
Revision as of 21:36, 19 April 2014 by SatoMew2 (talk | contribs)
Quirky redirects here. For the Pokémon Musical category, see Pokémon Musical.
Relaxed redirects here. For the Super Contest dress-up style, see Visual Competition.

Natures (Japanese: 性格 nature) are the mechanic that define a Pokémon's personality and were first introduced in Generation III.


A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the growth rate of two of its stats, ultimately increasing one of its stats by 10% and decreasing another by 10%. Natures also determine the Pokémon's favorite flavor and its disliked flavor. Each stat is tagged to a flavor (e.g., the Attack is tagged to the Spicy flavor), and if the Nature boosts the stat, the tagged flavor will be the Pokémon's favorite (e.g., the Lonely Nature boosts the Attack stat, hence a Lonely-natured Pokémon's favorite flavor is Spicy). The opposite also holds true (i.e. the Bold Nature hinders the Attack stat, so a Bold-natured Pokémon will dislike Spicy food).

Pokémon's Natures are determined when it is generated by the game; when it is obtained as an Egg from the Pokémon Day Care, encountered in the wild, or given to the player by a non-player character.

Every Nature represents one of the 25 unique possible combinations of stat increase and decrease; thus, there are five Natures that have no effect on the Pokémon's stat growth (Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky and Serious). These five neutral Natures are technically Natures that increase and decrease the same stat.

List of Natures

The following table lists each one of the 25 Natures and their effects on a Pokémon. It may be rearranged by clicking the boxes next to each column's heading.

Nature Japanese Increased stat Decreased stat Favorite flavor Disliked flavor
Hardy がんばりや
Lonely さみしがり Attack Defense Spicy Sour
Brave ゆうかん Attack Speed Spicy Sweet
Adamant いじっぱり Attack Sp. Attack Spicy Dry
Naughty やんちゃ Attack Sp. Defense Spicy Bitter
Bold ずぶとい Defense Attack Sour Spicy
Docile すなお
Relaxed のんき Defense Speed Sour Sweet
Impish わんぱく Defense Sp. Attack Sour Dry
Lax のうてんき Defense Sp. Defense Sour Bitter
Timid おくびょう Speed Attack Sweet Spicy
Hasty せっかち Speed Defense Sweet Sour
Serious まじめ
Jolly ようき Speed Sp. Attack Sweet Dry
Naive むじゃき Speed Sp. Defense Sweet Bitter
Modest ひかえめ Sp. Attack Attack Dry Spicy
Mild おっとり Sp. Attack Defense Dry Sour
Quiet れいせい Sp. Attack Speed Dry Sweet
Bashful てれや
Rash うっかりや Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Dry Bitter
Calm おだやか Sp. Defense Attack Bitter Spicy
Gentle おとなしい Sp. Defense Defense Bitter Sour
Sassy なまいき Sp. Defense Speed Bitter Sweet
Careful しんちょう Sp. Defense Sp. Attack Bitter Dry
Quirky きまぐれ

Nature table

As each Nature uniquely boosts one stat and hinders another, the 25 Natures may also be arranged into a table as shown:

Nature table
Decreased stat ↓
(disliked flavor)
Increased stat ↑
(favorite flavor)
No change Bashful

Game-specific details

From Pokémon Emerald onwards, a Ditto or a female Pokémon that holds an Everstone has a 50% chance of passing its Nature to its offspring when at the Pokémon Day Care. Starting in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, male Pokémon can also pass on their Nature with an Everstone.

In Generation IV, parents could only pass Natures to their offspring if both Pokémon and the Trainer all came from a game in the same language. From Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 onwards, any Pokémon holding an Everstone will pass its Nature to its offspring.

Since Pokémon Emerald, if a Pokémon with the Ability Synchronize is leading the party, there is a 50% chance of encountering a wild Pokémon with the same Nature. Synchronize affects any encounter, including stationary legends, but excluding Pokémon that are received from a non-player character, such as the Eevee given out by Bill or catching Pokémon during a Stroll in the Pokéwalker bundled in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, as well as from Pokémon received in a museum after being resurrected from Fossils.

Natures also dictate the manner in which Pokémon battle by themselves at the Battle Palace, different Natures (including the five non-increasing/decreasing ones) make the Pokémon use different methods of attacks and change tactics when they are low on HP. A man in a house closest to the Sunyshore City Heritage Site asks to see Pokémon with different Natures (Serious, Naive and Quirky), and will give the player three Pokétch applications.

Starting in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the stats increased or decreased by a Pokémon's Nature has a red or blue highlight (respectively) when viewing that Pokémon's summary screen.

From Generation V onwards, the player can assign a nature to their Trainer profile (by registering it on their Trainer Card in Generation V, or their Player Search System profile in Generation VI). In Generation V, these Natures affect what the player will say on others' games at the Unity Tower.

Battle Palace (Emerald)

Depending on a Pokémon's Nature, its battle style changes in the Battle Palace and in Verdanturf Town's Battle Tent. This does not affect its battling outside of those areas.

All attacks are grouped into three categories: Attack, Defense, and Support. The following is the list of attacks per category:

All Natures have a set ratio of Attack, Defense, and Support moves; these change when the Pokémon's HP falls below 50%. This represents the likelihood a particular category of attack is chosen. During battle, a random attack from the Pokémon's moveset in the selected category is chosen; if no such attack exists, the Pokémon will "appear incapable of using its power", and will skip its turn.

The following table lists each Nature and its move type preferences; it may be rearranged by clicking the boxes next to each column's heading.

Nature Attack Defense Support Attack (<50%) Defense (<50%) Support (<50%)
Hardy 61% 7% 32% 61% 7% 32%
Lonely 20% 25% 55% 84% 8% 8%
Brave 70% 15% 15% 32% 60% 8%
Adamant 38% 31% 31% 70% 15% 15%
Naughty 20% 70% 10% 70% 22% 8%
Bold 30% 20% 50% 32% 58% 10%
Docile 56% 22% 22% 56% 22% 22%
Relaxed 25% 15% 60% 75% 15% 10%
Impish 69% 6% 25% 28% 55% 17%
Lax 35% 10% 55% 29% 6% 65%
Timid 62% 10% 28% 30% 20% 50%
Hasty 58% 37% 5% 88% 6% 6%
Serious 34% 11% 55% 29% 11% 60%
Jolly 35% 5% 60% 35% 60% 5%
Naive 56% 22% 22% 56% 22% 22%
Modest 35% 45% 20% 34% 60% 6%
Mild 44% 50% 6% 34% 6% 60%
Quiet 56% 22% 22% 56% 22% 22%
Bashful 30% 58% 12% 30% 58% 12%
Rash 30% 13% 57% 27% 6% 67%
Calm 40% 50% 10% 25% 62% 13%
Gentle 18% 70% 12% 90% 5% 5%
Sassy 88% 6% 6% 22% 20% 58%
Careful 42% 50% 8% 42% 5% 53%
Quirky 56% 22% 22% 56% 22% 22%

In other languages

  English   Kana   Rōmaji   French   German   Italian   Spanish   Hangul   Romanized   Hànzì   Romanized
Adamant いじっぱり Ijippari Rigide Hart Decisa Firme 고집 Gojip
Bashful てれや Tereya Pudique Zaghaft Ritrosa Tímida 수줍음 Sujup'eum
Bold ずぶとい Zubutoi Assuré Kühn Sicura Osada 대담 Daedam
Brave ゆうかん Yūkan Brave Mutig Audace Audaz 용감 Yonggam
Calm おだやか Odayaka Calme Still Calma Serena 차분 Chabun
Careful しんちょう Shinchō Prudent Sacht Cauta Cauta 신중 Sinjung
Docile すなお Sunao Docile Sanft Docile Dócil 온순 Onsun
Gentle おとなしい Otonashī Gentil Zart Gentile Amable 얌전 Yamjeon
Hardy がんばりや Ganbariya Hardi Robust Ardita Fuerte 노력 Noryeok
Hasty せっかち Sekkachi Préssé Hastig Lesta Activa 성급 Seonggeup
Impish わんぱく Wanpaku Malin Pfiffig Scaltra Agitada 장난꾸러기 Jangnankkureogi
Jolly ようき Yōki Jovial Froh Allegra Alegre 명랑 Myeongrang
Lax のうてんき Nōtenki Lâche Lasch Fiacca Floja 촐랑 Chullang
Lonely さみしがり Samishigari Solo Solo Schiva Huraña 외로움 Oeroum
Mild おっとり Ottori Doux Mild Mite Afable 의젓 Yijeot
Modest ひかえめ Hikaeme Modeste Mäßig Modesta Modesta 조심 Josim
Naive むじゃき Mujaki Naïf Naiv Ingenua Ingenua 천진난만 Cheonjinnanman
Naughty やんちゃ Yancha Mauvais Frech Birbona Pícara 개구쟁이 Gaegujaeng'i
Quiet れいせい Reisei Discret Ruhig Quieta Mansa 냉정 Naengjeong
Quirky きまぐれ Kimagure Bizarre Kauzig Furba Rara 변덕 Byeongdeok
Rash うっかりや Ukkariya Foufou Hitzig Ardente Alocada 덜렁 Deolleong
Relaxed のんき Nonki Relax Locker Placida Plácida 무사태평 Musataepyeong
Sassy なまいき Namaiki Malpoli Forsch Vivace Grosera 건방 Geonbang
Serious まじめ Majime Sérieux Ernst Seria Seria 성실 Seongsil
Timid おくびょう Okubyō Timide Scheu Timida Miedosa 겁쟁이 Geopjaeng'i

Pokémon individuality
LevelStatsFriendshipGenderAbility (Hidden Ability) • NatureCharacteristic
Effort valuesIndividual valuesGo PowerEffort level

  This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.