Pyrite Cave

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Pyrite Cave パイラのどうくつ
Pyra Cave
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Pyrite Cave.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Pyrite Town
Region: Orre
Generations: III
Orre Pyrite Town Map Colo.png
Location of Pyrite Cave in Orre.
Pokémon world locations

Pyrite Cave (Japanese: パイラのどうくつ Pyra Cave) is a location in Pokémon Colosseum. It is an abandoned coal mine used as a hideout by Miror B. and his minions. Its entrance is located on the rooftop level of the Pyrite Bldg. The bottom floor of the cave is connected to the sewers running underneath Pyrite Town. Many Trainers here use Lotad and/or Lombre, as a reference to Miror B.'s habit of using Ludicolo.

If the player returns to the cave after defeating Dakim at Mt. Battle, but before beating Evice, they can find and battle Mirakle B., a Cipher Peon considering himself as Miror B.'s rightful successor, in his place at the deepest part of the cave. After Evice has been defeated, Mirakle B. will disappear and be replaced by Reath and Ferma.

In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the entrance to Pyrite Cave has been permanently sealed off in order to prevent any criminals from hiding inside it.


Item Location Games
  Ether ×3 Entrance, east of the stairs  Colo 
  Hyper Potion ×2 Entrance, north of the stairs  Colo 
  Full Heal B1F, to the right of Hunter Valen  Colo 
  Ultra Ball ×3 1F, in the path past Bandana Guy Noxy  Colo 
  Max Potion B1F, in a hidden room located south of the passage to the right of Rider Derid  Colo 
  Protein North sewers, past Hunter Meli  Colo 
  Iron North sewers, past Hunter Meli  Colo 
  Zinc North sewers, past Hunter Meli  Colo 
  Carbos North sewers, past Hunter Meli  Colo 
  TM49 (Snatch) Miror B.'s alcove, north of the dance platform after defeating Miror B.  Colo 
  Ein File P Plusle's cell, north of the door  Colo 
  Macho Brace Plusle's cell, northwestern corner  Colo 


First visit

Trainer Pokémon
St.Performer Simes
スタック Stack
Reward: $512
  Anorith Lv.32
No item
  Lotad Lv.32
No item
B1F (pre-south sewers)
Chaser Maiz
ビブ Bib
Reward: $640
  Koffing Lv.32
No item
  Ralts Lv.31
No item
  Shroomish Lv.32
No item
Rider Twan
リード Reed
Reward: $330
  Bagon Lv.33
No item
  Numel Lv.32
No item
Hunter Valen
フェルマ Fermat
Reward: $528
  Lotad Lv.32
No item
  Whismur Lv.33
No item
  Slakoth Lv.32
No item
Chaser Rehan
ビバル Bibaru
Reward: $640
  Geodude Lv.32
No item
  Lotad Lv.31
No item
  Snorunt Lv.32
No item
  Slakoth Lv.31
No item
Bandana Guy Noxy
ストラ Stole
Reward: $528
  Lotad Lv.32
No item
  Lotad Lv.33
No item
  Lotad Lv.33
No item
  Lotad Lv.33
No item
South sewers
Rider Sosh
ナチュラ Natura
Reward: $340
No item
  Mareep Lv.34
No item
  Cacnea Lv.34
No item
B1F (post-south sewers)
Roller Boy Evat
アレク Alek
Reward: $198
  Lotad Lv.32
No item
  Lombre Lv.33
No item
Hunter Zalo
トレモ Toremo
Reward: $512
No item
  Lotad Lv.31
No item
  Beldum Lv.32
No item
  Lombre Lv.32
No item
Rider Derid
レガト Regato
Reward: $330
  Shuppet Lv.33
No item
  Pineco Lv.30
No item
  Koffing Lv.30
No item
North sewers
Hunter Meli
ハモニ Hamoni
Reward: $528
  Zigzagoon Lv.32
No item
  Zigzagoon Lv.32
No item
  Linoone Lv.33
No item
Chaser Mela
スーザ Sousa
Reward: $660
  Natu Lv.33
No item
  Tentacool Lv.32
No item
  Teddiursa Lv.32
No item
Cipher Peon Sema
ソット Sotto
Reward: $1,360
  Lileep Lv.32
No item
  Spheal Lv.34
No item
  Dustox Lv.33
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

Miror's Hideout

After defeating Dakim

If a Trainer's Shadow Pokémon wasn't snagged during the first battle, it will replace the first Pokémon in their party here. They can be rematched until their Shadow Pokémon has been snagged.

Trainer Pokémon
St.Performer Simes
スタック Stack
Reward: $640
  Anorith Lv.41
No item
  Lombre Lv.40
No item
B1F (pre-south sewers)
Chaser Maiz
ビブ Bib
Reward: $780
  Koffing Lv.38
No item
  Kirlia Lv.38
No item
  Shroomish Lv.39
No item
Rider Twan
リード Reed
Reward: $330
  Machop Lv.38
No item
  Shelgon Lv.40
No item
  Camerupt Lv.39
No item
Hunter Valen
フェルマ Fermat
Reward: $608
  Lombre Lv.37
No item
  Loudred Lv.38
No item
  Slakoth Lv.38
No item
Chaser Rehan
ビバル Bibaru
Reward: $760
  Graveler Lv.37
No item
  Lotad Lv.38
No item
  Snorunt Lv.37
No item
  Slakoth Lv.38
No item
Bandana Guy Noxy
ストラ Stole
Reward: $560
  Lotad Lv.33
No item
  Lombre Lv.36
No item
  Lombre Lv.34
No item
  Lombre Lv.35
No item
South sewers
Rider Sosh
ナチュラ Natura
Reward: $390
  Jigglypuff Lv.38
No item
  Mareep Lv.39
No item
  Cacnea Lv.39
No item
B1F (post-south sewers)
Roller Boy Evat
アレク Alek
Reward: $246
  Lombre Lv.40
No item
  Lombre Lv.41
No item
Hunter Zalo
トレモ Toremo
Reward: $624
  Loudred Lv.36
No item
  Lotad Lv.38
No item
  Metang Lv.39
No item
  Lombre Lv.37
No item
Rider Derid
レガト Regato
Reward: $400
  Shuppet Lv.39
No item
  Forretress Lv.38
No item
  Koffing Lv.40
No item
North sewers
Hunter Meli
ハモニ Hamoni
Reward: $624
  Zigzagoon Lv.39
No item
  Linoone Lv.39
No item
  Linoone Lv.39
No item
Chaser Mela
スーザ Sousa
Reward: $820
  Natu Lv.40
No item
  Tentacool Lv.41
No item
  Teddiursa Lv.39
No item
Cipher Peon Sema
ソット Sotto
Reward: $1,600
  Lileep Lv.39
No item
  Sealeo Lv.40
No item
  Dustox Lv.38
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

Miror's Hideout

After defeating Evice

If Reath or Ferma's Shadow Pokémon was not snagged during the first battle against them, it will replace the final Pokémon in their party here. They can be rematched until their Shadow Pokémon has been snagged.

Trainer Pokémon
Miror's Hideout
Miror B.Peon Reath
ブレス Breath
Reward: $1,080
  Luvdisc Lv.53
No item
  Ariados Lv.53
No item
  Seaking Lv.54
No item
Miror B.Peon Ferma
スーラ Seurat
Reward: $1,060
  Aipom Lv.52
No item
  Yanma Lv.53
No item
  Furret Lv.51
No item
  Sharpedo Lv.50
No item
Trainers with a Poké Ball by their names may be challenged for a rematch after defeating certain bosses. In a rematch they may have higher-level Pokémon, and any Shadow Pokémon previously caught will be replaced.

In other languages

Language Title
  European French Cavernes de Pyrite
  German Höhle von Pyritus
  Italian Grotta di Sulfuria
  European Spanish Cueva de Pirita

Phenac CityPyrite TownAgate VillageThe UnderGateon Port
Outskirt StandPrestige Precept CenterPyrite Bldg/ONBSPyrite CaveRelic CaveRelic StoneThe Under Subway
Cipher LabSnagem HideoutPokémon HQ LabKaminko's HousePoké SpotS.S. LibraCipher Key LairCitadark Isle
Colosseums and stadiums
Phenac StadiumPyrite ColosseumUnder Colosseum
Realgam ColosseumDeep ColosseumOrre Colosseum
Tournament areas
Mt. BattleRealgam Tower

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.