
Joined 17 February 2013
Revision as of 00:06, 5 November 2013 by Kimbachu (talk | contribs) (you broke the page, I think I fixed it)
Age 18
Gender Male
Hometown Azalea Town
Region Johto
Trainer Class Professor


Bulbapedia logo.png These are my usertags, feel free to copy any of them for your own user page, but please do not edit any of them.


Hey everyone I'm Troy, otherwise known as trotz59 or Nido on from NidoGia. I love Pokemon and want to work my best to help make bulbapedia great! Been a fan of Pokemon all the way since Red and Blue Versions. I've played every generation main game except Colosseum and XD (but I really want to play both), and absolutely adore the Mystery Dungeon series, and enjoy but don't really love the Ranger series. I've also played most other side games. I also play competitively in New England regional Play! Pokémon tournaments, and wi-fi tournaments. I like to edit trivia on Pokémon and characters as much as I can, since I love trivia. I also have joined Project Fandom and Project Manga since I love the fandom and manga. I also collect Pokémon merchandise (specifically plushies).


This is all of my stuff on Pokemon

Pokémon teams

I have a main game for each region, I use to store Pokémon and for competitive play, as well as Pokédex completion. The current generation main game is whichever one I use as my station game (where I store my most competitive Pokémon, train my Pokémon, and play most frequently).


Main game: FireRed

(Still working on my team)

All eventual main-team pokemon are named after Servants in Fate Stay Night (including the Trainer named saber). The rest are named after other characters of FSN

Main-team names: Bulbasaur = Archer, Mankey = Berserker, Spearow = Assassin, Clefairy = Castor


Main game: HeartGold

This is also my favorite game and was my previous station game. This is my main team, but I have more trained that I will put as well. My other team is a Bug-type team that I used in my playthrough of the game, to prove the usefulness of Bug-types (one of my favorite type that I feel is underappreciated by the public). There is a lot of moves I plan to replace

Meganium was my starter, named Chikky. Togekiss is named CJ. Poliwrath is named Sean. Espeon is named Miguel. Dragonite is named Dorry. And Snorlax is named Tory.

Butterfree is named Bailey. Ariados is named Jess.


Main game: Emerald

I have two teams in Emerald, one for battling and one for contests. Here is my battling team. These are both still a work in progress. All Pokemon are named after Pokemon characters (primarily Gym Leaders and other Type Specialists)

Lombre is named Wake (after crasher wake), Vibrava is named Iris, Loudred is named Lenora, Swalot is named Koga, Lairon is named Jasmine, and Combusken is named Blaine

Like I said before, this team is also still in progress. Skitty is named Norman (he enters Cute contests), Castform is named Whitney (she enters Beauty contests), Geodude is named Brock (he enters Tough contests), Dustox is named Viola (she enters Smart [and eventually Beauty] contests), Electrike is named Wattson (he enters Cool contests), and Spinda is named Hero [from Pokemon Conquest] and he enters all contests (currently Beauty).


Main game: Platinum


Main game: White 2

First game I've ever completed the Pokedex in. As with most of my station games and previous station games, I have many teams. I will put my main competitive team (which is also my current most important team) first, then my new in-game team, then the rest of my non-competitive teams.

Azumarill is named Azurita [will probably replace], Swanna is named Doz [will probably replace], Scizor is named Troy (an accidental thing, but I couldn't change it cuz he was transfered from HeartGold), Jolteon is named Brandon, Espeon is named Zach, and Sandslash is named Franzis [will probably replace]




"Main game: Y"

Going to be my station game once Pokemon Bank comes out

Competitive Teams

My main competitive team is the first under White 2. These are my other specialized teams.


Previous Teams

Going in order of my very first games. These are mostly a vague memory, but some (Gen 3 and up) I still have, having had them transferred. These are mostly from when I was a kid.


My first Pokemon team ever. Each of these Pokemon will always hold a special place in my heart. From my first Pokemon ever, Squirtle, to my favorite Pokemon of all time, Nidoking, as well as all the others. I didn't start nicknaming my Pokemon until Gen 3 because I didn't really get the concept for some reason.


I participate in many Pokémon challenges, such as Nuzlocke, Monotype, Monocolor, Wedlocke, etc. This is a list of those teams

Electric Monotype Challenges

This one is an Ultimate challenge, so I have one for each region, though it's not complete yet.


First Raichu Named Oscar [my pseudo-starter], next DeeDee, next Mott, next Creepel, next Zeus, next Quarrel


Psychic Monotype Challenge Another Ultimate.

Nuzlocke Challenges


Current Team.

Roleplay/Character teams

I am a roleplayer and a fanfiction writer, these are the teams of my main characters from them.


My Youtube Account with all my Let Play's and such. I share this account with my friends, Sarah (aka Gia), and Brandon (aka Toge). We each created a character that represents us for our Let's Plays. This is my character's team:


These are the other members teams:



Other Teams

I am also a Let's Player. Here are some of my Let's Play teams.


Mystery Dungeon Stuff

This will be updated soon.

My interests aside from Pokémon

Well I do love many RPGs and their fandoms, though Pokémon is my biggest love (being on many Pokémon forums). I do love things such as Final Fantasy, Lunar the Silver Star (and all it's remakes).

Favorite Pokémon


A meme I filled out to show all my favorites. Taken from deviantart, will link source soon.