Tag Team Collection (ATCG)

← Sky Ruler
Indonesian TCG expansions
Sword & Shield →
Tag Team Collection
Koleksi TAG TEAM
Tag Team Collection Logo.png
Cards in set 609
Set number 5
Release date July 10, 2020
Theme Decks

GX Starter Deck (All types)

Sun & Moon: Tag Team Collection (Indonesian: Matahari & Bulan: Koleksi TAG TEAM) is the name given to the third of three Sun & Moon Era amalgamated catch-up "Collections" in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is exclusively available in Indonesian and is an amalgamation of the Double Burst and Legendary Clash catch-up sets that were released in Traditional Chinese and Thai. This is first expansion to be exclusively released in Indonesian Pokémon Trading Card Game and is the fifth expansion overall in Indonesia.


Tag Team Collection was released on July 10, 2020 and is mostly composed of cards sourced from the final three of the Japanese Sun & Moon Era, focusing heavily on TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX. It is split into two sets, Set A and Set B, each of which focuses on specific types, and the booster pack art features Mitsuhiro Arita's illustrations of the focal TAG TEAMs from the four main source Japanese expansions. Set A features Grass, Lightning, Psychic, Metal, Fairy, and Dragon-type Pokémon. The pack art for this set has Pikachu & Zekrom-GX from Tag Bolt and Mewtwo & Mew-GX from Miracle Twin. Set B features Fire, Water, Fighting, Darkness, and Dragon-type Pokémon. The pack art for this set has Reshiram & Charizard-GX from Double Blaze and Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX from Alter Genesis. Each pack includes 4 cards. The set contains 609 Cards including 200 secret cards.

Like other High-Class expansions from Japan and South Korea, all cards other than Pokémon-GX, Trainer-Rares, and Secret cards in Tag Team Collection do not have rarity symbols.

Set lists

Set A
SetSymbolTag Team Collection Set A.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/205 C Venusaur & SnivyTag Team GX Grass RR Promotion
002/205 C Rowlet & Alolan ExeggutorTag Team GX Grass RR Promotion
003/205 C Pheromosa & BuzzwoleTag Team GX Grass RR Promotion
004/205 C Weedle Grass Promotion
005/205 C Kakuna Grass Promotion
006/205 C Beedrill Grass Promotion
007/205 C Oddish Grass Promotion
008/205 C Gloom Grass Promotion
009/205 C Vileplume Grass Promotion
010/205 C Paras Grass Promotion
011/205 C Parasect Grass Promotion
012/205 C Venonat Grass Promotion
013/205 C Venomoth Grass Promotion
014/205 C VenomothGX Grass RR Promotion
015/205 C Celebi Grass Promotion
016/205 C Shroomish Grass Promotion
017/205 C Leafeon Grass Promotion
018/205 C Sewaddle Grass Promotion
019/205 C Swadloon Grass Promotion
020/205 C Leavanny Grass Promotion
021/205 C Foongus Grass Promotion
022/205 C Amoonguss Grass Promotion
023/205 C Rowlet Grass Promotion
024/205 C Dartrix Grass Promotion
025/205 C Decidueye Grass Promotion
026/205 C Bounsweet Grass Promotion
027/205 C Steenee Grass Promotion
028/205 C Tsareena Grass Promotion
029/205 C Buzzwole Grass Promotion
030/205 C Kartana Grass Promotion
031/205 C Alolan Vulpix Water Promotion
032/205 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning RR Promotion
033/205 C Raichu & Alolan RaichuTag Team GX Lightning RR Promotion
034/205 C Pikachu Lightning Promotion
035/205 C Raichu Lightning Promotion
036/205 C Alolan Raichu Lightning Promotion
037/205 C Magnemite Lightning Promotion
038/205 C Magneton Lightning Promotion
039/205 C Magnezone Lightning Promotion
040/205 C Voltorb Lightning Promotion
041/205 C Electrode Lightning Promotion
042/205 C Jolteon Lightning Promotion
043/205 C Chinchou Lightning Promotion
044/205 C Lanturn Lightning Promotion
045/205 C Tynamo Lightning Promotion
046/205 C Eelektrik Lightning Promotion
047/205 C Eelektross Lightning Promotion
048/205 C Stunfisk Lightning Promotion
049/205 C Tapu Koko Lightning Promotion
050/205 C Xurkitree Lightning Promotion
051/205 C Zeraora Lightning Promotion
052/205 C Muk & Alolan MukTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
053/205 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
054/205 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
055/205 C Espeon & DeoxysTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
056/205 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic RR Promotion
057/205 C Ekans Psychic Promotion
058/205 C Arbok Psychic Promotion
059/205 C Nidoran♀ Psychic Promotion
060/205 C Nidorina Psychic Promotion
061/205 C Nidoqueen Psychic Promotion
062/205 C Nidoran♂ Psychic Promotion
063/205 C Nidorino Psychic Promotion
064/205 C Nidoking Psychic Promotion
065/205 C Koffing Psychic Promotion
066/205 C Koffing Psychic Promotion
067/205 C Weezing Psychic Promotion
068/205 C Weezing Psychic Promotion
069/205 C Weezing Psychic Promotion
070/205 C Mr. Mime Psychic Promotion
071/205 C Jynx Psychic Promotion
072/205 C Mewtwo Psychic Promotion
073/205 C Mew Psychic Promotion
074/205 C Natu Psychic Promotion
075/205 C Xatu Psychic Promotion
076/205 C Misdreavus Psychic Promotion
077/205 C Mismagius Psychic Promotion
078/205 C Ralts Psychic Promotion
079/205 C Kirlia Psychic Promotion
080/205 C Gallade Psychic Promotion
081/205 C Duskull Psychic Promotion
082/205 C Dusclops Psychic Promotion
083/205 C Dusknoir Psychic Promotion
084/205 C LatiosGX Psychic RR Promotion
085/205 C JirachiGX Psychic RR Promotion
086/205 C Uxie Psychic Promotion
087/205 C Mesprit Psychic Promotion
088/205 C Azelf Psychic Promotion
089/205 C Elgyem Psychic Promotion
090/205 C Beheeyem Psychic Promotion
091/205 C Espurr Psychic Promotion
092/205 C Meowstic Psychic Promotion
093/205 C Honedge Psychic Promotion
094/205 C Doublade Psychic Promotion
095/205 C Aegislash Psychic Promotion
096/205 C Mimikyu Psychic Promotion
097/205 C Cosmog Psychic Promotion
098/205 C Cosmoem Psychic Promotion
099/205 C Lunala Psychic Promotion
100/205 C Necrozma Psychic Promotion
101/205 C Marshadow Psychic Promotion
102/205 C Poipole Psychic Promotion
103/205 C Blacephalon Psychic Promotion
104/205 C Onix Fighting Promotion
105/205 C Breloom Fighting Promotion
106/205 C Riolu Fighting Promotion
107/205 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal RR Promotion
108/205 C Steelix Metal Promotion
109/205 C MawileGX Metal RR Promotion
110/205 C Aron Metal Promotion
111/205 C Lairon Metal Promotion
112/205 C Aggron Metal Promotion
113/205 C Lucario Metal Promotion
114/205 C Solgaleo Metal Promotion
115/205 C Meltan Metal Promotion
116/205 C Melmetal Metal Promotion
117/205 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy RR Promotion
118/205 C Cleffa Fairy Promotion
119/205 C Clefairy Fairy Promotion
120/205 C Alolan Ninetales Fairy Promotion
121/205 C Cottonee Fairy Promotion
122/205 C Whimsicott Fairy Promotion
123/205 C WhimsicottGX Fairy RR Promotion
124/205 C Spritzee Fairy Promotion
125/205 C Aromatisse Fairy Promotion
126/205 C Sylveon Fairy Promotion
127/205 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
128/205 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
129/205 C Dratini Dragon Promotion
130/205 C Dragonair Dragon Promotion
131/205 C DragoniteGX Dragon RR Promotion
132/205 C Druddigon Dragon Promotion
133/205 C Noibat Dragon Promotion
134/205 C Noivern Dragon Promotion
135/205 C Jangmo-o Dragon Promotion
136/205 C Hakamo-o Dragon Promotion
137/205 C Kommo-o Dragon Promotion
138/205 C Ultra Necrozma Dragon Promotion
139/205 C NaganadelGX Dragon RR Promotion
140/205 C Mega Lopunny & JigglypuffTag Team GX Colorless RR Promotion
141/205 C Farfetch'd Colorless Promotion
142/205 C Kangaskhan Colorless Promotion
143/205 C Eevee Colorless Promotion
144/205 C EeveeGX Colorless RR Promotion
145/205 C Snorlax Colorless Promotion
146/205 C Aipom Colorless Promotion
147/205 C Ambipom Colorless Promotion
148/205 C Happiny Colorless Promotion
149/205 C CelesteelaGX Colorless RR Promotion
150/205 C Judge Whistle I Promotion
151/205 C Lana's Fishing Rod I Promotion
152/205 C Devolution Spray Z I Promotion
153/205 C Electromagnetic Radar I Promotion
154/205 C Surprise Box I Promotion
155/205 C Cherish Ball I Promotion
156/205 C Lillie's Poké Doll I Promotion
157/205 C Stealthy Hood I Promotion
158/205 C Giant Bomb I Promotion
159/205 C Rainbow Flower I Promotion
160/205 C Beast Bringer I Promotion
161/205 C Flyinium Z: Air Slash I Promotion
162/205 C Fairy Charm Lightning I Promotion
163/205 C Fairy Charm Ability I Promotion
164/205 C Will Su Promotion
165/205 C Ultra Forest Kartenvoy Su Promotion
166/205 C Erika Su Promotion
167/205 C Blaine's Quiz Show Su Promotion
168/205 C Grimsley Su Promotion
169/205 C Koga's Trap Su Promotion
170/205 C Giovanni's Exile Su Promotion
171/205 C Bellelba & Brycen-Man Su Promotion
172/205 C Cynthia & Caitlin Su Promotion
173/205 C Sabrina's Suggestion Su Promotion
174/205 C Hapu Su Promotion
175/205 C Green's Exploration Su Promotion
176/205 C Pokémon Center Lady Su Promotion
177/205 C Roxie Su Promotion
178/205 C Molayne Su Promotion
179/205 C Mallow & Lana Su Promotion
180/205 C Lt. Surge's Strategy Su Promotion
181/205 C Jessie & James Su Promotion
182/205 C Chaotic Swell St Promotion
183/205 C Lavender Town St Promotion
184/205 C Dust Island St Promotion
185/205 C Viridian Forest St Promotion
186/205 C Blizzard Town St Promotion
187/205 C Slumbering Forest St Promotion
188/205 C Draw Energy Colorless E Promotion
189/205 C Recycle Energy Colorless E Promotion
190/205 A Escape Rope I TR Promotion
191/205 B Electropower I TR Promotion
192/205 A Nest Ball I TR Promotion
193/205 B Beast Ring I TR Promotion
194/205 C Cherish Ball I TR Promotion
195/205 B Adventure Bag I TR Promotion
196/205 C Pokégear 3.0 I TR Promotion
197/205 A Max Potion I TR Promotion
198/205 A Rescue Stretcher I TR Promotion
199/205 A Rotom Dex I TR Promotion
200/205 B Metal Frying Pan I TR Promotion
201/205 B Professor Elm's Lecture Su TR Promotion
202/205 B Lady Su TR Promotion
203/205 A Gladion Su TR Promotion
204/205 B Volkner Su TR Promotion
205/205 A Lusamine Su TR Promotion
206/205 C Pikachu Lightning CHR Promotion
207/205 C Magnemite Lightning CHR Promotion
208/205 C Koffing Psychic CHR Promotion
209/205 C Gallade Psychic CHR Promotion
210/205 C Steelix Metal CHR Promotion
211/205 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
212/205 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
213/205 C Venusaur & SnivyTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
214/205 C Venusaur & SnivyTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
215/205 C Rowlet & Alolan ExeggutorTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
216/205 C Rowlet & Alolan ExeggutorTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
217/205 C Pheromosa & BuzzwoleTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
218/205 C Pheromosa & BuzzwoleTag Team GX Grass SR Promotion
219/205 C VileplumeGX Grass SR Promotion
220/205 C VenomothGX Grass SR Promotion
221/205 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
222/205 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
223/205 C Raichu & Alolan RaichuTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
224/205 C Raichu & Alolan RaichuTag Team GX Lightning SR Promotion
225/205 C DedenneGX Lightning SR Promotion
226/205 C Muk & Alolan MukTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
227/205 C Muk & Alolan MukTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
228/205 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
229/205 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
230/205 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
231/205 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
232/205 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
233/205 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
234/205 C Solgaleo & LunalaTag Team GX Psychic SR Promotion
235/205 C LatiosGX Psychic SR Promotion
236/205 C OricorioGX Psychic SR Promotion
237/205 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal SR Promotion
238/205 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal SR Promotion
239/205 C MawileGX Metal SR Promotion
240/205 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
241/205 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
242/205 C Gardevoir & SylveonTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
243/205 C Gardevoir & SylveonTag Team GX Fairy SR Promotion
244/205 C WhimsicottGX Fairy SR Promotion
245/205 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
246/205 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
247/205 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
248/205 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
249/205 C DragoniteGX Dragon SR Promotion
250/205 C NaganadelGX Dragon SR Promotion
251/205 C Mega Lopunny & JigglypuffTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
252/205 C Mega Lopunny & JigglypuffTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
253/205 C CelesteelaGX Colorless SR Promotion
254/205 C Will Su SR Promotion
255/205 C Grimsley Su SR Promotion
256/205 C Koga's Trap Su SR Promotion
257/205 C Giovanni's Exile Su SR Promotion
258/205 C Bellelba & Brycen-Man Su SR Promotion
259/205 C Cynthia & Caitlin Su SR Promotion
260/205 C Sabrina's Suggestion Su SR Promotion
261/205 C Hapu Su SR Promotion
262/205 C Green's Exploration Su SR Promotion
263/205 C Roxie Su SR Promotion
264/205 C Molayne Su SR Promotion
265/205 C Mallow & Lana Su SR Promotion
266/205 C Jessie & James Su SR Promotion
267/205 C Celebi & VenusaurTag Team GX Grass HR Promotion
268/205 C Venusaur & SnivyTag Team GX Grass HR Promotion
269/205 C Rowlet & Alolan ExeggutorTag Team GX Grass HR Promotion
270/205 C Pheromosa & BuzzwoleTag Team GX Grass HR Promotion
271/205 C VileplumeGX Grass HR Promotion
272/205 C VenomothGX Grass HR Promotion
273/205 C Pikachu & ZekromTag Team GX Lightning HR Promotion
274/205 C Raichu & Alolan RaichuTag Team GX Lightning HR Promotion
275/205 C DedenneGX Lightning HR Promotion
276/205 C Muk & Alolan MukTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
277/205 C Gengar & MimikyuTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
278/205 C Mewtwo & MewTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
279/205 C Trevenant & DusknoirTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
280/205 C Solgaleo & LunalaTag Team GX Psychic HR Promotion
281/205 C LatiosGX Psychic HR Promotion
282/205 C OricorioGX Psychic HR Promotion
283/205 C Lucario & MelmetalTag Team GX Metal HR Promotion
284/205 C MawileGX Metal HR Promotion
285/205 C Togepi & Cleffa & IgglybuffTag Team GX Fairy HR Promotion
286/205 C Gardevoir & SylveonTag Team GX Fairy HR Promotion
287/205 C WhimsicottGX Fairy HR Promotion
288/205 C Latias & LatiosTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
289/205 C Garchomp & GiratinaTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
290/205 C DragoniteGX Dragon HR Promotion
291/205 C NaganadelGX Dragon HR Promotion
292/205 C Mega Lopunny & JigglypuffTag Team GX Colorless HR Promotion
293/205 C CelesteelaGX Colorless HR Promotion
294/205 C Judge Whistle I UR Promotion
295/205 C Lana's Fishing Rod I UR Promotion
296/205 C Electromagnetic Radar I UR Promotion
297/205 C Cherish Ball I UR Promotion
298/205 C Pokégear 3.0 I UR Promotion
299/205 C Lillie's Poké Doll I UR Promotion
300/205 C Giant Bomb I UR Promotion
301/205 C Beast Bringer I UR Promotion
302/205 C Metal Core Barrier I UR Promotion
303/205 B Shrine of Punishment St UR Promotion
304/205 A Aether Paradise Conservation Area St UR Promotion
305/205 B Mt. Coronet St UR Promotion
306/205 C Viridian Forest St UR Promotion
307/205 C Draw Energy Colorless E UR Promotion
308/205 C Recycle Energy Colorless E UR Promotion

Set B
SetSymbolTag Team Collection Set B.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/204 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire RR Promotion
002/204 C Growlithe Fire Promotion
003/204 C Arcanine Fire Promotion
004/204 C Flareon Fire Promotion
005/204 C Moltres Fire Promotion
006/204 C HeatranGX Fire RR Promotion
007/204 C Victini Fire Promotion
008/204 C Victini Fire Promotion
009/204 C Litwick Fire Promotion
010/204 C Lampent Fire Promotion
011/204 C Chandelure Fire Promotion
012/204 C Larvesta Fire Promotion
013/204 C VolcaronaGX Fire RR Promotion
014/204 C Volcanion Fire Promotion
015/204 C Litten Fire Promotion
016/204 C Blacephalon Fire Promotion
017/204 C Slowpoke & PsyduckTag Team GX Water RR Promotion
018/204 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water RR Promotion
019/204 C Squirtle Water Promotion
020/204 C Wartortle Water Promotion
021/204 C Blastoise Water Promotion
022/204 C BlastoiseGX Water RR Promotion
023/204 C Alolan SandslashGX Water RR Promotion
024/204 C Tentacool Water Promotion
025/204 C Slowpoke Water Promotion
026/204 C Slowbro Water Promotion
027/204 C Seel Water Promotion
028/204 C Dewgong Water Promotion
029/204 C Staryu Water Promotion
030/204 C StarmieGX Water RR Promotion
031/204 C Magikarp Water Promotion
032/204 C Gyarados Water Promotion
033/204 C Lapras Water Promotion
034/204 C Vaporeon Water Promotion
035/204 C Articuno Water Promotion
036/204 C Sneasel Water Promotion
037/204 C Weavile Water Promotion
038/204 C Snorunt Water Promotion
039/204 C Froslass Water Promotion
040/204 C Tirtouga Water Promotion
041/204 C Carracosta Water Promotion
042/204 C Cryogonal Water Promotion
043/204 C Kyurem Water Promotion
044/204 C Black Kyurem Water Promotion
045/204 C KeldeoGX Water RR Promotion
046/204 C Froakie Water Promotion
047/204 C Frogadier Water Promotion
048/204 C WishiwashiGX Water RR Promotion
049/204 C Wimpod Water Promotion
050/204 C Golisopod Water Promotion
051/204 C Pyukumuku Water Promotion
052/204 C Tapu Fini Water Promotion
053/204 C Starmie Psychic Promotion
054/204 C Diglett Fighting Promotion
055/204 C Dugtrio Fighting Promotion
056/204 C Mankey Fighting Promotion
057/204 C Primeape Fighting Promotion
058/204 C Onix Fighting Promotion
059/204 C OnixGX Fighting RR Promotion
060/204 C Steelix Fighting Promotion
061/204 C Cubone Fighting Promotion
062/204 C Marowak Fighting Promotion
063/204 C Tyrogue Fighting Promotion
064/204 C Hitmonlee Fighting Promotion
065/204 C Hitmonchan Fighting Promotion
066/204 C Hitmontop Fighting Promotion
067/204 C Rhyhorn Fighting Promotion
068/204 C Rhydon Fighting Promotion
069/204 C Omanyte Fighting Promotion
070/204 C Omastar Fighting Promotion
071/204 C Kabuto Fighting Promotion
072/204 C Kabutops Fighting Promotion
073/204 C AerodactylGX Fighting RR Promotion
074/204 C Gligar Fighting Promotion
075/204 C Meditite Fighting Promotion
076/204 C Medicham Fighting Promotion
077/204 C Anorith Fighting Promotion
078/204 C Armaldo Fighting Promotion
079/204 C Gible Fighting Promotion
080/204 C Gabite Fighting Promotion
081/204 C Garchomp Fighting Promotion
082/204 C Riolu Fighting Promotion
083/204 C Lucario Fighting Promotion
084/204 C Drilbur Fighting Promotion
085/204 C Excadrill Fighting Promotion
086/204 C CarracostaGX Fighting RR Promotion
087/204 C Archen Fighting Promotion
088/204 C Archeops Fighting Promotion
089/204 C Terrakion Fighting Promotion
090/204 C Landorus Fighting Promotion
091/204 C Zygarde Fighting Promotion
092/204 C Crabrawler Fighting Promotion
093/204 C Crabominable Fighting Promotion
094/204 C Rockruff Fighting Promotion
095/204 C Lycanroc Fighting Promotion
096/204 C Stakataka Fighting Promotion
097/204 C Mega Sableye & TyranitarTag Team GX Darkness RR Promotion
098/204 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness RR Promotion
099/204 C Alolan Meowth Darkness Promotion
100/204 C Alolan PersianGX Darkness RR Promotion
101/204 C Alolan Grimer Darkness Promotion
102/204 C Alolan Muk Darkness Promotion
103/204 C Sneasel Darkness Promotion
104/204 C WeavileGX Darkness RR Promotion
105/204 C Spiritomb Darkness Promotion
106/204 C Greninja Darkness Promotion
107/204 C Inkay Darkness Promotion
108/204 C Malamar Darkness Promotion
109/204 C Yveltal Darkness Promotion
110/204 C Hoopa Darkness Promotion
111/204 C Guzzlord Darkness Promotion
112/204 C Alolan Sandshrew Metal Promotion
113/204 C Arceus & Dialga & PalkiaTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
114/204 C Reshiram & ZekromTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
115/204 C Naganadel & GuzzlordTag Team GX Dragon RR Promotion
116/204 C Dratini Dragon Promotion
117/204 C Dragonair Dragon Promotion
118/204 C Dragonite Dragon Promotion
119/204 C Dragonite Dragon Promotion
120/204 C Latias Dragon Promotion
121/204 C Axew Dragon Promotion
122/204 C Fraxure Dragon Promotion
123/204 C Haxorus Dragon Promotion
124/204 C Drampa Dragon Promotion
125/204 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless RR Promotion
126/204 C Pidgey Colorless Promotion
127/204 C Pidgeotto Colorless Promotion
128/204 C Meowth Colorless Promotion
129/204 C Persian Colorless Promotion
130/204 C PersianGX Colorless RR Promotion
131/204 C Lickitung Colorless Promotion
132/204 C Lickilicky Colorless Promotion
133/204 C KangaskhanGX Colorless RR Promotion
134/204 C Eevee Colorless Promotion
135/204 C Porygon Colorless Promotion
136/204 C Porygon2 Colorless Promotion
137/204 C Porygon-Z Colorless Promotion
138/204 C Porygon-ZGX Colorless RR Promotion
139/204 C Aerodactyl Colorless Promotion
140/204 C Glameow Colorless Promotion
141/204 C Purugly Colorless Promotion
142/204 C Munchlax Colorless Promotion
143/204 C Audino Colorless Promotion
144/204 C Stufful Colorless Promotion
145/204 C Bewear Colorless Promotion
146/204 C Oranguru Colorless Promotion
147/204 C Type: Null Colorless Promotion
148/204 C Silvally Colorless Promotion
149/204 C Great Catcher I Promotion
150/204 C Great Potion I Promotion
151/204 C Stadium Nav I Promotion
152/204 C Tag Call I Promotion
153/204 C Tag Switch I Promotion
154/204 B Unidentified Fossil I Promotion
155/204 C Fire Crystal I Promotion
156/204 C Reset Stamp I Promotion
157/204 C Karate Belt I Promotion
158/204 C Island Challenge Amulet I Promotion
159/204 C Dragonium Z: Dragon Claw I Promotion
160/204 C Normalium Z: Tackle I Promotion
161/204 C Beastite I Promotion
162/204 C Ear-Ringing Bell I Promotion
163/204 C Buff Padding I Promotion
164/204 C N's Resolve Su Promotion
165/204 C Professor Oak's Setup Su Promotion
166/204 C Poké Maniac Su Promotion
167/204 C Misty & Lorelei Su Promotion
168/204 C Misty's Favor Su Promotion
169/204 C Misty's Water Command Su Promotion
170/204 C Misty's Determination Su Promotion
171/204 C Channeler Su Promotion
172/204 C Guzma & Hala Su Promotion
173/204 C Blue's Tactics Su Promotion
174/204 C Coach Trainer Su Promotion
175/204 C Brock's Grit Su Promotion
176/204 C Brock's Training Su Promotion
177/204 C Rosa Su Promotion
178/204 C Clay Su Promotion
179/204 C Welder Su Promotion
180/204 C Red & Blue Su Promotion
181/204 C Misty's Cerulean City Gym St Promotion
182/204 C Giant Hearth St Promotion
183/204 C Brock's Pewter City Gym St Promotion
184/204 C Dark City St Promotion
185/204 C Pokémon Research Lab St Promotion
186/204 C Power Plant St Promotion
187/204 C Weakness Guard Energy Colorless E Promotion
188/204 C Triple Acceleration Energy Colorless E Promotion
189/204 A Aqua Patch I TR Promotion
190/204 A Enhanced Hammer I TR Promotion
191/204 B Acro Bike I TR Promotion
192/204 B Pal Pad I TR Promotion
193/204 B Net Ball I TR Promotion
194/204 B Fiery Flint I TR Promotion
195/204 A Field Blower I TR Promotion
196/204 C Pokémon Communication I TR Promotion
197/204 B Mysterious Treasure I TR Promotion
198/204 B Escape Board I TR Promotion
199/204 A Kiawe Su TR Promotion
200/204 B Sightseer Su TR Promotion
201/204 A Guzma Su TR Promotion
202/204 B Cynthia Su TR Promotion
203/204 B Tate & Liza Su TR Promotion
204/204 C Welder Su TR Promotion
205/204 C Weavile Water CHR Promotion
206/204 C Excadrill Fighting CHR Promotion
207/204 C Stoutland Colorless CHR Promotion
208/204 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire SR Promotion
209/204 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire SR Promotion
210/204 C Charizard & BraixenTag Team GX Fire SR Promotion
211/204 C Charizard & BraixenTag Team GX Fire SR Promotion
212/204 C HeatranGX Fire SR Promotion
213/204 C VolcaronaGX Fire SR Promotion
214/204 C Blastoise & PiplupTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
215/204 C Blastoise & PiplupTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
216/204 C Slowpoke & PsyduckTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
217/204 C Slowpoke & PsyduckTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
218/204 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
219/204 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water SR Promotion
220/204 C BlastoiseGX Water SR Promotion
221/204 C KeldeoGX Water SR Promotion
222/204 C WishiwashiGX Water SR Promotion
223/204 C Marshadow & MachampTag Team GX Fighting SR Promotion
224/204 C Marshadow & MachampTag Team GX Fighting SR Promotion
225/204 C AerodactylGX Fighting SR Promotion
226/204 C FlygonGX Fighting SR Promotion
227/204 C Mega Sableye & TyranitarTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
228/204 C Mega Sableye & TyranitarTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
229/204 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
230/204 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness SR Promotion
231/204 C Alolan PersianGX Darkness SR Promotion
232/204 C HonchkrowGX Darkness SR Promotion
233/204 C Arceus & Dialga & PalkiaTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
234/204 C Arceus & Dialga & PalkiaTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
235/204 C Reshiram & ZekromTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
236/204 C Naganadel & GuzzlordTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
237/204 C Naganadel & GuzzlordTag Team GX Dragon SR Promotion
238/204 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
239/204 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
240/204 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
241/204 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless SR Promotion
242/204 C PersianGX Colorless SR Promotion
243/204 C SilvallyGX Colorless SR Promotion
244/204 C N's Resolve Su SR Promotion
245/204 C Janine Su SR Promotion
246/204 C Erika's Hospitality Su SR Promotion
247/204 C Professor Oak's Setup Su SR Promotion
248/204 C Poké Maniac Su SR Promotion
249/204 C Misty & Lorelei Su SR Promotion
250/204 C Misty's Favor Su SR Promotion
251/204 C Channeler Su SR Promotion
252/204 C Guzma & Hala Su SR Promotion
253/204 C Blue's Tactics Su SR Promotion
254/204 C Coach Trainer Su SR Promotion
255/204 C Brock's Grit Su SR Promotion
256/204 C Rosa Su SR Promotion
257/204 C Clay Su SR Promotion
258/204 C Welder Su SR Promotion
259/204 C Lillie's Full Force Su SR Promotion
260/204 C Red & Blue Su SR Promotion
261/204 C Red's Challenge Su SR Promotion
262/204 C Roller Skater Su SR Promotion
263/204 C Reshiram & CharizardTag Team GX Fire HR Promotion
264/204 C Charizard & BraixenTag Team GX Fire HR Promotion
265/204 C HeatranGX Fire HR Promotion
266/204 C VolcaronaGX Fire HR Promotion
267/204 C Blastoise & PiplupTag Team GX Water HR Promotion
268/204 C Slowpoke & PsyduckTag Team GX Water HR Promotion
269/204 C Magikarp & WailordTag Team GX Water HR Promotion
270/204 C BlastoiseGX Water HR Promotion
271/204 C KeldeoGX Water HR Promotion
272/204 C WishiwashiGX Water HR Promotion
273/204 C Marshadow & MachampTag Team GX Fighting HR Promotion
274/204 C AerodactylGX Fighting HR Promotion
275/204 C FlygonGX Fighting HR Promotion
276/204 C Mega Sableye & TyranitarTag Team GX Darkness HR Promotion
277/204 C Greninja & ZoroarkTag Team GX Darkness HR Promotion
278/204 C Alolan PersianGX Darkness HR Promotion
279/204 C HonchkrowGX Darkness HR Promotion
280/204 C Arceus & Dialga & PalkiaTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
281/204 C Reshiram & ZekromTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
282/204 C Naganadel & GuzzlordTag Team GX Dragon HR Promotion
283/204 C Eevee & SnorlaxTag Team GX Colorless HR Promotion
284/204 C Moltres & Zapdos & ArticunoTag Team GX Colorless HR Promotion
285/204 C PersianGX Colorless HR Promotion
286/204 C SilvallyGX Colorless HR Promotion
287/204 C Great Catcher I UR Promotion
288/204 C Tag Call I UR Promotion
289/204 C Tag Switch I UR Promotion
290/204 C Fire Crystal I UR Promotion
291/204 C Pokémon Communication I UR Promotion
292/204 C Reset Stamp I UR Promotion
293/204 C Karate Belt I UR Promotion
294/204 C Island Challenge Amulet I UR Promotion
295/204 C U-Turn Board I UR Promotion
296/204 C Martial Arts Dojo St UR Promotion
297/204 C Giant Hearth St UR Promotion
298/204 A Brooklet Hill St UR Promotion
299/204 C Power Plant St UR Promotion
300/204 C Weakness Guard Energy Colorless E UR Promotion
301/204 C Triple Acceleration Energy Colorless E UR Promotion


AC3a Tag Team Collection Booster.jpg
Set A pack
AC3b Tag Team Collection Booster.jpg
Set B pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance