Hidden Shadow (ATCG)

← Legends Awakened
Indonesian & Thai TCG expansions
Sky Ruler →
Hidden Shadow
Hidden Shadow Logo Thai.png
Cards in set 448
Set number 3
Release date Thai:August 11, 2019
Indonesian:December 30, 2019
Theme Decks

Thai GX Starter Deck Set A (Salamence-GX) (FireWaterDragon)
Thai GX Starter Deck Set B (Dialga-GX) (LightningMetal)
Indonesian GX Starter Deck (All types)

Sun & Moon: Hidden Shadow is the name given to the third of six asian Sun & Moon Era catch-up sets in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is exclusively available in Indonesian and Thai. The Traditional Chinese counterpart collection to this set is the Dreams Come True Collection.


Indonesian logo

Hidden Shadow was released on August 11, 2019 in Thailand, followed by a release in Indonesia on December 30, 2019. The majority of this set comprises cards ranging from the dual Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon expansions through to the Tag Bolt expansion, which include the debut of Prism Star Pokémon in the official Thai and Indonesian TCG. It is split into two sets, Set A and Set B, each of which focuses on specific types. Set A features Grass, Fire, Water, Fighting, and Darkness-type Pokémon, while Set B features Lightning, Psychic, Metal, Fairy, Dragon, and Colorless-type Pokémon. The Thai version has two accompanying pre-constructed GX Starter Decks, whereas the Indonesian version has one randomly constructed GX Starter Deck.

Set lists

Set A
SetSymbolHidden Shadow Set A.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/183 B Bellsprout Grass C Promotion
002/183 B Weepinbell Grass U Promotion
003/183 B Victreebel Grass R Promotion
004/183 B Tangela Grass C Promotion
005/183 B Tangrowth Grass U Promotion
006/183 B Chikorita Grass C Promotion
007/183 B Chikorita Grass C Promotion
008/183 B Bayleef Grass U Promotion
009/183 B Meganium Grass R Promotion
010/183 B Yanma Grass C Promotion
011/183 B Yanmega Grass C Promotion
012/183 B ShuckleGX Grass RR Promotion
013/183 B Celebi Prism Star Grass PR Promotion
014/183 B Treecko Grass C Promotion
015/183 B Treecko Grass C Promotion
016/183 B Grovyle Grass C Promotion
017/183 B Grovyle Grass U Promotion
018/183 B Sceptile Grass R Promotion
019/183 B SceptileGX Grass RR Promotion
020/183 B Surskit Grass C Promotion
021/183 B Masquerain Grass C Promotion
022/183 B Volbeat Grass C Promotion
023/183 B Illumise Grass C Promotion
024/183 B Roselia Grass C Promotion
025/183 B Roserade Grass U Promotion
026/183 B Cacnea Grass C Promotion
027/183 B Cacturne Grass U Promotion
028/183 B Turtwig Grass C Promotion
029/183 B Turtwig Grass C Promotion
030/183 B Grotle Grass C Promotion
031/183 B Torterra Grass R Promotion
032/183 B Carnivine Grass C Promotion
033/183 B Snover Grass C Promotion
034/183 B Abomasnow Grass U Promotion
035/183 B LeafeonGX Grass RR Promotion
036/183 B VirizionGX Grass RR Promotion
037/183 B Skiddo Grass C Promotion
038/183 B Skiddo Grass C Promotion
039/183 B Gogoat Grass C Promotion
040/183 B Gogoat Grass C Promotion
041/183 B Pheromosa Grass R Promotion
042/183 B Charmander Fire C Promotion
043/183 B Charmeleon Fire U Promotion
044/183 B Charizard Fire R Promotion
045/183 B Moltres Fire U Promotion
046/183 B Slugma Fire C Promotion
047/183 B Magcargo Fire U Promotion
048/183 B Torkoal Fire C Promotion
049/183 B Heatran Fire R Promotion
050/183 B Heatran Fire R Promotion
051/183 B Heatmor Fire C Promotion
052/183 B Fennekin Fire C Promotion
053/183 B Fennekin Fire C Promotion
054/183 B Braixen Fire C Promotion
055/183 B Delphox Fire R Promotion
056/183 B Litleo Fire C Promotion
057/183 B Pyroar Fire C Promotion
058/183 B Litten Fire C Promotion
059/183 B Torracat Fire C Promotion
060/183 B Salandit Fire C Promotion
061/183 B Salandit Fire C Promotion
062/183 B Salazzle Fire U Promotion
063/183 B Salazzle Fire C Promotion
064/183 B Turtonator Fire C Promotion
065/183 B BlacephalonGX Fire RR Promotion
066/183 B Slowpoke Water C Promotion
067/183 B Slowking Water U Promotion
068/183 B Horsea Water C Promotion
069/183 B Horsea Water C Promotion
070/183 B Seadra Water C Promotion
071/183 B KingdraGX Water RR Promotion
072/183 B Lapras Water C Promotion
073/183 B Totodile Water C Promotion
074/183 B Croconaw Water U Promotion
075/183 B Feraligatr Water R Promotion
076/183 B Wooper Water C Promotion
077/183 B Quagsire Water U Promotion
078/183 B Corsola Water C Promotion
079/183 B Delibird Water C Promotion
080/183 B Mantine Water C Promotion
081/183 B Lotad Water C Promotion
082/183 B Lombre Water U Promotion
083/183 B Ludicolo Water R Promotion
084/183 B Wailmer Water C Promotion
085/183 B Wailord Water U Promotion
086/183 B Luvdisc Water C Promotion
087/183 B Snover Water C Promotion
088/183 B Abomasnow Water U Promotion
089/183 B GlaceonGX Water RR Promotion
090/183 B Cubchoo Water C Promotion
091/183 B Beartic Water U Promotion
092/183 B White Kyurem Water R Promotion
093/183 B Froakie Water C Promotion
094/183 B Froakie Water C Promotion
095/183 B Frogadier Water C Promotion
096/183 B GreninjaGX Water RR Promotion
097/183 B Amaura Water U Promotion
098/183 B Aurorus Water R Promotion
099/183 B Wishiwashi Water C Promotion
100/183 B Mareanie Water C Promotion
101/183 B Toxapex Water U Promotion
102/183 B Phanpy Fighting C Promotion
103/183 B Phanpy Fighting C Promotion
104/183 B Donphan Fighting C Promotion
105/183 B Donphan Fighting U Promotion
106/183 B Larvitar Fighting C Promotion
107/183 B Larvitar Fighting C Promotion
108/183 B Pupitar Fighting U Promotion
109/183 B Pupitar Fighting C Promotion
110/183 B Meditite Fighting C Promotion
111/183 B Medicham Fighting U Promotion
112/183 B Torterra Fighting R Promotion
113/183 B Cranidos Fighting U Promotion
114/183 B Rampardos Fighting R Promotion
115/183 B Gible Fighting C Promotion
116/183 B Gabite Fighting C Promotion
117/183 B Garchomp Fighting R Promotion
118/183 B Riolu Fighting C Promotion
119/183 B Lucario Fighting R Promotion
120/183 B LucarioGX Fighting RR Promotion
121/183 B Pancham Fighting C Promotion
122/183 B Pancham Fighting C Promotion
123/183 B Tyrunt Fighting U Promotion
124/183 B Tyrantrum Fighting R Promotion
125/183 B ZygardeGX Fighting RR Promotion
126/183 B Diancie Prism Star Fighting PR Promotion
127/183 B Rockruff Fighting C Promotion
128/183 B Rockruff Fighting C Promotion
129/183 B Lycanroc Fighting R Promotion
130/183 B Lycanroc Fighting R Promotion
131/183 B LycanrocGX Fighting RR Promotion
132/183 B Buzzwole Fighting U Promotion
133/183 B Alolan Meowth Darkness C Promotion
134/183 B Alolan Meowth Darkness C Promotion
135/183 B Alolan Persian Darkness U Promotion
136/183 B Murkrow Darkness C Promotion
137/183 B Honchkrow Darkness U Promotion
138/183 B Tyranitar Darkness R Promotion
139/183 B Tyranitar Darkness R Promotion
140/183 B TyranitarGX Darkness RR Promotion
141/183 B Stunky Darkness C Promotion
142/183 B Skuntank Darkness C Promotion
143/183 B Spiritomb Darkness C Promotion
144/183 B Zorua Darkness C Promotion
145/183 B Zoroark Darkness U Promotion
146/183 B Zoroark Darkness R Promotion
147/183 B Pangoro Darkness U Promotion
148/183 B Pangoro Darkness U Promotion
149/183 B HoopaGX Darkness RR Promotion
150/183 B IncineroarGX Darkness RR Promotion
151/183 B Guzzlord Darkness R Promotion
152/183 B Shieldon Metal U Promotion
153/183 B Bastiodon Metal R Promotion
154/183 B Ditto Prism Star Colorless PR Promotion
155/183 B Eevee Colorless C Promotion
156/183 B Smeargle Colorless U Promotion
157/183 B LugiaGX Colorless RR Promotion
158/183 B Kecleon Colorless C Promotion
159/183 B Switch Raft I U Promotion
160/183 B Energy Spinner I U Promotion
161/183 B Fossil Excavation Map I U Promotion
162/183 B Dangerous Drill I U Promotion
163/183 B Unidentified Fossil I C Promotion
164/183 B Beast Ring I U Promotion
165/183 B Fiery Flint I U Promotion
166/183 B Lure Ball I U Promotion
167/183 B Escape Board I U Promotion
168/183 B Counter Gain I U Promotion
169/183 B Aether Foundation Employee Su U Promotion
170/183 B Lady Su U Promotion
171/183 B Sightseer Su C Promotion
172/183 B Nanu Su U Promotion
173/183 B Cynthia Su R Promotion
174/183 B Gardenia Su U Promotion
175/183 B Samson Oak Su U Promotion
176/183 B Mars Su U Promotion
177/183 B Crasher Wake Su U Promotion
178/183 B Bonnie Su U Promotion
179/183 B Wela Volcano Park St U Promotion
180/183 B Black Market Prism Star St PR Promotion
181/183 B Life Forest Prism Star St PR Promotion
182/183 B Super Boost Energy Prism Star Colorless E PR Promotion
183/183 B Unit Energy FightingDarknessFairy Colorless E U Promotion
184/183 B ShuckleGX Grass SR Promotion
185/183 B SceptileGX Grass SR Promotion
186/183 B LeafeonGX Grass SR Promotion
187/183 B VirizionGX Grass SR Promotion
188/183 B BlacephalonGX Fire SR Promotion
189/183 B KingdraGX Water SR Promotion
190/183 B GlaceonGX Water SR Promotion
191/183 B GreninjaGX Water SR Promotion
192/183 B LucarioGX Fighting SR Promotion
193/183 B TyranitarGX Darkness SR Promotion
194/183 B HoopaGX Darkness SR Promotion
195/183 B IncineroarGX Darkness SR Promotion
196/183 B LugiaGX Colorless SR Promotion
197/183 B Aether Foundation Employee Su SR Promotion
198/183 B Lady Su SR Promotion
199/183 B Nanu Su SR Promotion
200/183 B Cynthia Su SR Promotion
201/183 B Gardenia Su SR Promotion
202/183 B Mars Su SR Promotion
203/183 B Crasher Wake Su SR Promotion
204/183 B Bonnie Su SR Promotion
205/183 B ShuckleGX Grass HR Promotion
206/183 B SceptileGX Grass HR Promotion
207/183 B LeafeonGX Grass HR Promotion
208/183 B VirizionGX Grass HR Promotion
209/183 B BlacephalonGX Fire HR Promotion
210/183 B KingdraGX Water HR Promotion
211/183 B GlaceonGX Water HR Promotion
212/183 B GreninjaGX Water HR Promotion
213/183 B LucarioGX Fighting HR Promotion
214/183 B TyranitarGX Darkness HR Promotion
215/183 B HoopaGX Darkness HR Promotion
216/183 B IncineroarGX Darkness HR Promotion
217/183 B LugiaGX Colorless HR Promotion
218/183 B Switch Raft I UR Promotion
219/183 B Dangerous Drill I UR Promotion
220/183 B Beast Ring I UR Promotion
221/183 B Fiery Flint I UR Promotion
222/183 B Escape Board I UR Promotion
223/183 B Counter Gain I UR Promotion
224/183 B Unit Energy FightingDarknessFairy Colorless E UR Promotion

Set B
SetSymbolHidden Shadow Set B.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/183 B Pineco Grass C Promotion
002/183 B Pikachu Lightning C Promotion
003/183 B Magnemite Lightning C Promotion
004/183 B Magneton Lightning C Promotion
005/183 B Magnezone Lightning R Promotion
006/183 B Voltorb Lightning C Promotion
007/183 B ElectrodeGX Lightning RR Promotion
008/183 B Chinchou Lightning C Promotion
009/183 B Chinchou Lightning C Promotion
010/183 B Lanturn Lightning C Promotion
011/183 B Lanturn Lightning U Promotion
012/183 B Mareep Lightning C Promotion
013/183 B Mareep Lightning C Promotion
014/183 B Flaaffy Lightning C Promotion
015/183 B Flaaffy Lightning C Promotion
016/183 B Ampharos Lightning R Promotion
017/183 B AmpharosGX Lightning RR Promotion
018/183 B RaikouGX Lightning RR Promotion
019/183 B Shinx Lightning C Promotion
020/183 B Shinx Lightning C Promotion
021/183 B Luxio Lightning C Promotion
022/183 B Luxray Lightning R Promotion
023/183 B Rotom Lightning U Promotion
024/183 B Blitzle Lightning C Promotion
025/183 B Zebstrika Lightning U Promotion
026/183 B Emolga Lightning C Promotion
027/183 B Tapu Koko Prism Star Lightning PR Promotion
028/183 B Xurkitree Lightning R Promotion
029/183 B Zeraora Lightning R Promotion
030/183 B Alolan Marowak Psychic U Promotion
031/183 B Unown Psychic U Promotion
032/183 B Unown Psychic U Promotion
033/183 B Unown Psychic U Promotion
034/183 B Wobbuffet Psychic U Promotion
035/183 B Girafarig Psychic C Promotion
036/183 B Sableye Psychic C Promotion
037/183 B Gulpin Psychic C Promotion
038/183 B Swalot Psychic C Promotion
039/183 B Spoink Psychic C Promotion
040/183 B Grumpig Psychic U Promotion
041/183 B Drifloon Psychic C Promotion
042/183 B Drifblim Psychic C Promotion
043/183 B Spiritomb Psychic C Promotion
044/183 B Skorupi Psychic C Promotion
045/183 B Drapion Psychic U Promotion
046/183 B Rotom Psychic U Promotion
047/183 B Uxie Psychic C Promotion
048/183 B Mesprit Psychic C Promotion
049/183 B Azelf Psychic C Promotion
050/183 B Yamask Psychic C Promotion
051/183 B Cofagrigus Psychic U Promotion
052/183 B Inkay Psychic C Promotion
053/183 B Malamar Psychic U Promotion
054/183 B Hoopa Psychic C Promotion
055/183 B Cosmog Psychic C Promotion
056/183 B Cosmoem Psychic C Promotion
057/183 B LunalaGX Psychic RR Promotion
058/183 B Nihilego Psychic R Promotion
059/183 B Dawn Wings Necrozma Psychic R Promotion
060/183 B Dawn Wings NecrozmaGX Psychic RR Promotion
061/183 B Poipole Psychic C Promotion
062/183 B Poipole Psychic C Promotion
063/183 B Naganadel Psychic R Promotion
064/183 B NaganadelGX Psychic RR Promotion
065/183 B Cubone Fighting C Promotion
066/183 B Alolan Diglett Metal C Promotion
067/183 B Alolan Diglett Metal C Promotion
068/183 B Alolan Dugtrio Metal C Promotion
069/183 B Alolan Dugtrio Metal C Promotion
070/183 B Magnemite Metal C Promotion
071/183 B Magnemite Metal C Promotion
072/183 B Magneton Metal C Promotion
073/183 B Magnezone Metal R Promotion
074/183 B Forretress Metal U Promotion
075/183 B Mawile Metal C Promotion
076/183 B Registeel Metal U Promotion
077/183 B Jirachi Metal R Promotion
078/183 B Jirachi Prism Star Metal PR Promotion
079/183 B Bronzor Metal C Promotion
080/183 B Bronzor Metal C Promotion
081/183 B Bronzong Metal U Promotion
082/183 B Bronzong Metal U Promotion
083/183 B Dialga Metal R Promotion
084/183 B DialgaGX Metal RR Promotion
085/183 B Ferroseed Metal C Promotion
086/183 B Ferrothorn Metal U Promotion
087/183 B Durant Metal C Promotion
088/183 B Cobalion Metal R Promotion
089/183 B SolgaleoGX Metal RR Promotion
090/183 B Celesteela Metal R Promotion
091/183 B Kartana Metal U Promotion
092/183 B Dusk Mane Necrozma Metal R Promotion
093/183 B Dusk Mane NecrozmaGX Metal RR Promotion
094/183 B StakatakaGX Metal RR Promotion
095/183 B Marill Fairy C Promotion
096/183 B Azumarill Fairy C Promotion
097/183 B Snubbull Fairy C Promotion
098/183 B Granbull Fairy U Promotion
099/183 B Ralts Fairy C Promotion
100/183 B Kirlia Fairy C Promotion
101/183 B Gardevoir Fairy R Promotion
102/183 B Sylveon Fairy U Promotion
103/183 B Carbink Fairy C Promotion
104/183 B Klefki Fairy C Promotion
105/183 B XerneasGX Fairy RR Promotion
106/183 B Xerneas Prism Star Fairy PR Promotion
107/183 B Cutiefly Fairy C Promotion
108/183 B Ribombee Fairy U Promotion
109/183 B Mimikyu Fairy U Promotion
110/183 B Tapu Fini Fairy R Promotion
111/183 B Dratini Dragon C Promotion
112/183 B Dratini Dragon C Promotion
113/183 B Dragonair Dragon C Promotion
114/183 B DragoniteGX Dragon RR Promotion
115/183 B Bagon Dragon C Promotion
116/183 B Shelgon Dragon U Promotion
117/183 B SalamenceGX Dragon RR Promotion
118/183 B Latias Dragon U Promotion
119/183 B Latios Dragon R Promotion
120/183 B Gible Dragon C Promotion
121/183 B Gible Dragon C Promotion
122/183 B Gabite Dragon C Promotion
123/183 B Garchomp Dragon R Promotion
124/183 B DialgaGX Dragon RR Promotion
125/183 B Zekrom Dragon R Promotion
126/183 B Goomy Dragon C Promotion
127/183 B Goomy Dragon C Promotion
128/183 B Sliggoo Dragon C Promotion
129/183 B Goodra Dragon R Promotion
130/183 B Zygarde Dragon U Promotion
131/183 B Turtonator Dragon U Promotion
132/183 B Jangmo-o Dragon C Promotion
133/183 B Hakamo-o Dragon C Promotion
134/183 B Kommo-o Dragon R Promotion
135/183 B Ultra Necrozma Dragon R Promotion
136/183 B Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon RR Promotion
137/183 B Lickitung Colorless C Promotion
138/183 B Lickilicky Colorless U Promotion
139/183 B Chansey Colorless C Promotion
140/183 B Blissey Colorless R Promotion
141/183 B Kangaskhan Colorless C Promotion
142/183 B Dunsparce Colorless C Promotion
143/183 B Whismur Colorless C Promotion
144/183 B Whismur Colorless C Promotion
145/183 B Loudred Colorless C Promotion
146/183 B Exploud Colorless U Promotion
147/183 B Skitty Colorless C Promotion
148/183 B Delcatty Colorless R Promotion
149/183 B Kecleon Colorless U Promotion
150/183 B Buneary Colorless C Promotion
151/183 B Lopunny Colorless C Promotion
152/183 B Bunnelby Colorless C Promotion
153/183 B Diggersby Colorless C Promotion
154/183 B Noibat Colorless C Promotion
155/183 B Noivern Colorless U Promotion
156/183 B Wait and See Hammer I U Promotion
157/183 B Beast Ball I U Promotion
158/183 B Electrocharger I U Promotion
159/183 B Electropower I U Promotion
160/183 B Pal Pad I C Promotion
161/183 B Looker Whistle I U Promotion
162/183 B PokéNav I U Promotion
163/183 B Mixed Herbs I C Promotion
164/183 B Return Label I U Promotion
165/183 B Metal Frying Pan I U Promotion
166/183 B Metal Goggles I U Promotion
167/183 B Professor Elm's Lecture Su U Promotion
168/183 B Ultra Recon Squad Su U Promotion
169/183 B Diantha Su R Promotion
170/183 B Judge Su U Promotion
171/183 B Looker Su C Promotion
172/183 B Jasmine Su U Promotion
173/183 B Lusamine Prism Star Su PR Promotion
174/183 B Morgan Su U Promotion
175/183 B Dana Su U Promotion
176/183 B Evelyn Su U Promotion
177/183 B Nita Su U Promotion
178/183 B Lance Prism Star Su PR Promotion
179/183 B Shrine of Punishment St U Promotion
180/183 B Mt. Coronet St U Promotion
181/183 B Wondrous Labyrinth Prism Star St PR Promotion
182/183 B Beast Energy Prism Star Colorless E PR Promotion
183/183 B Unit Energy LightningPsychicMetal Colorless E U Promotion
184/183 B ElectrodeGX Lightning SR Promotion
185/183 B AmpharosGX Lightning SR Promotion
186/183 B Dawn Wings NecrozmaGX Psychic SR Promotion
187/183 B NaganadelGX Psychic SR Promotion
188/183 B DialgaGX Metal SR Promotion
189/183 B Dusk Mane NecrozmaGX Metal SR Promotion
190/183 B StakatakaGX Metal SR Promotion
191/183 B XerneasGX Fairy SR Promotion
192/183 B DragoniteGX Dragon SR Promotion
193/183 B SalamenceGX Dragon SR Promotion
194/183 B DialgaGX Dragon SR Promotion
195/183 B Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon SR Promotion
196/183 B Professor Elm's Lecture Su SR Promotion
197/183 B Ultra Recon Squad Su SR Promotion
198/183 B Diantha Su SR Promotion
199/183 B Judge Su SR Promotion
200/183 B Looker Su SR Promotion
201/183 B Jasmine Su SR Promotion
202/183 B Morgan Su SR Promotion
203/183 B Dana Su SR Promotion
204/183 B Evelyn Su SR Promotion
205/183 B Nita Su SR Promotion
206/183 B ElectrodeGX Lightning HR Promotion
207/183 B AmpharosGX Lightning HR Promotion
208/183 B Dawn Wings NecrozmaGX Psychic HR Promotion
209/183 B NaganadelGX Psychic HR Promotion
210/183 B DialgaGX Metal HR Promotion
211/183 B Dusk Mane NecrozmaGX Metal HR Promotion
212/183 B StakatakaGX Metal HR Promotion
213/183 B XerneasGX Fairy HR Promotion
214/183 B DragoniteGX Dragon HR Promotion
215/183 B SalamenceGX Dragon HR Promotion
216/183 B DialgaGX Dragon HR Promotion
217/183 B Ultra NecrozmaGX Dragon HR Promotion
218/183 B Wait and See Hammer I UR Promotion
219/183 B Electrocharger I UR Promotion
220/183 B Electropower I UR Promotion
221/183 B PokéNav I UR Promotion
222/183 B Metal Frying Pan I UR Promotion
223/183 B Metal Goggles I UR Promotion
224/183 B Unit Energy LightningPsychicMetal Colorless E UR Promotion


AS3a Invisible Shadow Booster Thai.jpg
Thai Set A pack
AS3b Invisible Shadow Booster Thai.jpg
Thai Set B pack
AS3a Invisible Shadow Booster Indonesian.jpg
Indonesian Set A pack
AS3b Invisible Shadow Booster Indonesian.jpg
Indonesian Set B pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Matahari & Bulan: Bayangan Tersembunyi
Thailand Flag.png Thai ซันแอนด์มูน เงาอำพราง Sun & Moon: Hidden Shadow

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
Sun & Moon Series: SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
Sword & Shield Series: S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
Scarlet & Violet Series: SV-P Promotional cards
Ancient Times, Future ProgressCollection 151
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box