List of Pokémon by Kalos Pokédex number

Revision as of 08:59, 1 January 2014 by Mooites (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia: you're right. Its good trivia though! :))
Kalos Pokédex Logo.png

This is a complete list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the Kalos regional Pokédex. Unlike the other regional Pokédex, Kalos Pokédex is split into 3 distinct categories; Central Kalos Pokédex (Japanese: セントラルカロス図鑑 Central Kalos encyclopedia), Coastal Kalos Pokédex (Japanese: コーストカロス図鑑 Coast Kalos encyclopedia), and Mountain Kalos Pokédex (Japanese: マウンテンカロス図鑑 Mountain Kalos encyclopedia).

File:XY Pokedex.png
Kalos region's Pokédex

List of Pokémon by Kalos Pokédex number

Central Kalos Pokédex

#001 - #050 Chespin - Gyarados

CeKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#001 #0650   Chespin Grass
#002 #0651   Quilladin Grass
#003 #0652   Chesnaught Grass Fighting
#004 #0653   Fennekin Fire
#005 #0654   Braixen Fire
#006 #0655   Delphox Fire Psychic
#007 #0656   Froakie Water
#008 #0657   Frogadier Water
#009 #0658   Greninja Water Dark
#010 #0659   Bunnelby Normal
#011 #0660   Diggersby Normal Ground
#012 #0263   Zigzagoon Normal
#013 #0264   Linoone Normal
#014 #0661   Fletchling Normal Flying
#015 #0662   Fletchinder Fire Flying
#016 #0663   Talonflame Fire Flying
#017 #0016   Pidgey Normal Flying
#018 #0017   Pidgeotto Normal Flying
#019 #0018   Pidgeot Normal Flying
#020 #0664   Scatterbug Bug
#021 #0665   Spewpa Bug
#022 #0666   Vivillon Bug Flying
#023 #0010   Caterpie Bug
#024 #0011   Metapod Bug
#025 #0012   Butterfree Bug Flying
#026 #0013   Weedle Bug Poison
#027 #0014   Kakuna Bug Poison
#028 #0015   Beedrill Bug Poison
#029 #0511   Pansage Grass
#030 #0512   Simisage Grass
#031 #0513   Pansear Fire
#032 #0514   Simisear Fire
#033 #0515   Panpour Water
#034 #0516   Simipour Water
#035 #0172   Pichu Electric
#036 #0025   Pikachu Electric
#037 #0026   Raichu Electric
#038 #0399   Bidoof Normal
#039 #0400   Bibarel Normal Water
#040 #0206   Dunsparce Normal
#041 #0298   Azurill Normal Fairy
#042 #0183   Marill Water Fairy
#043 #0184   Azumarill Water Fairy
#044 #0412   Burmy Bug
#045 #0413   Wormadam Bug Grass
#046 #0414   Mothim Bug Flying
#047 #0283   Surskit Bug Water
#048 #0284   Masquerain Bug Flying
#049 #0129   Magikarp Water
#050 #0130   Gyarados Water Flying

#050 - #101 Corphish - Scrafty

CeKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#051 #0341   Corphish Water
#052 #0342   Crawdaunt Water Dark
#053 #0118   Goldeen Water
#054 #0119   Seaking Water
#055 #0318   Carvanha Water Dark
#056 #0319   Sharpedo Water Dark
#057 #0667   Litleo Fire Normal
#058 #0668   Pyroar Fire Normal
#059 #0054   Psyduck Water
#060 #0055   Golduck Water
#061 #0083   Farfetch'd Normal Flying
#062 #0447   Riolu Fighting
#063 #0448   Lucario Fighting Steel
#064 #0280   Ralts Psychic Fairy
#065 #0281   Kirlia Psychic Fairy
#066 #0282   Gardevoir Psychic Fairy
#067 #0475   Gallade Psychic Fighting
#068 #0669   Flabébé Fairy
#069 #0670   Floette Fairy
#070 #0671   Florges Fairy
#071 #0406   Budew Grass Poison
#072 #0315   Roselia Grass Poison
#073 #0407   Roserade Grass Poison
#074 #0165   Ledyba Bug Flying
#075 #0166   Ledian Bug Flying
#076 #0415   Combee Bug Flying
#077 #0416   Vespiquen Bug Flying
#078 #0300   Skitty Normal
#079 #0301   Delcatty Normal
#080 #0001   Bulbasaur Grass Poison
#081 #0002   Ivysaur Grass Poison
#082 #0003   Venusaur Grass Poison
#083 #0004   Charmander Fire
#084 #0005   Charmeleon Fire
#085 #0006   Charizard Fire Flying
#086 #0007   Squirtle Water
#087 #0008   Wartortle Water
#088 #0009   Blastoise Water
#089 #0672   Skiddo Grass
#090 #0673   Gogoat Grass
#091 #0674   Pancham Fighting
#092 #0675   Pangoro Fighting Dark
#093 #0676   Furfrou Normal
#094 #0084   Doduo Normal Flying
#095 #0085   Dodrio Normal Flying
#096 #0311   Plusle Electric
#097 #0312   Minun Electric
#098 #0316   Gulpin Poison
#099 #0317   Swalot Poison
#100 #0559   Scraggy Dark Fighting
#101 #0560   Scrafty Dark Fighting

#102 - #150 Abra - Haxorus

CeKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#102 #0063   Abra Psychic
#103 #0064   Kadabra Psychic
#104 #0065   Alakazam Psychic
#105 #0043   Oddish Grass Poison
#106 #0044   Gloom Grass Poison
#107 #0045   Vileplume Grass Poison
#108 #0182   Bellossom Grass
#109 #0161   Sentret Normal
#110 #0162   Furret Normal
#111 #0290   Nincada Bug Ground
#112 #0291   Ninjask Bug Flying
#113 #0292   Shedinja Bug Ghost
#114 #0677   Espurr Psychic
#115 #0678   Meowstic Psychic
#116 #0352   Kecleon Normal
#117 #0679   Honedge Steel Ghost
#118 #0680   Doublade Steel Ghost
#119 #0681   Aegislash Steel Ghost
#120 #0543   Venipede Bug Poison
#121 #0544   Whirlipede Bug Poison
#122 #0545   Scolipede Bug Poison
#123 #0531   Audino Normal
#124 #0235   Smeargle Normal
#125 #0453   Croagunk Poison Fighting
#126 #0454   Toxicroak Poison Fighting
#127 #0580   Ducklett Water Flying
#128 #0581   Swanna Water Flying
#129 #0682   Spritzee Fairy
#130 #0683   Aromatisse Fairy
#131 #0684   Swirlix Fairy
#132 #0685   Slurpuff Fairy
#133 #0313   Volbeat Bug
#134 #0314   Illumise Bug
#135 #0187   Hoppip Grass Flying
#136 #0188   Skiploom Grass Flying
#137 #0189   Jumpluff Grass Flying
#138 #0446   Munchlax Normal
#139 #0143   Snorlax Normal
#140 #0293   Whismur Normal
#141 #0294   Loudred Normal
#142 #0295   Exploud Normal
#143 #0307   Meditite Fighting Psychic
#144 #0308   Medicham Fighting Psychic
#145 #0041   Zubat Poison Flying
#146 #0042   Golbat Poison Flying
#147 #0169   Crobat Poison Flying
#148 #0610   Axew Dragon
#149 #0611   Fraxure Dragon
#150 #0612   Haxorus Dragon

Coastal Kalos Pokédex

#001 - #052 Drifloon - Rhyperior

CoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#001 #0425   Drifloon Ghost Flying
#002 #0426   Drifblim Ghost Flying
#003 #0619   Mienfoo Fighting
#004 #0620   Mienshao Fighting
#005 #0335   Zangoose Normal
#006 #0336   Seviper Poison
#007 #0325   Spoink Psychic
#008 #0326   Grumpig Psychic
#009 #0359   Absol Dark
#010 #0686   Inkay Dark Psychic
#011 #0687   Malamar Dark Psychic
#012 #0337   Lunatone Rock Psychic
#013 #0338   Solrock Rock Psychic
#014 #0371   Bagon Dragon
#015 #0372   Shelgon Dragon
#016 #0373   Salamence Dragon Flying
#017 #0278   Wingull Water Flying
#018 #0279   Pelipper Water Flying
#019 #0276   Taillow Normal Flying
#020 #0277   Swellow Normal Flying
#021 #0688   Binacle Rock Water
#022 #0689   Barbaracle Rock Water
#023 #0557   Dwebble Bug Rock
#024 #0558   Crustle Bug Rock
#025 #0072   Tentacool Water Poison
#026 #0073   Tentacruel Water Poison
#027 #0320   Wailmer Water
#028 #0321   Wailord Water
#029 #0370   Luvdisc Water
#030 #0690   Skrelp Poison Water
#031 #0691   Dragalge Poison Dragon
#032 #0692   Clauncher Water
#033 #0693   Clawitzer Water
#034 #0120   Staryu Water
#035 #0121   Starmie Water Psychic
#036 #0090   Shellder Water
#037 #0091   Cloyster Water Ice
#038 #0211   Qwilfish Water Poison
#039 #0116   Horsea Water
#040 #0117   Seadra Water
#041 #0230   Kingdra Water Dragon
#042 #0369   Relicanth Water Rock
#043 #0551   Sandile Ground Dark
#044 #0552   Krokorok Ground Dark
#045 #0553   Krookodile Ground Dark
#046 #0694   Helioptile Electric Normal
#047 #0695   Heliolisk Electric Normal
#048 #0449   Hippopotas Ground
#049 #0450   Hippowdon Ground
#050 #0111   Rhyhorn Ground Rock
#051 #0112   Rhydon Ground Rock
#052 #0464   Rhyperior Ground Rock

#053 - #101 Onix - Staraptor

CoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#053 #0095   Onix Rock Ground
#054 #0208   Steelix Steel Ground
#055 #0527   Woobat Psychic Flying
#056 #0528   Swoobat Psychic Flying
#057 #0066   Machop Fighting
#058 #0067   Machoke Fighting
#059 #0068   Machamp Fighting
#060 #0104   Cubone Ground
#061 #0105   Marowak Ground
#062 #0115   Kangaskhan Normal
#063 #0303   Mawile Steel Fairy
#064 #0696   Tyrunt Rock Dragon
#065 #0697   Tyrantrum Rock Dragon
#066 #0698   Amaura Rock Ice
#067 #0699   Aurorus Rock Ice
#068 #0142   Aerodactyl Rock Flying
#069 #0597   Ferroseed Grass Steel
#070 #0598   Ferrothorn Grass Steel
#071 #0209   Snubbull Fairy
#072 #0210   Granbull Fairy
#073 #0309   Electrike Electric
#074 #0310   Manectric Electric
#075 #0228   Houndour Dark Fire
#076 #0229   Houndoom Dark Fire
#077 #0133   Eevee Normal
#078 #0134   Vaporeon Water
#079 #0135   Jolteon Electric
#080 #0136   Flareon Fire
#081 #0196   Espeon Psychic
#082 #0197   Umbreon Dark
#083 #0470   Leafeon Grass
#084 #0471   Glaceon Ice
#085 #0700   Sylveon Fairy
#086 #0587   Emolga Electric Flying
#087 #0193   Yanma Bug Flying
#088 #0469   Yanmega Bug Flying
#089 #0701   Hawlucha Fighting Flying
#090 #0561   Sigilyph Psychic Flying
#091 #0622   Golett Ground Ghost
#092 #0623   Golurk Ground Ghost
#093 #0299   Nosepass Rock
#094 #0476   Probopass Rock Steel
#095 #0296   Makuhita Fighting
#096 #0297   Hariyama Fighting
#097 #0538   Throh Fighting
#098 #0539   Sawk Fighting
#099 #0396   Starly Normal Flying
#100 #0397   Staravia Normal Flying
#101 #0398   Staraptor Normal Flying

#102 - #153 Stunky - Moltres

CoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#102 #0434   Stunky Poison Dark
#103 #0435   Skuntank Poison Dark
#104 #0029   Nidoran♀ Poison
#105 #0030   Nidorina Poison
#106 #0031   Nidoqueen Poison Ground
#107 #0032   Nidoran♂ Poison
#108 #0033   Nidorino Poison
#109 #0034   Nidoking Poison Ground
#110 #0702   Dedenne Electric Fairy
#111 #0433   Chingling Psychic
#112 #0358   Chimecho Psychic
#113 #0439   Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy
#114 #0122   Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
#115 #0577   Solosis Psychic
#116 #0578   Duosion Psychic
#117 #0579   Reuniclus Psychic
#118 #0360   Wynaut Psychic
#119 #0202   Wobbuffet Psychic
#120 #0524   Roggenrola Rock
#121 #0525   Boldore Rock
#122 #0526   Gigalith Rock
#123 #0302   Sableye Dark Ghost
#124 #0703   Carbink Rock Fairy
#125 #0128   Tauros Normal
#126 #0241   Miltank Normal
#127 #0179   Mareep Electric
#128 #0180   Flaaffy Electric
#129 #0181   Ampharos Electric
#130 #0127   Pinsir Bug
#131 #0214   Heracross Bug Fighting
#132 #0417   Pachirisu Electric
#133 #0079   Slowpoke Water Psychic
#134 #0080   Slowbro Water Psychic
#135 #0199   Slowking Water Psychic
#136 #0102   Exeggcute Grass Psychic
#137 #0103   Exeggutor Grass Psychic
#138 #0441   Chatot Normal Flying
#139 #0458   Mantyke Water Flying
#140 #0226   Mantine Water Flying
#141 #0366   Clamperl Water
#142 #0367   Huntail Water
#143 #0368   Gorebyss Water
#144 #0223   Remoraid Water
#145 #0224   Octillery Water
#146 #0222   Corsola Water Rock
#147 #0170   Chinchou Water Electric
#148 #0171   Lanturn Water Electric
#149 #0594   Alomomola Water
#150 #0131   Lapras Water Ice
#151 #0144   Articuno Ice Flying
#152 #0145   Zapdos Electric Flying
#153 #0146   Moltres Fire Flying

Mountain Kalos Pokédex

#001 - #050 Diglett - Klefki

MoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#001 #0050   Diglett Ground
#002 #0051   Dugtrio Ground
#003 #0328   Trapinch Ground
#004 #0329   Vibrava Ground Dragon
#005 #0330   Flygon Ground Dragon
#006 #0443   Gible Dragon Ground
#007 #0444   Gabite Dragon Ground
#008 #0445   Garchomp Dragon Ground
#009 #0074   Geodude Rock Ground
#010 #0075   Graveler Rock Ground
#011 #0076   Golem Rock Ground
#012 #0218   Slugma Fire
#013 #0219   Magcargo Fire Rock
#014 #0213   Shuckle Bug Rock
#015 #0451   Skorupi Poison Bug
#016 #0452   Drapion Poison Dark
#017 #0194   Wooper Water Ground
#018 #0195   Quagsire Water Ground
#019 #0704   Goomy Dragon
#020 #0705   Sliggoo Dragon
#021 #0706   Goodra Dragon
#022 #0588   Karrablast Bug
#023 #0589   Escavalier Bug Steel
#024 #0616   Shelmet Bug
#025 #0617   Accelgor Bug
#026 #0069   Bellsprout Grass Poison
#027 #0070   Weepinbell Grass Poison
#028 #0071   Victreebel Grass Poison
#029 #0455   Carnivine Grass
#030 #0092   Gastly Ghost Poison
#031 #0093   Haunter Ghost Poison
#032 #0094   Gengar Ghost Poison
#033 #0060   Poliwag Water
#034 #0061   Poliwhirl Water
#035 #0062   Poliwrath Water Fighting
#036 #0186   Politoed Water
#037 #0023   Ekans Poison
#038 #0024   Arbok Poison
#039 #0618   Stunfisk Ground Electric
#040 #0339   Barboach Water Ground
#041 #0340   Whiscash Water Ground
#042 #0509   Purrloin Dark
#043 #0510   Liepard Dark
#044 #0261   Poochyena Dark
#045 #0262   Mightyena Dark
#046 #0504   Patrat Normal
#047 #0505   Watchog Normal
#048 #0624   Pawniard Dark Steel
#049 #0625   Bisharp Dark Steel
#050 #0707   Klefki Steel Fairy

#051 - #101 Murkrow - Aggron

MoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#051 #0198   Murkrow Dark Flying
#052 #0430   Honchkrow Dark Flying
#053 #0590   Foongus Grass Poison
#054 #0591   Amoonguss Grass Poison
#055 #0270   Lotad Water Grass
#056 #0271   Lombre Water Grass
#057 #0272   Ludicolo Water Grass
#058 #0418   Buizel Water
#059 #0419   Floatzel Water
#060 #0550   Basculin Water
#061 #0708   Phantump Ghost Grass
#062 #0709   Trevenant Ghost Grass
#063 #0710   Pumpkaboo Ghost Grass
#064 #0711   Gourgeist Ghost Grass
#065 #0607   Litwick Ghost Fire
#066 #0608   Lampent Ghost Fire
#067 #0609   Chandelure Ghost Fire
#068 #0479   Rotom Electric Ghost
#069 #0081   Magnemite Electric Steel
#070 #0082   Magneton Electric Steel
#071 #0462   Magnezone Electric Steel
#072 #0100   Voltorb Electric
#073 #0101   Electrode Electric
#074 #0568   Trubbish Poison
#075 #0569   Garbodor Poison
#076 #0220   Swinub Ice Ground
#077 #0221   Piloswine Ice Ground
#078 #0473   Mamoswine Ice Ground
#079 #0712   Bergmite Ice
#080 #0713   Avalugg Ice
#081 #0613   Cubchoo Ice
#082 #0614   Beartic Ice
#083 #0238   Smoochum Ice Psychic
#084 #0124   Jynx Ice Psychic
#085 #0582   Vanillite Ice
#086 #0583   Vanillish Ice
#087 #0584   Vanilluxe Ice
#088 #0459   Snover Grass Ice
#089 #0460   Abomasnow Grass Ice
#090 #0225   Delibird Ice Flying
#091 #0215   Sneasel Dark Ice
#092 #0461   Weavile Dark Ice
#093 #0532   Timburr Fighting
#094 #0533   Gurdurr Fighting
#095 #0534   Conkeldurr Fighting
#096 #0324   Torkoal Fire
#097 #0027   Sandshrew Ground
#098 #0028   Sandslash Ground
#099 #0304   Aron Steel Rock
#100 #0305   Lairon Steel Rock
#101 #0306   Aggron Steel Rock

#102 - #151 Larvitar - Mewtwo

MoKdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#102 #0246   Larvitar Rock Ground
#103 #0247   Pupitar Rock Ground
#104 #0248   Tyranitar Rock Dark
#105 #0631   Heatmor Fire
#106 #0632   Durant Bug Steel
#107 #0167   Spinarak Bug Poison
#108 #0168   Ariados Bug Poison
#109 #0021   Spearow Normal Flying
#110 #0022   Fearow Normal Flying
#111 #0615   Cryogonal Ice
#112 #0227   Skarmory Steel Flying
#113 #0714   Noibat Flying Dragon
#114 #0715   Noivern Flying Dragon
#115 #0207   Gligar Ground Flying
#116 #0472   Gliscor Ground Flying
#117 #0163   Hoothoot Normal Flying
#118 #0164   Noctowl Normal Flying
#119 #0174   Igglybuff Normal Fairy
#120 #0039   Jigglypuff Normal Fairy
#121 #0040   Wigglytuff Normal Fairy
#122 #0353   Shuppet Ghost
#123 #0354   Banette Ghost
#124 #0570   Zorua Dark
#125 #0571   Zoroark Dark
#126 #0574   Gothita Psychic
#127 #0575   Gothorita Psychic
#128 #0576   Gothitelle Psychic
#129 #0438   Bonsly Rock
#130 #0185   Sudowoodo Rock
#131 #0327   Spinda Normal
#132 #0216   Teddiursa Normal
#133 #0217   Ursaring Normal
#134 #0108   Lickitung Normal
#135 #0463   Lickilicky Normal
#136 #0123   Scyther Bug Flying
#137 #0212   Scizor Bug Steel
#138 #0132   Ditto Normal
#139 #0333   Swablu Normal Flying
#140 #0334   Altaria Dragon Flying
#141 #0621   Druddigon Dragon
#142 #0633   Deino Dark Dragon
#143 #0634   Zweilous Dark Dragon
#144 #0635   Hydreigon Dark Dragon
#145 #0147   Dratini Dragon
#146 #0148   Dragonair Dragon
#147 #0149   Dragonite Dragon Flying
#148 #0716   Xerneas Fairy
#149 #0717   Yveltal Dark Flying
#150 #0718   Zygarde Dragon Ground
#151 #0150   Mewtwo Psychic


  • At a combined total of 454, the Kalos Pokédex has largest amount of Pokémon.
    • Separately, the Central Kalos Pokédex has the least at 150.
  • The Coastal, Central, and Mountain Pokédexes each have a different icon. The Coastal Pokédex is represented by a blue stripe on the left side of a pentagon, the Central Pokédex is represented by a white stripe down the middle of a pentagon, and the Mountain Pokédex is represented by a red stripe on the right side of a pentagon. The symbol for the National Pokédex is a combination of the three: a pentagon with a vertical blue, white, and red stripe. This resembles the flag of France, the region on which Kalos is based.

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting