Pokémon world in relation to the real world

Revision as of 03:48, 16 February 2017 by Pumpkinking0192 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 2600154 by Celadonkey (talk) ????? It's OK if it goes here without a source (as I highly doubt we have sources for all of these). It just needs to be in alphabetical order.)
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The designs of seven of the major Pokémon regions—Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola—are strikingly similar in geography and demographics to regions in the real world, and sometimes even officially stated to be based on certain locations. The first four regions are based on smaller regions in Japan, while Unova and Alola are based on parts of the United States and Kalos is based on France. It is stated that the inspiration for Orre is Phoenix, Arizona.

The map of Japan showing the four main Japanese Pokémon regions.

Main regions


The Kantō region of Japan is not only identical in name to Kanto in the Pokémon world, it is also very similar geographically; however, the western part of the game map corresponds to eastern Chūbu.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Pallet Town 下田市 Shimoda City 静岡県 Shizuoka Pallet Town is based on Satoshi Tajiri's hometown Machida City in his boyhood.
Viridian City 箱根町 Hakone Town 神奈川県 Kanagawa
Viridian Forest 奥秩父山塊 Okuchichibu Mountains 埼玉県山梨県長野県 Yamanashi, Saitama, and Nagano
Pewter City 前橋市 Maebashi City 群馬県 Gunma The famous Iwajuku archaeological site and the Iwajuku Museum are located in the city of Midori.
Mt. Moon 赤城山 Mount Akagi 群馬県 Gunma Mt. Akagi features a crater lake near the summit
Cerulean City 土浦市 Tsuchiura City 茨城県 Ibaraki Tsuchiura is famous for its floating lotus blooms.
Vermilion City 横浜市 Yokohama City 神奈川県 Kanagawa Yokohama is the largest seaport in Japan.
Kanto Power Plant 東海発電所 Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant 茨城県 Ibaraki The first commercial nuclear power plant in Japan.
Lavender Town 成田市 or 佐倉市 Narita City or Sakura City 千葉県 Chiba
Celadon City 新宿 Shinjuku 東京都 Tokyo Shinjuku is the commercial center of Tokyo.
Saffron City 丸の内 Marunouchi 東京都 Tokyo Marunouchi is the business center of Tokyo, as well as all of Japan.
Magnet Train station 東京駅 Tokyo Station 東京都 Tokyo Tokyo Station is a train station located in Marunouchi. The Tōkaidō Shinkansen bullet train line runs from Tokyo to Osaka through here.
Fuchsia City 館山市 Tateyama City 千葉県 Chiba
Kanto Safari Zone 富士箱根伊豆国立公園 Minami Bōsō Quasi-National Park 千葉県 Chiba
Cycling Road 東京湾アクアライン Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line It connects Kawasaki City and Kisarazu City over Tokyo Bay. It was under construction when Pokémon Red and Green were released.
Seafoam Islands ? ?
Cinnabar Island 伊豆大島 Izu-Ōshima 東京都 Tokyo Oshima is famous for Mount Mihara, an active volcano.
Victory Road ? ?
Indigo Plateau ? ?
Tohjo Falls 白糸の滝 and 音止めの滝 Shiraito Falls and Otodome Falls 静岡県 Shizuoka Two waterfalls separated by a mere 600 feet, located southwest of Mount Fuji.

Sevii Islands

The Sevii Islands are based on two archipelagos off the coast of Tokyo: the Izu Islands (伊豆諸島) and the Bonin Islands (小笠原諸島).

Pokémon world Specific location Subprefecture Notes
One Island 新島神津島式根島利島 Niijima, Kōzushima, Shikinejima and Toshima 大島支庁 Oshima
Kindle Road 新島 Niijima
Treasure Beach 神津島 Kozushima
Mt. Ember 利島宮塚山 Mt. Miyatsuka, Toshima Island
Two Island 三宅島御蔵島 Miyakejima and Mikurajima 三宅支庁 Miyake
Three Island 八丈島八丈小島 Hachijōjima and Hachijōkojima 八丈支庁 Hachijō
Berry Forest 八丈小島 Hachijōkojima
Three Isle Port 底土港 Sokodo Port
Four Island 青ヶ島 Aogashima 八丈支庁 Hachijō
Five Island 聟島列島 Mukojima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara All are uninhabited.
Water Labyrinth 西之島 Nishinoshima
Resort Gorgeous 中ノ島 Nakanoshima
Lost Cave 笹魚島 Sasauojima
Memorial Pillar 媒島 Nakoudojima
Six Island 父島列島 Chichijima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The small islands to the north of Chichijima include Anijima (兄島) and Otōtojima (弟島), among others.
Ruin Valley 父島 Chichijima
Green Path 兄島 Anijima
Outcast Island 弟島 Otōtojima
Seven Island 母島列島 Hahajima Islands 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The small islands to the south of Hahajima include Anejima (姉島) and Imōtojima (妹島), among others.
Navel Rock 鳥島 Torishima 八丈支庁 Hachijō Known as the habitat of albatross.
Birth Island 南鳥島 Minami Torishima 小笠原支庁 Ogasawara The easternmost island belonging to Japan.


In Japan, the Kantō region is often contrasted with the Kansai region, which like Johto is to the west. However, Johto is geographically more similar to the Kansai region and the western Chūbu region combined.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Mt. Silver 富士山 Mount Fuji 静岡県 and 山梨県 Shizuoka and Yamanashi The encounter with Red at Mt. Silver may be a reference to Kuninotokotachi. Waiting atop Mt. Silver as the series’ highest-level Trainer opponent, Red was the player character with humble beginnings from the first Pokémon games; Kuninotokotachi is said to be the first Japanese deity, born of something resembling a reed following the creation of heaven and earth, who resides atop Mt. Fuji.
New Bark Town 静岡市 Shizuoka City 静岡県 Shizuoka HGSS released with wind turbines added to New Bark Town at the same time construction was completed on a small wind-farm in Shizuoka City.
Cherrygrove City 豊橋市 Toyohashi City 愛知県 Aichi Toyohashi City is famous for floral parks and festivals, including azaleas and iris flowers that closely match the flowers added to Cherrygrove City in HGSS.
Dark Cave 赤石山脈 Akaishi Mountains 長野県, 山梨県 and 静岡県 Nagano, Yamanashi and Shizuoka A difficult-to-navigate mountain range that contains 10 of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.
Violet City 奈良市 and 名古屋市 Nara City and Nagoya City 奈良県 and 愛知県 Nara and Aichi Home to many historic buildings and monuments, Nara is where Japan was founded as a state. One of Japan’s largest cities, Nagoya is prominent in higher education.
Sprout Tower 法隆寺五重塔 Hōryū-ji Five-story pagoda 奈良県 Nara Hōryū-ji Pagoda and Kondō are the oldest wooden structures in existence in the world.
Ruins of Alph 明日香村 Asuka Village 奈良県 Nara There are many archaeological sites in Nara such as Ishibutai Kofun (石舞台古墳) and Takamatsuzuka Tomb (高松塚古墳).
Azalea Town みなべ町 Minabe Village 和歌山県 Wakayama Minabe is famous for its high-quality Japanese apricots, known as ume, and high-quality charcoal, known as Binchōtan.
Ilex Forest
Goldenrod City 大阪市 Ōsaka City 大阪府 Ōsaka Osaka is the most populous city in the Kansai region.
National Park 明治の森箕面国定公園 or 万博記念公園 Meiji no Mori Minoo Quasi-National Park or Expo Memorial Park 大阪府 Ōsaka In the Expo Park is a famous monument called the Tower of the Sun.
Goldenrod Radio Tower 通天閣 Tsutenkaku 大阪府 Ōsaka Tsutenkaku is one of the most popular landmarks in Osaka.
Ecruteak City 京都市 Kyōto City 京都府 Kyōto
Burned Tower 金閣 Kinkaku-ji 京都府 Kyōto Kinkaku-ji was set on fire by a monk in 1950 (金閣寺放火事件). The wall is covered with gold leaf. Atop the Kinkaku temple sits a golden statue of a rooster or phoenix (Ho-Oh).
Bell Tower 銀閣 Ginkaku 京都府 Kyōto Ginkaku is not covered with silver leaf. Atop the Ginkaku temple rests the likeness of a bird (Lugia).
Olivine City 神戸市 Kōbe City 兵庫県 Hyōgo Kobe is the major port city in the Kansai region. Kobe is also well known for wagyū, or Kobe beef.
Glitter Lighthouse 和田岬 Cape Wada 兵庫県 Hyogo
Whirl Islands 淡路島 Awajishima 兵庫県 Hyōgo The Naruto Strait between Awajishima and Shikoku is famous for the Naruto whirlpools. Soul Silver describes Lugia splitting one island into the Whirl Islands to end a war; Awajishima was the epicenter of the Great Hanshin earthquake, with a portion of the island’s damaged fault zone preserved to this day.
Cianwood City 鳴門市 Naruto City 徳島県 Tokushima Naruto is where Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. began.
Mt. Mortar 比叡山 Mount Hiei 滋賀県 Shiga “Marathon Monks” would undergo exhaustive exercises on Mount Hiei. Kiyo trains in isolation deep within Mt. Mortar.
Mahogany Town 甲賀市 Kōka City 滋賀県 Shiga Kōka is where the famous Kōga ninja were born and educated (Kōga-ryū, 甲賀流).
Lake of Rage 琵琶湖 Lake Biwa 滋賀県 Shiga Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan.
Ice Path (Mahogany Entrance) 伊吹山 Mt. Ibuki 岐阜県 and 滋賀県 Gifu and Shiga An easy-to-climb mountain that is famous for receiving the world’s heaviest recorded snowfall.
Ice Path (Blackthorn Entrance) 鳴沢氷穴 Narusawa-hyōketsu Ice Cave 山梨県 Yamanashi A cave in Aokigahara Forest that remains frigid year-round, this site features elaborate ice formations and a subterranean frozen pond.
Blackthorn City 竜王町 (now 甲斐市) Ryūō (now Kai) 山梨県 Yamanashi Ryūō was a small town whose name meant “Dragon King”. HAL Laboratory had an office located here; the Move Deleter may have been a reference to then-president Satoru Iwata’s graphical compression of Gold and Silver.
Dragon's Den 金櫻神社 Kanazakura-jinja Shrine 山梨県 Yamanashi Together with the lava-filled Blackthorn Gym located directly above, the water-bound Dragon’s Den reflects this shrine which features the Rising and Falling Dragons, each safeguarding either a Fire Crystal or a Water Crystal.


Hoenn is based on the southernmost parts of Japan—Kyūshū and surrounding islands.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Littleroot Town 伊万里市 or 佐世保市 Imari City or Sasebo City 長崎県 Nagasaki or Saga
Oldale Town 佐賀市 Saga City 佐賀県 Saga
Petalburg City 福岡市 Fukuoka City 福岡県 Fukuoka
Rustboro City 北九州市 Kitakyushu City 福岡県 Fukuoka Kitakyushu's main industry is steelmaking. It is also home to Zenrin, a company specializing in navigation software.
Dewford Town 対馬島 Tsushima Island 長崎県 Nagasaki
Slateport City 長崎市 Nagasaki City 長崎県 Nagasaki The main industry is shipbuilding.
Mauville City 熊本市 Kumamoto City 熊本県 Kumamoto
Verdanturf Town 菊池市 Kikuchi City 熊本県 Kumamoto
Mt. Chimney 阿蘇山 Mount Aso 熊本県 Kumamoto Mt. Aso is the largest active volcano in Japan.
Lavaridge Town 阿蘇町 Aso Town 熊本県 Kumamoto Aso is home to seven onsen, or hot springs (阿蘇温泉郷).
Meteor Falls 羽門の滝 Udo Falls 大分県 Ōita
Fallarbor Town 大分市 Ōita City 大分県 Ōita
Fortree City 小林市 Kobayashi City 宮崎県 Miyazaki
Scorched Slab 天岩戸 Amano-Iwato 宮崎県 Miyazaki In Japanese mythology, Amano-Iwato is where Amaterasu hid from her brother Susanoo, who had gone on a rampage.
Mt. Pyre 桜島 Sakurajima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Lilycove City 鹿屋市 Kanoya City 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Mossdeep City 種子島 Tanegashima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Mossdeep Space Center 種子島宇宙センター Tanegashima Space Center 鹿児島県 Kagoshima
Sootopolis City 屋久島 Yakushima 鹿児島県 Kagoshima The landscape of Sootopolis City is based on Santorini, Greece.
Ever Grande City 沖縄本島 Okinawa Island 沖縄県 Okinawa The appearance of the Pokémon League building in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire resembles Shuri Castle.
Mirage Island 八重干瀬 Yaebishi 沖縄県 Okinawa Yaebishi appears above the sea on March 3 by the lunisolar calendar.
Pacifidlog Town 八重山諸島 Yaeyama Islands 沖縄県 Okinawa Ishigaki Island, located in the Yaeyama Islands, contains rare blue corals. The islands of Okinawa Prefecture are home to many coral reefs. Its location and shape are based on Koshikijima.
Battle Tower / Battle Frontier / Battle Resort ? 沖縄県 Okinawa
Sealed Chamber 与那国島 Yonaguni 沖縄県 Okinawa Underneath the water's surface, natural rock formations were thought to be artificially created.
Southern Island ? ?


Sinnoh has been said to be an island like Hoenn, rather than a peninsula. It is based on the northernmost major island of Japan, Hokkaido. Part of Kunashir Island (Japanese: 国後島 Kunashiri Island, Russian: Кунашир Kunashir), which is in dispute between Russia and Japan, is also included.

Pokémon world Specific location Subprefecture/Raion Notes
Twinleaf Town 登別市 Noboribetsu City 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Lake Verity 洞爺湖 Lake Tōya 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Sandgem Town 苫小牧市 Tomakomai City 胆振総合振興局 Iburi
Jubilife City 札幌市 Sapporo City 石狩振興局 Ishikari Sapporo is the largest city in Hokkaido.
Oreburgh City 夕張市 Yūbari City 空知総合振興局 Sorachi
Oreburgh Mine 夕張炭鉱 Yūbari Mine 空知総合振興局 Sorachi
Floaroma Town 北竜町 Hokuryū Town 空知総合振興局 Sorachi Hokuryū is famous for its sunflowers.
Valley Windworks 苫前町 Tomamae Town 留萌振興局 Rumoi Tomamae is famous for its windmills in the countryside.
Eterna City 旭川市 Asahikawa City 上川総合振興局 Kamikawa
Mt. Coronet 蝦夷山系 Ezo Mountain Chain The Ezo Mountain Chain consists of the Teshio Mountains (天塩山地), the Kitami Mountains (北見山地), the Ishikari Mountains (石狩山地), the Yubari Mountains (夕張山地), and the Hidaka Mountains (日高山脈).
Hearthome City 帯広市 Obihiro City 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi
Solaceon Town 足寄町 Ashoro Town 十勝総合振興局 Tokachi One of Ashoro's main industries is farming.
Veilstone City 網走市 Abashiri City オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk It is a major port city.
Celestic Town 北見市 Kitami City オホーツク総合振興局 Okhotsk
Sendoff Spring 摩周湖 Lake Mashū 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Lake Mashu, a crater lake, is known as a mysterious spot for the fog that covers its surface.
Lake Valor 屈斜路湖 Lake Kussharo 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro
Pastoria City 釧路市 Kushiro City 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro Kushiro is the largest city in Eastern Hokkaido (道東).
Great Marsh 釧路湿原 Kushiro Marsh 釧路総合振興局 Kushiro The Kushiro Marsh is the largest marsh in Japan.
Canalave City 小樽市 Otaru City 後志総合振興局 Shiribeshi Otaru is a port city and has a canal
Snowpoint City 浜頓別町 Hamatonbetsu Town 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya
Lake Acuity クッチャロ湖 Lake Kutcharo 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya
Sunyshore City 根室市 Nemuro City 根室振興局 Nemuro
Vista Lighthouse 納沙布岬 Cape Nosappu 根室振興局 Nemuro Cape Nosappu is Japan's easternmost spot open to the public.
Iron Island 焼尻島 Yagishiri Island 留萌振興局 Rumoi
Victory Road Кунашир
Kunashir Island Южно-Курильский
Fullmoon Island 利尻島 Rishiri Island 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya
Newmoon Island 礼文島 Rebun Island 宗谷総合振興局 Sōya

Battle Zone

The Battle Zone is based on Sakhalin (Japanese: 樺太 Karafuto, Russian: Сахалин Sakhalin), a Russian island that used to be claimed by Japan (some parts of Sakhalin are still in dispute, but none of them are the basis for the Battle Zone).

Pokémon world Specific location Raion Notes
Fight Area Шебунино Shebunino Невельский Nevelsky
Survival Area Таранай Taranay Анивский Anivsky
Stark Mountain ? ?
Resort Area Новиково Novikovo Корсаковский Korakovsky


A comparison of Unova to New York

Unova has been said to be significantly distant from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Instead of being based on an area of Japan, Unova is based on New York City (mostly Manhattan) and parts of eastern New Jersey.

Pokémon world Specific location State (New York City borough/county) Notes
Nuvema Town Coney Island New York (Brooklyn)
Accumula Town Marine Park New York (Brooklyn)
Striaton City Canarsie New York (Brooklyn) Striaton makes a multitude of references to the glaciers that formed Long Island, including its location compared to the central land.
Nacrene City DUMBO
High Line
New York (Brooklyn)
New York (Manhattan)
DUMBO, an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, is a neighborhood in Brooklyn.
Skyarrow Bridge Brooklyn Bridge New York (Brooklyn and Manhattan) Also based on Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo, Japan
Castelia City Lower Manhattan New York (Manhattan) Lower Manhattan is the business center of New York City, as well as the United States.
Nimbasa City Midtown Manhattan New York (Manhattan) The sports stadium in Nimbasa City is based on Madison Square Garden.
Gear Station 59th Street - Columbus Circle New York (Manhattan)
Driftveil Drawbridge Lincoln Tunnel New York (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Weehawken)
Driftveil City Union City New Jersey (Hudson County)
Mistralton City Teterboro New Jersey (Bergen County) The Mistralton City Airport's real-life counterpart is the Teterboro Airport.
Icirrus City Ridgefield New Jersey (Bergen County)
Opelucid City Harlem New York (Manhattan)
Village Bridge Robert F. Kennedy Bridge New York (Manhattan, Queens and The Bronx)
Lacunosa Town Flushing New York (Queens)
Undella Town A hybrid of Jamaica, Queens and The Hamptons New York (Queens)
New York (Suffolk County)
Geographically it fits in as Jamaica, but its description as a summer retreat is indicative of The Hamptons of Long Island.
Undella Bay Jamaica Bay New York (Nassau County)
Marvelous Bridge Queensboro Bridge New York (Manhattan and Queens)
Entralink Central Park New York (Manhattan) The Entralink also draws inspiration from the Tokyo Imperial Palace.
Liberty Garden A hybrid of Liberty State Park and Liberty Island New Jersey (Hudson County)
New York (Manhattan exclave)
Tubeline Bridge George Washington Bridge New York (Manhattan) and New Jersey (Bergen County)
Unity Tower Headquarters of the United Nations New York (international territory)
Aspertia City Elizabeth New Jersey (Union County)
Floccesy Town Newark, New Jersey New Jersey (Essex County)
Virbank City Jersey City New Jersey (Hudson County) Virbank Complex bears some resemblance to the oil refineries and tanker area located along the New Jersey Turnpike.
Marine Tube Ocean Parkway New York (Nassau County and Suffolk County)
Humilau City Long Island New York Humilau City generally resembles the nautical backdrop of many Long Island villages, specifically Montauk, New York.
Lentimas Town Williamsburg New York (Brooklyn)
Black City Long Island City New York (Queens)
Anville Town Morristown New Jersey (Morris County) Anville Town is accessed through the subway in Nimbasa City. Morristown is known for its train station and railroad, one of which goes right to 59th Street in Manhattan.


A comparison of Kalos to France

Kalos is based on the northern half of Metropolitan France and the Channel Islands which are part of the British Isles.

Pokémon world Specific location Administrative region Notes
Vaniville Town Moulins Auvergne
Aquacorde Town Nevers Burgundy The great bridge is probably based on a bridge on the river Loire in Nevers.
Santalune Forest Forest of Fontainebleau Île-de-France
Santalune City Fontainebleau Île-de-France
Lumiose City Paris Île-de-France Prism Tower is based on the Eiffel Tower, and the Lumiose Museum is based on the Louvre.
Camphrier Town Blois Centre-Val de Loire Shabboneau Castle is based on the Château de Blois.
Battle Chateau Château de Chenonceau Centre-Val de Loire
Parfum Palace Palace of Versailles Île-de-France
Ambrette Town La Rochelle Poitou-Charentes An aquarium lies in La Rochelle.
Glittering Cave
Cyllage City Saint-Nazaire Pays de la Loire
Geosenge Town Carnac Brittany Notable for its standing stones.
Reflection Cave
Shalour City Saint-Malo Brittany
Tower of Mastery Mont Saint-Michel Normandy
Azure Bay The English Channel
Sea Spirit's Den Channel Islands
Coumarine City Le Havre Upper Normandy
Laverre City Amiens Picardy The Laverre Nature Trail may refer to the hortillonnages.
Dendemille Town Charleville-Mézières Champagne-Ardenne Charleville's region is known for its windwills.
Anistar City Strasbourg Alsace The sundial may be a reference to Strasbourg astronomical clock.
Couriway Town Molsheim Alsace
Snowbelle City Besançon Franche-Comté The nearby Jura Mountains are known for cold temperatures and sometimes nicknamed "Little Siberia".
Pokémon Village
Pokémon League Château de Chambord Centre-Val de Loire
Kiloude City Lyon Rhône-Alpes The train station could be based on Gare de Lyon Saint-Exupéry


A comparison of Alola to Hawaii

Alola is based on Hawaii.[1]

Pokémon world Specific location Island Notes
Melemele Island Oʻahu Houses the state capital and the former monarchy of Hawaii. Its designated island color is yellow (melemele in Hawaiian) and its designated island flower is the ʻilima.
Hau'oli City Honolulu Oʻahu The state capital of Hawaii.
Hau'oli City Beachfront Waikīkī Oʻahu
Hau'oli City Shopping District Ala Moana Oʻahu The mall is based on the Ala Moana Center, the largest shopping mall in Hawaiʻi.
Hau'oli City Marina Pearl Harbor Oʻahu
Hau'oli City Outskirts Hawaiʻi Kai Oʻahu
Iki Town Wahiawā Oʻahu
Mahalo Trail ʻAiea Loop Trail Oʻahu
Verdant Cavern Kaneana Cave (Makua Cave) Oʻahu
Ten Carat Hill Diamond Head Oʻahu
Berry fields Dole Plantation Oʻahu
Seaward Cave Mermaid Cave Oʻahu
Kala'e Bay Hanauma Bay Oʻahu
Ruins of Conflict Puʻu o Mahuka Heiau Oʻahu The largest heiau on Oahu.
Melemele Sea Kaiwi Channel Oʻahu An ocean channel that separates Oahu from Molokaʻi.
Akala Island Maui Its designated island color is pink (ʻākala in Hawaiian).
Heahea City Kahului Maui
Brooklet Hill ʻOheʻo Gulch Maui Known for its cascading series of pools, sometimes known as the "Seven Sacred Pools."
Paniola Town Makawao Maui A community on Maui known to be dominated by agriculture and ranch lands.
Paniola Ranch Haleakala Ranch Maui Largest ranch on Maui.
Diglett's Tunnel Olowalu Tunnel Maui A long tunnel that connects Lahaina to Wailuku. Located on Honoapi'ilani Highway.
Konikoni City Lāhainā Maui
Hano Grand Resort Grand Wailea Resort Maui
Hano Beach Wailea Maui Waialea is an area of Maui noted for its numerous grand hotels.
Wela Volcano Park Haleakalā National Park Maui The tallest volcano on Maui and is currently inactive. Terrain is closer to Kīlauea.
Lush Jungle Hana Forest Reserve Maui
Ruins of Life Piʻilanihale Heiau Maui The largest heiau in the State of Hawaii.
Ula'ula Island Hawaii Island The largest island in the archipelago. Its designated island color is red (ʻulaʻula in Hawaiian).
Malie City Hilo Hawaii Island Largest settlement on Hawaii Island. Noted locally for its particularly rainy climate.
Malie Garden Liliuokalani Park and Gardens Hawaii Island Designed like an Edo-style Japanese Garden, having numerous structures such as pagodas, torii, and a Japanese teahouse.
Mount Hokulani Mauna Kea Hawaii Island The largest mountain in the world when measured from its base below sea level. Currently a dormant volcano.
Hokulani Observatory Mauna Kea Observatories Hawaii Island
Blush Mountain Kīlauea Hawaii Island A currently active and erupting volcano. A power plant in the Puna district of Hawaii is using the geothermal vents from Kilauea to generate electricity.
Secluded Shore Kaimū Hawaii Island A black sand beach that requires an extensive hike from the nearest automobile accessible road.
Tapu Village Kalapana Hawaii Island A former inhabited town that was destroyed by a Kīlauea lava flow in 1986. Pele, Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, is believed to be the cause of the town's destruction.
Haina Desert Kaʻū Desert Hawaii Island Although not a true desert, the sulfur dioxide from Kīlauea's sulfuric lava plumes creates enough acid rain that plant growth is severely inhibited.
Lake of the Sunne/Lake of the Moone Lake Waiau Hawaii Island The largest lake in Hawaii, located on Mauna Kea
Po Town Kailua-Kona Hawaii Island
Mount Lanakila Mauna Loa Hawaii Island The largest shield volcano on earth; it is currently active. Mauna Loa is one of two locations to annually have snow in Hawaii, the other being Mauna Kea.
Ruins of Abundance Puʻukoholā Heiau Hawaii Island The largest heiau on Hawaii Island, and the last heiau ever built.
Poni Island Kauaʻi Its designated island color is purple (poni in Hawaiian).
Seafolk Village Port Allen Kauaʻi
Poni Wilds Kalalau Valley Kauaʻi A secluded valley on the northwest side of Kaua'i. It has no inhabitants and is completely inaccessible by automobiles.
Poni Breaker Coast Poʻipū Kauaʻi Famous for the geological blowhole known locally as Spouting Horn.
Ancient Poni Path Waimea Kauaʻi
Vast Poni Canyon Waimea Canyon State Park Kauaʻi
Altar of the Sunne/Altar of the Moone Mount Waiʻaleʻale/Kawaikini Kauaʻi Mount Wai'ale'ale is the main volcano of Kauaʻi and is currently extinct. Kawaikini is the tallest peak of the mountain.
Poni Grove Līhuʻe Kauaʻi
Poni Plains Kapaʻa/Wailua Kauaʻi
Poni Coast Kalihiwai Kauaʻi
Poni Meadow Fern Grotto Kauaʻi A natural grotto that can only be accessed via a boat up the Wailua River.
Poni Gauntlet Hanalei Kauaʻi
Battle Tree Ha'ena Kauaʻi
Ruins of Hope Wailua River State Park Kauaʻi An area of Kauaʻi containing several important heiau. Malae is the largest heiau on Kaua'i while Poliʻahu is the most important heiau in Kaua'i lore.
Exeggutor Island Niʻihau/Kahoʻolawe One of the main Hawaiian Islands and is located west of Kauaʻi. It is privately owned and can only be visited via boat with permission by the owners. Kahoʻolawe has no human inhabitants and only goats live on the island.
Aether Paradise Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument is comprised of all the islands located northwest of Niʻihau in the Hawaiian archipelago. It is a U.S. National Monument and nature preserve dedicated to preserving and protecting numerous Hawaiʻi endemic endangered species.

Side regions



Orre is based on Phoenix, Arizona, United States.[2]

Pokémon world Specific location State Notes
Phenac City Phoenix Arizona Both cities were founded when a man brought water to the city.
Pyrite Town Likely inspired by former mining towns such as Aguila and Wickenburg.
The Under
Agate Village Probably not based on any specific community, but possibly a nod to Arizona's snowbird population.
Gateon Port Lake Havasu City Arizona Towns by large bodies of water northwest of Phoenix/Phenac, home to lighthouses and unusual bridges.



Fiore may be based on Naples and the surrounding area in Italy and parts of the Oshima Peninsula in Hokkaido.

Pokémon world Specific location Notes
Fall City


Comparison of Almia to Oshima and northern Honshu

Almia is based on the Oshima and Hiyama subprefectures within Oshima Peninsula in Hokkaido and the very northern part of Honshu in Japan.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture (subprefecture) Notes
Chicole Village 松前町 Matsumae 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima)
Vientown 江差町 Esashi 北海道檜山振興局 Hokkaido (Hiyama)
Vien Forest 函館山 Mount Hakodate 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) Mount Hakodate attracts tourists for its view of Hakodate.
Pueltown 函館市 Hakodate 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) Hakodate and Pueltown are both port cities.
Altru Park 五稜郭公園 Goryōkaku Park 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The Goryōkaku Tower overlooks Goryōkaku Park.
Altru Building
Altru Tower
五稜郭タワー Goryōkaku Tower 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The observation tower, which overlooks Goryōkaku Park, was rebuilt from 2004 to 2006.
Boyleland むつ市 Mutsu 青森県 Aomori
Boyleland Volcano 恐山 Mount Osore 青森県 Aomori
Shiver Camp ニセコ町 Niseko 北海道後志総合振興局 Hokkaido (Shiribeshi) Niseko is home to multiple ski resorts.
Haruba Village 青森市 Aomori 青森県 Aomori The Port of Aomori operates ferries to Hakodate.
Capture Arena 渡島大島 Ōshima 北海道渡島総合振興局 Hokkaido (Oshima) The uninhabited island is also a nature preserve.



Oblivia may be based on the Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture. It may also draw inspiration from Hawaii.

Pokémon world Specific location Prefecture Notes
Dolce Island
Renbow Island
Cocona Village
Mitonga Island
Tilt Village
Faldera Island
Sophian Island
Aqua Resort
Layuda Island
Tilikule Island


  This section is incomplete.
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While the above locations are meant to correspond to the different regions of Japan, great liberties were taken with the design of their landscape. Some of the designers have admitted to drawing inspiration from real-world locations outside Japan, especially with locations shown in Pokémon movies.

Pokémon world Inspiration Notes
  Porta Vista Acapulco Mexico According to anime maps, Goldenrod City also slightly resembles Acapulco.
  Hollywood Hollywood California, United States Hollywood, as the name implies, is based on Hollywood, the most well-known district of Los Angeles, California. In the dub, it is directly stated that it is located in California.
  Alto Mare Venice Italy Venice's canals were likely an inspiration for the canals of Alto Mare
  Forina Wulingyuan China Wulingyuan is famed for its karst formation of quartzite sandstone pillars. Along with its ravines and gorges, the site also features a lush forest, several caves, natural bridges, and waterfalls.
  LaRousse City Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
  Sootopolis City Santorini Greece
  Alamos Town Barcelona Spain The Space-Time Towers are based on the incompleted church of Sagrada Familia.
  Pastoria City Boston Massachusetts, United States It has some similarities with Boston and the surrounding area. Much of Boston is built on fens and there are multiple national parks in the suburbs outside the city, specifically in towns like Duxbury, Kingston and Marshfield.
  Ten'i Village Geiranger Norway A village that was nearly destroyed by a glacier. It is based on a town in Norway, which is threatened by the possibility of the mountain Åkerneset eroding into the fjord, causing a landslide-induced tsunami.
  Michina Town Meteora Greece Its landscape, which is filled with towering rock formations, resembles Meteora. Also, the architecture of the temples resembles that of ancient Greek temples.
  Crown City Amsterdam The Netherlands Its modern buildings are based on the many new buildings in parts of Amsterdam, and the Pokémon Baccer stadium is based on the Arena, the city's local football stadium.
  Eindoak Town Gourdon, Tourrettes-sur-Loup and Mont Saint-Michel France
  Roshan City Shinjuku, Shinagawa, and Tennouzu Isle Tokyo, Japan
  New Tork City New York City New York, United States A giant sprawling city with many skyscrapers, a large park in the middle of the city resembling Central Park, and a similar name. New Tork City as seen from above also resembles New York City's shape.
  Kalos Canyon Grand Canyon Arizona, United States
  Avignon Town Avignon and Quebec City France and Canada A city in the south of France. The castle of Avignon Town, however, is based on the Château Frontenac, a large hotel that overlooks Quebec City much like Avignon Town's castle overlooks the town.
  Orsay City Marseille France A city in the south of France that is famous for its port. Like Marseille, Orsay City has a large port as well. The large mall in the city is possibly based on Centre Bourse, a large mall in the center of Marseille.
  Dahara City Dubai and Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Dubai is located within the Arabian Desert and houses some of the world's tallest skyscrapers. The highest skyscraper is based on the Burj Khalifa.

Real-world locations mentioned

Mewtwo overlooking a "faraway city" at the end of Mewtwo Returns
Chinese noodles
  • In the Swedish dub of the movie, Ash says that they come from Norway, a reference to the Norse Vikings who lived from the 8th to the 11th century.
  • In the Danish dub of the movie, Ash tells Brock that the Vikings are mostly on trips in Sweden, again referring to the Norse Vikings, but may also refer to Vikingarna, a Swedish dansband.
  • In the Finnish dub of the movie, Ash quips that Vikings still live in the Sipoo archipelago, referring to the fact that Sipoo is mostly inhabited by Swedish-speaking Finns (another reference to Norse Vikings).

Real-world people and cultures mentioned

Other references to the real world
