List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV/Bug Catcher

Main article: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV

This is the list of Pokémon that can be used by each Bug Catcher in the Sinnoh and Johto Battle Frontier.

Floyd, Hoffman and Amadeus

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0001   Bulbasaur   BrightPowder Magical Leaf Toxic Leech Seed Sweet Scent Modest - - - 255 255 -
0152   Chikorita   Lax Incense Bullet Seed Secret Power Growl Light Screen Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0252   Treecko   Miracle Seed Mega Drain Swift Flash Double Team Timid - - - 255 - 255
0387   Turtwig   Occa Berry Razor Leaf Bite Tickle Withdraw Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0401   Kricketot   Liechi Berry Bug Bite Bide Mud-Slap Growl Relaxed 170 - 170 - 170 -
0412   Burmy   Sitrus Berry Bug Bite Tackle Snore Protect Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0292   Shedinja   Lax Incense Shadow Sneak Fury Cutter Confuse Ray Sand-Attack Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0415   Combee   SilverPowder Bug Bite Gust Ominous Wind Sweet Scent Serious - 170 - 170 - 170
0420   Cherubi   Rose Incense Magical Leaf Toxic Leech Seed Helping Hand Modest - - - 255 255 -
0406   Budew   Big Root Mega Drain Toxic Growth Worry Seed Calm - - - 255 255 -
0048   Venonat   SilverPowder Bug Bite PoisonPowder Psybeam Supersonic Relaxed 255 - - 255 - -
0043   Oddish   Rose Incense Mega Drain Acid Sweet Scent Moonlight Bold - - - 255 255 -
0102   Exeggcute   Odd Incense Confusion Grass Knot Leech Seed Light Screen Modest - - 255 255 - -
0451   Skorupi   Poison Barb Poison Fang Bug Bite Bite Toxic Spikes Impish - 255 255 - - -
0459   Snover   NeverMeltIce Ice Punch Razor Leaf GrassWhistle Ingrain Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0331   Cacnea   Aspear Berry Needle Arm Faint Attack Cotton Spore GrassWhistle Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0188   Skiploom   Big Root Mega Drain Aerial Ace Confusion Cotton Spore Hardy - 255 - 255 - -
0271   Lombre   Damp Rock Water Pulse Mega Drain Fake Out Rain Dance Quiet - - - 255 255 -
0274   Nuzleaf   Aspear Berry Razor Leaf Faint Attack Swagger Harden Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0345   Lileep   Lax Incense AncientPower Grass Knot Ingrain Confuse Ray Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0347   Anorith   Metronome Fury Cutter Rock Blast Metal Claw Protect Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0402   Kricketune   Metronome Fury Cutter Rock Smash Knock Off Focus Energy Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0012   Butterfree   Pecha Berry Silver Wind Air Cutter Psybeam Tailwind Modest - - - 255 255 -
0015   Beedrill   Scope Lens Twineedle Toxic Assurance Agility Jolly - 255 - - 255 -
0267   Beautifly   SilverPowder Silver Wind Air Cutter Mega Drain Attract Modest - - - 255 - 255
0269   Dustox   SilverPowder Silver Wind Toxic Psybeam Whirlwind Modest - - - 255 255 -
0070   Weepinbell   Scope Lens Razor Leaf Acid Wrap Sweet Scent Quiet - 255 - 255 - -
0166   Ledian   Razor Claw Silver Wind Air Cutter Agility Baton Pass Timid - - - 255 255 -
0168   Ariados   SilverPowder Bug Bite Toxic Shadow Sneak Spider Web Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0193   Yanma   Lax Incense Silver Wind Air Cutter Double Team Detect Timid - - - 255 - 255
0044   Gloom   Miracle Seed Mega Drain Acid Stun Spore Moonlight Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0313   Volbeat   Liechi Berry U-turn Quick Attack Confuse Ray Helping Hand Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0314   Illumise   Petaya Berry Silver Wind Swift Wish Helping Hand Timid - - - 255 - 255
0315   Roselia   Black Sludge Mega Drain Toxic GrassWhistle Cotton Spore Modest - - - 255 255 -
0047   Parasect   Aspear Berry Bug Bite Grass Knot Scratch Stun Spore Jolly - - - - 255 255

Camui and Orlando

# Pokémon Item Moves Nature EVs
HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed
0003   Venusaur   Big Root Giga Drain Ingrain Leech Seed Sleep Powder Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0154   Meganium   Big Root Giga Drain Leech Seed Toxic Substitute Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0254   Sceptile   Leftovers Giga Drain Leech Seed Toxic Double Team Timid - - - 255 - 255
0389   Torterra   Leftovers Giga Drain Leech Seed Synthesis Amnesia Sassy 170 - 170 - 170 -
0286   Breloom   Big Root Drain Punch Giga Drain Synthesis Leech Seed Brave - 255 - 255 - -
0205   Forretress   Sitrus Berry Payback Stealth Rock Toxic Spikes Spikes Brave - 255 255 - - -
0416   Vespiquen   Persim Berry X-Scissor Toxic Heal Order Destiny Bond Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0045   Vileplume   Black Sludge Toxic Grass Knot Double Team Attract Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0071   Victreebel   Black Sludge Seed Bomb Spit Up Swallow Stockpile Adamant 255 255 - - - -
0272   Ludicolo   Leftovers Leech Seed Toxic Double Team Rain Dance Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0275   Shiftry   Leftovers Giga Drain Leech Seed Double Team Synthesis Calm 170 - 170 - 170 -
0460   Abomasnow   Big Root Giga Drain Sheer Cold Ingrain Leech Seed Bold 170 - 170 - 170 -
0346   Cradily   Leftovers Toxic Stockpile Double Team Ingrain Impish 170 - 170 - 170 -
0348   Armaldo   Scope Lens Crush Claw Aqua Tail Aerial Ace Swagger Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0127   Pinsir   Salac Berry X-Scissor Revenge Flail Endure Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0212   Scizor   Sitrus Berry Metal Claw Night Slash Iron Defense Roost Careful - 255 - - 255 -
0214   Heracross   Scope Lens Close Combat Aerial Ace Night Slash Bulk Up Adamant - 255 - - 255 -
0213   Shuckle   Grip Claw Wrap Swagger Attract Toxic Careful 170 - 170 - 170 -
0407   Roserade   Big Root Giga Drain Leech Seed Ingrain Synthesis Calm - - - 255 255 -
0469   Yanmega   Muscle Band Aerial Ace U-turn Night Slash Steel Wing Adamant - 255 - - - 255
0103   Exeggutor   Lum Berry Dream Eater Hypnosis Leech Seed Ingrain Modest 255 - - 255 - -
0470   Leafeon   BrightPowder Leaf Blade Last Resort Curse GrassWhistle Jolly - 255 - - - 255
0465   Tangrowth   Big Root Giga Drain Leech Seed Toxic Double Team Bold 170 - 170 170 - -

Battle Frontier Trainers

Ace TrainerAroma LadyBattle GirlBeautyBird KeeperBlack BeltBug CatcherCameraman
CamperClownCollectorCowgirlCyclistDragon TamerFishermanGentleman
GuitaristHikerIdolJoggerLadyLassNinja BoyParasol LadyPIPicnicker
PKMN BreederPKMN RangerPoké KidPokéfanPolicemanPsychicRancherReporter
Rich BoyRoughneckRuin ManiacSailorSchool KidScientistSocialiteTuber