Sync grid (Japanese: バディストーンボード Buddy Stone Board) is a feature in Pokémon Masters EX introduced in version 1.5.5 that allows the player to strengthen sync pairs in unique ways. The sync grid consists of hexagonal tiles, with each tile unlocking a grid skill. Each grid skill offers different enhancements, such as raising stats, enhancing moves and unlocking passive skills.

File:Sync Grid Masters.png
Flint's sync grid

To activate a tile, the player must use a certain number of sync orbs (Japanese: バディドロップ Buddy Drop) which are specific to the sync pair. Only tiles adjacent to another activated tile can be activated. Some tiles may have additional requirements. For example, certain tiles will require a certain sync move level before the tile can be activated.

Except for the basic grid skills surrounding the sync stone, activating tiles require a certain amount of energy. There is a maximum energy of 60 which means the player will be unable to unlock the entire sync grid for a sync pair. The sync grid can be reset using coins to deactivate all tiles and regain all energy. The first reset for each sync pair is free, and subsequent resets will cost 1,000 coins for each tile.

Main Story Chapter 11 must be completed to unlock the Sync Grid feature.

Sync orbs

There are two types of sync orbs.

Sync orbs are exclusive to each sync pair. Prior to version 1.9.0, sync pair-specific sync orbs were obtained when a sync move was used during a single player battle when the "Sync orb chance!" message appeared before the battle. If successful, the player was rewarded with 5 sync orbs specific to the sync pair who used the sync move. The odds of a sync orb chance increased each time the player won a battle. The odds returned to their initial state after obtaining a sync orb and subsequently increased at a lower rate. These chances were reset when the date changed. These sync orbs are currently not available except through converting co-op sync orbs to sync pair-specific sync orbs, or by resetting a sync grid to convert all tiles to sync orbs.

Co-op sync orbs are orbs which can be used on any sync pair's sync grid. 10 co-op sync orbs can be exchanged for one sync pair-specific sync orb on the Sync Grid menu. These orbs can be obtained through the Sync Orb Drill in the Training Area, with a chance to obtain up to 900 orbs per day. Prior to version 2.0.0, co-op sync orbs were obtained after defeating Super Hard and Hard Supercourses, which reward 100 and 50 co-op sync orbs, respectively, while prior to version 1.9.0, co-op sync orbs were obtained from co-op battles when the "Sync orb chance!" message appeared.

Types of grid tiles

There are five different types of grid tiles:

  • Blue tiles, which are found on every sync grid, deal specifically with the sync pair stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed).
  • Green tiles provide adjustments to the accuracy or power of a move listed in the tile.
  • Red tiles give passive skills specific to the listed move in the tile.
  • Yellow tiles give passive skills not necessarily limited to one move.
  • Rainbow tiles provide adjustments to the power of sync moves.

List of sync pairs with expanded sync grids

Certain sync pairs have an expanded sync grid, with more to have expanded grids in the future. Aside from Professor Oak & Mew, the design of the expanded grid is dependent on the type of sync pair (Strike, Support, Tech).

Sync pair Available from
Scottie/Bettie & Pikachu January 15, 2020
Flannery & Torkoal
Flint & Infernape
Pryce & Seel/Dewgong January 22, 2020
Clair & Kingdra February 5, 2020
Iris & Haxorus
Rosa & Snivy/Servine/Serperior February 10, 2020
Erika & Vileplume
Steven & Metagross February 14, 2020
Professor Oak & Mew
Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom February 28, 2020
Sygna Suit Red & Charizard
Hau & Raichu March 6, 2020
Karen & Houndoom
Grimsley & Liepard
Acerola & Palossand March 16, 2020
Sabrina & Alakazam
Guzma & Golisopod March 27, 2020
Plumeria & Salazzle
Viola & Surskit/Masquerain April 6, 2020
Clemont & Heliolisk April 14, 2020
Calem & Espurr/Meowstic April 20, 2020
Caitlin & Reuniclus
Wallace & Milotic April 30, 2020
Cynthia & Garchomp May 2, 2020
Wally & Gallade May 14, 2020
Korrina & Lucario
Jasmine & Steelix May 21, 2020
Skyla & Swanna
Dawn & Turtwig/Grotle/Torterra May 28, 2020
Misty & Starmie June 4, 2020
Barry & Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon
Sygna Suit Grimsley & Sharpedo June 11, 2020
Burgh & Leavanny June 18, 2020
Serena & Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox June 30, 2020
Hilda & Tepig/Pignite/Emboar July 3, 2020
Koga & Crobat July 10, 2020
Morty & Drifblim July 15, 2020
Summer 2020 Steven & Sandslash July 31, 2020
Summer 2020 Lyra & Jigglypuff
Brock & Onix August 11, 2020
Kukui & Lycanroc (Midday Form)
Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o August 17, 2020
Lance & Dragonite August 20, 2020
Sygna Suit Blue & Blastoise August 28, 2020
Sygna Suit Leaf & Venusaur
Ethan & Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion September 3, 2020
Kris & Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr
Lyra & Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium
Lusamine & Pheromosa September 10, 2020
Gladion & Silvally September 14, 2020
Lillie & Clefairy September 17, 2020
Volkner & Luxray September 30, 2020
Elesa & Zebstrika October 2, 2020
Fall 2020 Hilbert & Mightyena October 15, 2020
Fall 2020 Acerola & Mimikyu
Fantina & Mismagius October 19, 2020
Glacia & Glalie October 22, 2020
Lisia & Altaria October 30, 2020
Olivia & Lycanroc (Midnight Form) November 1, 2020
Alder & Volcarona November 6, 2020
Blue & Pidgeot November 11, 2020
Nate & Braviary November 12, 2020
Bianca & Musharna November 14, 2020
Holiday 2019 Rosa & Delibird November 16, 2020
Holiday 2019 Siebold & Octillery
Gloria & Zacian November 30, 2020
Brendan & Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile December 7, 2020
Holiday 2020 Skyla & Togekiss December 10, 2020
Holiday 2020 Erika & Comfey
N & Zekrom December 24, 2020
New Year's 2021 Lance & Gyarados January 1, 2021
New Year's 2021 Lillie & Ribombee
May & Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert January 14, 2021
Phoebe & Dusclops/Dusknoir
Mallow & Tsareena January 21, 2021


File:Sync Orb Masters.png File:Co-op Sync Orb Masters.png
Sprite of a sync orb from
Pokémon Masters EX
Sprite of a co-op sync orb from
Pokémon Masters EX

In other languages

Sync grid

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 拍檔石盤 Paakdong Sehkpùhn
Mandarin 拍檔石盤 Pāidǎng Shípán
  French Le Plateau Duo-Gemme
  German Gefährtensteinbrett
  Italian Teca Pietra Unità
  Korean 버디스톤보드 Buddy Stone Board
  Spanish Tablero Piedra Compi

Sync orb

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 拍檔滴晶 Paakdong Dīkjīng
Mandarin 拍檔滴晶 Pāidǎng Dījīng
  French Duo-Sphère
  German Gefährtendrop
  Italian Uniciondolo
  Korean 버디드롭 Buddy Drop
  Spanish Orbe Compi

Co-op Sync orb

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 拍檔滴晶M Paakdong Dīkjīng M
Mandarin 拍檔滴晶M Pāidǎng Dījīng M
  French Duo-Sphère Coop
  German Gefährtendrop M
  Italian Uniciondolo Multi
  Korean 버디드롭 Buddy Drop M
  Spanish Orbe Compi Multi

  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.