Electric (type)

Revision as of 04:48, 12 May 2024 by Abcboy (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "forms" to "forms")

The Electric type (Japanese: でんきタイプ Electric type) is one of the eighteen types. Electric-type moves are super effective against Flying- and Water-type Pokémon, while Electric-type Pokémon are weak to Ground-type moves.

Battle properties

Note: Type effectiveness multipliers may vary in other games outside the core series.

Generation I

Offensive properties of   Electric-type moves
Super effective (×2) Not very effective (×½) No effect (×0)
 Flying Water  Grass Electric Dragon  Ground
Defensive properties of   Electric-type Pokémon
Weak to (×2) Resists (×½) Immune to (×0)
 Ground  Flying Electric None

Generation II onwards

Offensive properties of   Electric-type moves
Super effective (×2) Not very effective (×½) No effect (×0)
 Flying Water  Grass Electric Dragon  Ground
Defensive properties of   Electric-type Pokémon
Weak to (×2) Resists (×½) Immune to (×0)
 Ground  Flying Electric Steel None

Additional effects

In Generation I, Electric-type Pokémon cannot get paralyzed by damage-dealing Electric-type moves, but can get paralyzed by other means. From Generation VI onward, Electric-type Pokémon cannot get paralyzed at all.

When the move Mud Sport (introduced in Generation III) is in effect, the power of Electric-type moves is decreased by 67% (50% prior to Generation V). When Electric Terrain (introduced in Generation VI) is in effect, the power of Electric-type moves is increased by 30% (50% prior to Generation VIII) if the user is grounded.

All Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves when affected by the moves Ion Deluge (introduced in Generation VI) or Plasma Fists (introduced in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon). If the target is affected by the move Electrify (introduced in Generation VI) before it uses a move, the target's move becomes Electric-type for that turn.


As of Generation IX, 73 Pokémon or 7.12% of all Pokémon are Electric-type (counting those that are Electric-type in at least one of their forms, including Alolan forms), causing it to tie with Dragon as the fourth rarest type among Pokémon after Ghost and before Rock, Ground and Steel. After the introduction of Pawmo, Pawmot, and Iron Hands in Generation IX, all other types have been paired up with Electric at least once, making the Electric type the fifth type to have this trait after Flying, Water, Psychic, and Dark.

The Pokémon below are listed by their current types. Some Pokémon have had their types changed, usually when a new type was introduced.

Pure Electric-type Pokémon

# Name
0025   Pikachu
in a cap
0026   Raichu
0100   Voltorb
0101   Electrode
0125   Electabuzz
0135   Jolteon
0172   Pichu
0179   Mareep
0180   Flaaffy
0181   Ampharos
0239   Elekid
0243   Raikou
0309   Electrike
0310   Manectric
0311   Plusle
0312   Minun
0403   Shinx
0404   Luxio
0405   Luxray
0417   Pachirisu
0466   Electivire
0522   Blitzle
0523   Zebstrika
0602   Tynamo
0603   Eelektrik
0604   Eelektross
0796   Xurkitree
0807   Zeraora
0835   Yamper
0836   Boltund
0871   Pincurchin
0894   Regieleki
0921   Pawmi
0938   Tadbulb
0939   Bellibolt

In That New Old Gang of Mine!, Ash's Rotom Phone listed the Rotom Pokédex as a pure Electric-type Pokémon.

Half Electric-type Pokémon

Primary Electric-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
0026   Raichu
Alolan form
Electric Psychic
0081   Magnemite(II+) Electric Steel
0082   Magneton(II+) Electric Steel
0100   Voltorb
Hisuian Form
Electric Grass
0101   Electrode
Hisuian Form
Electric Grass
0145   Zapdos Electric Flying
0181   Mega
Electric Dragon
0462   Magnezone Electric Steel
0479   Rotom Electric Ghost
Electric Fire
Electric Water
Electric Ice
Electric Flying
Electric Grass
0587   Emolga Electric Flying
0642   Thundurus
Incarnate Forme
Electric Flying
Therian Forme
Electric Flying
0694   Helioptile Electric Normal
0695   Heliolisk Electric Normal
0702   Dedenne Electric Fairy
0741   Oricorio
Pom-Pom Style
Electric Flying
0777   Togedemaru Electric Steel
0785   Tapu Koko Electric Fairy
0848   Toxel Electric Poison
0849   Toxtricity
Amped Form
Electric Poison
Low Key Form
Electric Poison
Electric Poison
0877   Morpeko
Full Belly Mode
Electric Dark
Hangry Mode
Electric Dark
0880   Dracozolt Electric Dragon
0881   Arctozolt Electric Ice
0922   Pawmo Electric Fighting
0923   Pawmot Electric Fighting
0940   Wattrel Electric Flying
0941   Kilowattrel Electric Flying
0989   Sandy Shocks Electric Ground
1008   Miraidon Electric Dragon
1021   Raging Bolt Electric Dragon

Secondary Electric-type Pokémon

# Name Type 1 Type 2
0074   Geodude
Alolan form
Rock Electric
0075   Graveler
Alolan form
Rock Electric
0076   Golem
Alolan form
Rock Electric
0170   Chinchou Water Electric
0171   Lanturn Water Electric
0595   Joltik Bug Electric
0596   Galvantula Bug Electric
0618   Stunfisk Ground Electric
0644   Zekrom Dragon Electric
0737   Charjabug Bug Electric
0738   Vikavolt Bug Electric
0992   Iron Hands Fighting Electric
0995   Iron Thorns Rock Electric

Changed types

These Electric-type Pokémon have had their types changed.

# Name Original types New types
0081   Magnemite Gen I Electric Gen II+ Electric Steel
0082   Magneton Gen I Electric Gen II+ Electric Steel
0479   Heat
Gen IV Electric Ghost Gen V+ Electric Fire
0479   Wash
Gen IV Electric Ghost Gen V+ Electric Water
0479   Frost
Gen IV Electric Ghost Gen V+ Electric Ice
0479   Fan
Gen IV Electric Ghost Gen V+ Electric Flying
0479   Mow
Gen IV Electric Ghost Gen V+ Electric Grass

Pokéstar Studios opponents

 Steel  Electric 
Flash Fire
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
100 100 100 100 100 100
 Flying  Electric 
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
100 100 100 100 100 100
 Psychic  Electric 
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
100 100 100 100 100 100


As of Generation IX, there are 50 Electric-type moves, which makes up 5.35% of all moves (excluding those that are Electric-type only under certain circumstances), making it the 6th most common type among moves, after Water and Dark and before Fire.

Prior to changes in Generation IV, all damaging Electric-type moves were special, but they may now also be physical depending on the attack.

Gen Move Category Contest Power Accuracy PP Range Description
VII 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Special 195 % 1 (max 1)
The user, Pikachu wearing a cap, powers up a jolt of electricity using its Z-Power and unleashes it. Critical hits land more easily.
VIII Aura Wheel Physical 110 100% 10 (max 16)
Morpeko attacks and boosts its Speed stat with the energy stored in its cheeks. This move's type changes depending on the user's form.
VIII Bolt Beak Physical 85 100% 10 (max 16)
The user stabs the target with its electrified beak. This move's power is doubled if the user moves before the target.
V Bolt Strike Physical Beautiful 130 85% 5 (max 8)
The user surrounds itself with a great amount of electricity and charges its target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
VII Buzzy Buzz Special 90 100% 20 (max 32)
The user shoots a jolt of electricity to attack the target. This also leaves the target with paralysis.
VII Catastropika Physical 210 % 1 (max 1)
The user, Pikachu, surrounds itself with the maximum amount of electricity using its Z-Power and pounces on its target with full force.
III Charge Status Clever % 20 (max 32)
The user becomes charged, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move it uses. This also boosts the user's Sp. Def stat.
IV Charge Beam Special Beautiful 50 90% 10 (max 16)
The user attacks the target with an electric charge. The residual electricity may also boost the user's Sp. Atk stat.
IV Discharge Special Beautiful 80 100% 15 (max 24)
All Others
The user strikes everything around it by letting loose a flare of electricity. This may also leave those hit by the attack with paralysis.
IX Double Shock Physical 120 100% 5 (max 8)
The user discharges all the electricity from its body to perform a high-damage attack. After using this move, the user will no longer be Electric type.
VI Eerie Impulse Status Clever 100% 15 (max 24)
The user's body generates an eerie impulse. Exposing the target to it harshly lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
VI Electric Terrain Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user turns the ground into Electric Terrain for five turns, powering up Electric-type moves. Pokémon on the ground can no longer fall asleep.
VI Electrify Status Clever % 20 (max 32)
If the target is electrified before it uses a move, the target's move becomes Electric type for that turn.
V Electro Ball Special Cool 100% 10 (max 16)
The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the move's power.
IX Electro Drift Special 100 100% 5 (max 8)
The user races forward at ultrafast speeds, piercing its target with futuristic electricity. This move's power is boosted more than usual if it's a supereffective hit.
IX Electro Shot Special 130 100% 10 (max 16)
The user gathers electricity on the first turn, boosting its Sp. Atk stat, then fires a high-voltage shot on the next turn. The shot will be fired immediately in rain.
V Electroweb Special Beautiful 55 95% 15 (max 24)
Many Others
The user captures opposing Pokémon in an electric net to inflict damage. This also lowers their Speed stats.
V Fusion Bolt Physical Cool 100 100% 5 (max 8)
The user throws down a giant lightning bolt. This move's power is boosted when influenced by an enormous flame.
VII Gigavolt Havoc Physical % 1 (max 1)
The user hits the target with a powerful electric current collected by its Z-Power. The power varies, depending on the original move.
VII Gigavolt Havoc Special % 1 (max 1)
The user hits the target with a powerful electric current collected by its Z-Power. The power varies, depending on the original move.
VIII G-Max Stun Shock Physical % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
An Electric-type attack that Gigantamax Toxtricity use. This move poisons or paralyzes opponents.
VIII G-Max Stun Shock Special % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
An Electric-type attack that Gigantamax Toxtricity use. This move poisons or paralyzes opponents.
VIII G-Max Volt Crash Physical % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
An Electric-type attack that Gigantamax Pikachu use. This move paralyzes opponents.
VIII G-Max Volt Crash Special % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
An Electric-type attack that Gigantamax Pikachu use. This move paralyzes opponents.
VI Ion Deluge Status Beautiful % 25 (max 40)
The user disperses electrically charged particles, which changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
IV Magnet Rise Status Clever % 10 (max 16)
The user levitates using electrically generated magnetism for five turns.
VI Magnetic Flux Status Clever % 20 (max 32)
Your Party
The user manipulates magnetic fields, which boosts the Defense and Sp. Def stats of ally Pokémon with the Plus Ability or the Minus Ability.
VIII Max Lightning Physical % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
This is an Electric-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Electric Terrain for five turns.
VIII Max Lightning Special % 3 (max 4)
Many Others
This is an Electric-type attack Dynamax Pokémon use. The user turns the ground into Electric Terrain for five turns.
VI Nuzzle Physical Cute 20 100% 20 (max 32)
The user attacks by nuzzling its electrified cheeks against the target. This also leaves the target with paralysis.
VIII Overdrive Special 80 100% 10 (max 16)
Many Others
The user attacks opposing Pokémon by twanging a guitar or bass guitar, causing a huge echo and strong vibration.
VI Parabolic Charge Special Clever 65 100% 20 (max 32)
All Others
The user attacks everything around it. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by those hit.
VII Pika Papow Special % 1 (max 1)
All Others
The more Pikachu loves its Trainer, the greater the move’s power. It never misses.
VII Plasma Fists Physical 100 100% 15 (max 24)
The user attacks with electrically charged fists. This move changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
VIII Rising Voltage Special 70 100% 20 (max 32)
The user attacks with electricity rising from the ground. This move's power is doubled if the target is on Electric Terrain.
III Shock Wave Special Cool 60 % 20 (max 32)
The user strikes the target with a quick jolt of electricity. This attack never misses.
II Spark Physical Cool 65 100% 20 (max 32)
The user attacks the target with an electrically charged tackle. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
VII Stoked Sparksurfer Special 175 % 1 (max 1)
After obtaining Z-Power, the user, Alolan Raichu, attacks the target with full force. This move leaves the target with paralysis.
IX Supercell Slam Physical 100 95% 15 (max 24)
The user electrifies its body and drops onto the target to inflict damage. If this move misses, the user takes damage instead.
I Thunder Special Cool 110 70% 10 (max 16)
A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
VIII Thunder Cage Special 80 90% 15 (max 24)
The user traps the target inside a cage of sparking electricity that inflicts damage for four to five turns.
IV Thunder Fang Physical Cool 65 95% 15 (max 24)
The user bites with electrified fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it with paralysis.
I Thunder Punch Physical Cool 75 100% 15 (max 24)
The target is attacked with an electrified punch. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
I Thunder Shock Special Cool 40 100% 30 (max 48)
The user attacks the target with a jolt of electricity. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
I Thunder Wave Status Cool 90% 20 (max 32)
The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
I Thunderbolt Special Cool 90 100% 15 (max 24)
The user attacks the target with a strong electric blast. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
IX Thunderclap Special 70 100% 5 (max 8)
This move enables the user to attack first with a jolt of electricity. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack.
V Volt Switch Special Cool 70 100% 20 (max 32)
After making its attack, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.
III Volt Tackle Physical Cool 120 100% 15 (max 24)
The user electrifies itself and charges the target to inflict damage. This also damages the user quite a lot and may leave the target with paralysis.
V Wild Charge Physical Tough 90 100% 15 (max 24)
The user shrouds itself in electricity and smashes into its target. This also damages the user a little.
VIII Wildbolt Storm Special 100 80% 10 (max 16)
Many Others
The user summons a thunderous tempest and savagely attacks with lightning and wind. This may also leave opposing Pokémon with paralysis.
II Zap Cannon Special Cool 120 50% 5 (max 8)
The user attacks by firing an electric blast like a cannon. This also leaves the target with paralysis.
VII Zing Zap Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
The user crashes into the target, delivering a powerful electric shock. This may also make the target flinch.
VII Zippy Zap Physical 80 100% 10 (max 16)
The user attacks the target with bursts of electricity at high speed. This move always goes first and results in a critical hit.
All details are accurate to Generation VII games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual move's page. Target data assumes user is in the lower left.


Interacting with the Electric type

A Pokémon with Protean or Libero will become an Electric-type Pokémon if it uses an Electric-type move. A Pokémon with Color Change, Imposter, Mimicry, RKS System, or Multitype will become an Electric-type Pokémon if (respectively) it is hit with an Electric-type move, is sent out against an Electric-type opponent, if the terrain is electric, if it is holding an Electric Memory, or if it is holding a Zap Plate or Electrium Z.

Since Generation VI, Electric-type Pokémon are also immune to becoming paralyzed from the Abilities Static, Synchronize, or Effect Spore.

Gen Ability Description
IX Electromorphosis The Pokémon becomes charged when it takes damage, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move the Pokémon uses.
VII Galvanize Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
III Lightning Rod The Pokémon draws in all Electric-type moves. Instead of taking damage from them, its Sp. Atk stat is boosted.
IV Motor Drive The Pokémon takes no damage when hit by Electric-type moves. Instead, its Speed stat is boosted.
VIII Transistor Powers up Electric-type moves.
III Volt Absorb If hit by an Electric-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
IX Wind Power The Pokémon becomes charged when it is hit by a wind move, boosting the power of the next Electric-type move the Pokémon uses.
All details are accurate to Generation IX games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual Ability's page.

Exclusive Abilities

Only Electric-type Pokémon have these Abilities. This does not include signature Abilities.

Gen Ability Description
VII Electric Surge Turns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
IV Motor Drive The Pokémon takes no damage when hit by Electric-type moves. Instead, its Speed stat is boosted.
III Static The Pokémon is charged with static electricity and may paralyze attackers that make direct contact with it.
III Volt Absorb If hit by an Electric-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
All details are accurate to Generation IX games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual Ability's page.


Name Description
  Cell Battery An item to be held by a Pokémon. This single-use battery boosts the Attack stat if the holder is damaged by an Electric-type attack.
  Electric Gem A gem with an essence of electricity. When held, it strengthens the power of an Electric-type move one time.
  Electric Memory A memory disc that contains Electric-type data. It changes the type of the holder if held by a certain species of Pokémon.
  Electric Tera Shard On rare occasions, these shards form when a Tera Pokémon falls in battle and its Tera Jewel shatters.
  Electrium Z This is a crystallized form of Z-Power. It upgrades Electric-type moves to Z-Moves.
  Magnet An item to be held by a Pokémon. It's a powerful magnet that boosts the power of the holder's Electric-type moves.
  Shock Drive A cassette to be held by Genesect. It changes Genesect's Techno Blast move so it becomes Electric type.
  Wacan Berry If a Pokémon holding this Berry is hit with a supereffective Electric-type move, the power of that move will be weakened.
  Zap Plate An item to be held by a Pokémon. This stone tablet is imbued with the essence of electricity and boosts the power of the holder’s Electric-type moves.
All details are accurate to Generation IX games. For details that have changed between generations, please see an individual item's page.


  Electric Seed
  Fossilized Bird
  Light Ball
  Pecha Berry
  Thunder Stone

Notable Electric-type Trainers

Main article: Category:Electric-type Trainers
Gen Trainer Title Location
Lt. Surge
Gym Leader Vermilion Gym
Gym Leader Mauville Gym
Gym Leader Sunyshore Gym
Gym Leader Nimbasa Gym
Gym Leader Lumiose Gym
Trial Captain Hokulani Observatory
Gym Leader Levincia Gym


Core series

Icon from
Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, HeartGold and SoulSilver
Icon from
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Icon from
Generation IV
Icon from
Generation V
Icon from
Generation VI
Icon from
Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Icon from
Let's Go, Pikachu!; Let's Go, Eevee!
Icon from
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Symbol icon from
Let's Go, Pikachu!; Let's Go, Eevee!; Sword, Shield and HOME (Gen VIII)
Icon from
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Scarlet and Violet, and HOME (Gen IX)
Icon from
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Icon from
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Tera icon from
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Tera symbol icon from
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Side series

Icon from
Pokémon Stadium
Icon from
Pokémon Stadium 2
Icon from
Pokémon Colosseum
Icon from
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
Icon from
Pokémon Battle Revolution

Spin-off games

Symbol icon from
Pokémon Ranger
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Battrio
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Tretta
Symbol icon from
Pokémon GO
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Masters EX
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Mezastar
Symbol icon from
New Pokémon Snap
Symbol icon from
Pokémon Sleep

In the TCG

Main article: Lightning (TCG)

Lightning-type Pokémon in the TCG are generally weak to Fighting and Lightning with resistances to Metal and Fighting. Lightning-type Pokémon are strong against Water and any Pokémon that is a Flying-type in the games, whilst some Fighting-type Pokémon can resist this type.

Statistical averages


HP: 66.45
Attack: 74.9
Defense: 68.96
Sp.Atk: 85.68
Sp.Def: 70.97
Speed: 85.94
Total: 452.9

Fully evolved

HP: 73.29
Attack: 82.47
Defense: 75.88
Sp.Atk: 95.92
Sp.Def: 79.64
Speed: 95.48
Total: 502.68


  • Generation IX introduced the most Electric-type Pokémon of any generation, with twelve, and Generation VI introduced the fewest, with three.
  • Generation VII and VIII introduced the most Electric-type moves of any generation, each with nine, and Generation II introduced the fewest, with two.
  • Generation III is the only generation that introduced no dual-type Electric-type Pokémon.
  • Generation VI is the only generation that introduced no pure Electric-type Pokémon.
  • The Electric type is tied with the Normal type for having the fewest weaknesses.
  • All Electric-type moves introduced in Generation I have names beginning with the word "Thunder".
  • In the first season of the anime and during much of Generation I, the Rock-type was often wrongly assumed to be unaffected by Electric-type attacks. This was likely due to the fact that at the time, most Rock-type Pokémon (namely the Geodude and Rhyhorn evolution lines, and Onix) were part Ground-type and thus immune to Electric-type moves. However, the only Rock-type Pokémon who aren't also Ground-type around at the time (the then five Fossil Pokémon) were actually weak to them.
  • In the anime, Ground-type Pokémon's immunity to Electric-type attacks was treated inconsistently during the original series and early parts of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, notably during Showdown at Pewter City, where Ash's Pikachu was able to hurt Brock's Onix by simply having his voltage raised and Onix being doused in water.
    • Ironically, the move Soak, introduced in Generation V, has exactly the effect of the latter.
  • The Electric-type is tied with the Ice-type for having the fewest Pokémon that can Mega Evolve, having two each.
  • In Tree's a Crowd, Brock states that Grass-type Pokémon resist Electric-type moves due to being able to diffuse the electricity into trees and the ground. He also explains that if Grass-type Pokémon are in the air, they cannot diffuse the electricity from Electric-type attacks, thereby dealing normally effective damage.

In other languages

Language Title
  Japanese でんき (電気) Denki
Chinese Cantonese Dihn *
電擊 Dihngīk *
電氣 Dihnhei *
Lèuih *
放電 Fongdihn *
Mandarin 電 / 电 Diàn *
電氣 / 电气 Diànqì *
  Czech Elektrický
  Danish Elektrisk
  Dutch Elektrisch
  Finnish Sähkö
  French Électrique
  German Elektro
  Greek Ηλεκτρισμού Ilektrismoú
  Hebrew חשמל Khashmal
  Hindi इलेक्ट्रिक Electric
बिजली Bijalee*
  Hungarian Elektromos
  Icelandic Elding
  Indonesian Listrik
  Italian Elettro
  Korean 전기 Jeon'gi
  Malaysian Elektrik
  Norwegian Elektrisk
  Polish Elektryczny
Portuguese   Brazil Elétrico
  Portugal Elétrico
  Romanian Electricitate
  Russian Электро Elektro
  Spanish Eléctrico
  Swedish Elektrisk
  Thai ไฟฟ้า Faifa
  Turkish Elektrik
  Vietnamese Điện