User:Phiraptor28/Aura Trio


The Aura Trio, also called Yggdrasil Trio, XYZ trio or Mortality Trio, are fan terms used to refer to three powerful Legendary Pokémon of the Kalos region: Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. They are considered the beings of life, destruction and order respectively.

Contrary to the main pattern of legendary trios; this trio, at least one of them Zygarde, has a different base stat distribution total. Xerneas and Yveltal have a base stat distribution of 126-131-95-131-98-99, totaling 680. Zygarde, on the other hand has different base stat distribution and total for each of its forms.

The trio was themed after the concept of mortality, order, or equilibrium of life and death; and are named after the last three letters of the alphabet or the axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. Xerneas is considered the being of life, having said to have shared eternal life, and exudes a revitalizing aura; Xerneas also represent the letter X. Yveltal is known as the being of destruction, possessing the reputation of a destructive nature; Yveltal represents the letter Y. Zygarde, their internal trio master, is renowned as the being of balance, it is said to have monitoring the ecosystem. And when the ecosystem falls into disorder, Zygarde unleashes its true power; Zygarde represents the letter Z.

The abilities of this trio only interacts when only these three are in battle, Xerneas with Fairy Aura, Yveltal with Dark Aura and Zygarde 50% forme, with Aura Break. In Pokémon Rumble World, there is a title that can be earned through befriending these Pokémon. The title is called "Aura Traveller." Thus the name Aura Trio.


There are two theories that show evidence of the trio being interrelated:

3-dimensional coordinate system Theory

During an interview with Ken Sugimori, Pokémon X and Y's Art Director, he revealed that the legendaries were based on the axes of the Cartesian coordinate system, apt with the first games to use fully fledged 3D graphics in the Pokémon game core series. The x-axis is spread horizontally, which reflects Xerneas' residence on land, the y-axis is positioned vertically, or pointing upwards, which reflects Yveltal's avian feats. The z-axis, only present when graphing 3-dimensional figures, means depth; reflecting Zygarde's residence underground.

Yggdrasil Theory

In Norse Mythology, there exists the world tree, Yggdrasil, which holds all the realms of the said continuity. There are beasts that reside in the said tree, there are deer in Asgard, an hawk on top of the tree, and a serpent in Midgard.

The deer, namely Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathrór, are four stags that gnaw on the branches of Yggdrasil, the reason why Xerneas has four differently coloured pairs of horns. There are some rumors circulating that these 4 stags have their horns the color of Xerneas', but no evidence shows this feature. Another deer, called Eikthyrnir, is a stag that stands on Valhalla, and grazes on the foliage of the tree of Læraðr. As Eikthyrnir feeds on this tree, drips of water flow from its horns, and provides water to the beings of Yggdrasil -- whereas water also symbolizes life, so Xerneas' design might have drawn inspiration from it.

The hawk, Vedrfolnir, sits between the eyes of another bird, an unnamed eagle. They sit on top of the Yggdrasil, giving the squirrel, Ratatosk, gossips to bring to Nidhogg. Another avian being in Norse Mythology is Hraesvelgr, or the Corpse Swallower, is a giant of jotunn that takes form of an eagle, sits at the "end of the world" or the northern part of the sky. This may be the inspiration for Yveltal's design.

The serpent, Jormungandr, also called the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent, is a serpentine creature that is a child of Loki, along with its siblings, Fenrir and Hel. Zygarde 50% forme may be a reference to Jormungand, as keeps the world in balance, wrapping the world's circumference with its huge body.

Zygarde 10% forme may be inspired by Fenrir, a monstrous canine. The green scarf-like structure on Zygarde 10% forme's neck might be a reference to Gleipnir, a dwarven rope made to bind the canine until Ragnarok.

And finally, Zygarde Complete forme may take reference to Hel, God of the Norse Underworld or Helheim, "Land of the Dishonorable Dead." Hel is commonly depicted as half of its body (lengthwise) is alive, and another half is either rotting flesh or a skeleton. This makes sense to Zygarde Complete Forme's blue and red markings on either side, representing life (Xerneas) and destruction (Yveltal), maintaining its theme of balance and order, an equilibrium between mortality. Zygarde's dwelling underground might also have been inspired by the Nidhogg, a dragon that lives under Midgard.

              See more info about the origins of the Pokémon of the trio


  • Movesets of 10% Forme and Complete Forme Zygarde is still unknown.
 Dark  Flying 
 Dragon  Ground 
Start Heal Pulse Hurricane Glare
Aromatherapy Razor Wind Bulldoze
Ingrain Taunt Dragon Breath
Take Down Roost Bite
5 Light Screen Double Team Safeguard
10 Aurora Beam Air Slash Dig
18 Gravity Snarl Bind
26 Geomancy Oblivion Wing Land's Wrath
35 Moonblast Disable Sandstorm
44 Megahorn Dark Pulse Haze
51 Night Slash Foul Play Crunch
55 Horn Leech Phantom Force Earthquake
59 Psych Up Psychic Camouflage
63 Misty Terrain Dragon Rush Dragon Pulse
72 Nature Power Focus Blast Dragon Dance
80 Close Combat Sucker Punch Coil
88 Giga Impact Hyper Beam Extreme Speed
93 Outrage Sky Attack Outrage
Moves in bold get STAB. Moves in italics do no damage.

Base stat comparison

  • Zero values denote unknown base stat values.
Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total 680 680 0 680 0

In the games

Pokémon X & Y

Xerneas and Yveltal are the version mascots of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y respectively. They both appear in Team Flare's HQ in Geosenge Town, in which the villianous team uses the powers of the legendary Pokémon to power the Ultimate Weapon created by AZ. Xerneas or Yveltal will awaken from their dormant formes (Xerneas as the Tree of Life and Yveltal as the Cocoon of Destruction) when first encountered. When defeated, the player will battle the Pokémon again and capture the legendary Pokémon depending on game version. The two are required to be captured to battle Lysandre.

Zygarde 50% can be found in the deepest dungeon in Terminus Cave, or the so-called Zygarde's Chamber. If defeated, it will flee and could be encountered again after battling the Elite Four.

Pokémon Sun & Moon

Zygarde's other formes, 10% and Complete Forme, and the two basic components, Core and Cell, are to debut in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.

In the anime

Dialga and Palkia made their debut appearance in the movie The Rise of Darkrai. In this movie, their two worlds, the Temporal World and the Spatial World, collided, leading the two to mistakenly believe that they were intentionally invading each other's territory. As such, the two began to violently clash, causing large distortions between time and space in Alamos Town. However, Palkia sustained injury when one of the pearls on its arm was cracked. Palkia then took refuge in Alamos Town and also wound up transferring the town to the Spatial World. Dialga then appeared before it once Darkrai forced Palkia to reveal itself. The two then violently continued fighting in the town. Darkrai also intervened in their fight to protect the town, and Dialga and Palkia continued to fight with Darkrai involved, causing massive destruction around Alamos Town. However, Ash and Dawn soon activate the song Oracion on the Space-Time Tower, which becalms Dialga and Palkia, and they, end their fight, and Palkia restores Alamos Town to its original state. Dialga then leaves.

The same Dialga appears again in Giratina and the Sky Warrior, along with Giratina. In this movie, it is revealed that the fighting between Dialga and Palkia in the previous movie caused many toxic clouds to appear in Giratina's Reverse World. Giratina, furious at the two for defiling its home, sought revenge on Dialga, attacking it violently near a lake and drawing it into the Reverse World. As the two battled, Dialga attempted to escape, but Giratina constantly kept pulling it in. However, the vortex caused by Giratina abducting Dialga ended up pulling a fearful Shaymin into the Reverse World on accident, who, in fear of the situation, used Seed Flare which opened up a portal, and Dialga escaped by locking Giratina into a time loop.

Giratina, seeking to regain its ability to traverse between the real and Reverse Worlds, sought after the particular Shaymin that enabled Dialga to escape. However, this Shaymin was under the impression that Giratina wanted to eat it and thus terrified of it. When Zero appeared, Shaymin forcibly opened up a portal using Seed Flare, in which Giratina regained the ability to traverse between the two worlds. Zero, in his goal to take control of the Reverse World, used a special machine to absorb Giratina's powers, which almost killed Giratina until Newton Graceland hacked the database. Giratina then struggled to stay alive until Shaymin then used Aromatherapy to restore Giratina to a healthy state. Giratina then helped along with Ash and Shaymin to defeat Zero, and when Shaymin opened a portal to help everyone escape, Giratina restrained Zero's ship and caused it to malfunction. It then helped Ash out of the Reverse World, but then flew away, to which Newton Graceland suspected must have meant that Dialga was nearby.

Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina all reappeared as well in Arceus and the Jewel of Life. When a harsh distortion appeared and almost got Pikachu and Piplup abducted into the vortex, Sheena appeared on the scene and used her mysterious power to summon Dialga, who arrived and saved Pikachu and Piplup, then destroyed the vortex with Roar of Time. However, its presence drew in Giratina, who, still enraged at Dialga, appeared from the lake and violently attacked Dialga. When Sheena tried to communicate with it, its rage ended up making it unable to commune. However, Ash appeared and called out to Giratina, and when it recognized Ash, it calmed down. Then, Sheena communicated with Giratina, telling it that it has misunderstood Dialga and to not battle it. Giratina then returned to the Reverse World in peace. However, another distortion appeared and Dialga ended up being trapped in the vortex. Luckily enough, Palkia appeared and used Spacial Rend to destroy this vortex, then bent space around Dialga to get it out of the vortex safely. Sheena then thanked Dialga and Palkia, and the two left in peace.

In this movie, it was revealed that the harsh distortions in time and space, and the subsequent conflict between the creation trio, was caused by the awakening of Arceus. When Arceus awoke and prepared to judge humanity as revenge for Damos' supposed betrayal eras ago, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina all fought to protect humanity from Arceus, with Palkia bending space to restrain Arceus, and Dialga sending Ash, his friends, and Sheena back into time to alter the chain of events. After history was changed and Arceus had restored Michina Town, the creation trio parted ways with Ash and his friends, and returned to their respective dimensions.

Dialga and Palkia made an appearance in The Battle Finale of Legend!, where they are summoned by Cyrus by using the power of the lake guardians and the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs, and are controlled by the Red Chain to help Cyrus create his new universe. However, the lake guardians, along with their chosen three, Ash, Dawn, and Brock, help to free them of the Red Chain's control, and Dialga and Palkia then destroy Cyrus's universe and go into a fit of rage. However, the protagonists and the lake guardians combined help to quell their rage and the lake guardians send the two back to their dimensions. It is left ambiguous as to whether or not these are the same Dialga and Palkia that appeared in the movie canon.

Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina will all make a major appearance in Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, where they are summoned by the Unbound Hoopa, and they clash along with Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and other legendaries, terrorizing the city. It is ambiguous as to whether or not these are the same ones that appeared in the Diamond and Pearl movie trilogy, or even from the aforementioned episode.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

At the end of the Diamond & Pearl arc, both Dialga and Palkia are summoned by Cyrus at the Spear Pillar so that they can be forced to fight each other to create a new world. After Cyrus's plans are thwarted, Giratina appears and drags Cyrus, Dialga, and Palkia into the Distortion World.

In the following chapter, Giratina serves as one of the main antagonists alongside Charon.

Chronologically, the first appearance of the trio was during the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc, where they were revived by Arceus to wreak havoc on humanity. After Arceus was calmed by Gold, Giratina was banished to the Distortion World while Dialga and Palkia went to the Spear Pillar.

In the Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Adventure! manga

In this manga Dialga is more prominent than Palkia or Giratina. For Hareta, one of the goals of his journey is to meet Dialga. Dialga also is the one summoned by Cyrus at the Spear Pillar. After Hareta stopped him, Palkia appeared.

Later, Hareta battles with Giratina in the Distortion World.



Promotional artwork for an event distribution of the Shiny versions of the trio
  • Of the three, Palkia is the only member of its trio to share its type combination with another Pokémon.
  • Giratina (in Platinum), has its own unique battle music, is able to change forms (between Altered Forme and Origin Forme), and has two different menu sprites. Also, Giratina is the only member whose box art differs from its Sugimori art released with Diamond and Pearl.
  • No two members of the trio have the same number of legs. Even when one considers Giratina Origin Forme this remains true, as Origin Forme Giratina has no legs, Palkia has two, Dialga has four, and Altered Forme Giratina has six.
    • Also, no two members have the same number of immunities. Palkia has none, Dialga has one, Giratina Altered Forme has two, and Origin Forme Giratina has three because of Levitate.
  • The primary types of each of the trio are the specialty types of three different Gyms of Sinnoh, the only region that has Gyms of those types all together.
  • All members of the creation trio lose the ability to learn Heal Block by level up in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
  • As of HeartGold and SoulSilver, the creation trio are the only Legendary Pokémon who do not learn any moves past level 50. Furthermore, they are the only legendary trio in which all members can be legitimately obtained at level 1.
  • The creation trio is the only Legendary trio composed of version mascots which all have the same base stat total—Rayquaza has 10 points total more than Groudon and Kyogre, while Kyurem has either 20 points total less or more than Reshiram and Zekrom, depending on its form.