List of other event distributions in Generation VII

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This is a reverse-chronological list of other event distributions that were given away to all region Pokémon games in Generation VII.

List of event distributions

Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! Tabidachi Guide Book Poké Balls

These 100 Poké Balls was available via serial code to players in Japan who purchase of either Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Let's Go, Eevee! game at the Video game stores nationwide on April 24, 2019, it will come along with a free limited adventure guidebook that include a serial code for 100 Poké Balls.

Wonder Card 3 | Purchase Bonus
Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Location Duration
PE hide hide Serial Code April 24, 2019 to March 31, 2020
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

Pokémon Global Link gift rare Berries

12 Enigma, Micle, Custap, Jaboca, and Rowap Berries were distributed available via the Nintendo Network to Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from January 7 and September 2, 2019.

Bag Enigma Berry Sprite.png Enigma Berry
Quantity: 12
Bag Micle Berry Sprite.png Micle Berry
Quantity: 12
Bag Custap Berry Sprite.png Custap Berry
Quantity: 12
Bag Jaboca Berry Sprite.png Jaboca Berry
Quantity: 12
Bag Rowap Berry Sprite.png Rowap Berry
Quantity: 12
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM Nintendo Network all online January 7 and September 2, 2019
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

めずらしい きのみ プレゼント
つうじょうのプレイでは てにはいらない
とくべつな こうかを もつ きのみを
5しゅるい まとめて プレゼント!

めずらしい きのみ プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Rare Berry gift
This gift bundles up five kinds of
Berries that you can't obtain through
regular gameplay. Use them wisely
to enjoy their unusual effects!

Wonder Card
Rare Berry gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Seltene Beeren als Geschenk
Dieses Geschenk enthält fünf verschiedene
Beerenarten, die nicht über den normalen
Spielverlauf erhältlich sind. Setze sie weise ein,
um ihre einzigartigen Effekte nutzen zu können!

Seltene Beeren als Geschenk
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Lote de bayas inusuales de regalo
Este lote incluye cinco bayas que no se pueden
conseguir en el transcurso normal de la partida.
¡Úsalas sabiamente para aprovechar sus efectos

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Lote de bayas inusuales de regalo
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Des Baies rares en cadeau
Voici cinq types de Baies impossibles
à obtenir en jouant normalement !
Utilisez-les à bon escient pour bénéficier
de leurs effets inhabituels !

Carte Miracle
Des Baies rares en cadeau
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Bacche rare in regalo
Ecco per te cinque tipi di bacche
che non puoi ottenere nel gioco.
Fanne buon uso e divertiti a scoprire
i loro insoliti effetti!

Scheda Segreta
Bacche rare in regalo
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
희귀한 나무열매 선물
일반적인 플레이로는 손에 넣을 수 없는
특별한 효과를 가진 나무열매
5종류를 선물합니다!

이상한 카드
희귀한 나무열매 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

7-Eleven Clear file Poké Balls and Master Ball

These sets of 100 Poké Balls were distributed with in Japanese 7-Elevens with the purchase of clear files themed after the theatrical release of The Power of Us in Japan. Lucky customers had a 1:5 chance to receive a serial code that replaced a Poké Ball with a Master Ball instead. The serial codes were valid from

Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online July 10 to October 1, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 80% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 99
Bag Master Ball Sprite.png Master Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online July 10 to October 1, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 20% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

モンスターボール100コ プレゼント
Nintendo Switchで さいしんさく
『ポケットモンスター Let's Go! ピカチュウ・
Let's Go! イーブイ』の はつばいを
きねんして モンスターボール100コ を

モンスターボール100コ プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Stand Roto Loto

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Reason: expry date

For a limited time, with purchases made from Pokemon Stands came with serial codes redeemable for various sets of Rotom Powers. These serial codes were not region-locked. The Roto Powers came in three themed sets; a battle set with Roto HP Restore & Roto Boost, a breeding set with Roto Hatch & Roto Exp. Points, and a shopping set with Roto Prize Money and Roto Bargain.

Bag Roto HP Restore Sprite.png Roto HP Restore
Quantity: 4
Bag Roto Boost Sprite.png Roto Boost
Quantity: 4
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code all online July 15, 2018 to ???
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 33.33% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Hatch Sprite.png Roto Hatch
Quantity: 4
Bag Roto Exp. Points Sprite.png Roto Exp. Points
Quantity: 4
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code all online July 15, 2018 to ???
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 33.33% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Prize Money Sprite.png Roto Prize Money
Quantity: 4
Bag Roto Bargain Sprite.png Roto Bargain
Quantity: 4
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code all online July 15, 2018 to ???
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 33.33% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ポケモンスタンドで おかいものをした
きねんに ロトポンの つめあわせを
ロトポンで アローラでの ぼうけんを
たのしんで ほしいロト♪

ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Global Link gift Master Ball

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

A Master Ball was made available via a serial code to players who used Game Sync on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon with the Pokémon Global Link between November 17, 2017 and January 30, 2018. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on February 13, 2018 could receive a serial code. This serial codes could be used to obtain the Master Ball in any region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from February 13 to March 29, 2018.

Bag Master Ball Sprite.png Master Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code all online February 13 to March 29, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

マスターボールを プレゼント!

おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Gift from the PGL
Thank you for signing up for
the Pokémon Global Link.
Here's a Master Ball for you!

Wonder Card
Gift from the PGL
This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in
any Pokémon Center.
Ein Geschenk vom PGLs
Als Dank dafür, dass du dich beim
Pokémon Global Link registriert hast,
schenken wir dir einen Meisterball!

Ein Geschenk vom PGLs
Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link
Gracias por registrarte en Pokémon Global Link.
¡Aquí tienes una Master Ball de regalo!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un cadeau de la part du PGL
Merci de vous être inscrit
au Pokémon Global Link !
Voici une Master Ball en cadeau !

Carte Miracle
Un cadeau de la part du PGL
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon Global
Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu auprès du
livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un regalo dal PGL
Grazie per aver effettuato l'iscrizione
al Pokémon Global Link.
Ricevi una Master Ball in regalo!

Scheda Segreta
Un regalo dal PGL
Ecco un regalo da parte del Pokémon
Global Link! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dal postino nel Centro Pokémon!
포켓몬 글로벌 링크
PGL 등록 캠페인으로
마스터볼을 선물합니다!

이상한 카드
포켓몬 글로벌 링크
포켓몬 글로벌 링크에서 드리는
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

7-Eleven Casteliacone

A Casteliacone was distributed at participating 7-Eleven stores when players buy 2 of eligible Meiji, Lotte or Akagi brand ice-cream will receive a serial code. The serial codes could be used in Japanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from December 18, 2017 to March 31, 2018.

Bag Casteliacone Sprite.png Casteliacone
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online December 18, 2017 to March 31, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ヒウンアイス プレゼント
ポケモンに つかうと
すべて かいふくする
ヒウンアイスを プレゼント!

ヒウンアイス プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

CoroCoro Tamatama Set

A Nugget and a Lucky Egg were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the January 2018 issue of CoroCoro. The serial codes could be used to obtain the items in Japanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from December 15, 2017 to February 14, 2018.

Bag Nugget Sprite.png Nugget
Quantity: 1
Bag Lucky Egg Sprite.png Lucky Egg
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online December 15, 2017 to February 14, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

たまたまセット プレゼント
きんの“たま”と しあわせ“タマ”ゴの
たまたまセットを プレゼント!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

たまたまセット プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Scrap 2017 items

Pokémon Scrap 2017 logo
Pokémon Scrap 2017 artwork

These items were distributed to players who entered the codes from the "Ultra! Full Force! Let's Get Mythical Pokémon Campaign" (Japanese: ウルトラ!ゼンリョウ!幻のポケモンをもらおうキャンペーン) onto the official site in exchange for a serial code. Pokémon Scraps could be found in participating types of Pokémon merchandise starting on December 1, 2017.

The number of codes entered determined what type of serial code was received; one Pokémon Scrap resulted in a Manaphy code, three resulted in a Nugget code, five resulted in a Big Mushroom code, seven resulted in a Meloetta code, 10 resulted in a Rare Bone code, 13 resulted in a Pearl String code, 16 resulted in a Hoopa code, and 20 Pokémon Scraps resulted in a Relic Gold code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Pokémon from December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018.


Bag Nugget Sprite.png Nugget
Quantity: 10
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ゼンリョク2017 きんのたま
ショップで うると
ごうけい 50000円で うれるぞ!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

ゼンリョク2017 きんのたま
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Big Mushrooms

Bag Big Mushroom Sprite.png Big Mushroom
Quantity: 10
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ゼンリョク2017 おおきなキノコ
ショップで うると
ごうけい 25000円で うれるぞ!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

ゼンリョク2017 おおきなキノコ
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Rare Bones

Bag Rare Bone Sprite.png Rare Bone
Quantity: 10
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ゼンリョク2017 きちょうなホネ
ショップで うると
ごうけい 25000円で うれるぞ!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

ゼンリョク2017 きちょうなホネ
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pearl Strings

Bag Pearl String Sprite.png Pearl String
Quantity: 10
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ゼンリョク2017 おだんごしんじゅ
ショップで うると
ごうけい 150000円で うれるぞ!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

ゼンリョク2017 おだんごしんじゅ
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Relic Golds

Bag Relic Gold Sprite.png Relic Gold
Quantity: 25
Games Method Region Location Duration
SMUSUM serial code Japanese online December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ゼンリョク2017 こだいのきんか
ショップで うると
ごうけい 750000円で うれるぞ!
ぼうけんに やくだてよう!

ゼンリョク2017 こだいのきんか
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Guide Book Master Balls

These 2 Master Balls was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Guide Book (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン 公式ガイドブック). The serial codes could be used to obtain 2 Master Balls in Japanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from December 6, 2017 to January 31, 2019.

Bag Master Ball Sprite.png Master Ball
Quantity: 2
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online December 6, 2017 to January 31, 2019
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん
やせいの ポケモンを
かならず つかまられる
マスターボールを 2コ プレゼント!
ぼうけんの なかで であった
きになる ポケモンを つかまえよう!

こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Starter Trainer's Pack Revives

These 12 Revives were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon Starter Trainer's Pack. The Starter Trainer's Pack comes with a physical copy of Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon and a serial code. The serial codes could be used in American region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon starting from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Revive Sprite.png Revive
Quantity: 12
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Americas online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In English, Spanish, and French, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

You received 12 Revives!
Use Revives to help your Pokémon
recover from fainting. They can be used
either during or outside of battle.

Wonder Card
You received 12 Revives!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
¡Has recibido 12 Revivir!
Usa un Revivir para ayudar a recuperarse a un
Pokémon debilitado. Podrás utilizarlo tanto
dentro como fuera del combate.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Has recibido 12 Revivir!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Vous recevez 12 Rappels !
Utilisez des Rappels pour ranimer vos Pokémon.
Vous pouvez y avoir recours pendant un combat
ou après un affrontement particulièrement rude.

Carte Miracle
Vous recevez 12 Rappels !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !

North America Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Dual Pack Poké Balls

These 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Dual Pack. The Dual Pack included both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The serial codes could be used in American region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Americas online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In English, Spanish, and French, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

You received 100 Poké Balls!
Poké Balls are a great way to catch and
hold your Pokémon in comfort!

Wonder Card
You received 100 Poké Balls!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
¡Has recibido 100 Poké Balls!
Las Poké Balls no solo son perfectas para atrapar
Pokémon, ¡también los mantienen con todo lujo
de comodidades!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Has recibido 100 Poké Balls!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Vous recevez 100 Poké Balls !
Les Poké Balls sont un excellent moyen
de capturer et transporter vos Pokémon
facilement !

Carte Miracle
Vous recevez 100 Poké Balls !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !

Europe Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – Ultra Dual Edition Potions

These 50 Potions were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – Ultra Dual Edition. The Ultra Dual Edition included both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and two serial codes, each for 50 Potions. The serial codes could be used in PAL region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon starting from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Potion Sprite.png Potion
Quantity: 50
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code PAL online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all European languages, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

A helping hand!
Here are 50 Potions to help you
on your journey in the Alola region.

Wonder Card
A helping hand!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Ein bisschen Unterstützung
Hier hast du 50 Tränke, die dir auf deiner Reise
durch die Alola-Region nützlich sein werden.

Ein bisschen Unterstützung
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Una pequeña ayuda!
Aquí tienes 50 Pociones que te ayudarán en tu
recorrido por la región de Alola.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Una pequeña ayuda!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un coup de pouce !
Voici 50 Potions pour vous aider
dans votre périple à travers Alola.

Carte Miracle
Un coup de pouce !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un aiuto prezioso!
Queste 50 Pozioni ti saranno di grande aiuto
durante la tua avventura ad Alola.

Scheda Segreta
Un aiuto prezioso!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon pre-order Max Revives

These 3 Max Revives were distributed to players who inserted a serial code. To receive a serial code players had to pre-order a physical copy of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in Taiwan or Hong Kong. The serial codes could be used in Japanese, PAL and Taiwanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Max Revive Sprite.png Max Revive
Quantity: 3
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese, PAL and Taiwanese online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Max Revive present!
Thank you for playing Pokémon
Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon.
Get the Max Revive and enjoy Pokémon battles !

Wonder Card
Max Revive present!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.

South Korea Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Double Pack Poké Balls

To commemorate the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in South Korea, 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that came with the Double Pack version of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (Korean: 「포켓몬스터 울트라썬・울트라문 더블 팩」). The Double Pack included both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The serial codes could be used in Korean region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Korean online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

더블 팩 구입 특전
야생 포켓몬에게 던져서 잡는 몬스터볼을
100개 선물합니다!
이 볼로 많은 포켓몬을 잡아보자!

이상한 카드
더블 팩 구입 특전
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

7-Eleven Roto Loto

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Bag Roto Bargain Sprite.png Roto Bargain
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to February 28, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 25% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Catch Sprite.png Roto Catch
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to February 28, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 25% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Exp. Points Sprite.png Roto Exp. Points
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to February 28, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 25% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Prize Money Sprite.png Roto Prize Money
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to February 28, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
This event has a 25% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

おみせで もらった ロトポンだロト!
ぼうけんに やくだてるロトよ!

ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Center Roto Loto

050Diglett.png This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Bag Roto Bargain Sprite.png Roto Bargain
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Boost Sprite.png Roto Boost
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Catch Sprite.png Roto Catch
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Encounter Sprite.png Roto Encounter
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Exp. Points Sprite.png Roto Exp. Points
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Hatch Sprite.png Roto Hatch
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Roto Prize Money Sprite.png Roto Prize Money
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM local wireless all online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

きょうの ロトポンを あげるロト!
また あしたも くるロ~!

ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon pre-order Big Malasadas and Fresh Waters

To commemorate the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in Japan, 7 Big Malasadas and 11 Fresh Waters were distributed to players who pre-order both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (including the Double Pack) from 7-Eleven stores will receive a serial code. The serial codes could be used in Japanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon on November 17, 2017.

Bag Big Malasada Sprite.png Big Malasada
Quantity: 7
Bag Fresh Water Sprite.png Fresh Water
Quantity: 11
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to ???
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

てんぽべつ こうにゅうとくてん
ぼうけんの たびだちに やくだつ どうぐ
おおきいマラサダ 7コと
おいしいみず 11コを プレゼント!

てんぽべつ こうにゅうとくてん
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Nintendo eShop Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon purchase Quick Balls

These 12 Quick Balls were distributed to players in Japan, North America, Australia and Europe who inserted a serial code from purchase Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon from the Nintendo eShop before January 30, 2018. The serial codes could be used in Japanese, American and PAL region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

The serial codes were also been given away at select retailers in various countries to players who pre-ordered either Pokémon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon. The local retailers and countries included the following.

  • In Portugal, players for those who pre-ordered the physical edition of Pokémon Ultra Moon or Ultra Sun from Worten or Fnac either the normal or the Fan Edition.
Bag Quick Ball Sprite.png Quick Ball
Quantity: 12
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Americas, PAL, Japanese online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Download type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Download type text in the language of the receiving game.

ダウンロードばん とくてん
せんとうが はじまって すぐだと
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
5クイックボールを 12コ プレゼント!

ダウンロードばん とくてん
ダウンロード してくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
You received 12 Quick Balls
Quick Balls have a great catch rate
when thrown at the beginning
of battle. They help you catch your
favorite Pokémon in no time!

Wonder Card
You received 12 Quick Balls
Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Du erhältst 12 Flottbälle!
Bei Flottbällen steigt die Chance auf einen Fang,
wenn du sie zu Beginn eines Kampfes einsetzt.
Mit ihnen fängst du im Handumdrehen dein

Du erhältst 12 Flottbälle!
Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Has recibido 12 Veloz Balls!
Las Veloz Balls son más eficaces a la hora de
atrapar Pokémon si las lanzas nada más iniciarse
el combate. ¡Captura a tu Pokémon favorito
en un periquete!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Has recibido 12 Veloz Balls!
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Vous recevez 12 Rapide Balls.
Les Rapide Balls ont un taux de réussite élevé
lorsqu’elles sont utilisées au début du combat.
Attrapez vos Pokémon favoris en un rien
de temps !

Carte Miracle
Vous recevez 12 Rapide Balls.
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Hai ricevuto 12 Velox Ball!
Le Velox Ball sono particolarmente efficaci nel
catturare i Pokémon selvatici se le lanci all'inizio
della lotta. Usale per acchiappare al volo i tuoi
Pokémon preferiti!

Scheda Segreta
Hai ricevuto 12 Velox Ball!
Grazie per aver eseguito il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

Japan Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Double Pack Poké Balls

To commemorate the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in Japan, 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code that came with the Double Pack version of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (Japanese: 『ポケットモンスター ウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン』ダブルパック). The Double Pack included both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The serial codes could be used in Japanese region Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon from November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018.

Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Region Location Duration
USUM serial code Japanese online November 17, 2017 to November 30, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん
やせいの ポケモンに なげて
つかまえる ための モンスターボールを
100コ プレゼント!
このボールで たくさんの ポケモンを

ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Sixth Mega Stone Gift

An Ampharosite, an Altarianite, a Latiasite, and a Latiosite were distributed to players who inserted the password DRACHE from September 8, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

DRACHE means Dragon in German.

Bag Ampharosite Sprite.png Ampharosite
Quantity: 1
Bag Altarianite Sprite.png Altarianite
Quantity: 1
Bag Latiasite Sprite.png Latiasite
Quantity: 1
Bag Latiosite Sprite.png Latiosite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online September 8 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Ampharosite
- Altarianite
- Latiasite
- Latiosite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Ampharosnit
- Altarianit
- Latiasnit
- Latiosnit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Ampharosita,
una Altarianita, una Latiasita,
y una Latiosita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Pharampite
- Une Altarite
- Une Latiasite
- Une Latiosite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Ampharosite,
una Altarite, una Latiasite,
e una Latiosite!

Scheda Segreta
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Fifth Mega Stone Gift

A Galladite, a Gardevoirite, a Lopunnite, and a Diancite were distributed to players who inserted the password POYONG from August 10, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

POYONG refers to the Korean name of Gardevoir's category, Embrace Pokémon.

Bag Galladite Sprite.png Galladite
Quantity: 1
Bag Gardevoirite Sprite.png Gardevoirite
Quantity: 1
Bag Lopunnite Sprite.png Lopunnite
Quantity: 1
Bag Diancite Sprite.png Diancite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online August 10 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Gardevoirite
- Galladite
- Lopunnite
- Diancite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Guardevoirnit
- Galagladinit
- Schlapornit
- Diancienit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Gardevoirita,
una Galladita, una Lopunnita,
y una Diancita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Gardevoirite
- Une Gallamite
- Une Lockpinite
- Une Diancite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Gardevoirite,
una Galladite, una Lopunnite,
e una Diancite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Weakness Cup Mega Stones

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

An Ampharosite, an Altarianite, a Latiosite, and a Latiasite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the Weakness Cup (Japanese: ポケモン危機一髪! Pokémon Critical Moment!) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from July 28 to 30, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on August 3, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on August 8, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from August 8 to September 29, 2017.

Bag Ampharosite Sprite.png Ampharosite
Quantity: 1
Bag Altarianite Sprite.png Altarianite
Quantity: 1
Bag Latiasite Sprite.png Latiasite
Quantity: 1
Bag Latiosite Sprite.png Latiosite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online August 8 to September 29, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Tyranitarite
- Abomasite
- Manectite
- Aggronite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Despotarnit
- Rexblisarnit
- Voltensonit
- Stollossnit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Tyranitarita,
una Abomasnowita, una Manectricita,
y una Aggronita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Tyranocivite
- Une Blizzarite
- Une Élecsprintite
- Une Galekingite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Tyranitarite,
una Abomasnowite, una Manectricite,
e una Aggronite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Fourth Mega Stone Gift

A Tyranitarite, an Abomasite, a Manectite, and an Aggronite were distributed to players who inserted the password SABLEVOLANT from July 21, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

SABLEVOLANT refers to Tyranitar's Sand Stream Ability in French.

Bag Tyranitarite Sprite.png Tyranitarite
Quantity: 1
Bag Abomasite Sprite.png Abomasite
Quantity: 1
Bag Manectite Sprite.png Manectite
Quantity: 1
Bag Aggronite Sprite.png Aggronite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online July 21 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.


In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Tyranitarite
- Abomasite
- Manectite
- Aggronite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Despotarnit
- Rexblisarnit
- Voltensonit
- Stollossnit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Tyranitarita,
una Abomasnowita, una Manectricita
y una Aggronita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Tyranocivite
- Une Blizzarite
- Une Élecsprintite
- Une Galekingite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Tyranitarite,
una Abomasnowite, una Manectricite
e una Aggronite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

tiny tourney Mega Stones

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:

A Galladite, an Gardevoirite, and a Lopunnite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the tiny tourney (Japanese: プリティプリマ Pretty Prima) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from June 23 to 25, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on June 30, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on July 4, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from July 4 to August 31, 2017.

Bag Galladite Sprite.png Galladite
Quantity: 1
Bag Gardevoirite Sprite.png Gardevoirite
Quantity: 1
Bag Lopunnite Sprite.png Lopunnite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online July 4 to August 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Gardevoirite
- Galladite
- Lopunnite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Guardevoirnit
- Galagladinit
- Schlapornit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Gardevoirita,
una Galladita y una Lopunnita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Gardevoirite
- Une Gallamite
- Une Lockpinite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Gardevoirite,
una Galladite e una Lopunnite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Third Mega Stone Gift

A Sceptilite, a Blazikenite, a Swampertite, a Cameruptite, and a Banettite were distributed to players who inserted the password MATSUBUSA from June 23, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

MATSUBUSA refers to the Japanese name of Maxie, who has a Camerupt as his signature Pokémon.

Bag Sceptilite Sprite.png Sceptilite
Quantity: 1
Bag Blazikenite Sprite.png Blazikenite
Quantity: 1
Bag Swampertite Sprite.png Swampertite
Quantity: 1
Bag Cameruptite Sprite.png Cameruptite
Quantity: 1
Bag Banettite Sprite.png Banettite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online June 23 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Sceptilite
- Blazikenite
- Swampertite
- Cameruptite
- Banettite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Gewaldronit
- Lohgocknit
- Sumpexnit
- Cameruptnit
- Banetteonit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Sceptilita,
una Blazikenita, una Swampertita,
una Cameruptita y una Banettita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Jungkite
- Une Braségalite
- Une Laggronite
- Une Caméruptite
- Une Branettite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Sceptilite,
una Blazikenite, una Swampertite,
una Cameruptite e una Banettite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

2017 International Challenge May Mega Stones

A Tyranitarite, an Abomasite, and a Manectite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the 2017 International Challenge May competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from May 26 to 28, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on June 1, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on June 6, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from June 6 to July 30, 2017.

Bag Tyranitarite Sprite.png Tyranitarite
Quantity: 1
Bag Abomasite Sprite.png Abomasite
Quantity: 1
Bag Manectite Sprite.png Manectite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online June 6 to July 30, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Tyranitarite
- Abomasite
- Manectite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Despotarnit
- Rexblisarnit
- Voltensonit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo
¡Aquí tienes una Tyranitarita, una
Abomasnowita y una Manectricita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez trois Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Tyranocivite
- Une Blizzarite
- Une Élecsprintite

Carte Miracle
Recevez trois Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Tyranitarite,
una Abomasnowite e una Manectricite!

Scheda Segreta
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

2017 International Challenge April Mega Stones

A Sceptilite, a Blazikenite, and a Swampertite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the 2017 International Challenge April competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from April 28 to 30, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on May 9, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on May 30, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from May 30 to June 30, 2017.

Bag Sceptilite Sprite.png Sceptilite
Quantity: 1
Bag Blazikenite Sprite.png Blazikenite
Quantity: 1
Bag Swampertite Sprite.png Swampertite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online May 30 to June 30, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Sceptilite
- Blazikenite
- Swampertite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Gewaldronit
- Lohgocknit
- Sumpexnit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Sceptilita,
una Blazikenita y una Swampertita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Jungkite
- Une Braségalite
- Une Laggronite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Sceptilite,
una Blazikenite e una Swampertite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Second Mega Stone Gift

A Pidgeotite, a Steelixite, a Heracronite, and a Houndoominite were distributed to players who inserted the password AZUL from May 12, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

AZUL refers to the Spanish name of Blue, who has a Pidgeot as his signature Pokémon.

Bag Pidgeotite Sprite.png Pidgeotite
Quantity: 1
Bag Steelixite Sprite.png Steelixite
Quantity: 1
Bag Heracronite Sprite.png Heracronite
Quantity: 1
Bag Houndoominite Sprite.png Houndoominite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online May 12 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Pidgeotite
- Steelixite
- Heracronite
- Houndoominite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Taubossnit
- Stahlosnit
- Skarabornit
- Hundemonit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Pidgeotita,
una Steelixita, una Heracrossita
y una Houndoomita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Roucarnagite
- Une Steelixite
- Une Scarhinoïte
- Une Démolossite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Pidgeotite,
una Steelixite, una Heracrossite
e una Houndoomite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapietre in regalo!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco
dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

First Mega Stone Gift

A Mawilite, a Beedrillite, an Audinite, and a Medichamite were distributed to players who inserted the password INTIMIDATE from April 7, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

INTIMIDATE refers to Mawile's Intimidate Ability.

Bag Mawilite Sprite.png Mawilite
Quantity: 1
Bag Beedrillite Sprite.png Beedrillite
Quantity: 1
Bag Audinite Sprite.png Audinite
Quantity: 1
Bag Medichamite Sprite.png Medichamite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online April 7 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Mawilite
- Beedrillite
- Audinite
- Medichamite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte Mega-Steine!
- Flunkifernit
- Bibornit
- Ohrdochnit
- Meditalisnit

Erhalte Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Mawilita,
una Beedrillita, una Audinita
y una Medichamita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Mysdibulite
- Une Dardargnite
- Une Nanméouïte
- Une Charminite

Carte Miracle
Recevez quatre Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Quattro Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Mawilite,
una Beedrillite, una Audinite
e una Medichamite!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Quattro Megapietre in regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Kanto x Alola Regional Rumble Mega Stones

A Pidgeotite and a Steelixite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the Kanto x Alola Regional Rumble (Japanese: カントー×アローラ Kanto × Alola) competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from March 17 to 19, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 23, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on March 28, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from March 28 to April 27, 2017.

Bag Pidgeotite Sprite.png Pidgeotite
Quantity: 1
Bag Steelixite Sprite.png Steelixite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online March 28 to April 27, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Pidgeotite
- Steelixite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
- Taubossnit
- Stahlosnit

Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!


Megapiedras de regalo
¡Aquí tienes una Pidgeotita
y una Steelixita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Roucarnagite
- Une Steelixite

Carte Miracle
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Due Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Pidgeotite
e una Steelixite!

Scheda Segreta
Due Megapietre in regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Global mission items

Five Rare Candies were distributed to players who inserted a serial code. To receive a serial code, players had to participate in certain global missions at Festival Plaza and have a Pokémon Global Link account.

The "Trade Pokémon at the GTS!" (Japanese: GTSで 交換 しよう!) global mission was held from January 30 to February 14, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to trade at least five Pokémon on the GTS. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Friend Ball, because over two million trades were made on the GTS. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from February 21 to March 31, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Friend Ball Sprite.png Friend Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online February 21 to March 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Get BP at the Battle Tree!" (Japanese: バトルツリーで BPを かちとろう!) global mission was held from February 28 to March 13, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to earn at least three Battle Points at the Battle Tree. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Heavy Ball, because over 500,000 Battle Points were earned. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from March 21 to April 27, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Heavy Ball Sprite.png Heavy Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online March 21 to April 27, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Hatch a Lot of Eggs!" (Japanese: タマゴを たくさん ふか させよう!) global mission was held from March 28, 2017 to April 10, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to hatch at least 3 Eggs. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Love Ball, because over 200,000 Eggs were hatched. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from April 18 to May 31, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Love Ball Sprite.png Love Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online April 18 to May 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Harvest Poké Beans!" (Japanese: ポケマメを しゅうかく しよう!) global mission was held from April 25, 2017 to May 9, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to harvest at least 30 Poké Beans. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Level Ball, because over 3,000,000 Poké Beans were harvested. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from May 16 to June 30, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Level Ball Sprite.png Level Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online May 16 to June 30, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Fish Pokémon at Rare Spots!" (Japanese: レアスポットで つりあげよう!) global mission was held from May 30, 2017 to June 12, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to hook at least 3 Pokémon/items. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Lure Ball, because over 500,000 Pokémon/items were hooked. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from June 20 to July 31, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Lure Ball Sprite.png Lure Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online June 20 to July 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Defend Your Champion Title!" (Japanese: チャンピオンを ぼうえい しよう!) global mission was held from June 27, 2017 to July 10, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to defend the Champion title at least once. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Moon Ball, because over 100,000 Champion title were defended. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from July 18 to August 31, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Moon Ball Sprite.png Moon Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online July 18 to August 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

The "Try Your Luck!" (Japanese: うんだめしを しよう!) global mission was held from July 25, 2017 to August 8, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to win the lottery at Festival Plaza at least once. The Rare Candies came bundled with a Fast Ball, because over 1,000 lottery plays were reached. These serial codes could be used to obtain the items in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from August 8 to September 30, 2017.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 5
Bag Fast Ball Sprite.png Fast Ball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online August 8 to September 30, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.


おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Gift from the PGL
Thank you for participating in the
Global Mission!

Wonder Card
Gift from the PGL
This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in
any Pokémon Center.
Ein Geschenk des PGLs
Danke für deine Teilnahme
am Globalen Spektakel!

Ein Geschenk des PGLs
Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link
Gracias por participar en el minijuego global.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Cadeau de la part du PGL
Merci pour votre participation
à la mini-quête en ligne !

Carte Miracle
Cadeau de la part du PGL
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon Global
Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu auprès du
livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Un regalo dal PGL
Grazie per aver partecipato
al minigioco globale!

Scheda Segreta
Un regalo dal PGL
Ecco un regalo da parte del Pokémon
Global Link! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dal postino nel Centro Pokémon!
포켓몬 글로벌 링크
글로벌 어트랙션 참가 기념 선물입니다!

이상한 카드
포켓몬 글로벌 링크
포켓몬 글로벌 링크에서 드리는
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Seoul Times Square Max Revive

A Max Revive was distributed via infrared to players who attended an event held at Times Square in Seoul, South Korea from March 17 to 19, 2017 between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. At the event, players could participate in a Multi Battle against Team Skull, battle each other in Battle Royal, and learn tips on how to battle.

Bag Max Revive Sprite.png Max Revive
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM infrared all Times Square, Seoul, South Korea March 17 to March 19, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event type text in the language of the receiving game.

기력의덩어리 선물
포켓몬스터썬・문 게임 이벤트 참가자 선물
유용한 도구 기력의덩어리를 선물합니다!
기절해 버린 포켓몬을 건강하게 만들자!

이상한 카드
기력의덩어리 선물
포켓몬이벤트에 와 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!!

2017 International Challenge February Mega Stones

A Mawilite and a Beedrillite were available via a serial code to players who completed at least three battles during the 2017 International Challenge February competition on the Pokémon Global Link. The competition was held from February 24 to 26, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on March 2, 2017. Qualifying players received a serial code starting on March 7, 2017. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Mega Stones in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from March 7 to April 27, 2017.

Bag Mawilite Sprite.png Mawilite
Quantity: 1
Bag Beedrillite Sprite.png Beedrillite
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online March 7 to April 27, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Mawilite
- Beedrillite

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
- Flunkifernit
- Bibornit

Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo
¡Aquí tienes una Mawilita
y una Beedrillita!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Mysdibulite
- Une Dardargnite

Carte Miracle
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Due Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Mawilite
e una Beedrillite!

Scheda Segreta
Due Megapietre in regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Mewtwo Mega Stones

A Mewtwonite X and a Mewtwonite Y were distributed to players who inserted the password M2DESCENT from March 3, 2017 to October 31, 2017.

Bag Mewtwonite X Sprite.png Mewtwonite X
Quantity: 1
Bag Mewtwonite Y Sprite.png Mewtwonite Y
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM password all online March 3 to October 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

メガストーン プレゼント

メガストーン プレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Mega Stone Gift
- Mewtwonite X
- Mewtwonite Y

Wonder Card
Mega Stone Gift
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
- Mewtunit X
- Mewtunit Y

Erhalte zwei Mega-Steine!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Aquí tienes una Mewtwoita X
y una Mewtwoita Y!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Megapiedras de regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
- Une Mewtwoite X
- Une Mewtwoite Y

Carte Miracle
Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Due Megapietre in regalo!
In regalo per te una Mewtwoite X
e una Mewtwoite Y!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Due Megapietre in regalo!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
메가스톤 선물

이상한 카드
메가스톤 선물
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Sun & Moon TCG Bottle Cap

Australian Bottle Cap serial code card
North American Bottle Cap serial code card

A Bottle Cap was distributed to players who inserted a serial code that was given away at various locations in select countries. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Bottle Cap in PAL region Pokémon Sun and Moon from February 3 to May 13, 2017 and in American region Pokémon Sun and Moon from February 13 to May 13, 2017. It was distributed to promote the release of the Sun & Moon Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion.

Bag Bottle Cap Sprite.png Bottle Cap
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Generic type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Generic type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Generic type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Generic type text in the language of the receiving game.

Get a boost with a Bottle Cap!
You received a Bottle Cap! Use it to
raise one of a Lv. 100 Pokémon's stats
to the max during Hyper Training.

Wonder Card
Get a boost with a Bottle Cap!
Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in
any Pokémon Center.
Ein Silberkronkorken!
Hier hast du einen Silberkronkorken!
Nutze ihn, um einen der Statuswerte
eines Pokémon auf Lv. 100 beim
Super-Spezialtraining zu maximieren!

Ein Silberkronkorken!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
¡Consigue una Chapa Plateada!
¡Aquí tienes una Chapa Plateada!
Úsala en el Entrenamiento Extremo para aumentar
al máximo una de las características de un
Pokémon de Nv. 100.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
¡Consigue una Chapa Plateada!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier Centro
Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.


Une Capsule d'Argent !
Voici une Capsule d'Argent, qui vous
permettra d'augmenter l'une des stats
d'un Pokémon de niveau 100 au maximum
grâce à l'Entraînement Ultime !

Carte Miracle
Une Capsule d'Argent !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Ecco un Tappo d’argento per te!
Grazie a questo strumento potrai servirti
dell'Allenamento Pro per potenziare
al massimo una delle statistiche di un
Pokémon che ha raggiunto il L. 100!

Scheda Segreta
Ecco un Tappo d’argento per te!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!
Serial code locations and dates
On location
American region
Country Location Dates
Canada EB Games stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Chile ZMART stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Costa Rica E Zone stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Vertigo stores February 13, 17, and 18, 2017
Guatemala El Duende stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Mexico Gameplanet stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Panama Estigames stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Peru Phantom stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
United States GameStop stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
PAL region
Country Location Dates
Belgium Nintendo Zones at Game Mania stores February 3 to 24, 2017
Denmark GameStop stores February 3, 2017 until supplies ran out
Finland GameStop stores February 3, 2017 until supplies ran out
Ireland GameStop stores February 3, 2017 until supplies ran out
Netherlands Nintendo Zones at Game Mania stores February 3 to 24, 2017
Norway GameStop stores February 3, 2017 until supplies ran out
United Kingdom GAME stores February 3 to 24, 2017
Sweden GameStop stores February 6, 2017 until supplies ran out
Austria GameStop stores February 10 to March 9, 2017
Germany GameStop stores February 10 to March 9, 2017
Switzerland GameStop stores February 10 to March 9, 2017
Australia EB Games stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
France Micromania stores February 13 to 24, 2017
Italy GameStop stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
New Zealand EB Games stores February 13 to March 5, 2017
Spain Nintendo Zones at GAME stores February 13 to March 12, 2017

PAL region
Country Location Dates
Russia Send an email to [email protected] February 3 to 24, 2017
Czech Republic and Slovakia Players had to post a picture of their strongest Pokémon on Nintendo of the Czech Republic and Slovakia's Facebook page. February 4, 2017
Hungary Players had to comment on the post on Nintendo of Hungary's Facebook page about what their favorite Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon is and why. February 4, 2017
Poland The first 100 players to post a picture of their strongest Pokémon on Nintendo Poland's Facebook page. February 7, 2017
Nintendo Poland's Facebook page February 8 and 10, 2017
Greece CD Media website February 7 to 24, 2017
Facebook app

Pokémon Center Alolan Vulpix items

An Ice Heal, Ice Stone, Icy Rock, Never-Melt Ice, Aspear Berry, Casteliacone, and Snowball were distributed via local wireless at Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores in Japan from February 1 to March 12, 2017. These items were randomly distributed each day and players could only receive one item per day that they had not received before. They were distributed alongside the second distribution of the Pokémon Center Sapporo Alolan Vulpix.

Bag Ice Heal Sprite.png Ice Heal
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Ice Stone Sprite.png Ice Stone
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Icy Rock Sprite.png Icy Rock
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Never-Melt Ice Sprite.png Never-Melt Ice
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Aspear Berry Sprite.png Aspear Berry
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Casteliacone Sprite.png Casteliacone
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Snowball Sprite.png Snowball
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan February 13 to May 13, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 14.29% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Center type text in the language of the receiving game.

サッポロおひっこし つめたいどうぐ
きねんして しゃっこい どうぐを
べつの どうぐを プレゼントするから
また うけとりに きてね!

サッポロおひっこし つめたいどうぐ
ポケモンセンターに てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの
配達員から ってね!

Next Generation World Hobby Fair Winter '17 Big Nugget

A Big Nugget was distributed via local wireless to players who attended the Next Generation World Hobby Fair Winter '17, which was located at the Nagoya Dome in Nagoya, Japan on January 22, 2017, Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan from January 28 to 29, 2017, the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan on February 5, 2017, and at the Fukuoka Yahuoku! Dome in Fukuoka, Japan on February 12, 2017.

Bag Big Nugget Sprite.png Big Nugget
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Nagoya Dome, Nagoya, Japan January 22, 2017
SM local wireless all Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan January 28 to 29, 2017
SM local wireless all Kyocera Dome, Osaka, Japan February 5, 2017
SM local wireless all Fukuoka Yahuoku! Dome, Fukuoka, Japan February 12, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

じせだいWHF'17 Winter でかいきんのたま
ポケモンブースに きてくれた きねんに
でかいきんのたまを プレゼント!
ショップで うって しまめぐりの
じゅんびを ととのえよう!

じせだいWHF'17 Winter でかいきんのたま
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pulverizing Pancake Battle Rare Candy

A Rare Candy was distributed to players who inserted a serial code. The serial codes were given away at the Pulverizing Pancake Battle corner (Japanese: ほんきをだすバトル コーナー) as part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game Sun & Moon Welcome Festa (Japanese: ポケモンカードゲーム サン&ムーン ウェルカムフェスタ) event, which was located at the Sunshine City Convention Center in Tokyo, Japan on January 14, 2017, and the Pulverizing Pancake Battle 2 corner (Japanese: ほんきをだすバトル2 コーナー) as part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game Champions League 2017 Osaka (Japanese: ポケモンカードゲーム チャンピオンズリーグ2017 大阪) event, which were located at the MyDome Osaka in Osaka, Japan on February 19, 2017. To receive a serial code players had to form groups of two, where one player had to participate in the Trading Card Game segment and the other had to participate in the games segment. For each win they received a Rare Candy card and a serial code, with a limit of four. The serial codes could be used to obtain the Rare Candy in Japanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from January 14, 2017 to January 31, 2018.

Bag Rare Candy Sprite.png Rare Candy
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online January 14, 2017 - January 31, 2018
This event can be redeemed multiple times per save file by using differing valid serial codes.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event type text in the language of the receiving game.

ポケモンカードゲーム ふしぎなアメ
「ポケモンカードゲーム サン&ムーン」の
イベントに あそびに きてくれて
あそんでくれた きねんに
ふしぎなアメを プレゼント!

ポケモンカードゲーム ふしぎなアメ
ポケモンの イベントに てくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!!

Pokémon Global Link competition Battle Points

50 Battle Points were available to players who participated in certain competitions on the Pokémon Global Link. For each competition players had to complete at least three battles to receive a serial code.

The Battle of Alola (Japanese: アローラビギニング Alola Beginning) competition was held from December 16 to 18, 2016. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on December 19, 2016. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on December 22, 2016 received a personal notification containing a serial code. These serial codes could be used to obtain the Battle Points in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from December 22, 2016 to January 30, 2017.

The Alola Friendly (Japanese: アローラフレンドリー Alola Friendly) competition was held from January 27 to 29, 2017. A list of eligible players was posted on the Pokémon Global Link on February 3, 2017. Qualifying players who logged into their Pokémon Global Link account starting on February 7, 2017 received a personal notification containing a serial code. These serial codes could be used to obtain the Battle Points in any region Pokémon Sun and Moon from February 7 to March 30, 2017.

The Simple Symphony competition will be held from January 25 to 27, 2019. Serial codes will be distributed in February 2019.

None.png Battle Point
Quantity: 50
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online December 22, 2016 to January 30, 2017
SM serial code all online February 7, to March 30, 2017
This event can be redeemed multiple times per save file by using differing valid serial codes.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

インターネットたいかい さんかきねん
バトルポイント 50BP プレゼント!

おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
A Gift from the PGL
Gift from the PGL
Thank you for participating in
an Online Competition.
Here are 50 Battle Points for you!

Wonder Card
A Gift from the PGL
This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link!
Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in
any Pokémon Center.
Geschenk vom PGL
Ein Geschenk des PGLs
Als Dankeschön für deine Teilnahme
an einem Online-Turnier schenken
wir dir 50 Gewinnpunkte!

Geschenk vom PGL
Ein Geschenk vom Pokémon Global Link!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo de PGL
Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link
Gracias por participar en un Torneo en Línea.
¡Aquí tienes 50 Puntos de Batalla!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo de PGL
¡Has conseguido un regalo en Pokémon Global
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Cadeau du PGL
Cadeau de la part du PGL
Nous vous remercions pour votre participation à la
Compétition Internet. Voici 50 Points de Combat
pour vous récompenser !

Carte Miracle
Cadeau du PGL
Vous avez reçu un cadeau du Pokémon Global
Link ! Allez le récupérer dans le jeu auprès du
livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Regalo dal PGL
Un regalo dal PGL
Grazie per aver partecipato alla Gara Online.
Ricevi 50 Punti Lotta in regalo!

Scheda Segreta
Regalo dal PGL
Ecco un regalo da parte del Pokémon
Global Link! Ricordati di ritirare il dono
dal postino nel Centro Pokémon!
PGL에서 선물
포켓몬 글로벌 링크
인터넷 대회 참가기념
배틀포인트 50BP 선물!

이상한 카드
PGL에서 선물
포켓몬 글로벌 링크에서 드리는
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

Korean League Big Nugget

A Big Nugget was distributed via infrared to players who attended the Korean League 2016-17 WINTER (Korean: 코리안리그2016-17 WINTER) event, which was located at the Gwangbok Lotte Department Store in Busan, South Korea from December 17 to 18, 2016 between 12:00 pm and 5:30 pm.

Bag Big Nugget Sprite.png Big Nugget
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM infrared all Lotte Department Store, Busan, South Korea December 17 to 18, 2016
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon event type text in the language of the receiving game.

큰금구슬 선물
「포켓몬스터썬・문」첫번째 선물!
반짝반짝 빛나는 큰금구슬을 선물합니다.
상점에 비싸게 팔아서 원하는 도구를 사보자!

이상한 카드
큰금구슬 선물
포켓몬이벤트에 와 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!!

Jump Festa 2017 Bottle Cap

A Bottle Cap was distributed via local wireless to players who attended Jump Festa 2017, which was located at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan from December 17 to 18, 2016.

Bag Bottle Cap Sprite.png Bottle Cap
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan December 17 to 18, 2016
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Event type text in the language of the receiving game.

ジャンプフェスタ2017 ぎんのおうかん
ポケモンブースに きてくれて
きちょうな どうぐ ぎんのおうかんを
おきにいりの ポケモンを
すごいとっくんで きたえよう!

ジャンプフェスタ2017 ぎんのおうかん
イベント会場に てくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

CoroCoro Rockruff Enhancement items

These items were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the January 2017 issue of CoroCoro. Players of Pokémon Sun received a Choice Band and players of Pokémon Moon received a Choice Scarf. Both items also came bundled with a Lucky Egg. The serial codes could be used to obtain the items in Japanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from December 15, 2016 to February 14, 2017. They were distributed to promote Rockruff becoming a mascot of CoroCoro.

Bag Choice Band Sprite.png Choice Band
Quantity: 1
Bag Lucky Egg Sprite.png Lucky Egg
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
S serial code Japanese online December 15, 2016 to February 14, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
Bag Choice Scarf Sprite.png Choice Scarf
Quantity: 1
Bag Lucky Egg Sprite.png Lucky Egg
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
M serial code Japanese online December 15, 2016 to February 14, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.
Choice Band

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

コロコロコミック どうぐプレゼント
コロコロコミックで れんさいちゅうの
「ポケットモンスター ホライズン」でも
かつやくする ポケモン「イワンコ」
しあわせタマゴで そだてたら
こだわりハチマキを もたせて
バトルで かつやく させよう!

コロコロコミック どうぐプレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
Choice Scarf

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

コロコロコミック どうぐプレゼント
コロコロコミックで れんさいちゅうの
「ポケットモンスター ホライズン」でも
かつやくする ポケモン「イワンコ」
しあわせタマゴで そだてたら
こだわりスカーフを もたせて
バトルで かつやく させよう!

コロコロコミック どうぐプレゼント
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Sun and Moon Guide Book Gold Bottle Cap

A Gold Bottle Cap was distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Sun and Moon Guide Book (Japanese: ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン 公式ガイドブック). The serial codes could be used to obtain the Gold Bottle Cap in Japanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from December 14, 2016 to January 13, 2018.

Bag Gold Bottle Cap Sprite.png Gold Bottle Cap
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese online December 14, 2016 to January 13, 2018
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん
すごいとっくんで つかえる
きんのおうかんを プレゼント!
おきにいりの ポケモンを
とっくんして きたえよう!

こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Center Sapporo reopening items

A Potion, Hyper Potion, Revive, Heal Powder, Full Heal, Full Restore, and Comet Shard were distributed via local wireless at Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores in Japan from December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. These items were randomly distributed each day and players could only receive one item per day. They were distributed to celebrate the reopening of the Pokémon Center Sapporo. There was a 1% chance to get the Comet Shard and a 16.5% chance to get each of the other items.

Bag Comet Shard Sprite.png Comet Shard
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 1% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Potion Sprite.png Potion
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Hyper Potion Sprite.png Hyper Potion
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Revive Sprite.png Revive
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Heal Powder Sprite.png Heal Powder
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Full Heal Sprite.png Full Heal
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.
Bag Full Restore Sprite.png Full Restore
Quantity: 1
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM local wireless all Pokémon Center Stores, Japan December 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017
This event may be redeemed once per day per save file.
This event has a 16.5% chance to be received when redeemed.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Center type text in the language of the receiving game.

サッポロひっこし どうぐプレゼント
きねんして ぼうけんに やくだつ
どうぐを プレゼント!
また うけとりに きてね!

サッポロひっこし どうぐプレゼント
ポケモンセンターに てくれて
おくりものは ゲームの
配達員から ってね!

Pokémon Sun and Moon pre-order Quick Balls

These 12 Quick Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code. The serial codes could be used in PAL region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 23, 2016 to February 26, 2017.

The serial codes were given away at select retailers in various countries to players who pre-ordered either Pokémon Sun or Moon. Players could also pre-download them from the Nintendo eShop to receive a serial code. The local retailers and countries included the following.

In Asia, These 12 Quick Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code. To receive a serial code players in Japan, Taiwan, or Hong Kong had to purchase Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon from the Nintendo eShop from November 18, 2016 to January 11, 2017. The serial codes could be used in Japanese and Taiwanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017.

Bag Quick Ball Sprite.png Quick Ball
Quantity: 12
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Japanese, Taiwanese online November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017
SM serial code PAL online November 23, 2016 to February 27, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Pokémon Global Link gift type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Pokémon Global Link gift type text in the language of the receiving game.

ダウンロードばん とくてん
せんとうが はじまって すぐだと
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
クイックボールを 12コ プレゼント!

ダウンロードばん とくてん
ダウンロード してくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
A gift for the downloadable version!
Here are a dozen Quick Balls for you!
They have a more successful catch
rate if used at the start of a
wild Pokémon encounter.

Wonder Card
A gift for the downloadable version!
Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please
pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Hier hast du ein Dutzend Flottbälle!
Setzt du sie zu Beginn eines Kampfes
gegen ein wildes Pokémon ein,
steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit,
dass dir der Fang gelingt.

Danke für den Download!
Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!
Regalo para la versión descargable
¡Aquí tienes 12 Veloz Balls! Las probabilidades
de capturar un Pokémon salvaje serán mayores
si las usas nada más encontrarte con él.

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo para la versión descargable
¡Gracias por realizar esta descarga!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Pour votre version téléchargeable !
Voici douze Rapide Balls pour vous !
Elles augmenteront vos chances de
capturer un Pokémon sauvage si vous
les lancez au début du combat !

Carte Miracle
Pour votre version téléchargeable !
Merci de votre téléchargement !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
Regali con la versione scaricabile!
Ecco 12 Velox Ball per te!
Sono particolarmente efficaci nel catturare
i Pokémon selvatici se vengono lanciate
all'inizio della lotta.

Scheda Segreta
Regali con la versione scaricabile!
Grazie per aver eseguito il download!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

Pokémon Sun and Moon Dual Pack Poké Balls

These 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Sun and Moon Dual Pack. The Dual Pack included both Pokémon Sun and Moon and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The Dual Pack was available at select retailers, including Best Buy stores in the United Sates and EB Games stores in Canada. The serial codes could be used in American region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017.

In South Korea, These 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Sun and Moon Double Pack (Korean: 「포켓몬스터썬・문」 더블 팩). The Double Pack included both Pokémon Sun and Moon and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The serial codes could be used in Korean region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017.

In Japan, These 100 Poké Balls were distributed to players who inserted a serial code, which was found inside the Pokémon Sun and Moon Double Pack (Japanese: 『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』ダブルパック). The Double Pack included both Pokémon Sun and Moon and two serial codes, each for 100 Poké Balls. The serial codes could be used in Japanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017.

Bag Poké Ball Sprite.png Poké Ball
Quantity: 100
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code all online November 18, 2016 to November 30, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages for the Japanese region, the distribution text and title are in Japanese, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In English, Spanish, and French for the American region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all European languages for the PAL region, the distribution text, title, and Wonder Card text are in the language of the receiving game, with the Wonder Card using the Playing Pokémon type text. In Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Korean region, the distribution text and title are in Korean, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

In all languages for the Taiwanese region, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん
やせいの ポケモンに なげて
つかまえる ための モンスターボールを
100コ プレゼント!
このボールで たくさんの ポケモンを

ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん
ポケモンを んでくれて
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
配達員から ってね!
A gift for the dual pack!
Here are a hundred Poké Balls for you!
Throw them at wild Pokémon and catch
as many as you can!

Wonder Card
A gift for the dual pack!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.
Regalo con el pack dúo
¡Aquí tienes 100 Poké Balls!
¡Úsalas con Pokémon salvajes
y atrapa tantos como puedas!

Tarjeta Misteriosa
Regalo con el pack dúo
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo.
Un cadeau avec le pack duo !
Cent Poké Balls rien que pour vous !
Lancez-les sur les Pokémon sauvages
et attrapez-en un maximum !

Carte Miracle
Un cadeau avec le pack duo !
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon !
Allez récupérer votre cadeau dans le jeu
auprès du livreur d'un Centre Pokémon !
더블 팩 구입 특전
야생 포켓몬에게 던져서 잡는 몬스터볼을
100개 선물합니다!
이 볼로 많은 포켓몬을 잡아보자!

이상한 카드
더블 팩 구입 특전
포켓몬 게임을 즐겨 주셔서
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!

Pokémon Sun and Moon purchase Revival Herbs

These eight Revival Herbs were distributed to players who inserted a serial code. To receive a serial code players had to purchase a physical copy of Pokémon Sun and Moon in Taiwan or Hong Kong. The serial codes could be used in Japanese, PAL, and Taiwanese region Pokémon Sun and Moon from November 18, 2016 to March 31, 2017.

Bag Revival Herb Sprite.png Revival Herb
Quantity: 8
Games Method Region Location Duration
SM serial code Taiwanese online November 18, 2016 to March 31, 2017
This event may only be redeemed once per save file.

In all languages, the distribution text and title are in English, but the Wonder Card uses the Playing Pokémon type text in the language of the receiving game.

Getting Revival Herb!
Revival Herb is presented to
thanks for the purchase of the
latest game!

Wonder Card
Getting Revival Herb!
Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up
your gift from the deliveryman in any
Pokémon Center.

See also

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes

Project ItemDex logo.png This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.