EP099 : The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Original series
EP101 : Get Along, Little Pokémon
Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?
Nidoran's Love Story
First broadcast
Japan June 10, 1999
United States April 22, 2000
English themes
Opening Pokémon World
Japanese themes
Opening ライバル!
Ending タイプ・ワイルド
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 大橋志吉 Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Storyboard 横田和 Kazu Yokota
Assistant director 大町繁 Shigeru Ōmachi
Animation director たけだゆうさく Yūsaku Takeda
Additional credits

Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? (Japanese: ニドランのこいものがたり Nidoran's Love Story) is the 100th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on June 10, 1999, and in the United States on April 22, 2000.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Our heroes are on their way to Trovita Island when they come across two Pokémon trainers who seemingly hate each other, even though their two Pokémon are in love. He has a male Nidoran and she has a female Nidoran and all that the two Pokémon want is to be together. It takes Misty, the true romantic, to see that perhaps it's the two trainers that are in love as well!


Ash and his friends arrive in Yambera, where they meet a young Trainer named Emily. She is looking for her female Nidoran, nicknamed Maria, who has an orange ribbon around her neck. When she asks if they have seen her, Ash looks up Nidoran up on his Pokédex and learns about their gender differences. She pleads with them to help her and they agree. As they search, Ash and Misty eventually bump into Ralph, another kid from the town who is looking for Tony, a male Nidoran wearing a blue and purple ribbon. When Emily and Tracey return, Ralph calls Emily a kidnapper. Both Ralph and Emily begin to argue over their two Pokémon.

Tracey's Marill returns and leads them to a flower garden, where they find both Nidoran cuddling into each other. Tracey and Misty immediately realize what is going on, but Ash is clueless. Both Pokémon act very romantically, but shortly after, they are taken away by their Trainers, who insult the other's Nidoran. Ash and his friends go to a sandwich bar and talk to the owner, who tells them Ralph and Emily's story. They both knew each other since they were children and competed in many of the same contests and caught many of the same Pokémon. Their Nidoran fell in love with one another, but any possibility of them being together has been dashed due to Ralph and Emily's intense rivalry.

The group leaves the sandwich bar at sunset when they spot Tony running in front of them. They follow him to a building where Maria is, and they start communicating romantically. Just then, Emily appears at the window and pours water over Tony. Ralph eventually finds Tony soaking wet and takes him back to his house, which happens to be right next to Emily's. As Misty vows to do something about the situation, Team Rocket eavesdrops on the conversation and vows to capture the two Nidoran.

Later that night, Misty writes two letters, one for Emily and one for Ralph, and pretends they are from each other. Meanwhile, Jessie has Meowth convince Tony and Maria to come away with Team Rocket by tricking them into thinking that it is the only way to be together. However, Meowth fails because of Tony and Maria's strong loyalty to their Trainers.

Misty's plan is set in motion, resulting in Emily, Ralph, and their Nidoran coming into the park. There, they both get into a heated confrontation, accusing each other of sending the other a stupid gift and letter. It is revealed that Misty sent Ralph a toy plane and Emily a bouquet of flowers, which ended in disaster since Ralph throws up when flying in planes and Emily had an allergy to Misty's flowers. They are interrupted when Team Rocket shows up, cross-dressing as a newlywed bride and groom. They grab Tony and Maria before saying their motto and making their escape in their balloon. Misty scolds Emily and Ralph for fighting and arguing, saying that it was their fault their Pokémon were stolen. Ash and Tracey notice a trail of cans that fell from Team Rocket's balloon and follow it.

Team Rocket attempts to dress up Maria and Tony despite their squirming, only to have the gang find them. Tony and Maria make their escape, but Jessie commands Arbok to attack. Ralph and Emily command them to use Tackle, which knocks Arbok back. James joins in and calls out Victreebel. Maria uses Scratch on Victreebel while Tony gets knocked back by Arbok. Victreebel traps Tony, but Maria rescues him. At that moment, both Ralph and Emily realize that their Pokémon are fighting for one another. Both Nidoran overwhelm Arbok and Victreebel with their teamwork, even improvising a Double Kick. As a result, Ralph and Emily coordinate their Pokémon without any further problems.

Team Rocket tries to escape and catch the Nidoran with a vacuum. However, Pikachu uses a branch to get to their balloon to avoid being blown in and uses Thunderbolt which destroys the vacuum. Misty calls out Staryu, who bursts the balloon, sending the trio blasting off. Afterwards, Misty has Ralph and Emily realize what they did wrong. Both of them finally listen and decide to do what is best for their Pokémon. As a result, Tony and Maria finally kiss, and in doing so, they evolve into Nidorina and Nidorino, much to their respective Trainers' delight.

Later on, as Ash and his friends bid farewell to Emily and Ralph, Team Rocket is seen being rung with Arbok and Victreebel on the church bells.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts



Dare da?


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Venonat (US and international), Nidoran (both genders) (Tony and Maria) (Japan)



  • In the scene with Maria and Tony, Ash and his friends chase Tony across town as he is visiting Maria. It is later revealed that this couldn't happen because they live next door to each other. on shoulder, then on ground.
  • When Ash and his friends speak with the chef, the orange stripe on Ash's bag is colored green.
  • When Ash says that he is mature, his bag is missing.
  • When Jessie and James approach Ash and his friends, Jessie's glove on her disguise is missing. This also occurs when they steal Tony and Maria.
  • When Ash and his friends watch Team Rocket fly off with Tony and Maria, Pikachu is on Ash's shoulder, but in the next shot, he is on the ground.
  • When Jessie and James recall their Pokémon, James recalls Arbok, and Jessie recalls Victreebel.
  • Tony uses Fury Swipes, a move that Nidoran♂ cannot legitimately learn in the games.
  • When Ash was viewing the Pokédex entries of Maria and Tony, the newly evolved Nidorina and Nidorino, respectively, the picture in the Pokédex is of them with the accessories put on by their Trainers.
  • At the beginning of the episode in the English dub, the narrator says Ash defeated Prima in the previous episode. In reality, Ash was actually defeated by Prima, and not the other way around.

Dub edits

  • Pikachu's Jukebox: My Best Friends
  • In the Japanese version, Misty describes love as something very important to adults, and to her in particular as a woman. In response, Ash points out that Misty is still a child, causing her to get upset. In the dub, Misty describes love as "the most important thing in the world", and Ash says that it's "not more important than catching Pokémon." In the same scene, Ash gets upset over being called a "baby" in the dub, while in the Japanese version, he gets even more upset at the thought that Misty specifically thinks of him as a "kid".
  • At the end of the episode, in the Japanese version, when Ash asks about the kiss between the two Nidoran, Misty tells him, "A kid like you doesn't need to know!" In the dub, she says, "Guess we'll have to find out ourselves!"
  • At one point in the Japanese version, when Misty is talking about love, Ash gets confused and asks, "Koi...Koiking?" This is a pun on koi (恋), the Japanese word for love, and Magikarp's Japanese name. In the dub, Ash simply asks, "What do you mean?"

In other languages

EP099 : The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Original series
EP101 : Get Along, Little Pokémon
  This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.