240
  Zigzagoon Lv.8
No item
  Numel Lv.8
No item
Supertrainer Jols
イーナ Ena
Reward: $800
  Snubbull Lv.8
No item
  Corphish Lv.8
No item
  Lotad Lv.8
No item
Matron Ladi
スコル Schorr
Reward: $256
  Cacnea Lv.8
No item
  Slugma Lv.8
No item
Fun Old Man Cron
デント Dentore
Reward: $288
  Horsea Lv.9
No item
  Abra Lv.9
No item
  Shroomish Lv.9
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

In other languages

Language Title
  French Caverne Relique
  German Sanktuariums-Höhle
  Italian Grotta del Monolito
  Spanish Cueva Legendaria

Phenac CityPyrite TownAgate VillageThe UnderGateon Port
Outskirt StandPrestige Precept CenterPyrite Bldg/ONBSPyrite CaveRelic CaveRelic StoneThe Under Subway
Cipher LabSnagem HideoutPokémon HQ LabKaminko's HousePoké SpotS.S. LibraCipher Key LairCitadark Isle
Colosseums and stadiums
Phenac StadiumPyrite ColosseumUnder Colosseum
Realgam ColosseumDeep ColosseumOrre Colosseum
Tournament areas
Mt. BattleRealgam Tower

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.