List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation III/Ninja Boy

Main article: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation III

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Ninja Boy in the Hoenn Battle Frontier in Pokémon Emerald.

Keon, Stuart, and Nestor

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0001   Bulbasaur   BrightPowder Razor Leaf Sweet Scent Sleep Powder Light Screen Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0012   Butterfree   Pecha Berry Silver Wind Psybeam Toxic Whirlwind Quirky 255 - - 255 - -
0015   Beedrill   Scope Lens Twineedle Pursuit Endeavor Agility Naughty - 255 - - - 255
0023   Ekans   Poison Barb Acid Dig Screech Torment Docile 255 255 - - - -
0029   Nidoran♀   Sitrus Berry Crunch Double Kick Flatter Helping Hand Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0030   Nidorina   Focus Band Double Kick Bite Aerial Ace Flatter Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0032   Nidoran♂   Sitrus Berry Double Kick Poison Sting Disable Helping Hand Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0033   Nidorino   Focus Band Double Kick Water Pulse Mud-Slap Flatter Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0041   Zubat   Cheri Berry Poison Fang Whirlwind Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Sassy 255 255 - - - -
0043   Oddish   Pecha Berry Acid Stun Spore Sweet Scent Moonlight Relaxed 255 255 - - - -
0046   Paras   Sitrus Berry Spore Leech Life Slash Light Screen Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0048   Venonat   Sitrus Berry Psybeam Supersonic Stun Spore Skill Swap Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0050   Diglett   King's Rock Magnitude Slash Rock Tomb Sand-Attack Naive - 255 - - - 255
0063   Abra   TwistedSpoon Mimic Metronome Flash Seismic Toss Lonely 255 - - - - 255
0069   Bellsprout   Sitrus Berry Razor Leaf Acid Stun Spore Wrap Lax 170 - 170 - 170 -
0072   Tentacool   Pecha Berry BubbleBeam Acid Barrier Wrap Hardy 170 170 - 170 - -
0079   Slowpoke   Sitrus Berry Confusion Disable Water Pulse Yawn Brave 255 - - 255 - -
0088   Grimer   Pecha Berry Sludge Rock Tomb Acid Armor Minimize Quirky 170 - 170 - 170 -
0092   Gastly   Lax Incense Dream Eater Hypnosis Night Shade Confuse Ray Lonely 255 - - - - 255
0096   Drowzee   Sitrus Berry Confusion Headbutt Disable Barrier Quirky 170 170 - 170 - -
0102   Exeggcute   Persim Berry Confusion AncientPower Leech Seed Light Screen Naughty 255 - - 255 - -
0109   Koffing   Poison Barb Sludge Smokescreen Torment Haze Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0165   Ledyba   Sitrus Berry Psybeam Agility Baton Pass Light Screen Bashful 255 - - 255 - -
0166   Ledian   Focus Band Comet Punch Baton Pass Swords Dance Agility Bashful - 255 - - - 255
0167   Spinarak   Liechi Berry Signal Beam Night Shade Spider Web Scary Face Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0168   Ariados   Lax Incense Signal Beam Spider Web Night Shade Toxic Serious 255 255 - - - -
0177   Natu   TwistedSpoon Night Shade Future Sight Confuse Ray Flash Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0193   Yanma   Lax Incense Signal Beam Aerial Ace Double Team Detect Relaxed - - 255 - 255 -
0204   Pineco   Focus Band Selfdestruct Take Down Reflect Light Screen Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0238   Smoochum   BrightPowder Sweet Kiss Sing Mud-Slap Fake Out Docile 255 255 - - - -
0267   Beautifly   Mental Herb Silver Wind Mega Drain Attract Whirlwind Docile 255 - - - - 255
0269   Dustox   SilverPowder Silver Wind Toxic Psybeam Whirlwind Docile 255 - - - - 255
0280   Ralts   TwistedSpoon Confusion Imprison Double Team Light Screen Docile 255 - - 255 - -
0281   Kirlia   White Herb Confusion Will-O-Wisp Future Sight Light Screen Docile 255 - - - - 255
0283   Surskit   Mystic Water BubbleBeam Rain Dance Sweet Scent Quick Attack Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0290   Nincada   Pecha Berry Mud-Slap Dig Toxic Protect Calm 255 255 - - - -
0292   Shedinja   Lax Incense Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Silver Wind Grudge Naive 255 - - - - 255
0307   Meditite   Mental Herb Hi Jump Kick Meditate Swagger Psych Up Naughty 255 255 - - - -
0316   Gulpin   Lax Incense Toxic Yawn Pain Split Attract Serious 170 - 170 - 170 -
0325   Spoink   Sitrus Berry Psywave Bounce Magic Coat Confuse Ray Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0328   Trapinch   Lax Incense Toxic Dig Sandstorm Sand-Attack Serious 255 255 - - - -
0329   Vibrava   Cheri Berry DragonBreath Dig Screech Rock Tomb Quirky 255 255 - - - -
0343   Baltoy   Persim Berry Psybeam AncientPower Light Screen Mud-Slap Naughty - 255 - 255 - -
0347   Anorith   Scope Lens Metal Claw Fury Cutter AncientPower Water Gun Hardy 255 255 - - - -
0353   Shuppet   Rawst Berry Will-O-Wisp Night Shade Grudge Knock Off Rash 255 255 - - - -
0355   Duskull   Persim Berry Skill Swap Night Shade Disable Confuse Ray Quirky 255 - - - - 255
0360   Wynaut   Lax Incense Encore Counter Mirror Coat Charm Jolly - - 255 - 255 -
0374   Beldum   Choice Band Take Down - - - Hardy 255 255 - - - -

Jamison and Gunnar

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0003   Venusaur   BrightPowder Leech Seed Giga Drain Double Team Light Screen Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0031   Nidoqueen   Shell Bell Double-Edge Earthquake Aerial Ace Rock Slide Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0034   Nidoking   Shell Bell Mega Kick Earthquake Shadow Ball Brick Break Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0045   Vileplume   BrightPowder Ingrain Double Team Toxic Giga Drain Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0047   Parasect   Leftovers Spore Giga Drain Dig Double Team Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0049   Venomoth   Lum Berry Signal Beam Psychic Sludge Bomb Giga Drain Docile 255 - - - - 255
0065   Alakazam   Lum Berry Psychic Calm Mind Thunder Wave Recover Modest - - 255 255 - -
0071   Victreebel   Leftovers Giga Drain Sludge Bomb Sleep Powder Attract Serious - 255 - 255 - -
0073   Tentacruel   Leftovers Toxic Giga Drain Confuse Ray Surf Hardy 170 - 170 170 - -
0089   Muk   Chesto Berry Curse Rest Sludge Bomb DynamicPunch Hardy - 255 255 - - -
0094   Gengar   Leftovers Sludge Bomb Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Will-O-Wisp Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0097   Hypno   TwistedSpoon Hypnosis Nightmare Dream Eater Psychic Modest - - 255 - 255 -
0103   Exeggutor   Chesto Berry Return Curse Sleep Powder Rest Hardy - 255 - - 255 -
0110   Weezing   Sitrus Berry Memento Sludge Bomb Facade Destiny Bond Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0122   Mr. Mime   Liechi Berry Baton Pass Swagger Psych Up Psychic Adamant 170 - 170 - 170 -
0123   Scyther   BrightPowder Silver Wind Aerial Ace Swords Dance Double Team Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0124   Jynx   BrightPowder Perish Song Mean Look Lovely Kiss Protect Impish 255 - 255 - - -
0127   Pinsir   Salac Berry Guillotine Swords Dance Flail Endure Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0169   Crobat   Leftovers Toxic Giga Drain Confuse Ray Double Team Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0178   Xatu   Leftovers Fly Toxic Confuse Ray Attract Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0196   Espeon   Chesto Berry Psychic Shadow Ball Calm Mind Rest Docile - 255 - - - 255
0200   Misdreavus   Leftovers Psychic Attract Thunder Wave Confuse Ray Bold - - 255 255 - -
0205   Forretress   Lum Berry Earthquake Double-Edge Counter Protect Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0212   Scizor   Quick Claw Silver Wind Steel Wing Swords Dance Light Screen Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0213   Shuckle   Leftovers Sandstorm Dig Flash Double Team Careful - - 255 - 255 -
0214   Heracross   Lum Berry Megahorn Earthquake Attract Bulk Up Jolly 255 - - - - 255
0282   Gardevoir   Chesto Berry Psychic Calm Mind Double Team Rest Modest 255 - 255 - - -
0291   Ninjask   Focus Band Slash Shadow Ball Swords Dance Baton Pass Quirky 170 - 170 - 170 -
0308   Medicham   Salac Berry Reversal Endure Psychic Fake Out Hardy - 255 - - - 255
0344   Claydol   Leftovers Psychic Earthquake Double Team Cosmic Power Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348   Armaldo   Quick Claw Iron Tail AncientPower Brick Break Knock Off Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0356   Dusclops   Leftovers Toxic Confuse Ray Double Team Protect Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -

Battle Frontier Trainers
Aroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug Catcher
Bug ManiacCamperCollectorCooltrainerDragon TamerExpert
FishermanGentlemanGuitaristHex ManiacHikerKindlerLady
LassNinja BoyParasol LadyPicnickerPokéfanPokéManiac
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPsychicRich BoyRuin Maniac
SailorSchool KidSwimmerTriathleteTuberYoungster