List of Nintendo event Pokémon in 2008

This is a reverse-chronological list of Nintendo event Pokémon for all regions that were given away in 2008.

List of event Pokémon

Birthday Pikachu

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ピカチュウ Dex No. 0025 Modest nature. Water Surf None
Lv. 40 Type Dec. 26, 2008 Electric Thunder
  Electric Unknown PC Yokohama Normal Protect
OT ヨコハマ Met at Lv. 40. -- --
ID No. 12268   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from December 26, 2008 to December 25, 2009.
Item Ability  
  Lucky Egg Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

おたんじょうび きねん プレゼント
おたんじょうび おめでとう!
ポケモンセンター ヨコハマから
すてきな プレゼント おくります。

Yukina Meowth

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ニャース Dex No. 0052 Jolly nature. Dark Bite no Ribbon
Lv. 21 Type Dec. 9, 2008 Normal Fake Out
  Normal Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Fury Swipes
OT ゆっきーな Met at Lv. 21. Normal Screech
ID No. 12098   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from December 9 to 22, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Pink Scarf Pickup  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date .
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Pokémon Center Eevee

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  イ-ブイ Dex No. 0133 Lonely nature. Normal Covet None
Lv. 10 Type Dec. 6, 2008 Dark Bite
  Normal Unknown Pokémon Center Normal Helping Hand
OT ブイコレ Met at Lv. 10. Normal Attract
ID No. 12068   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from December 6, 2008 to January 12, 2009.
Item Ability  
  None Adaptability  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

イ-ブイコレクション きねんプレゼント
イ-ブイコレクションに きてくれて 
ありがとう。 このイ-ブイを、
きみごのみに そだててみてね!
フレンドリィショップで うけとったら
かならず レポ-トを かこう!

Nintendo Zone Pikachu

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  PIKACHU Dex No. 0025 Bashful nature. Normal Present no Ribbon
Lv. 20 Type Nov. 14, 2008 Normal Quick Attack
  Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Electric ThunderShock
OT Nzone Met at Lv. 20. Normal Tail Whip
ID No. 10278   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from November 14 to 27, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Light Ball Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Pikachu's Present!
Please enjoy our gift to you,
a special PIKACHU that knows
the move Present.

Toys "R" Us Dragonite

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DRAGONITE Dex No. 0149 Mild nature. Dragon Draco Meteor no Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type Nov. 8, 2008 Electric Thunderbolt
  Dragon Flying Pokémon Event Dragon Outrage
OT TRU Met at Lv. 50. Dragon Dragon Dance
ID No. 11088   This Pokémon was available in the United States
from November 8 to 9, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Yache Berry Inner Focus  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Powerful Battle Pokémon!
You've received DRAGONITE,
one of the strongest Dragon-
type Pokémon! Train hard as
you prepare for battle!

Nintendo of Korea Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  다크라이 Dex No. 0491 Unknown nature. Dragon Roar of Time None
Lv. 50 Type Nov. 8, 2008 Dragon Spacial Rend
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT 한국닌텐도 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 11088   This Pokémon was available in Korea
from November 8 to 9, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Target & Toys "R" Us Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DARKRAI Dex No. 0491 Unknown nature. Dragon Roar of Time None
Lv. 50 Type Oct. 30, 2008 Dragon Spacial Rend
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT ALAMOS Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 10308   This Pokémon was available in Australia
from October 30 to November 9, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Mysterious DARKRAI!
Watch DARKRAI in action
in the new Pokémon movie:
Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai.
Available on DVD!

TCG World Championships 2008 Milotic

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ミロカロス Dex No. 0350 Timid nature. Water Rain Dance None
Lv. 50 Type Oct. 12, 2008 Normal Recover
  Water Unknown Pokémon Event Water Hydro Pump
OT WCS Met at Lv. 50. Ice Icy Wind
ID No. 10128   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from October 12, 2008 to January 25, 2009.
Item Ability  
  Flame Orb Marvel Scale  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
The Beauty condition and sheen of this Pokémon are at maximum.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

WCS きんのミロカロス プレゼント
イベントに きてくれて ありがとう。
きねんに いろちがいの きんの
ミロカロスを プレゼント!
ポケモンを うけとったら このカ-ドは

PC Yokohama Pikachu

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ピカチュウ Dex No. 0025 Modest nature. Water Surf None
Lv. 40 Type Oct. 10, 2008 Electric Thunder
  Electric Unknown PC Yokohama Normal Protect
OT ヨコハマ Met at Lv. 40. -- --
ID No. 10108   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from October 10 to November 3, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Shell Bell Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

おひっこし きねん プレゼント
ポケモンセンタ- ヨコハマから
おひっこしを きねんして
すてきな プレゼント おくります。

Pikachu Cafe Tangrowth

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  덩쿠림보 Dex No. 0465 Unknown nature. Fire Sunny Day None
Lv. 50 Type Oct. 3, 2008 Normal Morning Sun
File:Spr 5b 465.png Grass Unknown Pokémon Event Rock AncientPower
OT 피카츄카페 Met at Lv. 50. Normal Natural Gift
ID No. 10038   This Pokémon was available in Korea
on October 3, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Petaya Berry Chlorophyll or Leaf Guard  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  

Nintendo of Korea Deoxys

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  테오키스 Dex No. 0386 Unknown nature. Psychic Psycho Boost None
Lv. 50 Type Aug. 30, 2008 Electric Zap Cannon
  Psychic Unknown Pokémon Event Steel Iron Defense
OT 한국닌텐도 Met at Lv. 50. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 08308   This Pokémon was available in Korea
from August 30 to 31, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Petaya Berry or
  Ganlon Berry
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Tanabata Jirachi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ジラーチ Dex No. 0385 Unknown nature. Normal Wish None
Lv. 5 Type Aug. 18, 2008 Psychic Confusion
  Steel Psychic Pokémon Fan Club Psychic Rest
OT タナバタ Met at Lv. 5. -- --
ID No. 08188   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from August 18, 2008 to ???.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Serene Grace  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

ジラ-チにねがいを プレゼント
ポケモンだいすきクラブの ジラ-チに
ねがいを… におうぼしてくれて ありが
とう! キミのジラ-チを だいじに 
そだててね★ これからも ずっと 
ポケモンを だいすきでいてね!

TCG World Championships 2008 Lucario

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  LUCARIO Dex No. 0448 Adamant nature. Fighting Force Palm None
Lv. 30 Type Aug. 17, 2008 Ground Bone Rush
  Fighting Steel Pokémon Event Fire Sunny Day
OT WORLD08 Met at Lv. 30. Fire Blaze Kick
ID No. 08178   This Pokémon was available in the United States
on August 17, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Leftovers Inner Focus  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Battle in Orlando
Thanks for coming
to the Pokémon TCG
World Championships
and Video Game

Birthday Charmander

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ヒトカゲ Dex No. 0004 Naive nature. Normal Return None
Lv. 40 Type Jul. 20, 2008 Normal Hidden Power
  Fire Unknown PC Tokyo Normal Quick Attack
OT トウキョー Met at Lv. 40. Normal Howl
ID No. 07208   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from July 20, 2008 to July 19, 2009.
Item Ability  
  Lucky Egg Blaze  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

おたんじょうび きねん プレゼント
おたんじょうび おめでとう!
ポケモンセンタ- トウキョ-から
すてきな プレゼントを おくります。

Movie Shaymin

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  シェイミ Dex No. 0492 Random nature. Grass Seed Flare None
Lv. 50 Type Jul. 19, 2008 Grass Aromatherapy
  Grass Unknown Pokémon Movie 08 Normal Substitute
OT えいがかん Met at Lv. 50. Grass Energy Ball
ID No. 07198   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from July 19 to September 30, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

スクリ-ンからやってきた シェイミ
えいがをみてくれて ありがとう!!
したのサイトに アクセスして

Alamos Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DARKRAI Dex No. 0491 Unknown nature. Dragon Roar of Time None
Lv. 50 Type Jul. 3, 2008 Dragon Spacial Rend
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT ALAMOS Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 07038   This Pokémon was available in Europe
from July 3 to 6, July 12 to 13, July 22 to August 24,
August 6 to 31, August 30 to 31,
September 6 to October 11 2008
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
L'ascension de Darkrai
Voici votre DARKRAI! Pour de plus
amples informations, visitez le
site Internet

Wonder Card  
L'ascesa di Darkrai
Per ulteriori informazioni,
consulta il sito:

Wonder Card  
El desafío de Darkrai
¡Disfruta con DARKRAI!
para obtener más información.

Wonder Card  
The Rise of Darkrai
Enjoy your DARKRAI!
For more info, check out

Wonder Card  
De opkomst van Darkrai
Enjoy your DARKRAI!
For more info, check out

Wonder Card  
Der Aufstieg von Darkrai
Viel Spaß mit
deinem DARKRAI!
Weitere Infos
findest du hier:

Baba Flygon

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ババイゴン Dex No. 0330 Naive nature. Dragon Draco Meteor no Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type Jul. 1, 2008 Bug U-turn
  Dragon Ground Pokémon Event Ground Earthquake
OT ばば Met at Lv. 50. Dragon Dragon Claw
ID No. 07018   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from July 1 to 14, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Yache Berry Levitate  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date .
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Pikachu Cafe Magmortar

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  마그마번 Dex No. 0467 Unknown nature. Ghost Confuse Ray None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 29, 2008 Fire Fire Punch
  Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Fire Lava Plume
OT 피카츄 카페 Met at Lv. 50. Fire Flamethrower
ID No. 06298   This Pokémon was available in Korea
on June 29, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Charcoal Flame Body  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  

Pikachu Cafe Electivire

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  에레키블 Dex No. 0466 Unknown nature. Psychic Light Screen None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 29, 2008 Electric ThunderPunch
  Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Electric Discharge
OT 피카츄 카페 Met at Lv. 50. Electric Thunderbolt
ID No. 06298   This Pokémon was available in Korea
on June 29, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Magnet Motor Drive  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  

Movie Regigigas

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  レジギガス Dex No. 0486 Unknown nature. Steel Iron Head no Ribbon
Lv. 100 Type Jun. 20, 2008 Rock Rock Slide
  Normal Unknown Pokémon Movie 08 Ice Icy Wind
OT テンイむら Met at Lv. 100. Normal Crush Grip
ID No. 07198   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 20 to August 31, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Slow Start  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

えいが まえうりけんの レジギガス
ことしのえいがで かつやくする
レジギガスを プレゼント!

ポケモンを うけとったら このカ-ドは

GameStop Deoxys

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DEOXYS Dex No. 0386 Unknown nature. Psychic Psycho Boost None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 20, 2008 Electric Zap Cannon
  Psychic Unknown Pokémon Event Steel Iron Defense
OT Gamestp Met at Lv. 50. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 06218   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from June 20 to 22 and June 27 to 29, 2008.
Item Ability  
  NeverMeltIce Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Mystery from Space
Enjoy your DEOXYS!
Travel to Veilstone
to discover
the secrets of this
mysterious Pokémon!

Nintendo World Store Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DARKRAI Dex No. 0491 Unknown nature. Dragon Roar of Time None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 1, 2008 Dragon Spacial Rend
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT ALAMOS Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 05318   This Pokémon was available in the United States
from June 1 to 30, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
The Rise of Darkrai
Enjoy your DARKRAI!
Visit the URL below
and input the word
Orasion for a gift.

Toys "R" Us Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  DARKRAI Dex No. 0491 Unknown nature. Dragon Roar of Time None
Lv. 50 Type May 31, 2008 Dragon Spacial Rend
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Ghost Nightmare
OT ALAMOS Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Hypnosis
ID No. 05318   This Pokémon was available in the United States
from May 31 to June 1, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
The Rise of Darkrai
Enjoy your DARKRAI!
Visit the URL below
and input the word
Orasion for a gift.

Nintendo of Korea Rayquaza

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  레쿠쟈 Dex No. 0384 Unknown nature. Flying Fly None
Lv. 70 Type May 31, 2008 Normal ExtremeSpeed
  Dragon Flying Pokémon Event Dragon Outrage
OT 한국닌텐도 Met at Lv. 70. Dragon Draco Meteor
ID No. 05318   This Pokémon was available in Korea
from May 31 to June 1 and July 17, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Scale Air Lock  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

McDonald's Pikachu

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ピカチュウ Dex No. 0025 Bashful nature. Normal Quick Attack no Ribbon
Lv. 20 Type May 30, 2008 Electric ThunderShock
  Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Tail Whip
OT マック Met at Lv. 20. Normal Present
ID No. 05308   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from May 30 to June 19, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Light Ball Static  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

「プレゼント」をおぼえた ピカチュウ
わざ「プレゼント」を おぼえた
ピカチュウだよ! だいじにそだててね!
ポケモンを うけとったら このカ-ドは

Golgo Octillery

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  オクタン Dex No. 0224 Serious nature. Water Octazooka no Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type May 13, 2008 Ice Ice Beam
  Water Unknown Pokémon Event Bug Signal Beam
OT ごるこ Met at Lv. 50. Normal Hyper Beam
ID No. 05138   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from May 13 to 26, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Focus Band Suction Cups  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Nintendo of Korea Manaphy

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  마나피 Dex No. 0490 Unknown nature. Bug Tail Glow None
Lv. 1 Type Mar. 29, 2008 Water Bubble
  Water Unknown Pokémon Event Water Water Sport
OT 한국닌텐도 Met at Lv. 1. -- --
ID No. 03298   This Pokémon was available in Korea
from March 29 to 30, 2008.
Item Ability  
  King's Rock Hydration  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
Korean characters do not appear on non-Korean games.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Red and Green Anniversary Pichu

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ピチュー / Dex No. 0172 Random nature. Electric Volt Tackle no Ribbon
Lv. 1 Type Feb. 27, 2008 Electric Thunderbolt
  Electric Unknown Link trade Grass Grass Knot
OT 東京 Egg obtained. Normal Return
ID No. 55957 Feb. 27, 2008 This Pokémon was available in Japan
on february 27, 2008.
Item Ability (Place hatched)
  None Static Egg apparently hatched.
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Kyocera Starly

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ムックル Dex No. 0396 Mild nature. Normal Tackle no Ribbon
Lv. 1 Type Feb. 21, 2008 Normal Growl
  Normal Flying Pokémon Event -- --
OT だいすき Egg received. -- --
ID No. 08311 Feb. 21, 2008 This Pokémon was available in Japan
from February 21, 2008 to ???.
Item Ability Solaceon Town
  None Keen Eye Egg apparently hatched.
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Kyocera Bidoof

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ビッパ Dex No. 0399 Lonely nature. Normal Tackle no Ribbon
Lv. 1 Type Feb. 21, 2008 -- --
  Normal Unknown Pokémon Event -- --
OT だいすき Egg received. -- --
ID No. 17336 Feb. 21, 2008 This Pokémon was available in Japan
from February 21, 2008 to ???.
Item Ability Solaceon Town
  None Simple Egg apparently hatched.
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Saikyou Salamence

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ボーマンダ Dex No. 0373 Naughty nature. Water Hydro Pump no Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 15, 2008 Rock Stone Edge
  Dragon Flying Pokémon Event Fire Fire Blast
OT さいきょう Met at Lv. 50. Dragon Dragon Claw
ID No. 02158   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from February 15, to March 14, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Fang Intimidate  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

さいきょうクラスプレゼント ボ-マンダ
ドラゴンタイプ ぶつりさいきょうクラス
ボ-マンダ! だいじにそだててね。
ポケモンを うけとったら このカ-ドは

Saikyou Dragonite

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  カイリュー Dex No. 0149 Mild nature. Dragon Draco Meteor no Ribbon
Lv. 50 Type Jan. 15, 2008 Electric Thunderbolt
  Dragon Flying Pokémon Event Dragon Outrage
OT さいきょう Met at Lv. 50. Dragon Dragon Dance
ID No. 01158   This Pokémon was available in Japan
from January 15 to February 14, 2008.
Item Ability  
  Yache Berry Inner Focus  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

さいきょうクラスプレゼント カイリュ-
カイリュ-! だいじにそだててね。
ポケモンを うけとったら このカ-ドは


  • The poster used at GameStop to promote Deoxys is a carbon copy of the Darkrai poster. In the place where the moves are listed, the Deoxys posters say Darkrai instead of Deoxys.
  • On the Wonder Card for the Toys "R" Us ALAMOS Darkrai, the word Oracion from the movie is misspelled Orasion.
  • During the distribution period of the Yukina Meowth in the Japanese Everyone's Pokémon Ranch, Maddie Blaustein, Meowth's original voice actress, passed away.

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes