Signature moves are moves that can only be learned by a single Pokémon or a very small select group of Pokémon by level-up (with the exception of Pikachu's Volt Tackle), usually in the same evolutionary line. Note that any of the moves included in this classification (except for Chatter) can be learned by Smeargle by use of Sketch, making Sketch and Chatter the only moves that are truly exclusive to one Pokémon legitimately. Also, some of these moves can be passed down via breeding to other Pokémon.

List of Pokémon and their signature moves

Note: All levels listed are the level the Pokémon will learn the move as of Generation IV.

# Icon Name Move Level
015   Beedrill Twineedle Lv. 20
016   Pidgey FeatherDance* Lv. 31
017   Pidgeotto FeatherDance* Lv. 34
018   Pidgeot FeatherDance* Lv. 34
019   Rattata Hyper Fang *
Super Fang *
Lv. 16
Lv. 28
020   Raticate Hyper Fang *
Super Fang *
Lv. 16
Lv. 34
023   Ekans Glare* Lv. 12
024   Arbok Glare* Lv. 12
043   Oddish Petal Dance * Lv. 33
044   Gloom Petal Dance * Lv. 38
046   Paras Spore * Lv. 17
047   Parasect Spore * Lv. 17
052   Meowth Pay Day Lv. 30
059   Arcanine ExtremeSpeed * Lv. 39
064   Kadabra Kinesis Start
065   Alakazam Kinesis Start
090   Shellder Icicle Spear Lv. 13
092   Gastly Night Shade* Lv. 15
093   Haunter Night Shade* Lv. 15
094   Gengar Night Shade* Lv. 15
098   Krabby Crabhammer* Lv. 41
097   Kingler Crabhammer* Lv. 56
102   Exeggcute Barrage Start
103   Exeggutor Barrage Start
Lv. 27
104   Cubone Bone Club
Bone Rush*
Lv. 7
Lv. 21
Lv. 37
105   Marowak Bone Club
Bone Rush*
Lv. 7
Lv. 21
Lv. 43
106   Hitmonlee Jump Kick *
Hi Jump Kick *
Rolling Kick
Lv. 13
Lv. 29
Lv. 9
113   Chansey Softboiled * Lv. 12
Lv. 38
242   Blissey Softboiled * Lv. 12
Lv. 38
115   Kangaskhan Dizzy Punch* Lv. 25
118   Goldeen Waterfall* Lv. 37
119   Seaking Waterfall* Lv. 39
120   Staryu Camouflage* Lv. 19
124   Jynx Lovely Kiss Start
129   Magikarp Splash * Start
137   Porygon Conversion
Conversion 2
233   Porygon2 Conversion
Conversion 2
474   Porygon-Z Conversion
Conversion 2
167   Spinarak Spider Web Lv. 29
168   Ariados Spider Web Lv. 32
172   Pichu Volt Tackle Egg move
196   Espeon Morning Sun * Lv. 52
200   Misdreavus Pain Split Lv. 28
214   Heracross Megahorn * Lv. 55
215   Sneasel Beat Up* Lv. 38 *
224   Octillery Octazooka Lv. 25
225   Delibird Present Start
235   Smeargle Sketch Start
Lv. 11
Lv. 21
Lv. 31
Lv. 41
Lv. 51
Lv. 61
Lv. 71
Lv. 81
Lv. 91
237   Hitmontop Triple Kick Lv. 19
241   Miltank Milk Drink Lv. 11
249   Lugia Aeroblast Lv. 85
250   Ho-Oh Sacred Fire Lv. 85
253   Grovyle Leaf Blade * Lv. 29
254   Sceptile Leaf Blade * Lv. 29
257   Blaziken Blaze Kick* Lv. 36
259   Marshtomp Muddy Water * Lv. 37
260   Swampert Muddy Water * Lv. 39
274   Nuzleaf Extrasensory * Lv. 49
287   Slakoth Slack Off * Lv. 13
289   Slaking Slack Off * Start
296   Makuhita Arm Thrust
Lv. 7
Lv. 22
297   Hariyama Arm Thrust
Lv. 7
Lv. 22
300   Skitty Assist * Lv. 19
313   Volbeat Tail Glow *
Signal Beam*
Lv. 21
327   Spinda Teeter Dance Lv. 37
331   Cacnea Needle Arm Lv. 45
332   Cacturne Needle Arm Lv. 53
335   Zangoose Crush Claw * Lv. 31
336   Seviper Poison Tail Lv. 16
351   Castform Weather Ball * Lv. 30
363   Spheal Ice Ball Lv. 13
364   Sealeo Ice Ball Lv. 13
365   Walrein Ice Ball Lv. 13
380   Latias Mist Ball Lv. 35
381   Latios Luster Purge Lv. 35
385   Jirachi Doom Desire Lv. 70
386   Deoxys Psycho Boost Lv. 45
416   Vespiquen Defend Order
Heal Order
Attack Order
Lv. 13
Lv. 25
Lv. 37
441   Chatot Chatter Lv. 21
464   Rhyperior Rock Wrecker Lv. 61
483   Dialga Roar of Time Lv. 40
484   Palkia Spacial Rend Lv. 40
485   Heatran Magma Storm Lv. 96
486   Regigigas Crush Grip Lv. 75
487   Giratina Shadow Force Lv. 40
488   Cresselia Lunar Dance Lv. 84
490   Manaphy Heart Swap Lv. 76
491   Darkrai Dark Void Lv. 66
492   Shaymin Seed Flare Lv. 100
493   Arceus Judgment Lv. 100

One-off signature moves

This is a list of signature moves that at only one point, another Pokémon had the ability to acquire:

Other signature move examples