Dream Park (Dream World): Difference between revisions

(nope, i only have 750 points in b2 and got a super repel)
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{{DWInfobox|Dream Park|ゆめパーク|Dream Park|image=Dream Park.png|imagesize=300|av=Default beginning November 20, 2012}}
{{DWInfobox|Dream Park|ゆめパーク|Dream Park|image=Dream Park.png|imagesize=300|av=Default beginning November 20, 2012}}

The '''Dream Park''' (Japanese: '''ゆめパーク''' ''Dream Park'') is an area of the Island of Dreams in the [[Pokémon Dream World]]. If the player tucks in a {{type|Normal}} Pokémon, the odds of this area being visited is increased.
The '''Dream Park''' (Japanese: '''ゆめパーク''' ''Dream Park'') was an area of the Island of Dreams in the [[Pokémon Dream World]]. If the player tucked in a {{type|Normal}} Pokémon, the odds of this area being visited were increased.
{{DWpoke|046|Paras|10|d|Damp|Stun Spore|Grass|Cross Poison|Poison|Synthesis|Grass|Skip Across the Lake|Ice Cream Scoop|m2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|046|Paras|10|d|Damp|Stun Spore|Grass|Cross Poison|Poison|Synthesis|Grass|Skip Across the Lake|Ice Cream Scoop|m2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|204|Pineco|10|d|Overcoat|Selfdestruct|Normal|Toxic Spikes|Poison|Gravity|Psychic|Sky Race|Blow Out Candles|m2=Blow Out Candles}}
{{DWpoke|204|Pineco|10|d|Overcoat|Selfdestruct|Normal|Toxic Spikes|Poison|Gravity|Psychic|Sky Race|m2=Blow Out Candles|Sky Race|f2=Blow Out Candles}}
{{DWpoke|265|Wurmple|10|d|Run Away|Poison Sting|Poison|Bug Bite|Bug|Snore|Normal|Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Sky Race|f2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|265|Wurmple|10|d|Run Away|Poison Sting|Poison|Bug Bite|Bug|Snore|Normal|Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Sky Race|f2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|273|Seedot|10|d|Pickpocket|Growth|Normal|Bullet Seed|Grass|Foul Play|Dark|Pokémon Seek|Pokémon Seek|m2=Skip Across the Lake|f2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|273|Seedot|10|d|Pickpocket|Growth|Normal|Bullet Seed|Grass|Foul Play|Dark|Pokémon Seek|m2=Skip Across the Lake|f2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|287|Slakoth|10|d|Truant|Yawn|Normal|Night Slash|Dark|Sucker Punch|Dark|Collect Gems|Sky Race|m2=Pokémon Seek}}
{{DWpoke|287|Slakoth|10|d|Truant|Yawn|Normal|Night Slash|Dark|Sucker Punch|Dark|Collect Gems|Sky Race|m2=Pokémon Seek|f2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|290|Nincada|10|d|Run Away|Leech Life|Bug|Endure|Normal|Night Slash|Dark|Blow Out Candles|Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|290|Nincada|10|d|Run Away|Leech Life|Bug|Endure|Normal|Night Slash|Dark|Blow Out Candles|f2=Sky Race|m2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|311|Plusle|10|d|Plus|Thunder Wave|Electric|Discharge|Electric|Signal Beam|Bug|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Skip Across the Lake|f2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|311|Plusle|10|d|Plus|Thunder Wave|Electric|Discharge|Electric|Signal Beam|Bug|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Skip Across the Lake|f2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|312|Minun|10|d|Minus|Thunder Wave|Electric|Discharge|Electric|Signal Beam|Bug|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|312|Minun|10|d|Minus|Thunder Wave|Electric|Discharge|Electric|Signal Beam|Bug|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|316|Gulpin|10|d|Gluttony|Poison Gas|Poison|Acid Armor|Poison|Giga Drain|Grass|Pokémon Seek|m2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|316|Gulpin|10|d|Gluttony|Poison Gas|Poison|Acid Armor|Poison|Giga Drain|Grass|Pokémon Seek|m2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|352|Kecleon|10|d|Color Change|Faint Attack|Dark|Skill Swap|Psychic|Reflect Type|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|Pokémon Seek|m2=Ice Cream Scoop|f2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|352|Kecleon|10|d|Color Change|Faint Attack|Dark|Skill Swap|Psychic|Reflect Type|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|Pokémon Seek|m2=Ice Cream Scoop|f2=Ice Cream Scoop}}
{{DWpoke|401|Kricketot|10|d|Run Away|Struggle Bug|Bug|Endeavor|Normal|Uproar|Normal|Pokemon Seek|f2=Collect Gems}}
{{DWpoke|401|Kricketot|10|d|Run Away|Struggle Bug|Bug|Endeavor|Normal|Uproar|Normal|Pokémon Seek|m2=Collect Gems|f2=Collect Gems}}
{{DWpoke|420|Cherubi|10|d|Chlorophyll|Leech Seed|Grass|Heal Pulse|Psychic|Bullet Seed|Grass|Ice Cream Scoop|Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|420|Cherubi|10|d|Chlorophyll|Leech Seed|Grass|Heal Pulse|Psychic|Bullet Seed|Grass|Ice Cream Scoop|Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|455|Carnivine|10|d|Levitate|Bite|Dark|Rage Powder|Bug|Gastro Acid|Poison|Ice Cream Scoop|Collect Gems|f2=Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|455|Carnivine|10|d|Levitate|Bite|Dark|Rage Powder|Bug|Gastro Acid|Poison|Ice Cream Scoop|Collect Gems|f2=Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|531|Audino|10|d|Klutz|Helping Hand|Normal|Encore|Normal|Yawn|Normal|Pokémon Bistro|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|531|Audino|10|d|Klutz|Helping Hand|Normal|Encore|Normal|Yawn|Normal|Pokémon Bistro|bw2=yes}}
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{{DWpoke|539|Sawk|10|d|Mold Breaker|Rock Smash|Fighting|ThunderPunch|Electric|Dual Chop|Dragon|Skip Across the Lake|N/A|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|539|Sawk|10|d|Mold Breaker|Rock Smash|Fighting|ThunderPunch|Electric|Dual Chop|Dragon|Skip Across the Lake|N/A|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|559|Scraggy|10|d|Intimidate|Low Kick|Fighting|Fake Out|Normal|Drain Punch|Fighting|Skip Across the Lake|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|559|Scraggy|10|d|Intimidate|Low Kick|Fighting|Fake Out|Normal|Drain Punch|Fighting|Skip Across the Lake|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|048|Venonat|10|1500|Run Away|Disable|Normal|Baton Pass|Normal|Skill Swap|Psychic|Skip Across the Lake|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|088|Grimer|10|1500|Poison Touch|Poison Gas|Poison|Haze|Ice|Shadow Sneak|Ghost|Ice Cream Scoop|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|415|Combee|10|1500|Hustle|Gust|Flying|Tailwind|Flying|Air Cutter|Flying|Pokémon Seek|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|015|Beedrill|10|1500|Sniper|Fury Attack|Normal|Air Cutter|Flying|Fury Cutter|Bug|Wailord's Water Spout|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|023|Ekans|10|5000|Unnerve|Poison Sting|Poison|Beat Up|Dark|Dark Pulse|Dark|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|023|Ekans|10|5000|Unnerve|Poison Sting|Poison|Beat Up|Dark|Dark Pulse|Dark|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|175|Togepi|10|5000|Super Luck|Metronome|Normal|Lucky Chant|Normal|Uproar|Normal|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|175|Togepi|10|5000|Super Luck|Metronome|Normal|Lucky Chant|Normal|Uproar|Normal|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|190|Aipom|10|5000|Skill Link|Scratch|Normal|Fake Out|Normal|Fire Punch|Fire|Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Frozen Treat Sweep|Wailord's Water Spout|f2=Frozen Treat Sweep}}
{{DWpoke|190|Aipom|10|5000|Skill Link|Scratch|Normal|Fake Out|Normal|Fire Punch|Fire|Wailord's Water Spout|m2=Frozen Treat Sweep|f2=Frozen Treat Sweep}}
{{DWpoke|285|Shroomish|10|5000|Quick Feet|Stun Spore|Grass|Bullet Seed|Grass|Focus Punch|Fighting|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|285|Shroomish|10|5000|Quick Feet|Stun Spore|Grass|Bullet Seed|Grass|Focus Punch|Fighting|Frozen Treat Sweep|m2=Wailord's Water Spout}}
{{DWpoke|533|Gurdurr|25|5000|Iron Fist|Low Kick|Fighting|Mach Punch|Fighting|Drain Punch|Fighting|Pokémon Bistro|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|533|Gurdurr|25|5000|Iron Fist|Low Kick|Fighting|Mach Punch|Fighting|Drain Punch|Fighting|Pokémon Bistro|bw2=yes}}
{{DWpoke|015|Beedrill|10|?|Sniper|Fury Attack|Normal|Air Cutter|Flying|Fury Cutter|Bug|Wailord's Water Spout|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|315|Roselia|10|7500|Leaf Guard|Growth|Normal|Sleep Powder|Grass|Swift|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|m2=Collect Gems|f2=Collect Gems}}
{{DWpoke|048|Venonat|10|?|Run Away|Disable|Normal|Baton Pass|Normal|Skill Swap|Psychic|Skip Across the Lake|???|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|335|Zangoose|10|7500|Toxic Boost|Quick Attack|Normal|Double Hit|Normal|Low Kick|Fighting|Pokémon Seek|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|088|Grimer|10|?|Poison Touch|Poison Gas|Poison|Haze|Ice|Shadow Sneak|Ghost|Ice Cream Scoop|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|336|Seviper|10|7500|Infiltrator|Bite|Dark|Body Slam|Normal|Aqua Tail|Water|Pokémon Seek|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|113|Chansey|10|?|Healer|Growl|Normal|Counter|Fighting|Helping Hand|Normal|N/A|Collect Gems|f2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|113|Chansey|10|10000|Healer|Growl|Normal|Counter|Fighting|Helping Hand|Normal|N/A|Collect Gems|f2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|127|Pinsir|10|?|Moxie|ViceGrip|Normal|Close Combat|Fighting|Me First|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|m2=Open the Treasure Box|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|127|Pinsir|10|10000|Moxie|ViceGrip|Normal|Close Combat|Fighting|Me First|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|m2=Open the Treasure Box|f2=Open the Treasure Box}}
{{DWpoke|133|Eevee|10|?|Anticipation|Sand-Attack|Ground|Charm|Normal|Swift|Normal|Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|133|Eevee|10|10000|Anticipation|Sand-Attack|Ground|Charm|Normal|Swift|Normal|Open the Treasure Box|m2=Skip Across the Lake|f2=Skip Across the Lake}}
{{DWpoke|143|Snorlax|10|?|Gluttony|Amnesia|Psychic|Fire Punch|Fire|Recycle|Normal|Sky Race|Blow Out Candles|f2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|143|Snorlax|10|10000|Gluttony|Amnesia|Psychic|Fire Punch|Fire|Recycle|Normal|Sky Race|Blow Out Candles|m2=Blow Out Candles|f2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|214|Heracross|10|?|Moxie|Horn Attack|Normal|Flail|Normal|Focus Punch|Fighting|Sky Race|Blow Out Candles}}
{{DWpoke|214|Heracross|10|10000|Moxie|Horn Attack|Normal|Flail|Normal|Focus Punch|Fighting|Sky Race|m2=Blow Out Candles|Blow Out Candles|f2=Sky Race}}
{{DWpoke|315|Roselia|10|?|Leaf Guard|Growth|Normal|Sleep Powder|Grass|Swift|Normal|Skip Across the Lake|f2=Collect Gems}}
{{DWpoke|335|Zangoose|10|?|Toxic Boost|Quick Attack|Normal|Double Hit|Normal|Low Kick|Fighting|Pokémon Seek|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|336|Seviper|10|?|Infiltrator|Bite|Dark|Body Slam|Normal|Aqua Tail|Water|Pokémon Seek|bw1=yes}}
{{DWpoke|415|Combee|10|?|Hustle|Gust|Flying|Tailwind|Flying|Air Cutter|Flying|Pokémon Seek|???|bw1=yes}}

{{DWitem|Pass Orb|Default}}
{{DWitem|Pass Orb|pic=Bag Pass Orb Sprite}}
{{DWitem|Pretty Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Pretty Wing}}
{{DWitem|Clever Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Clever Wing}}
{{DWitem|Resist Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Resist Wing}}
{{DWitem|Health Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Health Wing}}
{{DWitem|Muscle Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Muscle Wing}}
{{DWitem|Genius Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Genius Wing}}
{{DWitem|Swift Wing|Default}}
{{DWitem|Swift Wing}}
{{DWitem|Rabuta Berry|Default}}
{{DWitem|Rabuta Berry}}
{{DWitem|Nomel Berry|Default}}
{{DWitem|Nomel Berry}}
{{DWitem|Spelon Berry|Default}}
{{DWitem|Spelon Berry}}
{{DWitem|Pamtre Berry|Default}}
{{DWitem|Pamtre Berry}}
{{DWitem|Super Repel}}
{{DWitem|Super Repel|d}}
{{DWitem|Air Balloon|5000}}
{{DWitem|Max Repel|?}}
{{DWitem|Shed Shell|5000}}
{{DWitem|Shed Shell|5000}}
{{DWitem|Rare Candy|7500}}
{{DWitem|Rare Candy|7500}}
{{DWitem|Max Repel|7500}}
{{DWitem|Lucky Egg|?}}
{{DWitem|Lucky Egg|?}}
{{DWitem|Lucky Punch|?}}
{{DWitem|Lucky Punch|10000}}
{{DWitem|Air Balloon|?}}
==In other languages==
==See also==
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[[Category:Pokémon Dream World]]
[[Category:Pokémon Dream World]]
[[es:Parque de los Sueños]]
[[fr:Parc des Songes]]
[[it:Parco Incanto]]

Latest revision as of 15:41, 7 May 2024

050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: more information in general

Dream Park ゆめパーク
Dream Park
Dream Park.png
Default beginning November 20, 2012

The Dream Park (Japanese: ゆめパーク Dream Park) was an area of the Island of Dreams in the Pokémon Dream World. If the player tucked in a Normal-type Pokémon, the odds of this area being visited were increased.


Pokémon Level Availability Ability Featured moves Mini-games
  Paras Lv. 10 Default Damp A Stun Spore Grass Skip Across the Lake
Ice Cream Scoop
Ice Cream Scoop
Ice Cream Scoop
B Cross Poison Poison
C Synthesis Grass
  Pineco Lv. 10 Default Overcoat A Selfdestruct Normal Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
B Toxic Spikes Poison
C Gravity Psychic
  Wurmple Lv. 10 Default Run Away A Poison Sting Poison Wailord's Water Spout
Sky Race
Wailord's Water Spout
Sky Race
B Bug Bite Bug
C Snore Normal
  Seedot Lv. 10 Default Pickpocket A Growth Normal Pokémon Seek
Skip Across the Lake
Pokémon Seek
Skip Across the Lake
B Bullet Seed Grass
C Foul Play Dark
  Slakoth Lv. 10 Default Truant A Yawn Normal Collect Gems
Pokémon Seek
Sky Race
Wailord's Water Spout
B Night Slash Dark
C Sucker Punch Dark
  Nincada Lv. 10 Default Run Away A Leech Life Bug Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
B Endure Normal
C Night Slash Dark
  Plusle Lv. 10 Default Plus A Thunder Wave Electric Frozen Treat Sweep
Skip Across the Lake
Frozen Treat Sweep
Ice Cream Scoop
B Discharge Electric
C Signal Beam Bug
  Minun Lv. 10 Default Minus A Thunder Wave Electric Frozen Treat Sweep
Skip Across the Lake
Frozen Treat Sweep
Skip Across the Lake
B Discharge Electric
C Signal Beam Bug
  Gulpin Lv. 10 Default Gluttony A Poison Gas Poison Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop
Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop
B Acid Armor Poison
C Giga Drain Grass
  Kecleon Lv. 10 Default Color Change A Faint Attack Dark Skip Across the Lake
Ice Cream Scoop
Pokémon Seek
Ice Cream Scoop
B Skill Swap Psychic
C Reflect Type Normal
  Kricketot Lv. 10 Default Run Away A Struggle Bug Bug Pokémon Seek
Collect Gems
Pokémon Seek
Collect Gems
B Endeavor Normal
C Uproar Normal
  Cherubi Lv. 10 Default Chlorophyll A Leech Seed Grass Ice Cream Scoop
Wailord's Water Spout
Wailord's Water Spout
Wailord's Water Spout
B Heal Pulse Psychic
C Bullet Seed Grass
  Carnivine Lv. 10 Default Levitate A Bite Dark Ice Cream Scoop
Wailord's Water Spout
Collect Gems
Wailord's Water Spout
B Rage Powder Bug
C Gastro Acid Poison
  AudinoB2W2 Lv. 10 Default Klutz A Helping Hand Normal Pokémon Bistro Pokémon Bistro
B Encore Normal
C Yawn Normal
  ThrohB2W2 Lv. 10 Default Mold Breaker A Bind Normal Open the Treasure Box N/A
B Ice Punch Ice
C Superpower Fighting
  SawkB2W2 Lv. 10 Default Mold Breaker A Rock Smash Fighting Skip Across the Lake N/A
B ThunderPunch Electric
C Dual Chop Dragon
  ScraggyB2W2 Lv. 10 Default Intimidate A Low Kick Fighting Skip Across the Lake Skip Across the Lake
B Fake Out Normal
C Drain Punch Fighting
  VenonatBW Lv. 10 After 1500
Run Away A Disable Normal Skip Across the Lake Skip Across the Lake
B Baton Pass Normal
C Skill Swap Psychic
  GrimerBW Lv. 10 After 1500
Poison Touch A Poison Gas Poison Ice Cream Scoop Ice Cream Scoop
B Haze Ice
C Shadow Sneak Ghost
  CombeeBW Lv. 10 After 1500
Hustle A Gust Flying Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Tailwind Flying
C Air Cutter Flying
  BeedrillBW Lv. 10 After 1500
Sniper A Fury Attack Normal Wailord's Water Spout Wailord's Water Spout
B Air Cutter Flying
C Fury Cutter Bug
  Ekans Lv. 10 After 5000
Unnerve A Poison Sting Poison Skip Across the Lake Skip Across the Lake
B Beat Up Dark
C Dark Pulse Dark
  Togepi Lv. 10 After 5000
Super Luck A Metronome Normal Skip Across the Lake Skip Across the Lake
B Lucky Chant Normal
C Uproar Normal
  Aipom Lv. 10 After 5000
Skill Link A Scratch Normal Wailord's Water Spout
Frozen Treat Sweep
Wailord's Water Spout
Frozen Treat Sweep
B Fake Out Normal
C Fire Punch Fire
  Shroomish Lv. 10 After 5000
Quick Feet A Stun Spore Grass Frozen Treat Sweep
Wailord's Water Spout
Frozen Treat Sweep
Wailord's Water Spout
B Bullet Seed Grass
C Focus Punch Fighting
  GurdurrB2W2 Lv. 25 After 5000
Iron Fist A Low Kick Fighting Pokémon Bistro Pokémon Bistro
B Mach Punch Fighting
C Drain Punch Fighting
  Roselia Lv. 10 After 7500
Leaf Guard A Growth Normal Skip Across the Lake
Collect Gems
Skip Across the Lake
Collect Gems
B Sleep Powder Grass
C Swift Normal
  ZangooseBW Lv. 10 After 7500
Toxic Boost A Quick Attack Normal Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Double Hit Normal
C Low Kick Fighting
  SeviperBW Lv. 10 After 7500
Infiltrator A Bite Dark Pokémon Seek Pokémon Seek
B Body Slam Normal
C Aqua Tail Water
  Chansey Lv. 10 After 10000
Healer A Growl Normal N/A Collect Gems
Skip Across the Lake
B Counter Fighting
C Helping Hand Normal
  Pinsir Lv. 10 After 10000
Moxie A ViceGrip Normal Skip Across the Lake
Open the Treasure Box
Skip Across the Lake
Open the Treasure Box
B Close Combat Fighting
C Me First Normal
  Eevee Lv. 10 After 10000
Anticipation A Sand-Attack Ground Open the Treasure Box
Skip Across the Lake
Open the Treasure Box
Skip Across the Lake
B Charm Normal
C Swift Normal
  Snorlax Lv. 10 After 10000
Gluttony A Amnesia Psychic Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
B Fire Punch Fire
C Recycle Normal
  Heracross Lv. 10 After 10000
Moxie A Horn Attack Normal Sky Race
Blow Out Candles
Blow Out Candles
Sky Race
B Flail Normal
C Focus Punch Fighting
  • If the Pokémon is available by Default, the Pokémon is available upon unlocking the area.
  • The Abilities listed are the Abilities the Pokémon will obtain when obtained from Dream World.
  • The moves the Pokémon has when obtained will depend on the points gained after completing mini-games.
  • Gender unknown Pokémon will have the mini-games to be played to obtain them under both the male and female headers.


Item Availability
  Pass Orb Default
  Pretty Wing Default
  Clever Wing Default
  Resist Wing Default
  Health Wing Default
  Muscle Wing Default
  Genius Wing Default
  Swift Wing Default
  Rabuta Berry Default
  Nomel Berry Default
  Spelon Berry Default
  Pamtre Berry Default
  Repel Default
  Super Repel Default
  Air Balloon After 5000 Points
  Honey After 5000 Points
  Shed Shell After 5000 Points
  Rare Candy After 7500 Points
  Max Repel After 7500 Points
  Lucky Egg After ? Points
  Lucky Punch After 10000 Points
  Leftovers After 10000 Points
  • If the item is available by Default, the item
    is available upon unlocking the area.

In other languages

  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.

See also

Pokémon Dream World areas
Pleasant ForestWindswept SkySparkling SeaSpooky ManorRugged MountainIcy CaveDream Park
Pokémon Café Forest

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.