User:Rockersk08/Rockersk08's top ten lists

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This list was created based on Rockersk08's perspective on the games. After reading the top ten book for Pokémon and the anime-based opinions, he decided to create his based on his experience. All Pokémon must be final form. Dual-type Pokémon can appear in more than one category, although that Pokémon can only win in one category. For example, he picked Salamence as the best Dragon-type, but being part Flying, it made the flying list, but not as number one. Legendaries are separated in their own categories. A moveset is also listed, and a second Pokémon is discussed.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Slaking Normal
2   Snorlax Normal
3   Porygon-Z Normal
4   Ursaring Normal
5   Granbull Normal
6   Staraptor Normal Flying
7   Blissey Normal
8   Tauros Normal
9   Zangoose Normal
10   Bouffalant Normal
Normal Unknown
Held item:
Slaking Lv.100
Shadow Claw
Ghost Physical
Giga Impact
Normal Physical
Aerial Ace
Flying Physical
Psychic Status

Verdict: Slaking may only be able to attack every two turns, but it is so powerful that the delay is pointless. Slaking can use Giga Impact to easily lay a beatdown on most opponents. It has very high stats, notably in HP and Attack. If you use it in double battles and neutralize its ability, Slaking will be extremely destructive.

Honorable Mention: Porygon-Z functions much like a Psychic-type but with few weaknesses, a wide pool, and destructive power.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Conkeldurr Fighting
2   Machamp Fighting
3   Lucario Fighting Steel
4   Gallade Psychic Fighting
5   Blaziken Fire Fighting
6   Hitmonlee Fighting
7   Hitmonchan Fighting
8   Infernape Fire Fighting
9   Mienshao Fighting
10   Hariyama Fighting
Fighting Unknown
Sheer Force
Held item:
Conkeldurr Lv.100
Hammer Arm
Fighting Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Ground Physical
Bulk Up
Fighting Status

Verdict: Between Conkeldurr and Machamp, I had to push my long-time winner Machamp down to second place in favor of Conkeldurr's higher HP and Attack, while still retaining the move versatility. Instead of Close Combat, Hammer Arm or Superpower is used, and Conkeldurr learns rock moves by level up! With high HP and if you're daring, use a Payapa Berry to weaken Psychic attacks and strike back with Payback!

Honorable Mention: Lucario's special moveset and speed are great to have on a team, not to mention the perfect accuracy from Aura Sphere!


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Aerodactyl Rock Flying
2   Staraptor Normal Flying
3   Togekiss Normal Flying
4   Archeops Rock Flying
5   Braviary Normal Flying
6   Salamence Dragon Flying
7   Honchkrow Dark Flying
8   Skarmory Steel Flying
9   Gliscor Ground Flying
10   Crobat Poison Flying
Flying Rock
Held item:
Aerodactyl Lv.100
Aerial Ace
Flying Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Ground Physical
Thunder Fang
Electric Physical

Verdict: Aerodactyl may seem underrated, but with top speed and attack, Aerodactyl can usually outrun most electric attackers save Jolteon. Too bad Aerodactyl cannot learn Brave Bird, as it would be powerful indeed. Guess Aerial Ace will have to do…

Honorable Mention: The Sinnoh Bird Staraptor is surprisingly powerful despite being available early and being easy to raise. Aside from the iconic Brave Bird, it can also use Close Combat on potential Rock-type threats, and can use U-Turn to get out of a mismatch.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Toxicroak Poison Fighting
2   Gengar Ghost Poison
3   Drapion Poison Dark
4   Crobat Poison Flying
5   Scolipede Bug Poison
6   Roserade Grass Poison
7   Vileplume Grass Poison
8   Tentacruel Water Poison
9   Muk Poison
10   Ariados Bug Poison
Poison Fighting
Held item:
Toxicroak Lv.100
Brick Break
Fighting Physical
Poison Jab
Poison Physical
Sucker Punch
Dark Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical

Verdict: So what if Toxicroak has a 4X Psychic weakness? Toxicroak has decent speed and the powerful Poison Jab move, along with Brick Break. An overzealous Psychic Pokémon will definitely take a Sucker Punch if the opponent fails to predict it.

Honorable Mention: Drapion's lone weakness to Ground will help surprise any player that fails to understand the secondary Dark type. Aside from STAB moves, any Ground-type you face will have to watch out for Ice Fang.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Rhyperior Ground Rock
2   Marowak Ground
3   Golurk Ground Ghost
4   Garchomp Dragon Ground
5   Excadrill Ground Steel
6   Krookodile Ground Dark
7   Swampert Water Ground
8   Donphan Ground
9   Gliscor Ground Flying
10   Hippowdon Ground
Ground Rock
Solid Rock
Held item:
Rhyperior Lv.100
Hammer Arm
Fighting Physical
Bug Physical
Ground Physical
Stone Edge
Rock Physical

Verdict: Although the 4X weakness is present, Rhyperior has enough raw attack power to shut down most opponents. Get some speed in, and this will be unstoppable. Solid Rock will also dampen most enemy attacks, but for the worst-case scenario, give it a Focus Sash.

Honorable Mention: If you can acquire a Thick Club, Marowak is a much better choice due to the single typing and overall stronger attack.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Rampardos Rock
2   Tyranitar Rock Dark
3   Gigalith Rock
4   Aerodactyl Rock Flying
5   Armaldo Rock Bug
6   Archeops Rock Flying
7   Rhyperior Ground Rock
8   Carracosta Water Rock
9   Aggron Steel Rock
10   Omastar Rock Water
Rock Unknown
Mold Breaker
Held item:
Rampardos Lv.100
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical
Head Smash
Rock Physical
Ground Physical
Dragon Tail
Dragon Physical

Verdict: Rampardos is a powerhouse because of high attack power and pure-rock typing. The pure type reduces weaknesses. Head Smash is a must, but Zen Headbutt can help deter any Fighting-types incoming. Don’t forget Earthquake.

Honorable Mention: An excellent alternative, Gigalith has more defense than Rampardos with about the same move pool.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Pinsir Bug
2   Durant Bug Steel
3   Armaldo Rock Bug
4   Heracross Bug Fighting
5   Scizor Bug Steel
6   Volcarona Bug Fire
7   Yanmega Bug Flying
8   Accelgor Bug
9   Forretress Bug Steel
10   Ninjask Bug Flying
Bug Unknown
Mold Breaker
Held item:
Pinsir Lv.100
Bug Physical
Rock Slide
Rock Physical
Ground Physical
Swords Dance
Normal Status

Verdict: It took until Generation IV for Pinsir to reach its potential, when it could use a powerful Bug-type move, X-Scissor. Pinsir is fast, strong and versatile, especially with Mold Breaker. Take out those Psychics and Darks with confidence!

Honorable Mention: Once underestimated, Yanmega can also provide the Bug-type alternative a Trainer needs, with the ability to speed up and provide Flying cover as well. Rock and Fire weaknesses can be dealt with via SolarBeam and AncientPower.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Gengar Ghost Poison
2   Chandelure Ghost Fire
3   Golurk Ground Ghost
4   Rotom Electric Grass
5   Mismagius Ghost
6   Dusknoir Ghost
7   Froslass Ice Ghost
8   Banette Ghost
9   Spiritomb Ghost Dark
10   Drifblim Ghost Flying
Ghost Poison
Held item:
Gengar Lv.100
Psychic Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Electric Special
Ice Status

Verdict: Gengar truly owns, as it has high special attack and speed. Now that Shadow Ball is a special move, Gengar can actually take advantage of its type. Gengar can also learn a wide variety of special moves to overpower opponents and provide versatile coverage.

Honorable Mention: Golurk is a solid alternative that also covers the critical Ground-type.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Metagross Steel Psychic
2   Lucario Fighting Steel
3   Durant Bug Steel
4   Scizor Bug Steel
5   Excadrill Ground Steel
6   Bisharp Dark Steel
7   Empoleon Water Steel
8   Magnezone Electric Steel
9   Skarmory Steel Flying
10   Escavalier Bug Steel
Steel Psychic
Clear Body
Held item:
Metagross Lv.100
Bullet Punch
Steel Physical
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical
Ground Physical
Magnet Rise
Electric Status

Verdict: Metagross is a solid tank that can take abuse and dish it out as well. With Magnet Rise, ground moves become useless, and only fire types can hurt Metagross, which Earthquake can take care of, except for Charizard and the like. Although it is slow, a Baton Passing Ninjask can fix it, or dump Magnet Rise for Agility. As for attack, shove opponents full of Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt, or the faster Bullet Punch.

Honorable Mention: I was quite surprised at how fast Durant was. I underestimated it and got beaten by it. Noting the 4X Fire weakness, take advantage of Durant's speed, resistances and powerful moves.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Arcanine Fire
2   Chandelure Ghost Fire
3   Houndoom Dark Fire
4   Magmortar Fire
5   Infernape Fire Fighting
6   Blaziken Fire Fighting
7   Volcarona Bug Fire
8   Darmanitan Fire
9   Flareon Fire
10   Typhlosion Fire
Fire Unknown
Held item:
Arcanine Lv.100
Dark Physical
Flare Blitz
Fire Physical
Thunder Fang
Electric Physical
Normal Physical

Verdict: Arcanine is the choice because it learns ExtremeSpeed and Flare Blitz, and can stand up to weaknesses. It learns Crunch naturally now, so it rivals Houndoom. Thunder Fang can help eliminate the Water weakness.

Honorable Mention: Chandelure's monster special attack and Ghost attributes blend a critical type that can stop rampant Psychics, and can use Sunnybeam to cut its weakness.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Vaporeon Water
2   Lapras Water Ice
3   Starmie Water Psychic
4   Octillery Water
5   Empoleon Water Steel
6   Slowking Water Psychic
7   Carracosta Water Rock
8   Feraligatr Water
9   Floatzel Water
10   Kingdra Water Dragon
Water Unknown
Water Absorb
Held item:
Vaporeon Lv.100
Water Special
Ice Beam
Ice Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Psychic Status

Verdict: Vaporeon has high Special Attack, but the HP count helps it shine. While Haze is a key move, I would choose Rest simply because Vaporeon isn't that fast. The single type reduces weaknesses.

Honorable Mention: Blending two critical types, Starmie can provide fast support to a team and open up a spot for a specialty Pokémon. A Starmie with Rapid Spin can break an opponent's Spikes/Stealth Rock setup if you encounter one.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Sceptile Grass
2   Leafeon Grass
3   Exeggutor Grass Psychic
4   Breloom Grass Fighting
5   Torterra Grass Ground
6   Simisage Grass
7   Cacturne Grass Dark
8   Roserade Grass Poison
9   Lilligant Grass
10   Ferrothorn Grass Steel
Grass Unknown
Held item:
Sceptile Lv.100
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special
Poison Status

Verdict: Sceptile is fast compared to other Grass-types. Although the signature move Leaf Blade is now less worthy on Sceptile, Energy Ball or SolarBeam make good substitutes. To stay special-oriented, Focus Blast and Dragon Pulse are good moves.

Honorable Mention: Leafeon is a slower but decent alternative, able to hit harder with the physical Leaf Blade and using Sunny Day in conjunction with its Leaf Guard ability and Synthesis. In a worst-case scenario, it can use Dig against a Fire-type.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Jolteon Electric
2   Electivire Electric
3   Magnezone Electric Steel
4   Eelektross Electric
5   Raichu Electric
6   Luxray Electric
7   Manectric Electric
8   Ampharos Electric
9   Rotom Electric Grass
10   Lanturn Water Electric
Electric Unknown
Volt Absorb
Held item:
Jolteon Lv.100
Electric Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Hyper Beam
Normal Special
Thunder Wave
Electric Status

Verdict: Jolteon has ruled the herd ever since the beginning. With insane Speed and Special Attack, Jolteon can easily paralyze any vulnerable Pokémon and deliver Thunderbolt attacks. Adding Shadow Ball can help defeat any fast Psychic-types, and Jolteon can use Hyper Beam if needed

Honorable Mention: In place of speed, Electivire can provide an attack staple to a team, and can cover its weakness to Ground with Ice Punch.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Alakazam Psychic
2   Metagross Steel Psychic
3   Gallade Psychic Fighting
4   Gardevoir Psychic
5   Reuniclus Psychic
6   Beheeyem Psychic
7   Slowking Water Psychic
8   Jynx Ice Psychic
9   Starmie Water Psychic
10   Espeon Psychic
Psychic Unknown
Held item:
Alakazam Lv.100
Psychic Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Focus Blast
Fighting Special

Verdict: Legendaries aside, Alakazam has dominated the Psychic region every since Generation I. Though physically weak, Alakazam can still provide the backbone most teams need with high speed and special attack. Throughout my Pokémon games, I always had an Alakazam on my team. Now, with Focus Blast and Energy Ball, Alakazam can help cover your team from other threats. Players can also opt for Thunder Wave instead.

Honorable Mention: Gallade can fill in two critical types and lay down physical Psycho Cut attacks along with Close Combat. It isn't fast though, so a Baton Pass setup will help.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Lapras Water Ice
2   Glaceon Ice
3   Mamoswine Ice Ground
4   Jynx Ice Psychic
5   Vanilluxe Ice
6   Weavile Dark Ice
7   Beartic Ice
8   Froslass Ice Ghost
9   Walrein Water Ice
10   Glalie Ice
Ice Water
Shell Armor
Held item:
Lapras Lv.100
Psychic Special
Water Special
Ice Beam
Ice Special
Psychic Status

Verdict: Lapras has monster HP that can help absorb many blows. Since it is also part water, Lapras can easily anchor a team. Plus, it learns Ice Beam naturally, along with other key moves.

Honorable Mention: The pure Ice-type Glaceon functions similar to Vaporeon, but with Hail in effect, the Pokémon gains an evasion bonus.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Salamence Dragon Flying
2   Haxorus Dragon Dragon
3   Hydreigon Dark Dragon
4   Garchomp Dragon Ground
5   Dragonite Dragon Flying
6   Druddigon Dragon Dragon
7   Kingdra Water Dragon
8   Flygon Ground Dragon
9   Altaria Dragon Flying
Dragon Flying
Held item:
Salamence Lv.100
Aerial Ace
Flying Physical
Dragon Rush
Dragon Physical
Thunder Fang
Electric Physical
Flying Status

Verdict: Salamence is powerful due to its high attack power, move pool and Intimidate. It’s no surprise why this Pokémon is considered OP. Although the 4X weakness is still a problem, it seems to be less of a problem than with Dragonite, although Dragonite can use ExtremeSpeed. Due to the paucity of non-legendary final-form Dragon-type Pokémon, only nine Pokémon are listed.

Honorable Mention: Haxorus is a worthy Dragon Pokémon due to the fact that it is not a dual-type and has more attack power.


# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Houndoom Dark Fire
2   Hydreigon Dark Dragon
3   Tyranitar Rock Dark
4   Zoroark Dark
5   Absol Dark
6   Honchkrow Dark Flying
7   Krookodile Ground Dark
8   Bisharp Dark Steel
9   Weavile Dark Ice
10   Umbreon Dark
Dark Fire
Early Bird
Held item:
Houndoom Lv.100
Dark Pulse
Dark Special
Fire Special
Grass Special
Sunny Day
Fire Special

Verdict: Houndoom is fast, versatile, and less susceptible to fighting moves. Although the physical/special move category changed Crunch to Dark Pulse, it is a minor setback. Besides, Houndoom can double as a fire type and provide SolarBeam strikes as well.

Honorable Mention: If you like playing mind games on your opponents, cleverly use your Zoroark. Position a Pokémon that will prompt your opponent to switch in something that Zoroark can destroy. Note that Dark Pulse has to be bred onto Zoroark.

Normal Legendaries

# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Regigigas Normal
2   Latios Dragon Psychic
3   Darkrai Dark
4   Azelf Psychic
5   Zapdos Electric Flying
6   Terrakion Rock Fighting
7   Thundurus Electric Flying
8   Tornadus Flying
9   Moltres Fire Flying
10   Landorus Ground Flying
Normal Unknown
Slow Start
Held item:
Regigigas Lv.100
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical
Normal Physical
Fighting Physical
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status

Verdict: Regigigas has enough raw power to lay a smackdown, but mainly once Slow Start passes. Being a Normal-type, it only has one weakness, and Zen Headbutt gets rid of most Fighting-types.

Honorable Mention: If you are lucky enough to get the right Latios, that Pokémon is an absolute beast. It’s fast, blends two strong types and can cover a wide variety of moves.

Super Legendaries

# Name Type 1 Type 2
1   Arceus Normal
2   Kyogre Water
3   Mewtwo Psychic
4   Palkia Water Dragon
5   Groudon Ground
6   Dialga Steel Dragon
7   Deoxys Psychic
8   Reshiram Dragon Fire
9   Zekrom Dragon Electric
10   Rayquaza Dragon Flying
Normal Unknown
Held item:
Arceus Lv.100
Normal Special
Psychic Special
Energy Ball
Grass Special
Thunder Wave
Electric Status

Verdict: Being the Alpha Pokémon, Arceus is a beast because it can change types based on the plate attached. It can easily change to suit needs, especially with Judgment. Arceus also has the most balanced stats, but EV training will most likely go special since Judgement is special-based.

Honorable Mention: The Speed form of Deoxys is worth having due to its stats being overall more balanced than normal, while having a wide move pool.