Sword & Shield (ATCG)

← Legendary Clash (Traditional Chinese and Thai)
← Tag Team Collection (Indonesian)
Traditional Chinese, Indonesian & Thai TCG expansions
Infinite Power → (Traditional Chinese)
Shiny VMAX Collection → (Indonesian and Thai)
If you were looking for the Western release sharing this set name, see Sword & Shield (TCG).
Sword & Shield
Sword Shield Logo Chinese.png
Cards in set 374
Set number 7
Release date Traditional Chinese: June 19, 2020
Thai: September 8, 2020
Indonesian: November 21, 2020
Theme Decks

V Starter Deck (All types)

Thai logo
Indonesian logo

Sword & Shield is the name given to the first of three Asian Sword & Shield Era catch-up sets in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is available in Traditional Chinese, Thai and Indonesian.


Sword & Shield was first released on June 19, 2020 in Taiwan and Hong Kong, followed by releases in Thailand on September 8 and Indonesia on November 21. The set is composed of cards sourced from the dual Japanese Sword and Shield expansions, the Rebellion Crash expansion, as well as the VMAX Rising subset, featuring Generation VIII Pokémon and the Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX mechanics for the first time in their respective markets. It is split into two collections, Set A and Set B, each of which feature specific type rosters. Set A focuses on Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, and Metal-type Pokémon, while Set B focuses on Grass, Fire, Water, and Darkness-type Pokémon. The symbols for each set are also uniform across all three languages for the first time and feature a letter to denote their localized release. Products available in Taiwan and Hong Kong have symbols with 'F' (Fanti, traditional Chinese characters); those available in Thailand have symbols with 'T'; those available in Indonesia have symbols with 'I'. Booster packs available in all languages contain five cards.

Set lists

Set A
SetSymbolSword Shield Set A.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/154 D Scyther Grass C Promotion
002/154 D Grubbin Grass C Promotion
003/154 D Voltorb Lightning C Promotion
004/154 D Electrode Lightning C Promotion
005/154 D Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
006/154 D Electivire Lightning U Promotion
007/154 D Chinchou Lightning C Promotion
008/154 D Lanturn Lightning U Promotion
009/154 D Shinx Lightning C Promotion
010/154 D Luxio Lightning C Promotion
011/154 D Luxray Lightning R Promotion
012/154 D Helioptile Lightning C Promotion
013/154 D Heliolisk Lightning C Promotion
014/154 D Charjabug Lightning C Promotion
015/154 D Vikavolt Lightning R Promotion
016/154 D Tapu KokoV Lightning RR Promotion
017/154 D Yamper Lightning C Promotion
018/154 D Boltund Lightning R Promotion
019/154 D BoltundV Lightning RR Promotion
020/154 D Toxel Lightning C Promotion
021/154 D Toxtricity Lightning U Promotion
022/154 D ToxtricityV Lightning RR Promotion
023/154 D ToxtricityV Lightning RR Promotion
024/154 D ToxtricityVMAX Lightning RRR Promotion
025/154 D Pincurchin Lightning C Promotion
026/154 D PincurchinV Lightning RR Promotion
027/154 D Morpeko Lightning C Promotion
028/154 D MorpekoV Lightning RR Promotion
029/154 D MorpekoVMAX Lightning RRR Promotion
030/154 D Clefairy Psychic C Promotion
031/154 D Clefable Psychic R Promotion
032/154 D Galarian Ponyta Psychic C Promotion
033/154 D Galarian Ponyta Psychic C Promotion
034/154 D Galarian Rapidash Psychic U Promotion
035/154 D Gastly Psychic C Promotion
036/154 D Haunter Psychic U Promotion
037/154 D Gengar Psychic R Promotion
038/154 D Natu Psychic C Promotion
039/154 D Xatu Psychic U Promotion
040/154 D WobbuffetV Psychic RR Promotion
041/154 D Galarian Corsola Psychic C Promotion
042/154 D Galarian Cursola Psychic R Promotion
043/154 D Munna Psychic C Promotion
044/154 D Musharna Psychic U Promotion
045/154 D Sigilyph Psychic U Promotion
046/154 D Sandygast Psychic C Promotion
047/154 D Palossand Psychic U Promotion
048/154 D Sinistea Psychic C Promotion
049/154 D Polteageist Psychic U Promotion
050/154 D PolteageistV Psychic RR Promotion
051/154 D Hatenna Psychic C Promotion
052/154 D Hattrem Psychic C Promotion
053/154 D Hatterene Psychic R Promotion
054/154 D Milcery Psychic C Promotion
055/154 D Alcremie Psychic U Promotion
056/154 D Indeedee Psychic C Promotion
057/154 D IndeedeeV Psychic RR Promotion
058/154 D Dreepy Psychic C Promotion
059/154 D Drakloak Psychic C Promotion
060/154 D Dragapult Psychic R Promotion
061/154 D DragapultV Psychic RR Promotion
062/154 D DragapultVMAX Psychic RRR Promotion
063/154 D Galarian Farfetch'd Fighting C Promotion
064/154 D Galarian Sirfetch'd Fighting R Promotion
065/154 D Hitmonlee Fighting C Promotion
066/154 D Hitmonchan Fighting C Promotion
067/154 D Rhyhorn Fighting C Promotion
068/154 D Rhydon Fighting U Promotion
069/154 D Rhyperior Fighting R Promotion
070/154 D Sudowoodo Fighting C Promotion
071/154 D Nosepass Fighting C Promotion
072/154 D Meditite Fighting C Promotion
073/154 D Medicham Fighting U Promotion
074/154 D Barboach Fighting C Promotion
075/154 D Whiscash Fighting U Promotion
076/154 D Baltoy Fighting C Promotion
077/154 D Claydol Fighting U Promotion
078/154 D RegirockV Fighting RR Promotion
079/154 D Galarian Yamask Fighting C Promotion
080/154 D Galarian Runerigus Fighting U Promotion
081/154 D Binacle Fighting C Promotion
082/154 D Barbaracle Fighting U Promotion
083/154 D Rolycoly Fighting C Promotion
084/154 D Carkol Fighting C Promotion
085/154 D Coalossal Fighting R Promotion
086/154 D Silicobra Fighting C Promotion
087/154 D Sandaconda Fighting U Promotion
088/154 D SandacondaV Fighting RR Promotion
089/154 D Clobbopus Fighting C Promotion
090/154 D Grapploct Fighting U Promotion
091/154 D Falinks Fighting C Promotion
092/154 D FalinksV Fighting RR Promotion
093/154 D Stonjourner Fighting R Promotion
094/154 D StonjournerV Fighting RR Promotion
095/154 D StonjournerVMAX Fighting RRR Promotion
096/154 D Galarian Meowth Metal C Promotion
097/154 D Galarian Meowth Metal C Promotion
098/154 D Galarian Perrserker Metal R Promotion
099/154 D Galarian Perrserker Metal U Promotion
100/154 D Scizor Metal U Promotion
101/154 D Mawile Metal C Promotion
102/154 D Bronzor Metal C Promotion
103/154 D Bronzong Metal U Promotion
104/154 D Probopass Metal U Promotion
105/154 D Ferroseed Metal C Promotion
106/154 D Ferrothorn Metal C Promotion
107/154 D Galarian Stunfisk Metal C Promotion
108/154 D Pawniard Metal C Promotion
109/154 D Bisharp Metal C Promotion
110/154 D Durant Metal C Promotion
111/154 D Honedge Metal C Promotion
112/154 D Doublade Metal C Promotion
113/154 D Aegislash Metal U Promotion
114/154 D Corviknight Metal U Promotion
115/154 D Cufant Metal C Promotion
116/154 D Copperajah Metal R Promotion
117/154 D CopperajahV Metal RR Promotion
118/154 D CopperajahVMAX Metal RRR Promotion
119/154 D Duraludon Metal U Promotion
120/154 D Duraludon Metal R Promotion
121/154 D Zacian Metal R Promotion
122/154 D ZacianV Metal RR Promotion
123/154 D Zamazenta Metal R Promotion
124/154 D ZamazentaV Metal RR Promotion
125/154 D MeowthV Colorless RR Promotion
126/154 D MeowthVMAX Colorless RRR Promotion
127/154 D Snorlax Colorless U Promotion
128/154 D Hoothoot Colorless C Promotion
129/154 D Noctowl Colorless U Promotion
130/154 D Minccino Colorless C Promotion
131/154 D Cinccino Colorless U Promotion
132/154 D Skwovet Colorless C Promotion
133/154 D Greedent Colorless U Promotion
134/154 D Rookidee Colorless C Promotion
135/154 D Corvisquire Colorless C Promotion
136/154 D Nugget I U Promotion
137/154 D Evolution Incense I U Promotion
138/154 D Tool Scrapper I U Promotion
139/154 D Ordinary Rod I U Promotion
140/154 D Metal Saucer I U Promotion
141/154 D Sitrus Berry I U Promotion
142/154 D Struggle Gloves I U Promotion
143/154 D Vitality Band I U Promotion
144/154 D Lucky Egg I U Promotion
145/154 D Cursed Shovel I U Promotion
146/154 D Oleana Su U Promotion
147/154 D Professor's Research [Professor Magnolia] Su R Promotion
148/154 D Bede Su U Promotion
149/154 D Skyla Su U Promotion
150/154 D Milo Su U Promotion
151/154 D Training Court St U Promotion
152/154 D Speed Lightning Energy Lightning E U Promotion
153/154 D Horror Psychic Energy Psychic E U Promotion
154/154 D Aurora Energy Rainbow E U Promotion
155/154 D BoltundV Lightning SR Promotion
156/154 D ToxtricityV Lightning SR Promotion
157/154 D MorpekoV Lightning SR Promotion
158/154 D WobbuffetV Psychic SR Promotion
159/154 D IndeedeeV Psychic SR Promotion
160/154 D DragapultV Psychic SR Promotion
161/154 D SandacondaV Fighting SR Promotion
162/154 D FalinksV Fighting SR Promotion
163/154 D StonjournerV Fighting SR Promotion
164/154 D CopperajahV Metal SR Promotion
165/154 D ZacianV Metal SR Promotion
166/154 D ZamazentaV Metal SR Promotion
167/154 D Oleana Su SR Promotion
168/154 D Professor's Research [Professor Magnolia] Su SR Promotion
169/154 D Bede Su SR Promotion
170/154 D Pokémon Center Lady Su SR Promotion
171/154 D Hop Su SR Promotion
172/154 D Milo Su SR Promotion
173/154 D ToxtricityVMAX Lightning HR Promotion
174/154 D MorpekoVMAX Lightning HR Promotion
175/154 D DragapultVMAX Psychic HR Promotion
176/154 D StonjournerVMAX Fighting HR Promotion
177/154 D CopperajahVMAX Metal HR Promotion
178/154 D Oleana Su HR Promotion
179/154 D Professor's Research [Professor Magnolia] Su HR Promotion
180/154 D Bede Su HR Promotion
181/154 D Milo Su HR Promotion
182/154 D Galarian Perrserker Metal UR Promotion
183/154 D ZacianV Metal UR Promotion
184/154 D ZamazentaV Metal UR Promotion
185/154 D Tool Scrapper I UR Promotion
186/154 D Ordinary Rod I UR Promotion
187/154 D Metal Saucer I UR Promotion

Set B
SetSymbolSword Shield Set B.png
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/153 D Caterpie Grass C Promotion
002/153 D Metapod Grass C Promotion
003/153 D Butterfree Grass U Promotion
004/153 D Shuckle Grass U Promotion
005/153 D Heracross Grass C Promotion
006/153 D CelebiV Grass RR Promotion
007/153 D Lotad Grass C Promotion
008/153 D Lombre Grass C Promotion
009/153 D Ludicolo Grass U Promotion
010/153 D Surskit Grass C Promotion
011/153 D Masquerain Grass C Promotion
012/153 D Roselia Grass C Promotion
013/153 D Roserade Grass U Promotion
014/153 D Snover Grass C Promotion
015/153 D Abomasnow Grass U Promotion
016/153 D Maractus Grass C Promotion
017/153 D Phantump Grass C Promotion
018/153 D Trevenant Grass U Promotion
019/153 D DhelmiseV Grass RR Promotion
020/153 D Grookey Grass C Promotion
021/153 D Thwackey Grass U Promotion
022/153 D Rillaboom Grass R Promotion
023/153 D RillaboomV Grass RR Promotion
024/153 D RillaboomVMAX Grass RRR Promotion
025/153 D Blipbug Grass C Promotion
026/153 D Dottler Grass C Promotion
027/153 D Orbeetle Grass U Promotion
028/153 D Gossifleur Grass C Promotion
029/153 D Gossifleur Grass C Promotion
030/153 D Eldegoss Grass C Promotion
031/153 D EldegossV Grass RR Promotion
032/153 D Applin Grass C Promotion
033/153 D Applin Grass C Promotion
034/153 D Flapple Grass R Promotion
035/153 D Appletun Grass R Promotion
036/153 D Vulpix Fire C Promotion
037/153 D Ninetales Fire U Promotion
038/153 D NinetalesV Fire RR Promotion
039/153 D Growlithe Fire C Promotion
040/153 D Arcanine Fire U Promotion
041/153 D Magmar Fire C Promotion
042/153 D Magmortar Fire U Promotion
043/153 D Flareon Fire U Promotion
044/153 D TorkoalV Fire RR Promotion
045/153 D VictiniV Fire RR Promotion
046/153 D Litwick Fire C Promotion
047/153 D Lampent Fire C Promotion
048/153 D Chandelure Fire R Promotion
049/153 D Heatmor Fire C Promotion
050/153 D Salandit Fire C Promotion
051/153 D Salazzle Fire C Promotion
052/153 D Scorbunny Fire C Promotion
053/153 D Raboot Fire U Promotion
054/153 D Cinderace Fire R Promotion
055/153 D CinderaceV Fire RR Promotion
056/153 D CinderaceVMAX Fire RRR Promotion
057/153 D Sizzlipede Fire C Promotion
058/153 D Centiskorch Fire U Promotion
059/153 D Krabby Water C Promotion
060/153 D Kingler Water C Promotion
061/153 D Goldeen Water C Promotion
062/153 D Seaking Water C Promotion
063/153 D Galarian Mr. Mime Water C Promotion
064/153 D Galarian Mr. Rime Water U Promotion
065/153 D Magikarp Water C Promotion
066/153 D Gyarados Water R Promotion
067/153 D LaprasV Water RR Promotion
068/153 D LaprasVMAX Water RRR Promotion
069/153 D Qwilfish Water C Promotion
070/153 D Mantine Water C Promotion
071/153 D Wingull Water C Promotion
072/153 D Pelipper Water U Promotion
073/153 D MiloticV Water RR Promotion
074/153 D Tympole Water C Promotion
075/153 D Palpitoad Water C Promotion
076/153 D Seismitoad Water U Promotion
077/153 D Galarian Darumaka Water C Promotion
078/153 D Galarian Darmanitan Water U Promotion
079/153 D KeldeoV Water RR Promotion
080/153 D Sobble Water C Promotion
081/153 D Drizzile Water U Promotion
082/153 D Inteleon Water R Promotion
083/153 D InteleonV Water RR Promotion
084/153 D InteleonVMAX Water RRR Promotion
085/153 D Chewtle Water C Promotion
086/153 D Drednaw Water U Promotion
087/153 D Cramorant Water U Promotion
088/153 D Arrokuda Water C Promotion
089/153 D Barraskewda Water U Promotion
090/153 D Snom Water C Promotion
091/153 D Frosmoth Water R Promotion
092/153 D Eiscue Water R Promotion
093/153 D EiscueV Water RR Promotion
094/153 D Koffing Darkness C Promotion
095/153 D Galarian Weezing Darkness R Promotion
096/153 D Galarian Zigzagoon Darkness C Promotion
097/153 D Galarian Linoone Darkness U Promotion
098/153 D Galarian Obstagoon Darkness R Promotion
099/153 D SableyeV Darkness RR Promotion
100/153 D Stunky Darkness C Promotion
101/153 D Skuntank Darkness U Promotion
102/153 D Spiritomb Darkness U Promotion
103/153 D Skorupi Darkness C Promotion
104/153 D Drapion Darkness U Promotion
105/153 D Croagunk Darkness C Promotion
106/153 D Toxicroak Darkness R Promotion
107/153 D Trubbish Darkness C Promotion
108/153 D Garbodor Darkness U Promotion
109/153 D Vullaby Darkness C Promotion
110/153 D Mandibuzz Darkness U Promotion
111/153 D MalamarV Darkness RR Promotion
112/153 D MalamarVMAX Darkness RRR Promotion
113/153 D Nickit Darkness C Promotion
114/153 D Thievul Darkness U Promotion
115/153 D Impidimp Darkness C Promotion
116/153 D Morgrem Darkness C Promotion
117/153 D Grimmsnarl Darkness R Promotion
118/153 D Eevee Colorless C Promotion
119/153 D SnorlaxV Colorless RR Promotion
120/153 D SnorlaxVMAX Colorless RRR Promotion
121/153 D Rayquaza Colorless R Promotion
122/153 D Chatot Colorless C Promotion
123/153 D Pidove Colorless C Promotion
124/153 D Tranquill Colorless C Promotion
125/153 D Unfezant Colorless U Promotion
126/153 D Bunnelby Colorless C Promotion
127/153 D Diggersby Colorless U Promotion
128/153 D Hawlucha Colorless C Promotion
129/153 D Stufful Colorless C Promotion
130/153 D Bewear Colorless U Promotion
131/153 D Oranguru Colorless R Promotion
132/153 D Wooloo Colorless C Promotion
133/153 D Dubwool Colorless C Promotion
134/153 D DubwoolV Colorless RR Promotion
135/153 D CramorantV Colorless RR Promotion
136/153 D Scoop Up Net I U Promotion
137/153 D Hyper Potion I U Promotion
138/153 D Capacious Bucket I U Promotion
139/153 D Rare Candy I U Promotion
140/153 D Rotom Bike I U Promotion
141/153 D Big Charm I U Promotion
142/153 D Air Balloon I U Promotion
143/153 D Burning Scarf I U Promotion
144/153 D Lum Berry I U Promotion
145/153 D Team Yell Grunt Su U Promotion
146/153 D Sonia Su U Promotion
147/153 D Dan Su U Promotion
148/153 D Boss's Orders [Giovanni] Su R Promotion
149/153 D Marnie Su R Promotion
150/153 D Galar Mine St U Promotion
151/153 D Turffield Stadium St U Promotion
152/153 D Capture Energy Colorless E U Promotion
153/153 D Twin Energy Colorless E U Promotion
154/153 D DhelmiseV Grass SR Promotion
155/153 D RillaboomV Grass SR Promotion
156/153 D EldegossV Grass SR Promotion
157/153 D NinetalesV Fire SR Promotion
158/153 D TorkoalV Fire SR Promotion
159/153 D CinderaceV Fire SR Promotion
160/153 D LaprasV Water SR Promotion
161/153 D MiloticV Water SR Promotion
162/153 D InteleonV Water SR Promotion
163/153 D SableyeV Darkness SR Promotion
164/153 D MalamarV Darkness SR Promotion
165/153 D SnorlaxV Colorless SR Promotion
166/153 D DubwoolV Colorless SR Promotion
167/153 D CramorantV Colorless SR Promotion
168/153 D Team Yell Grunt Su SR Promotion
169/153 D Sonia Su SR Promotion
170/153 D Boss's Orders [Giovanni] Su SR Promotion
171/153 D Marnie Su SR Promotion
172/153 D RillaboomVMAX Grass HR Promotion
173/153 D CinderaceVMAX Fire HR Promotion
174/153 D LaprasVMAX Water HR Promotion
175/153 D InteleonVMAX Water HR Promotion
176/153 D MalamarVMAX Darkness HR Promotion
177/153 D SnorlaxVMAX Colorless HR Promotion
178/153 D Team Yell Grunt Su HR Promotion
179/153 D Sonia Su HR Promotion
180/153 D Boss's Orders [Giovanni] Su HR Promotion
181/153 D Marnie Su HR Promotion
182/153 D Frosmoth Water UR Promotion
183/153 D Scoop Up Net I UR Promotion
184/153 D Quick Ball I UR Promotion
185/153 D Big Charm I UR Promotion
186/153 D Air Balloon I UR Promotion
187/153 D Twin Energy Colorless E UR Promotion


SC1a Sword Shield Booster Chinese.jpg
Chinese Set A pack
SC1b Sword Shield Booster Chinese.jpg
Chinese Set B pack
SC1a Sword Shield Booster Thai.jpg
Thai Set A pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
SC1b Sword Shield Booster Thai.jpg
Thai Set B pack
SC1a Sword Shield Booster Indonesian.jpg
Indonesian Set A pack
SC1b Sword Shield Booster Indonesian.jpg
Indonesian Set B pack
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Sword & Shield sets are released in Chinese, Thai, and Indonesian, and lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 劍&盾 Gim yúh Téuhn
Mandarin 劍&盾 Jiàn yǔ Dùn
Indonesia Flag.png Indonesian Pedang & Perisai
Thailand Flag.png Thai ซอร์ด&ชีลด์ Sword & Shield

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Traditional Chinese exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
All Stars Collection: All Stars Collection GX Starter Deck
Dreams Come True Collection: Dreams Come True Collection GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Infinite Power: Infinite Power V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter DeckChallenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
V Starter Sets
SV-P Promotional cards
Tactics Decks
Simplified Chinese exclusive releases
Sun & Moon Series: SM-P Promotional cards
Storming Emergence: Storming Emergence GX Starter Deck
Lillie's Support BoxBattle EliteEevee-GX Box Sets
Shining Synergy: Shining Synergy GX Starter Deck
Striking CompetitionArceus & Dialga & Palkia GX Premium Deck Building BoxShining Pokémon Poké Ball BoxBattle Party Set
Golden Energy
Sword & Shield Series: S-P Promotional cards
Dynamax Clash: Dynamax Clash V Starter DeckDynamax Clash Deck Building Box
Dynamax Tactics
Vivid Portrayals
Brilliant Counterattack
Primordial Arts: Primordial Arts V Starter DeckFamily Pokémon Trading Card Game
Legendary Pikachu Celebration Box SetsScorching SkiesQuadrilateral Connection Box Sets
Polychromatic GatheringDragon ResurgencePokémon Card Display SetsRadiant Energy
Flame Dance of the End
Gallant Galaxy: Gallant Galaxy V Starter DeckGallant Galaxy Deck Building BoxRadiant Energy Second Round
Overshadowed Radiance
Scarlet & Violet Series: SV-P Promotional cards
Ancient Times, Future ProgressCollection 151
Thai exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Decks
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Decks
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Double Burst: Double Burst GX Starter Deck
Legendary Clash: Legendary Clash GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
ex Compact Deck
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box
Indonesian exclusive releases
SM-P Promotional cards
First Impact: First Impact GX Starter Deck
Legends Awakened: Legends Awakened GX Starter Deck
Hidden Shadow: Hidden Shadow GX Starter Deck
Sky Ruler: Sky Ruler GX Starter Deck
Tag Team Collection: Tag Team Collection GX Starter Deck
S-P Promotional cards
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield V Starter Deck
Partners V Starter Deck
Shiny VMAX Collection
Challenge V Starter DeckEvolution V Starter DeckStrength V Starter Deck
Awakening V Starter DeckTransformation V Starter Deck
Venusaur & Blastoise Half DeckPikachu & Charizard Half Deck
SV-P Promotional cards
Black Shine
ex Compact Deck
Paradox Encounters
Ace Paradox
Transfiguration Mask
Tactics Decks
Stellar Guidance: Stellar Guidance Deck Build Box