
Revision as of 07:10, 13 December 2019 by GrammarFreak01 (talk | contribs) (This is more appropriate for the episode article.)
This article is about the character from the Diamond & Pearl series. For the English voice actor credited as Ed Paul, see Ted Lewis.

シンジ Shinji
Paul DP.png
Gender Male
Eye color Black
Hair color Purple
Hometown Veilstone City
Region Sinnoh
Relatives Reggie (brother)
Trainer class Trainer
Anime debut Two Degrees of Separation!
English voice actor Julián Rebolledo
Japanese voice actor Kiyotaka Furushima

Paul (Japanese: シンジ Shinji) is a recurring character who appeared in the Pokémon anime. He is a Pokémon Trainer from Veilstone City who was first seen at the end of Two Degrees of Separation!, though his full introduction was in When Pokémon Worlds Collide!. He is Ash's main Diamond & Pearl series rival.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

At the beginning, it was assumed that Paul was a Trainer just starting out. However, this was proven wrong in Top-Down Training!, where he revealed that he had already traveled through Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto, participating in their respective League Conferences but failing to win any of them, before returning to Sinnoh. In A Pyramiding Rage!, it was revealed that Kanto was the very first region he traveled through.

He debuted in Two Degrees of Seperation!, although he only made a brief appearance at the ending of that episode; he was fully introduced in the next episode, When Pokémon Worlds Collide!, where he challenged Ash to a three-on-three battle. After the battle resulted in a tie, Paul released one of the three Starly he caught, writing it off as weak, and walked off. He later appeared in Different Strokes for Different Blokes, in which he defeated Ash in a Single Battle after meeting him along the way when exploring Bewilder Forest. He caught his Ursaring in the forest. During the episode, he insulted Ash and especially his Turtwig by calling it pathetic, sparking their rivalry. At this point, Ash realized Paul's strategy of disregarding Pokémon and then releasing them if they did not meet his expectations. He also commented that he would not lose to Paul again.

Paul then battled the Oreburgh Gym Leader Roark in Shapes of Things to Come! and managed to win the Coal Badge. Although he stayed to watch Ash's first battle against Roark in the next episode, he walked off. His style of indiscriminately releasing weak Pokémon was shown again as he gave the Azumarill he used against Roark to a kid in the Pokémon Center after it failed to help him in the battle.

In Top-Down Training!, Paul audaciously challenged the Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia to a Full Battle. After his first four Pokémon were easily defeated by Cynthia's Garchomp, he surrendered. He briefly appeared in A Maze-ing Race!. He was then a participant in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition, in which he was partnered with his rival Ash. Despite winning the quarter-final match, he was very disappointed with his Chimchar and released it, which Ash quickly claimed. Eventually, Paul and Ash managed to win the tournament. Paul then revealed how he captured Chimchar: one day, he ran across it and saw it activating its Blaze Ability to counter a horde of Zangoose that were violently attacking it. Paul was highly impressed and decided to catch Chimchar, but never while it was in his possession did it manage to recreate that powerful Blaze. After winning the tournament, he wrote off the tournament as nothing more than an opportunity to boost his battling skills, giving his Soothe Bell prize to Ash.

Paul and Ash

Paul briefly appeared in Riding the Winds of Change!, where he caught his Gliscor. He then appeared in Pika and Goliath!, where he watched Pikachu battle Sho's Raichu. After watching Pikachu lose to Raichu, he approached Ash and said Pikachu needed to evolve to even come close to being an equal to Raichu. Later on, he witnessed Pikachu defeat Raichu in Ash's rematch against Sho.

In Chim - Charred!, Paul battled Ash after engaging in an argument over Ash's true skills as a Trainer. After using his Gliscor to defeat Ash's Gligar with relative ease, he then put his Ursaring against Chimchar. Chimchar had the lower hand for much of the battle, but it was able to easily defeat Ursaring after it activated Blaze. The battle was cancelled when Chimchar's Blaze couldn't be controlled since it was activated out of resentment and a determination to defeat Paul. Paul was impressed as the Blaze appeared much more powerful than the Blaze that drove him to initially capture Chimchar in the first place.

In Aiding the Enemy!, Paul used his Honchkrow in a Single Battle against Ash and his newly evolved Grotle, defeating Ash with ease partly due to Grotle being unable to adapt to its loss of speed. This was seen by his Torterra, who later helped Ash's Grotle handle the changes in its evolution. He also participated in the Squallville PokéRinger in Pursuing a Lofty Goal! with his Honchkrow, and made it to the finals but lost to Ash's Staraptor, which was newly evolved.

In A Pyramiding Rage!, much was revealed about Paul's motivation as a Trainer and his character. When his older brother Reggie was a traveling Pokémon Trainer challenging the Battle Frontier, he had lost to Brandon. The way Reggie handled the loss is what caused Paul to become a callous person and to be so adamant about strength in battle. Instead of bearing the shame of his loss to Brandon, Reggie moved on with his life and put the loss behind him. Paul found this to be unacceptable, and he became disappointed of his brother. He challenged Brandon to a Full Battle in hopes that he would be able to do what his brother never could. However, Paul lost to Brandon without being able to knock out any of Brandon's Pokémon. Brandon said that this loss was because Paul was unable to control his emotions.

Following Reggie's suggestion in A Pyramiding Rage!, Paul battled Ash in a Full Battle in Pedal to the Mettle! and Evolving Strategies!. It was revealed that Paul had evolved his Magmar into Magmortar in the time since his battle with Brandon. Despite Ash's Chimchar evolving into Monferno and three of Ash's Pokémon using the Counter Shield strategy, Paul won the match easily with only two of his Pokémon fainting, one of which, Ursaring, having defeated half of Ash's team nearly single-handedly. He had his Pokémon use a broad variety of strategies that he kept up his sleeve until this battle, and as a result, his strategy of completely overwhelming and outsmarting Ash succeeded with excellent results.

Scolding Chimchar

In Double-Time Battle Training!, it was revealed that Paul had earned the Mine Badge from Canalave Gym and, by doing so, had collected the eight Badges required to enter the Sinnoh League.

In Fighting Ire with Fire!, Paul encountered Ash for the first time since their Full Battle. He also met his admirer Barry for the first time; however, Paul wasn't impressed by him and refused his offer for a battle, suggesting he battle Ash instead since he was denying all challenges to go into serious training. He later watched the battle between Ash's Monferno and Barry's Empoleon and when Pikachu, Piplup and Empoleon were nearly crushed by one of Team Rocket's damaged mechas, he saved the three with the help of his Electabuzz. He then witnessed Monferno evolving into Infernape, who then saved Electabuzz and the other Pokémon from getting crushed. Paul was impressed by Infernape, and gained a little respect for Ash at how well he had raised it. When asked by Ash if they could have another Full Battle, Paul confirmed they would in the Sinnoh League, and that Reggie was looking forward to seeing it.

Paul entered the Lily of the Valley Conference in An Old Family Blend!, where he was shown in the stadium along with all of the other competitors. He passed the preliminary round in League Unleashed! and defeated Barry in the third round in Casting a Paul on Barry! with his superior tactics and the superior power of his Pokémon. His next battle was against his rival Ash in Familiarity Breeds Strategy!, continuing into A Real Rival Rouser! and Battling a Thaw in Relations!. After a fierce battle, Paul was finally defeated, and he and Ash parted on good terms, Ash having earned Paul's full respect. It also seemed Paul had decided to change himself somewhat, as when Electivire was defeated, he thanked it for a job well done; up to this point, this was something Paul practically never did, even if his Pokémon won. Afterwards, Paul stated that his next intention was to return to Snowpoint City and re-challenge Brandon. He briefly appeared in The Semi-Final Frontier!, where he watched Ash as he lost to Tobias.

Privately commenting to Brock and Dawn on the battle between Ash and Paul, Cynthia predicted that they would both be entering the Champion League soon.

Paul made a cameo appearance during the ending credits of Zoroark: Master of Illusions, in which he was seen visiting ancient ruins with statues of Dialga and Palkia.


Paul and Reggie

Paul's only concern in his Pokémon is of their strength in battle. He strongly dislikes weak Pokémon and has a tendency of releasing them if they do not meet his expectations. To this effect, Paul always checks new captures with his Pokédex to learn what moves they know and trains the Pokémon he keeps harshly to make them strong. He feels that bonding with Pokémon would only turn them into slackers. He has a habit of scolding his Pokémon for losing to opponents he feels they could have beaten, especially Chimchar. He has also demonstrated similar behavior to Azumarill, Honchkrow and Ursaring.

Paul can be very callous and even brutal, especially in battle. As a result, he has been shown to display very little emotion other than an occasional rough smile when dealing with Ash. He has also been shown to have a certain degree of athleticism, as seen in Different Strokes for Different Blokes when he and Chimchar were able to downwardly scale a cliff of a waterfall near Bewilder Forest by swinging and leaping from rocks and branches. His catchphrase when calling out Pokémon is "<Pokémon>, standby for battle!".

As revealed in Lost Leader Strategy!, Paul occasionally gives some of his Pokémon to his brother Reggie for temporary training and caretaking. He disagrees with his brother for giving up on being a Pokémon Trainer after failing to get the Brave Symbol from Brandon and feels his brother's approach and view on this to be wrong.

Paul originally felt that Ash was a weak Trainer when they first met, as shown by the capture of Starly when he questioned Ash about how strong Starly was. Ash's very different attitude towards Pokémon also provided much fuel to their rivalry. Despite that, Paul barely recognized Ash as a serious Trainer and a rival, often ignoring his speeches about loving Pokémon. However, Paul's first hint of respect for Ash was shown in A Pyramiding Rage!, when he was very surprised to hear that Ash had won his own Brave Symbol from Brandon in a Pokémon battle. Notably, after this discovery and his subsequent defeat at the hands of Brandon, Paul would cease his more cruel tendencies, in the process becoming more subdued and focused. While still being at odds with Ash, he would no longer mock his abilities as a Trainer. His change in attitude was shown after his victories against Ash and Barry, where, despite their losses, he would not dismiss their efforts like before and would even compliment them on a hard-fought battle. After a long, tough battle in Sinnoh's Pokémon League Conference, Paul ended up losing to Ash, and in doing so, gained respect for him and ended their bitter rivalry.

Although Paul found most of the Pokémon in Ash's party at the time to be weak, he had shown a particular interest in his Pikachu, as shown in A Gruff Act To Follow!. Paul was also angered by how Ash "contradicts" himself by criticizing Paul's training methods and then using similar ones, such as entering the Wallace Cup, despite Ash's motivations being clearly different than Paul's.

Paul appears to feel indifference to Dawn, showing that he didn't even bother to remember her name in A Gruff Act to Follow. However, he talks to her about Ash in Familiarity Breeds Strategy!, confessing his main problem with Ash is his talk about bringing out a Pokémon's inner strength through his bond with them and how any Pokémon has the potential to be strong reminds him a lot of Reggie. Paul shows mild respect as well as distaste towards Brock, probably because Brock supports Ash's view on Pokémon. Paul does show respect for his elders, such as Professor Rowan, Cynthia, Nurse Joy and Brandon. While he respects Professor Rowan and Nurse Joy for their wisdom and positions, he only respects Cynthia and Brandon for their abilities as Trainers. He is shown to have no respect for Gym Leaders who he feels are weak. For example, he was shown to respect Roark whom he judged to be a worthy opponent in the end, but he was openly rude and mean to Maylene.


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As a result of Paul's selective team creation, his active team is composed of Pokémon that he deems to be powerful. Whilst the captures of Ursaring and Gliscor were shown in Different Strokes for Different Blokes and Riding the Winds of Change!, respectively, and Ninjask's was revealed in a flashback during Glory Blaze!, his team has for the most part been caught off-screen. Several other Pokémon in his possession were caught onscreen but later released.

On hand

This listing is of Paul's Pokémon as of the most recent Japanese episode and the ones used for the last Full Battle against Ash:

Elekid → Electabuzz → Electivire
Main article: Paul's Electivire

Electivire was the first of Paul's revealed Pokémon. Paul used it as an Elekid during his first appearance in When Pokémon Worlds Collide! in a battle against Ash and his Pikachu. In Smells Like Team Spirit!, Elekid evolved into Electabuzz during a tag battle in which it was fighting alongside Ash's Chimchar. It reappeared as an Electivire in Casting a Paul on Barry!, having evolved off screen at a prior point. It was used by Paul to battle Barry and Ash in his league matches. It was the last Pokémon used against Ash in their full battle at the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Debut Two Degrees of Separation!
Voice actors
Japanese Kenta Miyake
English Bill Rogers
Paul's Ninjask was caught shortly before Paul met Chimchar, as shown in a flashback in Glory Blaze!. It did not appear again until it was used as Paul's fourth Pokémon against Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference, where it went up against Gliscor. Taking advantage of its superior speed, it managed to cause substantial damage, while not taking in a single hit. Gliscor was then recalled in favor of Infernape, who eliminated Ninjask with the blast wave from an Underground Flare Blitz and a successful Mach Punch.

Ninjask's known moves are Agility, Fury Cutter, and Giga Drain, and its Ability is Speed Boost.

Debut Glory Blaze!
Voice actors
English Billy Beach

Lairon → Aggron
Paul's Aggron first appeared as a Lairon in A Pyramiding Rage!, in which it fought against Brandon's Regice. Despite having a significant type advantage, it lost in a matter of seconds after only managing to use Iron Defense; Regice froze it solid with Ice Beam and then knocked it out with a single Zap Cannon.

In Familiarity Breeds Strategy! it was shown to have evolved into Aggron. As Paul's first Pokémon, it went up Against Pikachu in the Lily of the Valley Conference match against Ash. With about even strength, Ash made the decision to switch to Infernape. After being successfully burned by Flare Blitz, it was knocked out by an exceedingly powerful Mach Punch. It was one of the two Pokémon used by Paul to uncover Ash's strategy, the other being Gastrodon.

Aggron's known moves are Iron Defense, Metal Claw, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon and Double-Edge, and its Ability is Rock Head.

Debut A Pyramiding Rage!
Voice actors
Japanese Kenta Miyake
English Billy Beach
Paul's Gastrodon was the second Pokémon used against Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference, going up against Staraptor. Adapting Ash's tactics from their previous full battle, Gastrodon was shown to be able to easily keep Staraptor off by creating a Counter Shield using Muddy Water. Ash then ordered Staraptor to attack, flying just above the ground, only to be caught by Gastrodon's Body Slam. It then fired Water Pulse directly into the air, planning to dodge the attack descending at an increased speed at the last second. Breaking free by using Close Combat on the ground, Staraptor was then hit by a direct Ice Beam and subsequently substituted with Buizel. It was at this point Paul realized Ash was using the same Pokémon as last time, calling him "pathetic and predictable". As Gastrodon started off with an Ice Beam, Buizel again used his improvised Ice Aqua Jet, sending Gastrodon flying. Going for another Body Slam from the blast, Buizel countered with an Ice Punch, effectively eliminating Gastrodon.

Gastrodon was one of the two Pokémon used by Paul to uncover Ash's strategy, the other being Aggron.

Gastrodon's known moves are Muddy Water, Body Slam, Water Pulse, and Ice Beam.

Debut Familiarity Breeds Strategy!
Voice actors
English Tom Wayland
Drapion was the third Pokémon used in the Lily of the Valley Conference match against Ash where it was sent out after Paul had uncovered his strategy. As a result, Drapion was able to successfully eliminate half of Ash's team (Buizel, Staraptor and Torterra). After defeating Torterra, it was recalled, making Drapion the only Pokémon Paul recalled during the entire battle. Throughout the battle, Drapion's Toxic Spikes poisoned most of Ash's team, until Infernape's improvised Underground Flare Blitz completely burned them off. Later, Drapion went up against Gliscor and, after a fierce battle, was finally knocked out after being successfully burned by Fire Fang.

It is unknown if this is the same Drapion as the one Paul unsuccessfully tried to catch in Chim-Charred!.

Drapion's known moves are Pin Missile, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes, and Poison Fang.

Debut Familiarity Breeds Strategy!
Voice actors
Japanese Unshō Ishizuka
English Unshō Ishizuka
Froslass was the fifth Pokémon used by Paul in his battle against Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference. Going up against Ash's Pikachu, she successfully contained his Thunderbolt with Hail, while also activating her Snow Cloak ability, allowing her to constantly disappear and reappear during the battle. Frustrated with the single-sided attacks, Ash ordered Pikachu to use Volt Tackle, described by Paul as "pathetic". As Pikachu went charging towards the oncoming Froslass and ended up going through causing no damage, it seemed Ash was in trouble. Froslass then fired Ice Shard to finish the battle, which Pikachu dodged for a successful Iron Tail, also breaking up the Hail. Pikachu was then frozen by a subsequent Ice Beam, while Froslass was preparing another Ice Shard. Breaking free with Volt Tackle, Pikachu finally took Froslass out of the match.

Froslass's known moves are Hail, Ice Shard, and Ice Beam, and her Ability is Snow Cloak.

Debut A Real Rival Rouser!
Voice actors
Japanese Satsuki Yukino
English Bella Hudson

With Reggie

In Veilstone City, Reggie told Ash that Paul's "other Pokémon are here too" which may include his reserves. In Glory Blaze!, Paul mentions that he wanted Chimchar to become the most powerful out of all his Fire-type Pokémon. This could mean he has other Fire-type Pokémon besides Magmortar.

Turtwig → Grotle → Torterra
Main article: Paul's Torterra

Torterra is Paul's strongest Pokémon and his starter as well. It made its first appearance in Top-Down Training!, in which it was used in a battle against Cynthia's Garchomp.

Torterra helped Ash's Grotle cope with its lack of speed after evolution.

Debut Top-Down Training!
Voice actors
Japanese Unshō Ishizuka
English Billy Beach
Main article: Paul's Ursaring

Paul caught Ursaring in Different Strokes for Different Blokes with the help of his Chimchar. Ursaring was seen several times since, often battling with Chimchar.

Debut Different Strokes for Different Blokes
Voice actors
Japanese Unshō Ishizuka
English Unshō Ishizuka
Murkrow → Honchkrow
Main article: Paul's Honchkrow

Honchkrow's first official appearance was as a Murkrow in Top-Down Training!, in which Paul used it in battle against Cynthia's Garchomp. It evolved off-screen between Riding the Winds of Change! and Lost Leader Strategy!.

Debut Top-Down Training!
Voice actors
Japanese Shin'ichirō Miki
English Bill Rogers
Paul caught Weavile while he journeyed through Hoenn, Johto and Kanto. Weavile made its first appearance in a battle against Cynthia's Garchomp where it lost, despite the double type-advantage of Ice.

Paul sent Weavile out in Riding the Winds of Change! where it worked with Electabuzz to capture Gliscor.

Weavile briefly appeared in Aiding the Enemy as Torterra's sparring partner.

Weavile appeared again in Pedal to the Mettle! where it went up against Ash's Staraptor in Ash and Paul's Full Battle and lost, despite the type-advantage.

In Battling a Thaw in Relations! it was with Reggie along with Paul's Torterra, Ursaring and Honchkrow, disappointed to find out Paul had lost.

Weavile's known moves are Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Swords Dance and Metal Claw.

Debut Top-Down Training!
Voice actors
Japanese Chinami Nishimura
English Bill Rogers
Paul caught Gliscor in Riding the Winds of Change! after hearing of its reputation as a powerful Pokémon, causing a lot of trouble along with its pack of Gligar. While easily standing up against Electabuzz and Weavile, it was finally caught by Paul, while Ash was trying to talk with it.

Gliscor appeared again in Chim - Charred!, in which it was used to battle Ash's Gligar and won the battle rather easily.

Gliscor made a brief appearance in Aiding the Enemy! along with Paul's other Pokémon outside of the Pokémon Center while the Team Rocket trio took care of Paul's Torterra. Gliscor was not seen again after this.

Gliscor's known moves are X-Scissor, Sandstorm, Knock Off, and Guillotine.

Debut Riding the Winds of Change!
Voice actors
Japanese Yūji Ueda
English Marc Thompson
Magmar → Magmortar
Main article: Paul's Magmortar

Paul chose Magmortar to replace his Chimchar after he released it. It first debuted as a Magmar in Lost Leader Strategy!, in which it appeared in a flashback. Magmar made its first real appearance in Aiding the Enemy!, sleeping with Paul's other Pokémon.

Magmar's evolution was revealed in Pedal to the Mettle! when Paul chose Magmortar to battle Ash's Pikachu.

Debut Lost Leader Strategy!
Voice actors
Japanese Yūji Ueda
English Tom Wayland
Hariyama fought against Brandon's Regirock, with Paul bringing it out to utilize its type advantage. It appeared to be very powerful, managing to block Regirock's otherwise deadly Stone Edge with its hands and strike with multiple Arm Thrusts. However, it was caught at close range, stunned with Shock Wave and subsequently taken out by Focus Punch.

Hariyama's known moves are Arm Thrust and Force Palm.

Debut A Pyramiding Rage!
Voice actors
Japanese Unshō Ishizuka
English Bill Rogers
Paul's Nidoking fought against Brandon's Registeel. Nidoking also proved to be powerful, and unlike Paul's other Pokémon in the battle, actually put up something of a fight. He even surprised Brandon with his ability to recover so quickly from a Flash Cannon to the face. He hit Registeel directly with all of his attacks, but the Drill Pokémon ultimately didn't manage to cause much damage to the Iron Pokémon and was defeated with a powerful Iron Head.

Nidoking's known moves are Earth Power, Double Kick, and Thunderbolt.

Debut A Pyramiding Rage!
Voice actors
Japanese Katsuyuki Konishi
English Katsuyuki Konishi


It is implied that Paul has caught and released many more Pokémon than what has been shown onscreen.

Starly (×2)
Paul caught these two Starly the same time he caught the final one. Paul released the two once he scanned them on his Pokédex, deeming them too weak for his team, and the fact that they only knew Tackle and Sand-Attack.

Both Starly's known moves are Tackle* and Sand-Attack*.

Debut When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
Voice actors
Japanese Kiyotaka Furushima
English Sarah Natochenny
Paul caught the final Starly the same time he caught the other two. He decided to keep it once he scanned it on his Pokédex, due to its knowledge of Aerial Ace. It was used against Ash's Starly in their first battle. Despite Paul's Starly winning, Paul decided it was not up to his standards and so it was also released after their battle.

Starly's known moves were Aerial Ace and Double Team.

Debut When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
Voice actors
Japanese Kiyotaka Furushima
English Sarah Natochenny
Paul caught Stantler while in Bewilder Forest, but released it as soon as he scanned it on his Pokédex, due to the fact that its only move was Tackle.

Stantler's only known move is Tackle*.

Debut Different Strokes for Different Blokes
Voice actors
Japanese Katsuyuki Konishi
English Katsuyuki Konishi
Main article: Paul's Chimchar

When Paul first saw Chimchar, it was being chased by a group of Zangoose. Paul was impressed with it and added it to his regular team. However, this first impression did not match up to Chimchar's normal abilities and so Paul regularly criticized it for being weak. After losing to Cynthia's Garchomp in Top-Down Training, Paul realized that Chimchar was not fulfilling his expectations. This culminated in the tag battle tournament arc in which he was forced to battle alongside Ash. During a battle against a Zangoose and a Metagross, Chimchar was too scared to make any attack when caught in Zangoose's claws. After the battle, Paul released Chimchar in front of Ash, who then invited it to join him.

Debut When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
Voice actors
Japanese Megumi Hayashibara
English Bill Rogers

Given away

Paul was first seen using Azumarill for his battle with Roark in Shapes of Things to Come!, attempting to use the type advantage over the Rock-type Pokémon. However, Roark's Geodude had little trouble in defeating the Water Pokémon, deflecting Hydro Pump with Hidden Power and knocking it out with Rollout.

Unsatisfied with its loss, Paul gave Azumarill away to a little boy during A Gruff Act to Follow!, claiming it had no potential to improve and there was no point wasting his time on it. This infuriated Ash, pushing their rivalry even further.

Azumarill's known moves were Hydro Pump and Water Gun*.

Debut Shapes of Things to Come!
Voice actors
Japanese Tomoko Kawakami
English Kayzie Rogers


Badges obtained

It can be assumed that Paul has at least eight Gym Badges each from Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto, as he has entered all three of their championship competitions.

Paul's Relic Badge

Sinnoh Badges

This listing is of the Badges Paul has obtained in the Sinnoh region:

Pokémon League

Paul has competed in the following Pokémon League Conferences:

Pokémon competitions

Paul has competed in the following Pokémon competitions:

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 古島清孝 Kiyotaka Furushima
English Julián Rebolledo
Mandarin Chinese 李世揚 Li Shìyáng
Czech Michal Holan
Zdeněk Hruška
Danish Mathias Klenske (DP002)
Peter Holst Beck (DP003-present)
Dutch Tony Neef
Finnish Antti Jaakola (DP002-DP052)
Aku Laitinen (DP053-present)
European French Alessandro Bevilacqua (DP002-DP052)
Gauthier De Fauconval (DP053-present)
German Johannes Wolko
Hebrew מירון אהרונוביץ Meron Aharonovich
Indonesian Kamal Nasuti (DP182-present)
Italian Massimo Di Benedetto (DP002-DP052)
Maurizio Merluzzo (DP053-present)
Korean 문남숙 Mun Nam-Suk
Norwegian Tommy Karlsen
Polish Artur Pontek
Portuguese Brazil Gabriel Noya
Thiago Longo (DP155)
Portugal Pedro Cardoso (DP002-DP052)
Mário Santos (DP053-present)
Romanian Cătălin Rotaru
Spanish Latin America Gerardo García (DP002-DP100, DP163-DP188)
Gabriel Ortiz (DP118)
Eduardo Ramírez (DP127-DP132)
Ricardo Bautista (DP155)
Spain Pablo Sevilla


Concept artwork from the Diamond & Pearl series


Early artwork
  • Paul was first revealed to the fandom through a CoroCoro scan that showed him alongside Ash and Dawn commanding a Chimchar. However, his name and role were not revealed until the following week and so he received the fan name "Nugai" (a pun derived from "new guy") during that time.
  • Three of Ash's Pokémon have evolved while battling against Paul: Turtwig into Grotle, Staravia into Staraptor, and Chimchar into Monferno. Both Turtwig and Staravia evolved while battling Honchkrow. Paul also witnessed Monferno's later evolution into Infernape.
  • Paul is the first regular rival seen catching a Pokémon and receiving a Gym Badge on screen.
  • If one does not count the Squallville PokéRinger, Paul has been defeated onscreen three times. Each was a Full Battle and each time three of his Pokémon debuted.
  • Paul shares his Japanese name with that of Lake Verity.
  • Paul has three Pokémon in common with Ash's main rival in the original series, Gary: Electivire, Nidoking, and Magmar.
  • Paul is the only Trainer to abandon one of Ash's Fire-type Pokémon that has been seen more than once outside of flashbacks.
  • Paul is the first regular recurring character to battle the Champion of a core series region.
  • Paul makes a cameo appearance alongside his Pokémon in the ending Let's Join Hands.
  • During the 10th season, his catchphrase wasn't Standby for battle!, but just Standby!.
  • Paul shares his Spanish name with Mohn. Both are called Polo.


Language Name Origin
Japanese シンジ Shinji Possibly from 真珠 shinju (pearl), a reference to Pokémon Pearl. Could also be named after 宮崎慎二 Shinji Miyazaki.
English, French,
German, Italian, Spanish
Paul Possibly from pearl
Spanish Polo Spanish adaptation of Paul
Korean 진철 Jincheol Possibly from 진주 jinju (pearl)
Chinese (Mandarin) 真司 Zhēnsī From the name 真司 Shinji. Also similar to 真珠 zhēnzhū (pearl)
Chinese (Cantonese) 真司 Jānsī Same as Mandarin name
Russian Пол Pol Transcription of English name

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Professors Professor OakProfessor IvyProfessor ElmProfessor BirchProfessor RowanProfessor CarolinaProfessor JuniperDr. FennelCedric JuniperProfessor SycamoreProfessor KukuiProfessor BurnetProfessor CeriseProfessor MagnoliaSoniaProfessor Amaranth
Relatives Delia KetchumDaisyVioletLilyJames's parentsFlintLolaForrestBrock's siblingsNormanCarolineJohannaChiliCressGraceMeyerLana's fatherLana's motherHarper and SarahRangoSimaMimoKiawe's grandfatherMohnLusamineGladionSophocles's parentsMolayneAbeMallow's motherUluWalkerCamilleHalta
Supporting Officer JennyNurse JoyMagikarp salesmanTodd SnapCharles GoodshowCaseyLizaSakuraLanceClairRaoul ContestaMr. SukizoSteven StoneVivian MeridianRobertScottLilian MeridianSolanaBrandonMarianYuzoRhondaCynthiaReggieAngieLookerIzzy and CaraLyraKhouryTobiasDon GeorgeElderAlderLukeFreddy O'MartianIngoEmmetJervisVirgilNAnthea and ConcordiaPorterAlexaSophieCosetteClembotSanpeiMairinAstridDianthaKorrinaGurkinnMonsieur PierrePalermoKeananMalvaSamson OakAnelaHobbesNinaAnnaLakiDanaYansuWickeFabaIlimaAcerolaDiaChloeChrysaRenParkerTaliaLeiDanikaQuillonHopGym LeadersElite FourFrontier BrainsIsland kahunasMany temporary characters
Supporting Pokémon FearowHo-OhSquirtle SquadPink ButterfreeHaunterJigglypuffMewtwoMimeyLapras herdGranbullPichu BrothersLugiaSilverDelibirdWynautLarvitarKyogre and GroudonArticunoDeoxysLake guardiansForces of NatureMeloettaReshiramSuper-ancient PokémonWooperFlorgesSquishyZ2Guardian deitiesBewearToucannon's flockStoutlandOranguruNebbyStuffulUltra BeastsGrandpa ForestNecrozmaLunalaShayminMewRotom PhonesPelipperThievul trioEternatusDrone RotomLegendary heroesLatiasRecurring wild Pokémon
See also: Pokémon Horizons characters

  This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.