Big Stadium and Small Court

Revision as of 14:13, 23 August 2015 by Ishu bagaria (talk | contribs) (→‎Additional Trainers: added some missing info)
050Diglett.png This article is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Some B2W2 Trainers are missing Easy and Challenge levels and Japanese names; interior layout images

Big Stadium and Small Court ビッグスタジアムとリトルコート
Big Stadium and Little Court
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Big Stadium Small Court exterior BWB2W2.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Nimbasa City
Region: Unova
Generations: V
Unova Nimbasa City Map.png
Location of Big Stadium and Small Court in Unova.
Pokémon world locations

The Big Stadium (Japanese: ビッグスタジアム Big Stadium) and Small Court (Japanese: リトルコート Little Court) are the sports arenas of Nimbasa City. Big Stadium is used by professional baseball, soccer, and American football players to practice and compete, whereas Small Court is the same for tennis and basketball players. Sport-based Trainers may be battled in both locations daily.

Occasionally, games are played, which bars the player from entering the field for a couple of hours. Depending on the sport of the day, Small Court is generally closed in the morning for one to two hours, and Big Stadium is closed in the afternoons for two to three hours.

Games schedule

These are the times during which the fields of Big Stadium and Little Stadium are closed due to matches being played.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sports schedule and event hours for Big Stadium:
Baseball Baseball Soccer Football Baseball Soccer Football
Sports schedule and event hours for Small Court:
Tennis Tennis Basketball Tennis Basketball Tennis Basketball
10AM-11AM 10AM-11AM 10AM-12PM 10AM-11AM 10AM-12PM 10AM-11AM 10AM-12PM
Today is Wednesday.


These items are given after defeating certain Trainers. Most of them appear randomly each day.

Item Location Games
  Fresh Water After defeating Waiter Clint
After defeating Waitress Bonita
 B  W 
  Full Restore After defeating Nurse Kirsten  B  W  B2  W2 
  Max Revive After defeating Doctor Jules  B  W  B2  W2 
  Moomoo Milk After defeating Baker Lilly  B  W  B2  W2 
  Ether After defeating Scientist Simon
After defeating Scientist Blythe
 B  W  B2  W2 
  PP Up After defeating Ace Trainer Lucille
After defeating Ace Trainer Charlie
 B  W  B2  W2 
  PP Max After defeating Veteran Arlen
After defeating Veteran Sayuri
 B  W  B2  W2 
  Rare Candy After defeating Nursery Aide Leah  B  W  B2  W2 
  Ultra Ball After defeating Youngster Kevin
After defeating Lass Dana
 B  W  B2  W2 
  Max Repel After defeating Backpacker Alexander
After defeating Backpacker Patty
 B  W  B2  W2 
  Big Pearl After defeating Socialite Emilia  B  W  B2  W2 
  Nugget After defeating Gentleman Renaud  B  W  B2  W2 
  Potion After defeating a Trainer that appears when the player has 3-4 Badges  B2  W2 
  Super Potion After defeating a Trainer that appears when the player has 5-6 Badges (except Backers)  B2  W2 
  HuperPotion After defeating a Trainer that appears when the player has 7-8 Badges (except Backers)  B2  W2 
  Protein After defeating a Linebacker (post-game)  B2  W2 
  Iron After defeating an Infielder (post-game)  B2  W2 
  Calcium After defeating a Hoopster (post-game)  B2  W2 
  Zinc After defeating a Smasher (post-game)  B2  W2 
  Carbos After defeating a Striker (post-game)  B2  W2 
  Max Potion After defeating Pokéfan Darcy
After defeating Pokéfan Colin
 B2  W2 
  Moomoo Milk After defeating Waiter Clint
After defeating Waitress Bonita
 B2  W2 
  Energy Root After defeating Battle Girl Janie
After defeating Black Belt Lao
 B2  W2 
  Max Repel After defeating Pokémon Ranger Alain
After defeating Pokémon Ranger Heidi
 B2  W2 
  Rare Candy After defeating Pokémon Breeder Owen
After defeating Pokémon Breeder Brooke
 B2  W2 
  Ultra Ball After defeating Artist Pierre
After defeating Clerk Nelson
After defeating Clerk Fredric
After defeating Clerk Wren
After defeating Dancer Davey
After defeating Depot Agent Josh
After defeating Harlequin Charley
After defeating Maid Alica
After defeating Musician Boris
After defeating Parasol Lady Gwyneth
After defeating Policeman Jeff
After defeating Psychic Gerard
After defeating Psychic Madhu
After defeating School Kid Alan
After defeating School Kid Sally
 B2  W2 
  Quick Ball After defeating Pilot Leonard  B2  W2 
  Dusk Ball After defeating Roughneck Fletcher  B2  W2 
  Dive Ball After defeating Fisherman Devon  B2  W2 
  Pearl After defeating Lady Sophie  B2  W2 
  Stardust After defeating Rich Boy Anthony  B2  W2 
  Poké Doll After defeating Preschooler Mia  B2  W2 
  Poké Toy After defeating Preschooler Evan  B2  W2 
  Blue Shard After defeating Worker Matthew  B2  W2 
  Green Shard After defeating Janitor Caleb  B2  W2 
  Red Shard After defeating Hiker Russel  B2  W2 
  Yellow Shard After defeating Worker Tyler  B2  W2 

Pokémon Black and White

For the Trainers in Black and White, see here

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

List of Trainers of Big Stadium

Sport/Progress 3-4 Badges 5-6 Badges 7-8 Badges Post-game
Baseball (Sun/Mon/Thu) Infielder Alex, Infielder Connor and Infielder Todd Backers♀ Ami & Eira None Backers♂ Alf & Fred
Soccer (Tue/Fri) Striker Roberto, Striker Tony and Striker Marco Backers♀ Kay & Ali None Backers♂ Les & Web
Football (Wed/Sat) Linebacker Bob, Linebacker Dan and Linebacker Jonah Backers♂ Hawk & Dar None Backers♀ Cam & Abby

After 3rd and 4th Badges

Trainer Pokémon
Infielder Alex
アレックス Alex
Reward: $2400
  Pansear Lv.24
No item
  Panpour Lv.24
No item
  Pansage Lv.24
No item
Infielder Connor
ランディ Randy
Reward: $2500
  Tranquill Lv.25
No item
  Sandile Lv.25
No item
Infielder Todd
ジェームス James
Reward: $2600
  Timburr Lv.26
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Striker Roberto
Reward: $2600
  Liepard Lv.26
No item
Striker Tony
Reward: $2600
  Tranquill Lv.26
No item
Striker Marco
Reward: $2600
  Roggenrola Lv.26
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Linebacker Bob
Reward: $2500
  Timburr Lv.25
No item
  Timburr Lv.25
No item
Linebacker Dan
Reward: $2500
  Darumaka Lv.25
No item
  Timburr Lv.25
No item
Linebacker Jonah
Reward: $2600
  Dwebble Lv.26
No item

After 5th and 6th Badges

Trainer Pokémon
Infielder Alex
アレックス Alex
Reward: $3200
  Pansage Lv.32
No item
  Panpour Lv.32
No item
  Pansear Lv.32
No item
Infielder Connor
ランディ Randy
Reward: $3300
  Sandile Lv.33
No item
No item
Infielder Todd
Reward: $3400
  Gurdurr Lv.34
No item
Backers Ami & Eira
Reward: $1488
  Panpour Lv.31
No item
  Pansear Lv.31
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Striker Roberto
Reward: $3400
  Liepard Lv.34
No item
Striker Tony
Reward: $3400
  Ducklett Lv.34
No item
Striker Marco
Reward: $3400
  Boldore Lv.34
No item
Backers Kay & Ali
Reward: $1488
  Ducklett Lv.31
No item
  Ducklett Lv.31
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Linebacker Dan
Reward: $3300
  Darumaka Lv.33
No item
  Gurdurr Lv.33
No item
Linebacker Bob
Reward: $3300
  Gurdurr Lv.33
No item
  Gurdurr Lv.33
No item
Linebacker Jonah
Reward: $3400
  Dwebble Lv.34
No item
Backers Hawk & Dar
Reward: $1488
  Darumaka Lv.31
No item
  Darumaka Lv.31
No item

After 7th Badge

Trainer Pokémon
Infielder Alex
アレックス Alex
Reward: $4600
  Simipour Lv.46
No item
  Simisage Lv.46
No item
  Simisear Lv.46
No item
Infielder Connor
ランディ Randy
Reward: $4700
  Krokorok Lv.47
No item
No item
Infielder Todd
Reward: $4700
  Gurdurr Lv.47
No item
  Pawniard Lv.47
No item
Backers Ami & Eira
Reward: $2160
  Simisear Lv.45
No item
  Simipour Lv.45
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Striker Roberto
Reward: $4800
  Liepard Lv.48
No item
Striker Tony
Reward: $4800
  Swanna Lv.48
No item
Striker Marco
Reward: $4700
  Boldore Lv.47
No item
  Boldore Lv.47
No item
Backers Kay & Ali
Reward: $2160
  Swanna Lv.45
No item
  Swanna Lv.45
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Linebacker Dan
Reward: $4700
  Gurdurr Lv.47
No item
  Darmanitan Lv.47
No item
Linebacker Bob
Reward: $4700
  Gurdurr Lv.47
No item
  Gurdurr Lv.47
No item
Backers Hawk & Dar
Reward: $2160
  Darmanitan Lv.45
No item
  Darmanitan Lv.45
No item
Linebacker Jonah
Reward: $4800
  Crustle Lv.48
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Infielder Alex
アレックス Alex
Reward: $6200
  Simipour Lv.62
No item
  Simisear Lv.62
No item
  Simisage Lv.62
No item
Infielder Connor
ランディ Randy
Reward: $6300
No item
  Krookodile Lv.63
No item
Infielder Todd
ジェームス James
Reward: $6300
  Cubone Lv.63
No item
  Bisharp Lv.63
No item
Backers Ami & Eira
Reward: $2928
  Simisear Lv.61
No item
  Simipour Lv.61
No item
Backers Alf & Fred
Reward: $2928
  Bisharp Lv.61
No item
  Simisage Lv.61
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Striker Tony
トニー Tony
Reward: $6300
  Swanna Lv.63
No item
  Kecleon Lv.63
No item
Striker Roberto
ロベルト Roberto
Reward: $6200
  Taillow Lv.62
No item
  Sneasel Lv.62
No item
  Liepard Lv.62
No item
Striker Marco
マルコ Marco
Reward: $6300
  Graveler Lv.63
No item
  Hitmonlee Lv.63
No item
Backers Kay & Ali
マナとサエ Mana and Sae
Reward: $2928
  Swanna Lv.61
No item
  Swanna Lv.61
No item
Backers Les & Web
タツとマサ Tatsu and Masa
Reward: $2928
  Liepard Lv.61
No item
  Liepard Lv.61
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Linebacker Dan
ダン Dan
Reward: $6200
  Lickitung Lv.62
No item
  Darmanitan Lv.62
No item
  Conkeldurr Lv.62
No item
Linebacker Bob
ボブ Bob
Reward: $6200
  Sawk Lv.62
No item
  Throh Lv.62
No item
  Hariyama Lv.62
No item
Linebacker Jonah
ダイスケ Daisuke
Reward: $6400
  Forretress Lv.64
No item
Backers Hawk & Dar
タカとシゲ Taka and Shige
Reward: $2928
  Darmanitan Lv.61
No item
  Darmanitan Lv.61
No item
Backers Cam & Abby
カホとマコ Kaho and Mako
Reward: $2928
  Sawk Lv.61
No item
  Throh Lv.61
No item

List of Trainers of Small Court

Sport/Progress 3-4 Badges 5-6 Badges 7-8 Badges Post-game
Tennis (Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri) Smasher Aspen, Smasher Elena and Smasher Mari Backers♂ Joe & Ross None Backers♀ Ai & Ciel
Basketball (Tue/Thu/Sat) Hoopster Lamarcus, Hoopster John and Hoopster Bobby Backers♂ Masa & Yas None Backers♀ Kat & Phae

After 3rd and 4th Badges

Trainer Pokémon
Smasher Elena
エレナ Elena
Reward: $2600
  Blitzle Lv.26
No item
Smasher Aspen
アネット Annette
Reward: $2500
  Cottonee Lv.25
No item
  Petilil Lv.25
No item
Smasher Mari
マリー Marie
Reward: $2600
  Marill Lv.26
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hoopster Bobby
ボビー Bobby
Reward: $2600
  Whirlipede Lv.26
No item
Hoopster John
ジョン John
Reward: $2500
  Herdier Lv.25
No item
  Roggenrola Lv.25
No item
Hoopster Lamarcus
マイク Mike
Reward: $2500
  Swadloon Lv.25
No item
  Herdier Lv.25
No item

After 5th and 6th Badges

Trainer Pokémon
Backers Joe & Ross
Reward: $1488
  Zebstrika Lv.31
No item
  Zebstrika Lv.31
No item
Smasher Elena
Reward: $3400
  Zebstrika Lv.34
No item
Smasher Aspen
Reward: $3300
  Whimsicott Lv.33
No item
  Lilligant Lv.33
No item
Smasher Mari
Reward: $3400
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hoopster Bobby
Reward: $3400
  Scolipede Lv.34
No item
Backers Masa & Yas
Reward: $1488
  Scolipede Lv.31
No item
  Scolipede Lv.31
No item
Hoopster John
Reward: $3300
  Stoutland Lv.33
No item
  Boldore Lv.33
No item
Hoopster Lamarcus
Reward: $3300
  Leavanny Lv.33
No item
  Herdier Lv.33
No item

After 7th Badge

Trainer Pokémon
Backers Joe & Ross
Reward: $2160
  Zebstrika Lv.45
No item
  Zebstrika Lv.45
No item
Smasher Elena
Reward: $4800
  Zebstrika Lv.48
No item
Smasher Aspen
Reward: $4700
  Whimsicott Lv.47
No item
  Lilligant Lv.47
No item
Smasher Mari
Reward: $4800
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hoopster Bobby
Reward: $4800
  Scolipede Lv.48
No item
Backers Masa & Yas
Reward: $2160
  Boldore Lv.45
No item
  Scolipede Lv.45
No item
Hoopster John
Reward: $4700
  Stoutland Lv.47
No item
  Boldore Lv.47
No item
Hoopster Lamarcus
Reward: $4700
  Leavanny Lv.47
No item
  Stoutland Lv.47
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Smasher Elena
エレナ Elena
Reward: $6300
  Baltoy Lv.63
No item
  Zebstrika Lv.63
No item
Smasher Aspen
アネット Annette
Reward: $6300
  Whimsicott Lv.63
No item
  Lilligant Lv.63
No item
Smasher Mari
マリー Marie
Reward: $6300
  Voltorb Lv.63
No item
No item
Backers Joe & Ross
ヒロとシン Hiro and Shin
Reward: $2928
  Zebstrika Lv.61
No item
No item
Backers Ai & Ciel
アイとソラ Ai and Sora
Reward: $2928
  Whimsicott Lv.61
No item
  Lilligant Lv.61
No item

Trainer Pokémon
Hoopster Bobby
ボビー Bobby
Reward: $6300
  Mantyke Lv.63
No item
  Scolipede Lv.63
No item
Hoopster John
ジョン John
Reward: $6300
  Stoutland Lv.63
No item
  Gigalith Lv.63
No item
Hoopster Lamarcus
マイク Mike
Reward: $6300
  Masquerain Lv.63
No item
  Bouffalant Lv.63
No item
Backers Masa & Yas
タクとヤス Taku and Yasu
Reward: $3928
  Scolipede Lv.61
No item
  Gigalith Lv.61
No item
Backers Kat & Phae
ミクとサエ Miku and Sae
Reward: $2928
  Stoutland Lv.61
No item
  Bouffalant Lv.61
No item

Additional Trainers

These Trainers are found after the player enters the Hall of Fame for the first time. They can appear in either arena, three at a time, and in no set order.

Trainer Pokémon
Ace Trainer Charlie
タツヤ Tatsuya
Reward: $3780
  Galvantula Lv.63
No item
  Tropius Lv.63
No item
  Mamoswine Lv.63
No item
Ace Trainer Lucille
ルーシー Lucy
Reward: $3780
  Jynx Lv.63
No item
  Vaporeon Lv.63
No item
  Aerodactyl Lv.63
No item
Artist Pierre
ピエール Pierre
Reward: $2976
  Smeargle Lv.62
No item
Backpacker Alexander
ヒロム Hiromu
Reward: $1488
  Zangoose Lv.62
No item
Backpacker Patty
パティ Patty
Reward: $1488
  Flareon Lv.62
No item
Baker Lilly
ユリエ Yurie
Reward: $2440
  Torkoal Lv.61
No item
  Miltank Lv.61
No item
Battle Girl Janie
ユウキ Yūki
Reward: $2016
  Hitmonchan Lv.63
No item
Black Belt Lao
フミヒト Fumihiko
Reward: $1952
  Mankey Lv.61
No item
  Heracross Lv.61
No item
  Conkeldurr Lv.61
No item
Clerk ♂ Nelson
トシオ Toshio
Reward: $2320
  Yanma Lv.58
No item
  Ledian Lv.58
No item
  Kricketune Lv.58
No item
  Scizor Lv.58
No item
  Scolipede Lv.58
No item
Clerk ♂ Fredric
アツヤ Atsuya
Reward: $4960
  Persian Lv.62
No item
  Honchkrow Lv.62
No item
Clerk ♀ Wren
アツコ Atsuko
Reward: $2400
  Cherubi Lv.60
No item
  Sunflora Lv.60
No item
  Cherrim Lv.60
No item
Dancer Davey
ダヴィッド David
Reward: $1952
  Mr. Mime Lv.61
No item
  Mr. Mime Lv.61
No item
Depot Agent Josh
カズマサ Kazumasa
Reward: $2440
  Diglett Lv.61
No item
  Dugtrio Lv.61
No item
Doctor Jules
リョウイチ Ryōichi
Reward: $3720
  Chansey Lv.62
No item
Fisherman Devon
カズトモ Kazutomo
Reward: $1888
  Finneon Lv.59
No item
  Gorebyss Lv.59
No item
  Huntail Lv.59
No item
  Lumineon Lv.59
No item
Gentleman Renaud
マサオミ Masaomi
Reward: $12400
  Slowking Lv.62
No item
Harlequin Charley
チャーリー Charley
Reward: $1952
  Exeggcute Lv.61
No item
  Electrode Lv.61
No item
Hiker Russel
ダイサク Daisaku
Reward: $1920
  Geodude Lv.60
No item
  Graveler Lv.60
No item
  Golem Lv.60
No item
Janitor Caleb
ノブシゲ Nobushige
Reward: $2440
  Koffing Lv.61
No item
  Weezing Lv.61
No item
Lady Sophie
ソフィ Sophie
Reward: $9920
  Illumise Lv.62
No item
Lass Dana
リカ Rika
Reward: $960
  Misdreavus Lv.60
No item
  Pachirisu Lv.60
No item
  Delcatty Lv.60
No item
Maid Alica
アリカ Arika
Reward: $2440
  Growlithe Lv.61
No item
  Cinccino Lv.61
No item
Musician Boris
ショウイチ Shōichi
Reward: $1952
  Chatot Lv.61
No item
  Wigglytuff Lv.61
No item
Nurse Kirsten
フミエ Fumie
Reward: $2480
  Chansey Lv.62
No item
Nursery Aide Leah
ナナコ Nanako
Reward: $2440
  Clefairy Lv.61
No item
  Clefable Lv.61
No item
Parasol Lady Gwyneth
ヒヅキ Hizuki
Reward: $1984
  Castform Lv.62
No item
Pilot Leonard
マサフミ Masafumi
Reward: $3600
  Hoothoot Lv.60
No item
No item
  Swellow Lv.60
No item
Pokéfan Colin
ヒロシ Hiroshi
Reward: $3904
  Slowpoke Lv.61
No item
  Slowbro Lv.61
No item
Pokéfan Darcy
ケサコ Kesako
Reward: $3712
  Rattata Lv.58
No item
  Sentret Lv.58
No item
  Zigzagoon Lv.58
No item
  Bidoof Lv.58
No item
  Patrat Lv.58
No item
Pokémon Breeder Owen
ヒロユキ Hiroyuki
Reward: $1824
  Bonsly Lv.57
No item
  Wooper Lv.57
No item
  Munchlax Lv.57
No item
  Sandshrew Lv.57
No item
  Wynaut Lv.57
No item
  Spoink Lv.57
No item
Pokémon Breeder Brooke
イクエ Ikue
Reward: $1824
  Swinub Lv.57
No item
  Poliwag Lv.57
No item
  Cleffa Lv.57
No item
  Gible Lv.57
No item
  Igglybuff Lv.57
No item
  Larvitar Lv.57
No item
Pokémon Ranger Alain
アラン Alan
Reward: $3660
  Ambipom Lv.61
No item
  Carnivine Lv.61
No item
  Steelix Lv.61
No item
Pokémon Ranger Heidi
マキコ Makiko
Reward: $3660
  Musharna Lv.61
No item
  Drifblim Lv.61
No item
  Umbreon Lv.61
No item
Policeman Jeff
ジェフ Jeff
Reward: $2440
  Arcanine Lv.61
No item
  Mienshao Lv.61
No item
Preschooler Evan
モトヤス Motoyasu
Reward: $244
  Mime Jr. Lv.61
No item
Preschooler Mia
マユコ Mayuko
Reward: $244
  Smoochum Lv.61
No item
Psychic Gerard
ツカサ Tsukasa
Reward: $1984
  Girafarig Lv.61
No item
  Sigilyph Lv.61
No item
  Claydol Lv.61
No item
Psychic Madhu
ヤヨイ Yayoi
Reward: $1984
  Mismagius Lv.62
No item
  Gothitelle Lv.62
No item
Rich Boy Anthony
アンソニー Anthony
Reward: $9920
  Volbeat Lv.62
No item
Roughneck Fletcher
テツヤ Tetsuya
Reward: $1440
  Mightyena Lv.60
No item
  Skuntank Lv.60
No item
  Crawdaunt Lv.60
No item
School Kid Alan
マナブ Manabu
Reward: $1200
  Seadra Lv.60
No item
  Shelgon Lv.60
No item
  Dragonair Lv.60
No item
School Kid Sally
Reward: $1200
  Luvdisc Lv.60
No item
  Farfetch'd Lv.60
No item
  Lickitung Lv.60
No item
Scientist Simon
ヨシノリ Yoshinori
Reward: $2928
  Stunky Lv.61
No item
  Muk Lv.61
No item
Scientist Blythe
イクミ Ikumi
Reward: $2928
  Skorupi Lv.61
No item
  Swalot Lv.61
No item
Socialite Emilia
エミリア Emilia
Reward: $12200
  Sableye Lv.61
No item
  Liepard Lv.61
No item
Veteran Arlen
アレン Allen
Reward: $5040
  Jolteon Lv.63
No item
  Sandslash Lv.63
No item
  Skarmory Lv.63
No item
  Tyranitar Lv.63
No item
Veteran Sayuri
サユリ Sayuri
Reward: $5040
  Relicanth Lv.63
No item
  Magcargo Lv.63
No item
  Glaceon Lv.63
No item
  Dragonite Lv.63
No item
Waiter Clint
ヒサシ Hisashi
Reward: $2400
  Clamperl Lv.60
No item
  Glameow Lv.60
No item
No item
Waitress Bonita
ナナ Nana
Reward: $2440
  Psyduck Lv.61
No item
  Leafeon Lv.61
No item
Worker Tyler
コウジ Kōji
Reward: $2440
  Mawile Lv.61
No item
  Excadrill Lv.61
No item
Worker Matthew
マシュー Matthew
Reward: $2440
  Sealeo Lv.61
No item
  Glalie Lv.61
No item
Youngster Kevin
カズキ Kazuki
Reward: $960
  Venonat Lv.60
No item
  Venomoth Lv.60
No item
  Raticate Lv.60
No item

In the anime

Big Stadium in the anime
Small Court in the anime

Both the Big Stadium and the Small Court appeared in Lost at the Stamp Rally!. Football teams known as the Gurdurr 11 and Team Darmanitan play in the Big Stadium. Ash and Iris played a few rounds of tennis together inside the Small Court.


  • In Black and White, Bikers, Cyclists, and Swimmers are the only regular Trainer classes found in these games who are not represented by a Trainer here post-game.
  • The additional Trainers are not set for the day until the player physically enters the buildings.
  • It is possible for the Trainers to be defeated, upgrade their team and still be rematched in the same day. For example, if the player has four Badges, defeats a Trainer in this location, then gets the fifth Badge in the same day, they can still return here and rebattle the Trainer with their upgraded team.
  • Due to the way that Pokémon Breeders in Black 2 and White 2 are programmed, after battling and receiving a Rare Candy, the player may leave the field and even the building, then enter again to rebattle the Breeder and receive another Rare Candy.

In other languages

Big Stadium

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 大競技場 Dà Jìng​jì​chǎng
  Finnish Iso stadion
French   Canada Grand Stade
  Europe Grand Stade
  German Sportstadion
  Italian Stadio Stellare
  Korean 빅스타디움 Big Stadium
  Polish Duży Stadion
Spanish   Latin America Gran Estadio
  Spain Gran Estadio

Small Court

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 小運動場 Xiǎo Yùn​dòng​chǎng​
  Finnish Pieni kenttä
French   Canada Petit Terrain
  Europe Petit Terrain
  German Sporthalle
  Italian Campetto
  Korean 리틀코트 Little Court
  Polish Mały Stadion
Spanish   Latin America Cancha
  Spain Cancha

Nuvema TownAccumula TownStriaton CityNacrene CityCastelia CityNimbasa CityAnville Town
Driftveil CityMistralton CityIcirrus CityOpelucid CityPokémon LeagueLacunosa TownUndella Town
Black CityWhite ForestAspertia CityFloccesy TownVirbank CityLentimas TownHumilau City
Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
DreamyardWellspring CavePinwheel ForestLiberty GardenDesert ResortRelic CastleBattle SubwayLostlorn Forest
Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
Challenger's CaveVictory Road (BWB2W2) • N's CastleRoyal UnovaGiant ChasmUndella BayAbyssal Ruins
Abundant ShrinePoké Transfer LabP2 LaboratoryEntralinkUnity TowerFloccesy RanchPledge GroveVirbank Complex
Pokéstar StudiosCastelia SewersJoin AvenueCave of BeingPokémon World TournamentReversal MountainPlasma Frigate
Clay TunnelUnderground RuinsStrange HouseRelic PassageSeaside CaveWhite TreehollowBlack Tower
Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.