List of Pokémon that appear in every regional Browser

This is a list of Pokémon that appear every regional Browser, listed in their National Pokédex order. As of Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, this includes the Fiore Regional Browser, the Almia Regional Browser and the Oblivia Regional Browser. 69 of the 386 Pokémon in existence at the time of the release of Fiore's Browser are in this list.

List of Pokémon that appear in every regional Browser

Fiore # Almia # Oblivia # Pokémon Group
R-140 R-137 R-206 004 Charmander Fire
R-141 R-138 R-207 005 Charmeleon Fire
R-142 R-139 R-208 006 Charizard Fire
R-078 R-013 R-294 009 Blastoise Water
R-023 R-002 R-005 025 Pikachu Electric
R-024 R-003 R-006 026 Raichu Electric
R-058 R-014 R-042 041 Zubat Poison
R-059 R-015 R-043 042 Golbat Poison
R-126 R-114 R-127 043 Oddish Grass
R-127 R-115 R-128 044 Gloom Grass
R-128 R-116 R-129 045 Vileplume Grass
R-149 R-126 R-182 056 Mankey Fighting
R-150 R-127 R-183 057 Primeape Fighting
R-064 R-041 R-047 074 Geodude Rock
R-065 R-042 R-048 075 Graveler Rock
R-066 R-043 R-049 076 Golem Rock
R-056 R-062 R-110 081 Magnemite Electric
R-057 R-063 R-111 082 Magneton Electric
R-042 R-135 R-242 085 Dodrio Normal
R-094 R-017 R-164 092 Gastly Ghost
R-095 R-018 R-165 093 Haunter Ghost
R-096 R-019 R-166 094 Gengar Ghost
R-079 R-076 R-113 100 Voltorb Electric
R-089 R-187 R-045 109 Koffing Poison
R-107 R-229 R-068 116 Horsea Water
R-108 R-230 R-069 117 Seadra Water
R-043 R-216 R-222 123 Scyther Bug
R-188 R-071 R-116 125 Electabuzz Electric
R-137 R-074 R-188 126 Magmar Fire
R-183 R-098 R-076 134 Vaporeon Water
R-185 R-099 R-077 135 Jolteon Electric
R-184 R-100 R-078 136 Flareon Fire
R-157 R-155 R-034 167 Spinarak Bug
R-158 R-156 R-035 168 Ariados Bug
R-060 R-169 R-044 169 Crobat Poison
R-022 R-001 R-004 172 Pichu Electric
R-186 R-101 R-079 196 Espeon Psychic
R-187 R-102 R-080 197 Umbreon Dark
R-046 R-185 R-055 198 Murkrow Dark
R-160 R-128 R-107 207 Gligar Ground
R-044 R-217 R-223 212 Scizor Steel
R-199 R-244 R-202 215 Sneasel Dark
R-172 R-200 R-280 220 Swinub Ground
R-173 R-201 R-281 221 Piloswine Ground
R-116 R-091 R-063 226 Mantine Water
R-045 R-189 R-231 227 Skarmory Steel
R-161 R-154 R-267 229 Houndoom Dark
R-109 R-231 R-070 230 Kingdra Water
R-193 R-120 R-216 246 Larvitar Ground
R-194 R-121 R-217 247 Pupitar Ground
R-195 R-122 R-218 248 Tyranitar Rock
R-212 R-263 R-057 251 Celebi Grass
R-131 R-254 R-144 254 Sceptile Grass
R-017 R-255 R-213 257 Blaziken Fire
R-122 R-078 R-023 278 Wingull Water
R-123 R-079 R-024 279 Pelipper Water
R-026 R-157 R-133 280 Ralts Psychic
R-027 R-158 R-134 281 Kirlia Psychic
R-028 R-159 R-135 282 Gardevoir Psychic
R-083 R-028 R-197 296 Makuhita Fighting
R-084 R-029 R-198 297 Hariyama Fighting
R-118 R-096 R-072 319 Sharpedo Water
R-135 R-124 R-214 322 Numel Fire
R-136 R-125 R-215 323 Camerupt Fire
R-171 R-191 R-149 356 Dusclops Ghost
R-200 R-256 R-285 359 Absol Dark
R-165 R-225 R-219 371 Bagon Dragon
R-166 R-226 R-220 372 Shelgon Dragon
R-167 R-227 R-221 373 Salamence Dragon


  • There are no Generation IV Pokémon in this list as they had not been released at the time of Fiore's Browser. However, every Generation IV Pokémon found in Almia's Browser is also featured in Oblivia's Browser, with the three exceptions of Spiritomb, Cresselia and Darkrai.
    • Similarly, because no Ranger games were made after Generation IV, all Pokémon from subsequent generations are absent from this list.

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting