Appendix:HeartGold and SoulSilver walkthrough/Section 15

This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions. This walkthrough follows the remade Nintendo DS versions, not Pokémon Gold and Silver.
The guide for those can be found here.

Indigo Plateau

File:HGSS Indigo Plateau.png
Indigo Plateau,
battleground of the Elite Four
Inside the lobby

Indigo Plateau
The Ultimate Goal for Trainers!
Pokémon League HQ

The Indigo Plateau is where Trainers come to challenge the Pokémon League and prove that they have what it takes to be the best. The game's almost over... well, not really. After defeating the Elite Four and the Champion, you'll get to travel through Kanto as well.

The Elite Four members and the Chamipon aren't called "Elite" or "League Champ" for nothing, so you should train your Pokémon team to at least level 45 before challenging them. Unlike your battle with the Kimono Girls, you'll have the chance to save your game and use your items between each battle; however, you won't have access to a Poké Center, so make sure to stock up on Full Restores, Hyper Potions, Max Potions, Full Heals, and Revives. Other healing items, such as Lemonade, Moomoo Milk or other drinks and Antidote, Parlyz Heal or other status ailment healing items are also useful. The old man and his Abra are still here from Generation II, but aren't feeling as useful anymore, since more and more Trainers have been flying home when they get discouraged, rather than teleport.

In order to be well-prepared for the next five battles, it is important to bring a team with a wide range of types:

Advantageous Types
Elite Four Will
Elite Four Koga
Elite Four Bruno
Elite Four Karen
League Champion

The above-listed defensively advantageous type are only good at defending attacks of the types that the specific Elite Four member or Champion specializes in(such as using Steel-type Pokemon against Champion's Dragon-type Pokemon). Their Pokemon have more than 1 type of moves that may cover their weaknesses, so be extremely careful.

Assemble your best team, save your game, and talk to the guard to enter the first room. Your Template:Type2, Template:Type2, Template:Type2 or Template:Type2 Pokemon should be the lead. Template:Type2 are also OK, but you should save it for the Champion battle.

Elite Four

Battle 1: Will

The first battle is against Will and his mind-numbing Template:Type2s. Take him down with Template:Type2, Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 moves.

As part of the Psychic-type, all of his Pokémon can inflict a lot of damage with the Psychic move. You should also be prepared for Xatu's Confuse Ray and Exeggutor's Hypnosis. Ghost-type, Dark-type and Bug-type attacks — especially moves like Shadow Ball, Crunch, Megahorn and Bug Buzz — are your best offense against his team. If you chose Totodile as your starter, a few bites(use Crunch for more damage) from Feraligatr's massive jaws can whip through Will's entire team without much of a problem. Aside from that, you could also use a strong Template:Type2 move (like Thunderbolt) to make short work of his Slowbro and his pair of Xatu. Powerful Template:Type2 attacks (like Flamethrower) are also useful against his Jynx. For Exeggutor, Template:Type2 attacks are more effective than Fire-type moves, but the latter will still hit super effectively.

After defeating Will, heal your team. There is no single type with an advantage over the second member's entire team, but you should reorganize your party with your Template:Type2, Template:Type2, Template:Type2, Template:Type2 or Template:Type2 in the lead, and step through the door to the second battle.

Battle 2: Koga

The second battle is against Koga, former Gym Leader of Kanto's Fuchsia City, and his group of venomous Template:Type2s. As most of his Pokemon have a sub-type, even Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 moves(super effective against Poison-type) such as Earthquake and Psychic might not ensure a quick victory.

Koga's Pokémon have plenty of poisonous attacks. You can avoid unpleasant status problems by sending a Template:Type2 (like Skarmory) into battle, because they are immune to Poison-type attacks. Poison-type Pokemon will not be poisoned. His Forretress' Toxic Spikes move is a pain, because it can leave your Pokémon poisoned or badly poisoned when they switch into battle. If it uses this move, send in a Poison-type to get rid of those spikes. Forretress' Explosion is another pain because it sacrifices itself to deal a ton of damage to your Pokemon(probably knocking yours out, unless it is a Template:Type2 or Steel-type, because those Pokemon resist Template:Type2 moves). Wrap up this battle in a hurry by scorching Forretress with Template:Type2 attacks, its only but double weakness. Use Psychic-type attacks to mop up the rest of Koga's team. Ground-type attacks are super effective against Muk.

Once Koga is defeated, take the opportunity to heal your team and shift your Template:Type2 or Template:Type2 to the lead position. Step through the door to fight your third elite battle.

Battle 3: Bruno

The third battle is against Bruno and his bulky Template:Type2s. Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 moves are your way to victory here.

Apart from Onix, Bruno's Pokémon are all pure Fighting-type. With their high Attack power, their physical moves are sure to inflict serious damage. A Fighting-type's only weaknesses are Psychic-type and Flying-type attacks, so use those moves to cut their health down to size. Look out for Hitmonchan's elemental punches, which can cover a wide range of an opponent's types. Bruno's strongest Pokemon -- Machamp, is a pain to deal with. It has the ability No Guard, which ensures its attacks never misses! It also has the move Rock Slide to hit Flying-types. Do not use Fly against Machamp, because its Rock Slide will hit your Pokemon twice(when your Pokemon flies up high and after your Pokemon attacks) and you will lose 2 chances of healing up! Your Flying-type Pokemon will be almost surely knocked out by 2 Rock Slides. Luckily No Guard also ensures attacks of your Pokemon always land. Flood the battlefield with your Template:Type2 when his Onix shows up(Grass-type moves such as Petal Dance, Magical Leaf and Giga Drain works too), and the third battle is over.

After your battle with Bruno, rest your team well. There is no single type with an advantage over the fourth member's entire team, just like Koga's team, but a Template:Type2 or a Template:Type2 Pokémon should be your lead.

Battle 4: Karen

The fourth battle pits you against Karen and her cunning Template:Type2s. Attack her weaknesses with Psychic-, Fighting-, and Template:Type2 moves. Her lead Pokémon is immune to Template:Type2 attacks, so a Template:Type2 is preferred for your lead Pokémon.

Out of all of Karen's Pokémon, her Gengar is the one to really watch out for — its Spite move can decimate your team's Power points. Gengar's Destiny Bond will bring your Pokemon down when Gengar faints. Target its weaknesses and attack carefully. Houndoom is a tough foe, too — it likes to skyrocket its Sp. Atk with Nasty Plot, then go on the offensive with Dark Pulse or Flamethrower. Hit back where it hurts by using Fighting-type, Template:Type2 and Template:Type2 attacks. Houndoom is very fragile(its Defense is very low), so a strong Physical-based move will surely knock it out.

Once Karen has fallen, heal up your team. Swap your Template:Type2 into the lead if you want to knock out the Champion's first Pokemon in 1 turn. Keep in mind that you will not able to switch the order of your Pokemon once you walk up the stairs in Champion's room.

League Champion

File:HGSS Champion Room.png
The Champion's room

With the Elite Four behind you, there is only one person left standing between you and the Hall of Fame: Lance, master of dragons and the Pokemon Trainer who helped you in Team Rocket HQ, Mahogany Town! He is the Champion of the Pokémon League! This will be your toughest battle yet, but find a way to slay his dragons, and you'll be recognized as the most powerful Trainer in all of Johto and Kanto!

Lance opens with his Gyarados, which may as well be a lightning rod for a strong Thunderbolt or other Electric-type moves. As a way to show his mastery of the Dragon-type, Lance has raised not 1, not 2, but 3 Dragonite. Two are on level 49, but his level 50 Dragonite can do major damage with Outrage, and its Fire Blast will cause you a lot of pain, too. His dragon trio all know the Hyper Beam move, and each has one of the strongest elemental attacks (Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire Blast) as well. Use Ice-type moves against his 3 Dragonite. Be extremely careful if you use a Dragon-type Pokemon against his Dragonite -- your own Dragon-type will be hit super effectively. Avoid sending a Water-type to fight his Aerodactyl, due to its Thunder Fang move — use a Steel-type instead. If you can only use a Water-type against Aerodactyl, make sure that it can outspeed the Rock/Flying-type or can take at least 1 hit of Thunder Fang. If you don't have an Ice-type move, all 6 of his Pokémon are weak to Template:Type2 attacks(because all of them have Template:Type2 as their secondary type), so moves like Rock Slide or Stone Edge are also super effective. Defeat Lance's draconian army and they will be nothing but a memory.

After finally defeating the Pokémon League, Lance compliments you, saying how much you've grown with your Pokémon. However, he is interrupted by DJ Mary, who is looking for an interview with the newly-crowned Pokémon Champion. She's a little late to see the battle, but it's not her fault - Professor Oak isn't as quick as he used to be. He applauds your domination of the Pokémon League, and tells you that your Pokémon persevered because they believed in you as a Trainer. Mary is quick to try for that interview, but Lance steps in to take you away from the noise, much to Mary's dismay.

Lance takes you to the Hall of Fame room, and tells you that it has been a long time since he was last here. He explains the machine in front of you, saying that this is where Pokémon League Champions are honored, along with their courageous Pokémon. He activates the machine, registering you and your partners as Hall of Fame members.

As the credits roll, you'll get to see all the major characters of Johto, including Elm, the Gym Leaders, and the Elite Four in a quick cutscene.

"The End" appears on the screen and the game saves, but that's not truly the end...


Once you've defeated Silver inside Mt. Moon, and battled alongside him against Lance and Clair in Dragon's Den, your rival will appear in the lobby every Monday and Wednesday, waiting to challenge you to a rematch. His Pokémon are at their highest levels, so prepare for a tough fight.

  If the player chose Chikorita:   If the player chose Cyndaquil:   If the player chose Totodile:

After winning the eight badges of Kanto and earning Oak's permission to visit Mt. Silver, the Elite Four's teams will be upgraded to pose an even more difficult challenge. The full details can be found here.

← Part 14 Route 27, Route 26, Victory Road
HeartGold and SoulSilver
Back in New Bark Town, S.S. Aqua, Vermilion City, Vermilion Gym Part 16 →

  This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.