List of PAL Nintendo event Pokémon in 2011

This is a reverse-chronological list of Nintendo event Pokémon that were given away in 2011 for all PAL Pokémon games.

List of event Pokémon

European Wi-Fi Victini

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Victini Dex No. 0494 Random nature. Fire V-create None
Lv. 50 Type Dec. 3, 2011 Fire Fusion Flare
  Psychic Fire Pokémon Event Electric Fusion Bolt
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Fire Searing Shot
ID No. 03121   This Pokémon was available in European Wi-Fi
from December 3 to 31 2011.
Item Ability  
  Fire Gem Victory Star  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card

German Gamestop Winter Darkrai

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Darkrai Dex No. 0491 Random nature. Dark Dark Void None
Lv. 50 Type Nov. 14, 2011 Ghost Ominous Wind
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Faint Attack
OT ??? Met at Lv. 50. Ghost Nightmare
ID No. 14111   This Pokémon was available in Germany
from November 14, 2011 to January 01, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Enigma Berry Bad Dreams  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Ein besonderes Darkrai!
Wonder Card
Ein besonderes Darkrai!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab.

Belgian Snarl Zoroark

This Pokémon was distributed at Cora hypermarkets in Belgium.

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zoroark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Oct. 8, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT ??? Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. ?????   This Pokémon was available in Belgium
on October 8, 2011.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Hoorn playday Zoroark

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zoroark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Sep. 18, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in The Netherlands
on September 18, 2011.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card

Australian Snarl Zoroark

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zororark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Sep. 18, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT EVENT11 Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. 09161   This Pokémon was available in Australia
from September 16, 2011 to October 16, 2011.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Distribution description

A special Zoroark!
You've received a Zoroark
that knows a special move!
Try it out in battle!

Wonder Card

A special Zoroark!
Wonder Card
A special Zoroark!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from
the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Dutch Karrablast

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Karrablast Dex No. 0588 Random nature. Bug Megahorn None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 24, 2011 Normal Take Down
  Bug Unknown Pokémon Event Bug X-Scissor
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Normal Flail
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in The Netherlands
from August 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Bug Gem Swarm  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

A Karrablast!
Wonder Card
A Karrablast!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from
the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Dutch Shelmet

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Shuthelm Dex No. 0616 Random nature. Normal Encore None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 24, 2011 Grass Giga Drain
  Bug Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Body Slam
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Bug Bug Buzz
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in The Netherlands
from August 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Bug Gem Hydration  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

A Shelmet!
Wonder Card
A Shelmet!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from
the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

German Snarl Zoroark

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zoroark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Aug. 27, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in Germany
from August 27, 2011 to October 01, 2011.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Distribution description

Ein besonderes Zoroark!
Du hast ein Zoroark mit einer
besonderen Attacke erhalten!
Probier sie in einem Kampf aus!

Wonder Card

Ein besonderes Zoroark!
Wonder Card
Ein besonderes Zoroark!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab.

German Karrablast

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Laukaps Dex No. 0588 Random nature. Bug Megahorn None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 24, 2011 Normal Take Down
  Bug Unknown Pokémon Event Bug X-Scissor
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Normal Flail
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in Germany
from June 24 to August 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Bug Gem Swarm  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Distribution description

Ein Laukaps!
Du hast ein Laukaps erhalten!
Wenn du dein Laukaps gegen das
Schnuthelm eines Freundes tauschst,
entwickelt es sich!

Wonder Card

Ein Laukaps!
Wonder Card
Ein Laukaps!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab.

German Shelmet

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Schnuthelm Dex No. 0616 Random nature. Normal Encore None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 24, 2011 Grass Giga Drain
  Bug Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Body Slam
OT SMR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Bug Bug Buzz
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in Germany
from June 24 and August 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Bug Gem Hydration  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Distribution description

Ein Schnuthelm!
Du hast ein Schnuthelm erhalten!
Wenn du dein Schnuthelm gegen das
Laukaps eines Freundes tauschst,
entwickelt es sich!

Wonder Card

Ein Schnuthelm!
Wonder Card
Ein Schnuthelm!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab.

French Snarl Zoroark

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zoroark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 20, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT ÉTÉ2011 Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. 06011   This Pokémon was available in France
from June 20 to August 20, 2011 and June 30 to July 3.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Un Zoroark Spècial!
Wonder Card
Un Zoroark Spècial!
Merci d'avoir joué Pokémon!
Allez récupérer votre cadeau
dans le jeu auprés du livreur
d'un Centre Pokémon.

Greek Snarl Zoroark

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zoroark Dex No. 0571 Quirky nature. Psychic Agility None
Lv. 50 Type Jun. 11, 2011 Dark Embargo
  Dark Unknown Pokémon Event Dark Punishment
OT ????? Met at Lv. 50. Dark Snarl
ID No. ?????   This Pokémon was available in Greece
from June 11 and 18, 2011.
Item Ability  
  None Illusion  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution

Wonder Card

Wonder Card

Dutch Saturn / V&D Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 26, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in the Netherlands
from February 26, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Time to travel with CELEBI!
Find secrets from the past and future!
Transfer CELEBI to Pokémon Black
Version or Pokémon White Version for a
special encounter! Save the game once
you receive CELEBI at a Poké Mart.

English Winter 2011 Suicune

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  SUICUNE Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 21, 2011 Water Aqua Ring
    Water Unknown Pokémon Event Flying Air Slash
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 21 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
The Legendary Trio of Johto!
Transfer your Shiny SUICUNE to Pokémon
Black Version or Pokémon White Version
for a special encounter! Be sure to
save the game once you receive SUICUNE
at a Poké Mart.

French Winter 2011 Suicune

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  SUICUNE Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 21, 2011 Water Aqua Ring
    Water Unknown Pokémon Event Flying Air Slash
OT HVR2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 21 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Le Trio légendaire de Johto!
Transférez ce SUICUNE chromatique vers
Pokémon Version Noire ou Pokémon
Version Blanche pour une rencontre
incroyable! Récupérez SUICUNE dans une
Botique Pokémon et sauvegardez.

German Winter 2011 Suicune

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  SUICUNE Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 21, 2011 Water Aqua Ring
    Water Unknown Pokémon Event Flying Air Slash
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 21 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Das Legendäre Trio von Johto!
Übertrage das Schillerndes SUICUNE auf
Pokémon Schwarze Edition oder Pokémon
Weiße Edition für eine Begegnung der
besonderen Art! Hole SUICUNE aus dem
PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!

Italian Winter 2011 Suicune

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  SUICUNE Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 21, 2011 Water Aqua Ring
    Water Unknown Pokémon Event Flying Air Slash
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 21 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Il leggendario trio di Johto!
Trasferisci SUICUNE cromatico su
Pokémon Versione Nera o Pokémon
Versione Bianca e preparati a una
sorpresa! Salva il gioco dopo aver
ritirato SUICUNE al Pokémon-Market.

Spanish Winter 2011 Suicune

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  SUICUNE Dex No. 0245 Relaxed nature. Ice Sheer Cold None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 21, 2011 Water Aqua Ring
    Water Unknown Pokémon Event Flying Air Slash
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02211   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 21 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Rowap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
El trío legendario de Johto!
Transfiere a tu SUICUNE varicolor
a Pokémon Edición Negra o Pokémon
Edición Blanca y déjate sorprender!
Recuerda guardar la partida al recibir
a SUICUNE en la Tienda Pokémon.

English GAME Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 19, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in the United Kingdom
from February 19 to February 27th, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Time to travel with CELEBI!
Find secrets from the past and future!
Transfer CELEBI to Pokémon Black
Version or Pokémon White Version for a
special encounter! Save the game once
you receive CELEBI at a Poké Mart.

German Download Tour Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 18, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in Germany
from February 18 to February 27, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Reise durch die Zeit mit CELEBI!
Lüfte Geheimnisse aus allen Epochen!
Sende CELEBI an Pokémon Schwarze
Edition oder Pokémon Weiße Edition
für ein besonderes Treffen! Hole CELEBI
aus dem PKMN-Supermarkt ab und speichere!

Norwegian Spaceworld Celebi

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT ????? Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Norway
from February 14 to March 4, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Time to travel with CELEBI!
Find secrets from the past and future!
Transfer CELEBI to Pokémon Black
Version or Pokémon White Version for a
special encounter! Save the game once
you receive CELEBI at a Poké Mart.

Danish GameStop / Toys "R" Us Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in Denmark
from February 14 to March 4, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Time to travel with CELEBI!
Find secrets from the past and future!
Transfer CELEBI to Pokémon Black
Version or Pokémon White Version for a
special encounter! Save the game once
you receive CELEBI at a Poké Mart.

English Winter 2011 Entei

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ENTEI Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Crush Claw
    Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Howl
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 14 to February 20, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
The Legendary Trio of Johto!
Transfer your Shiny ENTEI to Pokémon
Black Version or Pokémon White Version
for a special encounter! Be sure to
save the game once you receive ENTEI
at a Poké Mart.

French Winter 2011 Entei

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ENTEI Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Crush Claw
    Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Howl
OT HVR2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 14 to February 20, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Le Trio légendaire de Johto!
Transférez ce ENTEI chromatique vers
Pokémon Version Noire ou Pokémon
Version Blanche pour une rencontre
incroyable! Récupérez ENTEI dans une
Botique Pokémon et sauvegardez.

German Winter 2011 Entei

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ENTEI Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Crush Claw
    Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Howl
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 14 to February 20, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Das Legendäre Trio von Johto!
Übertrage das Schillerndes ENTEI auf
Pokémon Schwarze Edition oder Pokémon
Weiße Edition für eine Begegnung der
besonderen Art! Hole ENTEI aus dem
PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!

Italian Winter 2011 Entei

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ENTEI Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Crush Claw
    Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Howl
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 14 to February 20, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Il leggendario trio di Johto!
Trasferisci ENTEI cromatico su
Pokémon Versione Nera o Pokémon
Versione Bianca e preparati a una
sorpresa! Salva il gioco dopo aver
ritirato ENTEI al Pokémon-Market.

Spanish Winter 2011 Entei

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  ENTEI Dex No. 0244 Adamant nature. Fire Flare Blitz None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 14, 2011 Normal Crush Claw
    Fire Unknown Pokémon Event Normal Howl
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02141   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 14 to February 20, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Custap Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
El trío legendario de Johto!
Transfiere a tu ENTEI varicolor
a Pokémon Edición Negra o Pokémon
Edición Blanca y déjate sorprender!
Recuerda guardar la partida al recibir
a ENTEI en la Tienda Pokémon.

English Winter 2011 Raikou

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  RAIKOU Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 7, 2011 Normal Weather Ball
    Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Fighting Aura Sphere
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02071   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 7 to February 13, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
The Legendary Trio of Johto!
Transfer your Shiny RAIKOU to Pokémon
Black Version or Pokémon White Version
for a special encounter! Be sure to
save the game once you receive RAIKOU
at a Poké Mart.

French Winter 2011 Raikou

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  RAIKOU Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 7, 2011 Normal Weather Ball
    Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Fighting Aura Sphere
OT HVR2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02071   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 7 to February 13, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Le Trio légendaire de Johto!
Transférez ce RAIKOU chromatique vers
Pokémon Version Noire ou Pokémon
Version Blanche pour une rencontre
incroyable! Récupérez RAIKOU dans une
Botique Pokémon et sauvegardez.

German Winter 2011 Raikou

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  RAIKOU Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 7, 2011 Normal Weather Ball
    Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Fighting Aura Sphere
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02071   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 7 to February 13, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Das Legendäre Trio von Johto!
Übertrage das Schillerndes RAIKOU auf
Pokémon Schwarze Edition oder Pokémon
Weiße Edition für eine Begegnung der
besonderen Art! Hole RAIKOU aus dem
PKMN-Supermarkt und speichere!

Italian Winter 2011 Raikou

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  RAIKOU Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 7, 2011 Normal Weather Ball
    Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Fighting Aura Sphere
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02071   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 7 to February 13, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Il leggendario trio di Johto!
Trasferisci RAIKOU cromatico su
Pokémon Versione Nera o Pokémon
Versione Bianca e preparati a una
sorpresa! Salva il gioco dopo aver
ritirato RAIKOU al Pokémon-Market.

Spanish Winter 2011 Raikou

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  RAIKOU Dex No. 0243 Rash nature. Electric Zap Cannon None
Lv. 30 Type Feb. 7, 2011 Normal Weather Ball
    Electric Unknown Pokémon Event Fighting Aura Sphere
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 30. Normal ExtremeSpeed
ID No. 02071   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 7 to February 13, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Micle Berry Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
El trío legendario de Johto!
Transfiere a tu RAIKOU varicolor
a Pokémon Edición Negra o Pokémon
Edición Blanca y déjate sorprender!
Recuerda guardar la partida al recibir
a RAIKOU en la Tienda Pokémon.

Portuguese GAME Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 4, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT WIN2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in Portugal
from February 4 to March 3, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.
Wonder Card  
Time to travel with CELEBI!
Find secrets from the past and future!
Transfer CELEBI to Pokémon Black
Version or Pokémon White Version for a
special encounter! Save the game once
you receive CELEBI at a Poké Mart.

Spanish GAME Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 1, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in Spain
from February 1 to March 3, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.
Wonder Card  
Es hora de viajar con CELEBI!
Descubre secretos pasados y futuros!
Transfiere a CELEBI a Pokémon Edición
Negra o Pokémon Edición Blanca y
sorpréndete! Guarda la partida al
recibir a CELEBI en la Tienda Pokémon.

French GAME Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 1, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT HVR2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in France
from February 1 to March 3, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.
Wonder Card  
Voyagez dans le temps avec CELEBI!
Explorez des secrets passés et futurs!
Transférez CELEBI vers Pokémon Version
Noire ou Pokémon Version Blanche pour
une surprise! Récupérez CELEBI dans
une Boutique Pokémon et sauvegardez.

Italian GameStop Celebi

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  CELEBI Dex No. 0251 Random nature. Grass Leaf Storm None
Lv. 50 Type Feb. 1, 2011 Normal Recover
  Psychic Grass Pokémon Event Dark Nasty Plot
OT INV2011 Met at Lv. 50. Psychic Healing Wish
ID No. 01211   This Pokémon was available in Italy
from February 1 to March 3, 2011.
Item Ability  
  Jaboca Berry Natural Cure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.

Wonder Card

Wonder Card  
Preparati a viaggiare con CELEBI!
Il tempo non avrà segreti! Trasferisci
CELEBI su Pokémon Versione Nera o
Pokémon Versione Bianca e avrai una
sorpresa! Salva il gioco dopo aver
ritirato CELEBI al Pokémon-Market.

See also

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes