Mt. Battle Area 8

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Mt. Battle Area 8 is the eighth area of Mt. Battle, which contains zones 71 to 80. In Pokémon Colosseum, during Story Mode, opposing Trainers use Pokémon with levels from 49 to 55. In Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the levels range from 60 to 64.

Pokémon Colosseum

Story Mode

Trainer Pokémon
Lady Caril
Reward: $None
  Wigglytuff Lv.49
No item
  Sunflora Lv.49
No item
  Noctowl Lv.50
No item
  Piloswine Lv.50
No item
Fun Old Man Chenek
Reward: $None
  Seviper Lv.49
No item
  Swalot Lv.50
No item
  Golbat Lv.50
No item
  Kadabra Lv.51
No item
Roller Boy Tran
Reward: $None
  Gligar Lv.50
No item
  Sneasel Lv.50
No item
  Hitmontop Lv.51
No item
  Grumpig Lv.52
No item
Researcher Ribek
Reward: $None
  Mightyena Lv.50
No item
  Masquerain Lv.51
No item
  Stantler Lv.52
No item
  Granbull Lv.51
No item
Bodybuilder Vitalo
Reward: $None
  Dusclops Lv.51
No item
  Lanturn Lv.51
No item
  Skarmory Lv.52
No item
  Vileplume Lv.52
No item
Cooltrainer Daras
Reward: $None
  Glalie Lv.51
No item
  Breloom Lv.54
No item
  Swellow Lv.51
No item
  Rhydon Lv.51
No item
Athlete Dian
Reward: $None
  Metang Lv.52
No item
  Granbull Lv.51
No item
  Jumpluff Lv.51
No item
  Xatu Lv.53
No item
Glasses Man Hauf
Reward: $None
  Tropius Lv.51
No item
  Absol Lv.52
No item
  Lairon Lv.52
No item
  Exploud Lv.53
No item
Fun Old Lady Naldo
Reward: $None
  Torkoal Lv.52
No item
  Shiftry Lv.51
No item
  Noctowl Lv.52
No item
  Relicanth Lv.54
No item

Battle Mode

Single Battles

Trainer Pokémon
Teacher Lisot
Reward: $None
  Kingdra Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Muk Lv.50-100
  Focus Band
  Heracross Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry
  Shiftry Lv.50-100
  Persim Berry
  Alakazam Lv.50-100
  Choice Band
  Breloom Lv.50-100
  Miracle Seed
Chaser Faul
Reward: $None
  Milotic Lv.50-100
  Mental Herb
  Houndoom Lv.50-100
  Claydol Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry
  Starmie Lv.50-100
  White Herb
  Magneton Lv.50-100
  Rawst Berry
  Seviper Lv.50-100
  Focus Band
Cooltrainer Gilly
Reward: $None
  Meganium Lv.50-100
  Quick Claw
  Ninetales Lv.50-100
  Figy Berry
  Weezing Lv.50-100
  Mental Herb
  Sandslash Lv.50-100
  Gardevoir Lv.50-100
  White Herb
  Umbreon Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
Bodybuilder Chiod
Reward: $None
  Blaziken Lv.50-100
  Sharp Beak
  Wailord Lv.50-100
  Hard Stone
  Ampharos Lv.50-100
  Silk Scarf
  Golem Lv.50-100
  Black Belt
  Bellossom Lv.50-100
  Chesto Berry
  Skarmory Lv.50-100
  Rawst Berry
Guy Maton
Reward: $None
  Feraligatr Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Machamp Lv.50-100
  Focus Band
  Ursaring Lv.50-100
  Mental Herb
  Rhydon Lv.50-100
  Apicot Berry
  Torkoal Lv.50-100
  Ganlon Berry
  Tropius Lv.50-100
  Salac Berry
St.Performer Sirko
Reward: $None
  Sceptile Lv.50-100
  Shell Bell
  Armaldo Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Grumpig Lv.50-100
  Sharp Beak
  Exploud Lv.50-100
  White Herb
  Forretress Lv.50-100
  Aspear Berry
  Glalie Lv.50-100
  Mental Herb
Rider Zalla
Reward: $None
  Jirachi Lv.50-100
  Absol Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Flygon Lv.50-100
  Soft Sand
  Kirlia Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Mightyena Lv.50-100
  Salac Berry
  Dusclops Lv.50-100
  White Herb
Worker Ordo
Reward: $None
  Typhlosion Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Pinsir Lv.50-100
  Persim Berry
  Cradily Lv.50-100
  Figy Berry
  Ludicolo Lv.50-100
No item
  Xatu Lv.50-100
  Chesto Berry
  Lairon Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry
Lady in Suit Jodin
Reward: $None
  Swampert Lv.50-100
  Mental Herb
  Donphan Lv.50-100
  Quick Claw
  Miltank Lv.50-100
  Shell Bell
  Raichu Lv.50-100
  Cheri Berry
  Banette Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Piloswine Lv.50-100
  Focus Band

Double Battles

Trainer Pokémon
Roller Boy Hites
Reward: $None
  Medicham Lv.50-100
  Salac Berry
  Porygon2 Lv.50-100
  Persim Berry
  Nosepass Lv.50-100
  Breloom Lv.50-100
  Lax Incense
  Magneton Lv.50-100
  Rawst Berry
  Masquerain Lv.50-100
Fun Old Lady Gohon
Reward: $None
  Raichu Lv.50-100
  Golduck Lv.50-100
  Donphan Lv.50-100
  Hard Stone
  Pinsir Lv.50-100
  Black Belt
  Grovyle Lv.50-100
  Dragon Fang
  Wigglytuff Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry
Bodybuilder Lazko
Reward: $None
  Blaziken Lv.50-100
  Vigoroth Lv.50-100
  Focus Band
  Hariyama Lv.50-100
  King's Rock
  Wobbuffet Lv.50-100
  Quick Claw
  Tentacruel Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Milotic Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry
Rich Boy Puros
Reward: $None
  Breloom Lv.50-100
  Black Belt
  Gardevoir Lv.50-100
  Persim Berry
  Ludicolo Lv.50-100
  Sea Incense
  Weezing Lv.50-100
No item
  Forretress Lv.50-100
  Cheri Berry
  Shuckle Lv.50-100
Chaser Krigon
Reward: $None
  Typhlosion Lv.50-100
  Misdreavus Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Camerupt Lv.50-100
  Lax Incense
  Lunatone Lv.50-100
  Ampharos Lv.50-100
  Silk Scarf
  Solrock Lv.50-100
  Aspear Berry
Hunter Zelmo
Hunter Zelmo
Reward: $None
  Chimecho Lv.50-100
  Magneton Lv.50-100
  Manectric Lv.50-100
  King's Rock
  Claydol Lv.50-100
  Persim Berry
  Sceptile Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Feraligatr Lv.50-100
  Quick Claw
Worker Chean
Reward: $None
  Huntail Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Electrode Lv.50-100
  Gorebyss Lv.50-100
  King's Rock
  Relicanth Lv.50-100
  Sea Incense
  Wailord Lv.50-100
  Cheri Berry
  Octillery Lv.50-100
Bandana Guy Crace
Reward: $None
  Muk Lv.50-100
  Poison Barb
  Grumpig Lv.50-100
  Choice Band
  Glalie Lv.50-100
  Rawst Berry
  Lanturn Lv.50-100
  Cheri Berry
  Noctowl Lv.50-100
  Lax Incense
  Quagsire Lv.50-100
  Quick Claw
Rider Jorner
Reward: $None
  Heracross Lv.50-100
  Lum Berry
  Togetic Lv.50-100
  Lax Incense
  Dodrio Lv.50-100
  Scope Lens
  Flygon Lv.50-100
  Dragon Fang
  Aggron Lv.50-100
  Metal Coat
  Alakazam Lv.50-100
  Sitrus Berry

Pokémon XD

Trainer Pokémon
Sailor Ordes
ネファ Nepha
Reward: $None
  Dustox Lv.62
No item
  Ledian Lv.63
No item
  Kecleon Lv.62
No item
Navigator Ovun
ベンラ Venla
Reward: $None
  Lombre Lv.63
No item
  Tentacool Lv.62
No item
  Mantine Lv.63
No item
Bodybuilder Adeson
イガリ Igari
Reward: $None
  Bellossom Lv.64
No item
  Hitmontop Lv.63
No item
  Togetic Lv.64
No item
  Altaria Lv.63
No item
Bodybuilder Robit
キルク Kilk
Reward: $None
  Claydol Lv.64
No item
  Cradily Lv.64
No item
  Grumpig Lv.64
No item
  Tentacruel Lv.63
No item
Cooltrainer Noxon
カナタ Kanata
Reward: $None
  Umbreon Lv.64
No item
  Milotic Lv.64
No item
  Regice Lv.64
No item
  Ludicolo Lv.64
No item
  Articuno Lv.64
No item
Worker Releo
ドコー Dogor
Reward: $None
  Ursaring Lv.61
No item
  Ariados Lv.60
No item
  Qwilfish Lv.60
No item
Casual Dude Cark
エイメン Eamon
Reward: $None
  Rhydon Lv.62
No item
  Solrock Lv.61
No item
  Dodrio Lv.61
No item
Beauty Minot
シャナ Shana
Reward: $None
  Mightyena Lv.62
No item
  Sharpedo Lv.61
No item
  Shiftry Lv.62
No item
  Crawdaunt Lv.61
No item
Cooltrainer Lask
マルタリス Maltaris
Reward: $None
  Breloom Lv.62
No item
  Tyranitar Lv.62
No item
  Swampert Lv.62
No item
  Armaldo Lv.62
No item

Areas of Mt. Battle