List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire/Hiker

Main article: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Hiker in Hoenn's Battle Tower in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. This Battle facility has two modes, Lv. 50 and Lv. 100, and Trainers use different teams in each.

Dev (Lv.50 Mode)

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0026 Raichu (Pokémon) Raichu Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Quick Attack Agility Light Screen Thunderbolt Quiet 255 - - - - 255
0038 Ninetales (Pokémon) Ninetales Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Confuse Ray Fire Spin Quick Attack Flamethrower Hasty - 170 170 - - 170
0042 Golbat (Pokémon) Golbat White Herb White Herb Confuse Ray Wing Attack Mean Look Bite Brave - - - - 255 255
0055 Golduck (Pokémon) Golduck BrightPowder BrightPowder Disable Psych Up Water Pulse Brick Break Hardy - - 170 170 - 170
0064 Kadabra (Pokémon) Kadabra Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Future Sight Focus Punch Skill Swap Snatch Careful - - 255 255 - -
0067 Machoke (Pokémon) Machoke Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Leer Dig Low Kick Focus Punch Timid - - - - - 255
0082 Magneton (Pokémon) Magneton Magnet Magnet Supersonic Thunder Wave Screech Tri Attack Hardy - - - - - 255
0085 Dodrio (Pokémon) Dodrio Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Pursuit Tri Attack Growl Agility Serious 85 85 85 85 85 85
0110 Weezing (Pokémon) Weezing Poison Barb Poison Barb Smog Self-Destruct Toxic Sludge Bomb Bashful - - 255 - - 255
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Persim Berry Persim Berry Strength Rock Tomb Stomp Rock Smash Quirky 255 - - - - 255
0119 Seaking (Pokémon) Seaking Mystic Water Mystic Water Peck Flail Fury Attack Surf Hasty - - - - - 255
0127 Pinsir (Pokémon) Pinsir Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Swords Dance Harden Cut Seismic Toss Docile - - 255 - - 255
0178 Xatu (Pokémon) Xatu TwistedSpoon TwistedSpoon Night Shade Peck Confuse Ray Future Sight Hardy - - 127 127 127 127
0203 Girafarig (Pokémon) Girafarig King's Rock King's Rock Strength Psybeam Agility Earthquake Impish 255 255 - - - -
0232 Donphan (Pokémon) Donphan King's Rock King's Rock Rock Smash Rapid Spin Flail Horn Attack Impish 170 170 170 - - -
0262 Mightyena (Pokémon) Mightyena Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Bite Take Down Roar Howl Docile - 255 - 255 - -
0267 Beautifly (Pokémon) Beautifly Miracle Seed Miracle Seed Absorb Stun Spore Gust Safeguard Brave 85 85 85 85 85 85
0269 Dustox (Pokémon) Dustox Silver Powder Silver Powder Confusion Silver Wind Psybeam Whirlwind Serious - - - - - 255
0272 Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo None None Thief Fake Out Surf Rain Dance Hardy - 255 - - 255 -
0275 Shiftry (Pokémon) Shiftry Mental Herb Mental Herb Torment Extrasensory Solar Beam Aerial Ace Naive - - 255 - - -
0277 Swellow (Pokémon) Swellow Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Peck Wing Attack Aerial Ace Agility Gentle - 255 - - - -
0279 Pelipper (Pokémon) Pelipper Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Mist Stockpile Swallow Spit Up Quirky - - 255 - - -
0282 Gardevoir (Pokémon) Gardevoir TwistedSpoon TwistedSpoon Confusion Toxic Torment Protect Bold 255 - - - - 255
0284 Masquerain (Pokémon) Masquerain White Herb White Herb Stun Spore Water Sport Quick Attack Gust Impish 255 - - - 255 -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Quick Claw Quick Claw Cut Leech Seed Mega Drain Stun Spore Sassy - - 255 - - 255
0289 Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking Black Glasses Black Glasses Faint Attack Counter Scratch Taunt Lax 255 - 255 - - -
0291 Ninjask (Pokémon) Ninjask Silver Powder Silver Powder Sand-Attack Fury Cutter Agility Harden Quiet 127 - 127 - 127 127
0294 Loudred (Pokémon) Loudred Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Uproar Stomp Screech Earthquake Modest 255 255 - - - -
0299 Nosepass (Pokémon) Nosepass Persim Berry Persim Berry Sandstorm Rock Slide Block Thunder Wave Jolly - - 170 - 170 170
0302 Sableye (Pokémon) Sableye Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Shadow Ball Night Shade Snatch Fake Out Hardy - 255 - 255 - -
0308 Medicham (Pokémon) Medicham Scope Lens Scope Lens Reversal Meditate Confusion Facade Hasty - - 255 - - 255
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Magnet Magnet Thunder Wave Bite Spark Quick Attack Rash - - - 255 - -
0314 Illumise (Pokémon) Illumise None None Flatter Covet Wish Facade Hardy - - 255 - - 255
0317 Swalot (Pokémon) Swalot Lum Berry Lum Berry Stockpile Spit Up Sludge Poison Gas Hardy - 102 102 102 102 102
0319 Sharpedo (Pokémon) Sharpedo Black Glasses Black Glasses Bite Skull Bash Rain Dance Surf Relaxed - 170 - 170 - 170
0321 Wailord (Pokémon) Wailord Mystic Water Mystic Water Water Spout Rollout Mist Rain Dance Gentle - - 255 - 255 -
0323 Camerupt (Pokémon) Camerupt Charcoal Charcoal Dig Ember Growl Rock Smash Bold - 255 - 255 - -
0326 Grumpig (Pokémon) Grumpig Salac Berry Salac Berry Odor Sleuth Confuse Ray Magic Coat Psychic Hardy - - 255 - - 255
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Quick Claw Quick Claw Sand-Attack Sand Tomb Facade Toxic Hardy 255 - 255 - - -
0332 Cacturne (Pokémon) Cacturne Poison Barb Poison Barb Poison Sting Growth Absorb Solar Beam Hardy - - - 255 - -
0335 Zangoose (Pokémon) Zangoose Mental Herb Mental Herb Strength Taunt Crush Claw Detect Hardy 255 255 - - - -
0336 Seviper (Pokémon) Seviper Poison Barb Poison Barb Screech Glare Dig Poison Fang Hardy - - 255 - - 255
0337 Lunatone (Pokémon) Lunatone Hard Stone Hard Stone Cosmic Power Sandstorm Psychic Rock Throw Gentle - - 255 - - 255
0338 Solrock (Pokémon) Solrock Leftovers Leftovers Rock Throw Sunny Day Solar Beam Sandstorm Mild - - 255 - - 255
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Quick Claw Quick Claw Water Gun Amnesia Magnitude Mud-Slap Lax - 255 255 - - -
0342 Crawdaunt (Pokémon) Crawdaunt Scope Lens Scope Lens Water Pulse Knock Off Harden Cut Jolly 255 - - - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol BrightPowder BrightPowder Sandstorm Reflect Rock Tomb Strength Serious 255 255 - - - -
0352 Kecleon (Pokémon) Kecleon Persim Berry Persim Berry Tail Whip Slash Lick Screech Brave - - 255 - 255 -
0353 Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet Scope Lens Scope Lens Will-O-Wisp Night Shade Faint Attack Curse Hardy - - 255 - 255 -
0356 Dusclops (Pokémon) Dusclops Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Protect Night Shade Astonish Will-O-Wisp Hardy 255 - - - - -
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Scope Lens Scope Lens Hail Encore Ice Ball Toxic Adamant 170 - 170 170 - -
0369 Relicanth (Pokémon) Relicanth Mystic Water Mystic Water Surf Ancient Power Rock Tomb Harden Timid - - 255 255 - -

Vince (Lv.50 Mode)

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0055 Golduck (Pokémon) Golduck Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Hydro Pump Cross Chop Blizzard Psych Up Hardy - 255 - 255 - -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Counter Earthquake Facade Serious 255 - - - - 255
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Counter Rock Tomb Flamethrower Hardy 255 - - - 255 -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Flamethrower Earthquake Rock Slide Hardy 255 - - - - 255
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Rock Slide Dynamic Punch Rock Tomb Hardy 255 255 - - - -
0076 Golem (Pokémon) Golem Salac Berry Salac Berry Earthquake Roar Fire Blast Explosion Serious - - - - 255 255
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Rock Tomb Explosion Rash 255 - - - - 255
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Quick Claw Quick Claw Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Thunderbolt Explosion Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Thunder Double Team Mirror Coat Explosion Bashful 255 - - - - 255
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Lum Berry Lum Berry Thunderbolt Protect Mirror Coat Explosion Bashful 255 - 255 - - -
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Salac Berry Salac Berry Thunderbolt Screech Mirror Coat Explosion Modest 255 - 255 - - -
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Shell Bell Shell Bell Hyper Beam Thunderbolt Earthquake Ice Beam Bold - 255 - - 255 -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Megahorn Earthquake Facade Rock Tomb Hardy 127 127 127 - 127 -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Megahorn Rock Tomb Endure Reversal Sassy - 255 - - - 255
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Salac Berry Salac Berry Megahorn Earthquake Counter Reversal Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0230 Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Surf Toxic Protect Rest Adamant 255 - - - 255 -
0230 Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra Leftovers Leftovers Hydro Pump Protect Dragon Breath Double Team Adamant 255 - - - 255 -
0230 Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra Shell Bell Shell Bell Hydro Pump Blizzard Hyper Beam Disable Quiet 170 - - 170 170 -
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Leaf Blade Earthquake Rest Crunch Brave - - 170 - 170 170
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Leftovers Leftovers Giga Drain Double Team Leech Seed Attract Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Shell Bell Shell Bell Leaf Blade Detect Dragon Claw Crunch Hardy - - - 255 - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Blaze Kick Earthquake Rock Slide Rest Brave - - - 255 - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Blaze Kick Rock Tomb Endure Reversal Rash 255 - - - - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Lum Berry Lum Berry Focus Punch Counter Swagger Rock Tomb Sassy 255 - - - - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Salac Berry Salac Berry Blaze Kick Sky Uppercut Earthquake Rock Slide Docile - 255 - 255 - -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Lum Berry Lum Berry Iron Tail Curse Double Team Rest Lax 255 - - - 255 -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Earthquake Ice Beam Rock Tomb Sassy 170 - - 170 - 170
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Shell Bell Shell Bell Muddy Water Mud Shot Mirror Coat Ice Beam Hardy 255 - - 255 - -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Shell Bell Shell Bell Surf Earthquake Mud Shot Blizzard Serious - 255 - - - 255
0272 Ludicolo (Pokémon) Ludicolo Leftovers Leftovers Rain Dance Protect Toxic Surf Quiet 255 - - - 255 -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Salac Berry Salac Berry Spore Counter Iron Tail Giga Drain Sassy - 255 - - - 255
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Salac Berry Salac Berry Spore Focus Punch Brick Break Sludge Bomb Sassy - 255 - - - 255
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Salac Berry Salac Berry Spore Focus Punch Sludge Bomb Iron Tail Sassy - 255 - - - 255
0289 Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking Choice Band Choice Band Hyper Beam Earthquake - - Serious - 255 - - - 255
0289 Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking Salac Berry Salac Berry Yawn Slash Counter Hyper Beam Docile 255 255 - - - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Focus Band Focus Band Cross Chop Rock Tomb Endure Reversal Sassy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Salac Berry Salac Berry Revenge Counter Focus Punch Reversal Sassy 255 - - - - 255
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Earthquake Facade Fake Out Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon BrightPowder BrightPowder Protect Dig Toxic Sandstorm Lax 170 - 170 - 170 -
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Lum Berry Lum Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Iron Tail Rock Tomb Impish - 255 - - 255 -
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Flamethrower Crunch Serious - - - 255 - 255
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Surf Ice Beam Recover Double Team Adamant 170 - 170 - 170 -
0350 Milotic (Pokémon) Milotic Leftovers Leftovers Surf Toxic Recover Mirror Coat Brave - - 170 - 170 170
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Surf Ice Beam Earthquake Rest Naive 255 - - - 255 -
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Surf Ice Beam Fissure Sheer Cold Hardy 255 - - 255 - -
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Salac Berry Salac Berry Surf Blizzard Rock Slide Sheer Cold Serious 255 - - - - 255
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence King's Rock King's Rock Dragon Claw Earthquake Flamethrower Rock Tomb Serious - - - 255 - 255
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence Lum Berry Lum Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Crunch Rest Adamant 255 - - - 255 -
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Fire Blast Hydro Pump Naughty - - - 255 - 255
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Meteor Mash Psychic Pursuit Rock Tomb Brave - - - - 255 255
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Quick Claw Quick Claw Meteor Mash Psychic Earthquake Hyper Beam Hardy - 170 - 170 170 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Quick Claw Quick Claw Meteor Mash Psychic Shadow Ball Earthquake Hardy - 255 - - 255 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Shell Bell Shell Bell Meteor Mash Psychic Earthquake Light Screen Hardy 170 170 - - 170 -
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Earthquake Toxic Superpower Rest Serious 255 - - - - 255
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock BrightPowder BrightPowder Earthquake Ancient Power Focus Punch Explosion Gentle - 255 - - 255 -
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Rock Tomb Facade Explosion Gentle - 255 - - 255 -
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Ice Beam Thunderbolt Double Team Rest Hasty 255 - 255 - - -
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice Lax Incense Lax Incense Ice Beam Thunderbolt Ancient Power Explosion Rash - - 255 - - 255
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice Shell Bell Shell Bell Blizzard Thunderbolt Hail Explosion Careful - - 255 255 - -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Leftovers Leftovers Curse Amnesia Return Rest Lax 170 - 170 - 170 -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Quick Claw Quick Claw Metal Claw Earthquake Ancient Power Explosion Gentle - 255 - - 255 -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Quick Claw Quick Claw Metal Claw Earthquake Thunderbolt Explosion Gentle - 255 - - 255 -
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Mist Ball Reflect Recover Dragon Claw Brave 255 - - - - 255
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias Lum Berry Lum Berry Mist Ball Thunderbolt Rest Dragon Claw Mild 255 - 255 - - -
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Luster Purge Reflect Recover Dragon Claw Brave - - - 255 - 255
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Shell Bell Shell Bell Luster Purge Ice Beam Recover Dragon Claw Quiet - - - 255 - 255

Dev (Lv.100 Mode)

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0028 Sandslash (Pokémon) Sandslash Soft Sand Soft Sand Slash Sand-Attack Defense Curl Swift Docile - 255 255 - - -
0055 Golduck (Pokémon) Golduck Quick Claw Quick Claw Fury Swipes Tail Whip Disable Psych Up Relaxed - 255 - - - -
0073 Tentacruel (Pokémon) Tentacruel Poison Barb Poison Barb Acid Water Pulse Barrier Wrap Hasty - - - - - 255
0075 Graveler (Pokémon) Graveler Hard Stone Hard Stone Rock Throw Mud Sport Sandstorm Rock Tomb Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0082 Magneton (Pokémon) Magneton Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Thunder Shock Supersonic Flash Screech Careful - - - - - 255
0085 Dodrio (Pokémon) Dodrio Sharp Beak Sharp Beak Fury Attack Pursuit Aerial Ace Agility Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Oran Berry Oran Berry Poison Gas Minimize Sludge Screech Calm 255 - - - - -
0101 Electrode (Pokémon) Electrode Focus Band Focus Band Sonic Boom Screech Spark Self-Destruct Quirky - - 255 255 - -
0112 Rhydon (Pokémon) Rhydon Focus Band Focus Band Take Down Scary Face Tail Whip Roar Hardy 255 255 - - - -
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Persim Berry Persim Berry Thrash Dragon Rage Twister Hydro Pump Quirky 170 170 - 170 - -
0169 Crobat (Pokémon) Crobat Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bite Fly Supersonic Haze Impish 170 170 170 - - -
0227 Skarmory (Pokémon) Skarmory Metal Coat Metal Coat Steel Wing Agility Taunt Fly Naive - - - 255 - 255
0262 Mightyena (Pokémon) Mightyena Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Bite Howl Odor Sleuth Scary Face Naive - 255 - - - -
0262 Mightyena (Pokémon) Mightyena Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Crunch Howl Iron Tail Torment Quirky - - - 255 - -
0267 Beautifly (Pokémon) Beautifly Persim Berry Persim Berry Giga Drain Gust Stun Spore Protect Careful - 255 - - - 255
0269 Dustox (Pokémon) Dustox Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Psybeam Gust Double Team Silver Wind Relaxed - - 255 - - 255
0271 Lombre (Pokémon) Lombre Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Astonish Growl Mega Drain Surf Lonely 255 - - 255 - -
0274 Nuzleaf (Pokémon) Nuzleaf White Herb White Herb Bullet Seed Razor Wind Faint Attack Growth Docile - 255 - 255 - -
0291 Ninjask (Pokémon) Ninjask Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Scratch Screech Leech Life Flash Serious - 255 255 - - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama King's Rock King's Rock Arm Thrust Fake Out Whirlwind Reversal Gentle - 255 - - - -
0299 Nosepass (Pokémon) Nosepass Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Rock Throw Sandstorm Harden Protect Impish - 255 - - - -
0303 Mawile (Pokémon) Mawile Metal Coat Metal Coat Vise Grip Sweet Scent Astonish Strength Hardy - 255 - - - -
0310 Manectric (Pokémon) Manectric Magnet Magnet Bite Howl Thunder Wave Spark Serious - - - 255 - 255
0313 Volbeat (Pokémon) Volbeat BrightPowder BrightPowder Signal Beam Confuse Ray Double Team Light Screen Hardy - - 255 - 255 -
0314 Illumise (Pokémon) Illumise Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Charm Encore Solar Beam Attract Quiet - - - 255 - 255
0318 Carvanha (Pokémon) Carvanha King's Rock King's Rock Bite Rage Scary Face Leer Quirky - 255 - - - -
0320 Wailmer (Pokémon) Wailmer Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Surf Roar Growl Mist Sassy - 170 - 170 - 170
0323 Camerupt (Pokémon) Camerupt Charcoal Charcoal Ember Take Down Growl Sandstorm Rash - - - - 255 -
0324 Torkoal (Pokémon) Torkoal Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Fire Spin Smokescreen Body Slam Amnesia Mild 255 255 - - - -
0332 Cacturne (Pokémon) Cacturne Poison Barb Poison Barb Poison Sting Pin Missile Absorb Cotton Spore Naive - 255 - 255 - -
0334 Altaria (Pokémon) Altaria Dragon Fang Dragon Fang Dragon Breath Sing Safeguard Take Down Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0335 Zangoose (Pokémon) Zangoose Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Fury Cutter Leer Quick Attack Detect Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0336 Seviper (Pokémon) Seviper Poison Barb Poison Barb Poison Tail Glare Wrap Thief Careful - - 255 - 255 -
0340 Whiscash (Pokémon) Whiscash Chesto Berry Chesto Berry Tickle Mud Sport Water Gun Water Sport Hasty - - 255 - - 255
0342 Crawdaunt (Pokémon) Crawdaunt Mental Herb Mental Herb Crabhammer Bubble Beam Brick Break Protect Calm - 255 - - - -
0344 Claydol (Pokémon) Claydol Soft Sand Soft Sand Ancient Power Mud-Slap Rapid Spin Confusion Quiet - - 255 - - 255
0352 Kecleon (Pokémon) Kecleon Persim Berry Persim Berry Thief Lick Bind Fury Swipes Jolly - - 255 - - -
0353 Shuppet (Pokémon) Shuppet Spell Tag Spell Tag Night Shade Will-O-Wisp Screech Knock Off Quiet - - - 255 - -
0357 Tropius (Pokémon) Tropius King's Rock King's Rock Stomp Razor Leaf Gust Synthesis Hardy - 255 - - - -
0364 Sealeo (Pokémon) Sealeo Never-Melt Ice Never-Melt Ice Ice Ball Water Gun Encore Hail Lax - 255 - 255 - -

Vince (Lv.100 Mode)

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0055 Golduck (Pokémon) Golduck Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Surf Cross Chop Ice Beam Dig Jolly - 255 - 255 - -
0055 Golduck (Pokémon) Golduck Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Hydro Pump Cross Chop Blizzard Attract Hardy - 170 - 170 - 170
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Cross Chop Earthquake Low Kick Rock Slide Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Counter Earthquake Facade Hardy 255 255 - - - -
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Fire Blast Low Kick Rock Tomb Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0068 Machamp (Pokémon) Machamp Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Flamethrower Earthquake Rock Slide Hardy 170 170 - - - 170
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Quick Claw Quick Claw Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Thunderbolt Explosion Gentle 170 170 170 - - -
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Quick Claw Quick Claw Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Flamethrower Explosion Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0089 Muk (Pokémon) Muk Salac Berry Salac Berry Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Thunderbolt Shadow Punch Gentle 170 - 170 170 - -
0121 Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Blizzard Thunderbolt Psychic Recover Quiet - - - 170 170 170
0121 Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Lum Berry Lum Berry Surf Thunderbolt Recover Confuse Ray Quiet 170 - - 170 - 170
0121 Starmie (Pokémon) Starmie Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Thunderbolt Ice Beam Psychic Quiet 127 - - 127 127 127
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Shell Bell Shell Bell Hyper Beam Earthquake Surf Ice Beam Bold - 255 - - 255 -
0130 Gyarados (Pokémon) Gyarados Shell Bell Shell Bell Hyper Beam Thunderbolt Earthquake Ice Beam Bold - 255 - - 255 -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Megahorn Earthquake Counter Reversal Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Quick Claw Quick Claw Megahorn Earthquake Focus Punch Rock Tomb Hardy 127 127 127 - 127 -
0214 Heracross (Pokémon) Heracross Salac Berry Salac Berry Megahorn Earthquake Endure Reversal Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0230 Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra Leftovers Leftovers Hydro Pump Ice Beam Dragon Breath Attract Quiet 127 - 127 127 127 -
0230 Kingdra (Pokémon) Kingdra Salac Berry Salac Berry Surf Blizzard Hyper Beam Flail Brave - - - 255 - 255
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile BrightPowder BrightPowder Leaf Blade Detect Dragon Claw Crunch Hardy - - - 255 - 255
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Leftovers Leftovers Giga Drain Double Team Leech Seed Attract Quiet 255 - - 255 - -
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Leaf Blade Rock Tomb Dragon Claw Crunch Hardy - - - 170 170 170
0254 Sceptile (Pokémon) Sceptile Scope Lens Scope Lens Leaf Blade Earthquake Dragon Claw Crunch Quiet - - 170 170 170 -
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry Focus Punch Counter Swagger Rock Tomb Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Salac Berry Salac Berry Blaze Kick Counter Endure Reversal Docile 170 - - 170 - 170
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Salac Berry Salac Berry Blaze Kick Sky Uppercut Earthquake Rock Slide Docile - 255 - 255 - -
0257 Blaziken (Pokémon) Blaziken Scope Lens Scope Lens Blaze Kick Earthquake Rock Slide Quick Attack Docile - 170 - 170 - 170
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Leftovers Leftovers Muddy Water Mud Shot Mirror Coat Ice Beam Careful - - - 255 255 -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Surf Earthquake Ice Beam Rock Tomb Hardy 255 - - 255 - -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Shell Bell Shell Bell Surf Earthquake Mirror Coat Blizzard Careful 170 170 - 170 - -
0260 Swampert (Pokémon) Swampert Shell Bell Shell Bell Surf Ice Beam Attract Rest Careful 255 255 - - - -
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Lum Berry Lum Berry Spore Focus Punch Mach Punch Attract Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Lum Berry Lum Berry Spore Focus Punch Mach Punch Counter Hardy - 170 - - 170 170
0286 Breloom (Pokémon) Breloom Salac Berry Salac Berry Spore Counter Sky Uppercut Giga Drain Docile 170 170 - - - 170
0289 Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking Lum Berry Lum Berry Yawn Focus Punch Counter Pursuit Docile 255 255 - - - -
0289 Slaking (Pokémon) Slaking Lum Berry Lum Berry Yawn Focus Punch Counter Slack Off Docile 255 255 - - - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Focus Band Focus Band Cross Chop Counter Endure Reversal Gentle 170 170 - - - 170
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Focus Band Focus Band Revenge Counter Focus Punch Reversal Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0297 Hariyama (Pokémon) Hariyama Scope Lens Scope Lens Cross Chop Earthquake Facade Fake Out Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Lax Incense Lax Incense Dragon Claw Earthquake Fire Blast Sandstorm Timid 102 - 102 102 102 102
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Lum Berry Lum Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Flamethrower Crunch Timid - 170 - 170 - 170
0330 Flygon (Pokémon) Flygon Shell Bell Shell Bell Dragon Claw Earthquake Iron Tail Crunch Timid - 255 - - - 255
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Leftovers Leftovers Surf Blizzard Rock Slide Sheer Cold Careful 127 - 127 127 127 -
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Surf Ice Beam Fissure Sheer Cold Hardy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0365 Walrein (Pokémon) Walrein Quick Claw Quick Claw Surf Ice Beam Earthquake Sheer Cold Careful 102 102 102 102 102 -
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence King's Rock King's Rock Dragon Claw Earthquake Crunch Rock Tomb Relaxed - 255 - - - 255
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence Lum Berry Lum Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Crunch Fire Blast Naughty - - - 255 - 255
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Dragon Claw Earthquake Fire Blast Hydro Pump Naughty - - - 255 - 255
0373 Salamence (Pokémon) Salamence Shell Bell Shell Bell Dragon Claw Flamethrower Earthquake Aerial Ace Relaxed - - 170 170 170 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Leftovers Leftovers Meteor Mash Earthquake Double Team Protect Naive 170 - 170 - 170 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Liechi Berry Liechi Berry Meteor Mash Psychic Earthquake Hyper Beam Hardy - - - 255 255 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Quick Claw Quick Claw Meteor Mash Psychic Earthquake Shadow Ball Hardy - 255 - - 255 -
0376 Metagross (Pokémon) Metagross Salac Berry Salac Berry Meteor Mash Psychic Earthquake Rock Tomb Hardy - 255 - - 255 -
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock BrightPowder BrightPowder Earthquake Ancient Power Thunderbolt Explosion Gentle 170 170 - - 170 -
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock Quick Claw Quick Claw Earthquake Thunderbolt Focus Punch Explosion Gentle 170 170 - - 170 -
0377 Regirock (Pokémon) Regirock Salac Berry Salac Berry Earthquake Thunderbolt Superpower Explosion Gentle - 255 - - 255 -
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice BrightPowder BrightPowder Ice Beam Thunderbolt Hail Explosion Careful - - 255 255 - -
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice Lax Incense Lax Incense Ice Beam Thunderbolt Ancient Power Explosion Careful - 170 170 170 - -
0378 Regice (Pokémon) Regice Lax Incense Lax Incense Ice Beam Thunderbolt Earthquake Explosion Careful 170 - 170 170 - -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Leftovers Leftovers Metal Claw Thunderbolt Hyper Beam Explosion Gentle 255 255 - - - -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Quick Claw Quick Claw Metal Claw Earthquake Thunderbolt Explosion Gentle 170 170 - 170 - -
0379 Registeel (Pokémon) Registeel Salac Berry Salac Berry Metal Claw Earthquake Ancient Power Explosion Gentle - 170 170 - 170 -
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias Apicot Berry Apicot Berry Mist Ball Thunderbolt Earthquake Ice Beam Quiet - 170 - 170 - 170
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias BrightPowder BrightPowder Mist Ball Ice Beam Recover Dragon Claw Quiet 170 - 170 170 - -
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias Leftovers Leftovers Mist Ball Thunderbolt Ice Beam Dragon Claw Quiet - - - 255 - 255
0380 Latias (Pokémon) Latias Lum Berry Lum Berry Mist Ball Thunderbolt Recover Dragon Claw Quiet - - - 255 - 255
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Ganlon Berry Ganlon Berry Luster Purge Thunderbolt Earthquake Ice Beam Quiet - 170 - 170 - 170
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Lax Incense Lax Incense Luster Purge Ice Beam Recover Dragon Claw Quiet 170 - 170 170 - -
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Petaya Berry Petaya Berry Luster Purge Thunderbolt Recover Dragon Claw Quiet - - - 255 - 255
0381 Latios (Pokémon) Latios Shell Bell Shell Bell Luster Purge Thunderbolt Ice Beam Dragon Claw Hardy - - - 255 - 255

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