Skill (Picross)

A skill is a characteristic granted to each Pokémon in Pokémon Picross. Each Pokémon is assigned one type, and each of those types corresponds to one of 12 skills.

Eevee uses its skill.

Each Pokémon's skill has several attributes, to differentiate the effects between users of the same skill. Generally speaking, stronger effects are granted to Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, as well as Pokémon that would be considered evolved or Mega Evolved in the core series.


The following attributes are present on all skills:

  • Recovery Period - When a Pokémon's skill is used, they must take a certain amount of real-world time to recover before their skill can be used again.
    • This time begins after a puzzle is exited (whether due to quitting or solving it) and continues to tick down, even if the 3DS is in sleep mode or the game is not open.
    • This period can be skipped by spending   Picrites, at a rate of 1 Picrite per 10 minutes of the remaining time (rounded up). However, if the Pokémon is Legendary or Mythical (indicated by a gold border), then their recovery period cannot be skipped.
  • Puzzle Size - The size of the Pokémon's original puzzle. Can be 10 × 10, 15 × 15, or 20 × 15.
  • Max Size - The maximum puzzle size that the Pokémon's skill will work on. Can be 10 × 10, 15 × 15, or 20 × 15. This is at least as large as the Pokémon's original puzzle size.
  • Rank - Summarizes the strength of the skill. Can be Normal, Expert, Hyper, or Master.
  • Activation Timing - One of several timing classes that occur in sequence:
    • Automatic - The skill activates immediately upon entering a puzzle, with no option to deny it.
    • At Start - After any "Automatic" skills activate, a pop-up window appears. From here, up to one skill with the "At Start" class can be selected for activation. If an "At Start" skill is not activated here, then it cannot be activated later in the puzzle.
    • Anytime - After the "At Start" pop-up menu is resolved, the skill can be activated from the Pokémon menu at any time during the puzzle

Each skill also has additional attributes, specific to that type of skill.

Blue Force

While Blue Force is active: hint numbers along the sides of the puzzle will be colored blue, if the player can fill a square or place an X in a column or row, based on deducing from current information. Blue Force always has an activation timing of "Anytime".

Blue Force has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times that Blue Force can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Effective Period - The amount of time (in seconds) that Blue Force will be active per use. This time will pause if the game is paused, or the 3DS is put into sleep mode.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
#0007 07-04   Squirtle Water   Blue Force 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 120 sec Anytime
#0009 21-08   Blastoise Water   Blue Force 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 120 sec Anytime
#0009 21-09   Mega Blastoise Water   Blue Force 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 300 sec Anytime
#0054 21-01   Psyduck Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 120 sec Anytime
#0120 10-08   Staryu Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 90 sec Anytime
#0129 17-03   Magikarp Water   Blue Force 00:05 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 60 sec Anytime
#0131 06-05   Lapras Ice   Blue Force 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 180 sec Anytime
#0134 07-06   Vaporeon Water   Blue Force 01:30 10 × 10 20 × 15 Hyper 1 300 sec Anytime
#0144 22-09   Articuno Ice   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0158 13-06   Totodile Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 120 sec Anytime
#0160 21-11   Feraligatr Water   Blue Force 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 180 sec Anytime
#0220 22-04   Swinub Ice   Blue Force 00:05 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 180 sec Anytime
#0245 21-10   Suicune Water   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0258 16-06   Mudkip Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 60 sec Anytime
#0259 17-04   Marshtomp Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 300 sec Anytime
#0260 27-07   Swampert Water   Blue Force 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 120 sec Anytime
#0260 27-08   Mega Swampert Water   Blue Force 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 600 sec Anytime
#0350 07-03   Milotic Water   Blue Force 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 2 90 sec Anytime
#0362 06-03   Glalie Ice   Blue Force 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 3 60 sec Anytime
#0362 06-04   Mega Glalie Ice   Blue Force 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 120 sec Anytime
#0363 22-05   Spheal Ice   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 60 sec Anytime
#0366 16-05   Clamperl Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 120 sec Anytime
#0370 21-07   Luvdisc Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 5 30 sec Anytime
#0378 22-10   Regice Ice   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0382 10-10   Kyogre Water   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0393 06-01   Piplup Water   Blue Force 00:05 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 180 sec Anytime
#0395 22-06   Empoleon Water   Blue Force 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 5 60 sec Anytime
#0418 07-05   Buizel Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 120 sec Anytime
#0471 06-06   Glaceon Ice   Blue Force 01:30 10 × 10 20 × 15 Hyper 2 120 sec Anytime
#0478 22-01   Froslass Ice   Blue Force 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 3 60 sec Anytime
#0484 17-09   Palkia Water   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0490 02-05   Manaphy Water   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0501 01-03   Oshawott Water   Blue Force 00:05 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 180 sec Anytime
#0503 16-09   Samurott Water   Blue Force 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 300 sec Anytime
#0535 27-01   Tympole Water   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 60 sec Anytime
#0613 06-02   Cubchoo Ice   Blue Force 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 90 sec Anytime
#0647 11-08   Keldeo
(Resolute Form)
Water   Blue Force 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Infinite Anytime
#0656 02-04   Froakie Water   Blue Force 00:05 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 180 sec Anytime
#0658 03-05   Greninja Water   Blue Force 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 5 120 sec Anytime
#0658 03-06   Ash-Greninja Water   Blue Force 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 300 sec Anytime

Rising Reveal

When Rising Reveal is activated, one or more columns have their solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Rising Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Rising Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Activation Square - The square that the revealed pattern is centered upon. Can be random or specified by the player.
  • Width - The width of the revealed pattern, in squares.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Width Activation
#0020 25-01   Raticate Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0052 08-05   Meowth Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 1 square Anytime
#0113 13-05   Chansey Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0115 29-06   Kangaskhan Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 1 square At Start
#0115 29-07   Mega Kangaskhan Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 Random 2 squares Anytime
#0132 08-01   Ditto Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0133 14-03   Eevee Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0137 20-11   Porygon Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 1 square Anytime
#0143 07-01   Snorlax Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0190 24-01   Aipom Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 1 square At Start
#0216 25-07   Teddiursa Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0263 14-02   Zigzagoon Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0287 10-06   Slakoth Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0351 26-10   Castform Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 1 square At Start
#0399 07-02   Bidoof Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0428 25-02   Lopunny Normal   Rising Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0428 25-03   Mega Lopunny Normal   Rising Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 Random 2 squares Anytime
#0486 29-09   Regigigas Normal   Rising Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 5 squares At Start
#0493 30-15   Arceus Normal   Rising Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Specified 3 squares Anytime
#0531 18-07   Audino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0531 18-08   Mega Audino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Specified 3 squares At Start
#0572 24-02   Minccino Normal   Rising Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 1 square Anytime

Slash Reveal

When Slash Reveal is activated, one or more rows have their solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Slash Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Slash Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Activation Square - The square that the revealed pattern is centered upon. Can be random or specified by the player.
  • Width - The width of the revealed pattern, in squares.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Width Activation
#0142 13-02   Aerodactyl Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0142 13-03   Mega Aerodactyl Rock   Slash Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 4 squares At Start
#0185 25-11   Sudowoodo Rock   Slash Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares Anytime
#0195 12-04   Quagsire Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0248 23-02   Tyranitar Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares Anytime
#0248 23-03   Mega Tyranitar Rock   Slash Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 4 squares Anytime
#0330 27-06   Flygon Ground   Slash Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 3 squares Anytime
#0377 15-11   Regirock Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 3 squares Anytime
#0383 19-11   Groudon Ground   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 5 squares At Start
#0551 12-02   Sandile Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0618 23-10   Stunfisk Ground   Slash Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0639 28-08   Terrakion Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Specified 3 squares At Start
#0645 18-12   Landorus
(Therian Forme)
Ground   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 5 squares At Start
#0703 30-01   Carbink Rock   Slash Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0719 27-12   Diancie Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Specified 4 squares Anytime
#0719 27-13   Mega Diancie Rock   Slash Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Specified 3 squares Anytime

Cross Reveal

When Cross Reveal is activated, a cross-shaped area of rows and columns have their solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy. Cross Reveal always has 1 available use.

Cross Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Cross Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Activation Square - The square that the revealed pattern is centered upon. Can be random or specified by the player.
  • Width - The width of the lines for the revealed pattern, in squares.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Width Activation
#0004 05-03   Charmander Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0006 28-09   Charizard Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0037 28-02   Vulpix Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 1 square Anytime
#0136 19-07   Flareon Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 1 square At Start
#0146 28-13   Moltres Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 4 squares Anytime
#0155 15-05   Cyndaquil Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0157 19-10   Typhlosion Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0244 19-04   Entei Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Specified 3 squares At Start
#0250 24-12   Ho-Oh Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 5 squares At Start
#0255 19-06   Torchic Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 1 square Anytime
#0256 28-03   Combusken Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0257 28-06   Blaziken Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 2 squares Anytime
#0257 28-07   Mega Blaziken Fire   Cross Reveal 03:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 4 squares At Start
#0323 19-08   Camerupt Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0323 19-09   Mega Camerupt Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0390 19-02   Chimchar Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0392 19-03   Infernape Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 2 squares Anytime
#0485 13-07   Heatran Fire   Cross Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 4 squares At Start
#0498 03-02   Tepig Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 2 squares At Start
#0500 28-04   Emboar Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0653 19-01   Fennekin Fire   Cross Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 1 square At Start
#0655 28-12   Delphox Fire   Cross Reveal 03:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 3 squares At Start
#0663 09-06   Talonflame Fire   Cross Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Specified 1 square At Start

Square Reveal

When Square Reveal is activated, a square-shaped area of the puzzle has its solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Square Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Square Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Activation Square - The puzzle square that the revealed pattern is centered upon. Can be random or specified by the player.
  • Size - The dimensions of the revealed pattern, in puzzle squares.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Size Activation
#0006 28-10   Mega Charizard X Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 Random 6 × 6 Anytime
#0147 10-02   Dratini Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 5 × 5 At Start
#0149 10-03   Dragonite Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 8 × 8 At Start
#0334 22-07   Altaria Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 Random 4 × 4 Anytime
#0334 22-08   Mega Altaria Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Specified 7 × 7 At Start
#0371 11-02   Bagon Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 5 × 5 At Start
#0373 23-08   Salamence Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 6 × 6 At Start
#0373 23-09   Mega Salamence Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 Random 5 × 5 Anytime
#0380 25-14   Latias Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Specified 7 × 7 Anytime
#0380 25-15   Mega Latias Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 Specified 5 × 5 Anytime
#0381 25-12   Latios Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 Random 8 × 8 Anytime
#0381 25-13   Mega Latios Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0384 30-04   Rayquaza Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0384 30-06   Mega Rayquaza Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 8 × 8 Anytime
#0443 15-03   Gible Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 4 × 4 At Start
#0445 17-07   Garchomp Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 6 × 6 At Start
#0445 17-08   Mega Garchomp Dragon   Square Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 8 × 8 At Start
#0610 05-04   Axew Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 4 × 4 At Start
#0612 30-03   Haxorus Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 7 × 7 At Start
#0643 23-12   Reshiram Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0644 20-14   Zekrom Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0646 22-11   Kyurem Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0704 04-03   Goomy Dragon   Square Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 4 × 4 At Start
#0706 27-02   Goodra Dragon   Square Reveal 01:30 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 Random 6 × 6 At Start
#0718 05-06   Zygarde
(50% Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0718 05-07   Zygarde
(10% Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 Specified 5 × 5 Anytime
#0718 05-08   Zygarde
(Complete Forme)
Dragon   Square Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Specified 7 × 7 Anytime

Diamond Reveal

When Diamond Reveal is activated, a diamond-shaped area of the puzzle has its solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Diamond Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Diamond Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Activation Square - The square that the revealed pattern is centered upon. Can be random or specified by the player.
  • Size - The dimensions of the revealed pattern, in squares (using the vertical and horizontal size).
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Size Activation
#0035 10-01   Clefairy Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 5 × 5 At Start
#0039 18-05   Jigglypuff Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Specified 5 × 5 At Start
#0175 21-05   Togepi Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 Random 3 × 3 Anytime
#0183 21-06   Marill Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 5 × 5 At Start
#0280 23-01   Ralts Fairy   Diamond Reveal 01:30 10 × 10 15 × 15 Normal 1 Random 7 × 7 At Start
#0282 25-04   Gardevoir Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 9 × 9 At Start
#0282 25-05   Mega Gardevoir Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 Random 7 × 7 Anytime
#0468 14-09   Togekiss Fairy   Diamond Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 Random 9 × 9 At Start
#0670 04-04   Floette
(Red Flower)
Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 Random 3 × 3 Anytime
#0684 09-01   Swirlix Fairy   Diamond Reveal 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 Random 5 × 5 At Start
#0700 24-09   Sylveon Fairy   Diamond Reveal 01:30 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 2 Random 5 × 5 Anytime
#0716 16-10   Xerneas Fairy   Diamond Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 Specified 7 × 7 Anytime

Scatter Reveal

When Scatter Reveal is activated, a set amount of random squares have their solutions revealed. Squares filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Scatter Reveal has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Scatter Reveal can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Effect - The amount of squares revealed per use of the skill.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Effect Activation
#0015 26-04   Beedrill Poison   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 30 squares Anytime
#0015 26-05   Mega Beedrill Poison   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 15 squares Anytime
#0024 11-07   Arbok Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 20 squares At Start
#0029 25-08   Nidoran♀ Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0130 27-10   Mega Gyarados Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 60 squares At Start
#0197 08-03   Umbreon Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 30 squares At Start
#0229 14-04   Houndoom Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 squares Anytime
#0229 14-05   Mega Houndoom Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 60 squares At Start
#0261 01-01   Poochyena Dark   Scatter Reveal 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 5 squares At Start
#0302 15-09   Sableye Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares Anytime
#0302 15-10   Mega Sableye Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 50 squares Anytime
#0316 23-06   Gulpin Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0319 10-04   Sharpedo Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0319 10-05   Mega Sharpedo Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 60 squares At Start
#0359 22-02   Absol Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 squares Anytime
#0359 22-03   Mega Absol Dark   Scatter Reveal 02:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 25 squares Anytime
#0453 15-04   Croagunk Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 15 squares Anytime
#0461 29-04   Weavile Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 20 squares At Start
#0491 18-11   Darkrai Dark   Scatter Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 120 squares At Start
#0509 10-07   Purrloin Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0559 12-01   Scraggy Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 15 squares At Start
#0570 16-01   Zorua Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0571 30-12   Zoroark Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 25 squares At Start
#0590 23-11   Foongus Poison   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares At Start
#0635 30-13   Hydreigon Dark   Scatter Reveal 03:00 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 80 squares At Start
#0686 17-01   Inkay Dark   Scatter Reveal 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 15 squares Anytime
#0717 12-09   Yveltal Dark   Scatter Reveal 30:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 70 squares Anytime

Auto Fix X

While Auto Fix X is active, if the player incorrectly fills a square or incorrectly marks one with an X, then that square will automatically be corrected. Auto Fix X will automatically become active at the start of a puzzle. Squares corrected from an X to filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

If multiple instances of Auto Fix or Auto Fix X exist on the player's team, then the leftmost Pokémon's skill will activate first. When that Pokémon's available uses are exhausted, the next Pokémon's skill will activate, and so on.

Auto Fix X has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of squares that Auto Fix X can correct during a puzzle.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
#0208 15-01   Steelix Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 7 Automatic
#0208 15-02   Mega Steelix Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 15 Automatic
#0303 17-05   Mawile Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 7 Automatic
#0303 17-06   Mega Mawile Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 15 Automatic
#0306 16-07   Aggron Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 10 Automatic
#0306 16-08   Mega Aggron Steel   Auto Fix X 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 12 Automatic
#0376 15-07   Metagross Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 12 Automatic
#0376 15-08   Mega Metagross Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 15 Automatic
#0379 15-12   Registeel Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 25 Automatic
#0385 07-07   Jirachi Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 25 Automatic
#0483 17-10   Dialga Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 25 Automatic
#0599 20-10   Klink Steel   Auto Fix X 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 5 Automatic
#0638 27-11   Cobalion Steel   Auto Fix X 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 25 Automatic
#0681 11-06   Aegislash
(Shield Forme)
Steel   Auto Fix X 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 12 Automatic
#0707 03-04   Klefki Steel   Auto Fix X 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 Automatic

Auto Fix

While Auto Fix is active, if the player incorrectly fills a square, then that square will automatically be corrected to an X. Auto Fix will automatically become active at the start of a puzzle.

If multiple instances of Auto Fix or Auto Fix X exist on the player's team, then the leftmost Pokémon's skill will activate first. When that Pokémon's available uses are exhausted, the next Pokémon's skill will activate, and so on.

Unlike the similar skill Auto Fix X, regular Auto Fix will not correct any incorrectly-placed X's.

Auto Fix has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of squares that Auto Fix can correct during a puzzle.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
#0001 14-08   Bulbasaur Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0003 26-08   Venusaur Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0003 26-09   Mega Venusaur Grass   Auto Fix 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 30 Automatic
#0043 01-02   Oddish Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0152 18-04   Chikorita Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0154 24-08   Meganium Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0252 04-05   Treecko Grass   Auto Fix 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 5 Automatic
#0253 12-03   Grovyle Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 10 Automatic
#0254 18-09   Sceptile Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0254 18-10   Mega Sceptile Grass   Auto Fix 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 30 Automatic
#0272 21-02   Ludicolo Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 12 Automatic
#0286 30-02   Breloom Grass   Auto Fix 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 20 Automatic
#0387 18-01   Turtwig Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0389 24-10   Torterra Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0460 29-02   Abomasnow Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 10 Automatic
#0460 29-03   Mega Abomasnow Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0470 09-04   Leafeon Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 10 Automatic
#0492 09-09   Shaymin
(Sky Forme)
Grass   Auto Fix 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 40 Automatic
#0495 13-01   Snivy Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0497 26-11   Serperior Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 15 Automatic
#0511 24-03   Pansage Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0547 04-01   Whimsicott Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 10 Automatic
#0549 24-07   Lilligant Grass   Auto Fix 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 10 Automatic
#0585 18-06   Deerling
(Spring Form)
Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0640 26-12   Virizion Grass   Auto Fix 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 40 Automatic
#0650 09-03   Chespin Grass   Auto Fix 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 7 Automatic
#0652 24-11   Chesnaught Grass   Auto Fix 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 20 Automatic

Hyper Scan

When Hyper Scan is activated, any squares incorrectly filled or incorrectly marked with an X will be corrected, up to a certain limit of squares. Squares corrected from an X to filled this way do not spend the player's energy.

Hyper Scan has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times Hyper Scan can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Effect - The maximum amount of squares that can be corrected per use of Hyper Scan. If the amount of errors exceeds this amount, then the squares to be corrected will be chosen at random.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
Effect Activation
#0006 28-11   Mega Charizard Y Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30 20 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 10 squares Anytime
#0012 26-07   Butterfree Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 7 squares Anytime
#0018 12-06   Pidgeot Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 10 squares Anytime
#0018 12-08   Mega Pidgeot Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 10 squares Anytime
#0127 14-06   Pinsir Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 7 squares Anytime
#0127 14-07   Mega Pinsir Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 10 squares Anytime
#0130 27-09   Gyarados Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 15 squares Anytime
#0150 30-07   Mega Mewtwo X Fighting   Hyper Scan 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 10 squares Anytime
#0163 25-09   Hoothoot Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 5 squares Anytime
#0167 11-01   Spinarak Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares Anytime
#0212 11-03   Scizor Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 5 3 squares Anytime
#0212 11-04   Mega Scizor Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 5 4 squares Anytime
#0213 27-03   Shuckle Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares Anytime
#0214 18-02   Heracross Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 7 squares Anytime
#0214 18-03   Mega Heracross Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 10 squares Anytime
#0265 13-04   Wurmple Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 5 squares Anytime
#0278 14-01   Wingull Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 3 squares Anytime
#0292 30-09   Shedinja Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 5 squares Anytime
#0308 23-04   Medicham Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 5 squares Anytime
#0308 23-05   Mega Medicham Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 4 5 squares Anytime
#0398 30-11   Staraptor Flying   Hyper Scan 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 7 squares Anytime
#0441 02-03   Chatot Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares Anytime
#0447 28-01   Riolu Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 5 squares Anytime
#0448 16-03   Lucario Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 5 squares Anytime
#0448 16-04   Mega Lucario Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 4 5 squares Anytime
#0475 24-04   Gallade Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 4 5 squares Anytime
#0475 24-05   Mega Gallade Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 5 5 squares Anytime
#0545 29-01   Scolipede Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 7 squares Anytime
#0557 16-02   Dwebble Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 squares Anytime
#0595 20-09   Joltik Bug   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 5 squares Anytime
#0637 30-10   Volcarona Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 2 5 squares Anytime
#0641 29-11   Tornadus
(Therian Forme)
Flying   Hyper Scan 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 8 squares Anytime
#0649 26-13   Genesect Bug   Hyper Scan 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 15 squares Anytime
#0661 09-02   Fletchling Flying   Hyper Scan 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 3 squares Anytime
#0666 29-08   Vivillon
(Meadow Pattern)
Bug   Hyper Scan 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 1 15 squares Anytime
#0674 02-02   Pancham Fighting   Hyper Scan 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 5 squares Anytime
#0701 25-10   Hawlucha Fighting   Hyper Scan 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 10 squares Anytime
#0715 08-04   Noivern Flying   Hyper Scan 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 10 squares Anytime

Slow Time

While Slow Time is active, the puzzle timer will increment slower than usual. This skill will automatically activate at the start of a puzzle.

If multiple instances of Slow Time are on the player's team, then all of them will activate at the start of a puzzle, and their effects will stack multiplicatively. For example, if Pikachu (0.90×) and Magnemite (0.80×) are on the same team together, then the slowing effect will be 0.72× (0.90 × 0.80).

Slow Time has the following attributes:

  • Effect - An approximation of the Pokémon's slowing multiplier. Can be Weak, Medium, Strong, or Super.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Effect Activation
#0025 04-02   Pikachu Electric   Slow Time 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.90×) Automatic
#0026 20-03   Raichu Electric   Slow Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0081 20-05   Magnemite Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0135 20-07   Jolteon Electric   Slow Time 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0145 20-13   Zapdos Electric   Slow Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master Super (0.50×) Automatic
#0172 26-06   Pichu Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0181 20-01   Ampharos Electric   Slow Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0181 20-02   Mega Ampharos Electric   Slow Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper Strong (0.60×) Automatic
#0243 20-06   Raikou Electric   Slow Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master Super (0.50×) Automatic
#0310 09-07   Manectric Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0310 09-08   Mega Manectric Electric   Slow Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert Strong (0.60×) Automatic
#0311 20-04   Plusle Electric   Slow Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0312 20-08   Minun Electric   Slow Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0405 27-04   Luxray Electric   Slow Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0417 26-03   Pachirisu Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0479 20-12   Rotom Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Medium (0.70×) Automatic
#0522 03-01   Blitzle Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0587 26-02   Emolga Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0642 29-10   Thundurus
(Therian Forme)
Electric   Slow Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master Super (0.50×) Automatic
#0695 08-02   Heliolisk Electric   Slow Time 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert Weak (0.80×) Automatic
#0702 26-01   Dedenne Electric   Slow Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal Weak (0.80×) Automatic

Freeze Time

While Freeze Time is active, the puzzle timer will pause for a set amount of time.

Freeze Time has the following attributes:

  • Available uses - The maximum amount of times that Freeze Time can be activated during a puzzle.
  • Effective Period - The amount of time (in seconds) that the puzzle timer will pause per use of Freeze Time.
NDex Stage Pokémon Type Skill Recovery
Rank Available
#0065 12-05   Alakazam Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 2 30 sec Anytime
#0065 12-07   Mega Alakazam Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 5 10 sec Anytime
#0080 21-03   Slowbro Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 sec Anytime
#0080 21-04   Mega Slowbro Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 20 sec Anytime
#0094 08-06   Gengar Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 1 120 sec Anytime
#0094 08-07   Mega Gengar Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 3 60 sec Anytime
#0150 30-05   Mewtwo Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 600 sec Anytime
#0150 30-08   Mega Mewtwo Y Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 300 sec Anytime
#0151 04-07   Mew Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 120 sec Anytime
#0196 10-09   Espeon Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 1 40 sec Anytime
#0200 17-02   Misdreavus Ghost   Freeze Time 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 60 sec Anytime
#0201 27-05   Unown (F) Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 20 sec Anytime
#0202 15-06   Wobbuffet Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 10 × 10 15 × 15 Expert 2 20 sec Anytime
#0249 21-12   Lugia Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 300 sec Anytime
#0251 04-08   Celebi Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 120 sec Anytime
#0354 05-01   Banette Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 sec Anytime
#0354 05-02   Mega Banette Ghost   Freeze Time 01:00 15 × 15 15 × 15 Expert 3 30 sec Anytime
#0386 16-11   Deoxys Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 600 sec Anytime
#0426 28-05   Drifblim Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 5 sec Anytime
#0439 03-03   Mime Jr. Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 sec Anytime
#0442 05-05   Spiritomb Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 30 sec Anytime
#0480 25-06   Uxie Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 120 sec Anytime
#0481 23-07   Mesprit Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 10 60 sec Anytime
#0482 24-06   Azelf Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 300 sec Anytime
#0487 14-10   Giratina
(Origin Forme)
Ghost   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 1 600 sec Anytime
#0488 30-14   Cresselia Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 200 sec Anytime
#0494 24-13   Victini Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 2 300 sec Anytime
#0517 04-06   Munna Psychic   Freeze Time 00:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 1 10 sec Anytime
#0562 19-05   Yamask Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 3 5 sec Anytime
#0609 29-05   Chandelure Ghost   Freeze Time 01:30 15 × 15 20 × 15 Hyper 2 60 sec Anytime
#0648 21-13   Meloetta
(Aria Forme)
Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 200 sec Anytime
#0677 11-05   Espurr Psychic   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 sec Anytime
#0678 09-05   Meowstic
Psychic   Freeze Time 01:00 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 30 sec Anytime
#0710 02-01   Pumpkaboo Ghost   Freeze Time 00:30 10 × 10 10 × 10 Normal 2 10 sec Anytime
#0720 08-08   Hoopa Confined Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 5 120 sec Anytime
#0720 29-12   Hoopa Unbound Psychic   Freeze Time 24:00 20 × 15 20 × 15 Master 3 200 sec Anytime


  • Landorus (Therian Forme) is the only Legendary or Mythical Pokémon to not have a Rank of Master (instead, its Rank is Hyper).
  • Ralts is the only Pokémon with a max size of 15 × 15 to not have a Rank of Expert (instead, its Rank is Normal).
  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.