Primordial Arts (ATCG)

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Simplified Chinese TCG expansions
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Primordial Arts
Primordial Arts Logo.png
Cards in set 184 (Overgrow)
179 (Torrent)
Set number 5
Release date November 17, 2023
Theme Decks

V Starter Deck (all types)

Sword & Shield: Primordial Arts (Chinese: 剑 & 盾 洪荒演武 Sword & Shield Primordial Arts) is the name given to the third Simplified Chinese Pokémon Trading Card Game set in the Sword and Shield Era, and fifth overall set.


File:CS3 Banner.jpg
Site Banner celebrating the release of the set

The set was released on November 17, 2023 and consists of two subsets: Overgrow (Chinese: ) and Torrent (Chinese: ), with each subset covering specific types of Pokémon cards. The Overgrow subset was assigned expansion mark CS3a, has Gigantamax Venusaur as its cover Pokémon, and features Single Strike Pokémon. The Torrent subset was assigned expansion mark CS3b, has Gigantamax Blastoise as its cover Pokémon, and features Rapid Strike Pokémon.

As with all other Asian-exclusive sets, Primordial Arts contains a large selection of cards in an effort to catch up with Japanese and international releases, with cards sourced from all remaining Sword & Shield through Fusion Strike. However, this set also includes Reverse Type Holofoil prints of all Common, Uncommon and Rare cards, which are exclusive to Simplified Chinese sets. Another feature exclusive to the Simplified Chinese cards is that all Holofoil cards including Reverse Holofoil have an English Pokémon logo embossed at the bottom left corner of the card under Expansion and Regulation Marks as proof of authenticity.[1] Secret cards feature an additional watermark with larger Pokémon logo and a latent image of Poké Ball, which is printed inside the card's rule box or on the right of the rarity symbol if the card doesn't have a rule box.

This set comes in two different types of packs:

  • 5-card booster packs include 5 cards per pack with one card guaranteed to be either Reverse Holofoil or has a rarity of Rare or above. Each 5-card booster box includes 30 booster packs.
  • 25-card booster packs include 25 cards per pack with one guaranteed PokémonVcard. Each 25-card booster box includes 24 booster packs.

Set lists

No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/125 E VenusaurV Grass RR Promotion
002/125 E VenusaurVMAX Grass RRR Promotion
003/125 E Bellsprout Grass C Promotion
004/125 E Weepinbell Grass C Promotion
005/125 E Victreebel Grass U Promotion
006/125 E Heracross Grass C Promotion
007/125 E CelebiV Grass RR Promotion
008/125 E CelebiVMAX Grass RRR Promotion
009/125 E Seedot Grass C Promotion
010/125 E Cacnea Grass C Promotion
011/125 E Cacturne Grass C Promotion
012/125 E Snover Grass C Promotion
013/125 E Abomasnow Grass U Promotion
014/125 E Scatterbug Grass C Promotion
015/125 E Spewpa Grass C Promotion
016/125 E Vivillon Grass U Promotion
017/125 E Zarude Grass R Promotion
018/125 E Entei Fire R Promotion
019/125 E Salandit Fire C Promotion
020/125 E Salazzle Fire U Promotion
021/125 E Scorbunny Fire C Promotion
022/125 E Raboot Fire U Promotion
023/125 E Cinderace Fire R Promotion
024/125 E Psyduck Water C Promotion
025/125 E Golduck Water U Promotion
026/125 E Alomomola Water C Promotion
027/125 E Tympole Water C Promotion
028/125 E Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
029/125 E Electivire Lightning U Promotion
030/125 E Mareep Lightning C Promotion
031/125 E Flaaffy Lightning C Promotion
032/125 E Ampharos Lightning U Promotion
033/125 E Emolga Lightning C Promotion
034/125 E Tapu KokoV Lightning RR Promotion
035/125 E Tapu KokoVMAX Lightning RRR Promotion
036/125 E Yamper Lightning C Promotion
037/125 E Boltund Lightning U Promotion
038/125 E Galarian RapidashV Psychic RR Promotion
039/125 E Gastly Psychic C Promotion
040/125 E Haunter Psychic U Promotion
041/125 E Gengar Psychic R Promotion
042/125 E Shuppet Psychic C Promotion
043/125 E Banette Psychic U Promotion
044/125 E Chimeco Psychic C Promotion
045/125 E Cresselia Psychic R Promotion
046/125 E Golett Psychic C Promotion
047/125 E Golurk Psychic U Promotion
048/125 E Espurr Psychic C Promotion
049/125 E Meowstic Psychic R Promotion
050/125 E Swirlix Psychic C Promotion
051/125 E Slurpuff Psychic U Promotion
052/125 E Cutiefly Psychic C Promotion
053/125 E Ribombee Psychic U Promotion
054/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexV Psychic RR Promotion
055/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexVMAX Psychic RRR Promotion
056/125 E Mankey Fighting C Promotion
057/125 E Primeape Fighting U Promotion
058/125 E Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting C Promotion
059/125 E Galarian Sirfetch'd Fighting U Promotion
060/125 E Galarian ZapdosV Fighting RR Promotion
061/125 E Palpitoad Fighting C Promotion
062/125 E Seismitoad Fighting U Promotion
063/125 E Rockruff Fighting C Promotion
064/125 E Lycanroc Fighting R Promotion
065/125 E Rolycoly Fighting C Promotion
066/125 E Carkol Fighting U Promotion
067/125 E Coalossal Fighting R Promotion
068/125 E Clobbopus Fighting C Promotion
069/125 E Graploct Fighting R Promotion
070/125 E Stonjourner Fighting U Promotion
071/125 E Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting RR Promotion
072/125 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting RRR Promotion
073/125 E Zubat Darkness C Promotion
074/125 E Golbat Darkness U Promotion
075/125 E Crobat Darkness R Promotion
076/125 E Koffing Darkness C Promotion
077/125 E Weezing Darkness U Promotion
078/125 E Galarian Weezing Darkness U Promotion
079/125 E Murkrow Darkness C Promotion
080/125 E Honchkrow Darkness C Promotion
081/125 E Galarian SlowkingV Darkness RR Promotion
082/125 E Galarian SlowkingVMAX Darkness RRR Promotion
083/125 E Qwilfish Darkness C Promotion
084/125 E Houndour Darkness C Promotion
085/125 E Houndoom Darkness R Promotion
086/125 E TyranitarV Darkness RR Promotion
087/125 E Nuzleaf Darkness C Promotion
088/125 E Shiftry Darkness U Promotion
089/125 E Seviper Darkness C Promotion
090/125 E LiepardV Darkness RR Promotion
091/125 E Morpeko Darkness C Promotion
092/125 E Mawile Metal C Promotion
093/125 E Bronzor Metal C Promotion
094/125 E Bronzong Metal R Promotion
095/125 E Cobalion Metal R Promotion
096/125 E Tauros Colorless R Promotion
097/125 E BlisseyV Colorless RR Promotion
098/125 E Lillipup Colorless C Promotion
099/125 E Herdier Colorless C Promotion
100/125 E Stoutland Colorless U Promotion
101/125 E TornadusV Colorless RR Promotion
102/125 E TornadusVMAX Colorless RRR Promotion
103/125 E Fletchling Colorless C Promotion
104/125 E Fletchinder Colorless C Promotion
105/125 E Talonflame Colorless U Promotion
106/125 E Welcoming Lantern I U Promotion
107/125 E Urn of Vitality I U Promotion
108/125 E Camping Gear I U Promotion
109/125 E Fog Crystal I U Promotion
110/125 E Single Strike Scroll of Scorn PT U Promotion
111/125 E Single Strike Scroll of Piercing PT U Promotion
112/125 E Exp. Share PT U Promotion
113/125 E Weeding Gloves PT U Promotion
114/125 E Crushing Gloves PT U Promotion
115/125 E Flannery Su U Promotion
116/125 E Karen's Conviction Su U Promotion
117/125 E Agatha Su U Promotion
118/125 E Bruno Su U Promotion
119/125 E Peonia Su U Promotion
120/125 E Phoebe Su U Promotion
121/125 E Single Strike Style Mustard Su U Promotion
122/125 E Cheryl Su U Promotion
123/125 E Tower of Darkness St U Promotion
124/125 E Old Cemetery St U Promotion
125/125 E Single Strike Energy Fighting E U Promotion
126/125 E Abomasnow Grass CHR Promotion
127/125 E Banette Psychic CHR Promotion
128/125 E Rockruff Fighting CHR Promotion
129/125 E Bronzong Metal CHR Promotion
130/125 E VenusaurV Grass SR Promotion
131/125 E CelebiV Grass SR Promotion
132/125 E CelebiV Grass SR Promotion
133/125 E Tapu KokoV Lightning SR Promotion
134/125 E Galarian RapidashV Psychic SR Promotion
135/125 E Galarian RapidashV Psychic SR Promotion
136/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexV Psychic SR Promotion
137/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexV Psychic SR Promotion
138/125 E Galarian ZapdosV Fighting SR Promotion
139/125 E Galarian ZapdosV Fighting SR Promotion
140/125 E Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting SR Promotion
141/125 E Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting SR Promotion
142/125 E TyranitarV Darkness SR Promotion
143/125 E TyranitarV Darkness SR Promotion
144/125 E LiepardV Darkness SR Promotion
145/125 E BlisseyV Colorless SR Promotion
146/125 E BlisseyV Colorless SR Promotion
147/125 E Flannery Su SR Promotion
148/125 E Karen's Conviction Su SR Promotion
149/125 E Agatha Su SR Promotion
150/125 E Bruno Su SR Promotion
151/125 E Peonia Su SR Promotion
152/125 E Phoebe Su SR Promotion
153/125 E Single Strike Style Mustard Su SR Promotion
154/125 E Cheryl Su SR Promotion
155/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexV Psychic CSR Promotion
156/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexVMAX Psychic CSR Promotion
157/125 E Galarian ZapdosV Fighting CSR Promotion
158/125 E Single Strike UrshifuV Fighting CSR Promotion
159/125 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting CSR Promotion
160/125 E BlisseyV Colorless CSR Promotion
161/125 E VenusaurVMAX Grass HR Promotion
162/125 E CelebiVMAX Grass HR Promotion
163/125 E Tapu KokoVMAX Lightning HR Promotion
164/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexVMAX Psychic HR Promotion
165/125 E Shadow Rider CalyrexVMAX Psychic HR Promotion
166/125 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting HR Promotion
167/125 E Single Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting HR Promotion
168/125 E TornadusVMAX Colorless HR Promotion
169/125 E Flannery Su HR Promotion
170/125 E Karen's Conviction Su HR Promotion
171/125 E Agatha Su HR Promotion
172/125 E Bruno Su HR Promotion
173/125 E Peonia Su HR Promotion
174/125 E Phoebe Su HR Promotion
175/125 E Single Strike Style Mustard Su HR Promotion
176/125 E Cheryl Su HR Promotion
177/125 E Cresselia Psychic UR Promotion
0178/125 E Houndoom Darkness UR Promotion
179/125 E Bronzong Metal UR Promotion
180/125 E Welcoming Lantern I UR Promotion
181/125 E Urn of Vitality I UR Promotion
182/125 E Fog Crystal I UR Promotion
183/125 E Exp. Share PT UR Promotion
184/125 E Single Strike Energy Fighting E UR Promotion


No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/122 E Cherubi Grass C Promotion
002/122 E Cherrim Grass R Promotion
003/122 E Carnivine Grass C Promotion
004/122 E Petilil Grass C Promotion
005/122 E Lilligant Grass U Promotion
006/122 E Dwebble Grass C Promotion
007/122 E Crustle Grass C Promotion
008/122 E Deerling Grass C Promotion
009/122 E Sawsbuck Grass U Promotion
010/122 E Bounsweet Grass C Promotion
011/122 E Steenee Grass C Promotion
012/122 E Tsareena Grass U Promotion
013/122 E Tapu Bulu Grass R Promotion
014/122 E Grookey Grass C Promotion
015/122 E Thwackey Grass U Promotion
016/122 E Rillaboom Grass R Promotion
017/122 E Blipbug Grass C Promotion
018/122 E FlappleV Grass RR Promotion
019/122 E FlappleVMAX Grass RRR Promotion
020/122 E BlazikenV Fire RR Promotion
021/122 E BlazikenVMAX Fire RRR Promotion
022/122 E Heatmor Fire C Promotion
023/122 E Litleo Fire C Promotion
024/122 E Pyroar Fire C Promotion
025/122 E BlastoiseV Water RR Promotion
026/122 E BlastoiseVMAX Water RRR Promotion
027/122 E Tentacool Water C Promotion
028/122 E Tentacruel Water U Promotion
029/122 E Horsea Water C Promotion
030/122 E Seadra Water U Promotion
031/122 E Kingdra Water R Promotion
032/122 E Galarian Mr. Mime Water C Promotion
033/122 E Galarian Mr. Rime Water U Promotion
034/122 E Lapras Water C Promotion
035/122 E Remoraid Water C Promotion
036/122 E Octillery Water R Promotion
037/122 E Carvanha Water C Promotion
038/122 E Sharpedo Water U Promotion
039/122 E Snorunt Water C Promotion
040/122 E Froslass Water R Promotion
041/122 E Frillish Water C Promotion
042/122 E Jellicent Water U Promotion
043/122 E Tapu Fini Water R Promotion
044/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexV Water RR Promotion
045/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexVMAX Water RRR Promotion
046/122 E Chinchou Lightning C Promotion
047/122 E Lanturn Lightning C Promotion
048/122 E Shinx Lightning C Promotion
049/122 E Luxio Lightning U Promotion
050/122 E Luxray Lightning R Promotion
051/122 E Pachirisu Lightning C Promotion
052/122 E Blitzle Lightning C Promotion
053/122 E Zebstrika Lightning U Promotion
054/122 E Thundurus Lightning R Promotion
055/122 E ZeraoraV Lightning RR Promotion
056/122 E Drowzee Psychic C Promotion
057/122 E Hypno Psychic U Promotion
058/122 E Galarian ArticunoV Psychic RR Promotion
059/122 E Ralts Psychic C Promotion
060/122 E Kirlia Psychic U Promotion
061/122 E Gardevoir Psychic R Promotion
062/122 E Sableye Psychic C Promotion
063/122 E Baltoy Psychic C Promotion
064/122 E Claydol Psychic U Promotion
065/122 E NecrozmaV Psychic RR Promotion
066/122 E Dottler Psychic U Promotion
067/122 E Orbeetle Psychic R Promotion
068/122 E Diglett Fighting C Promotion
069/122 E Dugtrio Fighting U Promotion
070/122 E Onix Fighting C Promotion
071/122 E Cubone Fighting C Promotion
072/122 E Marowak Fighting U Promotion
073/122 E Gallade Fighting U Promotion
074/122 E Roggenrola Fighting C Promotion
075/122 E Boldore Fighting C Promotion
076/122 E Gigalith Fighting U Promotion
077/122 E Mienfoo Fighting C Promotion
078/122 E Mienshao Fighting U Promotion
079/122 E Passimian Fighting C Promotion
080/122 E Silicobra Fighting C Promotion
081/122 E Sandaconda Fighting R Promotion
082/122 E SandacondaV Fighting RR Promotion
083/122 E SandacondaVMAX Fighting RRR Promotion
084/122 E Falinks Fighting U Promotion
085/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting RR Promotion
086/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting RRR Promotion
087/122 E Steelix Metal R Promotion
088/122 E Aron Metal C Promotion
089/122 E Lairon Metal C Promotion
090/122 E Aggron Metal U Promotion
091/122 E MetagrossV Metal RR Promotion
092/122 E MetagrossVMAX Metal RRR Promotion
093/122 E Pawniard Metal C Promotion
094/122 E Bisharp Metal C Promotion
095/122 E Porygon Colorless C Promotion
096/122 E Porygon2 Colorless U Promotion
097/122 E Porygon-Z Colorless R Promotion
098/122 E Zangoose Colorless C Promotion
099/122 E Kecleon Colorless C Promotion
100/122 E StoutlandV Colorless RR Promotion
101/122 E Rufflet Colorless C Promotion
102/122 E Braviary Colorless C Promotion
103/122 E Furfrou Colorless C Promotion
104/122 E Escape Rope I U Promotion
105/122 E Fan of Waves I U Promotion
106/122 E Expedition Uniform I U Promotion
107/122 E Level Ball I U Promotion
108/122 E Rugged Helmet PT U Promotion
109/122 E Justified Gloves PT U Promotion
110/122 E Fire-Resistant Gloves PT U Promotion
111/122 E Rapid Strike Scroll of the Skies PT U Promotion
112/122 E Rapid Strike Scroll of Swirls PT U Promotion
113/122 E Caitlin Su U Promotion
114/122 E Korrina's Focus Su U Promotion
115/122 E Siebold Su U Promotion
116/122 E Brawly Su U Promotion
117/122 E Doctor Su U Promotion
118/122 E Rapid Strike Style Mustard Su U Promotion
119/122 E Melony Su U Promotion
120/122 E Dyna Tree Hill St U Promotion
121/122 E Tower of Waters St U Promotion
122/122 E Rapid Strike Energy E U Promotion
123/122 E Kingdra Water CHR Promotion
124/122 E Gardevoir Psychic CHR Promotion
125/122 E Passimian Fighting CHR Promotion
126/122 E Falinks Fighting CHR Promotion
127/122 E FlappleV Grass SR Promotion
128/122 E BlazikenV Fire SR Promotion
129/122 E BlastoiseV Water SR Promotion
130/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexV Water SR Promotion
131/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexV Water SR Promotion
132/122 E ZeraoraV Lightning SR Promotion
133/122 E ZeraoraV Lightning SR Promotion
134/122 E Galarian ArticunoV Psychic SR Promotion
135/122 E Galarian ArticunoV Psychic SR Promotion
136/122 E NecrozmaV Fighting SR Promotion
137/122 E SandacondaV Fighting SR Promotion
138/122 E SandacondaV Fighting SR Promotion
139/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting SR Promotion
140/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting SR Promotion
141/122 E MetagrossV Metal SR Promotion
142/122 E StoutlandV Colorless SR Promotion
143/122 E Caitlin Su SR Promotion
144/122 E Korrina's Focus Su SR Promotion
145/122 E Siebold Su SR Promotion
146/122 E Brawly Su SR Promotion
147/122 E Doctor Su SR Promotion
148/122 E Rapid Strike Style Mustard Su SR Promotion
149/122 E Melony Su SR Promotion
150/122 E BlazikenV Fire CSR Promotion
151/122 E BlazikenVMAX Fire CSR Promotion
152/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexV Water CSR Promotion
153/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexVMAX Water CSR Promotion
154/122 E Galarian ArticunoV Psychic CSR Promotion
155/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuV Fighting CSR Promotion
156/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Fighting CSR Promotion
157/122 E FlappleVMAX Grass HR Promotion
158/122 E BlazikenVMAX Fire HR Promotion
159/122 E BlazikenVMAX Fire HR Promotion
160/122 E BlastoiseVMAX Water HR Promotion
161/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexVMAX Water HR Promotion
162/122 E Ice Rider CalyrexVMAX Water HR Promotion
163/122 E SandacondaVMAX Fighting HR Promotion
164/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Water HR Promotion
165/122 E Rapid Strike UrshifuVMAX Water HR Promotion
166/122 E MetagrossVMAX Metal HR Promotion
167/122 E Caitlin Su HR Promotion
168/122 E Korrina's Focus Su HR Promotion
169/122 E Siebold Su HR Promotion
170/122 E Brawly Su HR Promotion
171/122 E Doctor Su HR Promotion
172/122 E Rapid Strike Style Mustard Su HR Promotion
173/122 E Melony Su HR Promotion
174/122 E Octillery Water UR Promotion
175/122 E Froslass Water UR Promotion
176/122 E Fan of Waves I UR Promotion
177/122 E Level Ball I UR Promotion
178/122 E Rugged Helmet PT UR Promotion
179/122 E Rapid Strike Energy E UR Promotion



Overgrow 5-card booster pack
CS3a Booster Overgrow 25 Pack.png
Overgrow 25-card booster pack
Torrent 5-card booster pack
CS3b Booster Torrent 25 Pack.png
Torrent 25-card booster pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins


Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
Sun & Moon Series: SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
Sword & Shield Series: S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
Scarlet & Violet Series: SV-P Promotional cards
Ancient Times, Future ProgressCollection 151
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box