Makuhita Dojo

(Redirected from Ground Maze)

Makuhita Dojo (Japanese: マクノシタ訓練所 Makunoshita Training Center) is a training facility in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX. It is located south of Pokémon Square.

The Makuhita Dojo in Rescue Team DX


Red and Blue Rescue Team

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team, Makuhita Dojo has 21 preset mazes, each only three floors deep. The first floor of all the mazes has no special features, while the second floor has limited visibility and water tiles (except Fire Maze which has lava, Rock and Steel Maze which have no special floor tiles). A boss Pokémon is present on the third floor. The mazes are unlocked as the player progresses through the main storyline.

The Pokémon encountered in Makuhita Dojo cannot be recruited in any of the mazes. Boss Pokémon in the Team mazes may be recruited, however. The boss Pokémon may only be recruited if the player is level 90 or higher and wearing a Friend Bow, with the exception of Nuzleaf in the Team Shifty maze and Graveler in the Team Rumblerock maze, which can be recruited if the player is either level 90 or higher or level 50 or higher with a Friend Bow. There is no chance of finding Monster Houses, Kecleon Shops, or items in this dungeon. Pickup still works, however. Clearing a maze refreshes the items available in the Kecleon Shop and the jobs available on the bulletin board.

Upon clearing each of the type-based mazes at least once, the player will receive a Bonsly statue to place outside their rescue Team Base and a Ginseng. The player will also receive a Ginseng the first time they clear each of the Rescue Team-based mazes.

Traps encountered

Note: The % are rough estimates. Traps appear only in team mazes.

Image Trap Floor 1-2
  Grimy Trap 11.76%
  Mud Trap 11.76%
  Poison Trap 11.77%
  PP-Zero Trap 11.76%
  Seal Trap 11.76%
  Slow Trap 11.77%
  Slumber Trap 5.88%
  Spin Trap 11.77%
  Sticky Trap 11.77%

Pickup items

Type-themed mazes will have their type Gummi, while team mazes will have an Apple. Heal and Cheri appear in mazes from Normal to Poison. The other items are shared.

Item Floors
  Cheri Berry 1-2F
  Oran Berry 1-2F
  Pecha Berry 1-2F
  Blast Seed 1-2F
  Heal Seed 1-2F
  Reviver Seed 1-2F
  Warp Seed 1-2F
  Apple 1-2F
  Max Elixir 1-2F
  Gummi 1-2F

Rescue Team DX

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, Makuhita Dojo is now a time-based feature where one Pokémon attempts to defeat as many opposing Pokémon within a one-floor maze to earn Experience Points and Move Experience. The player requires a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Dojo Ticket to train at the Dojo, and the tickets give 50, 55, or 60 seconds respectively at the Dojo. The timer will continue to run during animations or when the menu is opened. Within the maze, walking turns are faster than they usually are. No items can be found within the mazes, and no Pokémon can be recruited. Monster Houses can occur.

Once the time has passed, the Experience Points accumulated goes into the trained Pokémon. Depending on the type of Dojo Ticket used, Experience and Move Experience earned are multiplied by three (Bronze), five (Silver), or seven (Gold). The Experience gained is substantially increased if an enemy is defeated by a super-effective move.

Mazes contain Pokémon who are weak to the namesake maze, except for the Normal Maze, as no type is weak to Normal. For example, the Fire Maze may contain Pokémon of the Bug-type, the Grass-type, the Ice-type, or the Steel-type. The maze that the player enters depends on the type the Pokémon selected to train, e.g. if a Baltoy is chosen to train, that Pokémon can only enter either the Ground or Psychic mazes, whilst Blastoise can only enter the Water Maze. If the Pokémon faints, it will be revived with its stats reset to normal. There is no limit to how many times the Pokémon can be revived. Using moves does not consume any PP, allowing moves to be used infinitely in mazes.

List of mazes in Red and Blue Rescue Team

Normal Maze

This maze takes place in a rock cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Raticate B1-B2 19 Unrecruitable
  Farfetch'd B3 10 Unrecruitable Boss
  Furret B3 14 Unrecruitable Boss
  Zigzagoon B3 5 Unrecruitable Boss

Fire Maze

This maze takes place in a volcano.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Ponyta B1-B2 30 Unrecruitable
  Slugma B1-B2 16 Unrecruitable
  Magby B1-B2 17 Unrecruitable
  Ponyta B3 30 Unrecruitable Boss
  Slugma B3 16 Unrecruitable Boss
  Magby B3 17 Unrecruitable Boss

Water Maze

This maze takes place in a lake.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Poliwag B1-B2 10 Unrecruitable
  Poliwag B3 10 Unrecruitable Boss
There are three Poliwag as the bosses.

Grass Maze

This maze takes place in a forest.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Exeggcute B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
  Sunkern B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
  Exeggcute B3 1 Unrecruitable Boss
  Sunkern B3 1 Unrecruitable Boss
  Shroomish B3 9 Unrecruitable Boss
  Cacnea B3 13 Unrecruitable Boss

Electric Maze

This maze takes place in ruins.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Voltorb B1-B2 3 Unrecruitable
  Voltorb B3 3 Unrecruitable Boss
  Electrike B3 12 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Voltorb and two Electrike as the bosses.

Ice Maze

This maze takes place in an ice cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Swinub B1-B2 8 Unrecruitable
  Piloswine B1-B2 16 Unrecruitable
  Snorunt B1-B2 20 Unrecruitable
  Swinub B3 8 Unrecruitable Boss
  Piloswine B3 16 Unrecruitable Boss
  Snorunt B3 20 Unrecruitable Boss

Fighting Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Tyrogue B1-B2 6 Unrecruitable
  Meditite B1-B2 6 Unrecruitable
  Hitmonlee B3 22 Unrecruitable Boss
  Tyrogue B3 6 Unrecruitable Boss
  Meditite B3 6 Unrecruitable Boss

Ground Maze

This maze takes place in a rock cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Diglett B1-B2 20 Unrecruitable
  Phanpy B1-B2 14 Unrecruitable
  Diglett B3 20 Unrecruitable Boss
  Phanpy B3 14 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Diglett and two Phanpy as the bosses.

Flying Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Pidgey B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
  Pidgey B3 1 Unrecruitable Boss
  Farfetch'd B3 10 Unrecruitable Boss
  Doduo B3 14 Unrecruitable Boss

Psychic Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Wobbuffet B1-B2 30 Unrecruitable
  Wobbuffet B3 30 Unrecruitable Boss
There are three Wobbuffet as the bosses.

Poison Maze

This maze takes place in a poisonous swamp.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Nidoran♀ B1-B2 4 Unrecruitable
  Nidoran♀ B3 4 Unrecruitable Boss
  Nidoran♂ B3 12 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Nidoran♀ and two Nidoran♂ as the bosses.

Bug Maze

This maze takes place in a forest.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Weedle B1-B2 8 Unrecruitable
  Beedrill B1-B2 10 Unrecruitable
  Pinsir B1-B2 6 Unrecruitable
  Weedle B3 8 Unrecruitable Boss
  Beedrill B3 10 Unrecruitable Boss
  Pinsir B3 6 Unrecruitable Boss

Rock Maze

This maze takes place in a rock cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Geodude B1-B2 5 Unrecruitable
  Sudowoodo B1-B2 7 Unrecruitable
  Geodude B3 5 Unrecruitable Boss
  Sudowoodo B3 7 Unrecruitable Boss
  Pupitar B3 17 Unrecruitable Boss

Ghost Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Gastly B1-B2 23 Unrecruitable
  Gastly B3 23 Unrecruitable Boss
There are three Gastly as the bosses.

Dragon Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Bagon B1-B2 16 Unrecruitable
  Shelgon B1-B2 19 Unrecruitable
  Bagon B3 16 Unrecruitable Boss
  Shelgon B3 19 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Bagon and two Shelgon as the bosses.

Dark Maze

This maze takes place in ruins.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Poochyena B1-B2 3 Unrecruitable
  Murkrow B3 14 Unrecruitable Boss
  Poochyena B3 3 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Poochyena and two Murkrow as the bosses.

Steel Maze

This maze takes place in a granite cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Aron B1-B2 6 Unrecruitable
  Beldum B1-B2 5 Unrecruitable
  Aron B3 6 Unrecruitable Boss
  Beldum B3 5 Unrecruitable Boss
There are two Beldum and two Aron as the bosses.

Team Shifty

Team Shifty is a Normal-rank rescue team consisting of its leader Shiftry and two Nuzleaf. The trio were known to cause some trouble at the beginning of the game. Later on, Shiftry assembled Pokémon in Pokémon Square to recruit a team to attempt to stop Groudon in the Magma Cavern. The volunteers were leaders of other rescue teams: Blastoise from Team Hydro, Octillery from Team Constrictor, and Golem from Team Rumblerock.

Team Shifty's maze in the Makuhita Dojo takes place in a forest.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Nuzleaf B1-B2 10 Unrecruitable
  Nuzleaf B3 10 -19% Boss
  Shiftry B3 20 -30% Boss
There are two Nuzleaf and one Shiftry as the bosses.

Team Constrictor

Team Constrictor is a Silver-rank rescue team consisting of its leader Octillery as well as Tentacruel and Cradily. Octillery stepped up to volunteer her services in an attempt to stop Groudon in the Magma Cavern.

Team Constrictor's maze in the Makuhita Dojo takes place in deep water.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Tentacool B1-B2 27 Unrecruitable
  Tentacruel B3 33 -30% Boss
  Octillery B3 30 -30% Boss
  Cradily B3 45 -30% Boss

Team Hydro

Team Hydro is a Bronze-rank rescue team consisting of all of the fully-evolved Water-type first partner Pokémon as of Generation III: its leader Blastoise as well as Feraligatr and Swampert. Blastoise stepped up to volunteer his services in an attempt to stop Groudon in the Magma Cavern.

Team Hydro's maze in the Makuhita Dojo takes place in a lake.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Poliwag B1-B2 10 Unrecruitable
  Blastoise B3 38 -33.9% Boss
  Feraligatr B3 32 -33.9% Boss
  Swampert B3 37 -33.9% Boss

Team Rumblerock

Team Rumblerock is a Normal-rank rescue team consisting of its leader Golem and two Graveler. Golem stepped up to volunteer his services in an attempt to stop Groudon in the Magma Cavern.

Team Rumblerock's maze in Makuhita Dojo takes place in a rock cave.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Graveler B1-B2 22 Unrecruitable
  Graveler B3 22 -19% Boss
  Golem B3 15 -30% Boss
There are two Graveler and one Golem as the bosses.

Rescue Team Maze

Rescue Team Maze is only available in Blue Rescue Team using a Nintendo DS or a Nintendo DS Lite and is acquired by selecting the Receive Team option on the main menu while a Red Rescue Team cartridge is in the GBA Slot. The Team present on the Red Rescue Team game will be the boss of this Maze.

The team transferred over from Red Rescue Team can be recruited in Blue Rescue Team, using their species recruitment rates.

This maze takes place in ruins.

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Pidgey B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
  Rattata B1-B2 3 Unrecruitable
  Voltorb B1-B2 3 Unrecruitable
  Exeggcute B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
  Sunkern B1-B2 1 Unrecruitable
The transferred Team will be the boss of this maze.

List of mazes in Rescue Team DX

Normal Maze

Normal Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Beedrill 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Kingler 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Shelgon 1 ? Unrecruitable

Fire Maze

Fire Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Weedle 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Scizor 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Mawile 1 ? Unrecruitable

Water Maze

Water Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Gligar 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Phanpy 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Armaldo 1 ? Unrecruitable

Grass Maze

Grass Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Omanyte 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Kabutops 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Corphish 1 ? Unrecruitable

Electric Maze

Electric Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Marill 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Surskit 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Crawdaunt 1 ? Unrecruitable

Ice Maze

Ice Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Farfetch'd 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Gligar 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Togekiss 1 ? Unrecruitable

Fighting Maze

Fighting Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Raticate 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Sentret 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Vigoroth 1 ? Unrecruitable

Ground Maze

Ground Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Omanyte 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Kabutops 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Mawile 1 ? Unrecruitable

Flying Maze

Flying Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Hitmonlee 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Scyther 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Surskit 1 ? Unrecruitable

Psychic Maze

Psychic Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Beedrill 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Heracross 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Tyrogue 1 ? Unrecruitable

Poison Maze

Poison Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Marill 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Ludicolo 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Togekiss 1 ? Unrecruitable

Bug Maze

Bug Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Girafarig 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Lotad 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Crawdaunt 1 ? Unrecruitable

Rock Maze

Rock Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Scyther 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Taillow 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Anorith 1 ? Unrecruitable

Ghost Maze

Ghost Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Mr. Mime 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Beldum 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Gallade 1 ? Unrecruitable

Dragon Maze

Dragon Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Bagon 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Shelgon 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Salamence 1 ? Unrecruitable

Dark Maze

Dark Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Wobbuffet 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Girafarig 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Beldum 1 ? Unrecruitable

Steel Maze

Steel Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Mr. Mime 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Azurill 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Armaldo 1 ? Unrecruitable

Fairy Maze

Fairy Maze
Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Heracross 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Hitmontop 1 ? Unrecruitable
  Bagon 1 ? Unrecruitable

Tricks of the Trade

In Rescue Team DX, the Makuhita Dojo also hosts small tutorials with rewards.

Tutorial Reward
Use moves!   Apple ×4
Dash through the dungeon!   Reviver Seed ×3
Push a Pokémon!   Escape Orb ×5
Pass by a teammate!   Gold Ribbon ×1
Change directions without moving!   Max Elixir ×4
Use items!   Bronze Dojo Ticket ×3
Moving diagonally!   Slumber Wand ×10


  • Octillery's usage of the word "darling" may be a play on at least one of the Gabor sisters.
  • The fully-evolved recruitable boss Pokémon in the team mazes represent eight of the nine exceptions to a game mechanic that prevents players from recruiting fully-evolved Pokémon in dungeons. The lone other exception is Porygon2.
  • In the original games, all of the training dungeons share the same theme song with Rock Path, Snow Path, and Joyous Tower. In Rescue Team DX, they use the same music as when the player attempts to steal from a Kecleon Shop.

In other languages

Language Title
  French Dojo MakuhitaRBRTDX
Dôjô MakuhitaSMD
  German Makuhita-Dojo
  Italian Dojo Makuhita
  Korean 마크탕 훈련소 Makeutang Hunryeonso
  Portuguese Dojo Makuhita*
  Spanish Dojo Makuhita

See also

Locations in the Pokémon world in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX
Major locations
Friend Areas/Rescue team campsTeam BasePokémon SquareKecleon Shop
Kangaskhan StorageMakuhita DojoWhiscash PondLuminous CaveHill of the Ancients
Tiny WoodsThunderwave CaveMt. SteelSinister WoodsSilent Chasm
Mt. ThunderGreat CanyonLapis CaveRock PathMt. BlazeSnow Path
Frosty ForestMt. FreezeMagma CavernSky TowerUproar Forest
Howling ForestStormy SeaSilver TrenchMeteor CaveFiery Field
Lightning FieldNorthwind FieldMt. FarawayWestern CaveNorthern Range
Pitfall ValleyBuried RelicWish CaveMurky CaveDesert Region
Southern CavernWyvern HillSolar CaveDarknight RelicGrand Sea
Waterfall PondUnown RelicJoyous TowerFar-Off SeaPurity Forest
Oddity CaveRemains IslandMarvelous SeaFantasy Strait
Unknown DungeonRB
Illusory GrottoRTDX

  This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and Locations, respectively.