List of Pokémon by Sinnoh Pokédex number

Revision as of 20:51, 28 November 2021 by Tyler53841 (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)
Sinnoh Pokédex Icon VIII.png


Sinnoh region's Pokédex

In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl as well as their remakes Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl it has 151 Pokémon, while in Pokémon Platinum it has 210 Pokémon. No Pokémon have different Pokédex numbers between these different versions: Platinum appended 59 additional Pokémon to the end of the Diamond and Pearl Pokédex, and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have the same Pokédex as Diamond and Pearl, removing the Platinum expansion.

Changes between versions

Pokémon Platinum

In Pokémon Platinum, the Pokédex was expanded to have 210 entries, with the new additions added to the end of the Pokédex.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Sinnoh Pokédex is the same as in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, removing the Pokémon Platinum expansion.

In addition, with the introduction of the Fairy-type in Generation VI, Mime Jr., Mr. Mime, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, Azurill, Marill, amd Azumarill had their types changed from pure Normal-type (Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, and Azurill), pure Water-type (Marill and Azumarill) and pure Psychic-type (Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime) to pure Fairy, Normal/Fairy, Water/Fairy, and Psychic/Fairy respectively. These Pokémon have these new types in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

List of Pokémon by Sinnoh Pokédex number

Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl edition

#001 - #052 Turtwig - Dustox

Sdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#001 #0387   Turtwig Grass
#002 #0388   Grotle Grass
#003 #0389   Torterra Grass Ground
#004 #0390   Chimchar Fire
#005 #0391   Monferno Fire Fighting
#006 #0392   Infernape Fire Fighting
#007 #0393   Piplup Water
#008 #0394   Prinplup Water
#009 #0395   Empoleon Water Steel
#010 #0396   Starly Normal Flying
#011 #0397   Staravia Normal Flying
#012 #0398   Staraptor Normal Flying
#013 #0399   Bidoof Normal
#014 #0400   Bibarel Normal Water
#015 #0401   Kricketot Bug
#016 #0402   Kricketune Bug
#017 #0403   Shinx Electric
#018 #0404   Luxio Electric
#019 #0405   Luxray Electric
#020 #0063   Abra Psychic
#021 #0064   Kadabra Psychic
#022 #0065   Alakazam Psychic
#023 #0129   Magikarp Water
#024 #0130   Gyarados Water Flying
#025 #0406   Budew Grass Poison
#026 #0315   Roselia Grass Poison
#027 #0407   Roserade Grass Poison
#028 #0041   Zubat Poison Flying
#029 #0042   Golbat Poison Flying
#030 #0169   Crobat Poison Flying
#031 #0074   Geodude Rock Ground
#032 #0075   Graveler Rock Ground
#033 #0076   Golem Rock Ground
#034 #0095   Onix Rock Ground
#035 #0208   Steelix Steel Ground
#036 #0408   Cranidos Rock
#037 #0409   Rampardos Rock
#038 #0410   Shieldon Rock Steel
#039 #0411   Bastiodon Rock Steel
#040 #0066   Machop Fighting
#041 #0067   Machoke Fighting
#042 #0068   Machamp Fighting
#043 #0054   Psyduck Water
#044 #0055   Golduck Water
#045 #0412   Burmy Bug
#045 #412G Burmy Burmy Bug
#045 #412S Burmy Burmy Bug
#046 #0413   Wormadam Bug Grass
#046 #413G Wormadam Wormadam Bug Ground
#046 #413S Wormadam Wormadam Bug Steel
#047 #0414   Mothim Bug Flying
#048 #0265   Wurmple Bug
#049 #0266   Silcoon Bug
#050 #0267   Beautifly Bug Flying
#051 #0268   Cascoon Bug
#052 #0269   Dustox Bug Poison

#053 - #101 Combee - Clefable

Sdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#053 #0415   Combee Bug Flying
#054 #0416   Vespiquen Bug Flying
#055 #0417   Pachirisu Electric
#056 #0418   Buizel Water
#057 #0419   Floatzel Water
#058 #0420   Cherubi Grass
#059 #0421   Cherrim Grass
#060 #0422   Shellos Water
#060 #422E Shellos Shellos Water
#061 #0423   Gastrodon Water Ground
#061 #423E Gastrodon Gastrodon Water Ground
#062 #0214   Heracross Bug Fighting
#063 #0190   Aipom Normal
#064 #0424   Ambipom Normal
#065 #0425   Drifloon Ghost Flying
#066 #0426   Drifblim Ghost Flying
#067 #0427   Buneary Normal
#068 #0428   Lopunny Normal
#069 #0092   Gastly Ghost Poison
#070 #0093   Haunter Ghost Poison
#071 #0094   Gengar Ghost Poison
#072 #0200   Misdreavus Ghost
#073 #0429   Mismagius Ghost
#074 #0198   Murkrow Dark Flying
#075 #0430   Honchkrow Dark Flying
#076 #0431   Glameow Normal
#077 #0432   Purugly Normal
#078 #0118   Goldeen Water
#079 #0119   Seaking Water
#080 #0339   Barboach Water Ground
#081 #0340   Whiscash Water Ground
#082 #0433   Chingling Psychic
#083 #0358   Chimecho Psychic
#084 #0434   Stunky Poison Dark
#085 #0435   Skuntank Poison Dark
#086 #0307   Meditite Fighting Psychic
#087 #0308   Medicham Fighting Psychic
#088 #0436   Bronzor Steel Psychic
#089 #0437   Bronzong Steel Psychic
#090 #0077   Ponyta Fire
#091 #0078   Rapidash Fire
#092 #0438   Bonsly Rock
#093 #0185   Sudowoodo Rock
#094 #0439   Mime Jr. Psychic Fairy
#095 #0122   Mr. Mime Psychic Fairy
#096 #0440   Happiny Normal
#097 #0113   Chansey Normal
#098 #0242   Blissey Normal
#099 #0173   Cleffa Fairy
#100 #0035   Clefairy Fairy
#101 #0036   Clefable Fairy

#102 - #151 Chatot - Manaphy

Sdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#102 #0441   Chatot Normal Flying
#103 #0172   Pichu Electric
#104 #0025   Pikachu Electric
#105 #0026   Raichu Electric
#106 #0163   Hoothoot Normal Flying
#107 #0164   Noctowl Normal Flying
#108 #0442   Spiritomb Ghost Dark
#109 #0443   Gible Dragon Ground
#110 #0444   Gabite Dragon Ground
#111 #0445   Garchomp Dragon Ground
#112 #0446   Munchlax Normal
#113 #0143   Snorlax Normal
#114 #0201   Unown Psychic
#115 #0447   Riolu Fighting
#116 #0448   Lucario Fighting Steel
#117 #0194   Wooper Water Ground
#118 #0195   Quagsire Water Ground
#119 #0278   Wingull Water Flying
#120 #0279   Pelipper Water Flying
#121 #0203   Girafarig Normal Psychic
#122 #0449   Hippopotas Ground
#123 #0450   Hippowdon Ground
#124 #0298   Azurill Normal Fairy
#125 #0183   Marill Water Fairy
#126 #0184   Azumarill Water Fairy
#127 #0451   Skorupi Poison Bug
#128 #0452   Drapion Poison Dark
#129 #0453   Croagunk Poison Fighting
#130 #0454   Toxicroak Poison Fighting
#131 #0455   Carnivine Grass
#132 #0223   Remoraid Water
#133 #0224   Octillery Water
#134 #0456   Finneon Water
#135 #0457   Lumineon Water
#136 #0072   Tentacool Water Poison
#137 #0073   Tentacruel Water Poison
#138 #0349   Feebas Water
#139 #0350   Milotic Water
#140 #0458   Mantyke Water Flying
#141 #0226   Mantine Water Flying
#142 #0459   Snover Grass Ice
#143 #0460   Abomasnow Grass Ice
#144 #0215   Sneasel Dark Ice
#145 #0461   Weavile Dark Ice
#146 #0480   Uxie Psychic
#147 #0481   Mesprit Psychic
#148 #0482   Azelf Psychic
#149 #0483   Dialga Steel Dragon
#150 #0484   Palkia Water Dragon
#151 #0490   Manaphy Water

Platinum expansion

#152 - #210 Rotom - Giratina

Sdex Ndex MS Pokémon Type
#152 #0479   Rotom Electric Ghost
#152 #479O Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost
#152 #479W Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost
#152 #479R Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost
#152 #479F Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost
#152 #479L Rotom Rotom Electric Ghost
#153 #0207   Gligar Ground Flying
#154 #0472   Gliscor Ground Flying
#155 #0299   Nosepass Rock
#156 #0476   Probopass Rock Steel
#157 #0280   Ralts Psychic
#158 #0281   Kirlia Psychic
#159 #0282   Gardevoir Psychic
#160 #0475   Gallade Psychic Fighting
#161 #0108   Lickitung Normal
#162 #0463   Lickilicky Normal
#163 #0133   Eevee Normal
#164 #0134   Vaporeon Water
#165 #0135   Jolteon Electric
#166 #0136   Flareon Fire
#167 #0196   Espeon Psychic
#168 #0197   Umbreon Dark
#169 #0470   Leafeon Grass
#170 #0471   Glaceon Ice
#171 #0333   Swablu Normal Flying
#172 #0334   Altaria Dragon Flying
#173 #0175   Togepi Normal
#174 #0176   Togetic Normal Flying
#175 #0468   Togekiss Normal Flying
#176 #0228   Houndour Dark Fire
#177 #0229   Houndoom Dark Fire
#178 #0081   Magnemite Electric Steel
#179 #0082   Magneton Electric Steel
#180 #0462   Magnezone Electric Steel
#181 #0114   Tangela Grass
#182 #0465   Tangrowth Grass
#183 #0193   Yanma Bug Flying
#184 #0469   Yanmega Bug Flying
#185 #0357   Tropius Grass Flying
#186 #0111   Rhyhorn Ground Rock
#187 #0112   Rhydon Ground Rock
#188 #0464   Rhyperior Ground Rock
#189 #0355   Duskull Ghost
#190 #0356   Dusclops Ghost
#191 #0477   Dusknoir Ghost
#192 #0137   Porygon Normal
#193 #0233   Porygon2 Normal
#194 #0474   Porygon-Z Normal
#195 #0123   Scyther Bug Flying
#196 #0212   Scizor Bug Steel
#197 #0239   Elekid Electric
#198 #0125   Electabuzz Electric
#199 #0466   Electivire Electric
#200 #0240   Magby Fire
#201 #0126   Magmar Fire
#202 #0467   Magmortar Fire
#203 #0220   Swinub Ice Ground
#204 #0221   Piloswine Ice Ground
#205 #0473   Mamoswine Ice Ground
#206 #0361   Snorunt Ice
#207 #0362   Glalie Ice
#208 #0478   Froslass Ice Ghost
#209 #0359   Absol Dark
#210 #0487   Giratina Ghost Dragon
#210 #487O Giratina Giratina Ghost Dragon

Absent Generation IV Pokémon

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, 26 Pokémon introduced in Generation IV are absent in the Sinnoh Pokédex:

Most of the cross-generational evolutions introduced in this generation are among the excluded Pokémon. However, some are present: Ambipom, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Weavile, and Roserade. All the baby Pokémon introduced in this generation (Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax, and Mantyke) are present in the Sinnoh Pokédex as well.

Pokémon Platinum

In Pokémon Platinum, the expanded Sinnoh Pokédex included Rotom, Giratina, and all the cross-generational evolutions previously excluded, together with their full evolutionary families (as well as eight other earlier Pokémon: Houndour, Houndoom, Swablu, Altaria, Tropius, Scyther, Scizor, and Absol).

However, 7 Generation IV Pokémon are still excluded from the Sinnoh Pokédex in Pokémon Platinum: Heatran, Regigigas, Cresselia, Phione, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus.


  • This is the first regional Pokédex listing to be enlarged.
  • This is the only regional Pokédex listing not to include all the new Pokémon introduced in its corresponding generation.
  • Excluding the Platinum expansion, this was the only Pokédex listing to have the same amount of Pokémon as another: the Kanto Pokédex.
  • According to the TCG, the model of Pokédex in Sinnoh is the Pokédex HANDY910is.
  • The Sinnoh Pokédex was the first regional Pokédex to include ordinary Pokémon (non-Legendary, non-pseudo-legendary, and non-Mythical) after pseudo-legendary Pokémon.
  • This is the only regional Pokédex to not include any Pokémon compatible with the Sun Stone or the Leaf Stone, although Eevee (who is featured in the Platinum expansion) would later become compatible with the Leaf Stone in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
    • Excluding the Platinum expansion, this is also the only regional Pokédex to not include any Pokémon compatible with the Fire Stone or the Water Stone.
  • This is the first Pokèdex not to feature the Koffing, Oddish, or Vulpix evolutionary families.

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting