「ほのお」は「くさ」にバツグンだ 燃えるひのこはアチチチチ 「くさ」は「みず」にバツグンだ もっと育つよグングンと 「みず」は「いわ」にバツグンだ 気づいた頃にゃドロドロさ 「いわ」は「ほのお」にバツグンだ いくら燃えても気にしない
18タイプと相性覚えて それじゃあみんなで考えよう!
スルスル根を張る くさタイプ カチコチかた~い いわタイプ バツグンなのは どのタイプ?
いろんなポケモン タイプもいろいろさ 個性が豊かで みんなおもしろい みんなのポケモン タイプはなんだろう 個性を知ったら もっと好きになれるよ
「むし」は「エスパー」にバツグンだ 羽音で集中させないよ 「エスパー」は「かくとう」にバツグンだ 超能力の不思議わざ 「かくとう」は「あく」にバツグンだ 鍛えた体で勝負する 「あく」は「ゴースト」にバツグンだ 見えないものにもいたずらさ
18タイプと相性覚えて それじゃあみんなで考えよう!
他にもたくさん18タイプ みんなはバツグン分かるのが
「はがね」「こおり」にバツグン 「こおり」「ドラゴン」にバツグン 「どく」「フェアリー」にバツグン 「かくとう」「ノーマル」にバツグン
相性覚えて みんなで答えて みんなのタイプとバツグン!
みんなのタイプ バツグン教えて
お花が大好き くさタイプ 「くさ」は「じめん」にバツグン お料理大好き ほのおタイプ 「ほのお」は「こおり」にバツグン スポーツ大好き かくとうタイプ 「かくとう」は「はがね」にバツグン
「みず」は「じめん」にバツグンだ ドンドン染みて溶かしてく 「じめん」は「でんき」にバツグンだ 痺れもしないこの体 「でんき」は「ひこう」にバツグンだ 空は雷ゴロゴロだ 「ひこう」は「むし」にバツグンだ 高い空から見つけだす
18タイプと相性覚えて それじゃあみんなで考えよう!
スイスイ泳ぐ みずタイプ ビリビリ流れる でんきタイプ バツグンなのは どのタイプ?
いろんなポケモン タイプもいろいろさ 個性が豊かで みんなおもしろい みんなのポケモン タイプはなんだろう 個性を知ったら もっと好きになれるよ
Fire is super effective against Grass Burning embers are h-h-h-h-hot Grass is super effective against Water They'll grow even more, and quickly too Water is super effective against Rock Before you know it, they're all muddy Rock is super effective against Fire They don't care how much they burn
Learning the 18 types and their matchups Now, let's figure this out!
A Grass-type quickly taking root And a stiff and hard Rock-type Which type will be super effective?
There are various Pokémon with varying types as well Each full of interesting characteristics What are the types of everyone's Pokémon? If you get to know them, you'll like them even more
Bug is super effective against Psychic Their buzzing won't let them concentrate Psychic is super effective against Fighting With their mysterious moves that use psychic powers Fighting is super effective against Dark Competing with the bodies they've trained Dark is super effective against Ghost They can play pranks even on things they can't see
Learning the 18 types and their matchups Now, let's figure this out!
There are many more, of the 18 types Does everyone know what they're super effective against?
Steel, super effective against Ice Ice, super effective against Dragon Poison, super effective against Fairy Fighting, super effective against Normal
Learning their matchups, let's all answer With what everyone's type is super effective against!
Everyone, tell me what your type is super effective against
They love flowers: Grass-types Grass is super effective against Ground They love to cook: Fire-types Fire is super effective against Ice They love sports: Fighting-types Fighting is super effective against Steel
Water is super effective against Ground They just get soaked and dissolve away Ground is super effective against Electric Their bodies don't even feel numb Electric is super effective against Flying The sky rumbles with thunder Flying is super effective against Bug They'll be seen from high up in the sky
Learning the 18 types and their matchups Now, let's figure this out!
A swiftly swimming Water-type And a shockingly flowing Electric-type Which type will be super effective?
There are various Pokémon with varying types as well Each full of interesting characteristics What are the types of everyone's Pokémon? If you get to know them, you'll like them even more