ザオボー Sauboh
Sun Moon Faba.png
Art from Sun and Moon
Gender Male
Eye color Blue
Hair color Blond
Hometown Unknown
Region Alola
Trainer class Aether Branch Chief
Aether Foundation
Generation VII
Games Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Specializes in Psychic types
Member of Aether Foundation
Team Rainbow Rocket
Rank Branch Chief
Anime debut A Dream Encounter!
English voice actor Daniel J. Edwards
Japanese voice actor Mitsuaki Madono

Faba (Japanese: ザオボー Sauboh) is a character introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. He works at the Aether Foundation. He is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Aether Branch Chief (Japanese: エーテルしぶちょう Aether Director). He specializes in the Psychic type.

In the games

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Faba first appears in Pokémon Sun and Moon. He is identified by his signature sunglasses, and is very proud of his position in the Foundation. He sometimes refers to himself as Aether Paradise's last line of defense.

The player first meets Faba at Memorial Hill on their way to the Ruins of Life. Trying to get a Team Skull Grunt to stop harassing a Slowpoke, Faba asks for the player's assistance. After defeating the Grunt, Faba, thankful for the player's help invites them to visit the Hano Grand Resort after they finish their grand trial with Olivia. Upon arriving there, the Faba invites the player, along with Hau, to Aether Paradise.

Faba reappears to stop the player, Hau, and Gladion as they storm the foundation's headquarters for the kidnapped Lillie. Gladion demands that Faba tell him what the foundation is planning, but Faba refuses, taunting Gladion about his past, before battling the player. Faba is defeated and concedes, granting the player's group clearance to the second basement floor, where he claims they will find Cosmog. This, however, turns out to be a lie spun by Faba to give himself time to call in reinforcements and strengthen his Pokémon team. By the time the player's group attempts to head towards Lusamine's quarters, Faba has returned with three Aether Foundation Employees by his side. He reveals he has the key to the way forward in his hands, a plan which Hau calls into question, frustrating the chief. After defeating two of the employees alongside Gladion, the player has a Multi Battle with Faba and the remaining employee, with Hau as their partner. Defeated, Faba is forced to relent, and gives the keys to Hau, who unlocks the way forward.

After becoming Champion, it is revealed that Faba was demoted. Humbled by recent events, Faba is determined to become a new man by integrating himself with the rank and file. Faba requests another battle with the player, and upon defeat, gives the player a Dubious Disc. After that, he will linger in the lobby of Lusamine's mansion on Aether Paradise.

Faba is one of the possible Trainers who will challenge the player for the title of Champion at the Pokémon League. He always appears on the first day of each month.

Under the alias "F" (Japanese: S), Faba keeps a blog on which he posts comments about his job and his beliefs on various subjects. These posts can be viewed on the computer in Aether Paradise's Secret Lab A, where the Type: Null specimens were created. One reveals that he developed the Beast Balls after taking the project over from his predecessor. Another reveals that he designed the control mask technology that would later be used on Type: Null following the failure of the RKS System initialization tests, as a precaution in case such an event took place.

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Faba's role is virtually the same as in Sun and Moon, with only minor changes happening throughout the main story, including an encounter at Ula'ula Meadow. A major expansion to his role happens during the post-game in Episode RR, where he teams up with Team Rainbow Rocket during their takeover of Aether Paradise, intending to use their success as a stepping stone to further his own career. He later attempts to stop the player and Lillie from entering Team Rocket's Castle, only to be defeated. He leaves afterwards, but not before warning the two about the people Giovanni brought with him from other worlds. He is not seen again until after Giovanni's defeat, where he attempts to cover his involvement in the incident, but ends up giving away his true intentions. As a result, Faba is demoted to intern. He also no longer appears in Title Defense battles, with Lusamine appearing in his place.


Faba's Pokémon are kept in Ultra Balls.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

First battle

Second battle


Faba uses this team in both the one-time battle at Aether Paradise and in the Title Defense battles at the Pokémon League.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

First battle

Second battle

Third battle

Fourth battle


Pokémon Sun and Moon

Memorial Hill
"Stand firm! Think of what the president would say!"
"Why, I am the Aether Foundation's last line of defense! What would become of the foundation if something were to happen to me now?"
"Ah! Here is a promising young Trainer! Fight in my stead, child, and rout these Team Skull ruffians. I will bestow honor upon you, if you do!"
"Yes, indeed. You are a trial-goer, aren't you? You're a splendid Trainer."
"I am deeply impressed! I'd like to reward you by showing you something truly astounding. Once you have finished your grand trial, come to Hano Grand Resort and I will take you to see a wondrous place."
Hano Grand Resort
"So you've come at last."
"Ah. But forgive me. I have yet to introduce myself. You may call me Faba. I told you before that I would show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that wondrous place is...Aether Paradise!"
"Let me tell you about Aether Paradise. Just as the name suggests, Aether Paradise is a veritable paradise for Pokémon that floats far out in the sea surrounding Alola. It is an artificial island, made entirely by human technology, for the protecting of Pokémon! Of course I'm an adult who keeps his promises. So I will prove to you that all I've told you is the absolute truth with a tour of Aether Paradise. You will come, won't you?!"
Yes: "Good, good. Then you'll come with me. Aether Paradise will amaze you."
No: "Hmm. Yes. Well, children are often too frivolous and aimless to properly think through— Ahem. I mean they value their freedom so. But the answer that I want to hear from you is a resounding "Yes!" Now let's hear it!"
"Oh? Even Kahuna Olivia has come to see you off?"
"Then let us enjoy an adventure upon that grand vessel that will take us across the high seas! By which I mean to say, the ferry."
Aether Paradise
"Here we are, you two. This is Aether Paradise."
"Aether Paradise is a facility created for the conservation of Pokémon. It has been outfitted with all of the latest technology for this purpose. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Poké Balls and more. Yes, all for the sake of Pokémon conservation."
"Though you will not be able to use any of your Poké Balls within Aether Paradise. A jamming signal is broadcast throughout the facility to prevent them from functioning."
"Yes, excuse you! What is the meaning of that form of address? I have a title for a reason! How else will anyone know how important I am?"
"Now, I must go speak with the president about our conservation efforts on Akala... Show these children around, and then take them to meet the president as well."
Aether Paradise
  • Before battle
"I, Faba, am the Aether Branch Chief. The only one in the world, I'm irreplaceable."
"And here you come back...uninvited?"
"Hee hee hee! Look at you... Living out in the world hasn't been kind, has it? But I'm still not telling you anything! And you of all people should understand why... Gladion."
"Oh ho... Is that right? Is that what you think?"
"So you wish to battle me? Branch Chief Faba? The man who is called Aether Paradise's last line of defense is to battle a mere child?!"
"As you will!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"H-h-how can this be?! How could this child..."
"Indeed... The world truly hasn't been kind to you, has it? Look how hard it has made you. If you're looking for Cosmog, I suppose it might be downstairs."
"Well...if you must know... I've heard experiments are held down there. Experiments aiming to tear the very boundaries of the world apart."
"Why not? This is an act of kindness I can do for you thanks to my position as branch chief."
  • If talked to before using the elevator
"...You should descend, promptly. I am being kind. Can't you see that?"
  • After clearing B2F
"My, my...what naughty children. You should just lay your heavy heads down."
"But I knew that you would struggle onward— I could see through every action you would take. So I knew you would try to reach the president."
"And that is why! I knew that I would be able to ambush you here and remedy my previous failure. The only reason I let you in the lower floor was to buy time to gather more staff to stop you."
"Indeed! I have it right here."
"E-enough, you lot! Teach these children a lesson!"
"H-h-h-how can this be? To be cornered by mere children?!"
"E-enough! I will show you the true power of Branch Chief Faba! The man who is called Aether Paradise's last line of defense! We will settle this at last with a Multi Battle!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"This is why... This is why I can't bring myself to like children."
Aether Paradise
"Well...I'm afraid that the little kerfuffle we went through resulted in my demotion. I am turning over a new leaf and beginning over as one of the rank and file. When all is said and done, I feel like I've become a completely different person. In mind and body."
"Could the new and improved Faba request a battle with you?"
I'd rather not: "No! Does my new and improved form so intimidate you?"
Of course: "Then here I come! The new and improved Faba makes his debut!"
  • Upon being defeated
"What is the meaning of this?!"
  • After being defeated
"So what did you think of the new and improved Faba, hmm? With my newfound charm, you will see me make my comeback within the foundation! And for that I will have to gain quite a bit of support behind me."
"That is just a little token from me, so you won't forget the new Faba. Now watch as I work my way up the ladder of the foundation once more!"
"When I was reduced to this low-ranking position, I had a sudden revelation. I desperately long for that title of respect!"
Lusamine's Room
"Young Master Gladion is doing a fine job as the acting president of the foundation. But don't you think it would be more appropriate to have an adult like me fill the position...?"
You're right: "You are surprisingly intelligent for a child!"
You think so?: "This is why I hate dealing with child— Er, I mean... I find it so interesting talking with children."
Pokémon League
First challenge
  • Before battle
"Champion... Now that is a title that everyone in Alola would bow before! I'm already a champion when it comes to power and prestige, after all... Taking this title would be my just deserts!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Th-this child has—!"
  • After being defeated
"I admit you have potential... You have proved to me that my judgment of you when we first met was flawless, as usual. You are a worthy Champion!"
Subsequent challenges
  • Before battle
"As long as you claim that title, I will keep clawing my way here to you! That's right! I'm here to relieve you of the title of Pokémon League Champion!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Th-this child has—!"
  • After being defeated
"You wait... Someday I will claw my way back up here again... but I suppose I should congratulate you first! See how bighearted I am to praise my opponent!"

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Memorial Hill
"Stand firm! Think of what the president would say!"
"Why, I am the Aether Foundation's last line of defense! What would become of the foundation if something were to happen to me now?"
"Ah! Here is a promising young Trainer! Fight in my stead, child, and rout these Team Skull ruffians. I will bestow honor upon you, if you do!"
"Yes, indeed. You are a trial-goer, aren't you? You're a splendid Trainer."
"I am deeply impressed! I'd like to reward you by showing you something truly astounding. Once you have finished your grand trial, come to Hano Grand Resort and I will take you to see a wondrous place."
Hano Grand Resort
"So you've come at last."
"Ah. But forgive me. I have yet to introduce myself. You may call me Faba. I told you before that I would show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that wondrous place is...Aether Paradise!"
"Let me tell you about Aether Paradise. Just as the name suggests, Aether Paradise is a veritable paradise for Pokémon that floats far out in the sea surrounding Alola. It is an artificial island, made entirely by human technology, for the protecting of Pokémon! Of course I'm an adult who keeps his promises. So I will prove to you that all I've told you is the absolute truth with a tour of Aether Paradise. You will come, won't you?!"
Yes: "Good, good. Then you'll come with me. Aether Paradise will amaze you."
No: "Hmm. Yes. Well, children are often too frivolous and aimless to properly think through— Ahem. I mean they value their freedom so. But the answer that I want to hear from you is a resounding "Yes!" Now let's hear it!"
"Oh? Even Kahuna Olivia has come to see you off?"
"Then let us enjoy an adventure upon that grand vessel that will take us across the high seas! By which I mean to say, the ferry."
Aether Paradise
"Here we are, you two. This is Aether Paradise."
"Aether Paradise is a facility created for the conservation of Pokémon. It has been outfitted with all of the latest technology for this purpose. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Poké Balls and more. Yes, all for the sake of Pokémon conservation."
"Though you will not be able to use any of your Poké Balls within Aether Paradise. A jamming signal is broadcast throughout the facility to prevent them from functioning."
"Yes, excuse you! What is the meaning of that form of address? I have a title for a reason! How else will anyone know how important I am?"
"Now, I must go speak with the president about our conservation efforts on Akala... Show these children around, and then take them to meet the president as well."
Ula'ula Meadow
"Oh my. If it isn't <player>. Where might you be off to?"
To see Team Skull: "To see Team Skull?! You mean you're going to their base in Po Town?"
To Po Town: "To Po Town?! I-isn't that where Team Skull makes its base?"
"Such awful thugs they are, tormenting poor Pokémon for no good reason... I swear I just don't know what to do with them! And just look at me, would you? Here I am, taking the initiative to travel Alola on my own to check on how Pokémon are doing. I've been trying to think through this Necrozma issue on my own. That sort of noble dedication is what you would expect of a president, even... Don't you agree?"
"Not that a foolish child could... Ahem. I mean, not that I would expect you to know. Anyhow. Do try to stay safe. Don't say I didn't warn you about Team Skull."
Aether Paradise
  • Before battle
"I, Faba, am the Aether Branch Chief. The only one in the world, I'm irreplaceable."
"And here you come back...uninvited?"
"Hee hee hee! Look at you... Living out in the world hasn't been kind, has it? But I'm still not telling you anything! And you of all people should understand why... Gladion."
"Oh ho... Is that right? Is that what you think?"
"So you wish to battle me? Branch Chief Faba? The man who is called Aether Paradise's last line of defense is to battle a mere child?!"
"As you will!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"H-h-how can this be?! How could this child..."
"Indeed... The world truly hasn't been kind to you, has it? Look how hard it has made you. If you're looking for Cosmog, I suppose it might be downstairs."
"Experiments to reach a world different from Alola... That's what I've been told, yes."
"Why not? This is an act of kindness I can do for you thanks to my position as branch chief."
  • If talked to before using the elevator
"...You should descend, promptly. I am being kind. Can't you see that?"
  • After clearing B2F
"My, my...what naughty children. You should just lay your heavy heads down."
"But I knew that you would struggle onward— I could see through every action you would take. So I knew you would try to reach the president."
"And that is why! I knew I would be able to ambush you here, just in front of the mansion where the president remains, and remedy my previous failure. The only reason I let you in the lower floor was to buy time to gather more staff to stop you."
"W-well...of course... I am a wonderful branch chief, after all!"
"E-enough! You lot! Teach these children a lesson!"
"H-h-h-how can this be? To be cornered by mere children?!"
"E-enough! I will show you the true power of Branch Chief Faba! The man who is called Aether Paradise's last line of defense! We will settle this at last with a Multi Battle!"
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"This is why... This is why I can't bring myself to like children."
  • After becoming Champion
"Stop right there."
"I strongly suggest you abandon your efforts to thwart Team Rainbow Rocket."
"If Team Rainbow Rocket takes over Aether Paradise, the organization will grow far beyond where we are today...and more Pokémon will be saved!"
"...And if I can assist it in doing so, no doubt my career will also reach new heights!"
"Such a wonderful thought, wouldn't you agree?"
"Ah, as astute as ever, Miss Lillie! The same intuition that told you to rescue Cosmog still serves you well, I see. Yes, you guess correctly! I have taken it upon myself to facilitate Team Rainbow Rocket's take-over and ensure everything goes smoothly!"
"...You may be astute, Miss Lillie, but I see you are less inclined to listen to reason."
"Now, even I would be hard-pressed against the Champion, especially if Gladion or the grandson of the kahuna were aiding him/her..."
"But with you tripping him/her up, perhaps it won't be so difficult for me to win, even against the Champion! I thank you in advance, Miss Lillie!"
"...As you will."
"Then I, Branch Chief Faba, Aether Paradise's last line of defense, shall show you little children the harshness of the real world!"
  • Upon being defeated
"You haven't heard it in a while, so... Aiyee!"
  • After being defeated
"Hmph! I'll have you know defeating me won't do you any good, anyway."
"The Ultra Wormhole has resonated with the boss's ideology and has gathered the toughest, meanest villains from many other worlds!"
"...Although, for now, they seem content just to do whatever research they wish, using the technology of Aether Paradise..."
"Now, I hope you enjoy your futile efforts!"
Trophy Room
"P-P-P-President! I-I'm glad you're safe!"
"Oh, yes, of course! No need to worry yourself about me, President! I'm just glad you're safe!"
"N-now, now, Miss Lillie! You must still be rattled from all the confusion and chaos caused by Team Rainbow Rocket! I would never do such a thing as betray the foundation and invite Team Rainbow Rocket in, just to advance my career!"
"... ... ..."
"I... I'm sorry!"
"Urrrrgh! Why must I be the one doing such menial, mundane chores?!"
"I-Intern?! Please, don't call me by that title!"
"Hey! Ms. Wicke! Please, help me just a little!"
Aether Paradise
  • Before battle
"Well...I'm afraid that the little kerfuffle we went through resulted in my demotion. I am turning over a new leaf and beginning over as one of the rank and file. When all is said and done, I feel like I've become a completely different person. In mind and body."
"Could the new and improved Faba request a battle with you?"
Of course: "Then here I come! The new and improved Faba makes his debut!"
I'd rather not: "No! Does my new and improved form so intimidate you?"
  • Upon being defeated
"What is the meaning of this?!"
  • After being defeated
"So what did you think of the new and improved Faba, hmm? With my newfound charm, you will see me make my comeback within the foundation! And for that I will have to gain quite a bit of support behind me."
"That is just a little token from me, so you won't forget the new Faba. Now watch as I work my way up the ladder of the foundation once more!"
"When I was reduced to this low-ranking position, I had a sudden revelation. I desperately long for that title of respect!"
Lusamine's Room
"Miss Lusamine can be rather egotistical, I find. Don't you think that someone like me, who always has the foundation's best interests in mind, would be more fitting for the position?"
You're right: "You are surprisingly intelligent for a child!"
You think so?: "This is why I hate dealing with child— Er, I mean... I find it so interesting talking with children."

Aether Paradise Secret Lab A - Blog entries

  • Introduction
"This is the blog of F, a branch chief working in the Alola region."
"Title: Introduction"
"Are you interested in success, dear readers? Then allow me to introduce myself. My name is F, and I am an elite, self-made man. Here on my blog, I will show you the way to succeed."
  • Multitasking
"This is the blog of F, a branch chief working in the Alola region."
"Title: Multitasking"
"Currently I am working on the development of a special sort of ball, which I took over from my predecessor, in parallel with another project. Seeing how well I multitask impresses my subordinates and increases their motivation. Showing how skillful you are is a kind of on-the-job training for your underlings."
  • Hedging risks
"This is the blog of F, a branch chief working in the Alola region."
"Title: Hedging risks"
"I once ventured to undertake a project without notifying my superior. I developed a device to restrain a dangerous life form, in case it became necessary to do so. I had it made for hedging risks to protect myself, but for better or worse, it was made public. It is always essential to consider the risks before one takes action."
  • Massaging the truth
"This is the blog of F, a branch chief working in the Alola region."
"Title: Massaging the truth"
"My superior's family stole the results of our research and ran off. However, I have chosen to never blow this issue out of proportion. I will only be reprimanded for my own mistakes, and surely my superior is also displeased with the actions of her family as well. When necessary, one must always be prepared to massage the truth to protect one's own position. It is not an exaggeration to say that this skill is vital for success."


Official artwork from
the Sun & Moon series
Conceptual artwork from
Sun and Moon


VS model from
Generation VII
Overworld model from
Generation VII

In the anime

Faba in the anime

Faba debuted in A Dream Encounter!. He, along with Lusamine, Professor Burnet, and Wicke, investigated the Altar of the Sunne due to Ultra Aura being detected from that location, but they were unable to find anything. He later accompanied Lusamine and Professor Burnet to Professor Kukui's house on Melemele Island, so they could meet Ash and Nebby. He became upset with Lusamine when she entrusted Nebby to Ash, and for not letting the Aether Foundation take care of it instead.

He reappeared in Deceiving Appearances!, where he followed Ash and his classmates' tour of Aether Paradise to learn more about Nebby. He became troubled when Lillie—normally terrified of Pokémon due to a childhood trauma—started making contact with them again. It is also revealed that he hired Team Rocket as Aether Foundation employees after taking a keen interest in their talking Meowth.

He appeared in a flashback in A Masked Warning!. There, it was revealed that Lillie's fear of touching Pokémon was caused by her being attacked by a Nihilego that Faba summoned from an Ultra Wormhole.

In Mission: Total Recall!, Faba traveled to Gladion's hotel room, where he attacked and hypnotized Gladion in order to steal his Type: Null. Later that day, Faba was approached by Lillie and Ash, who had traveled to Aether Paradise on a quest to remember how Lillie's trauma began. Worried that Lillie regaining her memories could put him in trouble, Faba attempted to erase her memories again. He was defeated, however, when Gladion and Lusamine arrived after having found Type: Null. Faba attempted to attack them, only for Type: Null to evolve into Silvally and easily defeat Faba's team. Seeing Silvally allowed Lillie to remember how her fear of touching Pokémon began and overcome it. As Lillie celebrated being able to touch Pokémon again, Faba managed to sneak away as Silvally watched.

In Faba's Revenge!, Faba kidnapped Nebby while Ash's attention was elsewhere. When Ash and Lillie learn about this, they enlisted Gladion and Lusamine in helping them rescue it. When the four find Faba, they realized that he successfully forced Nebby to summon a Nihilego from an Ultra Wormhole. Nihilego proceeded to knock Faba away, forcing the others to battle it. Nihilego proved to be too powerful, forcing Lusamine to push Gladion out of the way to prevent him from getting captured by it; as a result, she was caught instead, allowing Nihilego to easily drag her into the Ultra Wormhole. In the next episode, when Faba was confronted by Wicke and Professor Burnet about Lusamine's capture, he desperately attempted to pin the blame of the incident on Lusamine herself.

In The Professors' New Adventure!, after Lillie, Ash, their classmates, Gladion, and Nebby help rescue Lusamine from Nihilego's clutches, Faba attended the wedding of Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet. Later, he apologized to Lillie and her classmates for his actions and revealed that he was demoted and made into Wicke's subordinate. Lusamine then asked the group to join the Ultra Guardians, a group dedicated to dealing with any potential Ultra Beast incidents, which they accepted.


This article is missing information on this character's Japanese voice actor.
You can help by adding this information.

On hand

Debut Mission: Total Recall!
Voice actors
English Bill Rogers

Alakazam is Faba's first known Pokémon. It was first used alongside Hypno to battle Gladion's Umbreon and Lycanroc. It was able to defeat Umbreon using a combination of Miracle Eye and Psychic. It was later used to stop Ash from saving Lillie, but was defeated by Gladion's Silvally. It reappeared in a flashback in Faba's Revenge!. In The Professors' New Adventure!, it attended the wedding of Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet with Faba.

Alakazam's known moves are Miracle Eye, Psychic, and Teleport.

Debut Mission: Total Recall!
Voice actors
Japanese Sunshine Ikezaki
English Jake Paque

Hypno is Faba's second known Pokémon. It was first used alongside Alakazam to battle Gladion's Umbreon and Lycanroc. It was able to incapacitate both Lycanroc and its Trainer using Hypnosis. Faba had planned to use Hypno's Hypnosis to erase Lillie's memories of the Ultra Beast incident, but it was stopped by Ash's Pikachu and eventually defeated by Gladion's Silvally. In The Professors' New Adventure!, it attended the wedding of Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet with Faba.

Hypno's known moves are Reflect, Hypnosis, and Psychic.


Silvally → Type: Null
Debut Rising from the Ruins!
Voice actors
Japanese Toru Sakurai

Silvally was created by Faba in order to combat Ultra Beasts. Due to an incident where it caused Lillie's fear of touching Pokémon, it was given a special limiter mask, reverting it to a Type: Null. It was later taken by Gladion and added to his team.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 真殿光昭 Mitsuaki Madono
English Daniel J Edwards

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

Faba in Pokémon Adventures

Faba debuts in the Sun & Moon arc. He is first seen being approached by an Aether Foundation Employee, who reported that a group of people and Pokémon were rescued at sea. Due to the Employee not calling Faba by his title of Branch Chief, Faba was angered and had his Hypno throw the man around with its powers. After the Employee apologized and left, Faba resumed writing on his blog, only to be interrupted by Wicke. The two headed off to a room where Moon, Professor Kukui, and Professor Burnet were waiting. After Wicke explained what happened to the three, Faba revealed that they were taken to Aether Paradise and offers to give them a tour of the place. After Kukui revealed that the Akala Island Trial Captains were heading to Po Town to deal with Team Skull, Faba left Wicke to guide their guests while rushing to inform Lusamine of the situation, fearing that Team Skull's downfall would ruin their plans.



Hypno is Faba's only known Pokémon. It was first used to threaten an Aether Foundation Employee for not calling Faba by his proper title of Branch Chief.

None of Hypno's moves are known.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ザオボー Sauboh From Saubohne (German for faba bean)
English Faba From faba bean
French Saubohne From Saubohne (German for faba bean)
German Fabian From Vicia faba (faba bean)
Italian Vicio From Vicia faba (faba bean)
Spanish Fabio From Vicia faba (faba bean)
Korean 자우보 Jaubo Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 扎奧博 / 扎奥博 Zhā'àobó Transliteration of Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 扎奧博 Jaat'oubok Mandarin-based transliteration of Japanese name
Russian Фаба Faba Transcription of English name
Thai เซาโบ Sauboh Same as Japanese name

Aether Branch Chief

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 以太分部長 Yíhtaai Fānbouhjéung
Mandarin 以太分部長 / 以太分部长 Yǐtài Fēnbùzhǎng
  Czech Šéf odnože Aether Foundation
  French Directeur d'Æther
  German Æther-Regionalleiter
  Hungarian Aether Alapítvány osztályvezető
  Italian Capo Filiale Æther
  Korean 에테르지부장 Etereu Jibujang
  Spanish Director Æther

Pokémon the Series characters
Protagonists Ash Ketchum (Pikachu) • Misty (Togetic) • BrockTracey SketchitMayMaxDawn (Piplup) • Iris (Haxorus) • CilanSerenaClemontBonnie (Dedenne) • LanaKiaweLillieSophoclesMallowRotom PokédexGoh (Grookey)
Rivals GaryRitchieHarrisonDrewHarleyMorrisonTysonSolidadPaulNandoZoeyKennyConwayBarryUrsulaTripBiancaBurgundyStephanGeorgiaCameronAriaAlainMietteTiernoShaunaTrevorNiniSawyerGladionHoracioHauLeonRaihanHoraceBeaLeague Conference participantsCoordinatorsPerformersWorld Coronation Series participants
Antagonists Jessie (Wobbuffet) • JamesMeowthGiovanniButchCassidyDr. NambaMatoriPierceDr. ZagerGozuTabithaMaxieShellyArchieHunter JSaturnCyrusMarsJupiterCharonColressAldithGhetsisBarretMalamarLysandreMableCelosiaAlianaXerosicBryonyTuppZippRappPlumeriaGuzmaVirenRoseOleana
Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of natureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters

  This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.