List of Pokémon by habitat

Revision as of 02:52, 21 April 2011 by Boaly (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)

This is a list of Pokémon according to their habitats, from Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. This list order places Pokémon that are closely related nearer to each other than they are numerically in the National Pokédex. However, it does not give the Pokémon new numbers. Pokémon with a National Pokédex number higher than 386 are not included in this list since they were not obtainable in FireRed and LeafGreen.

List of Pokémon by habitat

File:Grassland.gif Grassland Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
019   Rattata Normal
020   Raticate Normal
161   Sentret Normal
162   Furret Normal
Page 2
263   Zigzagoon Normal
264   Linoone Normal
261   Poochyena Dark
262   Mightyena Dark
Page 3
029   Nidoran♀ Poison
030   Nidorina Poison
031   Nidoqueen Poison Ground
Page 4
032   Nidoran♂ Poison
033   Nidorino Poison
034   Nidoking Poison Ground
Page 5
084   Doduo Normal Flying
085   Dodrio Normal Flying
276   Taillow Normal Flying
277   Swellow Normal Flying
Page 6
114   Tangela Grass
315   Roselia Grass Poison
191   Sunkern Grass
192   Sunflora Grass
Page 7
187   Hoppip Grass Flying
188   Skiploom Grass Flying
189   Jumpluff Grass Flying
Page 8
043   Oddish Grass Poison
044   Gloom Grass Poison
045   Vileplume Grass Poison
182   Bellossom Grass
Page 9
023   Ekans Poison
024   Arbok Poison
Page 10
174   Igglybuff Normal
039   Jigglypuff Normal
040   Wigglytuff Normal
Page 11
179   Mareep Electric
180   Flaaffy Electric
181   Ampharos Electric
Page 12
083   Farfetch'd Normal Flying
108   Lickitung Normal
Page 13
123   Scyther Bug Flying
212   Scizor Bug Steel
Page 14
096   Drowzee Psychic
097   Hypno Psychic
316   Gulpin Poison
317   Swalot Poison
Page 15
115   Kangaskhan Normal
203   Girafarig Normal Psychic
Page 16
128   Tauros Normal
241   Miltank Normal
Page 17
037   Vulpix Fire
038   Ninetales Fire
077   Ponyta Fire
078   Rapidash Fire
Page 18
239   Elekid Electric
125   Electabuzz Electric
309   Electrike Electric
310   Manectric Electric
Page 19
335   Zangoose Normal
336   Seviper Poison
Page 20
311   Plusle Electric
312   Minun Electric
Page 21
058   Growlithe Fire
059   Arcanine Fire
Page 22
351   Castform Normal
358   Chimecho Psychic
Page 23
001   Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002   Ivysaur Grass Poison
003   Venusaur Grass Poison
Page 24
152   Chikorita Grass
153   Bayleef Grass
154   Meganium Grass
Page 25
155   Cyndaquil Fire
156   Quilava Fire
157   Typhlosion Fire
Page 26
255   Torchic Fire
256   Combusken Fire Fighting
257   Blaziken Fire Fighting
Page 27
243   Raikou Electric
244   Entei Fire
245   Suicune Water

File:Forest.gif Forest Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
010   Caterpie Bug
011   Metapod Bug
012   Butterfree Bug Flying
Page 2
013   Weedle Bug Poison
014   Kakuna Bug Poison
015   Beedrill Bug Poison
Page 3
265   Wurmple Bug
266   Silcoon Bug
267   Beautifly Bug Flying
Page 4
268   Cascoon Bug
269   Dustox Bug Poison
Page 5
016   Pidgey Normal Flying
017   Pidgeotto Normal Flying
018   Pidgeot Normal Flying
Page 6
163   Hoothoot Normal Flying
164   Noctowl Normal Flying
177   Natu Psychic Flying
178   Xatu Psychic Flying
Page 7
172   Pichu Electric
025   Pikachu Electric
026   Raichu Electric
Page 8
069   Bellsprout Grass Poison
070   Weepinbell Grass Poison
071   Victreebel Grass Poison
Page 9
046   Paras Bug Grass
047   Parasect Bug Grass
285   Shroomish Grass
286   Breloom Grass Fighting
Page 10
273   Seedot Grass
274   Nuzleaf Grass Dark
275   Shiftry Grass Dark
Page 11
048   Venonat Bug Poison
049   Venomoth Bug Poison
193   Yanma Bug Flying
Page 12
165   Ledyba Bug Flying
166   Ledian Bug Flying
167   Spinarak Bug Poison
168   Ariados Bug Poison
Page 13
290   Nincada Bug Ground
291   Ninjask Bug Flying
292   Shedinja Bug Ghost
Page 14
313   Volbeat Bug
314   Illumise Bug
Page 15
204   Pineco Bug
205   Forretress Bug Steel
Page 16
287   Slakoth Normal
288   Vigoroth Normal
289   Slaking Normal
Page 17
300   Skitty Normal
301   Delcatty Normal
Page 18
198   Murkrow Dark Flying
215   Sneasel Dark Ice
Page 19
102   Exeggcute Grass Psychic
103   Exeggutor Grass Psychic
185   Sudowoodo Rock
Page 20
190   Aipom Normal
234   Stantler Normal
352   Kecleon Normal
Page 21
127   Pinsir Bug
214   Heracross Bug Fighting
Page 22
333   Swablu Normal Flying
334   Altaria Dragon Flying
357   Tropius Grass Flying
Page 23
355   Duskull Ghost
356   Dusclops Ghost
Page 24
175   Togepi Normal
176   Togetic Normal Flying
Page 25
252   Treecko Grass
253   Grovyle Grass
254   Sceptile Grass
Page 26
251   Celebi Grass Psychic

File:Watersedge.gif Water's-edge Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
118   Goldeen Water
119   Seaking Water
Page 2
129   Magikarp Water
130   Gyarados Water Flying
098   Krabby Water
099   Kingler Water
Page 3
341   Corphish Water
342   Crawdaunt Water Dark
339   Barboach Water Ground
340   Whiscash Water Ground
Page 4
270   Lotad Water Grass
271   Lombre Water Grass
272   Ludicolo Water Grass
Page 5
283   Surskit Bug Water
284   Masquerain Bug Flying
Page 6
054   Psyduck Water
055   Golduck Water
194   Wooper Water Ground
195   Quagsire Water Ground
Page 7
060   Poliwag Water
061   Poliwhirl Water
062   Poliwrath Water Fighting
186   Politoed Water
Page 8
298   Azurill Normal
183   Marill Water
184   Azumarill Water
Page 9
079   Slowpoke Water Psychic
080   Slowbro Water Psychic
199   Slowking Water Psychic
Page 10
349   Feebas Water
350   Milotic Water
Page 11
347   Anorith Rock Bug
348   Armaldo Rock Bug
Page 12
147   Dratini Dragon
148   Dragonair Dragon
149   Dragonite Dragon Flying
Page 13
007   Squirtle Water
008   Wartortle Water
009   Blastoise Water
Page 14
158   Totodile Water
159   Croconaw Water
160   Feraligatr Water
Page 15
258   Mudkip Water
259   Marshtomp Water Ground
260   Swampert Water Ground
Page 16
380   Latias Dragon Psychic
381   Latios Dragon Psychic

File:Sea.gif Sea Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
072   Tentacool Water Poison
073   Tentacruel Water Poison
Page 2
278   Wingull Water Flying
279   Pelipper Water Flying
Page 3
120   Staryu Water
121   Starmie Water Psychic
Page 4
170   Chinchou Water Electric
171   Lanturn Water Electric
223   Remoraid Water
224   Octillery Water
Page 5
090   Shellder Water
091   Cloyster Water Ice
Page 6
366   Clamperl Water
367   Huntail Water
368   Gorebyss Water
Page 7
211   Qwilfish Water Poison
222   Corsola Water Rock
226   Mantine Water Flying
370   Luvdisc Water
Page 8
086   Seel Water
087   Dewgong Water Ice
Page 9
363   Spheal Ice Water
364   Sealeo Ice Water
365   Walrein Ice Water
Page 10
318   Carvanha Water Dark
319   Sharpedo Water Dark
320   Wailmer Water
321   Wailord Water
Page 11
116   Horsea Water
117   Seadra Water
230   Kingdra Water Dragon
Page 12
369   Relicanth Water Rock
Page 13
131   Lapras Water Ice
Page 14
138   Omanyte Rock Water
139   Omastar Rock Water
140   Kabuto Rock Water
141   Kabutops Rock Water
Page 15
345   Lileep Rock Grass
346   Cradily Rock Grass
Page 16
382   Kyogre Water

File:Cave.gif Cave Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
041   Zubat Poison Flying
042   Golbat Poison Flying
169   Crobat Poison Flying
Page 2
050   Diglett Ground
051   Dugtrio Ground
095   Onix Rock Ground
208   Steelix Steel Ground
Page 3
220   Swinub Ice Ground
221   Piloswine Ice Ground
361   Snorunt Ice
362   Glalie Ice
Page 4
293   Whismur Normal
294   Loudred Normal
295   Exploud Normal
Page 5
200   Misdreavus Ghost
206   Dunsparce Normal
299   Nosepass Rock
Page 6
302   Sableye Dark Ghost
303   Mawile Steel
Page 7
092   Gastly Ghost Poison
093   Haunter Ghost Poison
094   Gengar Ghost Poison
Page 8
360   Wynaut Psychic
202   Wobbuffet Psychic
Page 9
337   Lunatone Rock Psychic
338   Solrock Rock Psychic
Page 10
377   Regirock Rock
378   Regice Ice
379   Registeel Steel

File:Mountain.gif Mountain Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
074   Geodude Rock Ground
075   Graveler Rock Ground
076   Golem Rock Ground
Page 2
056   Mankey Fighting
057   Primeape Fighting
325   Spoink Psychic
326   Grumpig Psychic
Page 3
066   Machop Fighting
067   Machoke Fighting
068   Machamp Fighting
Page 4
173   Cleffa Normal
035   Clefairy Normal
036   Clefable Normal
Page 5
104   Cubone Ground
105   Marowak Ground
Page 6
218   Slugma Fire
219   Magcargo Fire Rock
322   Numel Fire Ground
323   Camerupt Fire Ground
Page 7
296   Makuhita Fighting
297   Hariyama Fighting
307   Meditite Fighting Psychic
308   Medicham Fighting Psychic
Page 8
213   Shuckle Bug Rock
216   Teddiursa Normal
217   Ursaring Normal
225   Delibird Ice Flying
Page 9
207   Gligar Ground Flying
327   Spinda Normal
Page 10
240   Magby Fire
126   Magmar Fire
324   Torkoal Fire
Page 11
304   Aron Steel Rock
305   Lairon Steel Rock
306   Aggron Steel Rock
Page 12
246   Larvitar Rock Ground
247   Pupitar Rock Ground
248   Tyranitar Rock Dark
Page 13
143   Snorlax Normal
Page 14
359   Absol Dark
Page 15
142   Aerodactyl Rock Flying
Page 16
004   Charmander Fire
005   Charmeleon Fire
006   Charizard Fire Flying
Page 17
385   Jirachi Steel Psychic

File:Roughterrain.gif Rough-terrain Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
021   Spearow Normal Flying
022   Fearow Normal Flying
Page 2
027   Sandshrew Ground
028   Sandslash Ground
111   Rhyhorn Ground Rock
112   Rhydon Ground Rock
Page 3
081   Magnemite Electric Steel
082   Magneton Electric Steel
Page 4
228   Houndour Dark Fire
229   Houndoom Dark Fire
231   Phanpy Ground
232   Donphan Ground
Page 5
331   Cacnea Grass
332   Cacturne Grass Dark
Page 6
328   Trapinch Ground
329   Vibrava Ground Dragon
330   Flygon Ground Dragon
Page 7
227   Skarmory Steel Flying
Page 8
343   Baltoy Ground Psychic
344   Claydol Ground Psychic
Page 9
371   Bagon Dragon
372   Shelgon Dragon
373   Salamence Dragon Flying
Page 10
374   Beldum Steel Psychic
375   Metang Steel Psychic
376   Metagross Steel Psychic
Page 11
383   Groudon Ground

File:Urban.gif Urban Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
052   Meowth Normal
053   Persian Normal
209   Snubbull Normal
210   Granbull Normal
Page 2
088   Grimer Poison
089   Muk Poison
109   Koffing Poison
110   Weezing Poison
Page 3
353   Shuppet Ghost
354   Banette Ghost
Page 4
063   Abra Psychic
064   Kadabra Psychic
065   Alakazam Psychic
Page 5
280   Ralts Psychic
281   Kirlia Psychic
282   Gardevoir Psychic
Page 6
238   Smoochum Ice Psychic
124   Jynx Ice Psychic
122   Mr. Mime Psychic
235   Smeargle Normal
Page 7
236   Tyrogue Fighting
106   Hitmonlee Fighting
107   Hitmonchan Fighting
237   Hitmontop Fighting
Page 8
113   Chansey Normal
242   Blissey Normal
Page 9
100   Voltorb Electric
101   Electrode Electric
137   Porygon Normal
233   Porygon2 Normal
Page 10
132   Ditto Normal
Page 11
133   Eevee Normal
134   Vaporeon Water
135   Jolteon Electric
136   Flareon Fire
Page 12
196   Espeon Psychic
197   Umbreon Dark

File:Rare.gif Rare Pokémon

# Icon Name Type
Page 1
201   Unown Psychic
Page 2
144   Articuno Ice Flying
145   Zapdos Electric Flying
146   Moltres Fire Flying
Page 3
249   Lugia Psychic Flying
Page 4
250   Ho-Oh Fire Flying
Page 5
384   Rayquaza Dragon Flying
Page 6
386   Deoxys Psychic
Page 7
150   Mewtwo Psychic
Page 8
151   Mew Psychic


  • Other than the Urban Habitat, every habitat has at least one legendary Pokémon.
  • The Rare Habitat is known for having the most legendary Pokémon in one habitat.
    • Furthermore, the Rare Habitat is entirely comprised of legendary Pokémon with the exception of Unown.
  • All legendary trios (but this doesnt include the trio master as shown with Ho-Oh and the beasts) are placed in the same habitat with the exception of Kyogre, which is in the Sea habitat, Groudon, which is in the Rough-Terrain habitat and Rayquaza, which is in the Rare Habitat.
    • This is probably because each member of the weather-trio featured differing elements of the earth.

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting