List of moves in Pokémon Masters EX

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Reason: EX Challenge Opponent Trainer Moves, possibly need moves not available by sync pairs

This is a list of all moves in Pokémon Masters.

List of Pokémon moves

Name Sync pair(s) Type Category Move gauge Base Power Max Power Accuracy Target Description
Absorb Gardenia and Roserade Grass Special 1 19 22 100% An opponent Restores the user's HP based on the amount of damage dealt to the target.
Aerial Ace Skyla and Swanna Flying Special 2 45 54 —% An opponent Never misses.
Air Cutter Blue and Pidgeot Flying Special 2 43 51 95% All opponents Critical hits land more easily.
Air Slash Blue and Pidgeot
Will and Xatu
Winona and Pelipper
Flying Special 2 45 54 95% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Ancient Power Brycen and Cryogonal
Roxanne and Nosepass
Rock Special 2 47 56 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of raising the user's Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp. Atk, and Sp. Def, and Speed.
Aqua Tail Hilbert and Oshawott
Marlon and Carracosta
Water Physical 2 56 67 90% An opponent No additional effect.
Astonish Acerola and Palossand Ghost Physical 1 12 14 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Aura Sphere Siebold and Clawitzer Fighting Special 2 45 54 —% An opponent Never misses.
Avalanche Wulfric and Avalugg Ice Physical 2 75 90 100% An opponent The user gets ready to counterattack. Using this move again will cause the user to attack the target. No other actions can be taken while ready to counterattack. If the user is attacked with a move while ready to counterattack, the user then attacks the target with double that power.
Beak Blast Kahili and Toucannon Flying Physical 2 75 90 100% An opponent The user gets ready to counterattack. Using this move again will cause the user to attack. No other actions can be taken while ready to counterattack. The user will attack if attacked with a move while it is ready to counterattack. Leaves opponents burned when they use physical moves to attack the user while it is ready to counterattack.
Bite Karen and Houndoom
Nanu and Alolan Persian
Dark Physical 2 42 50 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Blizzard Lorelei and Lapras Ice Special 3 126 151 70% All opponents Never misses during a hailstorm. Has a very small chance of leaving the target frozen.
Body Slam Norman and Slaking
Whitney and Miltank
Normal Physical 2 53 63 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Brick Break Brawly and Makuhita Fighting Physical 2 35 45 100% An opponent Removes physical and special damage-reducing effects from the opponents' field of play.
Bubble Barry and Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon Water Special 1 19 22 100% All opponents Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Speed.
Bubble Beam Barry and Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon
Misty and Starmie
Water Special 2 49 58 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Speed.
Bulldoze Clay and Palpitoad Ground Physical 3 80 96 100% All opponents Lowers the target's Speed.
Bullet Seed Brendan and Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
Ramos and Weepinbell
Grass Physical 2 15 18 100% An opponent Attacks the target two to five times in a row.
Charm Mina and Granbull Fairy Status 2 100% An opponent Sharply lowers the target's Attack.
Close Combat Korrina and Lucario Fighting Physical 3 124 148 100% An opponent Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def.
Confuse Ray Will and Xatu Ghost Status 2 100% An opponent Leaves the target confused.
Confusion Liza and Lunatone Psychic Special 1 18 21 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target confused.
Cross Chop Bruno and Machamp Fighting Physical 3 100 120 80% An opponent Critical hits land more easily.
Cross Poison Janine and Ariados Poison Physical 2 38 45 100% An opponent Critical hits land more easily. Has a very small chance of leaving the target poisoned.
Crunch Cheren and Stoutland Dark Physical 3 99 118 100% An opponent Has a small chance of lowering the target's Defense.
Dark Pulse Karen and Mega Houndoom Dark Special 3 95 114 100% An opponent Has a small chance of making the target flinch.
Dazzling Gleam Mina and Granbull Fairy Special 2 50 60 100% All opponents No additional effect.
Discharge Hau and Alolan Raichu Electric Special 3 92 110 100% All opponents Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Double-Edge Norman and Slaking
Phoebe and Dusclops
Normal Physical 3 167 200 100% An opponent The user also takes 25% of the damage it dealt to the target.
Draco Meteor Clair and Kingdra Dragon Special 3 136 163 90% An opponent Sharply lowers the user's Sp. Atk.
Drain Punch Marshal and Conkeldurr
Maylene and Meditite
Fighting Physical 3 91 109 100% An opponent Restores the user's HP based on the amount of damage dealt to the target.
Dragon Breath Clair and Kingdra
Drake and Salamence
Dragon Special 2 42 50 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Dragon Claw Drake and Salamence
Iris and Haxorus
Dragon Physical 2 50 60 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Eerie Impulse Lt. Surge and Voltorb Electric Status 2 100% An opponent Sharply lowers the target's Sp. Atk.
Ember Flannery and Torkoal Fire Special 1 17 20 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Energy Ball Erika and Vileplume
Lyra and Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium
Rosa and Snivy/Servine/Serperior
Grass Special 2 49 58 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def.
Facade Cheren and Stoutland Normal Physical 2 47 56 100% An opponent Its power is doubled when the user is poisoned, badly poisoned, paralyzed, or burned. Ignores lowered Attack from burns.
Fell Stinger Bugsy and Beedrill Bug Physical 2 44 52 100% An opponent Drastically raises the user's Attack when it knocks out a target with this move.
Fire Blast Flint and Infernape Fire Special 3 116 139 85% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Fire Punch Flint and Infernape Fire Physical 2 47 55 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Fire Spin Blaine and Ponyta Fire Special 2 38 45 85% An opponent Leaves the target trapped.
Flame Charge Hilda and Tepig/Pignite/Emboar
Scottie/Bettie and Torchic
Fire Physical 2 30 36 100% An opponent Raises the user's Speed.
Flame Wheel Blaine and Ponyta
Marley and Arcanine
Fire Physical 2 42 50 100% An opponent Unfreezes the user. Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Flamethrower Cheryl and Blissey
Marley and Arcanine
Scottie/Bettie and Torchic
Fire Special 2 47 56 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Flare Blitz Hilda and Tepig/Pignite/Emboar Fire Physical 3 123 147 100% An opponent Unfreezes the user. The user also takes 25% of the damage it dealt to the target. Has a very small chance of leaving the target burned.
Frost Breath Glacia and Mega Glalie Ice Special 2 38 45 90% An opponent Except in certain circumstances, successful hits with this attack become critical hits.
Fury Cutter Noland and Pinsir Bug Physical 1 8 9 95% An opponent Its power increases when used in succession.
Giga Drain Rosa and Snivy/Servine/Serperior Grass Special 3 91 109 100% An opponent Restores the user's HP based on the amount of damage dealt to the target.
Gust Skyla and Swanna Flying Special 1 20 24 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Gyro Ball Thorton and Bronzong
Wikstrom and Aegislash
Steel Physical 2 44 52 100% An opponent Its power is doubled if the target's Speed has risen.
Hail Candice and Abomasnow Ice Status 2 —% Entire field Causes a hailstorm.
Haze Brycen and Cryogonal Ice Status 2 —% All opponents Returns raised stats of all opposing sync pairs to normal.
Head Smash Roark and Cranidos Rock Physical 3 188 225 80% An opponent The user also takes 33% of the damage it dealt to the target.
Hex Agatha and Mega Gengar
Shauntal and Chandelure
Ghost Special 2 38 45 100% An opponent Its power is doubled if the target is affected by a status condition.
Hidden Power Caitlin and Reuniclus Psychic Special 2 50 60 100% An opponent No additional effect.
High Horsepower Hapu and Mudsdale Ground Physical 3 106 127 95% An opponent No additional effect.
Hurricane Blue and Mega Pidgeot
Winona and Pelipper
Flying Special 3 126 151 70% All opponents Never misses when the weather is rainy. Has a moderate chance of leaving the target confused.
Hydro Pump Misty and Starmie Water Special 3 125 150 80% An opponent No additional effect.
Hyper Voice Cheryl and Blissey Normal Special 2 63 75 100% All opponents No additional effect.
Hypnosis Agatha and Gengar Psychic Status 2 75% An opponent Puts the target to sleep.
Ice Beam Brycen and Cryogonal
Lorelei and Lapras
Pryce and Seel/Dewgong
Glacia and Glalie
Ice Special 2 46 55 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target frozen.
Ice Fang Wulfric and Avalugg Ice Physical 2 46 55 95% An opponent Has a very small chance of making the target flinch or leaving the target frozen.
Ice Punch Candice and Abomasnow Ice Physical 2 46 55 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target frozen.
Icy Wind Pryce and Seel/Dewgong Ice Special 3 92 110 95% All opponents Lowers the target's Speed.
Infestation Viola and Surskit/Masquerain Bug Special 2 20 24 100% An opponent Leaves the target trapped.
Iron Head Wikstrom and Aegislash Steel Physical 3 92 110 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Karate Chop Bruno and Machamp Fighting Physical 1 16 19 100% An opponent Critical hits land more easily.
King's Shield Wikstrom and Aegislash Steel Status 2 —% Self The user takes up a defensive posture. Using this move again will make the user leave this defensive posture. No other actions can be taken when in this defensive posture. Nullifies moves that target the user while it is in this defensive posture. Sharply lowers the Attack of opponents that use physical moves to attack the user while it is in this defensive posture.
Leaf Storm Brendan and Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile
Gardenia and Roserade
Grass Special 3 136 163 90% An opponent Sharply lowers the user's Sp. Atk.
Lick Agatha and Gengar Ghost Physical 1 12 14 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Light Screen Lyra and Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium Psychic Status 2 —% All allies Reduces special damage done to the allied field of play.
Mega Kick Kris and Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr Normal Physical 3 167 200 75% An opponent No additional effect.
Mud Shot Clay and Palpitoad Ground Special 2 39 46 95% An opponent Lowers the target's Speed.
Mud-Slap Hapu and Mudsdale Ground Special 1 13 15 90% An opponent Lowers the target's accuracy.
Nuzzle Sophocles and Togedemaru Electric Physical 3 20 24 100% An opponent Leaves the target paralyzed.
Outrage Iris and Haxorus Dragon Physical 3 115 138 100% An opponent Leaves the user confused.
Peck Kahili and Toucannon Flying Physical 1 20 24 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Play Rough Mina and Granbull Fairy Physical 3 111 133 90% An opponent Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Attack.
Poison Fang Koga and Crobat Poison Physical 2 34 40 100% An opponent Has a good chance of leaving the target badly poisoned.
Poison Jab Roxie and Whirlipede Poison Physical 3 92 110 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of leaving the target poisoned.
Poison Tail Roxie and Whirlipede Poison Physical 2 38 45 100% An opponent Critical hits land more easily. Has a very small chance of leaving the target poisoned.
Powder Snow Glacia and Glalie Ice Special 1 16 19 100% All opponents Has a very small chance of leaving the target frozen.
Power-Up Punch Korrina and Mega Lucario Fighting Physical 2 30 36 100% An opponent Raises the user's Attack.
Psybeam Calem and Espurr Psychic Special 2 48 57 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target confused.
Psychic Caitlin and Reuniclus
Liza and Lunatone
Psychic Special 3 99 118 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def.
Rain Dance Winona and Pelipper Water Status 2 —% Entire field Makes the weather rainy.
Rock Slide Sygna Suit Brock and Tyranitar
Grant and Amaura
Rock Physical 3 105 126 90% All opponents Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Rock Smash Brawly and Makuhita
Marshal and Conkeldurr
Maylene and Meditite
Fighting Physical 2 46 55 100% An opponent Has a good chance of lowering the target's Defense.
Rock Throw Brock and Onix
Olivia and Midnight Form Lycanroc
Rock Physical 1 23 27 90% An opponent No additional effect.
Rock Tomb Brock and Onix
Sygna Suit Brock and Tyranitar
Grant and Amaura
Marlon and Carracosta
Tate and Solrock
Rock Physical 2 39 46 95% An opponent Lowers the target's Speed.
Sandstorm Acerola and Palossand Rock Status 2 —% Entire field Causes a sandstorm.
Screech Nanu and Alolan Persian Normal Status 2 100% An opponent Sharply lowers the target's Defense.
Shadow Ball Agatha and Gengar
Shauntal and Chandelure
Ghost Special 3 99 118 100% An opponent Has a small chance of lowering the target's Sp. Def.
Shadow Punch Phoebe and Dusclops Ghost Physical 2 45 54 —% An opponent Never misses.
Sleep Powder Ramos and Weepinbell Grass Status 2 75% An opponent Puts the target to sleep.
Smack Down Roark and Cranidos Rock Physical 1 20 24 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Snarl Karen and Houndoom Dark Special 2 39 46 95% All opponents Lowers the target's Sp. Atk.
Spark Elesa and Zebstrika Electric Physical 2 42 50 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Stomp Whitney and Miltank Normal Physical 2 53 63 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.
Stone Edge Olivia and Midnight Form Lycanroc Rock Physical 3 100 120 80% An opponent Critical hits land more easily.
Stored Power Will and Xatu Psychic Physical 2 13 15 100% An opponent The more the user's stats are raised, the greater the power of this move.
Struggle Bug Viola and Surskit/Masquerain Bug Special 2 30 36 100% All opponents Lowers the target's Sp. Atk.
Stun Spore Erika and Vileplume Grass Status 2 90% An opponent Leaves the target paralyzed.
Sunny Day Blaine and Ponyta Fire Status 2 —% Entire field Makes the weather sunny.
Telekinesis Thorton and Bronzong Psychic Status 2 —% An opponent Makes the target unable to evade moves.
Thunder Shock Hau and Alolan Raichu
Scottie/Bettie and Pikachu
Electric Special 1 17 20 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Thunder Wave Calem and Espurr Electric Status 2 90% An opponent Leaves the target paralyzed.
Thunderbolt Lt. Surge and Voltorb
Scottie/Bettie and Pikachu
Electric Special 2 47 56 100% An opponent Has a very small chance of leaving the target paralyzed.
Twineedle Bugsy and Beedrill Bug Physical 2 20 24 100% An opponent Attacks twice in a row. Has a small chance of leaving the target poisoned.
Vacuum Wave Korrina and Lucario Fighting Special 1 20 24 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Venom Drench Janine and Ariados Poison Status 2 100% An opponent Lowers the target's Attack, Sp. Atk and Speed if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned. Fails if the target is not poisoned or badly poisoned.
Venoshock Koga and Crobat Poison Special 2 42 50 100% An opponent Its power is doubled if the target is poisoned or badly poisoned.
Water Pulse Crasher Wake and Floatzel
Siebold and Clawitzer
Water Special 2 47 56 100% An opponent Has a small chance of leaving the target confused.
Waterfall Crasher Wake and Floatzel
Hilbert and Oshawott
Kris and Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr
Water Physical 2 45 54 100% An opponent Has a small chance of making the target flinch.
Wide Guard Roxanne and Nosepass Rock Status 1 —% Self The user takes up a defensive posture. Using this move again will make the user leave this defensive posture. No other actions can be taken when in this defensive posture. Nullifies moves that target all allies when hit by such a move while in this defensive posture.
Wild Charge Elesa and Zebstrika Electric Physical 3 125 150 100% An opponent The user also takes 20% of the damage it dealt to the target.
Will-O-Wisp Flannery and Torkoal Fire Status 2 90% An opponent Leaves the target burned.
X-Scissor Noland and Pinsir Bug Physical 2 50 60 100% An opponent No additional effect.
Zen Headbutt Tate and Solrock
Thorton and Bronzong
Psychic Physical 2 51 61 90% An opponent Has a small chance of making the target flinch.
Zing Zap Sophocles and Togedemaru Electric Physical 2 42 50 100% An opponent Has a moderate chance of making the target flinch.

List of Trainer moves

Name Trainer Number of uses Target Description
A Rain of Fists!
2 Self (Makuhita) Sharply raises the user's Attack. Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def.
A Surge of Power!
Lt. Surge
2 Self (Voltorb) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk and evasiveness.
A Tale of Triumph!
2 Self (Chandelure) Drastically raises the user's Speed. Sharply raises the user's evasiveness. Leaves the user burned.
All as One!
2 Self (Solrock) If the user's stats have been raised, the amount of increase is doubled.
All Out of Patience!
2 Ally Restores a bit of an ally's HP. Sharply raises an ally's Defense and Sp. Def.
All-Out Effort!
2 Self (Slaking) Restores a bit of the user's HP. Increases the user's move gauge by two.
Analysis Complete!
2 Self (Bronzong) Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def. Makes the user resistant to the type of the last move it was hit by.
Apply Yourself!
2 All allies Increases the move gauges of all allied sync pairs by two. Makes all allied sync pairs gradually heal themselves.
Attention Here!
1 All allies Makes opponents target the user for a short time. Sharply raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs.
Beehold My Research!
2 Self (Beedrill) Raises the user's Speed. Drastically raises the user's evasiveness.
Blazing Hope!
(with Torchic)
2 All allies Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs and sharply raises their Sp. Atk.
Brace Yourself!
2 Self (Lapras) The lower the user's HP is, the movre this move raises the user's Defense. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
Bring It On!
2 Self (Pinsir) Restores a bit of the user's HP. Sharply raises the user's speed.
Catch Us If You Can!
2 Ally Sharply raises an ally's evasiveness. Makes an ally gradually heal itself.
Crasher Wake
2 Self (Floatzel) Drastically raises the user's Attack. Raises the user's Sp. Atk.
Don't Bore Me!
2 Self (Reuniclus) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk. Raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def.
2 Self (Zebstrika) Restores a bit of the user's HP. Ensures that the user's next attack will be a critical hit.
En Garde!
2 Self (Aegislash) Drastically raises the user's Attack and raises its critical-hit rate when it is in Blade Forme. Sharply raises the user's Defense and Sp. Def when it is in Shield Forme.
Entertain Me!
2 Self (Houndoom) The lower the user's HP is, the more this move raises the user's Sp. Atk.
Feel the Alolan Breeze!
2 Self (Raichu) Drastically raises the user's Speed. Raises the user's evasiveness.
Gloves Off!
2 All allies Raises the critical-hit rate of all allied sync pairs and makes their next attack a sure hit.
Graceful Aerobatics!
2 Self (Pelipper) Sharply raises the user's Defense and Speed.
Hard as Diamonds!
2 Self (Lycanroc) Sharply raises the user's accuracy and critical-hit rate. Sharply lowers the user's Sp. Def.
Hard to Starboard!
2 All allies Increases the move gauges of all allied sync pairs by two. Sharply raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs.
Hoo Hah!
2 Self (Machamp) Sharply raises the user's Attack and Sp. Def.
I'll Teach You a Lesson!
2 Self (Seel family) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk and Sp. Def.
I'm All Kinds of Strong!
2 Self (Miltank) Restores a bit of the user's HP. Sharply raises the user's Defense.
In This Together!
2 All allies The lower the user's HP is, the more this move raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs.
It Ain't Over!
2 Self (Palpitoad) Sharply raises the user's Speed. Makes the user able to endure the next hit it takes.
It's All about Focus!
2 Self (Abomasnow) Uses a maximum of three of the user's move gauge. Based on the amount used, the move raises the user's Attack and Sp. Def by up to four stat ranks.
It's All Down to This!
2 Self (Conkeldurr) Increases the user's move gauge by two. Drastically raises the user's Defense.
Jump Start!
2 Self (Pikachu) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk. Raises the user's Speed.
Just Fantastic!
2 Self (Surskit family) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Def. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
Just Warming Up...
2 Self (Alolan Persian) Sharply raises the user's evasiveness. Ensures that the user's next attack will be a critical hit.
Move Like a Shadow!
2 Self (Crobat) Sharply raises the user's evasiveness. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
Move Like the Wind!
2 Self (Ariados) Sharply raises the user's Speed and evasiveness.
No Hesitation!
2 Self (Piplup family) Sharply raises the user's Speed. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
No Turning Back!
2 Self (Treecko family) Uses a maximum of three slots of the user's move gauge. Based on the amount used, this move raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk by up to six stat ranks.
Not Too Late to Bloom!
2 Self (Weepinbell) Sharply raises the user's Attack. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
Of One Mind!
2 All allies Sharply raises the Attack and Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs.
Our Power Is Limitless!
2 Self (Xatu) If any of the target's stats have been raised, the user's same stats are raised by double that amount.
1 Self (Avalugg) Makes opponents target the user for a short time. Drastically raises the user's Defense.
Over Here!
1 Self (Palossand) Makes opponent target the user for a short time. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
Over the Wall!
2 Self (Amaura) Increases the user's move gauge by two. Raises the user's accuracy. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
Pick Up The Pace!
2 Self (Totodile family) Sharply raises the user's Speed. Makes the user's next attack a sure hit and a critical hit.
Pour It On!
2 Self (Vileplume) Raises the user's Sp. Atk. Drastically raises the user's Defense.
Raging Inferno!
2 Self (Ponyta) Drastically raises the user's Attack. Sharply raises either the user's Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed.
Rock-Hard Determination!
2 Self (Onix) Sharply raises the user's Attack and Defense.
Rock-Solid Finisher!
Sygna Suit Brock
2 Self (Tyranitar) Raises the user's Defense. Makes the user's next attack a sure hit and a critical hit.
Rough Seas Ahead!
1 Self (Carracosta) Makes opponents target the user for a short time. Makes the user able to endure the next hit they take.
Run Along Now!
2 Self (Gengar) Radically raises the user's Speed. The user takes damage based on its maximum HP.
Second Wind!
2 Self (Toucannon) Ensures that the user's next attack will be a critical hit. Makes the user able to endure the next hit it takes.
Skate On Through!
2 Self (Lucario) Raises the user's Attack. Drastically raises the user's Speed.
Smell Ya Later!
2 Self (Pidgeot) Raises the user's evasiveness, accuracy, and critical-hit rate.
Stand Strong!
2 Self (Mudsdale) Raises the user's Attack. Drastically raises the user's Defense.
Stone-Cold Endurance!
2 Self (Cryogonal) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Def. Makes the user able to endure the next hit it takes.
Study Buddies!
2 All allies Sharply raises the Sp. Atk and Speed of all allied sync pairs.
Sunny Side Up!
2 All allies Raises the Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed of all allied sync pairs. Sharply raises them if the weather is sunny.
Take Flight!
2 All allies Sharply raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs. Sharply raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs.
The Definition of Art!
2 Self (Clawitzer) Restores a tiny bit of the user's HP. Ensures that the user's next attack will be a critical hit. Makes the user gradually heal itself.
The Power of Science!
2 Self (Togedemaru) Drastically raises the user's Attack and Speed. Sharply lowers the user's Defense.
Time to Energize!
2 All allies Increases the move gauges of all allied sync pairs by three.
Time to Rock!
2 Self (Whirlipede) Sharply raises the user's Sp. Def. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
Too Hot to Handle!
2 Self (Torkoal) Sharply raises the user's Defense. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
Trust in Nature!
2 Self (Roserade) Increases the user's move gauge by two. Converts the user's stat reductions into stat increases.
Try and Stop Us!
2 Self (Tepig family) If the user's Speed has been raised, raises the user's Attack by double the amount its Speed has been raised.
Unbreakable Bonds!
2 All allies The lower the user's HP is, the more this move raises the move gauges and Attack of all allied sync pairs.
Victory Is Mine!
2 Self (Kingdra) Returns the user's lowered stats to normal. Raises the user's critical-hit rate.
We're Not Done Yet!
2 Self (Espurr) Restores a bit of user's HP. The lower the user's HP is, the more this move raises the user's Sp. Atk.
We're On Fire!
2 Self (Infernape) Sharply raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk.
We're Standing Strong!
1 All allies Blocks status conditions on the allied field of play. Removes all status conditions from all allied sync pairs.
What Great Composition!
2 Self (Granbull) Raises the user's stats by the same amount that the target's stats have been raised.
You're Going Down!
2 Self (Haxorus) Raises the user's Speed. Sharply raises the user's critical-hit rate.
You're Gonna Need a Helmet!
2 Self (Cranidos) Increases the user's move gauge by three. Makes the user's next attack a sure hit.

Unavailable moves

These moves can be performed by NPC sync pairs only.

Name Trainer Number of uses Target Description
Bask in My Glory!
2 Self (Staraptor) Increases the user's move gauge. Drastically raises the user's Attack and Sp. Atk. Severely lowers the user's Sp. Def.

List of Sync moves

Main article: Sync move

See also

  This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project Moves and Abilities, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on moves and Abilities in the sidegames.