Dream Park (Dream World)

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Dream Park ゆめパーク
Dream Park
File:DW Dream Park.png
Default beginning November 20, 2012

The Dream Park (Japanese: ゆめパーク Dream Park) is an area of the Island of Dreams in the Pokémon Dream World. If the player tucks in a Normal Pokémon, the odds of this area being visited is increased.


Pokémon Level Availability Ability Featured moves Mini-games
  Beedrill Lv. 10 After ?
Sniper A Fury Attack Normal ??? ???
B Air Cutter Flying
C Fury Cutter Bug
  Ekans Lv. 10 After ?
Unnerve A Poison Sting Poison Skip Across the Lake ???
B Beat Up Dark
C Dark Pulse Dark
  Paras Lv. 10 After ?
Damp A Stun Spore Grass Ice Cream Scoop ???
B Cross Poison Poison
C Synthesis Grass
  Venonat Lv. 10 After ?
Run Away A Disable Normal ??? ???
B Baton Pass Normal
C Skill Swap Psychic
  Grimer Lv. 10 After ?
Poison Touch A Poison Gas Poison Ice Cream Scoop ???
B Haze Ice
C Shadow Sneak Ghost
  Chansey Lv. 10 After ?
Healer A ??? ??? N/A Collect Gems
B Counter Fighting
C Helping Hand Normal
  Pinsir Lv. 10 After ?
Moxie A ViceGrip Normal Open the Treasure Box Skip Across the Lake
B Close Combat Fighting
C Me First Normal
  Eevee Lv. 10 After ?
Anticipation A Sand-Attack Ground ??? ???
B Charm Normal
C Swift Normal
  Snorlax Lv. 10 After ?
Gluttony A Amnesia Psychic ??? Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
B Fire Punch Fire
C Recycle Normal
  Togepi Lv. 10 After ?
Super Luck A Metronome Normal Skip Across the Lake Skip Across the Lake
B Lucky Chant Normal
C Uproar Normal
  Aipom Lv. 10 After ?
Skill Link A Scratch Normal Wailord's Water Spout Frozen Treat Sweep
B Fake Out Normal
C Fire Punch Fire
  Pineco Lv. 10 After ?
Overcoat A Selfdestruct Normal ???
Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
B Toxic Spikes Poison
C Gravity Psychic
  Heracross Lv. 10 After ?
Moxie A Horn Attack Normal Sky Race Blow Out Candles
B Flail Normal
C Focus Punch Fighting
  Wurmple Lv. 10 After ?
Run Away A Poison Sting Poison Wailord's Water Spout ???
Sky Race
B Bug Bite Bug
C Snore Normal
  Seedot Lv. 10 After ?
Pickpocket A Growth Normal Pokémon Seek ???
B Bullet Seed Grass
C Foul Play Dark
  Shroomish Lv. 10 After ?
Quick Feet A Stun Spore Grass Frozen Treat Sweep Frozen Treat Sweep
B Bullet Seed Grass
C Focus Punch Fighting
  Slakoth Lv. 10 After ?
Truant A Yawn Normal Collect Gems ???
B Night Slash Dark
C Sucker Punch Dark
  Nincada Lv. 10 After ?
Run Away A Leech Life Bug Blow Out Candles ???
B Endure Normal
C Night Slash Dark
  Plusle Lv. 10 After ?
Plus A Thunder Wave Electric Frozen Treat Sweep
Skip Across the Lake
Frozen Treat Sweep
Skip Across the Lake
B Discharge Electric
C Signal Beam Bug
  Minun Lv. 10 After ?
Minus A Thunder Wave Electric ??? ???
B Discharge Electric
C Signal Beam Bug
  Roselia Lv. 10 After ?
Leaf Guard A Growth Normal Skip Across the Lake Collect Gems
B Sleep Powder Grass
C Swift Normal
  Gulpin Lv. 10 After ?
Gluttony A Poison Gas Poison Pokémon Seek ???
B Acid Armor Poison
C Giga Drain Grass
  Zangoose Lv. 10 After ?
Toxic Boost A Quick Attack Normal Pokémon Seek ???
B Double Hit Normal
C Low Kick Fighting
  Seviper Lv. 10 After ?
Infiltrator A Bite Dark ??? Pokémon Seek
B Body Slam Normal
C Aqua Tail Water
  Kecleon Lv. 10 After ?
Color Change A Faint Attack Dark ??? Pokémon Seek
B Skill Swap Psychic
C Reflect Type Normal
  Kricketot Lv. 10 After ?
Run Away A Struggle Bug Bug ??? Collect Gems
B Endeavor Normal
C Uproar Normal
  Combee Lv. 10 After ?
Hustle A Gust Flying Pokémon Seek ???
B Tailwind Flying
C Air Cutter Flying
  Cherubi Lv. 10 After ?
Chlorophyll A Leech Seed Grass ??? ???
B Heal Pulse Psychic
C Bullet Seed Grass
  Carnivine Lv. 10 After ?
Levitate A Bite Dark ??? Collect Gems
Wailord's Water Spout
B Rage Powder Bug
C Gastro Acid Poison
  Audino Lv. 10 After ?
Klutz A Helping Hand Normal Pokémon Bistro ???
B Encore Normal
C Yawn Normal
  Gurdurr Lv. 10 After ?
Iron Fist A Low Kick Fighting ??? Pokémon Bistro
B Mach Punch Fighting
C Drain Punch Fighting
  Throh Lv. 10 After ?
Mold Breaker A Bind Normal Open the Treasure Box N/A
B Ice Punch Ice
C Superpower Fighting
  Sawk Lv. 10 After ?
Mold Breaker A Rock Smash Fighting Skip Across the Lake N/A
B ThunderPunch Electric
C Dual Chop Dragon
  Scraggy Lv. 10 After ?
Intimidate A Low Kick Fighting ??? Skip Across the Lake
B Fake Out Normal
C Drain Punch Fighting
  • If the Pokémon is available by Default, the Pokémon is available upon unlocking the area.
  • The Abilities listed are the Abilities the Pokémon will obtain when obtained from Dream World.
  • The moves the Pokémon has when obtained will depend on the points gained after completing mini-games.
  • Gender unknown Pokémon will have the mini-games to be played to obtain them under both the male and female headers.


Item Availability
  Spelon Berry After ? Points
  Nomel Berry After ? Points
  Pamtre Berry After ? Points
  Rabuta Berry After ? Points
  Honey After ? Points
  Pass Orb Default
  Repel After ? Points
  Max Repel After ? Points
  Health Wing After ? Points
  Muscle Wing After ? Points
  Resist Wing After ? Points
  Genius Wing After ? Points
  Clever Wing After ? Points
  Swift Wing After ? Points
  Shed Shell After ? Points
  Rare Candy After ? Points
  • If the item is available by Default, the item
    is available upon unlocking the area.

Pokémon Dream World areas
Pleasant ForestWindswept SkySparkling SeaSpooky ManorRugged MountainIcy CaveDream Park
Pokémon Café Forest