List of Pokémon in Pokémon Picross

Revision as of 16:40, 29 January 2024 by Boblers (talk | contribs) (sentence highlighting skill page)

The following is a list of all Pokémon found in Pokémon Picross.

There are 256 Pokémon found in Pokémon Picross. Pokémon can Mega Evolve, which requires the Mega Pencil and completion of a second stage for that Pokémon in its Mega form; otherwise, evolution is not possible.

Each Pokémon has a skill, depending on one of its types. The effectiveness of a skill and the rest period after using it varies by the Pokémon - see skill (Picross) for more details.

List of Pokémon in Pokémon Picross

NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Rest Period
#0001 14-08   Bulbasaur Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0003 26-08   Venusaur Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0003 26-09   Mega Venusaur Grass   Auto Fix 01:30
#0004 05-03   Charmander Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0006 28-09   Charizard Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0006 28-10   Mega Charizard X Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00
#0006 28-11   Mega Charizard Y Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0007 07-04   Squirtle Water   Blue Force 00:00
#0009 21-08   Blastoise Water   Blue Force 01:00
#0009 21-09   Mega Blastoise Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0012 26-07   Butterfree Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0015 26-04   Beedrill Poison   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0015 26-05   Mega Beedrill Poison   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0018 12-06   Pidgeot Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0018 12-08   Mega Pidgeot Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0020 25-01   Raticate Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0024 11-07   Arbok Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0025 04-02   Pikachu Electric   Slow Time 00:00
#0026 20-03   Raichu Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0029 25-08   Nidoran♀ Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0035 10-01   Clefairy Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0037 28-02   Vulpix Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0039 18-05   Jigglypuff Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0043 01-02   Oddish Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0052 08-05   Meowth Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0054 21-01   Psyduck Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0065 12-05   Alakazam Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0065 12-07   Mega Alakazam Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0080 21-03   Slowbro Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30
#0080 21-04   Mega Slowbro Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0081 20-05   Magnemite Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0094 08-06   Gengar Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30
#0094 08-07   Mega Gengar Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30
#0113 13-05   Chansey Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0115 29-06   Kangaskhan Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0115 29-07   Mega Kangaskhan Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30
#0120 10-08   Staryu Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0127 14-06   Pinsir Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0127 14-07   Mega Pinsir Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0129 17-03   Magikarp Water   Blue Force 00:05
#0130 27-09   Gyarados Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0130 27-10   Mega Gyarados Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0131 06-05   Lapras Ice   Blue Force 01:00
#0132 08-01   Ditto Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0133 14-03   Eevee Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0134 07-06   Vaporeon Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0135 20-07   Jolteon Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0136 19-07   Flareon Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0137 20-11   Porygon Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0142 13-02   Aerodactyl Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30
#0142 13-03   Mega Aerodactyl Rock   Slash Reveal 02:00
#0143 07-01   Snorlax Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30
#0144 22-09   Articuno Ice   Blue Force 24:00
#0145 20-13   Zapdos Electric   Slow Time 24:00
#0146 28-13   Moltres Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00
#0147 10-02   Dratini Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0149 10-03   Dragonite Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00
#0150 30-05   Mewtwo Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0150 30-07   Mega Mewtwo X Fighting   Hyper Scan 24:00
#0150 30-08   Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0151 04-07   Mew Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0152 18-04   Chikorita Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0154 24-08   Meganium Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0155 15-05   Cyndaquil Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0157 19-10   Typhlosion Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0158 13-06   Totodile Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0160 21-11   Feraligatr Water   Blue Force 01:00
#0163 25-09   Hoothoot Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0167 11-01   Spinarak Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0172 26-06   Pichu Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0175 21-05   Togepi Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0181 20-01   Ampharos Electric   Slow Time 01:30
#0181 20-02   Mega Ampharos Electric   Slow Time 01:30
#0183 21-06   Marill Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0185 25-11   Sudowoodo Rock   Slash Reveal 01:00
#0190 24-01   Aipom Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0195 12-04   Quagsire Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00
#0196 10-09   Espeon Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0197 08-03   Umbreon Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0200 17-02   Misdreavus Ghost   Freeze Time 01:00
#0201 27-05   Unown (F) Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30
#0202 15-06   Wobbuffet Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0208 15-01   Steelix Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00
#0208 15-02   Mega Steelix Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30
#0212 11-03   Scizor Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0212 11-04   Mega Scizor Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0213 27-03   Shuckle Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0214 18-02   Heracross Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0214 18-03   Mega Heracross Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0216 25-07   Teddiursa Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0220 22-04   Swinub Ice   Blue Force 00:05
#0229 14-04   Houndoom Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0229 14-05   Mega Houndoom Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0243 20-06   Raikou Electric   Slow Time 24:00
#0244 19-04   Entei Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00
#0245 21-10   Suicune Water   Blue Force 24:00
#0248 23-02   Tyranitar Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30
#0248 23-03   Mega Tyranitar Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30
#0249 21-12   Lugia Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0250 24-12   Ho-Oh Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00
#0251 04-08   Celebi Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0252 04-05   Treecko Grass   Auto Fix 00:00
#0253 12-03   Grovyle Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0254 18-09   Sceptile Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0254 18-10   Mega Sceptile Grass   Auto Fix 01:30
#0255 19-06   Torchic Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0256 28-03   Combusken Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0257 28-06   Blaziken Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0257 28-07   Mega Blaziken Fire   Cross Reveal 03:00
#0258 16-06   Mudkip Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0259 17-04   Marshtomp Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0260 27-07   Swampert Water   Blue Force 01:00
#0260 27-08   Mega Swampert Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0261 01-01   Poochyena Dark   Scatter Reveal 00:00
#0263 14-02   Zigzagoon Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0265 13-04   Wurmple Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0272 21-02   Ludicolo Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0278 14-01   Wingull Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0280 23-01   Ralts Fairy   Diamond Reveal 01:30
#0282 25-04   Gardevoir Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00
#0282 25-05   Mega Gardevoir Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00
#0286 30-02   Breloom Grass   Auto Fix 01:30
#0287 10-06   Slakoth Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0292 30-09   Shedinja Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0302 15-09   Sableye Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0302 15-10   Mega Sableye Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0303 17-05   Mawile Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00
#0303 17-06   Mega Mawile Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30
#0306 16-07   Aggron Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00
#0306 16-08   Mega Aggron Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00
#0308 23-04   Medicham Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0308 23-05   Mega Medicham Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0310 09-07   Manectric Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0310 09-08   Mega Manectric Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0311 20-04   Plusle Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0312 20-08   Minun Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0316 23-06   Gulpin Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0319 10-04   Sharpedo Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0319 10-05   Mega Sharpedo Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0323 19-08   Camerupt Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0323 19-09   Mega Camerupt Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0330 27-06   Flygon Ground   Slash Reveal 02:00
#0334 22-07   Altaria Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0334 22-08   Mega Altaria Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0350 07-03   Milotic Water   Blue Force 01:00
#0351 26-10   Castform Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0354 05-01   Banette Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30
#0354 05-02   Mega Banette Ghost   Freeze Time 01:00
#0359 22-02   Absol Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0359 22-03   Mega Absol Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00
#0362 06-03   Glalie Ice   Blue Force 01:00
#0362 06-04   Mega Glalie Ice   Blue Force 01:30
#0363 22-05   Spheal Ice   Blue Force 00:30
#0366 16-05   Clamperl Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0370 21-07   Luvdisc Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0371 11-02   Bagon Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0373 23-08   Salamence Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0373 23-09   Mega Salamence Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0376 15-07   Metagross Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30
#0376 15-08   Mega Metagross Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30
#0377 15-11   Regirock Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0378 22-10   Regice Ice   Blue Force 24:00
#0379 15-12   Registeel Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00
#0380 25-14   Latias Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0380 25-15   Mega Latias Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0381 25-12   Latios Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0381 25-13   Mega Latios Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0382 10-10   Kyogre Water   Blue Force 24:00
#0383 19-11   Groudon Ground   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0384 30-04   Rayquaza Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0384 30-06   Mega Rayquaza Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0385 07-07   Jirachi Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00
#0386 16-11   Deoxys Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0387 18-01   Turtwig Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0389 24-10   Torterra Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0390 19-02   Chimchar Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0392 19-03   Infernape Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0393 06-01   Piplup Water   Blue Force 00:05
#0395 22-06   Empoleon Water   Blue Force 01:00
#0398 30-11   Staraptor Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0399 07-02   Bidoof Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0405 27-04   Luxray Electric   Slow Time 01:30
#0417 26-03   Pachirisu Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0418 07-05   Buizel Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0426 28-05   Drifblim Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30
#0428 25-02   Lopunny Normal   Rising Reveal 02:00
#0428 25-03   Mega Lopunny Normal   Rising Reveal 02:00
#0439 03-03   Mime Jr. Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30
#0441 02-03   Chatot Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0442 05-05   Spiritomb Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30
#0443 15-03   Gible Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0445 17-07   Garchomp Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0445 17-08   Mega Garchomp Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00
#0447 28-01   Riolu Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0448 16-03   Lucario Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0448 16-04   Mega Lucario Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0453 15-04   Croagunk Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0460 29-02   Abomasnow Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0460 29-03   Mega Abomasnow Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0461 29-04   Weavile Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0468 14-09   Togekiss Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00
#0470 09-04   Leafeon Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0471 06-06   Glaceon Ice   Blue Force 01:30
#0475 24-04   Gallade Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0475 24-05   Mega Gallade Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:30
#0478 22-01   Froslass Ice   Blue Force 01:00
#0479 20-12   Rotom Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0480 25-06   Uxie Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0481 23-07   Mesprit Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0482 24-06   Azelf Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0483 17-10   Dialga Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00
#0484 17-09   Palkia Water   Blue Force 24:00
#0485 13-07   Heatran Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00
#0486 29-09   Regigigas Normal   Rising Reveal 30:00
#0487 14-10   Giratina
(Origin Forme)
Ghost   Freeze Time 24:00
#0488 30-14   Cresselia Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0490 02-05   Manaphy Water   Blue Force 24:00
#0491 18-11   Darkrai Dark   Scatter Reveal 30:00
#0492 09-09   Shaymin
(Sky Forme)
Grass   Auto Fix 24:00
#0493 30-15   Arceus Normal   Rising Reveal 30:00
#0494 24-13   Victini Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0495 13-01   Snivy Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0497 26-11   Serperior Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0498 03-02   Tepig Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0500 28-04   Emboar Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0501 01-03   Oshawott Water   Blue Force 00:05
#0503 16-09   Samurott Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0509 10-07   Purrloin Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0511 24-03   Pansage Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0517 04-06   Munna Psychic   Freeze Time 00:00
#0522 03-01   Blitzle Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0531 18-07   Audino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0531 18-08   Mega Audino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30
#0535 27-01   Tympole Water   Blue Force 00:30
#0545 29-01   Scolipede Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0547 04-01   Whimsicott Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0549 24-07   Lilligant Grass   Auto Fix 01:00
#0551 12-02   Sandile Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00
#0557 16-02   Dwebble Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0559 12-01   Scraggy Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0562 19-05   Yamask Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30
#0570 16-01   Zorua Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0571 30-12   Zoroark Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0572 24-02   Minccino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00
#0585 18-06   Deerling
(Spring Form)
Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0587 26-02   Emolga Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0590 23-11   Foongus Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0595 20-09   Joltik Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0599 20-10   Klink Steel   Auto Fix X 00:30
#0609 29-05   Chandelure Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30
#0610 05-04   Axew Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0612 30-03   Haxorus Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0613 06-02   Cubchoo Ice   Blue Force 00:30
#0618 23-10   Stunfisk Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00
#0635 30-13   Hydreigon Dark   Scatter Reveal 03:00
#0637 30-10   Volcarona Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0638 27-11   Cobalion Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00
#0639 28-08   Terrakion Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0640 26-12   Virizion Grass   Auto Fix 24:00
#0641 29-11   Tornadus
(Therian Forme)
Flying   Hyper Scan 24:00
#0642 29-10   Thundurus
(Therian Forme)
Electric   Slow Time 24:00
#0643 23-12   Reshiram Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0644 20-14   Zekrom Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0645 18-12   Landorus
(Therian Forme)
Ground   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0646 22-11   Kyurem Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0647 11-08   Keldeo
(Resolute Form)
Water   Blue Force 24:00
#0648 21-13   Meloetta
(Aria Forme)
Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0649 26-13   Genesect Bug   Hyper Scan 24:00
#0650 09-03   Chespin Grass   Auto Fix 00:30
#0652 24-11   Chesnaught Grass   Auto Fix 01:30
#0653 19-01   Fennekin Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00
#0655 28-12   Delphox Fire   Cross Reveal 03:00
#0656 02-04   Froakie Water   Blue Force 00:05
#0658 03-05   Greninja Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0658 03-06   Ash-Greninja Water   Blue Force 01:30
#0661 09-02   Fletchling Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30
#0663 09-06   Talonflame Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00
#0666 29-08   Vivillon
(Meadow Pattern)
Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0670 04-04   Floette
(Red Flower)
Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0674 02-02   Pancham Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:00
#0677 11-05   Espurr Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30
#0678 09-05   Meowstic
Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00
#0681 11-06   Aegislash
(Shield Forme)
Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30
#0684 09-01   Swirlix Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30
#0686 17-01   Inkay Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00
#0695 08-02   Heliolisk Electric   Slow Time 01:00
#0700 24-09   Sylveon Fairy   Diamond Reveal 01:30
#0701 25-10   Hawlucha Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0702 26-01   Dedenne Electric   Slow Time 00:30
#0703 30-01   Carbink Rock   Slash Reveal 01:00
#0704 04-03   Goomy Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00
#0706 27-02   Goodra Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30
#0707 03-04   Klefki Steel   Auto Fix X 00:00
#0710 02-01   Pumpkaboo Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30
#0715 08-04   Noivern Flying   Hyper Scan 01:00
#0716 16-10   Xerneas Fairy   Diamond Reveal 30:00
#0717 12-09   Yveltal Dark   Scatter Reveal 30:00
#0718 05-06   Zygarde
(50% Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0718 05-07   Zygarde
(10% Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0718 05-08   Zygarde
(Complete Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00
#0719 27-12   Diancie Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0719 27-13   Mega Diancie Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00
#0720 08-08   Hoopa Confined Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00
#0720 29-12   Hoopa Unbound Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00

See also

by National Pokédex no. EnglishJapaneseGermanFrenchSpanishItalianKoreanChinese
Brazilian PortugueseTurkishRussianThaiHindi
by regional Pokédex no. KantoNewJohto • Hoenn (Gen IIIGen VI) • Sinnoh • Unova (BWB2W2Blueberry)
Kalos • Alola (SMUSUM) • Galar (Isle of ArmorCrown Tundra) • HisuiPaldeaKitakami
Unown Modein every regional Pokédex
by regional Browser no. FioreAlmiaObliviain no regional Browserin every regional Browser
by index number Generation IGeneration IIGeneration IIIGeneration IVGeneration V
Generation VIGeneration VIIGeneration VIIIGeneration IX
PinballPinball RS
by other numbering systems DPBPPokéPark PadRansei GalleryShuffle listPicross listMasters EX Sync Pairs
Lental PhotodexDuel LibraryGoogle Maps: Pokémon ChallengeUNITESleep Style Dex
by attributes AbilityEgg Groupcategory (abundanceother languages) • food preferenceshabitatIQ groupheightweight
form differences (GO) • gender differencesshapeicon (Gen I–II)
colorcolor palette (Gen I)unique type combinations
by Evolution evolutionary line (GO) • no evolutionary linebranchedcross-generationlevels
by availability availability (GOSleep) • mutually exclusivepermanently missable
by in-game stats base stats (Gen IGen II-VGen VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IXfully evolvedunique base stat totalsGO)
performance statscatch rate (GO) • EVs given in battle (Gen IIIGen IVGen V-VIGen VIIGen VIIIGen IX) • gender ratio
steps to hatchwild held item (Gen II) • experience typebase friendshipcall rate
miscellaneous alphabetically • field moves (Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VGen VI)
Shadow Pokémonunobtainable Shiny PokémonPal Park areaPokéwalkerdebut episodeglitch
released with a Hidden Ability (Gen VGen VIGen VIIGen VIII) • ST Energy Shotpetting